For those who would like to help promote the human-race-saving understanding of the human condition, Jeremy Griffith once said (and this amazing quote was also included in the Transformation section on our home page):
“If I was destitute and living under a bridge and someone gave me this understanding of the human condition I would go down to the river and wash myself, then go to the local charity shop for a clean set of clothes, then get a job as a gardener or street sweeper, then find the cheapest rental possible, and then just do two things: 1) Hand out our ‘Fix The World’ flyers/leaflets (see promotion section below) that basically pleads for people to ‘help save the human race from terminal levels of psychosis by watching THE Interview at and then supporting the World Transformation Movement’; 2) Contribute to the WTM’s online advertising as much as I possibly could—because during this pioneer stage this advertising is really the only effective way to get understanding of the human condition to the world and save the human race! Every extra advertisement is extra people reached! Doing just those two things would make my life completely meaningful, fulfilled and happy (a bit like the example I give of Lei Feng in paragraph 1230 of FREEDOM).
And believe me, before long, when the realisation catches on that we have finally found the redeeming understanding of the human condition that ends our need to continue living out our old insecure, embattled, have-to-prove-we-are-good-and-not-bad lives, that everyone can now live this way in support of an all-relieving and all-unifying new world, the ecstatic freedom and utter excitement will completely sweep the world. As the philosopher Teilhard de Chardin wrote, ‘The Truth has to only appear once…for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze’ (Let Me Explain, 1966).
So pack up your old suitcase, grab your loved ones and head for the sun-drenched uplands of a whole new all-exciting existence! And this is not another deluded politically correct, ‘woke’ false start to a transformed world—this is the first-principle, science-based psychologically redeeming, reconciling and rehabilitating real deal—you can check it out to your heart’s content. Everywhere people will be realising that the great darkness of our human situation has turned to light—that it’s really on, the great breakout of the human race from the human condition!! HUMANITY IS COMING HOME, SIGN ME UP TONY, LET’S GO!!!!”

So that is the leadership for how to end all the suffering and madness in the world—of which the following is an elaboration:
2. Promote our human-race-saving information
3. Share our human-race-saving information
4. Write articles, reviews and social media posts
6. The importance of working within the WTM’s structure
● Join our Facebook Group as it’s a wonderful way of supporting our project, and our experience is that everyone benefits enormously from the general discussion, interaction and support structure provided there.
● Subscribe to our mailing list and receive free weekly essays, occasional News Flashes, and notifications of free live events.
● Make an appreciative comment about THE Interview to be included in the thousands of comments on our slider of ecstatic responses.
● Participate in our online video meetings — having first at least watched THE Interview.
● Contact your nearest WTM Centre and assist, and be assisted by it — you can even establish a WTM Centre.
● Put ‘Fix The World’ signs or stickers in prominent places like vehicles, front of buildings, noticeboards, anywhere! The oval ‘Fix The World’ sticker is fast becoming the recognised symbol throughout the world of the real and only solution to the rapidly approaching apocalypse of human-condition-stricken dysfunction and devastation everywhere! These stickers are a wonderful and powerful way of promoting our world-saving information, and we hope everyone who can, will fly the flag with them. So put the stickers everywhere, starting, we suggest, with the doors and back window of your car—and they don’t cost much to purchase; see our Displays, Signs, Stickers on our Products & Displays page, which includes suggestions for putting them on your car!

Created by J. Griffith & G. Salter © 2020 Fedmex Pty Ltd
● Flyers to hand out or put on noticeboards, bus stops, etc, see our Products & Displays page. There it is described how you can order them, or have your local print shop print them, or print them yourself if you have access to a printer. They are available in A4 and USLetter size for placing on noticeboards or bus stops, etc, and in A5 and HalfLetter size for handing out so they’re not too big.
● On our Products & Displays page other promotional material is also available, including posters, T-shirts, caps, jewellery, brooches, key rings, mugs, calendars and bags. They are either freely available to download in the case of posters, or available at cost price. Use them to promote our world-saving information.
● Direct people to the WTM’s work by creating your own promotional products—publicity pamphlets, explanatory presentations, leaflets, cards, bumper stickers, badges, T-shirts (you can get ideas for material, like the ‘Fix The World’ stickers and signs, from our Products & Displays page). Note, since there are many complexities and nuances to Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough understanding of the human condition, and since our resources of volunteer staff and time are limited, we are not in a position to receive, properly evaluate or endorse other people’s presentations. Also, as pointed out in the ‘Reproduce WTM presentations’ in Section 3 below, it is very important that if your promotional product is an assemblage of, or commentary about, Jeremy or the WTM’s work, that it’s made clear that it doesn’t have the endorsement of the WTM.
● Share THE Interview (TI) (which is the best way to promote the human-race-saving understanding of the human condition) by clicking on this TI share link, or by sending people to and telling them to watch or read THE Interview there.
And be sure to encourage them with our Commendations page by also sending them an A4 or USLet PDF of it, or sharing the following link:
● Share further material. After they have watched/read THE Interview you can suggest they look at further explanatory material at that you think might particularly interest them. All the pages of the website have share facilities, which you can find at the bottom of any page, as well as above Essays, FAQs and video transcripts.
At present, unless it has a Share button, you can’t share a particular part or section of a page, but we are working on making that possible.
● Follow, share and comment on interesting material from the WTM’s social media Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram feeds.
● Reproduce WTM presentations. All WTM Materials are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaty provisions. Our Terms of Use apply to all WTM Materials. You may reproduce any of the WTM’s Materials on or in another website, blog, podcast, newsletter, book, document, etc, provided that you do not modify the material reproduced, you include this notice and link “Source:, © Fedmex Pty Ltd”, and you otherwise comply with clause 3.3 of the Terms of Use, which in particular emphasises that if you are making your own assemblage of WTM material, including adding any personal commentary or interpretation, you clearly state that the resulting presentation is not endorsed by the WTM. Please note that we responsibly conduct regular monitoring, including online searches, and any reproduction of our material not considered appropriate or properly contexted by us, or adhering to the above stipulations, will not be allowed. All rights are reserved. (Section 6 below advises those wanting to promote Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough to work within the WTM’s experienced and selfless structure.)
● Send hard copies of our material to others, and for encouragement be sure to include the Commendations page which you can print out at Note, since all our books now have the commendations included in the first two pages of them, you won’t have to include a separate print-out of the commendations if they are receiving books.
If you are sending books, we suggest you send, or include in your package, THE Interview, because it serves as the ideal introduction to Jeremy’s work. There are also other publications that might be worth including depending on the person’s particular interests—for example, Death by Dogma if they are right wing; or Freedom Essay 39: ‘Christ explained’ together with Freedom Essay 23 on Integrative Meaning/God if they are religious or seeking to understand the purpose of existence; or Freedom Essay 27 on men and women if that is a subject they may be particularly interested in, and so on. (Everything on our website is freely available to print—or you can purchase hard copies of Jeremy’s books from Amazon or good bookstores.)
You can see some ideas for cover letters below in Section 5: Contact Thought Leaders.
● Ask your local library to stock Jeremy Griffith’s books. Contact the library and ask them what the procedure is for adding books to their collection. FREEDOM is Jeremy’s definitive book, so we suggest it is best to start with it, after which we recommend THE Interview, as it serves as the ideal introduction to Jeremy’s work.
● Translate Jeremy Griffith’s work into your native language. For translations currently provided see
● Share or display the below QR code that takes people to the WTM’s homepage, Note that including this QR code on or in your own product or work does not indicate that it is endorsed by the WTM. The QR code is merely the equivalent of a label or URL link; in fact, someone could create their own QR code that links to the WTM website, and it obviously would not signify that the material that accompanies it is sanctioned or authorised by the WTM.
● Write or record a video review of Jeremy Griffith’s books. Posting informative reviews of Jeremy’s key books such as FREEDOM and THE Interview on sites such as Amazon, Goodreads, YouTube and TikTok is a great way to promote this breakthrough information; you can also submit reviews to some newspapers and magazines.
PLEASE NOTE: Building our online presence by reviewing/commenting/posting about WTM material online is a very important way to help our project but we would advise you to be careful. ONCE SOMETHING IS ON THE INTERNET IT IS OFTEN IMPOSSIBLE TO GET IT REMOVED SO IT’S EXTREMELY DETRIMENTAL TO GET INVOLVED IN AN ARGUMENT OR ENGAGE WITH NEGATIVITY ONLINE. After many, many years of experience, we’ve found that doing this only fuels the negativity and inevitably proves counter-productive. This is because at the point where someone is attacking this information or its supporters they are no longer interested in rational conversation (FAQ 1.23 explains how some people can become so confronted with this information that they end up attacking it).
● Post links to the WTM’s website on other individuals’ or organisations’ social media pages, posts and tweets. You might write a comment and include a link to on relevant pages/posts/tweets about the human condition, human behaviour, philosophy, the dire state of the world, etc, on sites belonging to book clubs, thought leaders, brands, newspapers, etc.
● Join a relevant Facebook Group, such as a philosophy, science or book club Facebook Group, or a Facebook Group in your district, and introduce them to the WTM’s work.
● Post comments on websites and forums around the internet. Look for relevant websites that allow comments on their articles (newspapers, science sites and reputable blogs), and where relevant, make an appropriate comment, with a link to Again, don’t be drawn into combative, negative online dialogue about the WTM.
● Submit articles to online publications and reputable sites. Submit articles and reviews to noteworthy, respectable websites (newspapers, science sites, reputable blogs—NOT combative websites).
Obtaining thought leader support for Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough explanation of the human condition is CRUCIAL because people with great influence can make a huge impact in encouraging other people to seriously consider this information, and this is confirmed by the impact of the impressive commendations Jeremy’s work has already received from eminent figures, which you can read at
By way of example, while our project is obviously not a religion, St Paul was struggling mightily to gain widespread support for the new idea of Christianity, however that all changed when he received the endorsement of the influential Roman Governor of Cyprus, Sergius Paulus. To quote from a 2010 documentary The Bible: A History: St Paul: ‘If he failed to convert the gentiles…much was at stake…the future of the world, so Paul thought, was in the balance. Paul’s first Gentile convert was a genuinely big catch. Sergius Paulus was the Roman Governor of Cyprus…And Sergius was prepared to give Paul his full backing. When the apostle and his companions set off to what is now Turkey…they headed straight for a region called Galatia, where Sergius Paulus had lands. This was clearly how Paul liked to conduct his missionary work, by fixing on an influential local supporter.’ And obviously, an even better example of the effectiveness of this ‘top-down approach’ was how the Roman Emperor Constantine’s conversion to Christianity launched Christianity into the mainstream of the ancient world. In the case of Charles Darwin’s new idea of natural selection, it is widely considered that it was the influential biologist Thomas Huxley’s staunch defence of Darwin in the great debate about natural selection that took place at Oxford in 1860 that was crucial to Darwin’s idea being tolerated. And given the difficulty of the ‘Deaf Effect’ (see Video/Freedom Essay 11), it is particularly helpful for encouraging people to persevere with their study of this most important of all breakthroughs to have the support of influential thought leaders.
This is why, in working tirelessly to promote this information, the WTM has sent copies of FREEDOM and other key books such as THE Interview, as well as other promotional material, to every appropriate thought leader we’ve been able to think of, in many cases more than once. For example, WTM Patron Professor Harry Prosen approached many thought leaders prior to his death, and we here at the WTM are consistently making similar efforts.
However, even though a thought leader may have been contacted in the past, if people want to send copies of Jeremy’s books to anyone (THE Interview is the ideal introduction to Jeremy’s work), by all means please do. Even if they have already been sent copies by someone else (including the WTM), or if someone else has already recommended our work to them, it’s often the case that it’s only when many people have recommended a certain work that they finally stop and take notice; also, sometimes their minders don’t pass on books or messages, until finally they’re prompted to by repeatedly receiving such material; also, sometimes they’re very busy and receive so many submissions that they can only look at some of them, which again can sometimes be overcome by sending repeat submissions, and happening to make one when they are receptive. So everyone please, by all means, make independent submissions to anyone and everyone you feel you would like to. Only by doing this will this all-important information finally gain the attention of some of these high profile thought leaders. Of course this does not mean you should pester someone, but we at the WTM never stop trying and if everyone that has recognised the importance of this information never stop trying, we will eventually break into their consciousness. (If you are in doubt about whether to approach someone, just ask us at the WTM—you can email us at [email protected].)
If you are sending books, we suggest you send, or include in your package, THE Interview, because it serves as the ideal introduction to Jeremy’s work. There are also other publications that might be worth including depending on the person’s particular interests—for example, Death by Dogma if they are right wing; or Freedom Essay 39: ‘Christ explained’ together with Freedom Essay 23 on Integrative Meaning/God if they are religious or seeking to understand the purpose of existence; or Freedom Essay 27 on men and women if that is a subject they may be particularly interested in, and so on. (Everything on our website is freely available to print—or you can purchase hard copies of Jeremy’s books from Amazon or good bookstores.)
The following templates may be useful as the basis of an email or, if you are sending hard copies of books, they can be adapted to work as cover letters.
General purpose template. (Note, if, as mentioned above, you have identified extra publications that may be of interest to the thought leader, you may want to include a reference to them in the email/cover letter).
SUBJECT LINE: Solving the human condition
Dear XX,
Aware of your [concern about XYZ/wonderful work about XYZ], I would like to draw your attention to the ground-breaking work of Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith, whose solution to the riddle of the human condition — our species’ psychologically troubled state — is garnering significant attention around the world.
The esteemed ecologist Professor Stuart Hurlbert recently wrote, “I am stunned and honored to have lived to see the coming of ‘Darwin II’”; and the late Professor Harry Prosen, a former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, wrote that “I have no doubt Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition provides the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race.”
Since 2017, by early 2024 over 70 World Transformation Movement (WTM) Centres have been established internationally in support of Griffith’s world-saving ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation of the human condition, which you can learn about, and read more Commendations for, at The website provides all of its material for free, including ‘THE Interview’, which presents the ideal, very short, introductory summary of Griffith’s definitive treatise on the human condition in his book ‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’ (which is also freely available on the website to read or download). [You will also find ABC, about XYZ, extremely interesting].
I urge you, XX, to explore and learn about this most important of all biological breakthroughs. I think you will find it fascinating.
Kind regards,
Right-wing thought leader template.
SUBJECT LINE: The psychology behind the culture of the Left finally explained
Dear XX,
I much admire your [wonderful work about XYZ, and] courage in publicly standing up to the increasing absurdity and extreme danger of so-called ‘progressive’ thought!
Jeremy Griffith is an Australian biologist and author of over ten books about the human condition, which I suggest is the underlying issue in all of human affairs that had to be solved for the dishonesty of woke ideology to finally be exposed and destroyed!
With regard to Griffith’s work on the human condition, the late Professor Harry Prosen, a former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, wrote that “I have no doubt Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition provides the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race.” And the esteemed ecologist and champion of race-blind policies, Professor Stuart Hurlbert stated in 2022 about Jeremy’s work, “I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of ‘Darwin II’.”
XX, you can gain a quick appraisal of Griffith’s work in his interview with British actor and broadcaster Craig Conway that was broadcast across the UK in 2020 — which you can view at, which is a vast website publicising Jeremy’s work. It includes the transcript of that interview, as well as Jeremy’s exposé of the extreme danger of critical theory in his 2021 book Death by Dogma. Everything is freely available.
With heaps of appreciation XX for your important work,
The WTM, which was founded in 1983 by Jeremy Griffith, is the recognised sponsor, promoter and disseminator of his biological explanation of the human condition.
The WTM’s support for and promotion of Jeremy’s work, which in 2023 is based on some 55 years of experience, is carried out through a well-developed structure that includes WTM subscription and membership, through WTM Centres, and through books, Freedom Essays, FAQs, video courses, meetings, and personal interactions with WTM members who are highly experienced with, and knowledgeable about, Jeremy’s unique explanation of the human condition.
Further, consistent with the goal of creating a cooperative, selfless and loving new world for humans, the WTM is a non-profit movement that does not charge for subscription or membership and makes all the books, videos, essays and other materials about Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition available free of charge at
So anyone who is enthusiastic about this ground breaking understanding of the human condition and wants to help promote and disseminate it to the world is strongly advised to do so by participating in this recognised, highly experienced, well developed and selfless WTM structure.
Of course, we live in a free society where people may say and do what they choose to, within the parameters of lawful and acceptable conduct. This means that, while we hope that people interested in promoting Jeremy’s understanding of the human condition will appreciate and want to participate within the WTM’s structure, people are free to use, promote, discuss and debate this explanation of the human condition in any reasonable and lawful way, which includes complying with our Terms of Use.
Anyone can, if they choose to, ‘old world the new world’ as we call it; attempt to find a lawful way to selfishly commercially benefit from the cooperation, selfless and love-producing understanding of the human condition, but the WTM does want to emphasise that when it comes to communicating Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition to those unfamiliar with it, it is important to do so in a careful and responsible way because the explanation is introducing a very new and complex paradigm of understanding for humans. Also, the human condition is, for most people, a very confronting subject.
While the fundamental biological explanation of the human condition is relatively straightforward to understand and appreciate the importance of, because it addresses the very profound subject of our troubled human condition and all its manifestations, it typically takes people many months to become familiar with and appreciative of its details, nuances and transforming implications, and thus able to communicate the explanation in a competent, compassionate and contexted way. (See also FAQ 1.19 titled ‘A caution about the danger of over-exposure / Advice for people with mental health issues.’)
What this obviously means is that those who become enthusiastic about the importance of the explanation and want to promote it independently of the WTM, are prone to unintentionally misunderstand, misinterpret or misrepresent it to varying degrees. To ward against what may potentially be extremely damaging miscommunication we fervently ask, and very strongly advise, such individuals to always refer people to the source explanation of the human condition that is accurately and comprehensively presented on the WTM’s website at This reference ensures people who are introduced to these ideas are always able to verify for themselves the fully contexted source exposition of this explanation and receive from there the best advice and answers to particular questions, issues and concerns they are each likely to have.
Also, people who want to significantly promote the explanation of the human condition independently of the WTM should always make it very clear that they are not acting on behalf of the WTM and that any material they produce about Jeremy Griffith’s work or the WTM does not have the endorsement of the WTM—please see Section 3 above.
You can help the WTM by making a donation to one of our two registered charities to assist our wonderful team of members and supporters disseminate this all-important, human-race-saving information across the world.
The WTM has had to carry out our many decades of work developing understanding of the human condition in a totally self-sufficient way without any support at all from the all-dominant, human-condition-avoiding-and-denying, Plato’s-cave-hiding, mechanistic world—indeed at times we have had to cope with being viciously persecuted by that world. Yet, because this information is the only thing that can stop all the suffering in the world, all our books, videos and other information are made available for free on our website so that everyone can access this paradigm-shifting, old-science-defying-and-rectifying, absolutely-critically-important, new science. In recent years, to make the understanding even more widely accessible, WTM members from around the world have been translating it into different languages, such as Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Persian and Afrikaans.
But for all this generosity to continue, and for our project to keep growing and blossoming, we urgently need people who have benefited from the information to donate funds to the WTM.
At base, growth of the WTM is about love spreading love, with the love we are spreading being the real love the world needs of understanding. As truthfully stated at the end of THE Interview, “Please support our World Transformation Movement that promotes this denial-free new science of the redeeming, reconciling and rehabilitating biological explanation of the human condition because all other projects are futile and only this project can save the world.”
Virtually all of the 50 founding members of the WTM whose support began in the early 1990s have foregone having children so they can dedicate their time and funds to making sure this understanding gets out to the world. (Obviously we are not advocating that people don’t have children, this pioneering team just knew that they had to do that to have any chance of getting the transformation of the human race underway.) And their collective contributions over the ensuing decades have made possible the promotion that we’ve been doing, which has been very substantial, and a super-human effort. However, to this point we’ve only been able to conduct online advertising in the larger English-speaking countries, which means there are many people in the world who are missing out on the opportunity of hearing about these human-race-and-life-saving understandings. So the more resources we have, the more people we can reach and help! Every dollar you give the WTM will help ensure another human will hear about this information and take this world-saving project one step closer to lift-off. You can see an example of our online video advertisements at
Again, this is the only thing that can stop all the suffering in the world; supporting any other project will have no effect at all in avoiding the rapidly approaching, human-race-ending, unthinkably traumatic, terminal levels of psychosis! ONLY the redeeming, reconciling and rehabilitating understanding of the human condition can do that! Reforesting the landscape, giving money to any other well-meaning charity, helping someone cross the street, whatever, is not going to stop the world plunging into a terrible darkness. That is just the truth. As Walt Kelly’s comic strip hero, Pogo, said, ‘We have met the enemy and he is us’—our psychologically troubled human condition!
Yes, ours is a psychologically troubled condition that we needed to find understanding of to save our species from ‘self destruction’—as journalist Richard Neville wrote back in 1986, ‘The world is hurtling to catastrophe: from nuclear horrors, a wrecked ecosystem, 20 million dead each year from malnutrition, 600 million chronically hungry…All these crises are man made, their causes are psychological. The cures must come from this same source; which means the planet needs psychological maturity…fast. We are locked in a race between self destruction and self discovery’ (Good Weekend mag., Sydney Morning Herald, 14 Oct. 1986).
Yes, the ‘self discovery’ needed to achieve our species’ ‘psychological maturity’ is the self-understanding of our psychologically upset, soul-corrupted, ‘fallen’ human condition. As the great American writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, ‘man is a god in ruins’, becoming ‘insane and rabid’, such that the ‘Messiah’ of ‘infancy’-like ‘innocence’ is needed to find the redeeming understanding that enables ‘fallen men’ ‘to return to paradise’ (see Freedom Essay 53).
Jeremy has drawn this picture to illustrate the ‘ruins’ of the ‘insane and rabid’ state that the human race has arrived at. It is a picture of the dystopia of lawlessness, unbearable psychosis, drug addiction and homelessness that is now a characteristic of the streets of large cities in the US, which is a prelude to where the rest of the world is heading—and why this ‘self discovery’ of understanding of the human condition desperately needs as much help as everyone can manage.