Frequently Asked Questions
We have collected every variety of question that we have received and put them and our responses in this FAQ facility, so it’s a very helpful resource.
- 1.1 What is the human condition?
- 1.2 How does science currently explain the human condition?
- 1.3 What is Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition?
- 1.4 How does being able to understand the human condition end the upset anger, egocentricity and alienation of the human condition? / How can everyone’s lives be immediately transformed? / How do you let go of your ego? / What is the transformed state? / How is the transformation that this information brings about different to deferring to a religion?
- 1.5 Why is understanding the human condition important to my life?
- 1.6 Why this solves everything.
- 1.7 What scientific support does this work have?
- 1.8 What was Professor Harry Prosen’s background?
- 1.9 Should people be sceptical about the claims about this work?
- 1.10 Why does mechanistic science ignore, even attack, Jeremy Griffith’s ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation of the human condition? / Is this pseudo-science? / If this is real science, why isn’t it published in ‘peer-reviewed’ journals? / Does this treatise present new data and is it testable; in fact is it science at all? / Is this treatise inductive or deductive science? / What historical evidence is there for the ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation? / How does science confirm the ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation? / Does the treatise have ‘explanatory power’?/ Is this a ‘non-falsifiable’, circular argument?
- 1.11 Where do you recommend I start with this?
- 1.12 What subjects are covered in Jeremy Griffith's book FREEDOM?
- 1.13 Is this idea original or new? / How does biologist Jeremy Griffith’s ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation of the human condition differ from other theories that recognise these elements?
- 1.14 Why aren't these ideas mainstream?
- 1.15 If this is biology, why are there so many religious references?
- 1.16 Why do I find this material impenetrably dense, repetitive, tedious and boring? / This material is so difficult to read surely it needs some serious editing? / Why can’t I understand what this is all about, please send me an executive summary so I have some idea of what you’re trying to say? / Shouldn’t this material be made more accessible, which I have some suggestions about? / Why am I struggling to read FREEDOM? / What is the ‘Deaf Effect’? / What is the solution to the ‘Deaf Effect’?
- 1.17 Shouldn’t your website be toned down, all the ‘hyperbole’ removed and the ‘congested’, ‘loud’ and ‘aggressive’ layout replaced with a gentler, more welcoming format? / Why do you make such seemingly outrageous and offensive claims in your marketing?
- 1.18 Do those who can easily understand this information (and don’t suffer from the usual ‘deaf effect’) have a special responsibility to support it? / Is it true that those who can easily understand this information are dangerously inclined to use the information to make themselves more successful rather than help the WTM spread the precious understanding that finally allowed them to understand the world? / Is there a danger of ‘ships at sea’ ‘pocketing the win’?
- 1.19 A caution about the danger of over-exposure / Advice for people with mental health issues
- 1.20 Can you tell us exactly how the instinct vs intellect clash would have started? / What are some examples of early experiments in self-management that would have led to criticism from our instincts?
- 1.21 Is Jeremy’s analysis of E.O. Wilson wrong, vengeful, unkind and/or egocentric? / Is there a contradiction where FREEDOM quotes E.O. Wilson admitting the truth that finding understanding of the human condition is all-important and then condemning him for presenting a false explanation of the human condition? / Is E.O. Wilson conscious of being the ‘architect of destruction of the human race’, and if not, should he not be condemned? Should FREEDOM condemn E.O. Wilson’s ideas rather than Wilson himself?
- 1.22 Shouldn’t FREEDOM overlook the WTM’s persecution? / Is the WTM being vengeful by including the persecution of the WTM? / Negativity should be removed from FREEDOM to help people access it.
- 1.23 What is the significance of the ‘Mexican Standoff’ where you don’t want to deny the truth of the explanation of the human condition but also don’t want to accept all its exposing and confronting implications? / Why can people become so angry and defensive with this information that they unreasonably try to find fault with both it and the WTM, typically saying such things as “You people need to be more accepting of criticism, like listen to my ideas on how to overcome the ‘deaf effect’”, and “You are using the circular, non-falsifiable argument to block me, where if I complain you say it’s because I’m alienated, defensive and deaf”, and “You are just being unnecessarily off-putting by making claims such as this information saves the world and telling people they’re alienated and that the left-wing is threatening to destroy the human race”? / Why do some people want to call the WTM a mind-controlling cυlt when it’s obviously the opposite of that since it’s all about providing understanding that empowers a person’s mind to think, not take away their ability to think? / Why can people become so confronted by and angry with the information that they are tempted to join the truth-hating attackers of the WTM? / Why did Plato say that the cave prisoners would initially be unable to hear “a single one of the things that they are now told are real”, which is the ‘deaf effect’ problem, and even say the cave prisoners would try to kill the person who tries to release them from the cave? / What is the significance of the phrases “The truth hurts”, and “Denials fight back with a vengeance when faced with annihilation”? / What is the real meaning of the concept of ‘judgment day’?
- 1.24 Why does the WTM allow seemingly absurd and offensive comments like “I really think this man will become recognised as the best thinker this world has ever seen, and don’t we need him right now” to be publicised on its website?
- 1.25 Does Jeremy Griffith cherry-pick quotes from other thinkers, manipulate them, use them out of context, omit key words and passages, misrepresent or misinterpret them, in order to pervert their real meaning and fit an untrue theory?
- 1.26 What is soul, have we all got one, has it been repressed, and if so, how do we rehabilitate it?
- 1.27 Why doesn’t the WTM focus on trying to reach children and adolescents in order to gain a foothold of appreciation for this information?
- 1.28 Is this emphasis on deferring to the more innocent just another form of elitism?
- 1.29 Is the human condition a biological or a psychological problem?
- 1.30 Is upset so engrained in our DNA now that we’ll never be free of it? / Have we been living with the human condition for so long now that our upset angry, egocentric and alienated behaviour has become instinctive and unchangeable even though we’ve solved the human condition?
- 1.31 ‘When I was being cooperative and loving, how do I know if I was behaving in a genuinely selfless, soulful, cooperative and loving instinctive way or in a deluded, selfish, feel-good, pseudo idealistic way?’
- 1.32 What are your views on the death penalty? / Was the killing of people in war ever justified?
- 1.33 Jeremy Griffith writes that “the world is in crisis” and that we’re facing “end game for the human race”, but isn’t our situation getting better not worse? / Aren’t we less violent than we ever were?
- 1.34 How does understanding the human race’s condition help with an individual’s depression and psychosis?
- 1.35 Does this heal anxiety?
- 1.36 Does the search for knowledge end now that the explanation of the human condition has been found? / Will our instincts continue to criticise us now that the human condition has been solved? / Should I choose a job that doesn't involve searching for knowledge?
- 1.37 How much of our upset is caused by our own search for knowledge and how much is caused by the accumulated upset already in the world?
- 1.38 Aren’t some people just born psychopathic, or even ‘evil’? / How does this explanation rehabilitate people capable of ‘evil’ behaviour? / Does this condone ‘evil’ behaviour?
- 1.39 How are we supposed to cope with all the heretical truths brought to light by the explanation of the human condition? / What are some of the heresies that are now safe and necessary to admit? / What is the real meaning of the religious term ‘Judgment Day’?
- 1.40 Aren’t the problems of the world too overwhelming to ever be fixed? / Isn’t it too late to save the world? / How can you hope to transform the world? — In particular, how are you going to change the behaviour of the rich and powerful? / How are you going to reach the bastions of power? / Won’t the greedy and power-hungry simply ignore this?
- 1.41 What are instincts and what is consciousness, and how do they differ? / Isn’t it simplistic to say that instincts and intellect are completely separate? / To what extent is consciousness separate from our instinctive self?
- 1.42 If our instincts are loving and cooperative why would they criticise the conscious mind when it began experimenting with different behaviour? / Why does having loving instincts actually make the instinct vs intellect clash worse? / What is the ‘double and triple whammy’ involved in our upset human condition that Jeremy Griffith talks about?
- 1.43 Why does Jeremy Griffith use so much unconventional formatting in his writing? / Why is there so much bold, capitals, underlining and other emphasis in Jeremy’s writing? / In its publications and on its website, why doesn’t the WTM comply with accepted typesetting conventions?
- 1.44 What is the source of the mental health epidemic that is crippling countries’ economies? / Don’t ADHD and autism and other mental disorders have genetic or chemical or hormonal causes? / What is the only way to bring an end to the mental health crisis?
- 1.45 ‘Don’t you think such-and-such a person’s ideas, or these ideas of mine, make more sense than Jeremy Griffith’s?’ / What about other accounts of the human condition? / Have you considered all the latest theories?
- 1.46 Isn’t the source of humanity’s problems the divided hemispheres of our brains? / Isn’t the alienation of the modern world due to the dominance of the left hemisphere?
- 1.47 How does Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition differ from the theories of Freud or Jung?
- 1.48 What is Jeremy Griffith’s view of there being ancient lost civilisations around the world with highly advanced technologies (such as the ability to build precisely fitting polygonal walls, and cut and move massive stones) that Brian Foerster, Randall Carlson, Graham Hancock, Ryan Moorhen and others maintain must have existed?
- 1.49 What are biologist Jeremy Griffith’s thoughts on Artificial Intelligence (AI)? In particular, does he see extreme danger in the now rapid development of AI? / Does Jeremy Griffith think there are other conscious, highly intelligent beings out there in the universe, and if there are, does he think they would try to contact us, or try to help us, or threaten us in some way? / What is the psychological reason for the epidemic of conspiracy theories?
- 1.50 How do I not become frustrated when the people I want to share this information with can’t get through the Deaf Effect? / What do I do when my family and friends can’t ‘hear’ this? / How do I deal with the world’s scepticism and apathy to this breakthrough?
- 1.51 How does the WTM respond to criticism of Sir Laurens van der Post?
- 2.1 Who is Jeremy Griffith?
- 2.2 Who are some thinkers Jeremy Griffith admires?
- 2.3 Why did Jeremy Griffith suffer from a serious stress related illness when he was described as a leader of an anti-social organisation — shouldn’t he have been immune to the effects of such criticism given he is unresigned and has the reconciling understanding of the human condition?
- 2.4 Is it true, as some people have said, that Jeremy Griffith cannot be considered a biologist because he doesn’t have a PhD, he hasn’t published any research in scientific journals, he is ‘self-published’, his work is inductive not deductive, and he is not an academic who has worked in a scientific institution like a university?
- 2.5 Is Jeremy Griffith’s family — his father, mother and three brothers — supportive of his work on the human condition?
- 2.6 Is it not inappropriate to call biologist Jeremy Griffith’s ‘Sermon On The Beach’ presentation a ‘sermon’, and isn’t Jeremy being pretentious holding forth, shirtless, sunglasses and in an ideal tropical setting?
- 2.7 Like Jeremy Griffith, I’ve always been captivated by that remarkable animal the Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine. Does Jeremy think they are really extinct because even as a child I believed in my heart they were still around, hiding deep in the bush?
- 3.1 What is the WTM?
- 3.2 How is the WTM funded?
- 3.3 How do I contact my nearest WTM Centre?
- 3.4 How can I help the WTM and its work?
- 3.5 How do I become a member?
- 3.6 How do I establish a WTM Centre?
- 3.7 How do I make a donation to the WTM?
- 3.8 Does the WTM run courses or training seminars?
- 3.9 Are translations of Jeremy Griffith’s work available?
- 3.10 Does the WTM offer personal advice?
- 3.11 Why has the WTM received unwarranted responses of derision and hate, and even been persecuted for its work?
- 3.12 Why the World Transformation Movement is the opposite of a cult
- 3.13 Is there an unhealthy focus on Jeremy Griffith within the WTM?
- 3.14 Does Jeremy Griffith regard himself as the ‘second coming’ and as the ‘messiah’ that are talked about in the Bible?
- 3.15 What was Professor Harry Prosen’s background?
- 3.16 What is Tim Macartney-Snape’s background?
- 3.17 How was the WTM persecuted for daring to address the subject of the human condition? / What is the summary of the successful legal action Jeremy Griffith, Tim Macartney-Snape and the WTM undertook to defend their right to exist?
- 4.1 How can everyone’s lives now be immediately transformed? / What is the transformed state? / How is the transformation that this information brings about different to deferring to a religion?
- 4.2 How does this explanation rehabilitate people capable of 'evil' behaviour? / Does this condone ‘evil’ behaviour?
- 4.3 Will every human take up the Transformed State?
- 4.4 What will the new world be like?
- 4.5 Is taking up the Transformed Way of Living more difficult for some people and some races?
- 4.6 What happens to ego now that we have the reconciling understanding of the human condition, is ego going to be obsoleted?
- 5.1 What is Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition?
- 5.2 How did we humans acquire our all-loving, unconditionally selfless moral conscience?/ What do the nurtured and cooperative bonobos tell us about our own evolutionary heritage? / How do you account for reports that bonobos hunt and kill, and even that male bonobos are more aggressive than chimpanzee males?
- 5.3 What is the meaning of life? / What is God? / What is the Integrative Meaning of existence?
- 5.4 How did consciousness emerge in humans? / What is consciousness?
- 5.5 Aren’t other animals capable of conscious thought like humans? / How can you say humans are the only fully conscious animals?
- 5.6 How did unconditionally selfless behaviour become instinctive? / How do you explain the transition from Love-Indoctrination creating selfless behaviour, to that behaviour becoming instinctive?
- 6.1 Is this a religion?
- 6.2 What is the meaning of life? / What is God? / What is the Integrative Meaning of existence? / Does the scientific explanation of ‘God’ really contain all the attributes of religion’s metaphysical ‘God’?
- 6.3 Aren’t all Griffith’s demystifications of religious teachings going to be seen by supporters of religion as blasphemy? / Does understanding of the human condition undermine a faith in religion or God? / How does this affect my personal religious practice? / How can you reconcile the explanation of the human condition that defends the upset state with religious teachings that condemn upset?
- 6.4 What is your definition of a prophet?
- 6.5 Is this just another self-help, New Age, pseudo-idealistic, superficial-treatment-of-psychosis type movement?
- 6.6 What is the danger of the left-wing, pseudo idealist approach?
- 6.7 How can a scientific explanation ever hope to account for and encompass the great ‘spiritual’ dimension we know exists in life? / Isn’t ‘spirituality’ beyond a purely rational explanation?
- 6.8 Is the Integrative Meaning process in control of us? / Will Integrative Meaning ensure that we will return to our cooperative and loving integrative state and avoid terminal alienation? / Can we just trust in Integrative Meaning to take care of everything?
- 7.1 How does understanding the human condition bring an end to the now horrifically polarised world of politics?
- 7.2 What is wrong with the left wing?
- 7.3 How does the Left explain human nature? / Doesn’t the left-wing believe we have a cooperative past? / Wasn’t the accumulation of possessions following the development of agriculture the source of human competition and selfishness?
- 7.4 How can understanding the human condition inform my political perspective?
- 7.5 What, if any, justification does the right-wing have for existing? / Shouldn’t all right-wing parties be voted out because they are brutal and lacking in compassion? / What is a brief description of the difference between the left and right-wing philosophies in politics? / What is the danger of the Left’s philosophy?
- 7.6 What does Jeremy Griffith think about what Russia is doing in Ukraine, and China is doing in the Pacific, and about how the world ‘tunes out America’ now (to quote a recent headline in The Wall Street Journal), and how white patriarchy is being rejected everywhere? In fact, what are Jeremy’s thoughts on the assault that’s going on on the whole Judeo-Christian Western tradition that gave humanity the greatest flowering of thought the world has known?
- 7.7 Shouldn’t the WTM avoid taking sides in politics?
- 8.1 How does this reconcile men and women?
- 8.2 How do we explain human sex? / Beauty
- 8.3 Is Jeremy Griffith’s explanation for male homosexuality true?
- 8.4 Is this work sexist? / Does this work propagate paternalistic, sexist views? / Why are there so many quotes by dead, white males? / Does this work ignore women? / Isn’t it time to move on and be more inclusive? / Doesn’t this all run counter to Critical Race Theory and Critical Gender Theory?
- 8.5 What is Jeremy Griffith’s view of transgenderism or gender dysphoria?