(Note, ‘Signs & Stickers’ are part of our Products & Displays section that appears at the bottom of our homepage)
Signs & Stickers
Our ‘Fix The World’ signs and stickers
For display in prominent places like on vehicles, front of buildings, noticeboards, anywhere! This oval ‘Fix The World’ symbol is fast becoming the recognised emblem throughout the world of the real and only solution to the rapidly approaching apocalypse of human-condition-stricken dysfunction and devastation everywhere! So put it up everywhere, starting, we suggest, with the doors and back window of your car — see ‘Signs’, ‘Stickers’ & ‘Magnets’ sections below.
Note, to get the above oval sticker horizontal so it doesn’t look tilted, make the line of people underneath the sun level with the horizontal.
‘Fix The World’ in French
Of course you can create your own messaging, like Ales Flisar's fantastic car-wrap display below on his van for his WTM Centre on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. However such car-wraps are very expensive while the ‘Fix The World’ stickers are (as you will see below) very cheap to purchase.
Non-Stick Signs
Note, having the explanation underneath the ‘Fix The World’ symbol (second image below) helps people understand the ‘Fix The World’ statement, making it a very effective sign.

Big or small non-stick signs:
— such as a 10" x 8" (25cm x 20cm) sign, preferably laminated, for public places like on the brick wall above. Just download the artwork (click on the file you want below) and print on your home/work colour printer or at your local print shop, and then trim any excess around the edge of the oval ‘FTW Symbol’ sign, or any excess outside the fine line border on the rectangular ‘FTW Symbol & Explanation’ sign. See our Flyer section for a full description of the use of signs, including laminating them and fastening them on stuctures with double-sided tape, and of the handing out of flyers in public places.
— for the front of properties, etc (as pictured at the top of this page). These can be ordered as a plasticised yard sign or an acrylic sign, or other options — just go to the world-wide supplier, Sticker Mule, and make your product selection there, then upload your artwork file to Sticker Mule from this selection:
- Download the Sticker Mule
‘FTW Symbol’ file - Download the Sticker Mule
‘FTW Symbol & Explanation’ file
Also, you can order various sized posters of both these signs from the world-wide supplier Jondo, just go to our Poster section where you’ll find these and many more WTM promotional posters that you can order. You will need to trim any excess from around the edge of the signs as is explained above.
Especially effective promotion on cars. These water, scratch & UV resistant stickers are available at cost price from our world-wide supplier Sticker Mule. See the orange buttons below where you can order. You can order any size from 4" (10 cm) up to 36" (102 cm) wide. Shipping: Global, maximum of 10 business days. These stickers are extremely economical to buy, and this is achieved by requiring a minimum order of 10 stickers per size.
Click on the orange buttons for the exact prices, but for example, in 2024:
- Ten 11" x 6.5” (28cm x 16.5cm) oval ‘Fix The World Symbol’ stickers such as for car rear windows, costs $US37 including shipping anywhere in the world (which is $US3.70 each);
Order 11” (28cm) wide
oval FTW stickers -
Ten 24" x 14” (61cm x 36 cm) oval ‘Fix The World Symbol’ stickers such as for car front doors & bonnet, costs $US125 incl. shipping (which is $US12.50 each);Order 24” (61cm) wide
oval FTW stickers -
Ten 23.5” x 12” (60cm x 30cm) rectangular ‘Explanation’ stickers such as for car rear doors, costs $US98 incl. shipping (which is $US9.80 each);Order 23.5” (60cm) wide
rectangle Explanation stickers - Ten 10" x 8” (25cm x 20cm) ‘Fix The World Symbol & Explanation’ stickers such as for public places, costs $US40 incl. shipping (which is $US4 each). Note, laminated versions of this sign rather than stickers are preferable for public places because they are removable — see Non-Stick Signs above.Order 10" (25cm) wide
FTW & Explanation stickers
Note, if you want different size stickers to the four above, all you have to do is modify the oval ‘Fix The World’ sticker template, or the rectangular ‘Explanation’ sticker template, or the ‘Fix The World & Explanation’ sticker template on the Sticker Mule website. Just revisit these templates if you want to order more than one size.
So the cheapest and most effective WTM promotion for vehicles that we highly recommend is to put 24" (61cm) wide oval ‘Fix the World Symbol’ stickers on each front door (or slightly smaller if you have a smaller door space, check the space for a sticker because some cars have chrome strips etc), and one of those towards the front of the bonnet, and a 23.5” (60cm) wide rectangular ‘Explanation’ sticker on each of the back doors (or slightly smaller for smaller door space), and two 11" (28cm) wide ‘FTW Symbol’ stickers on the bottom corners of the vehicle’s rear window (the wipers will sweep over them). Even though you have to order ten of each size, the cost will still only be approx. $US37 + $US125 + $US98 = $US260, leaving you seven 24" oval stickers, eight 24” rectangular stickers and eight 11" oval stickers for other vehicles/places!
You can economise by only having two 24” wide oval ‘Fix The World Symbol’ stickers on the front doors, and two 11” wide ones on the back window (and not have any stickers on the bonnet or back doors) which in 2024 costs approx. $US37 + $US125 = $US162, leaving you eight 24” and eight 11” stickers for other vehicles/places!
Sticker Installation Instructions
The video below will assist you in understanding how to apply the stickers. Basically, to go through the process in the video, it is firstly important to position the stickers centrally on the car doors, and parallel to the bottom of the doors, or, in the case of the back window, parallel to the horizontal. This can be quite tricky and the way to succeed is to use masking tape to position the stickers before you take off their backing paper. In the case of the oval stickers, use the line of people underneath the sun as the line to make parallel to the bottom of the doors or to the horizontal. Ideally the horizontal middle of the rectangular sticker on the back door should be on the same level as the horizontal middle of the oval sticker on the front door. So, keep moving them around using bits of masking tape until you’ve got them properly positioned, then you put a piece of masking tape on each side of the stickers at their edge, with one piece of masking tape on the sticker and one piece beside it on the door or window, then you put a mark on each piece of masking tape where they meet so you can put the sticker back exactly in the same place when you peel off the back paper from the sticker. Then, as shown in the video, you have to put masking tape at the centre top and centre bottom of the sticker, and then peel off the paper backing from one side and carefully scissor it off, then attach that side of the sticker by working from the centre outwards using a piece of hard card or plastic scraper, so there are no bubbles caught underneath the sticker. Then you do the same with the other side of the sticker. If there are any bubbles when you are finished you can prick them with a pin to remove the air.
PLEASE NOTE, before purchasing magnets of the oval ‘Fix The World’ & rectangle Explanation signs for your vehicle, check the doors/panels are made of steel — most cars are steel, however, some newer cars, especially luxury high-end vehicles, might be made from materials like aluminum or plastic, which are not magnetic. To check if the magnet will stick to your car, you can try a simple refrigerator magnet. If you can’t use magnets then your only option is to use stickers.
Our Sticker Mule suppliers can also supply magnet signs of the different sizes. These magnets can be easily taken on or off, such as for a work situation where the business doesn’t allow personal advertising. As you can see in the photograph below, they are very thin and look just like a sticker sign. They have to be kept flat when not in use, and it is recommended that you remove and reapply your magnets every 2 or 3 days, and weekly clean the place on your car where they go and on both sides of the magnet with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Also they can blow off at high speed, so are not recommended for the bonnet. Obviously the 11” magnets won’t stick to your vehicle’s glass back window, but there’s often a space somewhere on the metal work at the back of the vehicle where you can put one or sometimes even two 11” magnets. Some people use magnets on their vehicle doors and have one or two 11” stickers on their back window.
Note, to get the oval sticker horizontal so it doesn’t look tilted, make the line of people underneath the sun level with the horizontal, such as the bottom of the door.
Note, if you want different sized magnets of the 2 bigger ones above, you will need to download the artwork for oval and rectangular signs that are given in the following section, then upload that artwork into the Magnets section of the Sticker Mule website, and then adjust the templates there to the size you want.
Alternatively, you can have your local car-sign shop print your car stickers or magnets
Just download the artwork for the oval ‘Fix The World’ sign, or the artwork for the rectangular ‘Explanation’ sign, and take it to them.
The vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended!
As mentioned in the Flyers section, at the end of Jeremy’s Sermon On The Beach video and booklet there is a short video and transcript of Ales Flisar describing how he is spreading our life-and-world-saving good news to his whole community by systematically mailbox-dropping flyers, handing them out in public places, putting them up everywhere, and driving around in his amazing van (pictured above & with his flyer holder on the back), and how he is then going to do that in his neighbouring town, and so on. And Kevin Ryan (his flyer holder pictured above connected to his roof rack) and Claire Rickie and others are doing similar flyer-bombing and handouts in the UK, as is the Akritidis family and Frank Balamatsias and others in Melbourne, and other supporters around the world. In Sydney, Tony Gowing, has been mailbox dropping 2,500 flyers off a week, doing it a bit over 2 hours on 4 nights a week, and at the end of September 2024 has mailbox dropped some 26,000 flyers! Others in Sydney like Doug Lobban and Lachlan Dunn are hot on Tony’s heels in terms of getting flyers to the world.
So, yes, potentially just through flyers, signs and stickers the whole world can learn of the great sunrise of the relief of redeeming, compassionate love and truth on Earth!