Jury Finds Four Corners Defamatory
In May 2003 a jury found the 1995 ABC-TV Four Corners program seriously defamatory of Jeremy Griffith and Tim Macartney-Snape AM OAM, both founding directors of the FHA.
‘ABC Loses Defamation Case’: The Australian Newspaper’s Report
‘A NSW Supreme Court jury today found ABC’s Four Corners program defamed…Mr Macartney-Snape and Mr Griffith….’
Statement by Jeremy Griffith
‘Tim, myself and others have been seriously stigmatised when the only thing we are guilty of is daring to think, and daring to think about the most important issue confronting the human race, the issue of the human condition….’
Statement by Tim Macartney-Snape
‘In 1998 the Australian Broadcasting Authority ruling discredited this Four Corners program as “inaccurate, partial and unbalanced”. The ABC refused to apologise and declined its right to challenge the ruling. I still find it astonishing that in order to receive justice we have had to pursue this matter through the courts….’
Media Release
‘This outcome is not just a big step towards redressing the serious damage that has been done to our livelihoods and reputations. More importantly, today’s decision is a tremendous victory for the freedom of new ideas to be debated fairly and tolerantly in our society….’