“Solves The Human Condition
And Saves The World!”
interview of all time”Professor. Harry Prosen — Former president
of the Canadian Psychiatric AssociationAssn.

Some Of Daily Ecstatic Responses!
Louisa M: A mind-opening experience that will profoundly change your perception of yourself, others, and the world and its future - 15 Mar
Anita D, US: Needed to hear. Thank you - 15 Mar
Miguel M, Switzerland: With these insights now available to humanity, it's not a matter of if our species fully heals, just when - 15 Mar
Miguel M, Switzerland: FREEDOM will be credited as possibly the most important masterpiece of all time. In awe of its brilliance & profundity - 15 Mar
Tracy, UK: Love the sound & feeling this is the news we all need 💗 - 15 Mar
Edelyn D: Happy to know that there is healing on this problem of the human condition today - 15 Mar
William P, US: Great interview! - 15 Mar
Sally D, US: Watch it all. It's reliable. Please share this with our whole world. We need this understanding of the human condition❣️ - 15 Mar
Justice L, US: Everyone should REALLY listen to this. Even if you don't agree with him it's super compelling information! - 15 Mar
Carol M: Inspiring interview. Hope for humanity - 14 Mar
Peter C, Australia: The importance of his paradigm moving findings are critical to our future survival as a species. Listen to it for free - 14 Mar
Peter C, Australia: Biologist Jeremy Griffith and the WTM provide the most honest understanding of the Human Condition in the world today - 14 Mar
Judy S, US: I love the way you have explained everything to everyone ❤️ 💕 - 14 Mar
Df H, US: Tell him to run for office....waken the people up....they really need it...👌😎👍 - 14 Mar
Josephine S, UK: Big Thank you to Jeremy Griffith. GREAT books. Thank God. I HAVE CHANGED - 14 Mar
Jerome R: FREEDOM's a human life manual. A very life-changing book to read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - 14 Mar
Jackie M, Canada: Thank you Jeremy for this information opportunity. This explains so much - 14 Mar
Dave B: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A collection of all the work done in archeology, emotional science, religion & culture to explain the world - 14 Mar
Peter R, UK: Very interesting and informative - 14 Mar
Marivic S: Wonderful 👍 - 14 Mar
Suzanne D: So happy I came across the interview - 14 Mar
Patrick C: This was amazing and enlightening. Thank you so much for sharing - 13 Mar
Marian F, Ireland: Fantastic news. A revelation. It's about time it was explained to the human race - 13 Mar
Vincent V, US: Wow this is great & makes so much sense. No lies in it. My heart's in joy understanding it. More people need to listen - 13 Mar
Troy S: Jeremy Griffith is very right in his speaking, and, respect, a very good man. Keep on doing what you are doing - 13 Mar
Linda W: Very Interesting...a must to listen - 13 Mar
Peter C, Turkey: Thank you. Very interesting and thought provocative - 13 Mar
Chris A, Canada: I have a better understanding of my anger issues. The biological reason makes so much sense - 13 Mar
Rafat A: Excellent interview which gave insight into Jeremy's theory - 13 Mar
Mary T, US: This could start the move toward peace and happiness. All answers to our lives are within - 12 Mar
Fred R, Australia: Fundamental and excellent! - 12 Mar
Inger R, Norway: Great to get this relieving knowledge! - 12 Mar
Wendybird, US: Freedom from self & others' condemnation. Replaced with understanding, compassion & total lack of need to judge oneself - 12 Mar
Randy C: God bless Jeremy Griffith - 12 Mar
Heather H, US: Interesting, and makes me feel a whole lot better - 12 Mar
Peter K, Australia: We needed this, the only way for the human species to go forward together and finally make our mark on this world - 12 Mar
Myra S, US: The interview was awesome - 12 Mar
Roush H: Watch this 🎁🎁🎁 - 12 Mar
Eucharia: This is very insightful and inspiring - 11 Mar
CristyAnn L, Canada: FREEDOM's a great book on the human condition. A deep dive at 800 pages but lots of info to help give you some freedom - 11 Mar
Tony G, New Zealand: AMAZING - 11 Mar
George C, US: Fascinating - 11 Mar
Sally E: Brilliant, interesting - 11 Mar
Anna C, Sweden: TRUTH - 11 Mar
Roberto K, Brazil: To my friends, a better understanding of ‘WE’ Human Beings, our ‘SPECIES’ [tr. from Portuguese] - 11 Mar
Francisco J: Genetics, neuroscience, psychiatry, and the solution to our existential crisis [tr. from Portuguese] - 11 Mar
Madelen C: Science is finally starting to contribute! Change at levels that make a difference! [tr. from Swedish] - 10 Mar
Bob S, US: This is valuable information - 10 Mar
Toni C, US: Thankyou for sharing this beautiful idea. We need to fix world problems together & the next generation will do it better - 10 Mar
Jan T, Denmark: I am grateful and positive about this, great and thanks for the information [tr. from Danish] - 10 Mar
Angelino J: So amazing 🙏♥️ - 10 Mar
María F, Mexico: This gives us hope for a positive future, thank you! - 10 Mar
Ronnie, US: Beautiful. Thank you - 10 Mar
Bhagwant K, UK: True and great wisdom, follow please - 10 Mar
Léonard O: Eye opening & stunning video. The matter's captivating, well explained step by step & helped by interviewer's summaries - 10 Mar
Yao S: This is awesome - 10 Mar
Rieka O: Explains Alot! Anyone Should Watch this video. Wow - 10 Mar
Sharon H, US: It explains so much - 10 Mar
Johanna T, Germany: Wonderful...! - 10 Mar
Linda D, US: Worth the watch! - 10 Mar
Marcelo D, Paraguay: Outstanding!! - 09 Mar
Ani I: It's absolutely brilliant - 09 Mar
Josephine S, UK: It would be great to have it on the school curriculum all over the world - 09 Mar
Arthur B, Egypt: Reading about this keeps me energized! - 09 Mar
Charlotte H, US: Thank you for this welcome love and inspiration!!!! 🙏😌 - 09 Mar
Susan M, UK: The interview really made sense & I’m definitely going to read more. It really opened my eyes to why we are like we are - 09 Mar
Dolores W, Ireland: A fascinating interview which requires a lot of deep reflection, thank you - 09 Mar
Pamela D, New Zealand: Knowledge and understanding is a miracle for these very troubled times, thank you and bless you - 09 Mar
Carol C, Canada: This is just amazing & I’m so glad a friend shared it. Good if everybody shares because it really needs to go viral!  - 09 Mar
Ruperto, Chile: I'm grateful. It would be more than beneficial for teachers, pupils & the country if this was delivered in schools [tr.] - 09 Mar
Kim, US: Bravo - 09 Mar
Brenda, US: Really eye opening - 09 Mar
Virginia, Sth Africa: Very interesting & profound, a deep sense of awakening. I am looking forward to getting more videos/podcasts. Well done - 08 Mar
Fitz M, Jamaica: Yes, it's truly amazing. I am excited - 08 Mar
Sam, Australia: Just a taste of what is on offer for humanity!! Let's Go!! - 08 Mar
Gina M, US: TRANSFORMATIVE 💛💫✨💫 - 08 Mar
Danny P: It's not about being woke...It's all about waking up..! Glorify Jeremy Griffith..! - 08 Mar
Darrell L, US: Must see! Very eye opening!!! - 08 Mar
John K: Groundbreaking finding that can have a far reaching effect in solving psycho-socio-economic challenges of the human race - 08 Mar
Kalyan C: Sensational. Delighted & a treat to listen to, Sir - 08 Mar
Barbara P, US: Wow, great interview - 08 Mar
Helga P, Australia: I highly recommend this interview - 08 Mar
Sean J, US: I stand with the WTM - 07 Mar
Yvonne, Canada: Wow! Amazingly profound. I will definitely pursue the movement - 07 Mar
Cinnamon K, Australia: Unbelievably mind blowing, a must read/watch/listen for everyone - 07 Mar
Rodney M, US: Incredible, definitely a major eye opening experience - 07 Mar
Liz, Australia: Honesty, joy and innocence exudes from you, even via video, and is a breath of fresh air to experience! - 07 Mar
Angie O: 😊 Very enlightening 😘 - 07 Mar
Cassidy S: This is incredible! - 07 Mar
Mary K, US: This is very interesting 🤔. Everyone should listen to this ✌️☮️✌️❤️ - 07 Mar
Carolann T, Canada: Great info, a must need watch/read 👍 - 07 Mar
Gaia K, Norway: Do listen to this interview!!! [tr. from Norwegian] - 07 Mar
Chris M, Australia: Amazing insights, different thinking from real intelligence from a place of unconditional love. We all need to know - 06 Mar
Carolyn H, US: And nothing for sale. All the information is free. Listen multiple times if your mind wanders. It’s worth it - 06 Mar
Carolyn H, US: People need to listen to the scientific explanation, it changes lives. True world transformation is possible. Thank you - 06 Mar
Shawn B, US: F**king WOW - 06 Mar
Callistus S: Amazing! People must need this knowledge to change the world. Only one planet where we live must be saved 🙏♥️🙏 - 06 Mar
Athol M, Australia: He needs to speak to some of the leaders of the world right now! - 06 Mar
Vickie W, US: This is incredible - 06 Mar
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The WORLD TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT (WTM) is a global not-for-profit charity that promotes Australian biologist JEREMY GRIFFITH’s breakthrough resolution of the underlying problem in all human affairs of the HUMAN CONDITION — thereby ending human conflict and suffering at its source, and providing the now urgently needed road map for the complete transformation of our lives and world!
What is the Human Condition?
While it’s undeniable that humans are capable of great love, we also have an unspeakable history of brutality, rape, torture, murder and war. Despite all our marvellous accomplishments, we humans have been the most ferocious and destructive force that has ever lived on Earth — and the eternal question has been ‘why?’ Even in our everyday behaviour, why have we humans been so competitive, selfish and aggressive when clearly the ideals of life are to be the complete opposite, namely cooperative, selfless and loving? In fact, why are we so ruthlessly competitive, selfish and brutal that human life has become all but unbearable and we have nearly destroyed our own planet?!
The agony of being unable to truthfully answer this fundamental question of why we are the way we are — divisively instead of cooperatively behaved — has been the particular burden of human life. It has been our species’ particular affliction or condition — our ‘human condition’.
For further description of what the human condition is, read chapter 1:2 of Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith’s 2016 book FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition. For the actual explanation of the human condition read chapter 1:3 of FREEDOM, or watch a short video presentation of the explanation in THE Interview or Video 3.
After watching THE Interview above we recommend you watch the 3 other Intro Videos — The Great Guilt video that explains the difficulty of the ‘Deaf Effect’ that reading about the human condition initially causes, then The Great Transformation video about how understanding the human condition actually transforms the human race, then the Sermon On The Beach video, Jeremy’s inspired description of how the human race now leaves the horror of the human condition forever! We then suggest watching the 16 Main Videos.

For the videos above and below:
After watching the 4 Intro Videos above, we suggest watching these 16 Main Videos.

instincts’ excuse

the human condition!

the human race!!

Harry Prosen

human condition?

summarising talk

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To give us feedback and help you consider the key points in THE Interview, The Great Guilt, The Great Transformation, and also in Videos 1–4 & 14 as they’re the other key videos to watch,
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Interview -
Great Guilt -
The Great
Transformation -
Sermon On
The Beach - Video 1
- Video 2
- Video 3
- Video 4
- Video 5
- Video 6
- Video 7
- Video 8
- Video 9
- Video 10
- Video 11
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- Video 15
- Video 16
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Translations of THE Interview, The Great Guilt and Videos 1-14 are available in the following languages.
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Dutch Translations
- THE Interview
- Video 1
- Video 2
- Video 3
- Video 4
- Video 5
- Video 6
- Video 7
- Video 8
- Video 9
- Video 10
- Video 11
- Video 12
- Video 13
- Video 14
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French Translations
- THE Interview
- The Great Guilt
- Video 1
- Video 2
- Video 3
- Video 4
- Video 5
- Video 6
- Video 7
- Video 8
- Video 9
- Video 14
More soon...
“I have no doubt Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM provides the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race. This is the book we have been waiting for, it is the book that saves the world.”
Professor Harry Prosen,
Former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association & WTM Patron, who, heartbreakingly, died in 2021. Read his obituary.
Completely free, no email required, see
how to get copies under each book.
The world is in crisis! Polarised ideologies, conflict, corruption, failed states, refugees, rampant levels of mental health issues, loneliness, family breakdown, drugs, fraught younger generations, environmental devastation. What’s the solution? Only the redeeming, reconciling and transforming biological understanding of the human condition can relieve our situation, and it is precisely that insight that is presented in biologist Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM.
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Ideal summary of FREEDOM
The transcript of THE Interview of Jeremy Griffith by Craig Conway that solves the human condition and saves the world provides the ideal, very short summary of the contents of FREEDOM.
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Companion to THE Interview
The Great Guilt that causes the Deaf Effect provides astonishing clarification of why lifting The Great Burden Of Guilt from the human race causes most people to initially experience a ‘Deaf Effect’ to what’s being presented.
Get your copy of FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition
While FREEDOM and Transform Your Life And Save The World are available in bookstores, including Amazon, due to their world-saving importance they will ALWAYS remain freely available here.
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No. 7 in Amazon US Bestseller List June 2023 in 'Behavioral Psychology' books
The Complete Book
FREEDOM is the definitive presentation of the biological explanation of the human condition needed for the complete understanding of human behaviour and the ultimate amelioration of all the underlying psychosis in human life.
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The Great Transformation PDF
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The Great Transformation
The Great Transformation gives a concise description of how the psychological rehabilitation of humans occurs, and how everyone’s life can immediately be transformed.
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Great call to action
Sermon On The Beach is Jeremy’s inspired description of how the human race now leaves the horror of the human condition forever!
Get your copy of Transform Your Life And Save The World
While FREEDOM and Transform Your Life And Save The World are available in bookstores, including Amazon, due to their world-saving importance they will ALWAYS remain freely available here.
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Condensation of FREEDOM
Transform Your Life And Save The World is a condensation of FREEDOM. These 82 short pages of world-saving TRUTH about human behaviour will be so profoundly liberating and transforming that this little book may be all you need to read!
Get your copy of Death By Dogma
Death by Dogma eBooks
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The peril of Critical Theory
Since Critical Theory wasn't taking hold in society when FREEDOM was published in 2016, Jeremy has written this booklet, Death by Dogma, to explain the extreme danger of it.
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Extremely important aspect
Our Meaning describes how being able to know and fulfil the great objective and meaning of human existence finally ends human suffering. Please note, it is ONLY being made available here as each section is written, so the book is not yet complete.
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The shock of change
The Shock Of Change that understanding the human condition brings describes how to manage the inevitable shock that the arrival of understanding of the human condition brings.
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The Therapy
Please note, Therapy For The Human Condition, which describes the therapy that understanding of the human condition makes possible, is ONLY being made available here as each section of the book is written, so the book is not yet complete.
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AI & Aliens: the truthful analysis- Read Online
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A truthful analysis
This book, AI & Aliens: the truthful analysis, is a human-condition-confronting-not-avoiding, truthful analysis of the dangers of Artificial Intelligence and the possibility of Aliens visiting Earth.
“This understanding of the human condition will end all prejudices, like racism, forever.”
Franklin Mukakanga,
Advertising director & radio host, Zambia
If you haven't already, join the WTM mailing list to receive one free essay each week, and rare news flashes, to learn about the fabulous new transformed world that opens up for all humans now that understanding of the human condition has been found. These 64 essays, mostly by Jeremy Griffith, cover all the main subjects in FREEDOM in wonderfully illustrated bite-sized portions.
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If you haven’t already, we recommend joining our Facebook Group, and check out all the other exciting content at HumanCondition.com.
You can even read or listen to these essays right now, and you’ll see all aspects of human life finally explained.
3: Human condition explained
5&15: The transformation it brings
21: Origin of our moral conscience
23: Meaning of life & ‘God’ explained
24: How we became conscious
26-27: Men & women reconciled
28: The end of racism
30: Resig-nation during adolescence
14 & 34-36: The end of politics
38-40: Religion explained
- See all 64 Freedom Essays
“This explanation brings about the true liberation of women and the reconciliation of the sexes, which is truly extraordinary”
Dr Anna Fitzgerald,
Molecular biologist, genome projects strategist
- Thought Leaders
- ‘[Professor Stephen Hawking] is most interested in your impressive proposal.’
- ‘In all of written history there are only 2 or 3 people who’ve been able to think on this scale about the human condition.’ Prof. Anthony Barnett, zoologist – But now everyone can confront it!
- ‘FREEDOM is the book that saves the world...cometh the hour, cometh the man.’ Prof. Harry Prosen, fmr Pres. Canadian Psychiatric Assn.
- ‘I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of “Darwin II”.’ Prof. Stuart Hurlbert, esteemed ecologist
- ‘Living without this understanding is like living back in the stone age, that’s how massive the change it brings is!’ Prof. Karen Riley, clinical pharmacist
- ‘Frankly, I am blown away by the ground-breaking significance of this work.’ Prof. Patricia Glazebrook, philosopher
- ‘I’ve no doubt a fascinating television series could be made based upon this.’ Sir David Attenborough
- ‘FREEDOM is the necessary breakthrough in the critical issue of needing to understand ourselves.’ Prof. David J. Chivers, fmr Pres. Primate Society of Britain
- ‘Whack! Wham! I was converted by Griffith’s erudite explanation for our behaviour.’ Macushla O’Loan, Executive Women’s Report
- ‘This is indeed impressive.’ Dr Roger Lewin, preeminent science writer
- ‘I have recommended Griffith’s work for his razor-sharp biological clarifications.’ Prof. Scott Churchill, psychologist
- ‘An original & inspiring understanding of us.’ Prof. Charles Birch, zoologist
- ‘The insights are fascinating & pertinent & must be disseminated.’ Dr George Schaller, preeminent biologist
- ‘Very impressive, particularly liked the primatology section.’ Prof. Stephen Oppenheimer, geneticist, author Out of Eden
- ‘I consider the book to be the work of a prophet.’ Dr Ron Strahan, fmr. dir. Sydney Taronga Zoo
- ‘The scholarly value [of Griffith's synthesis] is comparable to several of the most celebrated publications in biology.’ Prof. Walter Hartwig, anthropologist
- ‘I believe you’re on to getting answers to much that has bewildered humans.’ Dr Ian Player, famous Sth. Afr. conservationist
- ‘A superb book, a forward view of a world of humans no longer in naked competition.’ Prof. John Morton, zoologist
- ‘This might bring about a paradigm shift in the self-image of humanity.’ Prof. M. Csikszentmihalyi, psychologist
- ‘As a therapist this is a simply brilliant explanation.’ Jayson Firmager, founder of Holistic Therapist Magazine
- ‘The questions you raise stagger me into silence; most admirable.’ Ian Frazier, author Great Plains bestseller
- ‘The WTM is an island of sanity in a sea of madness.’ Tim Macartney-Snape, world-leading mountaineer & twice Order of Australia recipient
- Read More
- General Public
- ‘Griffith should be given Nobel prizes for peace, biology, medicine; actually every Nobel prize there is!’
- ‘He nailed it, nailed the whole thing, just like the world going from FLAT to ROUND, BOOM the WHOLE WORLD CHANGES, no joke.’
- ‘FREEDOM will be the most influential, world-changing book in history, and time will now be delineated as BG, before Griffith, or AG, after Griffith.’
- ‘I’m speechless – this is bigger than natural selection & the theory of relativity!’
- ‘I really think this man will become recognized as the best thinker this world’s ever seen, and don’t we need him right now!’
- ‘Griffith has decoded the human species, we FINALLY know what’s going on & the suffering stops!’
- ‘The world can't deny this for much longer, let the light in, save the human race!’
- ‘This is the most exciting moment in my life. THE Interview tore my hat off & let my brain fly into the sky!’
- ‘THE Interview should be globally broadcast daily. The healing explanation humans so sorely need.’
- ‘In a world thats lost its way theres no greater breakthrough, water to a world dying of thirst.’
- ‘Dawn has come at Midnight! A brilliant exposition, we could be on the cusp of regaining Paradise!’
- ‘This man has broken the great silence, defeated our denial, got the truth up, woken us from a great trance.’
- ‘Beware the ‘deaf effect’ — your mind will initially resist the issue of our corrupted condition and so find it hard to take in or hear what's being said, but if you're patient you'll find the redeeming explanation of our condition pure relief.’
- ‘John Lennon pleaded “just give me some truth”, well this site finally gives us all the truth!’
- ‘FREEDOM is the most profound book since the Bible, now with the redeeming truth about us humans.’
- ‘Death by Dogma is brilliant clarification.’
- ‘We were given a computer brain, but no program for it; but Aha, Griffith has found it, made sense of our lives!’
- ‘This just goes deeper & deeper in explaining us, like dawn devouring darkness, amazing!’
- ‘Agree, this is not another deluded, pseudo idealistic, PC, ‘woke’, false start to a better world, but the human-condition-resolved real solution.’
- ‘Freedom indeed! What we have here is the second coming of innocence who exposes us but sets us free!’
- ‘As prophesised, King Arthur has returned to save us (mentioned in par.1036 F)’
- ‘We all need to go back to school & learn this truthful explanation of life.’
- ‘Join in our jubilation, your magic reunites, all men become brothers, all good all bad, be embraced millions! This kiss [of understanding] for the whole world’ – From Beethoven’s 9th (par.1049 F)
- Read More
Praise From Thought Leaders About Jeremy Griffith’s Treatise
- ‘I think the fastest growing realization everywhere is that humanity can’t go on the way it is going. Indeed, the great fear is we’re entering end game where we appear to have lost the race between self-destruction and self-understanding — the race to find the psychologically relieving explanation of our ‘good and evil’-stricken human condition.
- What this book of books, in fact this greatest of all books, does is take humanity from a state of bewilderment about the nature of human behavior and existence to a state of profound understanding of our lives — understanding that drains away all the pain, suffering, confusion and conflict from the world. This is the book we have been waiting for, it is THE BOOK THAT SAVES THE WORLD!’ and ‘FREEDOM is the book that saves the world…cometh the hour, cometh the man.’
- PROFESSOR HARRY PROSEN, former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and former Chair, Psychiatry Department, Medical College of Wisconsin
- (Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’; and an extract from his Introduction to ‘FREEDOM’)
- ‘Nothing Dr. Prosen has said about the immense importance of this book is an exaggeration. This is the book all humans need to read for our collective wellbeing.’ and ‘I have recommended his more recent work to my students precisely for his razor-sharp clarifications of positions of contemporary authors like Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, and Robert Wright. Griffith manages to summarize book-length expositions of these oftentimes obtuse and varying perspectives on human evolution with clarity and brilliance.’
- PROFESSOR SCOTT D. CHURCHILL, former Chair, Psychology Department, University of Dallas
- (Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’; and an extract from an Expert Report, 2007)
- ‘The sequence of discussion in FREEDOM is so logical and sensible, providing the necessary breakthrough in the critical issue of needing to understand ourselves.’
- PROFESSOR DAVID CHIVERS, University of Cambridge anthropologist and former President of the Primate Society of Great Britain
- (Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’)
- ‘This book is actually written from a position outside of the human condition. It is just amazing; Griffith walks freely through all the psychosis of our troubled human condition and with such freedom is able to explain everything about us!’ and ‘The WTM is an island of sanity in a sea of madness.’
- TIM MACARTNEY-SNAPE, biologist, mountaineer and twice-honoured Order of Australia recipient
- (Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’)
- ‘I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of “Darwin II”. I say this because after Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection explained the variety of life, Jeremy Griffith has gone on to solve the other four main questions science had to answer about our world and place in it. They are: 1) the dilemma of the human condition, which his instinct vs intellect explanation in chapter 3 of his main, seminal book FREEDOM finally solves; 2) how we humans became fully conscious when other species haven’t, which he answers in chapter 7; 3) the origins of humans’ unique moral nature, which he answers in chapter 5, which it turns out American philosopher John Fiske had already explained in 1874 but mechanistic science had ignored; and 4) the truth of the Integrative Meaning of existence (which we have personified as ‘God’), in chapter 4, which only a rare few thinkers in history have been able to recognize. And having been able to solve those primary issues he has, in chapter 8, using first principle and fully accountable biological explanations been able to resolve all the secondary problems like: the polarized state of politics; the rift between men and women; the schism between science and religion; the conflict between individuals and between races (thus ending aggression and war at its source); and, above all, bring an end to the threat of terminal psychosis and our species’ extinction! A truly phenomenal, beyond description, scientific achievement!’
- PROFESSOR STUART HURLBERT, Professor Emeritus of Biology at San Diego State University
- (Response to ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’)
- ‘As a therapist this is a simply brilliant explanation.’
- JAYSON FIRMAGER, founder of Holistic Therapist Magazine
- (Response to ‘THE Interview’)
- ‘Living without this understanding is like living back in the stone age, that’s how massive the change it brings is!’ and ‘I think FREEDOM is best described as a manual to life which really sits well for me because it’s the ultimate brain food for humans. Thinking of Isaiah’s summary of our predicament (Jeremy quotes in par. 278 of FREEDOM) that is stated as “justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows. Like the blind we grope along the wall, feeling our way like men without eyes… Truth is nowhere to be found”. The information in FREEDOM really does resolve our psychologically troubled human condition. Life went from feeling bewildering and confusing to something that was clearly transparent – I am now able to understand and see through all the behavior around me.’
- PROFESSOR KAREN RILEY, clinical pharmacist
- (Responses to ‘THE Interview’ and ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’)
- ‘The line of reasoning in Beyond the Human Condition [1991] is exactly continuous…[Jeremy Griffith] accurately accounts for data from the fossil record, from the behavioral ecology of living primates (especially great ape behavior), and from comparative anatomy…its scholarly value is comparable to several of the most celebrated publications in biology.’
- PROFESSOR WALTER HARTWIG, anthropologist and former Chair of Department of Basic Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Touro University, California
- (Expert Report, 2007)
- ‘Frankly, I am ‘blown away’ as the saying goes…The ground-breaking significance of this work is tremendous.’
- PROFESSOR PATRICIA GLAZEBROOK, former Chair of Philosophy, Dalhousie University
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘I’ve no doubt a fascinating television series could be made based upon this.’
- SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH, Britain’s most famous naturalist
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘It might help bring about a paradigm shift in the self-image of humanity – an outcome that in the past only the great world religions have achieved.’
- PROFESSOR MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, psychologist, Claremont Graduate University, described as “world's leading researcher on positive psychology”
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘I am simply overwhelmed…I find it astonishing and impressive.’
- JOSEPH CHILTON PEARCE, American bestselling author of ‘Magical Child’
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘In all of written history there are only 2 or 3 people who’ve been able to think on this scale about the human condition.’
- PROFESSOR ANTHONY BARNETT, zoologist, author and broadcaster of popular science program
- (From recorded interview with Jeremy Griffith, 15 Jan. 1983)
- But most importantly, now that we've found the redeeming understanding of the human condition, everyone can safely confront the human condition!
- ‘Could you please send me an extra copy of your book? [Mine] is on loan because it was so appreciated.’
- SIR LAURENS VAN DER POST, pre-eminent philosopher and author
- (Response to ‘Free: The End of the Human Condition’)
- ‘a superb book…[that] brings out the truth of a new and wider frontier for humankind, a forward view of a world of humans no longer in naked competition amongst ourselves.’
- PROFESSOR JOHN MORTON, zoologist, University of Auckland
- (Response to ‘A Species In Denial’)
- ‘The proposal is indeed impressive.’
- DR ROGER LEWIN, British prize-winning science writer and author
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘I have never heard of anything comparable before.’
- PROFESSOR FRIEDEMANN SCHRENK, paleobiologist, Goethe University Frankfurt
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘The ideas you present are provocative, and many of them strike me as being spot-on…The issues you discuss are critical, and I’m heartened that you are surfacing them and grappling with them intelligently.’
- LIEUTENANT COLONEL DR WILLIAM D. CASEBEER, cognitive scientist and philosopher; USAF, Chief of Eurasian Intelligence Analysis, NATO Military Headquarters
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘This is a most amazing project. It is strongly interdisciplinary, visionary and forward-looking.’
- PROFESSOR MARC BEKOFF, organismic biologist, University of Colorado
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘Professor Hawking [responding through his secretary because he suffers from motor neurone disease] is most interested in your impressive proposal.’
- PROFESSOR STEPHEN HAWKING, world-leading physicist, University of Cambridge
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘I consider the book to be the work of a prophet and I expect the author to become recognised as a saint.’
- DR RONALD STRAHAN, former director of Sydney’s Taronga Park Zoo
- (Response to ‘Free: The End of the Human Condition’)
- ‘Griffith makes the right emphasis when he identifies the order of the universe and its cosmic and biological evolution as the issue that brings science and religion together…he gives us a genuinely original and inspiring way of understanding ourselves and our place in the universe. His vision is one I embrace with enthusiasm and commend to all those who are searching for meaning.’
- PROFESSOR CHARLES BIRCH, Templeton Prize winner and Professor of Biology, University of Sydney
- (Response to ‘Beyond The Human Condition’)
- ‘Was Jeremy Griffith struck by lightning on the road to Damascus. Such was my cynicism. Then whack! Wham! I was increasingly impressed and then converted by his erudite explanation for society’s competitive and self-destructive behaviour.’
- MACUSHLA O’LOAN, Executive Woman’s Report magazine, Australia
- (Response to ‘Free: The End of the Human Condition’)
- ‘I believe you are on to getting answers to much that has puzzled and bewildered humanity for a long time.’
- DR IAN PLAYER, South African conservationist, naturalist and philosopher
- (Response to ‘A Species In Denial’)
- ‘The insights and ideas are fascinating and pertinent and must be developed and disseminated.’
- DR GEORGE SCHALLER, American zoologist and author
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘A breakthrough in understanding the human condition.’
- DR JOHN CHAMPNESS, Australian psychologist and educator
- (Response to ‘A Species In Denial’)
- ‘very impressive. I particularly enjoyed the primatology section.’
- PROFESSOR STEPHEN OPPENHEIMER, Oxford University geneticist and author of ‘Out of Eden’
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
- ‘Questions of the size you raise tend to stagger me (as they do most people) into silence…What you’re doing is admirable.’
- IAN FRAZIER, bestselling American author of ‘Great Plains’ and ‘Travels in Siberia’
- (Response to ‘The Human Condition Documentary Proposal’)
Online Comments From The General Public About Jeremy Griffith’s Treatise
(For the sources of these comments, and to read many more like them, visit www.humancondition.com/online-endorsements.)
- ‘Griffith should be given Nobel prizes for peace, biology, medicine; actually every Nobel prize there is!’
- ‘He nailed it, nailed the whole thing, just like the world going from FLAT to ROUND, BOOM the WHOLE WORLD CHANGES, no joke.’
- ‘FREEDOM will be the most influential, world-changing book in history, and time will now be delineated as BG, before Griffith, or AG, after Griffith.’
- ‘I’m speechless – this is bigger than natural selection & the theory of relativity!’
- ‘I really think this man will become recognized as the best thinker this world’s ever seen, and don’t we need him right now!’
- ‘Griffith has decoded the human species, we FINALLY know what’s going on & the suffering stops!’
- ‘The world can't deny this for much longer, let the light in, save the human race!’
- ‘This is the most exciting moment in my life. THE Interview tore my hat off & let my brain fly into the sky. Oh thank you.’
- ‘THE Interview should be globally broadcast daily. The healing explanation humans so sorely need.’
- ‘In a world thats lost its way theres no greater breakthrough, water to a world dying of thirst.’
- ‘Dawn has come at Midnight! A brilliant exposition, we could be on the cusp of regaining Paradise!’
- ‘This man has broken the great silence, defeated our denial, got the truth up, woken us from a great trance.’
- ‘Beware the ‘deaf effect’ — your mind will initially resist the issue of our corrupted condition and so find it hard to take in or hear what’s being said, but if you’re patient you’ll find its redeeming insight pure relief.’
- ‘John Lennon pleaded “just give me some truth”, well this site finally gives us all the truth!’
- ‘FREEDOM is the most profound book since the Bible, now with the redeeming truth about us humans.’
- ‘Death by Dogma is brilliant clarification.’
- ‘We were given a computer brain, but no program for it; but Aha, Griffith has found it, made sense of our lives!’
- ‘This just goes deeper & deeper in explaining us, like dawn devouring darkness, amazing!’
- ‘Agree, this is not another deluded, pseudo idealistic, bandaid, false start to a better world, but the human-condition-resolved real solution.’
- ‘Freedom indeed! What we have here is the second coming of innocence who exposes us but sets us free!’
- ‘As prophesised, King Arthur has returned to save us (mentioned in par.1036 F)’
- ‘We all need to go back to school & learn this truthful explanation of life.’
- ‘Join in our jubilation, your magic reunites, all men become brothers, all good all bad, be embraced millions! This kiss [of understanding] for the whole world’ – From Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, see paragraph 1049 of FREEDOM!
- ‘The Book of Jeremy. A red pill moment. Definitely the last book I’ll ever need to read.’
- ‘I don’t care what question you have, this book will answer it.’
- ‘If Plato and Aristotle were alive and read Griffith, they would die happy men.’
- ‘We don’t have to put up with “Not Knowing” anymore.’
- ‘tears stream down my face, so overcome have I been by this book. It is the greatest book on the planet, no wait, in the universe. In fact it is the greatest anything in the universe.’
- ‘Here is the breakthrough biological explanation that PROVES we are ALL very, very good.’
- ‘Fuck I love the truth and my brothers and sisters from WTM.’
- ‘This, to me, is the most significant thing I have ever stumbled across. If it doesn’t hit you right away—it will down the road.’
- ‘We have horse & dog whisperers, readers of their behaviour, but what we need & now have in Griffith is the human whisperer!!’
- ‘Yes, THE most important interview!’
- ‘It takes time to understand how profound this is but it changes everything.’
- ‘I have probably watched these videos over 100 times. Gah! words are too limited for this. Here have some love brother!☺’
- ‘This book is why I’m alive enough to scribe to you. Joy and Love to you all.’
- ‘FREEDOM is honestly an astonishing piece of work…I said to my daughter, if you read this book you won’t need to go to university.’
- ‘[Griffith’s writing] is a paradigm shift of a read. Awesome…The smartest author I have read in the past decade.’
- ‘I can’t speak highly enough of the insight that Jeremy Griffith has discovered. Truly it unlocks all apparent paradoxes of the human experience…you will find your mind bent wide open.’
- ‘Possibly the greatest and most transformative discovery made by science in recent times.’
- ‘Nothing comes close to griffiths perfect explanation...I’ve never read anything like it. An absolute fantastic read that actually leaves you with hope and not hopelessness.’
- ‘It is incredibly interesting on many, many levels.’
- ‘The Truth is Here—I would just like to get this out there.’
- ‘This new dimension of meaning and explanation that we can access thanks to the solidarity of Jeremy Griffith’s complete package of scientific insight, is simply breathtaking.’
- ‘the sublime brilliance of its central thesis…This book [FREEDOM] is a towering achievement in its insight and implications for all of humanity…Reading FREEDOM is, after thousands of years of tormented human history, like finally busting out of the jail of human confusion and alienation. A stunning achievement.’
- ‘[Griffith’s] work is revolutionary and absolutely necessary for all!’
- ‘Man, I’m learning so much from this book...It will really transform the way you think about life.’
- ‘This book is a true life- changer and much needed mind- opener.’
- ‘I really recommend reading this book...Especially chapters 8 and 9 which are mind- blowing and dead accurate.’
- ‘This is the best description of Christ I have ever read! [FREEDOM paragraphs 877 and 929-935]’
- ‘These truths are valid and make perfect sense.’
- ‘...the ABSOLUTE SOLUTION to ending pain, suffering, selfishness, poverty, hate, war.’
- ‘This is how you solve inequality in the world: www.HumanCondition.com’
- ‘Hopefully soon enough this teaching will be integrated into our educational systems.’
- ‘[FREEDOM is] A book for new parents to be, especially mothers. I wished I read it 34 years ago.’
- ‘...this is the EXPLANATION of the human condition...I’d recommend you take note from Griffith.’
- ‘...the answer it gives is radically different to anything so far. This idea or explanation has not been given so far, it is new.’
- ‘Hannah Arendt out. Jeremy Griffith in [Arendt is considered one of the most important political philosophers of the 20th century].’
- ‘This concept will catch on like wildfire overnight…Have patience, the light is on.’
(For the sources of these comments, and to read many more like them, visit www.humancondition.com/online-endorsements.)

About Professor Prosen, M.D., M.Sc

Harry Prosen (1930-2021) was a professor of psychiatry who worked in the field for over 50 years, including chairing two departments of psychiatry and serving as president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Professor Prosen was appointed one of 500 Specially Selected Fellows of the American College of Psychiatrists, and a Distinguished Life Member of the American Psychiatric Association. He was also psychiatric consultant to the Bonobo Species Preservation Society.
About Professor Stuart Hurlbert, Ph.D.

Stuart H. Hurlbert, Ph.D. is an emeritus Professor of Biology at San Diego State University in the United States. His scientific research is in the areas of lake ecology and biostatistics. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a member of many scientific societies and a winner of the National Academy of Sciences 2003 Award for Scientific Reviewing. Prof. Hurlbert’s paper ‘Pseudoreplication and the Design of Ecological Field Experiments’ was in 2013 the most cited ecology paper of the last three decades of the twentieth century.
Upon becoming aware of Griffith’s synthesis, Prof. Hurlbert wrote, ‘I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of “Darwin II”.’
About Pierre Bokma

Appearing on the prestigious Dutch interview program Summer Guests (Zomergasten), in August 2024 Pierre Bokma, who is recognised as ‘one of the Netherlands’ greatest actors’, says he is ‘in awe’ of Jeremy Griffith’s ‘brilliant’ explanation of the human condition. The interview included an extended excerpt from Jeremy’s presentation of the Adam Stork analogy from Video/Freedom Essay 3.
Bokma is considered one of the Netherlands’ greatest actors, twice winning the most important Dutch drama prize, the Louis d’Or, as well as four Golden Calves. For his role in the film The Chosen One, Bokma received an International Emmy Award for best foreign actor. You can read Summer Guests’ profile of Pierre Bokma here (note, to read in English you will need to use the Google translate feature).
Summer Guests is an annual feature programme on Dutch public television. Each episode consists of an in-depth studio interview, typically three hours long, with a notable Dutch, Belgian or other Dutch-speaking foreigner, interspersed with cinema or television footage selected by the guest, which is subsequently discussed.
About Tim Macartney-Snape, AM OAM

Tim Macartney-Snape (BSc.) was the first Australian to ascend Everest in 1984, a feat that was also achieved via a new route and without the aid of oxygen. He returned to Everest in 1990 when he climbed the mountain from sea level on the Bay of Bengal. In 1987, Tim was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia, and in 1993 made a Member in the Order of Australia for his services to mountaineering and international relations. Tim co-founded the outdoor equipment business, Sea to Summit and is also a consultant to World Expeditions, one of the world’s leading adventure travel companies. Tim is a Founding Director and Patron of the WTM.
Dr Anna Fitzgerald, PhD, M.Sc

Anna Fitzgerald, who holds a doctoral degree in biological sciences from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, has led strategic partnerships at commercial and government funded biotechnology companies. In these roles she has overseen many of Australia’s largest genome science collaborations, including initiatives in melanoma, soil and marine microbial biodiversity, wheat production and protection, and Great Barrier Reef coral resilience. Anna’s work has been published in journals such as Nature, New Phytologist, Molecular Plant Pathology and Proteomics. Anna co-founded the WTM Auckland Centre in 2017 and became a Director of World Transformation Movement, Inc. in 2019.
About Franklin Mukakanga

Franklin Mukakanga is from Zambia in Africa where he has established a WTM Centre. His tribe, the Ila, is one of the most prominent in the southern region of Zambia and Franklin is part of the royal family in the line of succession to chiefdom in his tribe. He was copy creative director of the Zambian branch of the biggest advertising firm in the world, Ogilvy and Mather for 13 years until recently when he formed his own multi-faceted consultancy business in Lusaka, incorporating his skills in communications and advertising as well as his training in a broad range of therapy practises. Franklin has also had his own radio program in Zambia, is a classical pianist and psychological therapist. Franklin established the WTM Zambia Centre in 2017. — WTMZambia.com
About Stefan Rössler

Stefan Rossler, from Austria in Europe, has a Bachelor of Arts and Design degree. As well as teaching in several universities in Austria, Stefan is the co-founder of two successful IT businesses. Stefan came across Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM online in 2016 and was so “completely blown away by its explaining power” that he established the Austrian WTM Centre — WTMAustria.at
About Roz Bachl

Roz Bachl, who was born in Hertfordshire, England, has two sons and one grandson. Roz worked in the aviation industry, and has also worked as a director of a film festival. She has been married now to her second husband for four years, and, as Roz explains in this video, on searching for answers about human behaviour she found Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM, and from there, on seeing its importance, decided in 2017 that she wanted to establish a Hertfordshire WTM Centre — WTMHertfordshire.com
About Annemieke Akker, M.Sc, & Hendrik Riksen

Annemieke is a biologist with a degree from the renowned Free University Amsterdam and a Masters degree (‘Doctoraal’) in Biological Sciences from the even more prestigious Wageningen University & Research. She has also worked as editor and translator of scientific papers and books, and later on metaphysical work with her husband, Hendrik (1946-2021), who worked as an application development manager in engineering plastics. With a mutual interest in understanding human behaviour and a love of knowledge, they tested the scientific rigour of Jeremy’s treatise while translating FREEDOM into Dutch, satisfying themselves at a profound level that this ‘amazing life-saving work’ is the only information that will bring lasting change to Earth. Annemieke and Hendrik established the WTM Amsterdam Centre in 2019. — WTMAmsterdamNL.com
About Dr Karen Riley, BScPhm, PharmD

Dr. Karen Riley is a clinical assistant professor in the US and a practicing clinical pharmacist in Canada with over 36 years’ experience in hospital, community and consulting pharmacy practice. In 2017 a review by esteemed psychiatrist and fellow Canadian Professor Harry Prosen led Karen to read FREEDOM, and as Karen says in this video, ‘After we read this book it feels like a veil has been lifted...it’s immeasurably exhilarating, redeeming, empowering and transforming.’ Karen established the Canada Central WTM Centre in 2019. — WTMToronto.com
About Angela Ryan

Lawyer Angela Ryan lives in Ballarat in Victoria, Australia, with her husband and two children. Born in the US, Angela earned a Bachelor of Science from Penn State University before moving to Australia in 2001. In 2018 Angela earned a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of New England (Australia), and is currently completing a Master of Legal Practice degree from the Australian National University. Angela works for Victoria’s Department of Justice where her duties include developing court of law reforms for greater access to justice and legal policy. Upon discovering Jeremy’s book FREEDOM, Angela described how ‘My life has not been the same since...it will be truly a wonderful day when the whole world understands this information!’ Angela launched the WTM Ballarat Centre in 2019. — WTMBallarat.com
About Craig Conway

Craig Conway is an accomplished English actor, writer, producer and director who has worked in film, TV and theatre for over two decades, alongside some of the world’s finest creative talent. On stage Craig has worked with leading theatre companies including The Royal Shakespeare Company and The National Theatre, taking on leading roles such as Macbeth, Winston Smith and George Orwell. On screen, he has starred in films such as Mara, Final Score, The Current War and The Courier, and he has appeared in numerous television series including Vera, Wire In the Blood, George Gently, Our Friends In The North. Craig is a member of the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain. Craig established the WTM North East England Centre in 2019. – WTMNorthEastEngland.com.
About Bill and Cindy McCaugherty

Bill and Cindy have been studying Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition since 2016. Bill has a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Chemical Engineering, and is an Occupational Hygienist where he works on root cause analysis and accident investigation. Cindy has a Diploma in Architectural and Structural Design, and is a Civil Engineering CAD Technician, who designs and helps build sustainable homes. Bill and Cindy are part of the WTM Canada West Coast Centre. – WTMCanadaWestCoast.com.
About Linda MacCarthy

Linda MacCarthy is born and bred in Dublin. She has had a life-long love of English literature and art, and has completed courses in community development and counselling skills, theology and women’s studies. She has also studied philosophy and sociology at the University College Dublin, where she focussed on phenomenology, deconstructionism, hermeneutics, semiology and postmodernism. Earlier life experiences included working as a draughtsperson in a design studio, and joining the Brendan Smith Academy of Acting and Theatre.
Linda has also run a successful company exhibiting and exporting her Irish crafts all over the world, including exhibiting in Bloomingdales of New York. This followed receiving an Irish Development Business grant to represent Irish crafts abroad—out of 250 companies Linda’s was one of only nine chosen. For many years Linda also ran a craft and art gallery exhibiting Irish crafts, books and landscape paintings.
Linda, now a widow, was very happily married for 36 years, enjoying a close and full family life, with a love of literature, art and music shared over many generations. Linda founded the WTM Dublin Centre in 2020. – WTMDublin.com.
About James Moffett

James Moffett is a world-renowned pioneer of organic farming in Africa. He is the founder of The Organic Milling Company, and a former Managing Director of the Organic Agricultural Association of South Africa and Chairperson of Spier Group, South Africa’s premier winery and hospitality organisation. James has travelled widely in Africa teaching the benefits of organic farming, and speaks English, Afrikaans and Sesotho. James established a WTM Centre in Cape Town in 2017. – WTMCapeTown.com.
About Refentse Molosiwa

Refentse Molosiwa was born and raised in Mahikeng, the capital of North West [Province], where he has established a WTM Centre. After graduating from The International School of South Africa (ISSA), Refentse attended the University of Pretoria where he studied philosophy and literature. He is currently working towards obtaining honours in a creative writing degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA), after which he plans on becoming an English literature teacher. In 2022 he published his debut short story collection, Lockdown Stories.
Refentse speaks Setswana, English and some French and Afrikaans.
He established the WTM Mahikeng Centre in 2022 — WTMMahikeng.com.
About Reginald Khotshobe

Reginald Khotshobe is a Xhosa-speaking South African, of the Gqwashu clan, a descendent of the Khoi-sans (Bushmen); his mother is from the Madiba clan.
Reginald holds a Diploma in Data Processing and Systems Analysis from the University of Zululand, and a Certificate in Computer Programming from International Computers Limited (ICL). Throughout a long career in IT Reginald has held the positions of Deputy Director: Systems Development and Programming, Data Centre Manager, Facilities Manager / Project Manager, Systems Analyst, Senior Programmer and Computer Programmer.
It was during his time in the IT industry that Reginald embarked on a path towards becoming Igqirha / a Sangoma [a traditional healer], and after 24 years in IT, Reginald finally devoted himself full-time to being Igqirha.
Reginald established the Eastern Cape Centre in 2020. – WTMEasternCape.com
About Christos Akritidis, B. Exercise & Sports Sci

Christos Akritidis lives in Melbourne with his family; he is the eldest of four children. He completed his Bachelor of Exercise & Sports Science at Deakin University Burwood in 2019 and is also an Accredited Sports Nutritionist.
Chris currently works as a Personal Trainer & Strength Coach, working with people to improve fitness, performance and health. He has been actively involved with WTM Melbourne since its inception.
After reading FREEDOM Chris noted that ‘These insights are both life saving and transforming. I am just consumed with relief and excitement for what’s on offer now for the human race’. Chris is part of the WTM Melbourne Centre. — WTMMelbourne.com
About Dorine Mwesigwa, BA, MESt

Author, entrepreneur, and life-transformational coach, Dorine Mwesigwa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theology, Religious Studies & Philosophy from the University of Roehampton in London, and a Master’s in Extended Ecumenical Studies from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Born in Uganda, Dorine speaks Luganda, English and German and is the author of Iron Eagle Mum: Our Journey of Discovery on turning life’s adversities into triumphs. In 2017 she established the Eagle Mum Foundation to help mothers raise children positively and overcome challenges successfully. A mother of four, Dorine enjoys helping other people, including through organised voluntary work, and loves cooking, reading and gardening.
Upon discovering Jeremy’s book FREEDOM, Dorine described how ‘This liberating truth changed the trajectory of my life completely.’ Dorine launched the WTM West Midlands Centre in 2020. — WTMWestMidlands.com.
About Carlos Cruz Blanco, BCE, MMatSc, MMatE

Carlos Cruz Blanco is a chemical engineer and Research & Development scientist. He obtained his degree in Chemical Engineering from National University in Colombia and two Master’s degrees, in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, from Queen Mary University in London.
Born in Bogotá in 1971, Carlos speaks Spanish, English and is learning German. He has a curious mind that has always been drawn to new ideas that enrich one’s life, including religion and philosophy. Carlos also loves reading (non-fiction in particular), films, music and football.
Upon discovering Jeremy’s book FREEDOM, Carlos realised that ‘It’s critically important that people from my country, and all countries in the Spanish-speaking world, are exposed to this.’ Carlos launched the WTM Colombia Centre in 2020. — WTMColombia.com
About Warren Smith, BSc

Warren Smith, is a director of his own construction management consultancy, specialising in refurbishing listed buildings, primarily for the hospitality industry. He holds two BSc. degrees: one in Construction Management from Reading University, and another in Project Management from the University of London.
Warren was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, and moved to the United Kingdom when he was 19, living in London, Guildford and now in Oxford with his girlfriend. Warren played provincial level cricket and junior level rugby in his native South Africa.
He says of Jeremy’s book FREEDOM, ‘It gives you the answers to every question you’ve ever asked yourself. It’s not dogma. It’s amazing, I love it.’ Warren launched the WTM Oxford Centre in 2020. — WTMOxford.com
About Raf Van Den Plas, B.Eng

Raf Van Den Plas, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Karel de Grote University and was a Project Engineer in electric power production and distribution before leaving the industry to develop small-medium enterprises (SMEs) in the IT consultancy and service industry. He now works with a company that specialises in event management software. Raf, who was born and raised in Antwerp is married with four children and two granddaughters. He is a life-long student of psychology and behavioural sciences, having also worked in life and business coaching.
Speaking of the effects of Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition, Raf said, ‘I’m convinced that by spreading this information the world will change fundamentally!’ Raf launched the WTM Antwerp Centre in 2020. — WTMAntwerp.com
About Lucas Machlein, B.Sc.TM

Lucas Machlein, has a Bachelor’s degree in Management of Sciences and Technologies from the Montpellier University Institute of Technology. After studying and working in Mexico and Canada, Lucas returned home to Nice in 2020.
Lucas, who speaks French, English, German and Spanish, is incredibly enthusiastic about bringing Jeremy’s liberating understandings to the French-speaking public, and will be assisting the WTM in translating these insights into French. Speaking of the transforming effect of Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition, Lucas said, ‘With this understanding, we will all be able to live in a new era, in a beautiful new world!’ Lucas launched the WTM Nice Centre in 2020. — WTMNice.com
About Gerald Staffaneller

Gerald Staffaneller was born in 1985 and grew up in Obdach, a small village in Austria. After studying industrial engineering and management with a focus on computer science at the Higher Technical Education College in Wolfsberg he moved to Graz.
Gerald has several years of experience in programming as well as in management positions for international operating companies in the IT sector. Following his passion for music he spent many years singing in bands and also founded an artist and event management company with one of his closest friends. Gerald’s great interest in sports also led him to pursue courses on the functioning of the human body and nutrition and eventually receiving his health fitness & personal trainer certification. He is currently working as a manager for software quality assurance.
Having studied Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition, Gerald has said, ‘I am absolutely sure that having this knowledge will finally end all the suffering on this planet.’ Gerald is an integral member of the WTM Austria Centre. — WTMAustria.com
About Christoph (MSc) and Birthe Zehntner

Christoph Zehntner, MSc, is an electrical engineer who graduated from ETH Zurich, one of the world’s leading universities. He worked for the Science and Technology division of The Federal Office for Defence Procurement (armasuisse), as head of Aeronautics and Electronics. Christoph speaks German, French, English, Danish, Spanish, and a little Italian.
Birthe Zehntner was born and raised in Denmark. She has worked as a Medical Lab Technician in Denmark and Switzerland, and later became a Breastfeeding Counselor and Lactation Consultant (IBCLC-qualified). Birthe is also a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN). Christoph and Birthe have three children and four grandchildren, and reside near Bern.
Speaking of Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition, Christoph said, ‘If everybody reads FREEDOM, all problems are solved. Everybody becomes free!’ Christoph and Birthe launched the WTM Switzerland Centre in 2020. — WTMSwitzerland.com
About May Gibbs

May Gibbs was born in Laos and spent her first four years in Vietnam. In the late 1970s, May’s family moved to the United States as refugees of the Vietnam War. She is a happily married mother of two daughters.
Upon reading Jeremy Griffith’s definitive book FREEDOM, May said, ‘the value of Jeremy Griffith’s illuminating information is undeniable. It moves mountains and is a blessing without end.’ May launched the WTM Phoenix Centre in Arizona in 2022. — WTMPhoenix.com
About David Garcia

David Garcia, is an airline pilot of over 30 years’ experience. Prior to training at the National School of Aeronautics, he studied Chemistry at the School of Sciences at the University of Valladolid. He also holds an Athletics Coach Qualification from the National School of Athletics Coaches, and is a Patron of Spain’s Marathon Foundation, running the Academia de Atletismo (Athletics Academy) which promotes children’s athletics. Married with three children, David is a key contributor of Spanish translations of Jeremy Griffith’s world-saving explanation of the human condition.
After reading FREEDOM, David said, ‘Jeremy has given us all the understandings and tools to fulfil the human journey, ending all the suffering we are experiencing as individuals, as a society and as a species, bringing peace and light to earth.’ David founded the WTM Madrid Centre in 2023. — WTMMadrid.com
About Karen Boon

Karen Boon, has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Literature & Media Studies from Chester University. Prior to becoming an online tutor teaching English to children in China, Karen worked as an assessor and functional skills tutor in the employability sector, helping people overcome personal barriers to gain work or return to the workforce. Karen, who is married with two young children, was born in London and grew up in Suffolk. She enjoys writing poetry and exploring the extraordinary natural beauty of South Staffordshire with her family.
Talking of her role as a key part of the WTM team, Karen said, ‘I do love it, it’s wonderful work. My life is so much better for having this information in my life.’ Karen founded the WTM Staffordshire Centre in 2020. — WTMStaffordshire.com
About Robert Dunlevy

Robert Dunlevy, is an exercise physiologist and certified health coach. He holds a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology from West Virginia University and has been working in the health and wellness industry for over 25 years, including working as Head Exercise Physiologist at Waynesburg Hospital while maintaining his personal training business in Morgantown. He also served as adjunct professor for a short stint at Waynesburg College (teaching ‘Fundamentals of Strength and Conditioning’). He is currently the General Manager of a sport and fitness complex. He grew up in the small town of Follansbee in West Virginia, and is married with two sons.
Robert founded the WTM Morgantown Centre in 2023. — WTMMorgantown.com
About Lachlan Dunn

Raised in Sydney, Lachlan Dunn is a landscaper with a background in holistic health research, personal training and podcasting.
Lachlan is incredibly grateful to have come across Jeremy Griffith’s life-saving explanation of the human condition, saying, ‘Understanding the human condition is the greatest gift of all time. I feel I have searched my whole my life for this understanding and I still really can’t believe we have the redeeming, reconciling and transforming biological understanding of the human condition.’
About Dustin Hull

Dustin Hull has a Bachelor of Arts in media journalism and a Bachelor of Science in psychology (adolescent development), and is completing a Master’s Degree in child counselling. He previously worked in advertising, and as a writer and editor, including for one of the USA’s largest sports websites, Bleacher Report, and the film news website Screen Rant.
Of Jeremy Griffith’s summa masterpiece, FREEDOM, Dustin said: ‘If you want answers that can end all wars, stop all racism, and create an incredible understanding between men and women, this is the book for you. If you want nature to be properly protected, the political divide to be healed, and dogmatic ideologies to be erased, this is the solution. From this understanding, depression, anxiety, and all forms of suffering can slowly be eliminated from Earth forever.’
Dustin established the WTM Tampa Centre in Florida in 2023. — WTMTampa.com
About Cees Meiboom

Cees Meiboom was born in the Netherlands and raised in South Africa, where he and his wife Annalie brought up their three sons. Cees has worked in the IT sector for almost 40 years, including a decade as a freelance lecturer, presenting courses in IT System Design and Group Facilitation Skills. He speaks Afrikaans, English and Dutch.
Cees has been a passionate chess player from a young age, and has also coached people in the game for many years.
Upon reading FREEDOM, Cees remarked that ‘I am deeply grateful that this knowledge and joyful message crossed my desk in my lifetime. It has literally given me all the answers to the many questions about life I still had and I want to be instrumental in promoting these groundbreaking concepts as much as I can locally.’
Cees established the WTM Centurion Centre in 2023. — WTMCenturion.com
About Beth Williamson

Beth Williamson holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and for 10 years taught English to 11 to 18 year olds. After becoming a mother, she forged a career in the environmental sector and was a local councillor. Beth, her husband and their two children enjoy exploring the exceptional beauty of the natural world in Herefordshire and surrounding areas.
Beth is a passionate advocate of Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough explanation of the human condition, saying, ‘This information is fully accountable and answers every question I have ever had about myself and the world. Understanding the root cause of human suffering is the only way to end it and bring meaning to our lives. This is not dogma or feel good ideology, it is the truth. And as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, “The Truth has to only appear once…for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze.”’
Beth established the WTM Herefordshire Centre in 2023. — WTMHerefordshire.com
Video Endorsements
England – Craig Conway, acclaimed actor, writer & director
More about Craig -
Canada – Bill & Cindy McCaugherty, Occupational Hygienist & CAD Technician
More about Bill & Cindy -
Ireland – Linda MacCarthy, humanities scholar & craft exporter
More about Linda -
South Africa – Refentse Molosiwa, author who studied philosophy at the University of Pretoria
More about Refentse
USA – May Gibbs, stay-at-home mother of two daughters.
More about May -
Netherlands – Pierre Bokma, Emmy Award-winning actor
More about Pierre Bokma -
Canada – Dr Karen Riley, university professor & clinical pharmacist
More about Karen -
Australia – Tim Macartney-Snape AM OAM, biologist & world-renowned mountaineer
More about Tim
USA – Prof. Harry Prosen, former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Assoc.
More about Harry -
Zambia – Franklin Mukakanga, advertising director & radio host in Zambia
More about Franklin -
USA – Prof. Stuart Hurlbert, esteemed American ecologist
More about Stuart -
New Zealand – Dr Anna Fitzgerald, molecular biologist, genome projects strategist
More about Anna
South Africa – Reginald Khotshobe of the Xhosa people, IT professional & Igqirha [healer]
More about Reginald -
Netherlands – Annemieke Akker & Hendrik Riksen, biologist & engineering manager, More about Annemieke & Hendrik
South Africa – James Moffett, world-renowned pioneer of organic farming
More about James -
Australia – Angela Ryan, lawyer, & has a BSc in Rehabilitation & Human Services
More about Angela
Australia – Christos Akritidis, Sports nutritionist & personal trainer
More about Chris -
Uganda & England – Dorine Mwesigwa, author, theologian & life coach
More about Dorine -
Spain – David Garcia, pilot and WTM translator
More about David -
England – Warren Smith, Director of construction company
More about Warren
Belgium – Raf Van Den Plas, IT consultancy and sales
More about Raf -
France – Lucas Machlein, Management of science and technologies
More about Lucas -
Austria – Gerald Staffaneller, computer programmer & IT manager
More about Gerald -
Switzerland – Christoph & Birthe Zehntner, Defence Procurement & Lab Technician, More about Christoph & Birthe
Austria – Stefan Rössler, co-founder of 2 successful IT businesses & university lecturer
More about Stefan -
England – Karen Boon, English tutor
More about Karen -
Colombia – Carlos Cruz, chemical engineer and R&D scientist
More about Carlos -
USA – Robert Dunlevy, exercise physiologist and certified health coach
More about Robert
USA – Dustin Hull, master’s student in psychology (training to become a child counsellor)
More about Dustin -
South Africa – Cees Meiboom, IT professional (retired) and chess coach
More about Cees -
England – Beth Williamson, mother and a former teacher & local councillor
More about Beth -
Australia – Lachlan Dunn, landscaper and former podcaster on holistic health research
More about Lachlan
Our Transformation page presents the answer to the all-important question of how understanding the human condition is able to save the human race by rehabilitating our psychologically upset state, and by immediately transforming everyone’s life from a human-condition-stricken state to one that is effectively free of the human condition. As Jeremy once said:
“If I was destitute and living under a bridge and someone gave me this understanding of the human condition I would go down to the river and wash myself, then go to the local charity shop for a clean set of clothes, then get a job as a gardener or street sweeper, then find the cheapest rental possible, and then just do two things: Read more
1) Hand out our ‘Fix The World’ flyers/leaflets that basically pleads for people to ‘help save the human race from terminal levels of psychosis by watching THE Interview at www.humancondition.com and then supporting the World Transformation Movement’; 2) Contribute to the WTM’s online advertising as much as I possibly could — because during this pioneer stage this advertising is really the only effective way to get understanding of the human condition to the world and save the human race! Every extra advertisement is extra people reached! Doing just those two things would make my life completely meaningful, fulfilled and happy (a bit like the example I give of Lei Feng in paragraph 1230 of FREEDOM).
And believe me, before long, when the realisation catches on that we have finally found the redeeming understanding of the human condition that ends our need to continue living out our old insecure, embattled, have-to-prove-we-are-good-and-not-bad lives, that everyone can now live this way in support of an all-relieving and all-unifying new world, the ecstatic freedom and utter excitement will completely sweep the world. As the philosopher Teilhard de Chardin wrote, ‘The Truth has to only appear once...for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze’ (Let Me Explain, 1966).
So pack up your old suitcase, grab your loved ones and head for the sun-drenched uplands of a whole new all-exciting existence! And this is not another deluded politically correct, ‘woke’ false start to a transformed world—this is the first-principle, science-based psychologically redeeming, reconciling and rehabilitating real deal — you can check it out to your heart’s content. Everywhere people will be realising that the great darkness of our human situation has turned to light — that it’s really on, the great breakout of the human race from the human condition!! HUMANITY IS COMING HOME, SIGN ME UP TONY, LET’S GO!!!!”

We simply have to get this understanding to the world, doggedly build enough support to finally overcome the ‘Deaf Effect’ response to encountering description of the previously unexplained subject of our corrupted, ‘fallen’ human condition — because this redeeming understanding of our corrupted condition is the only thing that can save the human race from the rapidly approaching terminal levels of psychosis, an unthinkable degree of suffering — so please See How to help
We have collected every variety of question that we have received and put them and our responses in this FAQ facility, so it’s a very helpful resource.
As word of the emergence of this dreamed-of, human-condition-resolved, genuinely relieving and exciting new world for every human spreads, no one will want to stay in the old embattled world — and from horizon to horizon will appear a great sunshine multitude on the sunshine highway to the world in sunshine! So visit our rapidly growing COMMUNITY and join our chat facility and social media groups, and participate in online meetings, and become a WTM member, and join or start a WTM Centre in your area.
WTM Centres
We have centres opening across the globe, so contact your nearest Centre and get involved, or contact us to start a Centre.
WTM Tweed Heads
founded by Colleen Fryar
website under construction
WTM Liverpool
founded by Jo Taylor
website under construction
WTM Manchester
founded by Rob Hannay
website under construction
WTM Plymouth
founded by Nick Rule
website under construction
WTM Truro
founded by John Nichol
website under construction
WTM Bialystok
founded by Mariusz Zaleski
website under construction
WTM Frankfurt
founded by Susanne Supper
website under construction
WTM Obdach
founded by Michi (Michael) Bärnthaler
website under construction
WTM Slovenia
founded by Ales Flisar
website under construction
WTM Ethiopia
founded by Tibebe Hailegiorgis
website under construction
WTM Kimberley
founded by Alfred Khaziwa
website under construction
Scroll: Sth Pac UK/Ire EU Americas Afr Asia

WTM Centres
- WTM Sydney
- WTM Albury
- WTM Ballarat
- WTM Brisbane
- WTM Broome
- WTM Bunbury
- WTM Ipswich
- WTM Melbourne
- WTM North Queensland
- WTM Southern Highlands
- WTM Sunshine Coast
- WTM Tweed Heads — web soon
- WTM Auckland
- WTM Bay Of Islands
- WTM Wellington
- WTM Whangarei
- WTM Bolton
- WTM Herefordshire
- WTM Hertfordshire
- WTM Kent
- WTM Liverpool — web soon
- WTM Manchester — web soon
- WTM North East England
- WTM Oxford
- WTM Plymouth — web soon
- WTM Preston
- WTM Staffordshire
- WTM Truro — web soon
- WTM West Midlands
- WTM Athlone
- WTM Dublin
- WTM Austria
- WTM Bregenz
- WTM Graz
- WTM Obdach — web soon
- WTM Antwerp
- WTM Nice
- WTM Frankfurt — web soon
- WTM Amsterdam
- WTM Arnhem
- WTM Rotterdam
- WTM Oslo
- WTM Seljord
- WTM Bialystok — web soon
- WTM Slovenia — web soon
- WTM Madrid
- WTM Pamplona
- WTM Sweden
- WTM Switzerland
- WTM Canada West Coast
- WTM Edmonton
- WTM Ottawa
- WTM Toronto
- WTM East Stroudsburg
- WTM Morgantown
- WTM New York
- WTM Philadelphia
- WTM Phoenix
- WTM Pittsburgh
- WTM Plattsburgh
- WTM Richmond
- WTM Seattle
- WTM Tampa
- WTM Buenos Aires
- WTM Colombia
- WTM Rio de Janeiro
- WTM Ethiopia — web soon
- WTM Cape Town
- WTM Centurion
- WTM Eastern Cape
- WTM Kimberley — web soon
- WTM Mahikeng
- WTM Port Elizabeth
- WTM Uganda
- WTM Zambia
- WTM Tanzania
- WTM Delhi
- WTM Gujarat
- WTM Kolkata
Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition has been the subject of many reviews, interviews and articles. The following are a selection of the most interesting and informative:
In 2025, The Spectator Australia magazine published what is possibly the most concise and powerful presentation of Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition, including, most interestingly, how it ends the polarised state of politics forever! This article by Tim Macartney-Snape, who is a twice-honoured Order of Australia recipient and a Patron of the World Transformation Movement, titled “FINALLY, THE ‘TRULY SUPERIOR MORAL JUSTIFICATION FOR SELFISHNESS’” is a must-read, and the perfect short piece to share and attract interest and appreciation of Jeremy’s treatise. In an email to subscribers, the online editor of The Spectator Australia described the article’s powerful impact, saying Tim’s piece ‘on the human condition and its relationship to political movements…struck a deep chord with many of our readers.’
Appearing on the prestigious Dutch interview program Summer Guests (Zomergasten), in August 2024 PIERRE BOKMA, WHO IS RECOGNISED AS “ONE OF THE NETHERLANDS’ GREATEST ACTORS”, SAYS HE IS “IN AWE” OF JEREMY GRIFFITH’S “BRILLIANT” EXPLANATION OF THE HUMAN CONDITION. The interview included an extended excerpt from Jeremy’s presentation of the Adam Stork analogy from Video/Freedom Essay 3.
Bokma is considered one of the Netherlands’ greatest actors, twice winning the most important Dutch drama prize, the Louis d’Or, as well as four Golden Calves. For his role in the film The Chosen One, Bokma received an International Emmy Award for best foreign actor. You can read Summer Guest’s profile of Pierre Bokma here (note, to read in English you will need to use the Google translate feature).
Summer Guests is an annual feature programme on Dutch public television. Each episode consists of an in-depth studio interview, typically three hours long, with a notable Dutch, Belgian or other Dutch-speaking foreigner, interspersed with cinema or television footage selected by the guest, which is subsequently discussed.
TWO REVIEWS OF FREEDOM BY PROFESSOR HARRY PROSEN, a former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association and one of the world’s leading psychiatrists, were published in The Montréal Review, a prestigious international online magazine whose contributors include Pulitzer Prize winners, thought leaders and opinion makers, world-class journalists and academics. The first review is titled ‘The Psychological Rehabilitation Of The Human Race Through Understanding The Human Condition’ and appeared in the July/August 2021 issue; and the sequel, titled ‘Leaving Plato’s Cave’, appeared in the September/October 2021 issue. Given Professor Prosen was a Canadian by birth it is highly fitting that his endorsements of Jeremy’s work now appear in one of Canada’s most respected journals!
THE IDEAL CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO JEREMY’S EXPLANATION OF THE HUMAN CONDITION, this 2020 interview of Jeremy Griffith by the acclaimed British actor, producer and broadcaster Craig Conway was first broadcast on northern England’s NTRsounds and then across the United Kingdom. Described by Professor Harry Prosen as ‘THE most important interview of all time’, this interview has since generated an extraordinarily enthusiastic response on social media, and become the main vehicle for introducing people to the work of the World Transformation Movement.
Jeremy Griffith’s ability to think truthfully about the human condition allowed him to finally explain the psychology behind the politically correct culture of the Left, which is the insight that has been desperately needed to disempower the Left’s madness. THIS 2020 SPECTATOR ARTICLE WENT VIRAL — obviously because so many people are at their wit’s end trying to stop the stampede of left-wing madness, and this piece finally exposes its delusion. In an email to subscribers, The Spectator Australia described the extraordinary interest the article generated: ‘Sometimes something that makes it all crystal clear comes along. And so it has been with Jeremy Griffith’s The fury of the left, explained. It’s going global because of the simplicity of its message: the right stands for reason, the left dogma. It’s booming in the States.’
Jeremy Griffith’s grasp of biology allows him to explain not just the human condition but all manner of biological issues, such as the problem of the terrible bushfires in Australia in 2019/20. This 2020 feature article in The Spectator titled “THE SCIENCE OF BUSHFIRES IS SETTLED: EUCALYPTS ARE INCINERATORS FROM HELL DRESSED UP AS TREES” was widely circulated and led to national radio and television interviews with Jeremy in Australia, and was extensively reviewed in the UK’s most read newspaper, the DAILY MAIL. (See Jeremy’s crocodile ILLUSTRATION.)
Jeremy Griffith’s 2020 article in The Spectator about the terrible 2019/20 bushfires in Australia led to Australian national radio and television interviews. On Wednesday 29 January, Jeremy was INTERVIEWED BY AUSTRALIA’S LEADING BROADCASTER Alan Jones on his top rating breakfast radio show on 2GB, during which Jones described Jeremy’s Spectator article as ‘an outstanding piece…you’ve never heard that before ever’. Later that day Jeremy appeared on the Richo & Jones show on Sky News Australia, with Alan Jones and Graham Richardson. During the segment, Richardson described Jeremy’s article as ‘brilliantly written’, and Jones again praised the clarity of Jeremy’s insights, saying, ‘you have written a brilliant piece’.
Jeremy’s subsequent article in The Spectator Australia about the dangerous psychology of the left-wing led to him being invited back to the Richo & Jones show on Sky News Australia on Wednesday 12 February to discuss his article against the backdrop of the Left’s irrational response to Australia’s bushfire crisis.
FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition was launched in London on 2 June 2016 at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) to an invitation-only audience of reporters and dignitaries. Tim Macartney-Snape (AM OAM), Patron and a Founding Director of the World Transformation Movement, introduced the book’s author Jeremy Griffith, and then introduced Sir Bob Geldof (FRGS), who gave the keynote address, before Jeremy presented his biological explanation of the human condition that is contained in his book FREEDOM.
The RGS was an especially appropriate venue for the launch because it is where the late Sir Laurens van der Post—the most quoted author in FREEDOM and a great inspiration in Jeremy’s life—made his impassioned plea for the explorers of the world to investigate the inner realm of the human condition, a plea that Tim Macartney-Snape played for the audience in his introduction. In his 1990 RGS Television Lecture of the Year, Sir Laurens said, ‘It’s been said that the explorers in mankind must be singularly unemployed because there’s nothing left in this world to explore. Well of course that depends on what you mean by exploration…in the sense to which exploration is both an exploration into the physical and into the spirit of man there is a lot ahead to do…the future is in your keeping…there is exploration in reverse to do. We must go sharply into reverse…WE MUST REHABILITATE OURSELVES; GET OUR OLD NATURAL SELVES TO JOIN WITH OUR OTHER CONSCIOUS, WILFUL, RATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC SELVES…Your job is not over.’
Sir Bob Geldof was a most appropriate keynote speaker because he similarly recognised the critical need to solve the human condition. In his 1986 album with the apt title Deep in the Heart of Nowhere, Sir Bob wrote and sang, ‘What are we going to do because it can’t go on…This is the world calling. God help us’, and ‘Searching through their sacred books for THE HOLY GRAIL OF “WHY”, but the total sum of knowledge knows no more than you or I.’
At the time of FREEDOM’s launch in 2016 the prestigious i-Magazine in the UK published a profile piece by Jeremy Griffith about his explanation of the human condition. The Irish Times also invited Jeremy to summarise his understanding of the human condition, which they published as a feature article. Both THESE ARTICLES PROVIDE AN EXCELLENT TIGHT SUMMARY BY JEREMY OF HIS SYNTHESIS.
It should be mentioned in this selection of interesting and informative publicity that our work has received that since its launch in 2016 there have been innumerable extraordinarily enthusiastic reviews of Jeremy Griffith’s seminal book FREEDOM on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, and Amazon.com.au (Australia). Of course, given that, as George Bernard Shaw wrote, ‘All great truths begin as blasphemies’ and there’s no greater blasphemy or breaking of tradition than addressing the issue of the previously, but no longer, unconfrontable subject of the human condition, there’s also been many reviews that bitterly attack FREEDOM. What is so significant, however, is that anyone trying to make sense of such an extraordinary polarity of opinion only has to read some of the positive 5 star reviews to realise how sincere, sensible and accountable what they’re saying is to suspect there must be something truly groundbreaking and extraordinary about FREEDOM, and from there start reading it and discovering its true depth and merit.
Written by Jeremy Griffith, this 2004 Human Condition Documentary Proposal to make a documentary series about the human condition received enthusiastic responses from over 100 of the world’s leading scientists and thinkers, including physicists Stephen Hawking and Nobel Laureate Charles Townes.
While the famed natural history filmmaker and presenter SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH SAID, ‘I’VE NO DOUBT A FASCINATING TELEVISION SERIES COULD BE MADE BASED UPON THIS’, we’re still waiting for a documentary to be made about the crux issue of the human condition and Jeremy’s fully accountable, human-race-saving, biological explanation of it.
Four examples of the many radio interviews Jeremy Griffith gave during the 2003 launch of his Australasian bestselling book A Species In Denial.
The first interview, with Australian Olympian Lisa Forrest on her Qantas Inflight Radio program ‘A Current of Air’, provides an EXCELLENT BRIEF INTRODUCTORY OVERVIEW OF JEREMY’S WORK.
The second interview, with Gareth McCray during his syndicated ‘Drivetime’ program on 2SM Radio, focuses on the relationship between religion and science.
The third interview, with Daryl Manzie on his ‘Territory Talk’ program on Darwin Radio 104.1 TOP FM, focuses on the crux issue of the origin of the dark side of human nature and Jeremy’s Adam Stork explanation of it.
The fourth interview, with Di Coveny Garland on her syndicated 2SM Radio program, focuses on the relationship between men and women.
REVIEWS AND ARTICLES accompanying the release of Jeremy Griffith’s 2003 Australasian bestseller A Species In Denial, his 1991 book Beyond The Human Condition, and his 1988 book Free: The End Of The Human Condition. (Note, four examples of interviews Jeremy conducted at the launch of A Species In Denial were included in the previous presentation on the slider.)
PROFILE OF JEREMY GRIFFITH in the 3 July 2003 edition of Friday Magazine, a monthly colour magazine that was distributed in The Land newspaper in New South Wales, the Queensland Country Life, the North Queensland Register, the Stock and Land (which covered regional and rural Victoria), the Stock Journal (which covered regional and rural South Australia), and the Farm Weekly (which covered regional and rural Western Australia).
The human condition has been the most difficult of all subjects for humans to face. In fact, so fearful has humanity been of the issue that a vicious campaign was launched in 1995 to try to shut down Jeremy Griffith’s work and bring the WTM into disrepute, which Jeremy, along with fellow WTM Founding Director and Patron, renowned mountaineer and twice-honoured Order of Australia recipient Tim Macartney-Snape and the other supporters of the WTM, determinedly resisted, LAUNCHING WHAT WAS THEN THE BIGGEST DEFAMATION CASE IN AUSTRALIA’S HISTORY, against the two biggest, left-wing (described by Jeremy as dogmatic, pseudo idealistic, ‘let’s pretend there’s no human condition that has to be solved and the world should just be ideal’, dishonest) media organisations in Australia, including its national public broadcaster. IN 2010, AFTER 15 LONG YEARS, JEREMY AND TIM, AND BY INFERENCE THE WTM, WERE VINDICATED.
The WTM’s initial efforts to seek redress were covered in a two-page feature story about Jeremy, Tim and the WTM that appeared in the 21 April 1998 edition of The Bulletin (incorporating Newsweek), a national weekly magazine in Australia.
The consequent legal action also generated considerable media attention, which is detailed in Jeremy’s PERSECUTION OF THE WTM ESSAY.
In 1988, as part of the promotion of his first book, Free: The End Of The Human Condition, Jeremy Griffith was interviewed by the esteemed Australian journalist Caroline Jones (1938–2022) on her flagship ABC Radio National program, The Search for Meaning. In the interview Jeremy succinctly and brilliantly describes what the human condition really is (and his motivation for getting to the bottom of it); presents the actual explanation of the human condition; explains science’s role in the human journey; explains the meaning of the left and right wing poles of politics; describes the fabulous world that opens up for all humans now that the human condition has been explained; and so much more. According to Jones, THE INTERVIEW ATTRACTED THE SECOND MOST ENTHUSIASTIC LISTENER RESPONSE IN THE PROGRAM’S TWICE-WEEKLY, EIGHT YEAR HISTORY, and as a result of that popularity was re-broadcast twice later that year.
A veteran writer, presenter and social commentator who spent over 50 years with Australia’s national broadcaster, Jones was one of the country’s most distinguished and loved journalists. In addition to receiving the industry’s highest accolade (a Walkley Award for Outstanding Contribution to Journalism), in 1988 she received the Order of Australia (AO) and the Media Peace Prize Gold Citation, and in 1997 was voted one of Australia’s ‘Living Treasures’.
In 1967 aged 21, Jeremy Griffith deferred his science degree at the University of New England and hitchhiked to Tasmania, determined to save the Thylacine — the Tasmanian Tiger — from extinction. The search was to total some six years, with up to two of those years camped out in the field. In 1973, at the completion of THE MOST THOROUGH SEARCH EVER CONDUCTED FOR THIS EXTRAORDINARY ANIMAL, Jeremy was to reach the sad conclusion that the thylacine was indeed extinct. The quest generated articles in the American Museum of Natural History’s journal, Natural History, and Australian Geographic, and featured in an episode of the Australian television series A Big Country.
In 1971, Jeremy Griffith completed his Bachelor of Science degree in zoology at the University of Sydney and the following year, in the same self-sufficient spirit with which he had undertaken the ‘Tiger’ search, he ESTABLISHED A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL FURNITURE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS BASED ON HIS OWN SIMPLE AND NATURAL DESIGNS, WHICH PIONEERED THE USE OF BARK-TO-BARK SLABS OF TIMBER (now a hugely popular craft industry, especially in America). Articles about the furniture featured in prominent Australian design magazines.
We invite you to celebrate humanity’s fabulous freedom from the human condition by listening to songs created by WTM members and supporters.
A Patron and a Founding Director of the WTM, Tim Macartney-Snape AM OAM, was the first Australian to climb Mount Everest, on 3 October 1984, and is seen here holding our WTM flag on the summit of Mount Everest in his second successful assent of Everest in 1990. In this picture we have photoshopped in our new flag to replace our original ‘key-held-aloft’ WTM flag that Tim actually held, which you can see in the bottom-left inset.
About Jeremy Griffith

Jeremy Griffith was raised on a sheep ranch in rural New South Wales, Australia. He graduated from Sydney University with a degree in biology and spent six years in Tasmania where he undertook the most thorough investigation ever into the extinction of the Tasmanian Tiger. In 1975, he began writing about the human condition and in 1983 established the non-profit World Transformation Movement to facilitate enquiry into this all-important subject. He has written numerous works on the human condition, including the bestselling book, A Species in Denial (2004) and in 2016, his summa masterpiece, FREEDOM: The End of the Human Condition.
Jeremy Griffith's explanation of the human condition has been the subject of many reviews, articles and interviews, which you can see in the Publicity section above.
FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition
by Jeremy Griffith
Why do we thinking, rational, immensely clever, supposedly sensible beings behave so ruthlessly, competitively and selfishly that human life has become all but unbearable and we have nearly destroyed our own planet? Are we a flawed species, some sort of evolutionary mistake, fundamentally worthless beings — or are we possibly the absolute heroes of the story of life on Earth? How are we to make sense of the awesome contradictions of the human condition? Yes, how are we to truly understand ourselves — because without redeeming, biological understanding there can be no real peace for the human mind, no basis for the much-needed psychological rehabilitation of the human race.
Venturing, however, into the heart of darkness of this most foreboding of all frontiers for the human mind of the issue of self, the issue of what the human condition really is, has been a near impossible task. When the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote, ‘O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall, frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed’, he was acknowledging how fearfully depressing the issue of the human condition has been for virtually all humans, and why, therefore, our condition has never been truthfully ‘fathomed’ — ‘truthfully’ because innumerable explanations have been put forward for the human condition, but none have genuinely confronted and, by so doing, solved the human condition.
But no longer is this the case, because Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith has been able to venture right to the bottom of the dark depths of what it is to be human and return with the fully accountable, true explanation of our seemingly imperfect lives. At long last we have the redeeming and thus transforming understanding of human behaviour! And with that explanation found all the other great outstanding scientific mysteries about our existence are now also able to be explained — of the meaning of our existence, of the origin of our unconditionally selfless moral instincts, and of why we humans became conscious when other animals haven’t. Yes, the full story of life on Earth can finally be told!
Summary of Contents
Chapter 1. An analysis of the true nature of the human condition and our species’ intrinsic fear of the subject, and a summary of the understanding that is able to end the underlying insecurity and resulting psychosis of everyone’s condition and, through doing so, transform every human into a new, human-condition-free person.
Chapter 2. Why and how biologist E.O. Wilson and the rest of mechanistic science have been leading humanity to terminal alienation. Unable to confront the psychological dilemma of the human condition — our species’ seemingly inexplicable capacity for both ‘good and evil’ — humanity and its vehicle for enquiry, mechanistic science, has been in denial of the issue, presenting increasingly dishonest excuses for our uniquely contradictory behaviour.
Chapter 3. The truthful, human-condition-confronting, fully accountable, psychosis addressing-and-solving, real biological explanation of the human condition. The human condition emerged 2 million years ago when our intellect evolved sufficiently to wrest control from our instincts — a conflict that caused an upsetting psychological condition that is the underlying issue in all human affairs.
Chapter 4. The teleological meaning of human existence. With humans’ upset state defended, we can finally recognise the true integrative meaning of life and the laws of physics that govern it.
Chapter 5. How humans acquired their altruistic moral soul. Evidence from primatology and anthropology illustrates how ‘love-indoctrination’, the process whereby nurturing leads to infants being ‘indoctrinated’ into behaving selflessly, led to the emergence of genuinely altruistic moral instincts in our ancestors.
Chapter 6. Mechanistic science’s dangerous denial of the nurturing origins of humans’ moral nature. Current nurturing-denying scientific explanations for our cooperative behaviour are exposed and dismantled; includes description of the resistance this explanation has met, and its ultimate triumph in the biggest defamation case in Australia’s history.
Chapter 7. The fully accountable biological explanation for how, why and when humans became conscious.
Chapter 8. The denial-free account of our species’ heroic journey from ignorance to enlightenment. Humanity’s 7+ million year journey from Sahelanthropus through to Homo — a progression driven by our developing psychology — is paralleled with the life of an individual through Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence to Adulthood.
Chapter 9. How this psychosis-addressing-and-explaining, real biological explanation of the human condition heals our species’ upset and transforms the human race.
While THE Interview, The Great Guilt, The Great Transformation, and videos 1–4 and 14 at the top of this page are the best introductory presentations through which to learn about the human condition and its amelioration, the following videos by Jeremy Griffith and others offer incredible insight into the unlocking power of this greatest of all breakthroughs.
Click HERE to see ALL the Main WTM Videos (a selection of which are included below):

Effective Psychological Therapy

FREEDOM’s launch in London

What is the human condition?

Freedom Webinar 1

Freedom Webinar 2

Freedom Webinar 3

Focus Group Intro Video

Jeremy answers questions

2009 Introductory Video

Documentary Pilot Video

Intro Talk On Radio
The WTM has produced and promoted numerous publications since 1983, including a bestseller, all of which are freely available. Please note that Jeremy Griffith’s 2016 book, FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition, is the definitive presentation of Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough biological treatise on the human condition, and it and its condensations, THE Interview That Solves The Human Condition And Saves The World!, and Transform Your Life And Save The World, are the best publications through which to learn about the subject.
SEE ALL WTM PUBLICATIONS, which include the following:
William, Canada: TRUE WORDS, LISTEN! 🌞😎💖 - 15 Mar