The Great Exodus

7. What is to be presented is the long sought-after explanation of the human condition

The birth of a new human-condition-free, psychologically healed civilisation and world has depended on finding understanding of the human condition. It is that desperately needed ameliorating understanding that is now found, and which will be presented here.

To say unequivocally that this is the understanding of the human condition that humanity has sought may at first seem unscientific. Surely, you may think, what is being put forward at this stage is no more than a hypothesis, much as Darwin’s idea of natural selection was put forward only as a hypothesis; when the latter was introduced scientist Thomas Henry Huxley wrote, ‘We wanted…to get hold of clear and definite conceptions [as to the origin of the variety of life on Earth] which could be brought face to face with facts and have their validity tested. The “Origin [of Species]” provided us with the working hypothesis we sought’ (The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley, Leonard Huxley, Vol.1, 1900, p.170). For a hypothesis to become accepted as true the scientific method dictates that it must first be tested and in the case of a hypothesis about the human condition the ultimate test is how accountable it is of our own lives. Albert Einstein once said that ‘truth is what stands the test of experience’ (Out of My Later Years, 1950); Morris West similarly wrote that ‘Life itself is the best of all lie-detectors’ (A View from the Ridge, 1996). Fantastic a claim as it may seem, what is presented here is the long-sought-after, desperately needed, reconciling explanation of the human condition and the reason you will know it is, is because once you understand the explanation and begin to apply itas will be done in this bookyou will discover it is so able to make sense of human behaviour it makes it transparent. This transparency of ourselves that understanding of the human condition brings is the ultimate ‘test of experience’ that confirms that the understanding is the long-sought explanation of the human condition. In this particular scientific studythe biological analysis of the human conditionwe humans are the subjects, which means we can experience, feel and know the truthfulness or otherwise of the explanations being put forward.

