**** NEWS FLASH ****


Bono nailed it when he sang we have to “kick the darkness till it bleeds daylight.”


And the famous biologist E.O. Wilson also nailed the need to bring the light of understanding to the darkness of our condition when he said, “there is no grail more elusive or precious in the life of the mind than the key to understanding the human condition.”


And Darwin anticipated the need for that light of understanding in his famous book The Origin of Species when he wrote “In the distant future I see open fields of far more important researches. Psychology will be based on a new foundation…Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history.”


And the psychologist Maureen O’Hara recognised the absolute urgency for psychological understanding of ourselves when she said “humanity is either standing on the brink of a quantum leap in human psychological capabilities or heading for a global nervous breakdown.”


So that’s how important understanding of the human condition is, and since Professor Prosen said “I have no doubt that the biological explanation of the human condition presented in Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM provides the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race”, you must join the WTM Facebook Group where this desperately needed insight “for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race” is being discussed with enormous interest and excitement!



The Group is proving so effective it has now reached over 15,000 membersand is one of the fastest growing Groups on Facebook! So don’t miss out; join now!



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