The answer we have so desperately needed
The seeming proliferation in reports of bloodshed and human misery in the evening news bulletins these days has in many ways been matched only by our growing indifference to suffering in the world. After all, without a proper explanation for such awfulness we have had no choice other than to psychologically shield ourselves from the horror. However the brutal murder in the streets of London in May, of a young soldier (and father) was so horrific in its viciousness that I suspect even the most hardened of us were shocked to our core.
The capacity of one group of humans to enact such callous brutality on another is a truly awful example of the conflict-ridden state of humanity and the extremity it has reached in our lifetime. Sadly though, it’s one of many examples these days and it’s pretty daunting thinking about most global events at the moment. From bloodshed in the Middle East, terrorism, government corruption, economic chaos, global warming and poverty—it’s pretty hard to deny there is something very wrong with human behaviour and what’s been happening on the planet. And in a way, it’s amazing that with all the world’s resources we seemingly haven’t been able to do anything about it. We’re spending billions sending robots to Mars and developing better smart phones yet we can’t feed a kid in Bangladesh! It’s pretty obvious we humans are either really off track or we’re not really trying.
I’m just a ‘rank and file’ member of the human race who, before coming across Jeremy Griffith’s ideas, never gave issues like human suffering or the destruction of the planet a second thought. Perhaps I may have shown some superficial pity for those less fortunate than myself but, as a resigned human, I behaved as if the problems of the world really had nothing to do with me. Yet, if I was honest I knew there was insecurity, anger, selfishness and egocentricity in myself—all the same divisive traits that were ultimately responsible for human suffering and destruction of the planet. However, I lived in a world dominated by distraction where the trivial issues seemed important and the world’s problems never got a second thought.
But this information does explain the very problem of the human condition and brings compassionate biological understanding to our destructive ‘dark’ side so we don’t have to live trivial lives in denial of these problems or go on making lame excuses for our selfishness and imperfections any longer. Unlike a lot of theories out there, everything about Griffith’s ideas makes sense. For example, scientific explanations used to justify human’s divisive behaviour, such as Chaos theory or The Selfish Gene theory, seem to be debunked by virtue of the amazingly ordered world of nature that is in evidence all around us and the beautiful behaviour that humankind is capable of and which has evolved despite our wanting to prove otherwise. This information rings true to everything I understand as a human and know about the world.
The fact that humanity’s finally got to the point of finding the explanation of the human condition, and that it’s happened in our lifetime, is almost too much to fully appreciate. But nonetheless, IT HAS HAPPENED. All humans now have an opportunity to live real, meaningful lives rather than lost in a quagmire of insecurity and misunderstanding. Finally the days of human suffering, violence and selfishness are over. It is just as it says on the WTM’s website ‘This is the fabulous, dreamed-of dawn of humanity’s freedom from the agony of the human condition!’ and we’re all just so fortunate to be alive at the point in time when it has arrived.
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