1995ABC-TV Four Corners approach the FHA
In what was said to be a journey of exploration of the Foundation for Humanity’s Adulthood’s (FHA) insights into the human condition, in 1995 the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) engaged the FHA in an ABC-TV Four Corners program.
In April 1995, ABC-TV broadcast the Four Corners program ‘Prophet of Oz’ concerning the FHA, Jeremy Griffith and Tim Macartney-Snape. The program was produced by Reverend Dr David Millikan of the Uniting Church, who also wrote a full page article about the FHA in the Sydney Morning Herald, titled ‘Prophet of the Posh’.
The FHA became aware of the nature of the program prior to it going to air and sent more than a dozen substantial letters of complaint and appeal to the ABC prior to the broadcast, including the following:
A half-page advertisement ‘open letter’ to ABC managing director, Mr Brian Johns is placed in The Australian newspaper.
A joint letter of complaint from many parents of university students who were interested in the FHA’s ideas is also sent to Brian Johns.
Following the program, the FHA made numerous complaints, appeals and protests to the ABC-TV — all to no avail. Having been dismissed by the ABC, the FHA distributed thousands of documents attempting to redress the portrayal of the FHA, and held open days and public lectures to try and overcome the negative effects of the media reports that were published in response to the program.