Free: The End of The Human Condition
Page 95 of
Print EditionPART TWO
The Unevasive Scientific Story
of the Ascent of Humanity
PART 2 IS TO BRIEFLY go through the secured in first principle, unevasive, scientific explanation of the development of matter to form humanity.
We should note here that in the past we have often talked of the ascent of ‘Man’ not the ascent of ‘Humanity’. We evasively justified the use of ‘man’ by saying it was an abbreviation for ‘humanity’. Feminists would say it was an example of sexism and certainly there was an element of sexism involved since we have been a patriarchal society, as has been explained. However the real reason was to evade having to say ‘humanity’. The concept of humanity brought into focus the concept of integrativeness, which we needed to avoid. This was the main reason we preferred ‘man’ to ‘humanity’. We similarly evaded the use of ‘we’ as in ‘we humanity’ preferring ‘I’ or ‘they’ or ‘others’.
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Print Edition Framework:
Science’s need to be evasive/mechanistic/reductionist has already been explained, and Part 3 of this book will look in even greater detail at the reasons and ramifications of the mechanistic approach. What is relevant here is the way in which our necessary mechanistic approach divided knowledge into separate compartments when in truth knowledge is interrelated. We have had to hide from the many hurtful implications that flowed from such partial truths as integrative meaning and one of the best ways to do this was to break up the whole or holistic view into smaller artificial categories and give these categories evasive, obscure, superficial, non-threatening names. We hid the order and interrelationship of things in disorder and irrelevancy. The relevance of studying mathematics when people were starving and unhappy, even the relevance of mathematics itself, have been things which could never be explained to school students.
This extremely disordered and obscure mechanistic view of our world is now unnecessary. The whole truthful framework for interrelating knowledge and a new unevasive language of description for our world can be introduced.
We can decipher all the obscure code words we used to evasively describe our world. As we shall see, development balance conflict is the accurate description for what we have called ‘war’. Similarly accurate descriptions for ‘sex’, ‘work’, ‘business’, ‘humour’, ‘materialism’, ‘politics’, ‘left and right wing’ and all the other facets of our life today will be introduced. For the first time, we will be able to really explain ‘what we mean’. The boxes within the text throughout Part 2 indicate where some of our more prominent ‘code words’ and supposed ‘mysteries’ (actually evasions) are explained. What is more, these various phenomena of our world can now be properly instead of evasively classified.
The truthful framework for classifying knowledge that reveals instead of hides the internal relationships of events andPage 97 of
Print Edition phenomena is the framework that describes the development of systems of matter in time and space.
The ingredients from which our world is built are matter, space and time and so what happens to matter in space and time is the true story of our world, is the true framework with which to describe our world. As we shall see, what happens to matter in time and space is that it develops larger (in space) and more stable (in time) systems of matter.
The major events that occurred during the course of this development supply the headings with which to divide the story up and give us our framework for classifying knowledge. This sequence of major events are staggered on the chart that follows (one is not directly under the other). This is necessary to show that there were some main events and other events which were products of these main events. The major events were the discovery, by development, of two tools that assisted subsequent development. Each of these tools was limited in its ability to develop order of matter but in time solutions to these limitations were found. To the left of the chart are listed the major events, the tools and progressively off to the right are listed the limitations then the solutions then the results of the solutions with the top to bottom order being the sequence in which the events occurred.
Since all information can now be unevasively related, a much expanded, beautifully ordered and laid out edition of this book will one day be able to be produced and it’s format will reflect the development of order of matter on earth — of what happened on earth. In the future there will not be lots of different books, there will only be one, to which we will all contribute. In the future we will not be insecure, confused and egotistical. There will not be variously confused expressions of the truth. Ultimately there is only one truth — one God — not many Gods.
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Print Edition Development of Matter on Earth

2(b) Genetic Refinement’s Limitations
3(b) Brain Refinement’s Limitations
3(c) First Solution: Instincts
3(d) Instincts encounter Genetic Limitations
3(e) Second Solution: stage 1 ‘Love-Indoctrination’ which was
Humanity’s Infancy which led to
3(f) Humanity’s Childhood
3(g) stage 2 ‘Love-Explanation’ which resulted in