What is feminism?

Feminism is the name for a movement that says that women deserve to be treated as equals to men. It would appear to be an obvious right, and yet throughout history women have been oppressed by menthey have not had the same employment opportunities, educational opportunities, or even the right to vote. Indeed women have been treated like second class citizens, and still are in many countries where the principles behind feminism are not widely accepted.

The real question to be answered regarding feminism, is not ‘what is feminism?’, but why have women not been treated as equalswhat has been the source of men’s deep-seated prejudice against women?

What is Feminism?

Feminism has argued that women are as intrinsically worthwhile as men on the basis that there are no differences between men and women. Yet this is patently untrue. As it turns out, while the differences don’t mean that women or men are better than one another, it is in these differences that the reasons for men’s oppression of women can be found.

Generally the truth is that women are more loving and selfless than men. Given that men could not really explain why they were more angry and selfish than women (although we contrived all sorts of excuses like other animals are aggressive and therefore we are), women’s more gentle, loving, selfless state had the effect of leaving men feeling criticized. Moreover, because women could not understand men’s anger and selfishness, they tended to be actively intolerant of it. Unable to explain their state, men were forced to defy both women’s inferred and express criticism however they could, which in this case, meant oppressing women.

This situation then begs the question, why have men historically been so embattled, so egocentric, angry and selfish, compared with women? This has not been something we could normally even admit without first being able to understand the human conditionnamely human’s extraordinary capacity for ‘good and evil’, and in particular the origin of our dark or destructive side. Most wonderfully, biology is now able to provide the full explanation of our contradictory behaviour. This comprehensive explanation of the origin of men’s upset state, namely the human condition, is available in this Introductory Video Series and Part 3 of Freedom: Expanded Book 1, by Jeremy Griffith.

With the explanation of our condition now available, many seemingly unanswerable questions like ‘what is feminism?’ now have answerswe are able to see that menand to a lesser degree, womenare both suffering from an upset state, characterised by angry, alienated and egocentric behaviour that is the result of a two million year old, unavoidable clash between our gene-based instincts and our emerging nerve-based consciousness.

Thankfully men’s upset can now subside because we have the real defence for our behaviour, and women can now understand why men have been so angry and selfish and so their intolerance will be replaced with compassion and the need for feminism becomes redundant. The gap between the sexes that seemed so irreconcilable, has now been bridged with first principle, biological understanding!

Damon Isherwood portrait

This Blog Post was written by Damon on January 6, 2013


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