A Species In Denial



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Print Edition Index



A Far Off Place 193

A Glimpse of Eden 480

A Story Like the Wind 193

A View from the Ridge 301, 359

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) 303

abomination 255, 372, 404

Abt, Theodor 128, 448

acceptance 303

ADD (attention deficit disorder) 281

Adolescence the Essential Guide to, The 229

adolescence 217, 357

Adolescentman 358; Born-Again, Sophisticated

adolescents: resist denial 233

adulthood 217, 357

adults: older: suffer most from deaf effect 57

adventure 355

Africa: dysfunction of 367; landscape of
479; left 119; natives of 367

African fable: basket 336

African Safari 204

African Saga 338

afterlife 423425

age: increases alienation 152

Age of Extremes 312

Albright, Madeleine 325

Alexander, Peter 169

alienated state: loneliness of 287290

alienation: age factor 379; differences in 135,
376378; different lifestyles 380; dreaded A
word 382; genetically adapted to 380; is
personality 382; now instinctive 110; origin
of 121; people will be free of 425; spectrum
of 99, 123130, 384; revealed 400; twice
alienated 118

Almond Trees, The 230, 494

altruism 114

America’s Cup 503

Ames, Evelyn 480

Andersen, Hans Christian 22, 141, 148, 486

anger: origin of 121

Angles 351

Anglo-Saxons 352, 365

Anglosphere 373

angry response 146

animal condition 111

An Olive Schreiner Reader 223, 327

Another Brick in the Wall 216

answers: avalanche of 268

Antichrist 116, 404

Apocalypse 398404; Book of Revelation 399

apostles 156

Aquarian Conspiracy, The 292

Aquarius 492


Aquinas, Thomas 181

Arabs 362

arcadia 262

Ardrey, Robert 117, 249

Ariadne’s Thread 140, 285

Aristotle 84

Armageddon: Battle of 152, 158, 398405, 400

Armstrong, Annabel 505

Armstrong, Susan 505

artists: great 265; pain of being 265

Aryan 351, 362

Ascent of Man, The 40, 132, 386

Athenian: society 84, 128, 448

Atlantic Monthly, The 115

attractiveness 332

Australia 470; devoid of animals 489; gum trees
489; isolation of 354; like Africa 478; role of

Australian Aborigines 426

Australian character 473

Australopithecines 357

autism 258260; understanding 269276

Autism Research Unit Flinders University 259

autistic state: shows how mind dissociates 269

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters 304

Aztecs 364

Baber, Asa 324

Bacon, Francis 36, 344

Badrian: Alison and Noel 109

Baldwin, James 220

Banjo. See Paterson, A.B.

Bardot, Brigitte 329

Barnett, Anthony 387, 389, 459

Bass, Ellen 148, 298

Beale, Bob 346

Beard, Peter 205

Beatles 215

Beautiful Girls 330

Beautiful Losers 429

beauty 266; in humans 109; of women 238

Beckett, Samuel 295, 385

Belfield, Sam 505

Bell, W.D.M. 204

Benford, Gregory 88

Bennett, James 373

Berdyaev, Nikolai 32, 44, 139, 389, 447

Berman, Morris 287

Beyond Good and Evil 286, 331

Bible: great fire 95, 381, 408; lightning
401; little children 102; man in image of
God 110; NIV translation 444; nought to
447; one will be taken 401; prophets without
honour 442443



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Big Bad Wolves: Masculinity 336

big crunch 421

Biggs, John 505

Biggs, Richard 446, 505

bin Laden, Osama 373

biologists: responsibility of 141

Biology and The Riddle of Life 41, 140, 417

bipedalism 123

Birch, Charles 19, 40, 139, 183, 370, 389,
411, 413, 416, 447, 464, 467; as prophet
139, 464; books 91, 417; mechanism dead
end 139, 285; on subjectivity 140; self-
organisation 140; Templeton Prize speech

Blair, Tony 373

Blaise 288

Blake, William 28, 31, 36, 37, 53, 138, 311,
389, 447, 457; pictures on cover 36, 344;

terrifying honesty 45

blondes 331

body hair: loss of 109, 329

Bohm, David 91

Bone Games 263

Bono 77, 215

bonobos 109

Booker, Christopher 166

Born Of A Woman 106

boys: sailing boats 215; growing up 347

Boys of Syracuse, The 290

Bradley, General Omar 139

Brahma the Creator 427

brain: highways 304; how works 299300;
volume stabilised 119

Brando, Marlon 339

brave new world 56, 184, 308, 398

Break on Through 67, 75, 310

Breakfast in America 217

British Isles 351

Bronowski, Jacob 40, 109, 133, 180, 386

Brown, Dee 458

Brown, Max 63

Buddha 180, 250, 415

Buddhism 122, 364

Buddhist scripture 291, 449

bullshitter, double 241

bullshitting 241

bullying 204

burden of guilt 154

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee 458

Bush, George W. 373

Bushmen of the Kalahari 254, 359, 361, 368,
426; dance 263

Cain and Abel 360, 380

Campbell, David 480

Campbell, Jeremy 83

Campbell, Joseph 139, 389, 447

Campbell, Kate 506

Camus, Albert 139, 230, 389, 447, 494

Canada 374

canary 267

cancer 291

cancer patient 43, 65, 68

Canon Raven 431

Capra, Fritjof 285

caritas 89, 107, 114, 418

Casals, Pablo 312

Caucasian Steppes 354


Caucasians 362

cave: departure from 176182; liberation from
144152; resistance to leaving 145

cave allegory: what happened in practice 158

cave prisoners: try to kill him 146, 151

celibacy 333

Celts 351, 352, 362

Chandler, Raymond 331

change: adjusting to 300; difficulty if older
56; difficulty of 147149, 151; initial shock
301; main shock phase 301; procrastination

Changes IV 491

chanting and singing: rhythmic 426

Chaos Theory 117

Chapman, Tracy 450

Charles Darwin 113, 153

Charlesworth, Max 472

Chatwin, Bruce 104, 427

child: breaks spell 141, 148; will lead them
141; within 245

child prodigies 212

childhood 217, 357; stress 196

Childman 357

Children 206

children: ask real questions 26, 195; born
innocent 385; innocence of
205; vulnerability of 271

child’s-heart 103, 261

chimpanzee: pygmy. See bonobos; shot 204

Chinese 364

chivalry 333

Christ 162, 250, 372, 455; authority of 456; be
like God knowing 413; betrayed
171; challenge denial 147; childhood of
482; demystified 428430; male disciples
392; exceptionally sound 392; false witness
against 170; family sided against him: NIV
quotes 443444; how get such learning
282; little children 59, 282, 428; man no-
one knows 428; miracles demystified 433
436; new wine 153; no greater love 114; not
weak 429, 451; not yet fifty 432; overcome
the world 142, 252; quote from
59, 63, 128,
130, 246, 284, 360, 469; re martyrdom
436; resurrection demystified 433
436; servant of all 179; soul strength
431; soundness condemning 433; soundness
healed 433; speaking figuratively 413; spoke
openly 461; truth set you free 433; without
honour 442

Christianity 156, 364

Christie, Agatha 347

Cimbrians 327, 350; women 327

cities 481

civilisations: peak and decadent 363

Civilisedman 359

Civilization in Transition 122

Clancy of The Overflow 478

Clark, Mary E. 140, 285

Cline, Patsy 289

clothes 332, 359

cloud on the horizon 183

Cocker, Joe 330

codependent 197



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Cohen, Leonard 429

Cohen, Stanley 46

Coles, Robert 207

collective unconscious 49, 100

Collins Persse, M.D. de B. 171

Colour of the Clouds, The 196

Colquhoun, Lachlan 506

Coming to Our Senses 287

communism 409

competitive world: belief in 232239

concrete: fifty feet of solid 288. See also Laing,

Conrad, Joseph 42

consciousness: 2 million years ago 119; how
emerged 117119

Consider Me Gone 220

Consilience 54, 115, 133

Continental Drift: theory of 90

contrived excuses 113116; for competitiveness

Convergence of Science and Religion, The 412

convicts 473

cooperative ideality: what it took to block out

cooperative world: belief in 232239

Copernicus 149

Corian, The 171

Cosmic Blueprint, The 417

Counsellor, The 465

Coupland, Douglas 281

Courage to Heal 148, 298, 302, 304

Cowley, Jason 381

Crazy 289

Crazy Horse 458

Cooke, Eric 211, 506

Crum, Thomas F. 503

Cry, the Beloved Country 33

Cullen-Ward, Emma 506

Cullen-Ward, Fiona 507

Cummins, Anthony 507

Cunningham, Richie 336

Curthoys, Jean 247

Dahl, Roald 199

damage: psychological 202

Dame Edna Everage 271

Daniel 255, 372, 492

Dante 248

Darian, Joe 210

dark night of the soul 236

Darling, James 57, 139, 164, 171, 389,
412, 447, 453, 502; as prophet 499; one of
200 great Australians 499; peak vision at 51
432; preserve sensitivity 499; re Christ 442;
re England 352; science and religion
418; sensitive and tough 431

Darwin, Charles 113, 138, 150, 389, 447;
hostile reviews 153

Darwin, Francis 153

David: childhood of 482

David and Goliath 141, 410

Davidson, Iain 145

Davies, Paul 92, 285, 389, 411, 417, 421,
447, 464; as prophet 139, 464; books
91, 417; god of the gaps 410; mechanism
sterile 140; on God 88, 406; recent books
93; Templeton Prize speech 467

Davis, Laura 148, 298


deaf effect 4251; age and alienation factors
62; age increases 5657; alienation increases
154; blame presentation 5254; degrees of
439; erode 69; increase with IQ 58
62; overcoming 6466; psychologically
desperate: don’t suffer 438439

DeBlois, Tony 258

Deconstructionism 182, 404, 409

Delaheve, Diane 342

democratic principle 58, 155, 174, 468

denial: exactly how achieved 233236; fortress
walls of 176; humans’ historic 33
34; masters of 60; psychological principles in
overcoming 294, 298

Denial-free books 447448

denial-free thinkers 389. See also prophets

denials: examples of 145

Depression: National Institute in Australia 230

depression: of the human condition 206
208; suicidal 233

Derrida, Jacques 182

Descartes, René 181

despair 62, 264; shatter denial 62

Destiny of Man, The 32, 44

development of order 87, 113, 426

Didn’t You Used To Be R.D. Laing?, 250. See also
Laing, R.D.

die: as one prepares to 228

Diogenes 397

Disraeli, Benjamin 312

Divine Comedy, The 248

dog: new tricks 56, 153

dogma: pure forms of 409

Donaghy, Bronwyn 229

Doors of Perception, The 311

Downie, David 507

dream 100; flying 290

drugs: hallucinatory 264

Dworkin, Andrea 321

Dylan, Bob 164, 490

dysfunctional: families 199

earliest work: most honest 83

Easterman, Eliza 507

Edgar, Don 246

Edgar, Sally 507

Edge of the Sacred 472

Education of a Civilized Man, The 57, 164,
172, 353, 431, 502

ego: definition 121

egocentricity: origin of 121

Egypt 362

Egyptians 364

Einstein, Albert 143, 301

elephant 9, 12, 34, 44; in living room 2126,
188194; shot 204

Eliot, George 196

Eliot, T.S. 26, 45, 342, 345, 457

Elliott, Anthony 47

Emperor’s New Clothes 22, 141, 148, 486

Empiricism 181

End of the Game, The 205

end-game 230

England 351, 352

English 352

enthusiasm: God within 263

environmentalism 241

Essay on Man 28, 40




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Eucalypts 489

Evans, Marian 196

Everest from Sea to Summit 263

evil: not sanctioned 123

Evolution: television series 134

evolution 113, 134

Evolutionary Psychology 114, 117, 235

Executive Woman’s Report 62

Existentialism 182

Exodus: Book of 448

Ezekiel 273, 438

faith 40, 443; and belief 23, 73; end of
180, 398, 443, 467; and hope
141, 215, 460; and reason 181, 184;
lack of 440; obsolete 138, 463

fall from grace 104

Farewell, My Lovely 331

Farrell, Warren 337, 341

fasting 264

fatigue 263, 360

Faust 48

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 344

Feminism: limitation of 409

Feminist Movement 182, 409

Ferguson, Marilyn 292

fertile crescent 364

Fetner, P. Jay 204

Fetzer Foundation 24

FHA/WTM 499; has ultimate product 504;logo
and name 500; Member 501; Membership
profiles 504; Supporter 501

Fields, W.C. 206

Fijians 366

fire: great 3839; metaphor 3537, 8588

first cut is the deepest 327

First Essay on Interest 384

First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, The 289

first will be last 128, 307, 488

Fisher King 230, 486

Fisher King & The Handless Maiden, The 344

FitzGerald, Bronwyn 508

Fonzie 336

forty-year-old: reality of 366

forty-year-old-equivalent 359

Fossey, Dian 139, 223, 389, 391, 447

Foucault, Michel 182

four horsemen 405

Fouts, Roger 272

foxes have holes 252, 387

free enterprise 370

Freud, Sigmund 139, 247, 332, 389, 447; work
resisted 150

fuck: powerful swear word 450

fundamentalism: rise of 405

future: species’ fabulous 311

Future Shock 69, 151

future shock 56, 184, 398

Gaddafi, Colonel 373

Galileo 149

Gamaliel 156

Garden of Eden 34, 37, 48, 104, 121,
221, 332, 377

Garland, Judy 290

Gauls 351

Geelong Grammar School 171, 172, 370,
432, 469; WTM Members attended 499

gene-based learning 120, 376, 426


generation: ACES 281; X 281; XX 281

Genesis 320, 321, 333, 392; banishment
310; Cain and Abel 380; flaming sword
95; like God knowing 180; man in image of
God 377

genetic reciprocity 235

genetic refinement 113, 329; limitation of 376

genetics 106; limitation of 107, 117

Germanic races 362

Gibran, Kahlil 139, 389, 430, 447, 451

gifted people: threaten others 440

Giovanni’s Room 220

girls: horses 215

glandular fever 194

goby fish 267

God 430; abstraction gap 407408; as negative
entropy 89; concerns about 406; cooperative
ideals 37, 377; demystification of 406
416; exposing 407414; face to face
125, 250, 388, 430; fearing 37, 72, 90,
381; is love 419; is negative entropy
416; loves you 27, 40, 133

God and the New Physics 417

God the Father 427

God the Holy Ghost or Spirit 427

God the Son 427

Goethe 48

golden age 34, 48, 104

Golden Summer 478

good die young 363

goose: lays golden egg 155, 174

Goths 350

Gould, Stephen Jay 411

Gramsci, Antonio 312

Gray, John 323

great lie, the 218

Greeks 362

Green Movement 182; empty rhetoric 221

Greenland 478

Greer, Germaine 322

gridiron 138

Griffith, Jeremy 502, 508; and Irishman 353; as
contemporary prophet 453; biography
528; books 50; repetitive 54; books deaf
effect response 5052; brothers
445; childhood of 477, 481; degree
528; family sided against 445; father
445; influenced by van der Post 53; mother
445; National Times article 463; poem
492; school report 469; standard talk
70; student of Charles Birch 419; support
derived from van der Post 173

Griffith, Simon 171, 445, 446, 508

guardians: more alienated see themselves as 155

Gurdjieff, George 260, 451

Gurdjieff: An Approach to His Ideas 451

Guys and Dolls 339

Hair, the musical 185, 492

hairless 109

Hand-Me-Down Blues 229

Handless Maiden 344

Happy Days 336

happy ending 349

Hart, Charles 212

Hart, Larry 289

Harvard Magazine 54

Hawking, Stephen: God is laws of physics



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422; impersonal God 416; on God 88, 406

Hayman, Ronald 243

He: Understanding Masculine Psychology 230, 486

Health & Survival in the 21st Century 337

Heart of the Hunter, The 255

heaven 262, 290, 424

Hebrews 362; collected prophets 448

Heinberg, Richard 105

hell 424

Hemingway, Ernest 31

heresy 65

Hesiod 104, 291

Hillman and Ventura 297

Hinduism 364, 427

history: taught at schools 350

Hitler 368

Hobsbawn, Eric 312

holism 88

Hollow Men, The 342

Holy Ghost or Spirit 427

Holy Grail 76, 401, 488

Holy Grail: of the human journey 76

Holy Spirit 465

Homer 48, 136, 178, 447

Homo 358

Homo erectus 358

Homo habilis 358

Homo sapiens 358

Homo sapiens sapiens 358

homosexuality 336

honesty: come like summer rains 218; is therapy

Hooper, Ella 214

Hope, A.D. 470

Horne, Ross 337

Hours By The Window 249

House of Cards 211, 280

Howard, John 373

Howard, Robert 149

human condition 2527; agony of 27
33; anticipations of solution 74, 490
491; contradictions of 27; denial of 33
34; exists within 232; extent of fear 243
250; glancing references to 54; resistance to
163; to solve objective of human journey
292293; trying to confront 200
204; ultimate threat of 155; understanding
of: liberates beauty 420

human race: denial-free history 349370

humans: don’t want to think 192; elderly
291; how became corrupted 376378

Hume, David 181

humour 359; demystified 449450

Humphries, Barry 271

Huns 363

Hunter, J.A. 205

Hunters & Collectors 76, 401, 488

hunting 320, 359; big game 204

Hussein, Saddam 373

Huxley, Aldous 120, 284, 311

Huxley, Thomas 113

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction 77, 490

I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For 77, 215

I Who Have Nothing 330

idealism: how confronting 205

ideals: condemning 3537

ignorance: threat to group 237


Ikhnaton 93

Imagine 77, 215, 490

Impossible Dream, The 210

In Search of the Miraculous 260

Incas 364

incest: victims of 298, 455

Indian Fijians 366

Indians 364, 367

infancy 217, 357

Infantman 357

Inherit the Wind 252

innocence: doesn’t exist 221; face truth
149; hated 221; image of 289

insecurity: degrees of 379

instinctive selves: hurt or damaged 378

instincts: ignorant 120

integration 426; two great tools 427

integrative meaning 106; seen as dangerous
truth 134; humans fear 422

intellectuals 61, 183

Intelligent Design 134

Intercourse 321

Intimations of Immortality 103, 121

IQ 61, 469; high needed for denial 307; limit
120; tests 128

Ireland 351

Ireland, David 471

Irish 352, 353, 473

Is Your Child Depressed 229

Isaiah 44, 45, 51, 62, 141, 471, 482

Isherwood, Damon 509

Islam 364

Islamic art 266

Islands in the Stream 31

Italians 363, 365

Jackson, Felicity 509

Jacob 388

Jagger, Mick 78

James, Charlotte 509

Janus: A Summing Up 87

Japanese 251

Japanese proverb 355

Jaspers, Karl 273, 438

Jesuit saying 202

jewellery 359

jigsaw: pieces of 137; pieces side down 414

Job: deep shadow 38, 95, 389

Joel 492

John the Baptist 170

Johnson, Robert A. 139, 230, 344, 389,
447, 486

Jones, Heulwen (Lee) 146, 509

Jones, J.D.F. 166, 251, 458

Jowett, Benjamin 131

Judaism 364

judgment day 184, 398; fear of 403

Jung and the Story of Our Time 244

Jung, Carl 100, 139, 170, 243, 250, 256,
389, 447; as prophet 247; collective
unconscious 49; journey into unconscious
243; let himself drop 245; projection
461; quote from 122, 396, 433; Salome
324, 391; swearing 452

Jungian principles 230

Kamiya, Gary 248

Kauffman, Stuart 91, 139, 389, 447

Kaufmann, Sally 509




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Kazantzakis, Nikos 222, 342, 344

Kelly, Ned 63, 474

Kennett, Jeff 229

Khan, Genghis 144

Kierkegaard, Søren 31, 32, 45, 46, 138, 389,

Killing Heidi 214

King Arthur legend 231, 249, 486

King, Martin Luther 436

kissing disease 194

Kodet, Monica 510

Koestler, Arthur 139, 170, 389, 447; negative
entropy 87, 418; on science 90; quote from
285; suicide 249

Koko: the gorilla 290

Kronemeyer, Robert 337

Kuhn, Thomas 153, 165, 501

Laing, Adrian 249

Laing, R.D.
46, 139, 249, 273, 389, 447; alienation goes
to roots 287; as prophet 249; each child
potential prophet 385; exiled truth
96; families cause madness 279; famine in
land 48; fifty feet of solid concrete
288, 397; quote from 158, 192,
211, 216, 247, 277, 282, 438, 496, 260
261, 296, 397; swearing 452; turn the mind
around 178

lambs among wolves 170

Landahl, Anthony 446, 510

Landahl, Peter 81

language: Indo-European 363

Last Two Million Years, The 396

Lawrence, D.H. 105, 361, 386

Lawson, Henry 31, 37, 208, 475; childhood of

Leakey, Louis 139, 389, 447

Leakey, Richard 447, 449

Leaving Early 229

Left Behind series 403

left wing 370

left wing and right wing 184

legal system: denial-compliant 173

Lennon, John 77, 215, 490

Lessic, Michael 211

Let It Be 215

Let Me Explain 330

Lewin, Roger 91, 449

liars 61

Liar’s Tale: A History of Falsehood, The 83

liberated position (LP) 294, 304

life: magic of 425

Life of Jung 243

lightning 183; flashes 399

Lindbergh, Anne 61

Little Prince, The 196, 199

Lizard Lounge, The 345

Llewellyn, Kate 323

loaves and fishes 434

Locke, John 181

Logical Song, The 217

loneliness 288

Longfellow, H.W. 206

Lord Mountbatten 251

Lorenz, Konrad 117

Lost World of the Kalahari, The 255

love: fall in 239, 288, 331; unconditional 201


Love, Let’s Fall In 288

137, 237, 270, 329; explained 107110

Luddites 148

Luke 399

Luther, Martin 447

lying 284

Macartney-Snape, Tim 81, 171, 420, 446,
510; first Australian climb Mt Everest 263

MacColl, Ewan 289

Macken, Deidre 92, 391

Mackintosh, Simon 511

MacLaine, Shirley 323

Magic of Conflict, The 503

Makim, Damian 511

Makim, Sean 511

Mallarmé, Stéphane 260

man: image of God 110

Man From Snowy River, The 141, 410, 483

Man of La Mancha, The 210, 321

Manley Hopkins, Gerard 42, 207, 244, 486

Marais, Eugène 121, 139, 389, 447; suicide 249

marriage 333, 359

Marx, Karl 181

matriarchy 109, 320, 324

maturation stages 354; explained 217

maturity 357

McCarthy, Mary 349

McCubbin, Frederick 478

McFadyen, Manus 510

McNamara, Marie 511

mechanistic science 139

media: much superifical talk 312

meditation 262

meek inherit earth 128, 307, 488

Meir, Golda 325

Mellen, Joan 336

Memories & Visions of Paradise 105

Memories, Dreams, Reflections 243

men: are worthless 347; as warrior 348; boot
into the dirt 346; crumpled 324; movements

men and women: different roles 237241

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus 323

Men: From Stone Age to Clone Age 346

Mencius 103, 261

Merlin 249

messiah 143, 463

messiah complex 249

messianic 464

metaphysical descriptions 419

Mexican stand-off 436

Micah 491

Middle East 369

might ruled over right 128

Miles, Siân 60

Mill, John Stuart 157, 501

Miller, Bruce 258

Miller, Fiona 209, 213, 233, 257, 395

Miller, Sally 511

Milligan, Spike 434

mind: twice alienated 118

Mind of God, The 417

mind-control 163

miracles 434

Mohammed 128, 250, 386, 481

Mollison, James 511




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Mongols 360

Monkey Trial 252

monotheism 419

Monroe, Marilyn 325

Moral Animal, The 114, 235

Moral Intelligence of Children, The 207

morality: basis of 115

Morrison, Jim 67, 75, 196, 310, 311

Morton, John 1, 139, 389, 447, 453; Beyond
commendation 413

Moses 125, 250, 388, 448, 457, 482; childhood
of 482

mothers: stroke brow 193

Mount Sinai Medical School 196

mountains of the mind 244

Mousetrap, The 347

muddied pool 462

Mugabe, Robert 373

Murray, Les 384

music: 1960s: optimistic 426; late 20th century:
manic 426

My Friends the Baboons 249

Myth of Male Power, The 337, 341

mythology 78

Nagel, Thomas 72

National Review 373

natural selection 113, 134

nature 267; friend of soul 221

near-death experience (NDE) 261

Ned Kelly: Australian Son 63

negative entropy 86, 137, 140; if ends with heat
death 421; where spirituality 416418

Nelson, Willie 289

neotenous features 109, 238, 329

neoteny 109

nerve-based learning 120, 299, 377, 426

Nesse, Randolph 116

Neumann, Erich 139, 231, 243, 389, 447;
Jung’s most gifted student 231; quote from

New Age Movement 23, 72, 75, 77, 153, 182,
286, 292, 404, 412, 453

New Zealand 374

Next of Kin 272

Nietzsche, Friedrich 138, 230, 248, 262, 329,
331, 334, 347, 348, 370, 389, 447; largely
unread 282; lying 47; quote from 286,
392; ‘superman’ 286

Nineteen Eighty-Four 372

Niven, David 46

No Worst There is None 207, 486

Noah’s Ark: explained 393394

noble savage 115

noisy nines 214

non-falsifiable situation 6364

Noonday Demon, The 229, 279

Norseman 351

nurturing 135, 237, 270, 329, 333; main
influence 376; now safe to admit significance
of 280; significance of 107110, 272; took
back seat 377

nutcracker: bird 267

O’Brien, Rachel 512

Odysseus 49, 136

Odyssey, The 48, 136

omega point 292

On Education 319, 479


On Human Nature 55, 133

On Liberty 157, 501

On Purpose 417

On the Contrary 349

One Solitary Life 431

Operant Conditioning 117

orienteering 267

Origin of Species, The 113; criticised 150

Origins 449

Origins and History of Consciousness, The 231

Origins of Virtue, The 116

Orwell, George 372

Out of My Later Years 143, 301

Outside magazine 360

Over the Rainbow 290

Overcoming Homosexuality 338

Paglia, Camille 322, 325

palm trees 204

paradigm shift 56, 184, 398; degrees of
difficulty 148

Parsifal 487

Passion of the Western Mind, The 149

Paterson, A.B. (Banjo) 139, 141, 389, 447,
473, 475, 478; childhood of 483

patience and perseverance: need for 6770

Paton, Alan 28, 30, 31, 33, 36, 222

patriarchy 237, 320

patterns of behaviour 148, 302

Peace Movement 182

Peace Train 490

Perennial Philosophy, The 120

Phaedo 101, 102, 103

Phantom of the Opera, The 212

Phar Lap 466

Phenomenon of Man, The 134

philosophy: definition 84

Pink Floyd 216

Planck, Max 153

Plato: absolute justice 172; anticipated
psychiatry 296; cave allegory 3541, 83;
cave prisoners 4345, 67, 95, 96; crisis in life
249; departure from cave 176183; Encarta
35, 39, 85, 96; Forms 85, 101; four states of
mind 98; human potential once liberated
from cave 297; humans denial 4345; ideal
education 126; liberation from cave 96
97; middle period 101; nature of soul 101
104; object of knowledge 40; on education
131; on innocence 124, 383; on nurturing
131; on Socrates 146; philosopher rulers
126129; predicted how human condition
solved 142; someone returns to cave 159
172; universal first principle 86; wrote
Republic at 50 432

PMT 334

pocket the win 297

Pogo comic strip 45, 246

Politically Correct Movement 371, 404, 409

Ponnuru, Ramesh 373

Pope, Alexander 28, 31, 37, 40, 132, 133

Porter, Cole 289

Postmodernism 83, 182, 371, 409

poverty 371

power-fame-fortune-glory obsessed 236

prayer 262

Press, James 512

Prigogine, Ilya 91, 139, 389, 447




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Prince Charles 167, 172

Prison Notebooks 312

Progress Without Loss of Soul 128, 448

prophets 104, 125, 130, 349; authority of 430,
454457; classes of 430; confront integrative
meaning 388; contemporary 389; Jeremy
Griffith 138; role of 138, 462465; defiant
451; demystified 383389; different to a saint
429; false 72, 162, 404405; first place go is
own family 440, 441; fundamental struggle
253; historically condemning 138;
maturation long 432; not clever 468;
persecute 126, 130; shepherd in youth
128; small concluding role 466; some
suicided 265; sufficiently loved 245; took on
world of lies 429; unbearably confronting
386; unresigned and resigned 389
391, 430; unresigned people 384; without
honour 439444; female 391

pseudo-idealism 182, 240, 371, 404406; forms
of guilt free 409; movements 75; rise of 405

psyche 150

psychiatry: black majic 297; Plato anticipated

177; soul healing 297

psychological stages 357

psychosis: definition 150

puberty 194, 229

Public Enemy 293

Purdy, Amanda 512

Pygmy Chimpanzee, The 109

Quantock, Rod 31, 73, 247

Queen Victoria 339

questions: fundamental 227, 350; key re
humans denial 187

R.D. Laing A Biography 249

races: cynical 369

racism 349

Rain Man 257

Ramanujan 258

Rand, Ayn 325

Ransdell, Eric 360

rationalism 181

reciprocity 114

reductionism 139

religion: beginnings of 396; origins 115

religions 130; civilised humanity
157; demystifying role of 395396; too
confronting 241; value of 395

Republic, The 35, 83, 101

resignation 52, 187208; cost of 256
263; effects on men and women 239; end of
309310; history of analysis of 229231; life
leading to 211215; moment of 232
242; most important psychological event
229; Noah’s Ark metaphor for 394; poetry
208210; renegotiating 294305

resigned mind: dysfunction of 282
285; necessary dishonesty of 277280

resurrection 435, 436

Rhodes, Cecil 367

Ricciardi, Mirella 338

Richard, Keith 78

Richards, Renée 337

Ridley, Matt 116

right wing 370

Ring, Kenneth 262

Rintoul, Stuart 473


River of Second Chances 360

Roberts, Tom 478

rock climbers 263

Rocks Of Ages 411

Rodger, Stacy 512

Roethke, Theodore 208

Rolling Stones 77, 490

Roman society 328

Romans 352, 362

Rome 351

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 105, 115, 138, 319,
389, 447, 479

Rowell, Marcus 513

Ruth 393

Saint, Francis of Assisi 429

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 61, 139, 196, 447
199, 389

Salome 391

Salter, Genevieve 513

Salter, William 513

Samuel 454

Samutchoso 394

Santa Fe Institute 91

Sardar, Ziauddin 283

Sartre, Jean-Paul 182

Satan: can’t drive out Satan 162, 429, 454, 461

savant syndrome 257260

savants: insight into human abilities 268

Saxons 351

Scandinavia 351, 365

school teachers 213

schools: pass on great lie 216

Schopenhauer, Arthur 138, 389, 447; journey
of new ideas 147; quote from 261, 283

Schreiner, Olive 63, 138, 202, 264, 319, 326,
328, 339, 345, 389, 391, 447; first 6 years
make us 386; pre-resigned state 223
226; railed against men 393; vulnerability of
children 279

Schroder, Jeremy 308

Schultheis, Rob 263

science: makes understanding possible
143; mechanistic 283; eg of denials
135; ground work 137; hard-won insights
135; maintain denial 136; stalled 139;
mechanistic not holistic 90, 133135; peak
expression of human effort 143; the liberator
131135, 143, 415; the messiah 143, 415

science and religion: different perspective on one
subject 412; divide between 411;
reconciliation of 183

Science Friction 92, 391, 411, 417

scientific method 283

scientists: resist new ideas 153

Scopes, John 252

Scotland 351

scree jumping 263

sea: metaphor of 136

Sea Kingdoms, The 351

second coming 465

secularism 408

self-organisation 86, 140

self-restraint 123

self-selection 108

selflessness: meaningful 87; unconditional
110, 116, 329

Semites 362, 364




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Separate but Equal 312

Seven Up documentaries 202

sex 321, 335; demystified 449451; explained

sex-object attention 327

sexes: war between 317333

sexual conquest 327

Sexual Personae 322

Seymour, Mark 76, 215, 488

shadow: to own 349

Shakespeare 60

shattered defence 273

Shaw, George Bernard 151, 175; quote from

Shaw, Nicholas 513

sheep among wolves 172

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 261

shepherds 128, 327

ships at sea 218221; letter from 219

Shiva the Destroyer 427

sickness 291

Sickness Unto Death, The 31

Siegler, Dr 229

silence: destructive 194197

Silicon Valley 258

Simmons, Jean 339

Simon and Garfunkel 199

Simone Weil, An Anthology 60

Simpsons, The 347

sin: origin of 117

sins of the father 45, 196, 378

Sistine Chapel 27

Skinner, B.F. 117

Slattery, Luke 169

Slavs 362

Smuts, Jan 88

SNAGs 325

Snyder & Mitchell 259

Social Darwinism 113, 235

socialism 181

Sociobiology 114, 117, 235

Sociobiology: The New Synthesis 114

Socrates 84, 146, 149, 170; corrupting the
young 146; unexamined life 146

Solomon, Andrew 229, 279

Somewhere 288, 331

Somewhere, Some Time, Some Place 223

Sondheim, Stephen 288, 331

Song of the Future 475

Songlines, The 104

sophisticated 182

soul: how acquired 106112; how corrupted
117120; language of 290; mythology 104
105; nature friend of 192; subtle form of
selfishness 115; the synthesiser 136143, 415

Soul of the Ape, The 121, 249

Soul of the White Ant , The 249

Sound of Silence, The 199

soundness: humanity waiting for 141; leading
129; winnow truth 137

South Africa 374

Spencer, Herbert 113

spirit 260, 419; of humans 423

Spong, John Shelby 106, 110

sportsperson: only receive credit when die 440

stages with ages 217

States of Denial 46


Steadman, Ralph 344

Steinem, Gloria 323

Stengers, Isabelle 91

Stephen 147; false witness 147, 160

Stevens, Cat 490

Stevenson, Robert Louis 196

Sting 220

Stockman, The 480

Storey, Peter 513

Story of an African Farm, The 63, 202, 264,
279, 319, 326, 339, 393

Strahan, Ronald 453

Streeton, Arthur 478

Strum, Shirley 109

Summa Theologica 181

sun: makes intelligible 94; metaphor 35
37, 8588; people who could live in 123129

sunglasses 204

superheroes 286

Superman 261

supermodels 330

survival of the fittest 113

survival of the fittest world: belief in 232236

Susman, Randall L. 109

swearing 452; demystified 449451

T-model Ford 359

Tacey, David 472

Talking Heads TV program 417, 421

Tarnas, Richard 149

Tassone, Lisa 53, 59, 188

teenage-equivalent 354

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 22, 134, 139, 292,
330, 389, 447, 463

Teiresias 48, 136, 335

teleology 88, 140

Temple, William 500

Templeton Prize 41, 92, 417, 467

Terra Australis and The Holy Spirit 472

terrorism 369

Testament to the Bushmen 263

Thatcher, Margaret 325, 251

Theogony 104, 291

Theories of Everything, The 258

Thinking About Children 193, 274276

thirty-year-old equivalent race 369

Thompson, Hunter S. 344

thunder 183

Thus Spoke Zarathustra 329, 334, 348, 370,

Thylacine. See Tiger: Tasmanian

Tiger: Burning Bright 28; Tasmanian 508

Times Square 327

Times They Are A-Changin’, The 164, 490

Toffler, Alvin 69, 151

tolerance: in society 468

toughening process 201, 355

Tow, David Hunter 258

Townes, Charles H. 412

Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran, The 431

Trimurti 427

trinity 426; Christian 427; demystification of
426427; fundamental forces of 427;
Trimurti 427

truth: adjusting to 305; assemble outside cave
137; difficulty of confronting 145153; live at
different distances 379381; replaced with lie
236; set you free 66, 185, 350




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truths: self-evident 55

twenty one year old: tradition 355

twenty-year-old-equivalent 355

U2 77, 490

Ulysses 136

Uncommon Genius 257, 272

unconscious counterposition 243

University For Denial-Free Studies 294

unresigned: had to survive persecution
387; loneliness of 387; state ultranatural 397

unevasive thinkers. See prophets

unresigned thinkers. See prophets

upset: origin of 120

Valentino, Rudolph 336

Vamps & Tramps 325

van der Post, Laurens 62, 139, 193, 251,
256, 389, 447; as prophet 50, 53; Athenian
society 448; childhood of 483; compassion
41; formative writing at 51 432; great
journey of life 111; live not only our own
lives 426; persecution of 166173; quote
105, 122, 128, 129, 162, 183, 270, 293,
312, 328, 334, 345, 350, 361, 368369,
413, 437, 457, 471, 496; re Freud 150; re
Jung 61, 244; re Jung’s journey into
unconscious 291; re pain of artists 265; The
Other Journey 49; victory parade 423; Voice
of the Thunder 49

Van Gogh, Vincent 265, 390; only sold 1
painting 440

View From Nowhere, The 72

Vikings 351, 360

Virgil 202, 248, 262, 447

Virgin Mary 333

Virgin Mother: Christian emphasis on
443; demystified 383389; symbol of
nurturing 443

Vishnu the Preserver 427

Voice of the Thunder, The 49, 183

von Weizsäcker, Carl 370

Waiting For Godot 295, 385

Wald, George 26, 195

Waldrop, M. Mitchell 91

Wales 351

Wall Street Journal, The 55

Wallace & Gromit 118

Wallace, Alfred Russel 113

Waltzing Matilda 473

Watson, Ali 514

Watson, Anna 514

Watson, Prue 514

Watson, Tim 514

Weil, Simone 60, 139, 223, 389, 391, 447

West, Annabelle 514

West, James 81, 515

West, Mae 217

West, Morris 30, 31, 301, 359

West Side Story 288, 331

West, Stirling 515

Westbrook, Prue 515

We’ve Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy 297

What Am I Doing Here 427

Wheatcroft, Geoffrey 370

When the Bush Begins to Speak 475

When The Ship Comes In 490

white hunter 205

White, Patrick 29, 31, 222, 266


Whitehead, Alfred North 84, 185, 449

Whitman, Walt 480

Why 450

will to power 348

Will To Power, The 262

William Blake Selected Poems 457

William the Conqueror 351

Williams, Annie 171, 446, 515, 528

Wilson 467

Wilson, Edward O. 54, 114, 133, 235

Winfrey, Oprah 229

Winnicott, D.W. 139, 192, 272, 283,
389, 447; quotes re autism 274276; quote
from 469; significance of nurturing 277279

winnowing: shovel 49, 137

wise: thoughts futile 60, 177

Witkin, Georgia 196

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 25, 67

Wizard of Oz 290

wolf: live with lamb 141

Wolfman Jack 195

Woman of the Future, A 471

Woman Question, The 326

women: ageing 342; beauty of 330; bimbo,
breeder, etc 343; blindness 391; feel 334;
magazines 332; mystery of 289, 331; not
mainframed 391; not sympathetic to battle
391; pubescent body shape 332; take over
324; unmainframed 323; victim of a victim

Wordsworth, William 29, 31, 103, 121, 125,
138, 202, 266, 389, 447

Wright, Robert 114, 235

Yapko, Michael 229

Yin and Yang 184

You Can Leave Your Hat On 330

Young, Robyn 257

youth: suicide and depression 229

Zarathustra 250, 387, 429, 482

zeal 451

Zen 122

Zorba The Greek 222, 342

Zoroastrian religion 37, 95

