A Species In Denial—Resignation

The end of resignation

While adults who are already resigned and living in denial can begin to dismantle the denial, it is especially wonderful that young people who are not yet resigned, like Lisa Tassone at 16 years of age, can now apply themselves to digesting the explanation of the human condition and avoid resignation. In fact, the real beneficiaries of this new information are going to be the generations who have not yet reached the stage where they would otherwise have resigned and now will not have to. It is obviously much easier to stay in the denial-free state than to have to return to it from a state of denial.

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Now that the human condition has been understood, humans will no longer have to suffer the agony of resignation. With the ability to reconcile ideality with reality new generations of humans will not have to resort to blocking out ideality to cope with reality. Also, they will see how understanding of the human condition will bring an end to the immensely upset, corrupted and destructive, angry, egocentric and alienated world humans have been living in. They can look forward to a peaceful, loving world.

Resignation was a tragic but necessary coping strategy humans had to employ in the absence of the understanding of their ‘goodness’. With understanding of the human condition available, resigning to a world of denial, insensitivity and alienation is no longer necessary.

What will be especially relieving to new generations is that older generations will now be able to be honest about human life. At last able to understand the human condition, it is finally possible to reveal what has truly been going on in the lives of resigned adults. The once necessary but horrifically destructive silence resigned adults maintained about their corrupted, alienated state can be broken. All the lying can stop and new generations of humans arriving in the world will grow up free of alienation and, as a result of this freedom, will be so different from humans of today that they will be like a new variety of beings on Earth. No longer having to bury the magic world of their soul and resign themselves to a life of alienation the new generations will stay alive inside themselves. Furthermore, with the understanding available of why humans have been the way they have been, that greatest of all living horrors, depression, will disappear from Earth.

Thank heavens the journey through estrangement or alienation or ‘banishment’ (see Genesis 3:23) and its terrible resultant darkness is over. Humans can now escape the alienated condition, as Jim Morrison of The Doors sang, they can now ‘Break on through to the other side’ because ‘the day [that] destroys the night’ has arrived. Humans lived in denial, in Morrison’s words they ‘Tried to run / Tried to hide’, and they lived superficially, materialistically, ‘We chased our pleasures here / Dug our treasures there’, but ultimately humans had to ‘Break on through to the other side’, through a path that was directly and deeply confronting, a path where ‘The gate is straight / Deep and wide’.

While the acknowledgment and explanation of the human condition is initially a great shock, it ultimately brings phenomenal relief Page 311 of
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to humansand to our world as well, for humans will no longer be the upset, angry, selfish and immensely destructive beings they have been.
