Please note, links to all the Freedom Essays are included at the end of this essay. Open any essay to read, print, download, share or listen to (as an audio).



Freedom Essay 17


Thought Leader and Centre Founder Commendations


The dark night sky of our human-condition-stricken world is lighting up with joy and excitement as Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough understanding of the human condition generates amazing commendations from an impressive array of scholars, social leaders, and WTM Centre founders from all over the world!


World map showing location of WTM Centres


As explained in Video/​Freedom Essay 1 at the top of the WTM’s website, the human condition has been the most difficult of all subjects for humans to face, but now that it has at last been explained and made safe to confront, an absolutely fabulous new world where humans can live free of the human condition opens up.

Certainly, as the Nobel Prize-winning playwright George Bernard Shaw said, ‘All great truths begin as blasphemies’, and since there is no greater ‘blasphemy’, or change of a way of thinking, than living with the previously unconfrontable issue of the human condition, it is not surprising that appreciation and support for this greatest of all breakthroughs was going to take time.

Predictably then, this project has had to overcome all manner of scepticism and resistance; but recognition is starting to emerge from thought leaders who have touted it as ‘the understanding that ends all prejudices, like racism, forever’; as providing the ‘true liberation of women and the reconciliation of the sexes’; and being nothing less than ‘The book we have been waiting for, it is the book that saves the world!’. In addition, since the original WTM Centre in Sydney was established in 1983, many, many other WTM Centres have begun to open around the world, and their numbers have been multiplying almost exponentially every year.

When the philosopher Teilhard de Chardin said that ‘The Truth has to only appear once…​for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze’, he was anticipating the ‘tipping point’ the WTM has now reached where its fabulous, dreamed-of, human-race-transforming biological ‘Truth’ about the human condition is ‘spreading universally and setting everything ablaze’!


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Watch some extraordinary commendations from thought leaders by clicking the video players below.


  • Harry Prosen in front of the bonobo exhibit at the Milwaukee County Zoo

    “Truly, this is the book that saves the worldyes, I believe this is the most sensational information to ever appear on planet Earth.”

    Professor Harry Prosen, former President of the
    Canadian Psychiatric Association, presenting
    FREEDOM at Milwaukee Zoo bonobo exhibit

  • Professor Stuart Hurlbert commends Jeremy Griffith’s work

    “I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the
    coming of ‘Darwin II’.”

    Professor Stuart Hurlbert, esteemed ecologist and
    Professor Emeritus of Biology at San Diego State


  • Video player - Franklin Mukakanga presenting at the 2017 WTM Global Conference

    “This understanding of the human condition will end
    all prejudices, like racism, forever.”

    Franklin Mukakanga, former advertising director,
    radio host, psychological therapist & founder of the
    WTM Zambia Centre

  • Dr. Anna Fitzgerald, Molecular biologist, commending Jeremy Griffith’s work

    “This explanation brings about the true liberation of women and the reconciliation of the sexes.”

    Dr Anna Fitzgerald, molecular biologist, co-founded the WTM Auckland Centre, and became a Director of World Transformation Movement, Inc. in 2019


  • Tim Macartney-Snape discusses the book ‘FREEDOM’

    “This book is astonishing, its paradigm shifting. It has to be the most important book ever written.”

    Tim Macartney-Snape, biologist, world-renowned
    mountaineer & twice-honoured Order of
    Australia recipient, talking about FREEDOM

  • Karen Riley, founder of the WTM Canada Central Centre

    “It feels like a veil has been’s exhilarating,
    redeeming, empowering and transforming.”

    Professor Karen Riley, BScPhm, PharmD, clinical
    assistant professor, practicing clinical
    pharmacist & founder of the WTM Toronto Centre


Pierre Bokma, VPRO Zomergasten, 28 August 2024

Emmy Award-winning Pierre Bokma, who is recognised as
‘one of the Netherlands’ greatest actors’, appeared on
Summer Guests (Zomergasten), the Dutch public broadcaster
VPRO’s prestigious annual feature program, saying that he is
‘in awe’ of Jeremy Griffith’s ‘brilliant’ explanation of the
human condition


Jeremy’s presentations of his breakthrough insight into the human condition have attracted further praise and enthusiasm from thought leaders and members of the general public (click on the boxes to read more):


Thought Leader Commendation box from homepage of
General Public Commendation box from homepage of


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Watch the following videoswhich are presented in chronological orderto hear what inspired these founders to open a WTM Centre, and you can then click on the links to explore their websites.


  • Stefan Rossler, speaking at the 2017 WTM Global Conference

    “Jeremy Griffith has solved the human condition
    …we can now solve every problem on Earth!”

    Stefan Rössler, co-founder of two successful IT
    businesses, university lecturer & founder of the
    WTM Austria Centre

  • Sam Akritidis, founder of the WTM Melbourne Centre, Australia

    “This is a triumph for science and for the whole of

    Sam Akritidis, structural engineer & co-founder of
    the WTM Melbourne Centre


  • Roz Bachl, founder of the WMT Hertfordshire Centre

    “This has changed the way I see people…​I can’t
    stress enough the importance of this…​It’s the truth.”

    Roz Bachl, aviation professional, film festival
    director & founder of the WTM Hertfordshire Centre

  • Pete Sadler, found of the WTM Auckland Centre

    “I was completely blown away by the undeniable
    truths Jeremy Griffith has given us all.”

    Pete Sadler, optometric technician, gardening
    business owner & founder of the
    WTM Auckland Centre


  • James Moffett, founder of the WTM Cape Town Centre, South Africa

    “Every person on this planet can change the way we
    are; it’s extraordinary, it’s bloody mind-blowing.”

    James Moffett, world-renowned organic farmer
    and milling innovator & founder of the
    WTM Cape Town Centre

  • Olof Osterman, founder of the WTM Sweden Centre

    “This ends the conflict that’s been oppressing human
    life and leaves us with an optimistic and free future.”

    Olof Österman, accountant, financial controller &
    founder of the WTM Sweden Centre


  • Aggie Seiler, founder of the WTM Brisbane Centre, Australia

    “Jeremy Griffith has put together the pieces of the
    jigsaw puzzle and understood human nature.”

    Aggie Seiler, mental health nurse & founder of the
    WTM Brisbane Centre

  • Gerry St Onge, founder of the WTM Philadelphia Centre, USA

    “This has changed my life…it is the holy grail for the
    transformation of the human race on this planet.”

    Gerry St Onge, management consultant and
    recruiter, local govt rep & founder of the
    WTM Philadelphia Centre


  • Annette Williamson, founder of the Canada West Coast WTM Centre

    “It’s with tremendous enthusiasm that I’m starting
    this Centre to share this transforming knowledge!”

    Annette Williamsen, community health
    professional, nurse, author & founder of the
    WTM Canada West Coast Centre

  • Joseph Ahie, founder of the WTM North Queensland Centre

    “Even more important than the support you get is
    the support you can give because that’s how the
    world starts being saved.”

    Joseph Ahie, tourism professional & founder of the
    WTM North Queensland Centre


  • Annemieke Akker and Hendrik Riksen, founders of the WTM Netherlands Centre

    “The information is true, and will end all the pain
    and suffering, and bring peace to Earth!”

    Annemieke Akker, M.Sc, biologist, editor and
    translator, and the late Hendrik Riksen, application
    development manager in engineering plastics & co-
    founders of the WTM Amsterdam Centre

  • Angela Ryan founder of the WTM Ballarat Centre

    “I’m so glad I’m alive to witness this… everyone in
    the world will soon understand the dignifying and
    redeeming biological truth about us humans!”

    Angela Ryan, lawyer with the Victorian Department
    of Justice, Bachelor of Science graduate & founder
    of the WTM Ballarat Centre


  • Michael Manolis in WTM studio

    “Everyone must know ‘the scientific principle that
    everyone is born good and equal’ which Jeremy’s
    explanation reveals the truth of.”

    Michael Manolis, musical director & performer, co-
    creator of Bran Nue Dae & founder of the
    WTM Broome Centre

  • Craig Conway, founder of WTM North East England Centre

    “FREEDOM is, and could be, and will be, the book
    that saves the world, and the joy of that is you will be
    part of it!”

    Craig Conway, acclaimed English actor, writer,
    producer, director & founder of the
    WTM North East England Centre


  • Linda MacCarthy, founder of WTM Dublin Centre

    “The future of humankind depends upon these hard
    won truths…”

    Linda MacCarthy, Irish craft and design
    entrepreneur, student of the humanities & founder
    of the WTM Dublin Centre

  • Julie Parmenter-Fuery, founder of the WTM Athlone Centre

    “Jeremy’s work transforms how psychology and
    psychotherapy should be taught and used.”

    Julie Parmenter, psychotherapist, counsellor,
    founder of The Dancing Soul & founder of the
    WTM Athlone Centre


  • Sophie Paradis, founder of the WTM Ottawa Centre, Canada

    “Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition is the
    key to ending all the suffering in the world.”

    Sophie Paradis, MAIS, BIB, key account manager
    & founder of the WTM Ottawa Centre

  • Christoph and Birthe Zehntner, founders of WTM Switzerland Centre

    “I think Jeremy deserves a Nobel prize, and I say
    there should be three Nobel prizes to him!”

    Christof Zehntner, M.Sc. ETH, former division head
    at Armasuisse, and Birthe Zehntner, medical lab
    technician, lactation consultant & co-founders of
    the WTM Switzerland Centre


  • Reginal Khotshobe, founder of the WTM Eastern Cape Centre, South Africa

    “This is a movement that will take us all to our
    destiny, together.”

    Reginald Khotshobe of the Xhosa people,
    IT professional & Igqirha [traditional healer]
    & founder of the WTM Eastern Cape Centre

  • Carlos Cruz Blanco, founder of the WTM Colombia Centre

    “I’m certain this information is the key to ending all
    the suffering in the world.”

    Carlos Cruz Blanco, chemical engineer, Research
    Development scientist & founder of the
    WTM Colombia Centre


  • Doug Gibbs, founder of the WTM Whangarei Centre, New Zealand

    “The work of the WTM is providing the cure for
    everything that is destroying our planet.”

    Doug Gibbs, counsellor, head of student support
    & founder of the WTM Whangarei Centre

  • Dorine Mwesigwa, founder of the West Midlands Centre

    “All my life’s questions have been answered in this
    awesome breath-taking work of Jeremy Griffith.”

    Dorine Mwesigwa, author, theologian and life coach
    & founder of the WTM West Midlands Centre


  • Warren Smith, founder of the WTM Oxford Centre

    “This information is absolutely vitalto save not
    only the planet, but also the very essence of
    humankind as the heroes that we were meant to be.”

    Warren Smith, director of construction
    management consultancy & founder of the
    WTM Oxford Centre

  • Karen Boon, founder of the WTM Staffordshire Centre

    “Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human
    condition really does do what it says it will doit
    really does ‘SAVE THE WORLD’”

    Karen Boon, online language tutor,
    employment facilitator & founder of the
    WTM Staffordshire Centre


  • Sarah Colqhoun, founder of the WTM Albury Centre, Australia

    “The human condition has been solved! It’s all over,
    red rover. It’s NOW and it’s ON!!”

    Sarah Colquhoun, teacher and librarian & founder
    of the WTM Albury Centre

  • Jolanda and Fred, founders of the WTM Arnhem Centre

    “It ends all prejudices, all insecurities, forever!”

    Jolanda Timmerman & Fred Lankamp, town planner
    and music teacher & founder of the
    WTM Arnhem Centre


  • Annabelle West, founder of the WTM Southern Highlands Centre, Australia

    “We have the job of making these vitally important
    ideas available and accessible to everyone.”

    Annabelle West, teacher & founder of the
    WTM Southern Highlands Centre

  • Juan Ubiera, founder of WTM New York Centre

    “Jeremy Griffith’s wonderful understanding of
    the human condition will change the world.”

    Juan Ubiera, drummer, percussionist and music
    teacher & founder of the WTM New York Centre


  • Dorine Mwesigwa, founder of the WTM Centre Uganda

    “This will impact Uganda because understanding
    the human condition turns lives around.”

    Dorine Mwesigwa, author, theologian and life coach
    & founder of the WTM Uganda Centre

  • Simon Mackintosh, founder of the WTM Wellington Centre, New Zealand

    “It is an honour and a pleasure to be able to stand by
    these explanations by setting up a Centre.”

    Simon Mackintosh, builder and musician
    & founder of the WTM Wellington Centre


  • Raf Van Den Plas, founder of the WTM Antwerp Centre

    “I’m convinced that by spreading this information
    the world will change fundamentally!”

    Raf Van Den Plas, IT consultant
    & founder of the WTM Antwerp Centre

  • Lucas Machlein founder of WTM Nice Centre, France

    “This explanation of the human condition brings an
    end to the psychosis of the human race.”

    Lucas Machlein, management of sciences and
    technologies & founder of the WTM Nice Centre


  • Deepak Bhatt founder of WTM Gujarat Centre, India

    “The dark night is over and the sun is rising at the
    horizon in the human condition free world.”

    Deepak Bhatt, mechanical engineer
    & founder of the WTM Gujarat Centre

  • Greg Bray founder of WTM Bay of Islands Centre, New Zealand

    “Time to start shouting the truth of
    this explanation from the rooftops!!”

    Greg Bray, B.Sc, adventure tourism guide
    & founder of the WTM Bay Of Islands Centre


  • Pamela Fairbanks, founder of WTM Richmond Centre, USA

    “If you decide that you want answers to all
    the burning questions, they’re there!”

    Pamela Fairbanks, field engineer
    & founder of the WTM Richmond Centre

  • Bob Montefusco, founder of WTM Plattsburgh Centre, USA

    “This will heal the world, transforming mankind
    and fulfilling the human journey!”

    Bob Montefusco, USAF crew member, blue-collar
    worker & founder of the WTM Plattsburgh Centre


  • Ange Thomas, founder of WTM Bunbury Centre, Australia

    “With all of my heart, I know this understanding of
    the human condition will definitely save the world.”

    Ange Thomas, regional training coordinator
    & founder of the WTM Bunbury Centre

  • Amanda Pollard, founder of the WTM Ipswich Centre, Australia

    “It literally solves everything in the world, and I
    know that’s a huge statement, but it does!”

    Amanda Pollard, mother, farmer, artist
    & founder of the WTM Ipswich Centre


  • Ann Waddicor, founder of the WTM Oslo centre, Norway

    “I’m so thankful to hear such ideas of life at 80 years
    young. It’s the most exciting moment in my life!”

    Ann Waddicor, poet, artist, writer, photographer &
    founder of the WTM Seljord Centre

  • Fabiana Hargreaves da Costa, WTM Oslo

    “This is the path to joy and freedom that everyone is
    looking for, this is the real deal!”

    Fabiana Hargreaves da Costa, head of supply at
    fashion business & founder of the WTM Oslo Centre


  • Joseph Wood, World Transformation Movement Edmonton Centre

    “Humans have done amazing thingswe’ve flown to
    the moon. But life’s about inner knowledge, solving
    our psychosis, which Jeremy has done!”

    Joseph Wood, teacher, principal, therapist
    & founder of the WTM Edmonton Centre

  • Gerald Zarfl, World Transformation Movement Graz Centre, Austria

    “To understand the human condition is freedom in itself, freedom from all guilt, uncertainty and the conflict within us.”

    Gerald Zarfl, database developer &
    founder of the WTM Graz Centre


  • Norma Alge, World Transformation Movement Bregenz Centre, Austria

    “People from all over the world are coming together through understanding this information.”

    Norma Alge, clinical and health psychologist & founder of the WTM Bregenz Centre

  • Sanjoy Pal, World Transformation Movement Kolkata Centre, India

    “‘UNDERSTANDING’ is the medicine we need to
    finally heal, harmonise & clear up all the mis-understanding and confusion about ourselves.”

    Sanjoy Pal, architect &
    founder of the WTM Kolkata Centre


  • Yvonne Hayes, founder of World Transformation Movment Centre Preston (UK)

    “Jeremy Griffith supplies the answers we have all
    been searching for and the time has come for the
    world to start listening.”

    Yvonne Hayes, a mind-body coach and massage
    therapist & founder of the WTM Preston Centre

  • Veronica Ciccosanti Pistilli, WTM East Stroudsburg Centre, USA.

    “With this appreciation of ourselves and our species,
    we can move forward, all of us together, to save
    ourselves and our home, this planet!”

    Veronica Ciccosanti Pistilli, respiratory therapist &
    founder of the WTM East Stroudsburg Centre


  • Fabiana Hargreaves da Costa, WTM Rio de Janeiro Centre

    All I want to do from now on is to support the
    WTM in whatever way I can to spread this
    information to every human on earth.

    Fabiana Hargreaves da Costa, head of supply at
    fashion business & founder of the WTM Rio de
    Janeiro Centre

  • Reverend Wilson Loilole Laiser., World Transformtion Movement Tanzania Centre

    “This will bring people back to their [soulful]
    nature  where they can enjoy their life, their
    freedom, their brotherhood & get joy.”

    Wilson Loilole Laiser is a pastor, a social and
    political leader & founder of the WTM Tanzania


  • Higinio Mendoza Jnr, founder of the World Transformation Movement Pittsburgh Center.

    “It’s important that we end the human condition
    that has hindered us tremendously and embrace this,
    because it will change the world.”

    Higinio Mendoza, Jnr, small business owner &
    founder of the WTM Pittsburgh Centre

  • Refentse Molisawa

    “I honestly don’t know how we can go forward in the
    world without Jeremy’s information.”

    Refentse Molosiwa, author & founder of
    the WTM Mahikeng Centre


  • May Gibbs, WTM Phoenix Centre founder

    “The value of this illuminating information is
    undeniable. It moves mountains and is a blessing
    without end.”

    May Gibbs, wife and mother & founder
    of the WTM Phoenix Centre

  • Robert Dunlevy, WTM Morgantown Centre founder

    “We are part of something that can truly bring peace
    to individuals and lay the groundwork for healing
    humanity! It is true freedom.”

    Robert Dunlevy, exercise physiologist, certified
    health coach & founder of the WTM Morgantown


  • David Garcia, WTM Madrid Centre founder

    “Jeremy has given us all the understandings and
    tools to fulfil the human journey, bringing
    peace and light to earth.”

    David Garcia, pilot & founder of
    the WTM Madrid Centre

  • Dustin Hull WTM Tampa

    “We can come home from our journey with the holy
    grail of understanding in hand & all of the old armor
    we built for ourselves can just simply fall away.”

    Dustin Hull, master’s student in psychology (training
    to become a child counsellor) & founder of the
    WTM Tampa Centre


  • “I am deeply grateful that this knowledge & joyful message crossed my desk in my lifetime. I am simply blown away”

    “I am deeply grateful that this knowledge & joyful
    message crossed my desk in my lifetime.
    I am simply blown away.”

    Cees Meiboom, IT professional (retired), chess
    coach & founder of the WTM Centurion Centre

  • “FREEDOM is unlike anything you’ve read before. And the more you return to it, the layers and layers just peel away. It’s phenomenal.”

    “FREEDOM is unlike anything you’ve read before.
    And the more you return to it, the layers and layers
    just peel away. It’s phenomenal.”

    Beth Williamson, mother of two and a former
    teacher, environmental advocate and local councillor
    & founder of the WTM Herefordshire Centre


  • Claire Rickie, World Transformation Movement (WTM) Kent Centre, UK

    “If this information were widespread, humans would
    be enabled & motivated to work cooperatively for the betterment of the world and all its creatures.”

    Claire Rickie, cleaner, mother & founder
    of the WTM Kent Centre

  • Ales Flisar, World Transformation Movement (WTM) Sunshine Coast

    “This is it for me, I will be living in line with these understandings for the rest of my life.”

    Ales Flisar, professional rock climber
    & founder of the WTM Sunshine Coast Centre


  • Sven van Westen, World Transformation Movement Rotterdam (Netherlands) Centre

    “I can see how having this knowledge will over the next couple of generations bring about the transformed world.”

    Sven van Westen, key account manager for a major
    Danish fashion brand & founder of
    the WTM Rotterdam Centre

  • Jeff Palon, World Transformation Movement Seattle Centre

    “Gaining this knowledge has just been such a weight
    off my shoulders in so many ways, and so I hope
    this important work can spread worldwide.”

    Jeff Palon, builder & founder of the WTM Seattle Centre


  • Chanchal Malhotra, founder of World Transformation Movement Delhi Centre

    “It is the solution to the human condition, all the
    problems in the universe, and there can be no other understanding. The answers are all there.”

    Prof. Chanchal Malhotra, Assistant Professor of Botany at Baba Mastnath University in Haryana & founder of
    the WTM Delhi Centre

  • Sebastian Cillo, founder of World Transformation Movement Buenos Aires Centre

    “I consider FREEDOM and all of Jeremy Griffith’s work to be the most important information in the world.”

    Sebastián Cillo, physical therapist& founder of the WTM Buenos Aires Centre


  • Jack Soden, World Transformation Movement Bolton Centre, UK

    “Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the
    human condition is the grand unifying solution
    to all the world’s problems.”

    Jack Soden, M.Sc., laboratory technician at a
    biomedical & life sciences company &
    founder of the WTM Bolton Centre

  • Sharon Jessop, World Transformation Movement Port Elizabeth (South Africa) Centre founder

    “This knowledge has the power to actually save the world, which makes me really excited. It’s the solution I’ve always sought.”

    Sharon Jessop, former lawyer & now personal development coach, motivational speaker, conservationist & founder of the WTM Port Elizabeth Centre


  • Hodei Cia, founder of World Transformation Movement Pamplona Centre, Spain

    “With this explanation we can give our lives meaning
    and abandon the nihilism of younger generations
    really do something about our troubled mental health.”

    Hodei Cia Lizaso works in a world-leading
    professional services firm & is founder of
    the WTM Pamplona Centre


The following WTM Centres also have presentations and websites coming soon:


  • WTM Ethiopia, founded by Tibebe Hailegiorgis
  • WTM Frankfurt (Germany), founded by Susanne Supper
  • WTM Bialystok (Poland), founded by Mariusz Zaleski
  • WTM Tweed Heads (Australia), founded by Colleen Fryar
  • WTM Slovenia, founded by Ales Flisar
  • WTM Plymouth (England), founded by Nick Rule
  • WTM Kimberley (South Africa), founded by Alfred Khaziwa
  • WTM Obdach (Austria), founded by Michi (Michael) Bärnthaler
  • WTM Truro (England), founded by John Nicol
  • WTM Manchester (England), founded by Rob Hannay


As you can see, WTM Centres are opening everywhereso contact your nearest Centre and get involved, or if you would like to start a Centre contact us HERE.


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Watch Jeremy Griffith present the breakthrough redeeming explanation of the human condition in THE Interview; for a fuller explanation read chapter 3 of FREEDOM; and for a summary presentation of the key ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation watch Video/​F. Essay 3.


Discussion or comment on this essay is welcomedsee below.




These essays were created in 2017-2024 by Jeremy Griffith, Damon Isherwood, Fiona
Cullen-Ward, Brony FitzGerald & Lee Jones of the Sydney WTM Centre. All filming and
editing of the videos was carried out by Sydney WTM members James Press & Tess Watson
during 2017-2024. Other members of the Sydney WTM Centre are responsible for the
distribution and marketing of the videos/​essays, and for providing subscriber support.



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