Sunrise of Understanding of the human condition
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Watch THE Interview That
“Solves The Human Condition
And Saves The World!”
“THE most important
interview of all time”Professor. Harry Prosen — Former president
of the Canadian Psychiatric AssociationAssn.
THE Interview That “Solves The Human Condition And Saves The World!”

Some Of Daily Ecstatic Responses!

William, Canada: TRUE WORDS, LISTEN! 🌞😎💖 - 15 Mar

Louisa M: A mind-opening experience that will profoundly change your perception of yourself, others, and the world and its future - 15 Mar

Anita D, US: Needed to hear. Thank you - 15 Mar

Miguel M, Switzerland: With these insights now available to humanity, it's not a matter of if our species fully heals, just when - 15 Mar

Miguel M, Switzerland: FREEDOM will be credited as possibly the most important masterpiece of all time. In awe of its brilliance & profundity - 15 Mar

Tracy, UK: Love the sound & feeling this is the news we all need 💗 - 15 Mar

Edelyn D: Happy to know that there is healing on this problem of the human condition today - 15 Mar

William P, US: Great interview! - 15 Mar

Sally D, US: Watch it all. It's reliable. Please share this with our whole world. We need this understanding of the human condition❣️ - 15 Mar

Justice L, US: Everyone should REALLY listen to this. Even if you don't agree with him it's super compelling information! - 15 Mar

Carol M: Inspiring interview. Hope for humanity - 14 Mar

Peter C, Australia: The importance of his paradigm moving findings are critical to our future survival as a species. Listen to it for free - 14 Mar

Peter C, Australia: Biologist Jeremy Griffith and the WTM provide the most honest understanding of the Human Condition in the world today - 14 Mar

Judy S, US: I love the way you have explained everything to everyone ❤️ 💕 - 14 Mar

Df H, US: Tell him to run for office....waken the people up....they really need it...👌😎👍 - 14 Mar

Josephine S, UK: Big Thank you to Jeremy Griffith. GREAT books. Thank God. I HAVE CHANGED - 14 Mar

Jerome R: FREEDOM's a human life manual. A very life-changing book to read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - 14 Mar

Jackie M, Canada: Thank you Jeremy for this information opportunity. This explains so much - 14 Mar

Dave B: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A collection of all the work done in archeology, emotional science, religion & culture to explain the world - 14 Mar

Peter R, UK: Very interesting and informative - 14 Mar

Marivic S: Wonderful 👍 - 14 Mar

Suzanne D: So happy I came across the interview - 14 Mar

Patrick C: This was amazing and enlightening. Thank you so much for sharing - 13 Mar

Marian F, Ireland: Fantastic news. A revelation. It's about time it was explained to the human race - 13 Mar

Vincent V, US: Wow this is great & makes so much sense. No lies in it. My heart's in joy understanding it. More people need to listen - 13 Mar

Troy S: Jeremy Griffith is very right in his speaking, and, respect, a very good man. Keep on doing what you are doing - 13 Mar

Linda W: Very Interesting...a must to listen - 13 Mar

Peter C, Turkey: Thank you. Very interesting and thought provocative - 13 Mar

Chris A, Canada: I have a better understanding of my anger issues. The biological reason makes so much sense - 13 Mar

Rafat A: Excellent interview which gave insight into Jeremy's theory - 13 Mar

Mary T, US: This could start the move toward peace and happiness. All answers to our lives are within - 12 Mar

Fred R, Australia: Fundamental and excellent! - 12 Mar

Inger R, Norway: Great to get this relieving knowledge! - 12 Mar

Wendybird, US: Freedom from self & others' condemnation. Replaced with understanding, compassion & total lack of need to judge oneself - 12 Mar

Randy C: God bless Jeremy Griffith - 12 Mar

Heather H, US: Interesting, and makes me feel a whole lot better - 12 Mar

Peter K, Australia: We needed this, the only way for the human species to go forward together and finally make our mark on this world - 12 Mar

Myra S, US: The interview was awesome - 12 Mar

Roush H: Watch this 🎁🎁🎁 - 12 Mar

Eucharia: This is very insightful and inspiring - 11 Mar

CristyAnn L, Canada: FREEDOM's a great book on the human condition. A deep dive at 800 pages but lots of info to help give you some freedom - 11 Mar

Tony G, New Zealand: AMAZING - 11 Mar

George C, US: Fascinating - 11 Mar

Sally E: Brilliant, interesting - 11 Mar

Anna C, Sweden: TRUTH - 11 Mar

Roberto K, Brazil: To my friends, a better understanding of ‘WE’ Human Beings, our ‘SPECIES’ [tr. from Portuguese] - 11 Mar

Francisco J: Genetics, neuroscience, psychiatry, and the solution to our existential crisis [tr. from Portuguese] - 11 Mar

Madelen C: Science is finally starting to contribute! Change at levels that make a difference! [tr. from Swedish] - 10 Mar

Bob S, US: This is valuable information - 10 Mar

Toni C, US: Thankyou for sharing this beautiful idea. We need to fix world problems together & the next generation will do it better - 10 Mar

Jan T, Denmark: I am grateful and positive about this, great and thanks for the information [tr. from Danish] - 10 Mar

Angelino J: So amazing 🙏♥️ - 10 Mar

María F, Mexico: This gives us hope for a positive future, thank you! - 10 Mar

Ronnie, US: Beautiful. Thank you - 10 Mar

Bhagwant K, UK: True and great wisdom, follow please - 10 Mar

Léonard O: Eye opening & stunning video. The matter's captivating, well explained step by step & helped by interviewer's summaries - 10 Mar

Yao S: This is awesome - 10 Mar

Rieka O: Explains Alot! Anyone Should Watch this video. Wow - 10 Mar

Sharon H, US: It explains so much - 10 Mar

Johanna T, Germany: Wonderful...! - 10 Mar

Linda D, US: Worth the watch! - 10 Mar

Marcelo D, Paraguay: Outstanding!! - 09 Mar

Ani I: It's absolutely brilliant - 09 Mar

Josephine S, UK: It would be great to have it on the school curriculum all over the world - 09 Mar

Arthur B, Egypt: Reading about this keeps me energized! - 09 Mar

Charlotte H, US: Thank you for this welcome love and inspiration!!!! 🙏😌 - 09 Mar

Susan M, UK: The interview really made sense & I’m definitely going to read more. It really opened my eyes to why we are like we are - 09 Mar

Dolores W, Ireland: A fascinating interview which requires a lot of deep reflection, thank you - 09 Mar

Pamela D, New Zealand: Knowledge and understanding is a miracle for these very troubled times, thank you and bless you - 09 Mar

Carol C, Canada: This is just amazing & I’m so glad a friend shared it. Good if everybody shares because it really needs to go viral!  - 09 Mar

Ruperto, Chile: I'm grateful. It would be more than beneficial for teachers, pupils & the country if this was delivered in schools [tr.] - 09 Mar

Kim, US: Bravo - 09 Mar

Brenda, US: Really eye opening - 09 Mar

Virginia, Sth Africa: Very interesting & profound, a deep sense of awakening. I am looking forward to getting more videos/podcasts. Well done - 08 Mar

Fitz M, Jamaica: Yes, it's truly amazing. I am excited - 08 Mar

Sam, Australia: Just a taste of what is on offer for humanity!! Let's Go!! - 08 Mar

Gina M, US: TRANSFORMATIVE 💛💫✨💫 - 08 Mar

Danny P: It's not about being woke...It's all about waking up..! Glorify Jeremy Griffith..! - 08 Mar

Darrell L, US: Must see! Very eye opening!!! - 08 Mar

John K: Groundbreaking finding that can have a far reaching effect in solving psycho-socio-economic challenges of the human race - 08 Mar

Kalyan C: Sensational. Delighted & a treat to listen to, Sir - 08 Mar

Barbara P, US: Wow, great interview - 08 Mar

Helga P, Australia: I highly recommend this interview - 08 Mar

Sean J, US: I stand with the WTM - 07 Mar

Yvonne, Canada: Wow! Amazingly profound. I will definitely pursue the movement - 07 Mar

Cinnamon K, Australia: Unbelievably mind blowing, a must read/watch/listen for everyone - 07 Mar

Rodney M, US: Incredible, definitely a major eye opening experience - 07 Mar

Liz, Australia: Honesty, joy and innocence exudes from you, even via video, and is a breath of fresh air to experience! - 07 Mar

Angie O: 😊 Very enlightening 😘 - 07 Mar

Cassidy S: This is incredible! - 07 Mar

Mary K, US: This is very interesting 🤔. Everyone should listen to this ✌️☮️✌️❤️ - 07 Mar

Carolann T, Canada: Great info, a must need watch/read 👍 - 07 Mar

Gaia K, Norway: Do listen to this interview!!! [tr. from Norwegian] - 07 Mar

Chris M, Australia: Amazing insights, different thinking from real intelligence from a place of unconditional love. We all need to know - 06 Mar

Carolyn H, US: And nothing for sale. All the information is free. Listen multiple times if your mind wanders. It’s worth it - 06 Mar

Carolyn H, US: People need to listen to the scientific explanation, it changes lives. True world transformation is possible. Thank you - 06 Mar

Shawn B, US: F**king WOW - 06 Mar

Callistus S: Amazing! People must need this knowledge to change the world. Only one planet where we live must be saved 🙏♥️🙏 - 06 Mar

Athol M, Australia: He needs to speak to some of the leaders of the world right now! - 06 Mar

Vickie W, US: This is incredible - 06 Mar

Please help this critical new science by sharing the above video and making an appreciative comment about it
Please help this critical new science by sharing and making an appreciative comment

Don’t miss the excitement – with the real problem of the human condition finally solved we can now ACTUALLY fix the world!


after watching THE Interview above

(All information​/​books​/​essays​/​videos​/​audios are 100% FREE with no registration required)

  • Scroll down to see
  • 1. Intro & Main Videos
  • 2. The Key Books Free Copy
    FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition by Jeremy Griffith
  • 3. Freedom Essays
  • 4. Commendations
  • 5. The Transformation
  • 6. How to help
  • 7. Frequently Asked Questions
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The WORLD TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT (WTM) is a global not-for-profit charity that promotes Australian biologist JEREMY GRIFFITH’s breakthrough resolution of the underlying problem in all human affairs of the HUMAN CONDITION — thereby ending human conflict and suffering at its source, and providing the now urgently needed road map for the complete transformation of our lives and world!


After watching THE Interview above we recommend you watch the 3 other Intro VideosThe Great Guilt video that explains the difficulty of the ‘Deaf Effect’ that reading about the human condition initially causes, then The Great Transformation video about how understanding the human condition actually  transforms the human race, then the Sermon On The Beach video, Jeremy’s inspired description of how the human race now leaves the horror of the human condition forever! We then suggest watching the 16 Main Videos.

Intro video 166:17 min THE Interview
Intro video 284:50 min The Great Guilt That Causes The Deaf Effect
Intro video 388:50 min The Great Transformation
Intro video 451:01 min Sermon on the Beach

For the videos above and below:

After watching the 4 Intro Videos above, we suggest watching these 16 Main Videos.

Main Videos - 124:05 min Jeremy Griffith presenting in studio Your block to the most wonderful of all gifts
Video 206:45 min Jeremy Griffith presenting savage instincts excuse The false ‘savage
instincts’ excuse
Video 314:28 min Jeremy Griffith explaining the human condition THE EXPLANATION of
the human condition!
Video 465:20 min Jeremy Griffith explaining the instinct vs intellect The ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation is obvious
Video 509:02 min Tony Gowing explaining the transformation process The transformation of
the human race!!
Video 634:54 min Caroline Jones and Jeremy Griffith with on air radio microphone Wonderfully illuminating interview
Video 703:28 min Professor Harry Prosen at the Milwaukee County zoo Praise from Professor
Harry Prosen
Video 826:59 min Franklin Mukakanga and Refentse Molosiwa “How this ends racism forever”
Video 903:00 min Anna Fitzgerald presentation “This is the real liberation of women”
Video 1028:04 min Jeremy Griffith explaining what the human condition is What exactly is the
human condition?
Video 1140:04 min Jeremy Griffith holding a book The difficulty of reading FREEDOM and the solution
Video 1259:44 min Jeremy Griffith pointing to an 'Adam Stork' diagram One hour
summarising talk
Video 1304:50 min Man with fingers in his ears and eyes tightly shut The WTM Deaf Effect Course
Video 1450:48 min Jeremy Griffith presenting in studio Dishonest biology leads to human extinction
Video 1522:39 min Jumping man cartoon with ‘we are free’ banner How your life can be transformed
Video 1664:53 min Jeremy Griffith presenting with paradigm shift drawing in the background The Shock Of

To give us feedback and help you consider the key points in THE Interview, The Great Guilt, The Great Transformation, and also in Videos 1–4 & 14 as they’re the other key videos to watch,

Take The Questionnaire

  • Professor Harry Prosen Profile Picture
  • “I have no doubt Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM provides the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race. This is the book we have been waiting for, it is the book that saves the world.”

    Professor Harry Prosen,
    Former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association & WTM Patron, who, heartbreakingly, died in 2021. Read his obituary.


Completely free, no email required, see
how to get copies under each book.

The world is in crisis! Polarised ideologies, conflict, corruption, failed states, refugees, rampant levels of mental health issues, loneliness, family breakdown, drugs, fraught younger generations, environmental devastation. What’s the solution? Only the redeeming, reconciling and transforming biological understanding of the human condition can relieve our situation, and it is precisely that insight that is presented in biologist Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM.

  • Franklin Mukakanga Profile Picture
  • “This understanding of the human condition will end all prejudices, like racism, forever.”

    Franklin Mukakanga,
    Advertising director & radio host, Zambia


If you haven't already, join the WTM mailing list to receive one free essay each week, and rare news flashes, to learn about the fabulous new transformed world that opens up for all humans now that understanding of the human condition has been found. These 64 essays, mostly by Jeremy Griffith, cover all the main subjects in FREEDOM in wonderfully illustrated bite-sized portions.

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and receive one free essay by Jeremy Griffith each week, rare news flashes and notifications of live events. I understand I can opt out any time (Privacy Policy).

You can even read or listen to these essays right now, and you’ll see all aspects of human life finally explained.


  • Dr Anna Fitzgerald Profile Picture
  • “This explanation brings about the true liberation of women and the reconciliation of the sexes, which is truly extraordinary”

    Dr Anna Fitzgerald,
    Molecular biologist, genome projects strategist


  • Thought Leaders
  • ‘[Professor Stephen Hawking] is most interested in your impressive proposal.’
  • ‘In all of written history there are only 2 or 3 people who’ve been able to think on this scale about the human condition.’ Prof. Anthony Barnett, zoologist – But now everyone can confront it!
  • FREEDOM is the book that saves the world...cometh the hour, cometh the man.’ Prof. Harry Prosen, fmr Pres. Canadian Psychiatric Assn.
  • ‘I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of “Darwin II”.’ Prof. Stuart Hurlbert, esteemed ecologist
  • ‘Living without this understanding is like living back in the stone age, that’s how massive the change it brings is!’ Prof. Karen Riley, clinical pharmacist
  • ‘Frankly, I am blown away by the ground-breaking significance of this work.’ Prof. Patricia Glazebrook, philosopher
  • ‘I’ve no doubt a fascinating television series could be made based upon this.’ Sir David Attenborough
  • FREEDOM is the necessary breakthrough in the critical issue of needing to understand ourselves.’ Prof. David J. Chivers, fmr Pres. Primate Society of Britain
  • ‘Whack! Wham! I was converted by Griffith’s erudite explanation for our behaviour.’ Macushla O’Loan, Executive Women’s Report
  • ‘This is indeed impressive.’ Dr Roger Lewin, preeminent science writer
  • ‘I have recommended Griffith’s work for his razor-sharp biological clarifications.’ Prof. Scott Churchill, psychologist
  • ‘An original & inspiring understanding of us.’ Prof. Charles Birch, zoologist
  • ‘The insights are fascinating & pertinent & must be disseminated.’ Dr George Schaller, preeminent biologist
  • ‘Very impressive, particularly liked the primatology section.’ Prof. Stephen Oppenheimer, geneticist, author Out of Eden
  • ‘I consider the book to be the work of a prophet.’ Dr Ron Strahan, fmr. dir. Sydney Taronga Zoo
  • ‘The scholarly value [of Griffith's synthesis] is comparable to several of the most celebrated publications in biology.’ Prof. Walter Hartwig, anthropologist
  • ‘I believe you’re on to getting answers to much that has bewildered humans.’ Dr Ian Player, famous Sth. Afr. conservationist
  • ‘A superb book, a forward view of a world of humans no longer in naked competition.’ Prof. John Morton, zoologist
  • ‘This might bring about a paradigm shift in the self-image of humanity.’ Prof. M. Csikszentmihalyi, psychologist
  • ‘As a therapist this is a simply brilliant explanation.’ Jayson Firmager, founder of Holistic Therapist Magazine
  • ‘The questions you raise stagger me into silence; most admirable.’ Ian Frazier, author Great Plains bestseller
  • ‘The WTM is an island of sanity in a sea of madness.’ Tim Macartney-Snape, world-leading mountaineer & twice Order of Australia recipient
  • Read More
  • General Public
  • ‘Griffith should be given Nobel prizes for peace, biology, medicine; actually every Nobel prize there is!’
  • ‘He nailed it, nailed the whole thing, just like the world going from FLAT to ROUND, BOOM the WHOLE WORLD CHANGES, no joke.’
  • FREEDOM will be the most influential, world-changing book in history, and time will now be delineated as BG, before Griffith, or AG, after Griffith.’
  • ‘I’m speechless – this is bigger than natural selection & the theory of relativity!’
  • ‘I really think this man will become recognized as the best thinker this world’s ever seen, and don’t we need him right now!’
  • ‘Griffith has decoded the human species, we FINALLY know what’s going on & the suffering stops!’
  • ‘The world can't deny this for much longer, let the light in, save the human race!’
  • ‘This is the most exciting moment in my life. THE Interview tore my hat off & let my brain fly into the sky!’
  • THE Interview should be globally broadcast daily. The healing explanation humans so sorely need.’
  • ‘In a world thats lost its way theres no greater breakthrough, water to a world dying of thirst.’
  • ‘Dawn has come at Midnight! A brilliant exposition, we could be on the cusp of regaining Paradise!’
  • ‘This man has broken the great silence, defeated our denial, got the truth up, woken us from a great trance.’
  • ‘Beware the ‘deaf effect’ — your mind will initially resist the issue of our corrupted condition and so find it hard to take in or hear what's being said, but if you're patient you'll find the redeeming explanation of our condition pure relief.’
  • ‘John Lennon pleaded “just give me some truth”, well this site finally gives us all  the truth!’
  • FREEDOM is the most profound book since the Bible, now with the redeeming truth about us humans.’
  • Death by Dogma is brilliant clarification.’
  • ‘We were given a computer brain, but no program for it; but Aha, Griffith has found it, made sense of our lives!’
  • ‘This just goes deeper & deeper in explaining us, like dawn devouring darkness, amazing!’
  • ‘Agree, this is not another deluded, pseudo idealistic, PC, ‘woke’, false start to a better world, but the human-condition-resolved real solution.’
  • ‘Freedom indeed! What we have here is the second coming of innocence who exposes us but sets us free!’
  • ‘As prophesised, King Arthur has returned to save us (mentioned in par.1036 F)’
  • ‘We all need to go back to school & learn this truthful explanation of life.’
  • ‘Join in our jubilation, your magic reunites, all men become brothers, all good all bad, be embraced millions! This kiss [of understanding] for the whole world’ – From Beethoven’s 9th (par.1049 F)
  • Read More
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Our Transformation page presents the answer to the all-important question of how understanding the human condition is able to save the human race by rehabilitating our psychologically upset state, and by immediately transforming everyone’s life from a human-condition-stricken state to one that is effectively free of the human condition. As Jeremy once said:

“If I was destitute and living under a bridge and someone gave me this understanding of the human condition I would go down to the river and wash myself, then go to the local charity shop for a clean set of clothes, then get a job as a gardener or street sweeper, then find the cheapest rental possible, and then just do two things: Read more

See our Transformation page

Humanity Is Coming Home!!


We simply have to get this understanding to the world, doggedly build enough support to finally overcome the ‘Deaf Effect’ response to encountering description of the previously unexplained subject of our corrupted, ‘fallen’ human condition — because this redeeming understanding of our corrupted condition is the only thing that can save the human race from the rapidly approaching terminal levels of psychosis, an unthinkable degree of suffering — so please See How to help

California homeless drawing by Jeremy Griffith


We have collected every variety of question that we have received and put them and our responses in this FAQ facility, so it’s a very helpful resource.


As word of the emergence of this dreamed-of, human-condition-resolved, genuinely relieving and exciting new world for every human spreads, no one will want to stay in the old embattled world — and from horizon to horizon will appear a great sunshine multitude on the sunshine highway to the world in sunshine! So visit our rapidly growing COMMUNITY and join our chat facility and social media groups, and participate in online meetings, and become a WTM member, and join or start a WTM Centre in your area.

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founded by Jo Taylor

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founded by Rob Hannay

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founded by Nick Rule

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founded by Tibebe Hailegiorgis

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founded by Alfred Khaziwa

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LEARN MORE about the WTM Centres.



Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition has been the subject of many reviews, interviews and articles. The following are a selection of the most interesting and informative:


(access more media resources)


While THE Interview, The Great Guilt, The Great Transformation, and videos 1–4 and 14 at the top of this page are the best introductory presentations through which to learn about the human condition and its amelioration, the following videos by Jeremy Griffith and others offer incredible insight into the unlocking power of this greatest of all breakthroughs.

Click HERE to see ALL the Main WTM Videos (a selection of which are included below):

Effective Psychological Therapy video presented by Jeremy Griffith 2017

Effective Psychological Therapy

FREEDOM’s launch in London

What is the human condition?

Freedom Webinar 1

Freedom Webinar 2

Freedom Webinar 3

Focus Group Intro Video

Jeremy answers questions

2009 Introductory Video

Documentary Pilot Video

Intro Talk On Radio


The WTM has produced and promoted numerous publications since 1983, including a bestseller, all of which are freely available. Please note that Jeremy Griffith’s 2016 book, FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition, is the definitive presentation of Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough biological treatise on the human condition, and it and its condensations, THE Interview That Solves The Human Condition And Saves The World!, and Transform Your Life And Save The World, are the best publications through which to learn about the subject.

SEE ALL WTM PUBLICATIONS, which include the following:

‘Sermon On The Beach’ book cover by Jeremy Griffith
‘AI & Aliens: the truthful analysis’ book cover by Jeremy Griffith
‘The Great Transformation: How Understanding The Human Condition Actually Transforms The Human Race’ book cover by Jeremy Griffith
‘Our Meaning’ book cover by Jeremy Griffith
‘Therapy For The Human Condition’ book cover by Jeremy Griffith
‘The Shock Of Change that understanding of the human condition brings’ book cover by Jeremy Griffith
The Great Guilt that causes the Deaf Effect book cover by Jeremy Griffith
Death by Dogma book cover by Jeremy Griffith
How Laurens van der Post Saved The World by Jeremy Griffith
THE Interview of Jeremy Griffith by Craig Conway on How We Can Finally End All The Turmoil & Suffering In The World Cover
Freedom Essays provide an easy way to read FREEDOM in wonderfully illustrated bite-sized portions
Freedom Essays
Transform Your Life And Save The World
FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition Launch
Freedom Expanded: Book 1
IS IT TO BE Terminal Alienation or Transformation For The Human Race?
The Book Of REAL Answers To EveryThing!
The Great Exodus: From the Horror and Darkness of the Human Condition
The Human Condition Documetary Proposal
A Species In Denial
Beyond The Human Condition
FREE:The End Of The Human Condition
Submission to ‘Nature’ and ‘New Scientist’