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Reviews of FREEDOM in bookstores
Since its launch in 2016 there have been innumerable extraordinarily enthusiastic customer reviews of Jeremy Griffith’s seminal book FREEDOM on online bookstores and review sites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Google Books and iTunes. Of course, given that, as George Bernard Shaw wrote, ‘All great truths begin as blasphemies’ and there’s no greater blasphemy or breaking of tradition than addressing the issue of the previously, but no longer, unconfrontable subject of the human condition (see Freedom Essay 30), there’s also been many reviews that bitterly attack FREEDOM. What is so significant, however, is that anyone trying to make sense of such an extraordinary polarity of opinion only has to read some of the positive ‘5 star’ reviews to realise how sincere, sensible and accountable what they’re saying is to suspect there must be something truly ground-breaking and extraordinary about FREEDOM, and from there start reading it and discovering its true depth and merit.
Following is a short selection of ‘5-star’ customer reviews for FREEDOM (click on any image to read):
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For a further collection of extraordinarily enthusiastic comments about Jeremy Griffith’s work, see our online endorsements.
Freedom: The End of the Human Condition
by Jeremy Griffith (Goodreads Author), Harry Prosen (Introduction)
Heather Wilson’s review
May 06, 2016
This is a big important book about the human condition. I’ve been deeply interested in this subject since I was a child and drove my teachers batty with questions about existence. Even in literature, philosophy or psychology classes in which understanding of the human condition is at least half the point, I found myself unsatisfied. Even in therapy and in various religions, I was told to let these issues go as understanding the human condition including the nature of evil, why there was so little cooperation, why was there such a focus on personal aggrandizement, etc was impossible, so just move on, which I also found deeply unsatisfying. Reading the introduction to this book I was equal parts excited and skeptical. But the introduction goes on to clearly explain the avoidance of these huge issues and I began to be even more interested while gaining a clearer picture of why so many of the people I’d turned to for help had been unable or unwilling to thoughtfully discuss the issue with me. It means something significant to me that this experience is acknowledged and discussed throughout this book.
In acting out so many of the ‘worse’ parts of human nature, we’re out of harmony with ourselves, each other and the planet. This is unsustainable for our health and well being (causing problems like depression) as well as societal functioning (genocide, inequality) and brings us nearer to a planetary catastrophe (ecosystem destroyed, nuclear annihilation). As the author puts it, we have to choose self-discovery over self-destruction, and to do that we need to mature psychologically to address the root cause of the problems and not just run around willy nilly attempting to put band-aids on the symptoms. He asks, “Why are we the way we are-competitive and aggressing rather than cooperative and loving - and beneath that, the deeper question of the origin of all this psychological frustration and pain inside of us humans?”
The author gives an explanation for why there’s so much alienation as well as disconnect and tension between instinct and intellect. This is the key revelation of the book and there’s a significant amount of explanation based on careful and deliberate thought, evolutionary research and explorations into literature, philosophy and religion. The author also analyzes the way humans have coped and the problems we have. While I don’t doubt the big reveal at all, I don’t necessarily agree with everything he says about human behavior and coping mechanisms. But that’s okay and doesn’t have to detract from the key message and where he says we should go (behave, interact) from here on out because at the end of the day it’s more important what we do next than that we absolutely agree on everything that’s come before. I’m not going to share about what I disagree on for that very reason and because it’s entirely possible I might change my mind about these disagreements later since there’s a lot of links to further explore these topics that I’m looking forward to reading and contemplating. Ultimately I think it’s more important to move forward in the healthiest way possible rather than get bogged down in dissecting everything to the nth degree. While I agree that we need to know who we are and how and why we behave the way we have, I agree with the author that because of how damaged we are, some truths might be too intense for us to handle at this point - and even the author is to a degree upset and alienated (because we all are) which can impact his interpretations too. I know us humans are not functioning well and I definitely desire to move past that into something better, truer and more integrated.
The author has been criticized for being too repetitive. I think that judgement is a bit harsh because he explains something and then later something else and because most of us don’t read or think well, he brings up the thing from before to tie it into the new piece of insight. Sure, sometimes I wish he’d allude to it or reference it (and to be fair, sometimes he does) rather than repeating the whole thing. Or if he’s got two or more related insights to the new thing, just reference one of them, but this also is something that shouldn’t stop you from reading and thinking about the book.
He has a few writing style issues that I had to keep reminding myself not to get bogged down in, such as his serious overuse of “Yes,....”, the word so, and hypenating strings of words. For me, every instance of that resulted in actual scratching of body (and I’m raw in some places), but not everyone will have that kind of visceral reaction. Again these were things I’m willing to overlook to read his thoughts and his wonderful collection of passages, poems, lyrics from people that influenced him. In particular, I was reminded of my great love of William Wordsworth who I haven’t read in years and my past deep interest into writings on animal behavior. There’s a significant amount of reading I want to do now starting with rereading Plato (who I also haven’t read or thought about in years) and reading the bonobo research he references.
The author writes in a relatable style and spends a lot of time preparing you to understand the information, sharing the info, and then further explaining to make sure understanding is reached. There’s videos to watch and discussion groups to join and links to further info of topics, like the ‘deaf effect’ (this is something that makes understanding slower or more difficult). This is written for the general public, you won’t be wading through versions designed for the scientific community.
It’s a big book with big ideas and stimulates thought about the human condition. I’m happy I read it, I’m going to reread it as well as the links to expanded development of his ideas and will read much of the material he references. I may very well be a part of this new transformative movement because of a deep resonance with key thoughts. I’ve been burned before so I’m proceeding cautiously and slowly, but this may well be the path I take. I definitely recommend this book. I wish I’d read the author’s works long before now, as this could be the key to not simply personally living well, but legitimately saving humanity from complete catastrophe. I received this book at a free or discounted price in exchange for my honest review.
Jack Wilson
...will challenge everything you think you know.
Reviewed in the United States on May 15, 2016
I read this book on a recent holiday and its still flooding me with inspiration, ideas and insights weeks later. It’s weird to say, but its given me a genuine hope and excitement about life for the fist time I can remember. I think it may well be the most important book I’ve ever read, and maybe that’s ever been written!
This book will challenge everything you think you know. Expect that. Keep an open mind until you’ve finished it. If you do, you’ll be able to consider a whole new possibility for humanity. One that offers understanding where none exists, compassion in place of guilt and blame, and hope for a world in desperation.
It will take you through the history of life on earth, and the development of humanity.
It will explain the battle of the sexes, what sex really is, and why its so important and so dangerous at the same time.
It will explain the wonder of childhood, the torture of teenagers and why adults are so embattled.
It explains the difference between races, how they’ve developed, and why we’ve struggled so much to acknowledge that those differences exist.
It will explain that ‘baddies’ can actually be the heroes, and how ‘goodies’ have actually just been making things worse. In fact it explains why we’re all ‘good’ after all, despite our flaws and mistakes.
Music, religion, sport, drugs, the environment, the economy, Dylan, Trump, Plato, Marx - this book explains it all, and how through that understanding, humanity can be finally be free from the human condition.
Miss P
Brings me compassion as a teacher
Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2016
I’m about to finish my teaching degree and so I am ready to take on the world of educating the next generation… and I thank my lucky stars that I have read Jeremy Griffith’s book. Thanks to FREEDOM, particularly Chapter 8, I am able to comprehend what is psychologically and developmentally occurring at the individual level of the children. Where once I would have been reprimanding, I’m now flooded with understanding and compassion. The classroom becomes an entirely different place. While some days its very difficult, I really feel as though I can ‘be in their shoes’ so much more than I would have ever been able to without this book. I see their innocence and don’t take that for granted. I feel their despair at the world and I can acknowledge that as legitimate and I can genuinely have hope for their futures knowing that, thanks to Griffith’s insights, there is an answer now to the problems in the world and in their lives, and know that they won’t have to grow up without understanding of the human condition.
I’ve gone from being overwhelmed with despair; why don’t their parents help them learn to read, why don’t they have a proper lunch, why do their eyes seem so sad… to basking in their gorgeous enthusiasm for life and loving their open, trusting, forgiving, innocent sensitivity for the absolute heaven that it is.
This is a beautiful book.
Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2016
I expect this will be a difficult read for some. It is not orthodox in its presentation. Many will find the the ambition of the book troubling and some of the assertions threatening. I did. But, ultimately, I found it to be a beautiful synthesis of what we know of ourselves, providing a comprehensive and, importantly, compassionate explanation of why we are the way we are. I’ve been able to use the paradigm Jeremy Griffith presents to make more sense of the world than I had been able to without it. Much more.
Surely we must correctly understand ourselves as a species before we can make any headway in securing a real future. Clearly we do not. While people have a right to be sceptical about this book, it tackles the issue of our current condition head on and presents a breakthrough perspective. It needs to be read. Widely.
Re-Claim Your Birthright
Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2016
Verified Purchase
When my wife and I started reading FREEDOM we started to notice a repetition of sorts. Then we realized that with each repitition it seemed to peel a scale from our eyes and allow us to ‘see’ what was being offered. Gradually, as the scales were receding from our eyes, we were able to feel a very tangiable burden being lifted from our lives. Mine was the burden of eternal damnation (having been raised pentacostal) and for my wife it was the relief of NOT having been a bad parent. We now see the battle for what it is, a type of Civil War where brother fights brother to futher the truth of our beautiful birthright and expose the damage that has been cast upon us by our conscious search for knowledge. FREEDOM: The End of the Human Condition
A Google user
July 19, 2016
This book is an avalanche of new ideas that build on each other and so be prepared, it’s a lot to take in! But it contains truly extraordinary revelations that will blow your mind and change the way you view the world. Jeremy Griffith puts forward a unique explanation of human behavior based on the difference between how instincts and a conscious mind operate, and what inevitably occurs when consciousness emerges in the presence of pre-existing instincts. He suggests that all the dysfunction and trauma exhibited in human activity today can be sourced to the unavoidable conflict that emerged 2 million years ago when consciousness developed in early humans and challenged our instincts. This simple proposition is backed up by a wealth of data, from anthropology and primatology to great literature and even pop culture. He suggests that human instincts were to be cooperative and loving, not brutish and aggressive—the opposite of what we’ve generally been taught for decades—and puts forward the explanations from that perspective. It’s absolutely fresh, unique, challenging and incredibly insightful. These core propositions form the basis of this sweeping book. Liberate yourself: read this book.
“I’ve just finished ploughing my way through Freedom: The ...
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 August 2016
Verified Purchase
“I’ve just finished ploughing my way through Freedom: The end of the Human Condition and I must say that I don’t think I’ve ever been so affected by a book. One minute I’m elated that I’ve GOT IT, the next minute I’m helpless because I don’t know what to do with it. But, yes, it’s an incredible piece of work and it does answer my deepest, most profound questions.”
Amazon Customer
You must read this book
Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2016
Freedom - The End of the Human Condition is without a doubt the most extraordinary book I have ever read yet in all the chaos and racket where everyone overplays and overstates everything all the time, I worry this endorsement from a stranger on the web will fall on deaf ears. I can simply say - please read this book. Give it a chance.
Freedom explains why cultures clash, why the sexes battle, why teenagers rage against their parents and why mankind is dangerously destructive towards our planet. It explains how we acquired our conscience and how we became conscious, it de-mystifies religion and our concept of God, it explains the drivers behind politics and the simple, beautiful physical law that drives the meaning of existence, the meaning of life. You must read this book. Freedom explains all I just mentioned in first principle scientific terms with no dogma or leaps of faith and the book delves successfully into so many forbidden areas of thought I found myself thinking of the author not who are you, but WHAT are you? WHERE did this come from? HOW does this book exist? You simply must read this book! Best of all, Freedom explains our fundamental goodness and explains with incredible compassion why we’re all so messed-up, so angry and so egocentric and why that upset state was inevitable. The relief that comes from this knowledge, a firm, sound knowledge of our fundamental goodness, is amazing and its this relief I’m hoping to share. As much as a recommendation from a stranger on the web can influence you, please read this book.
Freedom: The End of the Human Condition
by Jeremy Griffith (Goodreads Author), Harry Prosen (Introduction)
Jeff Kressmann’s review
Sep 26, 2016
This book has many problems, including an awkward writing style in which the author strings together endless lists of hyphenated adjectives and repetitive phrases it is often disjointed in its organization and flow. And, the author sets forth many crude judgements on those who don’t agree with him, even resorting to occasional profanity. These flaws would ordinarily lead one to dismiss the book as a whole. However, the sublime brilliance of its central thesis tends to wash away those concerns like a torrential rain cleaning the streets of trash. This book is a towering achievement in its insight and implications for all of humanity. To fully understand what Griffith is telling is is just as the author quotes of the prophetic Bob Dylan on first hearing the revolutionary music of Elvis Presley: “Hearing him for the first time was like busting out of jail.” Reading Freedom is, after thousand of years of tormented human history, like finally busting out of the jail of human confusion and alienation. A stunning achievement.
Heidi Trevaskis
*Reading this book made me realise how little I know
Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2016
I thought I had a pretty good handle on reality and ‘how the world works’, but this book has exposed me as being pretty clueless. Not an easy admission to make but I’m all for learning ;). Page after page of this book challenged my preconceptions about human nature -- why some people ‘make it’ while others struggle; why teenagers seem so damn difficult; why I often don’t ‘get’ what makes men tick; why racism / sexism / ageism / religious extremism is rampant; even why I vote the way I do (pretty confronting stuff)! In terms of the book’s enlightening content, this is a pretty skinny list, but it gives some indication of the sacred cows this author is willing to sacrifice to tell the truth about us all and hopefully provide the answers we need to get
A book that goes to the heart of our problems
Reviewed in the United States on January 7, 2017
Our ‘human condition’ is a disconcerting subject to grapple with. Nevertheless it is a most important subject. I want to support the fearless and authentic description and analysis of the human condition in Jeremy Griffith’s book ‘Freedom’.
While I find Griffith’s writing style unconventional and struggle at times with reading about the human condition, there is no doubt that this is a book that goes to the heart of the immense problems facing our world.
I am a retired teacher and come from a more traditional scientific background. I struggle to internalise the biological treatise that Griffith bases his insights on but cannot dispute their validity. I am impressed by his reconciliation of the differing aspects of human life. He describes the integrative purpose on Earth, leading to the development of life, and then to the higher mammals with their nurturing of offspring, to the evolution of humanity’s moral instincts and conscious mind, and finally the development of the human condition. This is all very compelling and resonates deeply with me. The ideas sit comfortably with my scientific background and with my devotion to the Christian faith.
I really relate to Griffith’s Adam stork analogy which conveys his central concept of how our human condition came about as a result of a clash between our already established instincts and our newer conscious self.
I sincerely hope that people, especially the younger generation, can get off their electronic devices and take the trouble to consider the insights presented in ‘Freedom’. This troubled world needs some serious help and Griffith is looking with deep insight into humanity’s problems. This is a most worthy work that everyone should read.
Jeremy Griffith is a great man.
Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2017
Verified Purchase
This is a one of a kind book. I consider it a very important read also. Written by a biologist that speaks from the heart he tells what he has found to be the end to our human condition. He explains it in easy to understand writing but be warned, it is repetitive but I think that’s mainly his style of writing. He’s trying to get the word out and I think it’s pretty much a good conclusion for the end of suffering as I’ve ever heard. No one else seems to be trying to find a place in this world for peace and understanding. Religion just doesn’t cut it, however he does explain some parts in the Bible that go with his findings of truth. Evolution and humans. I really wish everyone would read this book, it makes so much sense.
Nick Glen
As with most challenging things, the reward is worth the perseverence
Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2017
Verified Purchase
Some days this book was bloody great, cutting through all the BS swirling around my life (and in the world) and like listening to a prophetic Bob Dylan song. Other days, when I didn’t want to confront the psychological aspects of human nature, of myself, I felt like chucking it out the window, which has helped to understand why it’s received some adverse reviews – I get that. However, I’m also aware of the intrinsic fear we have about the subject of the human condition but realise that’s all it is, fear. And conquering that fear is a genuine possibility with Jeremy Griffith’s impressive synthesis of the subject and I emphasise ‘biological’ synthesis because this is not an airy fairy Eckhart Tolle, mindful, peace-out, stop thinking and just live in the moment, book. This book reveals and confronts the true nature of who we are, why we are selfish and egocentric and so addicted to power, fame and glory and how those addictions can now all legitimately end with the resolution of the underlying insecurity in each of us..
Challenging at times due to the heavy nature of the content but when I persevered, I was rewarded with a much greater understanding of human behaviour that has made me more secure in my own life, which I’m now seeing has a flow-on effect to my family and friends and I hope eventually the wider community.
This is also not a book you read once, it will be re-read and I’m sure understood and interpreted differently on each reading. Thank you Jeremy Griffith: it’s a big book, a difficult book, an important book and as Professor Prosen’s summary on the cover states - a potentially world-saving book.
The presence of both ‘unconditionally selfless’ and ‘obsessively selfish’ behaviour and the psychosis it produced in humans, is the human condition. A troubling subject for many adults and adolescents to analyse or think about seriously, even thought by some to be impossible. What doesn’t help is that the realm of thinking has been plagued by a plethora of self-help gurus, cυlts, sects and all manner of other mindless manipulators with ulterior motives.
You wonder whether science was ever going to honestly face down this subject, and if it did, what would it reveal? Would it reveal humans as amazing given the immense sensitivity, love and cleverness we possess, or were we absolute viruses on the planet for living out our widespread destructive, mean, selfish and alienated behaviour? Could it reveal a science based meaning to life or purpose to life?
A big hurdle has been that science traditionally presents that humans have unchangeable ‘survival-of-the-fittest’ selfish instincts that account for our divisive behaviour, which could only be managed (or controlled) by imposing order and discipline on each other. Implying that we must live in an unchangeable psychologically oppressed and insecure state of mind.
Remarkably, the selfish gene excuse has been completely blown apart by Australian Biologist Jeremy Griffith, who’s research and evaluation has accurately linked the origin of human’s divisive nature to our psychological development.
The origins of our divisive nature are explained in the book through an incredibly concise Stork Analogy. The analogy demonstrates the central cause of the minds aggressive behaviour, as being a reaction against our instincts resistance to the search for knowledge, which the mind was ultimately responsible for undertaking. The situation was unavoidable, tragically necessary and the cause of an incredible degree of suffering, but importantly is no longer something unchangeable. It is revealed that the conflict between intellect and instinct resulted in a psychosis, that can be addressed with understanding.
FREEDOM, takes you on a thought journey, revealing the biological truth about the human condition. This breakthrough scientific explanation has opened the flood gates for an entirely new platform of thought, namely an understanding-based platform, as opposed to the existing oppressive platform influenced by insecurity and negativity.
In the process of explaining the human condition, the author also makes some incredible breakthroughs in a multitude of other seemingly unrelated subject matter. For example:
The book reveals the wonderful role of physics law of negative entropy – and links humans to the Integrative Meaning process – where matter trends to larger in size and more stable in time wholes. It elaborates on how the degree of wholeness achieved by a system, is determined by the degree of selflessness and cooperativeness expressed by the individual parts of a system.
The book reveals the beautiful role and real meaning of love - the tendency or desire to be unconditionally selfless, the necessary trait for parts to develop into the most stable whole.
The book gracefully reveals the origin of RESIGNATION - the great psychological event that occurs amidst human adolescence, where humans begin to wrestle with the problem of the human condition, observing the contradictory behaviour in the outside world and within themselves. A time when adolescent minds question - do we behave selflessly or do we behave selfishly? – are we wonderful beings or absolutely horrible? – questions that if unanswered, left them in dark depressing uncertainty and insecurity about their worthiness – a restless torment caused by the inability to understand the role of the intellects divisive retaliatory behaviour (anger, egocentricity and alienation).
The book reveals the scientific definition of the term ‘soul’ - the instinctive genetic memory of a loving, sensitive, cooperative past, and how it was acquired.
The book compassionately reveals the fundamental role that ‘nurturing’ had on our species development, and how nurturing and ‘love-indoctrination’ provided the key to unlocking the capacity of consciousness in our species, while other species haven’t.
The book necessarily explains the origin and role of religion, worship and human’s infatuation with an after-life, and demystifies many biblical parables using first-principle science interpretation.
The book astonishingly explains the underlying root-causes for ADHD, Autism, Racism, Sexism and polarised Politics.
For me, this book is evidence that humans have finally learned about their past and present. These lessons of the past are now ready to be used for conscientious decisions about our future.
It truly has become an exciting time to be alive, with the opportunity to finally overcome our species psychosis, and live the incredibly transformed lifeforce way of living that this breakthrough understanding contained in FREEDOM makes possible.
The organisation World Transformation Movement has been established by the author to support and promote understanding of these biological breakthrough insights.
In my mind, the world’s role-models, though leaders, influencers and politicians need to urgently get behind the WTM and Jeremy Griffith’s work, to stop the escalation of suffering.
I really hope you enjoy and embrace the book as much as I have, and get on the front foot about spreading it out there.
FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition
by Jeremy Griffith (Goodreads Author), Harry Prosen (Introduction)
Tim’s review
Nov 07, 2017
Makes sense of so much senselessness
The information presented in this book has the potential to change the world, and enable mankind to win the race against themselves. The solution is so amazingly simple, and so incredibly difficult. How to change the hearts of billions of individuals? One at a time.
Everyone in the world needs to read this book or hear the message it contains. I only pray that we can save ourselves before we destroy ourselves.
Idea that deserves to be tested
Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2017
I am giving this 5 stars because the idea within it deserves to be discussed and tested.
I have been reading this author and thinking about his ideas for many years. The description below is faithful to my own perspective, but I am a lay person and aware that my words might blur semantic borders that others see and I don’t or are subjective when I think they are objective or loaded when I think they are neutral.
To engage with the idea you must assume that the theory of evolution is valid and that consciousness in humans emerged gradually.
This allows a model of the human being as comprising two states: a primary instinctively orientated state that drives us but is subconscious, on the one hand, and consciousness, which developed later and is secondary and where we experience our capacity to deliberate, rationalize and conceptualise. Let’s say the two states correspond to a gene-based learning system and a nerve based learning system respectively. Or maternalism and paternalism.
Consider the incompatibility of these two states - the one blindly but ultimately successfully driving humankind to co-operate in solving the problem of survival, and the other allowing us to be detached and objective and act deliberately and selfishly.
The author asks whether the primary state corresponds to our abiding sense of our innate goodness or godliness, despite our capacity for sin.
In the model, the primary state is subconscious but also capable of perceiving and reacting - what happens when we react on instinct. So it is capable of apprehending and responding with mute judgement and even recoiling in horror from its co-state.
This predicament would be especially cruel where the primary state was prelingual and therefore voiceless.
The author suggests all it could do is create a disturbance which would provoke a sort of defiance that fed our egotism and selfish and evil urges. In this way he challenges the notion that these destructive urges are innate, like our capacity for good.
The author asks if this weird, beleaguered situation explains our yearning for reassurance about the existence of our primary, let’s call it innocent, state and why the tenets of the great religions resonate as profound truths and why we feel beauty is truth in art and why we attribute special insight to those who seem able to describe this appalling, universal and at the same time individual, state of conflict.
The author collects these expressions in his books and considers how his ideas stack up beside them.
The author asks us to consider what happens when we hold these hypotheses in our awareness. He suggests that that exercise could start to relieve or heal the psychological disturbance, freeing us to restore ourselves to our original cooperative or loving state.
In my experience, acknowledging and discussing the existence of this hypothetical condition with another person, who is open to doing the same, is to find common ground on its authenticity. The feeling that follows is relief. Is that because it starts to open the heavily rusted doors of our respective lonely prisons of uniqueness and inevitable separateness from each other?
Is that worth exploring further?
My answer is five.
Eileen Mennim
The explanation for the duality of the human persona.
Reviewed in the United States on February 5, 2018
Jeremy Griffiths book FREEDOM is the most enlightening and informative book I have ever read. It offers to us indepth insight into the reasons behind our dual natured personas and the psychological complexity of the human being. This book in not an easy read as it can make us very uncomfortable when faced with the truth of the dark side of our nature. But as we progress through this book we reach an understanding of how we came to be the way that we are. It leads us out of the dark tunnel of confusion and despair as we are brought to the realisation of the magnitude of the evolutionary journey through which we as humans have traversed. I cannot rate this book highly enough for it has the capacity to bring about an expanded wisdom within us to enable us to transform ourselves into the origins of our nature which is peaceful and loving.
Jeremy Griffith is indeed a giant among us.
With heartfelt thanks
Eileen Mennim
3 years ago
A Courageous Book That Deserves To Be Read By Many, Many People. P…
A courageous book that deserves to be read by many, many people. Preferable those in power who need to run the planet more responsibly and with less destructive partisanism. A uniting theory that could save us all.
The One
Worth the effort.
Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2018
Verified Purchase
Depending on a persons level of self awareness, this can be a painful read, or, a liberating read. Every solution for the human condition that I know of, directs a persons attention to outside causes, ie; other people, God, genetics, economy, politics, evolution, sin...either as a “bad” cause, or, solutions for these “bad” causes, which are, in reality, symptoms of the human condition. Everything I’ve heard, is what we must do(outside) to correct all the wreckage caused by the human condition. This book gently tries to re-orient a persons attention to what’s within...
Discovering and examining a persons own “evil”, tends to bring a person down... After all, our thoughts help to cheer us up or bring us down, we get a feeling from whatever daydream or thought we are presently having. Discovering and accepting and even loving our dark side has the unexpected consequence of a feeling of wholeness and gives us an understanding of, everyone... In acknowledging(in detail) our dark side, it shifts from being our master, to being our slave...
Davey Wavey
A Staggering Feat
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 21 January 2019
Verified Purchase
I first downloaded this as a free ebook but recently bought the paperback version after finishing the ebook as it’s easier for me to relate to sections when I see where they are in a printed volume.
After 30+ years of seeking a valid answer to why we are here on Earth, this book was the major and final piece of the puzzle for me. Although I only needed one section to complete my personal search, this book is a significant study of the entire Human Condition and, to fully answer the problems of our upset world, it needs a vast coverage of all aspects of biological life.
Jeremy Griffiths has managed to pull together all these aspects into one volume which is a staggering feat. Various other reviews have mentioned that such-and-such a topic was originally covered by xyz scientist at whatever time, but this is to miss the point of this book. Jeremy Griffiths makes no claims that he is the original and only person to have thought up these ideas. What is incredible is that Jeremy Griffiths has managed to pull the relevant information together and, as only a biologist could, has enhanced this diverse information with unique and original insights to create a coherent depiction of biological diversity leading to the current upset Human Condition.
This book takes effort, it takes consideration, and it exposes the reader to a battle that has been raging within our species for millenia. Don’t expect the answer to existence to be as easy as a children’s book, but keep coming back to this book as it settles into your psyche and start looking at how life can be better by following the advice given.
I sincerely hope you read this book, because otherwise we are all headed into the pit of despair and extinction.
By Anonymous on March 22, 2019
This book is incredibly detailed but extremely effective in understanding people and the world. The writing is repetitive, but Griffith goes to pains to let you know that’s intentional because of the difficult nature of the human condition. It’s a bit like that educational method of needing to read (or even write) an essay three times before your brain properly locks on to the logic. So don’t get side-tracked by the repetition because it’s necessary and ultimately really helpful in appreciating the magnitude of Griffith’s explanation of life
Angelo, March 27, 2019
Chose this book because unlike other scientific books on human behavior its blurbs seemed to talk to the layman. And that impression was borne out. It didn’t go into complex formulas and bewildering, glazed-eye-inducing theories (other than to point out the limitations of where science has gone since Darwin, whom the author admires. A massive tick in my opinion.) Rather Griffith speeds along, citing everyone from the philosopher Plato to J.D. Salinger and almost everyone worth knowing in science, philosophy and popular culture in between, and explaining everything like politics, religion… basically all the taboo topics that have been impolite to talk about in the past, and too dangerously politically incorrect to talk about now! Completely unique, incendiary in places, but mind-blowingly honest and truly revolutionary. Watch this space.
From Bonobos to religion it is all explained
I was first drawn to this book for its analysis of bonobos in understanding the origins of human cooperation and other behavioral traits, but found the discussion of the advent of religion to be really interesting. As an agnostic, I never really thought about why people need religion to the extent they do, that that regardless of which faith you belong to, it is the greatest “industry” in the world with unmeasurable influence – for good and bad. So to have the reasoning behind faith explained in such pragmatic yet compassionate terms was spell-binding. It’s really made me bottom out on the intricacies of the human mind and where we turn for our meaning and spiritual survival.
by Margo on June 11, 2019
Flückiger Bernadette
bewertet am 27.06.2019
Very enlightening and helpful - this book’s information will improve life on earth for all sentient beings, totally different to any other books written about life, this is a total breakthrough and shows the absolut importance on nurturing our children.
Equals Family
The best thing ever...
Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2019
Verified Purchase
Listen, people, we need this, it is the only thing that will save this world and us from us, believe me, it is self-confronting and will wake us up, it is needed, it is difficult at first digesting this truth but in the end, you will be thankful that you received this precious gift for us...
3 years ago
I’ve Given This Book To Friends And They Have Been Unable To Get A ...
I’ve given this book to friends and they have been unable to get a foothold on this formidable looking book, and just fallen off. But, I say, that foothold is so clear, its right there in the first chapter: Our pre-established instincts criticised our emerging mind’s attempts at self-management, and our mind became upset and defiant in response - all humans are upset and defiant and that is the reason. That is the foothold that Griffith gives at the beginning of the book and if you get your mind around that, then the rest of the book is a cakewalk. Its like one minute you are standing at the bottom of a sheer 10 mile high cliff thinking it is unclimbable, and the next minute you can see a beautiful stairway. Buy the book, get your mind around the foothold, then climb higher than you have ever climbed before, that’s my advice.
You name it, this book explains it!
Worth having on Kindle so you can access the index and search functions to find the myriad phenomena of life it unpacks and explains. You name it, this book explains it! Just remarkable.
by Joan Holker on July 25, 2019
C.S., July 29, 2019
Not for the faint of heart but utterly transformative if you hang in there.
An Incredible Book
This is an incredible book in it’s ability to explain so much about human behavior (including my own) and so bring about the sort after understanding we humans have been longing for since we became conscious 2 million years ago. If you haven’t got it get it, if you haven’t read it read it, and if you have read it read it again!
Submitted 3 years ago
By Doug
From Sydney
Verified Reviewer
Brian, 3 years ago
Unique and Unshackled
Once in while you come across a mind that seems to be from another planet, so unique and unshackled to the status quo do they appear. Griffith is without a doubt the holder of one of these minds and thank goodness because to solve problems one has to bring objectivity to the table. He does this in spades. That’s all I can say, and I’ve said too much. Just read it yourself and you’ll know what I mean. Thanks.
Nicole H Miller
More ‘aha’ moments than from any other book
Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2019
FREEDOM absolutely changed my perspective on humanity (past, present and future). It was a rollercoaster of a read because it very deeply explained human behaviour and as such my own behaviour (😬🤦♀🥰). I had more ‘aha’ moments than from any other book I’ve read which was really exciting. I learnt SO much about humanity’s journey from our distant primate ancestors, about the significance of nurturing for the evolution of man and of course about the human condition… which was, to say the least, a most profound, confronting, exceptional experience. Griffith presents a blueprint for the future that is eye-opening (under-statement), challenging, provocative, courageous, and so, so optimistic in its no-holds-barred frankness and enthusiasm about where humanity is heading. Earth-shattering and life-changing; it opens up a whole new world. It’s phenomenal.
The book that saves the world
Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2019
Verified Purchase
Phew! Or as we say in my culture to let people know that you are alive “Tihei mauri ora”.
There’s just way too much information to share here so I won’t.
Please, please, read this book.
Paperback edition by Charlie Felch
“A phenomenal piece of work.”
A phenomenal piece of work, Griffith belongs up there in the company of the great thinkers of all time who have brought about paradigm shifts in our self-conception. A big call but not a cliché or hyperbole. Just the truth.
24th September 2019
I know you know this is a book by a biologist, and so I know this will seem totally out of place, but I have to say this is a breathtakingly beautiful book - the most beautiful book I have ever read. It liberates humans from the chains that have bound us since we first became conscious. It is the realisation of all the efforts of all the humans that have ever lived. It is THAT profound. Please please please read it.
A new and better world is possible
Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2019
‘Nonsense’ is attempting to eat soup with a fork, a close (and street-wise) friend explained to me once. During my 74 years on this planet I have come to realize that we lack the correct tools to deal with the turmoil and strife prevalent in our world now and throughout our history. As humans we are mostly resigned that our history of war and the most horrendous acts of pain and suffering inflicted on fellow humans and our environment is simply ‘just the way things are’. On a personal level we all strive towards a life of peace, love and harmony, yet we live in world of egocentricity, undue competition, anger, the spinoff of materialism in a dog eats dog environment where survival of the fittest is often hailed as a sign of greatness and achievement. We lack the tools to deal with our upset state as humans as history clearly shows and for that matter the challenges we often face as individuals in our daily lives and relationships.
There is no doubt in mind that Jeremy’s groundbreaking explanation of the psychosis of the Human Condition which has marred our existence as conscious human beings, is the long awaited and hoped for seed that will result in a new paradigm for humanity at peace with itself and our planet. I am a changed person after encountering Jeremy’s work and in-depth research of 40 years that he so selflessly shared. I can see clearly now . . . and for that I am eternally grateful.
Why havent I heard about this book? I should have heard about it. It should be taught in schools. It should be the subject of university courses. Buy it, read it, then make someone you love read it. This is sooooooo important.
Freedom 101
Reviewed in the United States on January 5, 2020
Verified Purchase
I wish this book was required reading for high school age children. It would change the way many people think. The book makes it impossible for anyone to not care about the earth and everything on it. It erases prejudices because you’ll understand the way of the world!
The riddle of why we are a fallen species
Humanity has been striving toward this book for as long as we could think. It solves the riddle of why we are a fallen species, and then with that solved, this Australian Jeremy Griffith strolls around solving every other riddle under the sun. You want to understand men and women – zap! done. You want to understand religion – zap! done. You want to understand just about anything, then read this book.
Thank god I found this book. To finally know that there is a future for my children is such a massive relief. I have been desperately worried about my children living in this messed up world and then the thought of them bringing children into this world was really scary. ow I can actually see that there can be a future for all of us. Thank you Jeremy Griffith for finding the solution to the biggest problem facing humanity which is that we have suffered from the human condition for a very good reason. But now that it is fully explained then we can explain this to all the children in the world before they have to suffer the intolerable silence from adults who have not had the answers until now.
erlank pienaar
One day you’ll tell your friends, I was one of the first, a lucky one
Reviewed in Australia on 9 June 2020
Verified Purchase
There is a time when you can say: “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what I was doing and why I was doing it. Everybody did so I did.”
Once you’ve read this book, you can’t go back, so unless you actually want to save yourself and the world, you won’t understand a word you read. Life’s like that.
There has never been a more apt time for this knowing to present itself. Thank you Jeremy!
If you’re even mildly interested, do yourself and the world a favour, read this book until you ‘get’ it. The world needs you. Do it!
BRAD : ]
Jeremy Griffith’s definitive presentation: a must read
Reviewed in Australia on 31 January 2021
Verified Purchase
This is Jeremy Griffith’s definitive presentation, whom I believe is one of the most important thinkers through human history. This book - the product of a life’s work looking into the human condition, is a compilation of simple truth and honesty in a world drowning in lies and bulls*it.
Coming from a very mechanistic and superficial background, I won’t say that this book was a breeze for me to get through, but I will say that it has changed my life, and is a source of clarity that I return to regularly.
This book does ‘save the world’ as is boldly stated on the cover. Jeremy Griffith has debunked the human condition, and explained why it is such a difficult subject for us to approach. He brings about a paradigm shift in allowing us to see the incredible meaning of life, how we have been at odds with it, and how we can now align ourselves to this integrative path.
I took some time to really think about the concepts in this book, and could not fault them. I now see the incredible potential that we can all embrace. It’s right in front of us if we can awaken from our slumber and wrap our guts around what he is saying.
The Human Condition explained meticulously ;)
This book explains in vast detail the single most important things we should know about ourselves and what to do with that information. As a Metaphysical Practitioner it is always nice when science meets spirituality. The book is heavy reading, but if you love the subject enough and have a will for profound change you will persist.
Submitted 1 year ago
By Rev K C
From Mornington Peninsula
Verified Buyer
Freedom: The End of the Human Condition
by Jeremy Griffith (Goodreads Author), Harry Prosen (Introduction)
Steven Hirst’s review
Apr 14, 2021
Jeremy Griffith articulates the most conclusive account of what it truly is to be human.
Towering over any perceived individual issues of modern times, FREEDOM presents our species absolute psychological state, our very own non-discriminating human condition.
In fantastic detail and with total clarity, Jeremy explains our unique psychological development from its beginnings, through the ages to the present. He draws from the most prophetic, free thinking insightful minds throughout history to construct and illuminate what has been humans least talked about, yet most deeply disturbing issue of all. Jeremy Griffith has solved our human condition.
A most compelling, completely testable and immensely dignifying explanation of our human condition is without doubt the most important read ever, for every person of all ages. Bias free, there’s nothing but pure honesty here and equally, there is also nothing to fear. READ THIS BOOK.