Freedom Expanded: Book 2—Questions & Answers
Section 1:10 Is this another religion?
QUESTION: ‘Not “living out our upset state”, as you described it, and instead deferring to something else, in this case focusing on supporting understanding of the human condition and the repair of the world that you say it makes possible, sounds a bit like another religion. Does this all amount to just another religion?’
ANSWER: While this TRANSFORMED WAY OF LIVING does share a similarity with religion, it is not a religion. In a religion you do give up living out your upsets and instead defer to and live through your support of the sound life and words of the prophet around whom the religion is founded, and similarly this TRANSFORMED WAY OF LIVING does involve letting go of living out your upset state, however, in this new TRANSFORMED WAY OF LIVING you are giving your support not to the embodiment of the ideal state in the form of a religion’s prophet, but to the understanding of the ideal state and the good reason for our species’ historic departure from it. This is all about the end of faith and dogma and the beginning of knowing. This is knowledge-driven—and that knowledge, that understanding of the human condition, brings an end to the human condition. Religions were a means of managing the upset state of the human condition while the search for understanding of that condition went on, whereas the TRANSFORMED WAY OF LIVING is the ability to live free of the upset state of the human condition, to leave it all behind as dealt with when that understanding of the human condition is found.
The World Transformation Movement is not a religion, a way of containing excessive upset while the upsetting search for understanding was being carried out, rather it is a metamorphoser of the human race, a movement that brings about a complete progression of humans from a terrible human-condition-afflicted state to a completely liberated and TRANSFORMED human-condition-free existence.
In this new TRANSFORMED WAY OF LIVING, there is no dogma involved, or blind faith required, it is all about supporting knowledge, specifically knowledge that resolves the human condition. And there is no deity involved, nor is there any focus on a personality, or worship of any kind. Best of all, there is no guilt involved because that has been eliminated by the compassionate understanding of the human condition.
So, this is not another ‘religion’ but a ‘metamorphoser’, a progressor of the human race from a human-condition-unresolved state to a human-condition-free existence.