WTM FAQ 4.4 What will the new world be like?
Jeremy Griffith writes about what the new human-condition-resolved world will be like in chapter 9:9 of FREEDOM titled ‘How the Transformed Way of Living will quickly repair the world’. It is all clearly described there, where he refers to Australia’s greatest educator Sir James Darling, his headmaster at Geelong Grammar School, talking about humanity’s great ‘change of heart’ and imagining when, for example, ‘all the car makers sit down together and design one extremely simple, embellishment-free functional car’, and a ‘simple house’ (paragraph 1227); and WTM founding member Doug Lobban’s transformed desire to fix the world (par. 1228); and when our natural serving instinct ‘comes thundering through’ (in par. 1229); and Lei Feng’s selfless ‘willingness to be a cog’ (par. 1230); and how doing this will become easier as more people catch on (par. 1232, and see also par. 1207 about how being ‘caught wearing last year’s fashions’ will naturally speed this process up); and how AIDS and even global warming can be solved (in par. 1234); and how communication technology can be used to spread the truth rather than lies (par. 1233); and the great change of direction (in par. 1234); and the power of selflessness (in par. 1235); and how while this will have a slow beginning, as it catches on it will set everything ablaze and we’ll have ‘the biggest TV station in the world’ (par. 1236).
In Jeremy’s book Death by Dogma where he writes about ‘The solution’ to the threat of the left-wing in politics leading the human race to extinction, Jeremy powerfully summarised in paragraph 158 the significance of that solution: “So Plato’s ‘danger of universal ruin to the world’ and Hesiod’s anticipation of ‘the swift ruin which but slow began’ that I mentioned in paragraph 66 was upon us! How precious is it then that understanding of the human condition has been found and this terrifying imminent prospect of the death-by-dogma end of the human race can be avoided—and the real transformation of the human race from a self-preoccupied, selfish, human-condition-stricken state to a concerned-for-others, selfless, human-condition-understood, psychologically rehabilitated state can finally occur—AND INSTEAD OF CONFLICT, FEAR AND TERROR EVERYWHERE WE LOOK, THERE WILL BE GREAT RELIEF, JOY AND A SENSE OF PEACEFULNESS AND CALM IN THE AIR—JUST IMAGINE THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THAT CHANGE, ESPECIALLY HOW GOOD THAT WILL BE FOR THE INNOCENT SOULS OF YOUNG PEOPLE GROWING UP IN THE WORLD; PSYCHOSIS WILL FINALLY DISAPPEAR FROM EARTH!!”
Jeremy has also said that if you want to see how the new world works and what it’s going to be like, just sit in the corridor outside WTM founding member Tony Gowing’s small office and watch him because what you’ll see is him just living for the new world every second of every day, nothing else is occupying his mind or vision at all, he’s a transformed lifeforce for the new world, the ultimate ‘Joel Effect’ example (see par. 1259), the perfect example of how this information is going to get out there and flood the world with relief. As Joel said in the Bible, ‘They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving from their course. They do not jostle each other…In that day the mountains will drip new wine, and the hills will flow with milk; all the ravines of Judah will run with water’ (Bible, Joel 2, New International Version, 1978).
The following two posts that appeared in the WTM’s Facebook Group in October 2024 were so appreciated at the time that we thought readers of this FAQ might particularly find them interesting and enlightening.
A glimpse into the future: what humans will look like free of the agony of the human condition! (posted by Susan Armstrong on 24 Oct. 2024)
On 4 October 2024 Claire Rickie of WTM Kent (UK) put an inspiring post on our WTM Facebook Group about her ‘days of being ignorant are long gone…Our behaviour was destructive & we felt that we were awful humans & felt so guilty, now we have the TRUE reason for WHY that destructive behaviour appeared & that changes everything…our destructive behaviour is obsoleted’. She included a photo of herself holding up a copy of FREEDOM (included below) and you can see that her face shows a radiant serenity from her relief that humanity’s terrible battle is finally over!
Yes, as Jeremy observed about Claire’s post and the immediate comments it prompted: “I know everyone in the Facebook Group are going gangbusters, just doing so well, but honest to god we’ve got some stars from the outer reaches of the cosmos amongst us, I mean how perfect and clean was Claire’s summary of how free we humans actually are now, and then how absolutely perfect was Ales Flisar’s (WTM Sunshine Coast, Australia) pick-up about the photo of Claire as a ‘shining light of calmness’, and then how absolutely perfect was it for Kevin Ryan (from Dublin) to immediately back that up by saying, ‘Yes that’s the word I was looking for Ales, Shining’.” And when Nikoletta Akritidis’s (WTM Melbourne) strongly empathised with Jeremy’s observations writing, ‘THIS IS JUST GOLD, UPON GOLD, UPON GOLD’, Jeremy said that “Nikoletta doesn’t miss anything that young girl, she fully ‘gets it’ all the time, she’s another star from the outer reaches of the cosmos that’s for sure, and have you ever seen a more new-world-free face than hers in her 13 October 2024 post with her WTM supporter boyfriend Andreas Mavridis, well they’re both looking free as a bee, but Nic is just shining like Ales and Kevin said about Claire. Sure they are pretty girls but that’s not what is on show, their faces are shining with incredible relief and freedom and happiness is what’s on show. These faces from stars from the outer reaches of the cosmos, Claire’s, Ales’s, Kevin’s and Nikoletta’s, truly do give us a window into how fabulous our world is going to be soon when we can get this information out there and everyone realises we’re all free! (Make sure you click on them and view them full size to get the full effect.) Geez, everyone WILL BE dancing in the streets to ‘Martha and the Vandellas’!” (Read about Dancing In The Street, a song by ‘Martha and the Vandellas’, that anticipates the human-condition-resolved, sun-drenched summertime of a transformed, human-race-rehabilitated new world, in Freedom Essay 45.)
Jeremy has since added this little summary piece about what humans will look like free of the agony of the human condition:
“The facial expression of everyone who is able to get through the ‘Deaf Effect’ [see FAQ 1.16] and start to understand this holy grail of the whole human journey of conscious thought and enquiry of the explanation of the human condition, and, as a result, finally begins to understand the world and themselves, will start to change enormously. All the confusions and bewilderments and distresses and terrors and overwhelms start to resolve themselves—basically all the jigsaw pieces concerning the nature of our existence begin to fall into their proper place at last, and relief floods the mind and body. And what happens is that an expression appears on the faces of humans that has never been seen on adult faces for 2 million years—a deep, profound, genuine relief and calmness and peacefulness and happiness!! And this fabulous expression begins to show up on everyone’s face who has begun to understand this information and experience its transforming effect—and the more you digest the understanding the more this facial expression shows up.
So these four photos of Claire, Ales, Kevin and Nikoletta are the faces of people who have made such great progress in digesting the information and experiencing its transforming effect that this never-before-seen-in-the-last-2-million-years-of-human-history expression of deep, profound, genuine relief and calmness and peacefulness and happiness is clearly visible! Look closely and you will see in their faces a window into the deeply yearned-for and dreamed-of human-condition-resolved future for the human race!! These are fabulous, amazingly revealing photos!!”
Ales Flisar, WTM Sunshine Coast (Australia)
A WTM Sydney Epic! (posted by Monica Kodet on 27 Oct. 2024)
In a comment under a post here this week about how humans will look free of the agony of the human condition [the post above], Nick Rule (from the UK) said ‘I just love these little quotes now and again in our Facebook Group from Jeremy and the Sydney team’. So I thought I might include some more of the behind-the-scenes goings on in Sydney.
Given the extreme difficulty of bringing the human-race-saving understanding of the human condition to a world that is paralysed with an historic fear of the subject, with human-condition-avoiding mechanistic science especially resisting our efforts (and it receives billions of dollars of support and we get nothing, in fact our tiny team has had to spend so many of our precious dollars in successful defamation actions fighting off their malicious resistance—thank heavens for the marvellous defence of our work from human-condition-confronting, honest-thinking scientists), we have always had to rely on our own tiny team’s resources. In an example of this extreme need for self-sufficiency, this month our need to have a home available for any new helpers of our always-stretched Sydney WTM team led us on a search to find a cheap way to build a small home. After much effort, driving all over vast eastern New South Wales, Anthony Gowing and his partner Tess Watson eventually found a second-hand fold-up kit home (they are called VanHomes), which we were able to buy very cheaply, but then we had to pack it up and somehow get it to Sydney, then prepare the site, and install it there. Anyway, achieving all this, in only a fortnight, was a huge saga, that basically depended on the absolutely magnificent and extremely exhausting efforts of Tony Gowing, Doug Lobban and Sam Belfield—as the photos below give some idea of.
In light of Nick Rule wanting more chat from our Sydney team’s goings-on, the following is a comment Jeremy made during this epic, followed by comments by Annie Williams and Tony Gowing.
Firstly, Jeremy said: “The boys (Tony, Doug, Sam) had to solve many tricky situations along the way, honestly, three boys from the bush [resourceful country-bred men] performing like the unstoppable, there-is-no-task-that-can’t-be-achieved Guiscard [Robert Guiscard and the whole Hauteville family were outrageously courageous and enterprising Norman adventurers that Jeremy writes about in par. 1035 of FREEDOM]. Honest to God it was truly an incredible effort, there were things that were being pulled off left, right and centre throughout this saga that were unbelievable. I tell you, no one can stop the WTM fixing the world with the superorganism team we’ve got.”
And to relate one little story from this epic undertaking, Jeremy wrote on our chat that: “Tony was driving this huge folded up VanHome behind a big hire truck which he did for many hours through difficult situations with extraordinary talent, and Susan Armstrong and I were waiting as traffic controllers at the roundabout down the hill from where the truck and massive trailer would come, and it was so exciting waiting there for the roadtrain to appear over the rise, and the cars were rolling past and then there was a break, like a pregnant pause, and then the top of the truck slowly appeared coming towards us over the rise with the trailer behind. It was so exciting, after so much effort the boys were actually bringing it home, like the new world was emerging, and I started crying and put my arms out, it was so wonderful, and when they passed by Tony had a big smile. Fuck, I don’t know, it was just all so wonderful.”
Jeremy then said: “And I want to add, because not many of us get to witness him working at his desk all the time, but this boy from the bush, Tony Gowing, has taught himself to be such a master of writing computer coding and every other IT thing, on occasion even solving problems that the best brains in the big IT companies couldn’t solve, and with these and many other skills managing so many vital tasks, including with Tess Watson managing our critically important online marketing, Tony is an absolute wonder of the new world—and I haven’t even begun talking about how transformed he is and him leading the world on that front! Fair dinkum he’s a plant put on Earth from God!”
In our Sydney group chat, Annie Williams then said about Jeremy tearing-up on seeing the truck convoy approaching home: “Oh Jeremy you so deserve to see that crescendo to the ‘three boys from the bush performing like the unstoppable, there-is-no-task-that-can’t-be-achieved Guiscard’ full of love effort!! I’ve seen you pull off superhuman magic like that time and time again, and I thought this morning how Tony and the boys really are your arms and legs as you once told Tony he is’. There is no better life to have than being a WTM member!!!!!!!”
Tony then added this comment on our chat: “There really is only one connection to God and heaven on Earth and it’s the soul-infused understandings that you embody and have given us all Jeremy. All I know is that all the bottomless pain, sorrow, horror, anger and terror inside of me can end with me if I can just try to help you, I just want all children to be truly unconditionally loving, kind, thoughtful, brave, endlessly generous and all-able like you are Jeremy. And what is so magnificent to me on top of all the magnificence of being able to participate in saving the world from the human condition is finally being able to do this task together, no longer are we islands, we truly can live together, know each other and really and truly love each other and everything around us. What bliss you have shown and given us Jeremy.”
So Nick, that’s some more of the amazing behind-the-scenes goings-on in Sydney—and, as Jeremy reminded us on our chat, “While this has been an amazing and exciting episode for us in Sydney, there are, as regularly revealed in posts on our Facebook Group, magnificent initiatives and promotional efforts going on everywhere in the WTM around the world—Joel’s ‘over the rooftops’ sunshine army is on the march everywhere you look!”
So that’s another instant economical solution for the needs of the human-race-saving WTM!
The following are some photos of this recent Sydney epic.

1. Tony, Dougy & Sammy folding up the right-hand side of
the kit home, after already folding up the left-hand side
7. Front retaining wall and free window from Facebook Marketplace
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To learn more about the Transformed State, we recommend visiting our Transformation page, where you will find inspiring presentations and advice from Jeremy Griffith and Tony Gowing; we also recommend reading chapter 9 of FREEDOM.