**** NEWS FLASH ****
We need healing understanding of the human condition NOW, or we face terminal darkness.
Well, astonishing as it is, it is that human-race-transforming, biological insight that the World Transformation Movement (WTM) presents.
So join our WTM Facebook Group and participate in the only project that is actually saving the world!
The WTM is a global not-for-profit charity that promotes Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough resolution of the underlying problem in all human affairs of the human condition—thereby ending human conflict and suffering at its source.
As to the veracity of Griffith’s treatise, Professor Harry Prosen, former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, has said, ‘I have no doubt Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition is the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race.’
So join the WTM Facebook Group (which is totally free of charge and obligation) and watch and/or participate in discussion about this all-redeeming and all-wonderful and all-exciting breakthrough in science.
The following posts are a sample of the astonishing discussions that are taking place, so click on any to become part of the conversation (it’s a private group, so if you’re not yet a member you will need to join first).
The Group is proving so effective it has now reached over 13,000 members—and is one of the fastest growing Groups on Facebook! So don’t miss out; join now!
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