
We would value your feedback to THE Interview, The Great Guilt, The Great TransformationSermon On The Beach and Videos 1-4, and to Video 14 as it is the other very important video to watch. Completing this Questionnaire will also help in your consideration of the key points that are made. In order to submit the Questionnaire you need to complete all questions for at least one video. All feedback is confidential.

Intro Video 1, THE Interview, explains

in Part 1:

  • TI.1 that the main excuse used to explain our competitive and aggressive condition is that we have ‘savage instincts’, but this excuse is wrong because we have cooperative and loving moral instincts.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TI.2 that the truth is we don’t suffer from a must-reproduce-our-genes animal condition but a conscious-mind-based psychologically troubled human condition.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TI.3 that having a conscious-mind-based psychologically troubled condition means it can be healed with understanding.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TI.4 that the true instinct vs intellect explanation of our human condition is very obvious because if an animal was to become fully conscious, as we did, then it makes sense that an upsetting battle would break out with its instincts, which only the understanding of, which we now have, could cure.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 2:

  • TI.5 that the reason we haven’t been taught the instinct vs intellect explanation is that even though we have known since ancient times, such as in the Garden of Eden story, that the emergence of our conscious mind led to our ‘fall’ from innocence, until science explained the difference between the instinct and intellect learning systems we had no ability to explain the good reason for our corrupted condition, which left us no choice but to deny that we once lived in a cooperative and loving innocent state and to hold onto the false ‘savage instincts’ excuse for our divisive behaviour.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TI.6 that this habituated attachment to the ‘savage instincts’ excuse has been blocking scientists from a truthful understanding of the human condition.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 3:

  • TI.7 that nurturing, which primates are especially facilitated to develop as a result of their arms-free arboreal heritage, is what created our species’ extraordinary moral nature.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TI.8 that bonobos provide the perfect evidence for how nurturing created our moral nature.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TI.9 that John Fiske first put forward the nurturing explanation in 1874 and even though it was described at the time as being far more important than Darwin’s principle of natural selection, it was ignored and let die because until we could explain our corrupted condition and resulting inability to adequately nurture our offspring, it was far too confronting a truth to accept.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 4:

  • TI.10 that the way understanding of the human condition transforms the human race is that since we now have the real defence for our corrupted condition, all the old artificial defences of retaliation, denial and seeking relieving power, fame, fortune and glory are obsoleted, which means everyone is free to take up a transformed cooperative, selfless and loving existence.

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  • TI.11 that the pseudo idealism of the left-wing in politics oppressed the search for knowledge and was regressive not progressive, it was the right-wing that held the moral high-ground, but thankfully this transformation now ends politics and the whole human race sets out as one united organism to a human-condition-free world.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TI.12 that since this interview provides a short summary of what is going to be explained in more detail in the following Videos 1-4, there will be some repetition of the concepts that have been presented in THE Interview in those subsequent videos.

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Intro Video 2, The Great Guilt, explains

  • GG.1 that people suffer from an extreme Deaf Effect where they initially have great difficulty taking in or ‘hearing’ the most wonderful gift of being able to understand the human condition.

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  • GG.2 that the reason people suffer from a Deaf Effect is because of our historic fear of the human condition, which is the immense guilt and shame the human race feels for having corrupted our species’ original cooperative and loving instinctive existence.

    • I understand what’s said

  • GG.3 that what happened was we humans became conscious and, for some reason that we had absolutely no understanding of, started to become competitive, aggressive and selfish—behaving in a way that was completely at odds with our instinctive self or soul that only knew to behave cooperatively, selflessly and lovingly.

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  • GG.4 that not being able to understand why we had become seemingly evil monsters caused us humans to feel terribly ostracised and lonely in the world, a loneliness that allows us to understand such practices as the ancestor worship evident in the 12,000 year old Göbekli Tepe settlement in Turkey.

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  • GG.5 that trying to confront the subject of our corrupted, seemingly worthless human condition without understanding of it has been so unbearably depressing for almost all adolescents that they had no choice other than to eventually ‘resign’ to living in denial of the subject.

    • I understand what’s said

  • GG.6 that even though we are now defended with the good reason for our corrupted condition, our fear of the subject from when we unsuccessfully tried to confront it when we were adolescents stops us from ‘hearing’ discussions about the subject.

    • I understand what’s said

  • GG.7 that the one final challenge for the human race is to have enough people overcome the Deaf Effect for there to be a critical mass of appreciative people showing everyone else that it is actually now safe to confront the all-important, crux issue of the human condition.

    • I understand what’s said

  • GG.8 that there is a small category of people who didn’t resign to living in denial of the human condition and who therefore don’t particularly suffer from the Deaf Effect called ‘Ships at Sea’, and it is these people who are most able to help initiate support for this world-saving understanding.

    • I understand what’s said

  • GG.9 that examples of rare exceptionally honest thinkers illustrate just how much the human race has been living in denial of the human condition and therefore how precious it is for everyone to now be able to understand and heal our psychologically distressed condition.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 2000 characters left

Intro Video 3, The Great Transformation, explains

in Part 1:

  • TGT.1 that despite finding the key understanding that ends the underlying pain in our brains and allows the human race to become psychologically secure, happy and sane again, our species’ great struggle is not yet over because we still have to apply it fast enough to save the human race from the imminent threat of our species’ extinction from terminal levels of psychological upset.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 2:

  • TGT.2 that as Plato predicted, having lived in deep fear of the issue of our corrupted condition, we suffer from a Deaf Effect preventing us accessing the explanation of the human condition.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TGT.3 that the overall solution to the problem of the Deaf Effect is to patiently wait for a critical mass of people to appear who have managed to overcome the Deaf Effect and for the relief and excitement of these people to then inspire the rest of humanity to persevere reading and listening to the explanation of the human condition enough so they can also overcome the Deaf Effect.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 3:

  • TGT.4 that once the Deaf Effect can begin to be overcome, the problem is that it will take a number of generations to psychologically rehabilitate the human race, which is too long to avoid extinction from terminal psychosis.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 4:

  • TGT.5 that the answer to the problem of how we avoid extinction from terminal psychosis is the Transformed Way of Living where we let go of our old, now obsoleted, selfish preoccupation with winning power, fame, fortune and glory as the way to sustain our sense of self-worth, and instead focus our mind on living for and through the fabulous cooperative, selfless and loving new potential that has opened up for the human race now.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TGT.6 that the Transformed State is not the horrifically deluded, human-race-destroying false start to a transformed loving world that the politically correct, ‘woke’ movement is dogmatically trying to impose.

    • I understand what’s said

  • TGT.7 that the Transformed State is not a religion—while religions were human-condition-relieving, they were not human-condition-resolving like the understanding we are now able to live in support of is.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 5:

  • TGT.8 that Jeremy Griffith’s headmaster at Geelong Grammar School, Sir James Darling, was actually focused on the crucial need for this fundamental change from living selfishly to living selflessly; his vision was to preserve the innocent souls of the boys attending his school in the hope that one of them might remain sound enough to achieve humanity’s seemingly ‘impossible dream’ of finding the redeeming understanding of our corrupted human condition that makes the ‘change of heart’ to living selflessly possible.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 6:

  • TGT.9 that what will complement and help that transformation, and in the long term remove all the psychosis in the human race so there is no longer any need to transcend it with the Transformed Way of Living is the actual therapising of our psychosis that the redeeming understanding of our corrupted condition now makes possible.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 7:

  • TGT.10 that while many people will want to actively therapise their psychosis, the priority always has to be to take up the Transformed Way of Living because that alone is what can quickly bring the human race back from the brink of extinction from terminal levels of psychosis.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 9:

  • TGT.11 that the answer to the ‘Mexican Standoff’ where you know the information is true and that all the logic says you can and should let go of all your old artificial ways of validating yourself, but you have become so dependent on and attached to those ways of living that you find yourself unable to let them go, is to change to being mentally framed up to focus forward on supporting the fabulous new potential for the human race.

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  • TGT.12 that when you let go of your old preoccupation with trying to artificially validate yourself every minute of every day, which is what you have been doing, you will discover an absolutely incredible freedom you didn’t dream could be possible.

    • I understand what’s said

in Part 10:

  • TGT.13 that the Akritidis family demonstrate how being able to understand the human condition has therapised and brought incredible relief to their relationships and lives, as it can for everyone’s life.

    • I understand what’s said

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Intro Video 4, Sermon On The Beach, explains

in Elaborated transcript:

  • SOTB.1 Lacking the real defence for our corrupted condition all we have had to cope are the artificial defences of attacking any criticism of ourselves, of denying and blocking out any such criticism, and of achieving any positive reinforcement of ourselves that we can get hold of; our angry, alienated and egocentric ways of coping are what have sustained us.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.2 The ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation of the human condition that explains why we humans are good and not bad obsoletes the need for our artificial angry, alienated and egocentric ways of coping and allows us to adopt the Transformed Way of Living, where we live in support of that redeeming understanding of ourselves.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.3 BUT the problem is how do we let go of our attachment to those old defences that we have become so dependent on and practiced at using.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.4 We are caught in a Mexican Standoff where we can’t go back into denial, pretence and delusion and yet we can’t go forward into accepting and implementing the implications of what we have learnt.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.5 The great problem with this resistance, this stalled Mexican Standoff state, is that it blocks our mind from being able to experience how this transformed way of living actually works. Because we find it almost impossible changing the focus of our minds, we are unable to discover how fabulously satisfying, wonderful and exciting the new Transformed Way of Living is.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.6 The most effective way of overcoming this problem of your extreme attachment to your existing defensive structure and its block to being able to experience how incredibly relieving and exciting the new Transformed Way of Living is, is to think very clearly about the situation the human race is in.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.7 The truth is that our artificial angry, alienated and egocentric ways of coping with the unbearable truth of the human race’s and our own corrupted condition are ultimately not sustainable and therefore it is undeniable that at some stage we have to stop living that way. The other truth is that this end point where the human race can’t endure any more angry, alienated and egocentric behaviour has now arrived, which means the human race urgently has to make the change from living that way and instead take up the Transformed Way of Living, which means you should make that change yourself, take up the Transformed Way of Living.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.8 You need to hold all the logic so clearly in your mind that you are able to allow your mind to actually take up the Transformed Way of Living, and at that moment when you actually do make that change you will suddenly experience how incredibly relieving and exciting living that way is, and then you won’t want to live any other way ever again.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.9 While all previous forms of abandoning our upset angry, egocentric and alienated life were fundamentally irresponsible and pseudo idealistic, abandoning our upset, egocentrically embattled, denial practising life is now not only legitimate, it is the only way to live.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.10 It won’t be long before everyone you walk past will be smiling and happy because they know about the Transformed Way of Living and how it saves the world. A great weight has been lifted off humanity—its 2-million-year long guilt for having corrupted our all-loving soul—so there is just going to be immense relief and joy everywhere.

    • I understand what’s said

Postscript 1:

  • SOTB.11 This video is one of the most important presentations in human history! Following Abraham’s ability to think extremely truthfully, to ‘chat with God’, and create monotheism, we can see that the three great speeches in human history are firstly, Moses’s teaching of the Ten Commandments, then Christ’s ‘Sermon on the Mount’ to bust through the Mexican Standoff that his great relief system was up against, and now Jeremy’s ‘Sermon On The Beach’ to bust through the Mexican Standoff that his ultimate relief system has been up against!

    • I understand what’s said

Postscript 2:

  • SOTB.12 We legitimately and responsibly no longer have to focus on ourselves, and instead are free to focus on supporting and promoting the reconciling, redeeming and healing understanding of the human condition.

    • I understand what’s said

Postscript 3:

  • SOTB.13 The incredible relief and indescribable happiness we feel when we fall in love is how wonderful being able to live free of the human condition is.

    • I understand what’s said

Postscript 4:

  • SOTB.14 People aren’t calling it a “Sermon” because it’s religious, but because, like Christ’s ‘Sermon on the Mount’, Jeremy’s presentation is his great call to action to actually end the agony of the human condition that the finding of the redeeming and rehabilitating biological explanation of the human condition finally makes possible.

    • I understand what’s said

  • SOTB.15 It is natural for people to project the realities of the world, and even of their own insecurities, onto situations but if you look more closely at what is happening the evidence is that Jeremy is not on some pretentious ego trip, but is being completely unpretentious, unself-conscious and natural.

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Main Video 1, Your block to the most wonderful of all gifts, explains:

  • 1.1 that humans have lived in great fear of the issue of the human condition.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 1.2 that this fear makes absorption of discussion of the human condition difficult.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 1.3 that you therefore have to patiently re-listen to the presentations to overcome this ‘deaf effect’.

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Main Video 2, The false ‘savage instincts’ excuse, explains:

  • 2.1 that the ‘savage instincts’ excuse has been used to explain our competitive and aggressive condition, but this excuse is wrong because we have cooperative and loving moral instincts.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 2.2 that the truth is we don’t suffer from a must-reproduce-our-genes animal condition but a conscious-mind-based psychologically troubled human condition.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 2.3 that the false ‘savage instincts’ excuse has been used to justify the imposition of left-wing ‘correct’ behaviour.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 2.4 that this imposition is both wrong and dangerous.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 2000 characters left

Main Video 3, THE EXPLANATION of the human condition, explains:

  • 3.1 that rather than being due to ‘savage instincts’ our psychologically troubled human condition is due to a clash between our orientating instincts and our conscious mind’s need to understand cause and effect.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 3.2 that this explanation ends the historic burden of guilt and criticism of humans and reveals that we are the heroes of the story of life on Earth.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 3.3 that the explanation establishes that all humans are equally good.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 3.4 that this understanding obsoletes our old artificial power, fame, fortune and glory ways of validating ourselves and by so doing transforms the human race.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 3.5 that Moses’s allegory of Adam and Eve corroborates that we humans did once live in an innocent state and then became corrupted when we became conscious.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 2000 characters left

Main Video 4, The ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation is obvious, explains:

  • 4.1 that we have suffered from the ‘double whammy’ of psychological upset because we have cooperative and loving moral instincts.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 4.2 that there is, as Richard Heinberg’s book documents, ‘everywhere in religion and myth…an acknowledgement that human consciousness has been separated…from an original innocence and can return to it only through the resolution of some profound inner discord’.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 4.3 that, as Hesiod described, we once were ‘A golden race…with calm untroubled mind’ who ‘shared’ everything and were ‘strangers to ill’.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 4.4 that, as Plato similarly said, we once lived in a ‘state of innocence, before we had any experience of evils to come’ when ‘neither was there any violence, or devouring of one another, or war or quarrel’ and then humans became conscious and ‘had to order their course of life for themselves, and were their own masters’, which caused ‘the separation, when the world was let go’ leading to the ‘universal ruin’ that has arrived today.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 4.5 that bonobos evidence the nurturing that created our cooperative and loving moral instincts.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 4.6 that the unjust condemnation by our instincts caused all the volcanic frustration and anger in us humans, and our need for material reinforcement.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 4.7 that this unjust condemnation necessitated we used the false ‘savage instincts’ excuse until science arrived to explain the real reason for our fallen condition.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 4.8 that contemporary thinkers like Eugène Marais, Laurens van der Post, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Berdyaev, Erich Neumann, Paul MacLean and Arthur Koestler also evidence that the instinct vs intellect explanation of the human condition is the true explanation of it.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 4.9 that with this true explanation of our condition we can now, as T.S. Eliot said, ‘cease from exploration’ and return to the upset-free state ‘where we started and know [understand] the place for the first time’.

    • I understand what’s said

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Main Video 14, Dishonest biology leads to human extinction, explains:

  • 14.1 that scientists, like everyone else, have been living in fearful denial of the human condition and, as a result, have (Darwin excepted) been putting forward all manner of dishonest ‘explanations’ for human behaviour.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 14.2 that these dishonest ‘explanations’ are largely based on the seductive reverse-of-the-truth lie that we have savage instincts and a guilt-free conscious mind that has to manage them. It is us humans now who are extremely upset savage monsters, not our ape ancestors.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 14.3 that Social Darwinism led to E.O. Wilson’s theory of Evolutionary Psychology, and then to his Multilevel Selection theory which instead of explaining the human condition nullified it, effectively burying humanity forever in the darkest depths of Plato’s cave of denial.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 14.4 that the most dangerous use of the false ‘savage instincts’ excuse is the left-wing’s use of it to justify its dogmatic imposition of ‘correct’ cooperative and loving behaviour — dangerous because it stopped the all-important search for knowledge. As Nietzsche said, we had to ‘keep holy’ our ‘highest hope’ of achieving ‘enlightenment’ of our condition.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 14.5 that, as Dennis Prager ‘warned’, ‘the left...use [dishonest, ‘savage instincts’] coerce its citizens’, ‘dictate what is to be tolerated and what is to be mocked’ by accusing them of being ‘sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist and bigoted’.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 14.6 that only this true explanation of the human condition can stop this left-wing march to an unthinkably horrific psychotic death-by-dogma end of the human race, and bring about a real transformation of humans.

    • I understand what’s said

  • 2000 characters left

Have you re-watched these videos?

Finally, if you do think that the now desperately needed, most ‘elusive and precious in the life of the mind...understanding of the human condition’, that E.O. Wilson spoke of, has indeed been presented here, and that our species’ historic resistance to engaging with the subject means there will be a great ‘deaf effect’ resistance to it, will you help us defend and promote this absolutely critical human-race-saving understanding?

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