A Species In Denial—The Demysticification of Religion
What has been revealed in this essay is that almost the whole of the human race is suffering from an immense psychosis. Humanity has been living in a state of very deep denial or block-out, of which it is almost completely oblivious.
The human race is suffering from a state of mental block-out so great almost no one who has lived during recorded history has been able to be free of it and thus able to look into it and expose it. Our concept of God, of something divine overseeing us, and of a mystical world beyond ourselves is the closest humanity has been able to come to talking about this denied other, non-alienated, integrative state and place.
As R.D. Laing said, we ‘desperately’ need ‘to explore the inner space and time of consciousness…We are so out of touch with this realm that many people can now argue seriously that it does not exist.’
Now with the human condition at last explained, that realm has been demystified. It is as if a rocket probe into our inner space has finally returned with the first photos, non-mystical views, of this previously impregnable, uncharted realm. With the path found through the morass of our blocked out state of denial the greatest of all explorations into the real ‘dark continent’ of ourselves can begin in earnest.
In the televised 1990 Royal Geographical Society of London Lecture of the Year, titled ‘Exploration’, Sir Laurens van der Post Page 497 of
Print Edition emphasised this other great exploration that had to take place: ‘It’s been said that the explorers in mankind must be singularly unemployed because there’s nothing left in this world to explore…[however] in the sense to which exploration is both an exploration into the physical and into the spirit of man there is a lot ahead in your keeping…We must go sharply into reverse. We must get our old natural selves to join with our other conscious, wilful, rational, scientific selves. This is the other act of exploration that will fulfil the exploration you’ve had in the past. Your job is not over.’
In his 1991 book, About Blady, Sir Laurens van der Post said, ‘There is, somewhere beyond it all, an undiscovered country to be pioneered and explored, and only a few lonely and mature spirits take it seriously and are trying to walk it’ (p.87 of 255). That trail the explorers blazed through the wilderness of our inner selves will now become humanity’s highway to freedom. The way forward now is back through all the layers of denial and resulting psychosis.