We invite you to celebrate humanity’s fabulous freedom from the human condition by listening to songs created by WTM members and supporters.
The Denialators – The Door’s Wide Open
The Denialators – Let’s Go!
Simon Mackintosh – Finally The Truth Has Arrived
Norma Alge – Walking on the other side
Mick Manolis – Heal The World
Mick Manolis – The Truth, The Understanding
Christof Habenbacher – AT LAST
Gregory Bray – On The Peace Train
Stefan Rössler – Highway to Sunshine
Alexander Akritidis – Time to Fly
Franklin Mukakanga – It's A New World
Michael Perry – Goodbye to the Old World

The WTM has its own band called The Denialators that plays at our various events, and is composed of WTM founding members, including lead singer Tony Gowing. The performance of this song also appears in Video/Freedom Essay 5 as an example of the transformation of life that understanding of the human condition makes possible, and the celebration humanity deserves for realising its freedom from the human condition!
The Door’s Wide Open
(Lyrics by Tony Gowing, music by Pete Storey and Will Salter)
How sweet is the morning / After such a long night / The relief drains my body / With this awesome spreading of light / The shadows are lifting / The horizon is clear / I want to scream to the heavens / A new time is here.
The door’s wide open / Understanding is the key / The door’s wide open / Understanding is the key / We’ve been so dead, dead, dead / But now we’re FREE, FREE, FREE!
The sun has now risen / It is strong bright and clear / I know the whole story / I’ve got nothing to fear / The shit’s been unravelled / The battle’s been won / It’s all been made sense of / The new time has begun.
Chorus repeated
But the battle’s still raging / People don’t know / It’s gone on so long / It’s hard to let go / But the door IS wide open / And the future IS clear / The party starts NOW / We’re gonna blast out of here.
Chorus repeated with emphasis
The door’s wide open / Understanding is the key / We’ve been so dead, dead, dead / But now we’re FREE, FREE, FREE, FREE, FREE, FREE / We’ve been so dead, dead, dead / But now we’re FREE, FREE, FREE!
Let’s Go!
(Lyrics by Tony Gowing, music by Pete Storey and Will Salter)
It’s here it’s now for you and me / I’m ready to rock and I feel so free / My veins are pumping, this is it / Unbelievable, Holy Shit, C’MON!
It’s over I’m gone, I’m through the door / Good and evil aren’t at odds anymore / It’s all explained, they’re reconciled / Tell every adult and every child, C’MON!
Let’s go, let’s go, scream and shout / We humans now know what we’re all about / Let’s go, let’s go, we’ve broken through / Our lives have meaning, and we all know what to do.
Science with soul has delivered the truth / Dignified our journey and given us proof / So start asking questions in the answers you’ll see / How awesome the world is—how now it can be, C’MON!
The deserts are flooding the skies are all clear / The oceans are calm and the animals cheer / I want to just live it, just breath it all in / The new world is here now let’s just let it begin.
Chorus repeated
Liberate, Liberate, Liberation / Liberate, Liberate, Liberation.
Liberate, Liberate, Liberation / Liberate, Liberate, Liberation.
So join liberation, leave darkness behind / The all-radiant truth will enlighten your mind / Live in the moment for the future we see / The human condition is solved—we’re all free—YEAH!
Chorus repeated with emphasis
Let’s go, let’s go, scream and shout / We humans now know what we’re all about / Let’s go, let’s go, we’ve broken through / Our lives have meaning, and we all know what to do. C’MON!

Simon is the co-founder of the WTM Wellington Centre. He is a talented musician—a singer/songwriter who performs locally with his wife Christine in a musical duo. In 1999 he released the album On the Road to Find Out, featuring songs about the work of Jeremy Griffith and the World Transformation Movement. The following are the lyrics of his song Finally the Truth has Arrived, illustrating the power of this liberating information.

Finally the Truth has Arrived
(Music and lyrics by Simon Mackintosh)
(Based on the insights synthesised by Jeremy Griffith and dedicated to Bob Dylan)
Listen to the song / And all will be revealed / All the truth you’ve ever known / Need no more be concealed.
Finally the truth has arrived / That liberates all mankind / Finally the truth has arrived / That justifies all mankind.
This story tells of anguish / It nullifies the blame / This story tells of courage / It makes sense of all the pain.
Chorus repeated
Let’s go to the garden / Though the story starts long before / There we meet our ancestors / Who opened the forbidden door.
Chorus repeated
They started chasing knowledge / To satisfy their mind / They had only trial and error / And their soul to be the guide.
Chorus repeated
Their soul knew universal love / But it did not understand / That a growing mind must make mistakes / To take its rightful place in man.
Chorus repeated
The criticism came thick and fast / Dylan’s persecutor within / One’s nature neither honours nor forgives / We came to live in sin.
Chorus repeated
The battle then was raging / The compromise brought terror and pain / Intellect starting fighting back / As Abel was killed by Cain.
Chorus repeated
As anger and confusion grew / The prophets came bringing love / Moses laid down his Almighty laws / To stop the hatred and the blood.
Chorus repeated
Christ came to bring the message / Of Universal love / He understood the compromise / He could forgive us all the deeds we’ve done.
Chorus repeated
The Holy Spirit rests in the mind of man / It’s the whole truth in rational terms / We marched into Hell for a Heavenly Cause / This Holy Grail soothes all our burns.
Chorus repeated
Science is the Liberator / It fought the battle, took up the sword / The wall of ignorance came tumbling down / Truth’s beauty is our reward.
Chorus repeated
This story is not doctrine / It’s the story of mankind / It belongs to every one of us / We can leave the horror behind.

Norma Alge is the founder of the WTM Bregenz Centre in Austria. A counseller with a Master’s degree in Natural Sciences (Psychology), Norma now works within the school system counseling parents and working with teachers, children and adolescents. Norma lives in her hometown of Höchst near Bregenz with her husband and their two boys.
In her early twenties Norma wrote a song about the pain of Resignation (see Freedom Essay 30), but it was only many years later, after discovering Jeremy Griffith’s redeeming, all-explaining understanding of the human condition, that she was able to add the final verse, triumphantly concluding her song.
Walking on the other side
(Music and lyrics by Norma Alge)
In pain I find good company / my constant secret / what will completely comfort me ? / my constant secret
I’m what I am / and nothing more / a soul-alone and forlorn / a something-someone and somewhere
For the You in Me lives on / my constant secret / I lost myself somewhere out there / my constant secret
How will I ever learn to live / when I don’t even take / what you want to give
My constant secret - you are here / within me and out there / my constant secret you will have / to set me free!
Oh! What a thing to do / not to know anything no more / to lose the sense of love for life / for you
You’re walking on the other side / it is the side that’s shining bright / you know exactly where you are
In pain I find good company / my constant secret / in pain I find good company / my constant secret
Oh! What a thing to do / not to know anything no more / to lose the sense of love for life / for you
We’re walking on the other side / it is the side that’s shining bright / we know exactly! where we are / now.

Mick, from the well-known Australian indigenous band, ‘Kuckles’ (they created the acclaimed musical Bran Nue Dae), and founder of the WTM Broome Centre, has written and performed this song titled Heal The World about understanding of the human condition and is dedicated to all of those in the WTM who support it. As Jeremy Griffith said, ‘You can almost hear the plaintive pleading of the aboriginal digeridoo in the tone of this absolutely beautiful song that I think deserves to be one of the great songs of the world, like ‘Amazing Grace’.’
The photo shows Jeremy with Mick in Sydney in 2020 at the launch of a new tour of Bran Nue Dae of which Mick was the musical director.
Heal The World
(Music and lyrics by Mick Manolis)
Truth, understanding, it’s time to heal the world / Heal the deep psychosis in the world that’s torn/ Every man and women, every boy and girl / Truth, understanding, now can heal the world.
Heal the world [repeated eight times]
Truth, understanding, where is the light that shines / To lead us from the darkness of our ignorant minds / Our world, our Earth, is broken and we are lost for words / Truth, understanding, why not heal our world.
Truth, understanding, for every child that’s born / Heal the pain, the suffering in this tortured world / Love anticipated unto their opened eyes / Truth, love, understanding, no more cold cold lies.
The Truth, The Understanding
(Music and lyrics by Mick Manolis)
OOOh! / Ahh! / OOOh! / Ahh!
The love in us innate / Come free yourself my mate / We have the information / To make the Transformation / To make the world a better place.
Every race and nation / Understand The Dreaming / Integrated meaning / Freedom in the billabongs / Freedom in the towns.
Free yourself from suffering / Free your soul and mind / The goodness of humanity / The love within is real.
The truth, the understanding / The message shall reveal / The truth, the understanding / The message shall reveal / The truth, the understanding / The message shall reveal.
The goodness of humanity / The love within is real / The goodness of humanity / The love within is real.
The goodness of humanity / The love within is real / The goodness of humanity / The love within is real.
OOOh! / Ahh! / OOOh! / Ahh!

Chris is an integral part of the WTM Austria Centre and a talented singer/songwriter as well as artist.
From an early age Christof has always been very creative and good at working with his hands. His first big project being a rehearsal room which he created in his early teenage years allowing him to pursue one of his favourite hobbies, music. Since Christof came across the information in FREEDOM, his creativity has expanded across other art forms. He has done many wonderful paintings inspired by the understandings in FREEDOM. Currently Christof is pursuing an education in Klagenfurt to become a social caretaker.
(Musik und Text von Christof Habenbacher – see English translation below)
Am letzten Ende der Welt / waren alle schon frustriert / wir haben Nächte lang nicht geschlafen / irgendetwas in uns hat uns geärgert.
Man spürt es in sich selbst / wir sind liebevoll im Herz / wenn das Gewissen kein Beweis ist / woher sonst kommt der Schmerz?
Denn wie wir uns verhalten / das ist uns selbst nicht wirklich recht / doch werden wir nichts daran ändern / wenn wir Angst haben / das wir vielleicht (schlecht oder böse) sein könnten.
Wenn du den Text erkennst / sing nicht alleine / denn wenn wir uns verstehen / beginnt es / dann fängt das Leben wirklich an.
Am letzten Ende der Welt / da ist etwas passiert / wir haben faktisch die Beweise / in uns tobt ein Krieg / zwischen den Instinkten und unserem Intellekt.
Die Adam-Storch-Analogie / erklärt es uns perfekt / wenn du Wahrheit suchst / dann schau es dir an / den in FREEDOM steht / wie man das Leben finden kann.
Wenn du Beweise brauchst / jetzt sind sie da / teste alles solange wie du willst / such nicht vergeblich woanders.
Am letzten Ende der Welt / kommt das Puzzleteil das fehlt / am letzten Ende der Welt / kommt das was wirklich zählt.
Wenn du den Text erkennst / sing nicht alleine / denn wenn wir uns verstehen / fängt das Leben / fängt das Leben / wirklich an / wirklich an.
AT LAST (English Translation)
(Music and lyrics by Christof Habenbacher)
At the last end of the world / everyone was already frustrated / we did not sleep for nights / something inside us has bothered us.
You can feel it in yourself / we are loving at heart / if conscience is not proof of this / where else should the pain come from?
How we behave / we don’t want that at all / but we will not change it / when we have the fear / that we might be evil.
If you recognise this text / don’t sing alone / when we understand each other / it happens / it really begins.
At the last end of the world / finally something happened / we have now factual evidence / the war rages within us / between our instincts and our intellect.
The Adam Stork Analogy explains it to us perfectly / if you seek for truth / look at it / because in FREEDOM is written / how to discover life.
When you need evidences / they are here now / test everything as long as you want / do not search in vain somewhere else.
At the last end of the world / comes the missing piece of the jigsaw / at the last end of the world / come what really counts.
If you recognise this text / don’t sing alone / when we understand each other / it happens / life really begins / really begins.

Greg is the founder of the WTM Bay of Islands Centre in New Zealand. For many years Greg has been a tourism guide, including in the ski-fields of Queenstown, the Abel Tasman National Park, and the Bay of Islands, where he now runs adventure day trips to the top of the country—the beautiful Cape Reinga.
Greg has lived in the Bay of Islands since 2013 with his partner who is an artist and fellow tour guide. In late 2017 they took a year off work to explore New Zealand, living on their sailing boat, Mongo. Greg’s love of the outdoors goes back to his scouting days; he achieved a Queen’s Scout Award, the highest youth award achievable in the Scouting movement in the Commonwealth. He is also a talented sportsman (soccer) and singer-songwriter.

(Listen to On The Peace Train on Spotify.)
On The Peace Train
(Music and lyrics by Gregory Bray)
Once again, Rome is falling / So I’m bound for the home town of Freedom / Hills glowing green, air pure and clean / At our source all crystal clear waters.
Gotta get me, all aboard the Peace Train / Sitting there glistening at the station / Gotta get me, all aboard the Peace Train / Waiting there patient at the station.
Break x 2:
Check checka check check check’n in / Check checka check check check’n out / Check checka check check check’n in / On the Peace Train.
I’m leaving this, dying world’s needless / Grand ol’ terminal illness / Departing this, crying world’s senseless / Central terminal madness.
Break x 2
Again and again and again and again and again / Rome will just keep falling / Again and again and again and again and again / Home will just keep calling.
Chorus x 3
Break x 2

Stefan is a co-founder of the WTM Austria Centre (alongside Gerald Staffaneller). After graduating high school in Judenburg, he moved to Graz to study information design at the FH Joanneum. While completing his bachelor’s degree with a focus on usability, Stefan founded the design and consulting company Simplease with three fellow students, which works with larger companies and startups to help them create user-friendly digital products (websites, apps, etc.). He and his colleagues also developed the online usability service Userbrain, which is used by designers and product managers from companies such as Spotify, Lush Cosmetics, Virgin and Solar City to improve their digital products.
Stefan performed the song Highway to Sunshine in Sydney at the inaugural WTM global conference in 2017.
Highway to Sunshine
(Music and lyrics by Stefan Rössler)
All I really want to do now, is leave this cave forever / I want you to come with me now, we’re gonna leave together / All I really wanna do now, is leave this cave forever / You can show me how to do it, let’s get away together / Then we get into my car, refuel it it’ll take us far / Don’t look back on yesterday, ahead of us...
A Highway to Sunshine / Sweepin’ clouds away / A Highway to Sunshine / Now we hear what you say.
All we need is break our chains now, and get out of our prison / We can finally take a chance now, for we do know the reason / All we need is break our chains now, and get out of our prison / No one’s free until we all are, we only need to reason / Now we get into my car, refuel it it’ll take us far / Don’t look back on yesterday, ahead of us...
Chorus repeated twice
Yeh now we know what has taken us so long / All our life we were waiting all alone / Deep inside, a dark place we don’t like / Leavin’ now, to finally take the high...
Final Chorus:
A Highway to Sunshine / Sweepin’ clouds away / A Highway to Sunshine / Now we hear what you say / A Highway to Sunshine / Sweepin’ clouds away / A Highway to Sunshine / Now we’re here to stay.

Alex is a member of the WTM Melbourne Centre. You can watch a wonderful video of Alex that appears on the Transformation page, in which he explains the wonderfully relieving and liberating impact understanding of the human condition has had on his life and that of his parents and siblings.

(Listen to It's Time To Fly on Spotify.)
Time to Fly
(Music and lyrics by Alex Akritidis)
Was just a kid / In harmony / A mind in peace / But I grew and I saw the world ablaze, and I shut away.
I imagined light / within the dark / Where wrongs were right / And I buried the soul in me, to feel at ease.
But there’s a future where the world is one, woah / It’s now or never, and now I’m – freed from chains / I’ve left the pain / We can finally rise above the agony / I can see the light / I can feel the sun / We’re heroes and the truth has set us free / It’s time to fly.
Now all grown up / Far from soul / Split not whole / But the spirit inside of me, can at last be free.
My defences lift and I feel the shift and let freedom reign in me.
Now there’s a future where the world is one, woah / It’s now or never, and now I’m – freed from chains / I’ve left the pain / We can finally rise above the agony / I can see the light / I can feel the sun / We’re heroes and the truth has set us free.
We’re just tortured children masked as villains / But now we can feel the FREEDOM.
It’s time to fly…

Franklin established the WTM Zambia Centre in 2017. Franklin was for many years an advertising director and radio host. He is also part of the royal family of the prominent Ila tribe of southwest Zambia, in line of succession to chiefdom.
Franklin performed the song It’s a New World in Sydney during the inaugural WTM global conference in 2017.
(Music and lyrics by Franklin Mukakanga)
I love you, I always have, I always will / How I’ve longed for you with each beat of my heart / With every single part of me, I’ve waited all my life to feel this way.
Now you’re here, and I can’t believe my eyes / Close enough to touch, far more real than I imagined / More lovely than I’d dreamed, and it’s finally OK to feel this way.
It’s a new world, it’s heaven in my heart / It’s a new world; and now the future starts / You and I for always, leaving behind our old ways / It’s a new world for you and I.
Thought I knew what it meant to be in love / thought I understood what it meant to give my all / In deepest love to fall, and I never ever ever felt this way.
So take my hand, take my heart take my soul and my everything because from this moment on, we’re no longer two but one, and we’ll never ever ever feel this way.
It’s a new world; it’s heaven in my heart / It’s a new world; and this is how the future starts / You and I for always, leaving behind the old ways / It’s a new world.
It’s a new world, it’s heaven in my heart / It’s a new world; and this is how the future starts / You and I for always, leaving behind our old ways / It’s a new world for you and I.
La la la, la la la la la la.

Michael S. Perry is a freelance media professional, working as an actor in both film and voice, as well as video editing. He lives in Calgary and studied acting at the Vancouver Film School and VanArts - Vancouver Institute of Media Arts. Michael’s acting credits include the 2021 film Residents of Arcadia.
Upon posting his song Goodbye to the Old World on the WTM’s Facebook Group, Michael wrote, “Right before posting this there was a little voice in my head saying ‘it’s too much, maybe pull it back a little’. But no, I don't think I will pull it back because this movement deserves every bit of the excitement that’s headed our way. Goodbye to the Old World!”
Goodbye to the Old World
(Music and lyrics by Michael Perry)
We’re heroes now because we never quit / I used to be a two-horned bull, so full of shit / Artificiality kept us alive, but inside waiting for this moment to arrive.
It was all explained and it opened our eyes / Understanding pouring down from the sky.
The jig is up, denial gone / I’ll meet you there, under the sun.
We all woke up, the battle won / Come out and play, we’re having fun.
Last time we were here our despair didn’t care / It wasn’t fair, we were blind, but now we’re dancing with our conscious mind.
Last time we were here, we had fear in the mirror / We saw tears, so enshrined / The sleep of reason caused us to resign.
But now we can see it was all meant to be / him and her, you and me / and the rest of humanity.
Can you believe this whole time we’re divine / The key was in our minds / We needed love from the unresigned.
Scientific lullabies / We are good / Logic is what opened our eyes / ’cause Griffith taught us how to fly
So everybody wave goodbye / Goodbye to the old world, yes it brought us here / Let’s shed the pain, the doubt, uncertainty and fear.
Goodbye to the old world, the truth we had to learn / But I’ll be damned if I’ll sit by and watch it burn.
Goodbye to the old world, the child in you will heal / There is a war no more, put down your sword and your shield.
Goodbye to the old world, sit back and watch the birth of the truth in you that will one day save the earth.
(*Dedicated to Jeremy Griffith and The World Transformation Movement.)