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Exciting Media Release
for this book’s principal article, What is Science?


New article unlocks impasse for science and human understanding


17 January 2012


The World Transformation Movement today published a ground-breaking article titled What is science? by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith that offers hope to the public’s growing disenchantment with science, in fact revealing that science is “the saviour of the human race”.


The article is the latest chapter in Griffith’s online publication, The Book of Real Answers to Everything! This book explains that the real issue before us a species has always been the issue of the human condition, which is our species capacity for good and evilGriffith maintains that the role of science has been to one day find understanding of this crux issue.


The What is science? article presents for the first time the definitive history of how science, including mainstream theories of Social Darwinism, Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology, has had to avoid and deny that the human condition exists, in so doing failing to provide much-needed answers about human nature.


However, Griffith explains that while science has necessarily had to take a limited reductionist and mechanistic approach, its discovery of the difference in the way genes and nerves work has been a key insight that at last makes it possible to explain the human condition.


“The public has all but given up on science because, until now, it has been unable to solve the crux issue before us as a species of the human condition and provide the much-sought-after answer to the deepest and darkest of questions, of are we humans fundamentally good or bad?” Griffith said.


The What is science? article cites a 2011 Australian Academy of Science report that found a ‘staggering’ 43 percent drop over the last 20 years in the number of Australian Year 11 and 12 students studying science from 94 percent to 51 percent.


“This article explains that because the human condition has been such a terrifying subject, scientists, like everyone, have necessarily been unable to acknowledge it existed, let alone admit it was the subject that science had to solve if there was to be a future for the human race,” Griffith continued.


“However, and thankfully just in the nick of time, through understanding how genes and nerves work, biology has been able to solve the human condition and provide humans with relieving explanation for why they are good and not bad after all. So at last we can answer the question ‘what is science’ with that it is the saviour of the human race, as it was always intended to be!”


On this greatest of all breakthroughs in science, Professor Harry Prosen, a former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, is quoted in the article saying: “I have no doubt this biological explanation of the human condition is the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race.”


Astonishingly, in just 19 pages, the What is science? article presents a clear distillation of the works of some of the world’s leading scientists, including biologist Edward O. Wilson, zoologist Richard Dawkins, science writer Robert Wright and anthropologist Robert Sussman, and how they necessarily have not been able to provide humanity with truthful, real answers about human behaviour.


Of Griffith’s ability to impart such clarity, Professor Scott Churchill, Professor and Chair of the Psychology Department at the University of Dallas, has said: “Griffith manages to summarise book-length expositions of these oftentimes obtuse and varying perspectives on human evolution with clarity and brilliance.”


What is Science? is one of several short articles developed by Griffith to help demonstrate to readers the universal application of his synthesis to subjects wide and varied. The articles, on topics including ‘What is Love?’, ‘Is there a God?’ and ‘Consciousness’, appear in Griffith’s latest publication, The Book of Real Answers to Everything! (The book is freely available at


About the WTM:

The WORLD TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT (WTM) is dedicated to transforming the individual, the human race and thus our world through bringing redeeming and ameliorating or healing biological understanding to the underlying problem in all human affairs of the human condition.

