Please note, links to all the Freedom Essays are included at the end of this essay. Open any essay to read, print, download, share or listen to (as an audio).
Freedom Essay 63
Pseudo therapy/healing
Biologist Jeremy Griffith is in the process of writing a book titled Therapy For The Human Condition, parts of which will be incorporated into this Freedom Essay 63. (Since so many people have been asking for the book we decided to make available on our website the book’s early chapters, as they are virtually completed. As more chapters are written, more will be added.)
This Freedom Essay 63 is specifically about the situation the human race has arrived at where the levels of psychological distress or psychosis are now so great that our species is facing extinction from completely unbearable levels of psychosis, and the resulting desperate need for ways to relieve psychosis. But without the biological explanation and understanding of the source of our species’ psychosis or soul-illness or alienation from our soul that Jeremy presents in THE Interview there’s been no ability to actually heal our psychosis. All that’s been possible is superficial and artificial therapy, pseudo rather than real therapy. Ultimately only the redeeming explanation of our species’ immensely soul-corrupted human condition could make possible real therapy of that condition.
In the absence of that redeeming and rehabilitating explanation of our species’ corrupted condition, an immense industry of superficial, pseudo therapy has developed, the most superficial of all being the pseudo idealistic, makes-you-temporarily-feel-good-but-doesn’t-get-to-the-source-of-the-problem-in-fact-determinedly-avoids-getting-to-the-source-of-the-problem, left-wing, politically correct, ‘woke’ culture. The dogmatic imposition of cooperative and loving behaviour actually oppresses the corrupting search for knowledge, ultimately for self-knowledge, the healing understanding of our corrupted condition that we need to actually therapise our corrupted lives. As Jeremy explains in Death by Dogma, ‘the whole ‘point’ and responsibility of being a conscious being is to understand our world and our place in it—ultimately, to find the redeeming and psychologically healing understanding of our seemingly horribly flawed, 2-million-year upset, now totally mad and deranged, human condition. We humans needed answers for our upset, distressed mind, not dogma; we needed brain food not brain anaesthetic; we needed to be able to think our way to sanity, not become brain-dead robots. De-braining ourselves was never going to work. To avoid the fast approaching terminal levels of alienation/ psychosis we simply had to find the psychologically healing understanding of ourselves.’
While the politically correct, ‘woke’ culture is an extreme form of pseudo therapy, there have been many other pseudo therapies that make people feel good temporarily but don’t get to the source of the problem, in fact determinedly avoid getting to the source of the problem of our 2-million-years-corrupted human condition. While waiting for Jeremy to write Therapy For The Human Condition, the following answer to FAQ 6.5, ‘Is this just another self-help, New Age, pseudo idealistic, superficial-treatment-of-psychosis type movement?’, provides a helpful summary of this pseudo therapy situation. And in F. Essay 64 Jeremy will present the human-condition-confronting, honest, true, genuinely effective therapy/healing that understanding of the human condition now makes possible. In due course, F. Essay 64 will also incorporate content from Therapy For The Human Condition.
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WTM FAQ 6.5 Is this just another self-help, New Age, pseudo idealistic, superficial-treatment-of-psychosis type movement?
No. There has been much talk of the need to love each other and the environment, but the real need on Earth has been to love the dark side of ourselves, to find reconciling and redeeming understanding of our species’ extraordinary capacity for brutality, selfish indifference to others, hate, anger, oppression, meanness, cruelty, devastation and destruction—to explain the psychological origins of our deeply distressed so-called human condition and by so doing heal our troubled souls and set ourselves free from our 2-million-years corrupted condition. And it is precisely that all-important explaining, redeeming, reconciling and liberating understanding of ourselves that is presented in biologist Jeremy Griffith’s work.
As Jeremy explains in detail in his booklet Death by Dogma, there has been a great progression of pseudo idealistic movements, each one becoming more escapist and superficial and deluded and dishonest than the previous one; from Religion to Socialism and Communism, to the New Age movement, to the Feminist then Environmental or Green movements, to the Politically Correct then Postmodern then Multicultural then Anti-Capitalism movements, then, most recently, to Critical Theory and its associated Critical Race Theory and Critical Gender Theory. But the truth is that freedom from our 2-million-year corrupted condition could only be achieved by confronting, truthfully thinking about, and finally explaining and thus solving the human condition at its source, which is what Jeremy has done (watch Jeremy Griffith present the breakthrough redeeming explanation of the human condition in THE Interview; for a fuller explanation read chapter 3 of FREEDOM; and for a summary presentation of the key ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation watch Video/F. Essay 3).
What Jeremy is presenting is the reconciling and redeeming explanation of the human condition that we have needed to end the insecurity about our corrupted condition. As the psychoanalyst Carl Jung famously said, ‘wholeness for humans depends on the ability to own their own shadow’. Yes, we needed to be able to understand the dark side of ourselves if we were to become sound and ‘whole’ again.
The many new age and self-help gurus like Eckhart Tolle and Bruce Lipton, and courses, theories and therapies, like ‘mindfulness’, ‘A Course In Miracles’ and ‘living in the now’, don’t deal with the source of our species’ corrupted condition and biologically establish our fundamental goodness as a species. There have been thousands of years of different techniques for calming, restraining, repressing, and even transcending our psychologically upset human condition, which have been very valuable in managing our upset, but none of them have brought an end to the upset state of the human condition—it’s still rampant everywhere—and the reason is because they don’t solve the human condition, bring relieving understanding to it. As one of our subscribers summarised, ‘I can now see why ‘A Course in Miracles’ didn’t work for me. I completed the 365 day course three years running to try and heal myself from deep depression and anxiety. After reading [Freedom] Essay 15 and studying Freedom [the book] it becomes clear that without the explanation of WHY we are so upset ACIM can only act as a sticky plaster with the ‘scream’ still going on underneath.’ Being able to understand the human condition is what actually allows humans to accept and be non-judgmental about their pain, and truly be calmly mindfully aware about their life.
Essentially, pseudo idealistic movements were about finding relief from, or escaping, our tormented condition, rather than directly confronting and bringing redeeming, reconciling and rehabilitating explanation to the battle between our conflicted and divided condition. As Jeremy writes of the pseudo idealistic New Age Movement in FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition, “Irresponsible transcendence of the issue of self, thought repression, enforced dogma and escapism were all fundamentally a ‘retreat from knowledge’. But de-braining ourselves was never going to work; ultimately, we needed brain food not brain anaesthetic; we needed knowledge—specifically the dignifying, uplifting, healing, ameliorating, relieving, peace-bringing understanding of the human condition. Anything else was an abrogation of the fundamental responsibility that came with our greatest capacity and nature’s greatest invention: our species’ fully conscious, thinking, self-managing, self-adjusting mind.” (see paragraph 1180 of FREEDOM)
Yes, the truth is that pseudo idealism has been leading humanity away from the truth about ourselves. It was an irresponsibly escapist abandonment of the search for knowledge, ultimately self-knowledge, understanding of the human condition. It was working against finding the relieving understanding of ourselves.
Having said that, many people have told us they do use mindfulness and meditation, and also breathing techniques, to help access this information and help bridge the huge paradigm shift that this information unavoidably brings. People have said they have needed that extra support from such techniques to calm themselves and aid their concentration. But again, to responsibly and profoundly deal with the human condition you have to confront, explain, understand and by so doing be able to heal and end our destructive nature—there is no short cut. Humans have to be able to understand their way to freedom, and it is that all-clarifying, redeeming and rehabilitating understanding that Jeremy provides.
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You can read more about the history of pseudo therapy in Death by Dogma. You can also read more about the real therapy that is now possible in F. Essay 64, and in Jeremy Griffith’s new book, Therapy For The Human Condition, which is being made available on our website as each part is written.
Discussion or comment on this essay is welcomed—see below.
Please Note, if you are online you can read, print, download or listen to (as a podcast) THE Interview, The Great Guilt, The Great Transformation, Sermon On The Beach or any of the following Freedom Essays by clicking on them, or you can find them all at
INTRODUCTION TO THE EXPLANATION & RESOLUTION OF THE HUMAN CONDITION: THE Interview That Solves The Human Condition And Saves The World! | The Great Guilt that causes the Deaf Effect | The Great Transformation: How understanding the human condition actually transforms the human race | Sermon On The Beach | Freedom Essay 1 Your block to the most wonderful of all gifts | 2 The false ‘savage instincts’ excuse | 3 THE EXPLANATION of the human condition | 4 The ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation is obvious – short | 5 The transformation of the human race | 6 Wonderfully illuminating interview | 7 Praise from Prof. Prosen | 8 “How this ends racism forever” | 9 “This is the real liberation of women” | 10 What exactly is the human condition? | 11 The difficulty of reading FREEDOM and the solution | 12 One hour summarising talk | 13 The WTM Deaf Effect Course | 14 Dishonest biology leads to human extinction | 15 How your life can immediately be transformed | 16 The Shock Of Change | THE BOOKS: 17 Commendations & WTM Centres | 18 FREEDOM chapter synopses | 19 FREEDOM’s significance by Prof. Prosen | 20 The genius of Transform Your Life | THE OTHER KEY BIOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS: 21 How did we humans acquire our altruistic moral conscience? | 22 Fossil discoveries evidence our nurtured origins | 23 Integrative Meaning or ‘God’ | 24 How did consciousness emerge in humans? | 25 The truthful biology of life | • Survey seeking feedback | MEN & WOMEN RECONCILED: 26 Men and women reconciled | 27 Human sex and relationships explained | THE END OF RACISM: 28 The end of racism | 29 Can conflict ever end? | RESIGNATION: 30 Resignation | 31 Wordsworth’s all-revealing great poem | MORE ON THE TRANSFORMATION: 32 More on the Transformation | 33 Jeremy on how to become transformed | THE END OF POLITICS: 34 This understanding ends the polarised world of politics | 35 Death by Dogma left-wing threat | 36 Saving Western civilisation from left-wing dogma | 37 The meaning of superhero and disaster films | RELIGION DECIPHERED: 38 Noah’s Ark explained | 39 Christ explained | 40 Judgment Day finally explained | 41 Science’s scorn of religion | MEANING OF ART & CULTURE: 42 Cave paintings | 43 Ceremonial masks explained | 44 Art makes the invisible visible | • Second survey seeking feedback | 45 Prophetic songs | 46 Anne Frank’s faith in human goodness fulfilled | 47 Humour and swearing explained | 48 R.D. Laing’s fearless honesty | ABOUT BIOLOGIST JEREMY GRIFFITH: 49 Jeremy’s biography | 50 Australia’s role | 51 Sir Laurens van der Post’s fabulous vision | 52 Jeremy’s children’s book A Perfect Life | 53 The ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation is obvious – long | 54 The accusation of hubris | DO WE FAIL OR DO WE MAKE IT? 55 Endgame for the human race | 56 Why there have been ferocious attacks on the WTM | 57 Magnificence of the Transformed State – video 1 | 58 Magnificence of the Transformed State – video 2 | MARKETING: 59 Shouldn’t the WTM’s website be toned down? | 60 The crime of ‘ships at sea’ ‘pocketing the win’ | GENERAL DISCUSSIONS BY JEREMY: 61 General Discussion by Jeremy Aug. 2018 | 62 Jeremy’s Masterpiece Presentation Feb. 2019 | HEALTH & HEALING: 63 Pseudo therapy/healing | 64 Real therapy/healing | From here on are Transformation Affirmations and More Good Info Emails
These essays were created in 2017-2024 by Jeremy Griffith, Damon Isherwood, Fiona
Cullen-Ward, Brony FitzGerald & Lee Jones of the Sydney WTM Centre. All filming and
editing of the videos was carried out by Sydney WTM members James Press & Tess Watson
during 2017-2024. Other members of the Sydney WTM Centre are responsible for the
distribution and marketing of the videos/essays, and for providing subscriber support.
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