News Flash



Because you will discover that not only is Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition rational and fully accountable, it actually addresses the source of all our problems and in doing so transforms the world!!

So join the many thousands on our Facebook Group exploring this profoundly liberating and transforming scientific breakthrough!




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(it’s a private group so you’ll need to join)


The holy grail of insight needed to rehabilitate and transform the human race discover it for yourself!




“The human condition is explained and all our suffering ends!”




“Jeremy Griffith’s truthful and complete compassionate understanding transforms the desperate dying world we live in into a blindingly beautiful world with no boundaries!”



“Finally something that makes sense, it’s not just some fake promise or something you have to trust in, it actually makes sense!”





Join the Group’s 55,000+ members. It’s the ONLY place to be!!!



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