Please note, links to all the Freedom Essays are included at the end of this essay. Open any essay to read, print, download, share or listen to (as an audio).



Freedom Essay 8


“How this ends racism forever”


The first presentation here is by Franklin Mukakanga, Zambian advertising director, radio host, and founder of the WTM Zambia Centre, and was made during the WTM’s first Global Conference in Sydney in February 2017. Franklin describes how Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition brings the desperately needed reconciling understanding to the relationship between races, explaining how, ‘From my own experience I can say with absolute certainty that, as the word gets out, FREEDOM will provide the key to healing poor or strained ‘race relations’ throughout the world. Basically, this understanding of the human condition will end all prejudices, like racism, forever.’

The next is a 2022 video call between Refentse Molosiwa from Mahikeng, South Africa, and Tony Miall from the Sydney WTM Centre. Refentse is a 27-year old (in 2022) author who studied philosophy at the University of Pretoria, and is the founder of the WTM Mahikeng Centre. Refentse also describes how understanding the human condition ends racism, explaining that, ‘The wonderful thing about Jeremy’s work is it was just so healing, so reconciling that every form of animosity I ever had to white people or anything like that was all wiped away in an instant!’


The parts of Franklin’s and Refentse’s presentations in which they address racism are highlighted yellow in their transcripts below. The full explanation of how this critically important reconciliation of the races is achieved is presented in F. Essay 28.


  • Watch Franklin Mukakanga’s 2017 presentation.
    See transcript below.

  • Watch Refentse Molosiwa’s 2022 discussion.
    Click here to scroll down to transcript.


These presentations also appear in Video 8 in the Main Videos towards the top of our homepage at (as well as appearing in this Video/F. Essay 8 of the Freedom Essay series).


The Transcript of Franklin Mukakanga’s presentation



My name is Franklin Mukakanga of the Ila Tribe of Southwest Zambia. I represent the WTM Centre in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka.

In October 2016 (which is about three months ago now), I downloaded FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition from the WTM’s website after coming across an online advertisement offering a free copy. As it turns out, FREEDOM is biologist Jeremy Griffith’s definitive work on the human condition.

Anyway, within five weeks I had devoured the book from ‘cover’ to ‘cover’, as well as a lot of his earlier writing, and found his explanation of the human condition not only answered so many questions about us as a species but also explained me as an individual in ways that nothing else had done beforeand it did this so thoroughly that it completely rewired my understanding of the world and immediately began stilling my mind and healing my soul.

FREEDOM deals with subjects as diverse as why we as a species are so divisive and destructive; how and why we adopt the way of living that inevitably leads us to being egotistical and hungry for fame and glory; why the sexes are at war; why the different ‘races’ or people groups of the world are so different and interact the way they do; the origin, nature, purposes and roles of religion and science and how they fit into the human journey; the path to reconciliation of ourselves with ourselves and the wider world. This seminal work inspired such a regeneration within me and sparked such hope for humanity’s future that I could not sit on the sidelines and watch humanity hurtle towards self-destruction anymore.

Finally I had the answer to my own, and the world’s, troubled situation. The answer that, though challenging and potentially confronting, as all truth must be, was, at the same time, transforming. I started sharing what I’d learned with my friends, my colleagues, even my children. The lights I saw coming on in their eyes as they grasped the understandings and the deep changes taking place within them and myself as a result of coming into contact with this information inspired me to open a World Transformation Movement Centre in Lusaka. If everyone could get this reconciling understanding, we could restore humanity’s alienated soul and save the human race from destroying itself. I had to do my part!

In working as part of the WTM I am helping to bring true healing and transformation to the world, most especially to Africa, where I live, and which I will talk more about, where the ravages of poverty, HIV and inequality make life a living hell for the vast majority of people; and where the struggle to make sense of our lot leads to such despondency and dysfunction. Knowledge is power. And no knowledge is more powerful than self-knowledge.

With the self-knowledge open to us all through the solution of the human condition, as presented in the work of Jeremy Griffith and the WTM, humanity can stand empowered. Through it there are no more excuses. There is no more blame. There is true understanding. There is release. There is a true awareness of what we all, as diverse members of the human race, bring to the party of life; there is a letting go of emulation and the strife to become what we’re not. There is true, organic growth of the human family because now humanity has a new baseline. In the WTM we call it the Transformed Lifeforce State. It’s not rocket science. It’s just our description for the transformation that this information makes possible. It’s empowering. It allows for authentic, soul-nourishing living.

A soul renaissance is upon us, both in Africa and the rest of the world, and I am excited to be a part it. Join us as we live to save the world.

Just to explain a bit about myself. All my life I was driven by a sense of purpose; to find answers to the riddle of life, both for myself and others, and to help as many people as I could to understand life’s meaning so they could free themselves from the effects of what I now know to be the human condition: depression, addictions, apathy, stagnation and lack of motivation.

I always lived an optimistic, hopeful, bright and joyous life and wanted to infect the world with what I had: a passion for living and discovery and wondrous, ongoing personal growth. Wasn’t this the only way to get through what I saw to be the otherwise drab, dull and dysfunctional thing we called life?

I learned many techniques, psychological tools, technologies and strategies to help bring relief to people, working, over many years, as a life coach and therapist, as well as presenting a radio program that focused on personal development and self-empowermentall with a view to bringing relief and healing to people everywhere. I wanted every person I came in contact with to recapture the magic of living!

I quickly learned, however, that the arsenal of the techniques, tools, technologies and coping strategies I was employing just weren’t able to go deep enough to truly heal and change people’s circuitry, because they didn’t answer the fundamental questions at the heart of the issue of being human: Why am I at war with myself? Am I a mistake? Why are we as a species such a contradictionon one hand unbelievably loving and on the other greedily destructive? Am I evil?

I reached a point where I realised that all I was doing was offering Band-Aids where people needed life-saving surgery. In my frustration, after having tried and tried and tried to effect meaningful, lasting change in the best ways I had learned how, I was burned out, so I just quit, telling myself that I would return to it when I found a new way to achieve my goals, not realizing that by quitting then I was simultaneously quitting on myself and nearly giving up the struggle to hold onto my soulful nature.

I got off radio, stopped life-coaching and gave up on offering therapy. While I knew there was still a lot of work to be done as people remained broken and in need of answers, I could not go on offering them things that I knew all ended the same way: things that were powerless to truly effect lasting, transformative change.

During the next two-and-a-half years, looking for something that would make sense of it all, I read many, many books and felt nothing; not challenged, not inspired, not, that was, until I found Jeremy’s work online.

What a relief it was to find such a seminal work by someone who had crossed all the barriers that had prevented so many before him from providing the master key for people-helpers and lovers of humanity everywhere; a key replete with answers that had eluded me (and many more qualified and better educated than myself) all these years!

Finally, when I read FREEDOM, I knew I had found the missing piece that would not only restore me but also enable me to get back in the saddle so that I could get back to doing what I had set out to do all those years ago: to bring true healing through reconciling understanding to the hearts and souls of my fellow human beings, especially back home in Africa, where, as I said, the ravages of poverty, HIV and inequality make life a living hell for the vast majority of people.

What truly amazed me about the answers provided in Jeremy’s work was just how deep they went for me on a very, very personal level.

As a Bantu, or African, man born and living in a country once colonised by the British, like so many, I had no love for the Caucasian race.

Based on stories I had heard, things I had read; the historical accounts kept alive by so-called ‘Black consciousness’ or ‘Black empowerment’ movements; my own observations of the eroding indigenous culture and death of African languages on the heels of colonialism and the West’s ongoing exploitation of African resources, I had no kind thoughts for ‘bakuwa’ as white people are called in my mother tongue.

I did not hate them. I just hated what they had done and continue to do to my people in the process of bringing us ‘civilisation’.

This led to a deep resentment and to my treating Caucasians with a cool, guarded ambivalence. I was happy if they stayed out of my way and I stayed out of theirs; I never took the initiative to make Caucasian friends and totally lacked that desire or drive that many Africans have to visit Western lands.

I also considered it my sacred duty as an African man to remember and teach others to remember how the bakuwa had screwed us over and how ‘we’ couldn’t and shouldn’t ever trust ‘them.’ Sure, I got to know a few Caucasians who slipped under the radar over the years, but by and large I was not interested in making them my friends.

It was incredible then to read Jeremy’s compassionate, first-principle based explanation of the differences between the races. I learnt that these differences exist because each race has had a different level of exposure to humanity’s psychologically upsetting, but heroic search for self-understanding. And it’s these different degrees of exposure that have directed the ways in which different races behave, both amongst themselves and towards others. Well, when I learnt this, all the negative feelings I had harboured for many, many years about the more ‘upset’ races from more advanced civilisations (such as the Caucasians) immediately melted away.

Jeremy had so fully and accountably explained our racial differences that it healed my inner resentment of ‘colonising Brits’ and by extension, of the Caucasian race and others, cutting like a hot knife through butter. It even made me aware of my own race’s oppression of other races such as the !Kung Bushmen.

From my own experience I can thus say with absolute certainty that, as the word gets out, FREEDOM will provide the key to healing poor or strained ‘race relations’ throughout the world. Basically, this understanding of the human condition will end all prejudices, like racism, forever. It is so exciting to think about what the world is going to be like when this understanding becomes widely known and understood because it is going to bring about a world that is harmonious, healed and transformed, which is the glorious home our species deserves at the end of its journey to self-understanding.

FREEDOM is a phenomenal, far-reaching work whose value, especially at this point in Earth’s history, cannot be overstated, and I am excited about being a part of the WTM’s momentous project and setting up Africa’s first centre to help bring freedom and transformation to the whole world. So, as I say, join us as we live to save the world!


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The Transcript of Refentse Molosiwa’s presentation



Tony Miall, Sydney WTM founding member: Tell me a bit about yourself. How long ago did you come across the information?


Refentse Molosiwa: About maybe a month and a half ago. I was on YouTube ironically searching a video on existentialism and one of the adverts was THE Interview. I’d seen the advert before one time, but I ignored it, I didn’t click on the link the first time. Then the second time I was like, ‘hey, maybe there’s something here’ because the way Craig Conway said ‘Stop what you’re doing, this is a very important interview, you have to check out.’ I was like ‘Okay, let me give it some attention’, because naturally I’m a very curious person and I like reading.

And when I watched THE Interview my mind was blown away instantly. I was shocked, and luckily for me, how I was raised meant that I didn’t suffer from the ‘deaf effect’ when I immediately read the books [see The Great Guilt that causes the Deaf Effect for explanation of the ‘deaf effect’]. Because after watching THE Interview, all I did was download all of Jeremy Griffith’s books. I started with Death By Dogma and then I went straight to [Jeremy’s definitive presentation] FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition. Death by Dogma was a good introduction. It was nice and shortstraight to the point. Nice and punchy, I liked it. I highlighted almost the whole book because it was just so shockingspecifically, because ever since COVID started I was not very aware of liberalism and everything that comes with it, or the dichotomy between left and rightso when Death by Dogma was talking about liberalism and the ‘feel good’ nature that the liberal way of life is trying to impose, it made absolute sense because that was one of the biggest things I felt about COVID. There’s this ‘feel good’ factor that is trying to be imposed on the world; that we must all follow this ‘everything is good’, virtue signalling type of situation. And that really hit me hard and I was like ‘man, this actually makes so much sense to see what’s really going on’; and how the Right is so much about pushing individualism and ‘climbing the mountain [finding understanding]’, if I may put it that way. And then the Left is the very opposite; it meshed so well.

And then I went on to FREEDOM, which was just ‘wow’. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Because it went into so much more depth with everything, like everything, everything, everything. And the deep things I’d been looking for the answers to for so, so, so long. It’s unbelievable. And it makes sense when Jeremy says we have been on this journey for 2 million years. Because just in my own life I’ve been looking for these answers and it feels like it’s been an entire million years in just one lifetime!

So I just kept going, kept going, and when I found FREEDOM, wow. I really can’t describe how earth-shattering it was, if I’m to be honest. Especially when he was speaking about the bonobos [see F. Essay 21], and how we got our consciousness [see F. Essay 24].

Every time I tried to ‘resign’ in my life and give up the search for knowledge it was very difficult [see F. Essay 30 on ‘Resignation’]. It was very, very difficult. I became very obsessed with trying to understand why humans behave the way we do. I was always questioning why do we do this? How is this possible? How can we be so mean to each other? It just didn’t make sense to be honest. It just did not make sense. And honestly, Jeremy’s book, out of I don’t know how many books I’ve read or pieces of information I’ve looked into trying to understand human nature, nothing comes close to Jeremy’s work. Absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing. It’s true when they say Jeremy is a prophet in that book. It sounds like an exaggeration, but it’s absolutely true. It’s absolutely true. And when he broke down the meaning of God, oh my goodness gracious, Integrative Meaningoh! [see F. Essay 23.] That was like being hit, like running into a wall, and it was just like, wow! I really have no words to describe the profundity of the understanding. It made my life make sense.

It made my life make absolute sense. Specifically the process of Resignation, which I think everyone can relate to. That’s one of the most easy things to relate to because I think almost everyone goes through that. That was one thing that I thought, ‘Okay, cool’; I genuinely resonated with that so much. I can really understand now why people give up, because a lot of my own journey was very difficult. It was very, very difficult to keep going. I’m just glad I had the strength to go on. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for Jeremy to actually have been pushing all this knowledge for so many years alone. Like, wow. That takes an immense amount of strength for him to have even released a book. It’s just incredible; it’s incredible.

In my life at least, I was fortunate that growing up I was surrounded by many books. So I remember the first book I read was The Child Called It by Dave Pelzer [about child abuse]. And I would say that was probably the first time in my life I really encountered the upset of the world through that book in particular. And from then on, I was just so curious to understand why, especially in the context of that bookwhich was a true storyI was so shocked. How could a mother do this to her child? And from then on, I think that book made me question more than anything else, why do people do what they do? It doesn’t make sense for a mother to be so terrible to her own child. It was just so shocking and it made me keep asking ‘Why?’

The metaphor of the sun [see F. Essay 45] is so tremendous and it makes sense now because when I was in my first year at University of Pretoria, I did philosophy and that’s when I came across Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’ for first timebut I really didn’t understand it to the depth that Jeremy describes it [see F. Essay 11]. Specifically, that once you can understand Resignation, it’s incredible because once you at least are able to absorb Jeremy’s information it’s shocking how resigned humans are and how hard the human condition has hit us for so long. And man, we’ve been heroes inasmuch as we have done wrong in many aspects but for the fact that we’re still here, still fightingwow, humans have been so heroic. We didn’t give up. You know, like Jeremy didn’t give up, and the few people out there that didn’t give up and that in itself is something that should truly, truly be celebrated, because I honestly don’t know how we can go forward in the world without Jeremy’s information. No, I don’t see a way, it’s so important. I honestly don’t know of any other wayJeremy’s book is the greatest book ever written in my opinion. I can’t think of any greater piece of information out there that is so healing and reconciling because that word ‘reconciling’ is very big because all aspects are involved in the human condition.

I don’t think there’s a part of life that the human condition doesn’t affect, especially when it comes to human relations and how we behave. From relationships to everything. Specifically, another reason why this understanding hit me so hard was I had broken up with my girlfriend just before COVID, which made my search even more like ‘Why is this happening?’, ‘Why is it so difficult for men and women to connect?’, ‘Why are relationships so difficult?’ [see F. Essay 26 and 27 on men and women.] All this stuff. So when Jeremy explained it in the books as well, I was like, ‘My goodness gracious, how is it possible for one man to have all these answers? This is just so crazy and it makes so much sense!’ That’s what makes it even more incredible. Wow! There’s no dogma, there’s no belief system, there’s no ‘You must believe this’, or something like that. No, it’s just ‘Use your mind.’ You have to just think. And I was like, ‘Wow, this makes absolute sense, this makes absolute sense.’ I’ve never looked back ever since, to be honest. I don’t know how to put it in words. It’s just profound.

I was afraid that if I didn’t continue searching for knowledge and just resigned [to living in denial of the whole issue of the human condition] that I was going to commit suicide. The moment I stopped looking for the answer I know deep down that I’m going to be living a tremendously superficial life. I wouldn’t know how to go on. Without answers, there’s no way I’ll be able to go on just living the 9 to 5, putting my head down and just giving up the search; I couldn’t, I couldn’t deal with it. That to me was more scary than searching for the knowledge, because at least there was some hope with the knowledge. As long as I keep going, there’s something out there. Because I remember some quote by Buddha that always kept me going was ‘The only two mistakes you can make on the path of truth: one is not starting; two is not going the whole way.’ And since I started, I cannot stop. I have to go the whole way and even if I die trying it’s better than resigning and giving up the whole search because to me giving up was death. Giving up was suicidal in my mind.

The healing understanding that Jeremy Griffith has given us is the only way. And I was like, there has to be some sort of way because there was no other explanation because nothing made sense, nothing made sense. And all the different types of philosophiesNew Age; I went into economics, education, conspiracies; I read people like David Icke. I went down the rabbit hole of almost all the things that you can find. Politics, religion. I was once deep into Christianity, but I got out of that. I went into other Eastern religions, I got out of that. So wow, I truly cannot really sum up how powerful Jeremy’s work is. As an African specifically, when he talked about Integrative Meaning [see F. Essay 23], the selflessness, living together, it clicked immediately because here in South Africa we have the term ‘Ubuntu’ [‘humanity’]. And in one of the other videos that I watched, there’s another guy from Eastern Cape called Reginald Khotshobe and he spoke about the same thing [Reginald is the founder of the WTM Eastern Cape Centre]. And I was thinking this makes a lot of sense because when I was reading about Integrative Meaning and it was talking about the selfless love, the word ‘Ubuntu’ came to mind immediately, and I was like, ‘wow, this makes a lot of sense’. And also having grown up in the village with my grandmother, my cousins, that ‘Ubuntu’ lifestyle was what we grew up in. All of us were together. We all lived sharing things; it was very communal. So it made a lot of sense, it’s just natural. This Integrative Meaning/​idea of God literally makes a lot of sense. Even my life, this makes a lot of sense. It makes rational sense. It’s logical, it makes sense.

One of the things that I also experienced as a black South African living in South Africa, given our history of apartheid, was that as I was going down the rabbit hole of trying to search for the truth, and especially if you’re going to go down the path of studying African history, you invariably develop some sort of animosity toward white people. But the wonderful thing about Jeremy’s work is it was just so healing, so reconciling that every form of animosity I ever had to white people or anything like that, it was all wiped away in an instant! Everything made sense. Racism actually made sense [see F. Essay 28]. Okay, this is actually what it is: different ethnic groups in the whole human race have different levels of psychological upset, and ethnic groups with less psychological upset may be antagonistic towards another ethnic group with a higher level of psychological upset. That was one of the most reconciling explanations I’ve ever heard in my life, to the point where I don’t see colour anymorenot in the sense that we’re not different, but we’re suffering from one thing, we are suffering from the human condition. This is actually what’s going on. And once you can understand that, then the borders we have in terms of not even just physical borders, but colour borders or prejudicial bordersall these sort of artificial borders we’ve made that stop us from connecting with one another, all those bordersliterally disappear through that understanding.

Which is so incredible because I remember reading this Indian philosopher called J. Krishnamurtiprobably in my mind he is right up there with Platohe didn’t come up with the [Cave] Allegory but he’s right up there. And one thing he always used to say was ‘and only through understanding can man heal’. No amount of meditation, no amount of yoga, Reiki, whatever, all these different things, can heal ushe was very adamant about that. He said that’s just creating another system. The moment you start necessarily saying ‘meditation is going to give you all the answers’ or yoga, yada, yada, yada, you’re still not understanding the human condition. And having tried yoga and all these things, I’m like, ‘yeah, that’s very true inasmuch as I meditate and all these things, which calmed the mind like a relief mechanism, but it did not give us a healing explanation to the human condition’. And actually why, why do you even have to get over your mind? Why do you even have to stop your mind and overcome it and transcend it? Why can’t we just understand it in the first place and through that understanding, and heal? And that understanding is definitely provided by Jeremy’s book. It’s incredible.


Tony: It’s just amazing to hear all that, Refentse. Honestly, it’s just a such a clean take on it all. Where do you live? What’s your background?


Refentse: I live in the capital of north-west [province], Mahikeng. I’m from a Tswana background. I went to the school here, at the International School of South Africa, which is a pretty good school here in my town. A fortunate thing is that since it was an International School I grew up with many different people, of many different races. I played cricket growing upI was pretty good at it, just short of playing for the under-19s South African team. When I look back at it now, that was one of the best experiences I’ve had, because I grew up with many different peopleAfrikaners, Englishmen, Indians, other black people. It was a very nice melting pot. So I really got to experience many different sides of life, if I may put it that way.

But as I got older, from probably Form Two [age 14], that’s when my love for sports was still there, but that’s when confronting the human condition became more and more of a thing. That’s why I started reading more, being more isolated, spending more time alone. That’s when the real change happened. That’s when I started writing a lot and I’d say it was that period of time, from 13-14 onwards, when I really started dedicating my life to writing, to becoming a writer. And when I look back at it now, the main reason I became a writer was simply because I wanted to find out the truth. I wanted to understand the truth. I wanted to get to grips with it and reading, writing and questioning were the only three ways that I really knew how to do it. I didn’t know any other way on how to go forward. Because every time I would ask myself questions, no one around me had the answers. So my friends didn’t have the answers, my parents didn’t have the answers, my teachers didn’t have the answers. So I was like, ‘Wait, where can I go for the answers?’ And the one place I found was books. So I started reading the classics, you know. The Great Gatsby; The Idiot, The Gambler, all these Dostoevsky books; Bukowski; Hemingway; Albert Camus; Samuel Beckett. I really went down that rabbit hole. Aldous Huxley. All these guys, I even read [Darwin’s] Origin Of Species, but it was just too thick for me and I couldn’t really understand it at that time when I read it. I even went into astronomy, watching Cosmos, reading Cosmos by Carl Sagan; Neil deGrasse Tyson; Stephen Hawking, as well, his book A Brief History Of Time. I was really trying to reconcile everything. That was why in Reginald’s [WTM Eastern Cape Centre] video when he was explaining his life, trying to connect this piece and that piece and that piece, I related because I really tried to do the same thing and it was just so difficult. It was just so difficult. That’s why having seen Jeremy do it, it’s absolutely mind blowing. I’m like, ‘wow!’ For one man to be able to really go that whole journey and write it down in such a clear, concise way. Whoa! I cannot understate the point of what Jeremy did. There are no words that can describe that book, no! FREEDOM is the ultimate. There is no other book like that. That knowledge, I gave it hands down, even 10 out of 10 is not enough.

Honestly we’re living in the greatest time of man’s history. The fact that we are living in the time with the explanation having been found, that’s just beyond words to be honest. And just understanding Christianityeven that I got from FREEDOM and it’s so incredible because, growing up, my grandmother was such a deep Christian. She used to make us go to church, all my cousins, and at that time I just didn’t understand. It felt so forced. Even as Jeremy was saying in the book, our religions first started with monotheism and then prophet-centred religions from Abraham, Moses, and then Jesus going forward. Now it makes so much sense that to a large extent, once I got out of religion and became an atheist, I sort of disliked religion and looked down on it for a while; I was like, ‘It’s almost foolish, who would believe such a thing?’ But once you really understand it, those words, everything Jesus and others in the Bible said, it’s profound beyond measure and just even to think that Jesus actually made the biggest sacrifice one man could make for truthI can’t even wrap my mind around how huge of a sacrifice that was just to emphasise Integrative Meaning and all that. Wow. It’s truly getting out of [Plato’s] Cave. Getting out of that cave, it’s amazing. [See F. Essays 38-41 on Christ explained and the demystification of religion.]

So starting a Centre is something I’ve been giving a lot of thought to [and Refentse has since opened the Mahikeng WTM Centre in South Africa]. Going forward that is something I would really like to do, because once you understand the human condition there is really nothing more; there is nothing more important than the human condition to be honest, so I’m willing to dedicate a good chunk of my time towards it.


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How racism is ended by the understanding of the human condition is explained in F. Essay 28, and in chapter 8:16E of FREEDOM.

Also, watch Jeremy Griffith present the breakthrough redeeming explanation of the human condition in THE Interview; for a fuller explanation read chapter 3 of FREEDOM; and for a summary presentation of the key ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation watch Video/​F. Essay 3.


Discussion or comment on this essay is welcomedsee below.




These essays were created in 2017-2024 by Jeremy Griffith, Damon Isherwood, Fiona
Cullen-Ward, Brony FitzGerald & Lee Jones of the Sydney WTM Centre. All filming and
editing of the videos was carried out by Sydney WTM members James Press & Tess Watson
during 2017-2024. Other members of the Sydney WTM Centre are responsible for the
distribution and marketing of the videos/​essays, and for providing subscriber support.



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