— News Flash —
FINALLY, relieving understanding of the human condition!
YES, biologist Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough explanation of the human condition finally solves human suffering and conflict at its source — at last bringing real and lasting peace and happiness to humanity.
Join the great celebration on our Facebook Group.
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(it’s a private group so you’ll need to join)
“Everyone’s got to get a taste of the joy, zest, drive for life this understanding gives you, it’s just amazing, this has got to go around the globe!”
Watch Elon Musk describe his Resignation to living in denial of the depressing issue of the human condition—which Jeremy Griffith has now explained & solved!
“This understanding will solve the psychologically paralysed state of the younger Millennial, Z and Alpha generations!”
Let’s get this world-saving explanation out there and save the world!
Join the Group’s 56,000+ members. It’s the ONLY place to be!!!
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