Tony Gowing’s fabulous leadership to the Transformed Life that understanding the human condition finally makes possible for all humans
We advise that the best introduction to Tony’s fabulous leadership for the whole human race to the Transformed Way of Living that understanding of the human condition finally makes possible, is to watch/read The Great Transformation, which you can find on our Transformation page. Following that, we recommend you watch/read the description of the journey that new people to this understanding of the human condition typically go through in The Shock of Change video/booklet. It goes through the various pitfalls and procrastinations that often occur when encountering this fabulous breakthrough understanding of ourselves — and then it finishes with these two paragraphs (53-54) that introduce the significance of Tony’s role in leading the world to freedom from the horror of the human condition!
“Clearly what is needed in this early ‘shock of change’ stage where all manner of procrastinations, exploitations and avoidances inevitably occur is for exceptionally gifted, clear-sighted, St-Paul-like individuals to appear who are able to LEAD THE WAY TO A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE IS ENJOYING THE ALL-MEANINGFUL AND ALL-EXCITING TRANSFORMED WAY OF LIVING—which is illustrated in the drawing of Humanity’s Journey from Ignorance to Enlightenment by the person excitedly running toward the all-wonderful transformed world.
WTM founding member Anthony [Tony] Gowing, with many other WTM founding members and WTM Centre members close behind him, is just such a leader of the great break-out for the human race from the fast looming threat of the terminal alienation and extinction of our species into a warm sun/understanding-filled Transformed State of unimaginable relief and happiness! You can read and hear Tony’s inspired teachings about the Transformed Way Of Living on the Transformation page on our website.”
So this is a collection of Tony Gowing’s leadership to a fabulous whole new world for the human race. We have begun this collection with an inspired example of Tony’s writing from November 2022, after which his comments appear with the most recent at the top.
(Note, we have provided links to where the comments are posted in our Facebook Group, but because it’s a private group you will need to join to see them there.)
26 Nov. 2022 Facebook comment about how the Transformed Way of Living is the only way forward:
Once everyone manages to get over the shock and astonishment and drop-dead unbelievably brilliant, all-liberating, all-explaining, all-freeing, almost totally uncontrollably joyous feelings that understanding the human condition brings, the only possible path available to us is to take up the transformed state. The old human condition afflicted world is dead, horrible, meaningless and totally and utterly barren in comparison to what is on offer now. The real joy that I just can’t wait for the whole world to experience is the feeling of giving your life in service of the understanding of the human condition all day and all night, we can not only step out of the nightmare that we have been all but unaware we have been living in but we can now be part of the most wonderful, world-saving, all-important, all-suffering-ending, unconditional-loving, 100% secure in the knowledge that every ounce of energy that we expend every minute of every day is going into the right direction. We don’t have to guess or ‘try’ to be good, or hope we are doing the right thing, WE KNOW IT, we feel it with all our hearts and minds. The enthusiasm, liveliness and unbelievable zeal will rush through us all like an avalanche. We can wake up from our stupor, with understanding of the human condition in our minds and hearts we are now able to see the path forward, standing right up at the front of the helm of the ship that is taking humanity forward, we know what to do, we can truly live with purpose and joy and freedom now. All of our old human condition afflicted pursuits can now be left in the pile of rubble that we all now know it is. (I know, that the rubble has been so important to keep us alive until now, but none-the-less the old human condition afflicted world is ALL total an utter rubbish). Let’s go, let’s get the fuck out of the old world, lets dedicate our lives and minds and our hearts to freeing the world and freeing ourselves and leading the way. And the only way is by the whole human race understanding the human condition and finding more and more momentum in ourselves and our group of supporters and from the rest of the world - lets love the world back to life with Jeremy’s magnificent understanding of the human condition and bring an end to all the suffering, madness and desperation it truly is up to us!!
Jeremy Griffith: Yeah Tony Maloney [Gowing], that is just so wonderful and inspirational and true and perfect and lovely . There’s going to be so many people in the boat with us to the new world sailing and sailing and sailing on relief and happiness. Come on sunshine, let’s go, enough trauma and terror and madness, here comes the sunshine, love what you say with all my heart and soul.
What follows are Tony’s comments and posts with the most recent at top:
19 February 2025 Facebook comment about the wonderful, but confronting, story of the human race:
Honestly, nowhere else in the world is there genuine hope because nowhere else are they even discussing let alone understanding the human condition. There are many well meaning causes out there, but unless we humans collectively and individually understand the source of all the problems, there truly is no hope of making any profound or lasting change to all the madness and suffering everywhere we look — and that’s what makes the Jeremy Griffith’s work so different — it finally deals with, explains and ends the source of all the pain and destruction on earth, our exponentially growing psychologically troubled human condition. We humans are truly all mad, and as you work your way into Jeremy’s work the more obvious it becomes of just how mad we all are. This makes this information/explanation incredibly difficult to take in and progress through and have a full understanding of even though what is being explained is really quite simple.
I say all this, not to be negative, but because I truly want to encourage you as much as possible to hold onto the feeling of hope that you have right now, those feelings are real, understanding of the human condition does end ALL suffering on earth, transporting each of us from zero to hero, from a hellish existence to a heavenly one, from insecurity to complete security, from angry and competitive to compassionate and empathetic. But as I say it does mean that we have to admit and look at and accept the true state of ourselves under the duress of the human condition which can be difficult.
So as you go on this most wonderful, enthralling journey of understanding humans and yourself, please keep close that the overarching point of this explanation/understanding is that it dignifies all humans, it answers the key question of how, despite all appearances that we are a hellish, selfish, destructive blights on the planet we are actually the most wonderful, courageous and loving beings that have ever existed on earth. Yes! we humans are ALL good when we have appeared to be bad, we have had to ‘March into hell for a heavenly cause’/suffer corruption to find understanding/we had to lose ourselves to find ourselves/we were given a super computer (our fully conscious thinking minds) without a program, and we’ve finally got the base programing we need to assimilate ALL the knowledge we’ve collected about ourselves and the world over the last 2 million years. This understanding frees us of our pain, shows us there is now more than ever, but always has been tremendous meaning to all our lives even though we haven't been able to acknowledge it and live through that meaning.
Far out! The story of the human race as Jeremy Griffith lays it out is beyond, beyond special — you truly are in for a massive treat!!
14 December 2024 Facebook comment about how understanding the human condition allows us to be free to think and feel:
So true Nikola, our world view just expands and expands and expands, we are finally free to think and feel. All we need to do now is help give this gift to every single human. Let’s go!
14 December 2024 Facebook comment counselling how dealing with the deaf effect in others comes down to “...ending the obsession, that we’ve all unavoidably picked up during our lives living under the duress of the human condition, with what others are doing or aren’t doing, really helps” and focusing instead on our own transformation and supporting this information:
Tony Gowing: Hi Larry, I’m with you all the way about how frustrating the deaf effect is - you walk around understanding every damn thing and excitedly applying this information to everything you look at and begin to mull over all the magnificently exciting possibilities for the future. The fact that the people closest to us, and anybody much it seems, can’t hear what we are saying, can’t share in the excitement, can’t give us any feedback, reassurance, real human-condition-solved interaction etc., is an incredibly difficult place to be - living in the vacuum we all live in is not easy by any stretch in these pioneering days, but in my experience ending the obsession, that we’ve all unavoidably picked up during our lives living under the duress of the human condition, with what others are doing or aren’t doing, really helps. We have to use the understanding of all the incredible fear and resistence that all humans live with of the human condition and the compassion of having that understanding to move on past it, the idea that you can walk up to people and tell them about this and they will get it and everyone will live happily ever after is simply not going to happen — yet anyway. But in terms of our transformation and support of transforming the world that really doesn’t matter at all!
We have to take ourselves to a new position, one that focuses on the bigger picture, that garners all it’s encouragement, enthusiasm and meaning from what will come in the future — if there are enough selfless and loving supporters of this starting from the basis of just keeping it alive, building the support and momentum slowly but surely, we settle down and realise just how slow the start of this transformation of the world was always going be, but live off the knowledge of how instantly it will happen and glorious upon glorious upon glorious it will be once that critical mass is reached.
The more you and I and all the relatively small number of people just keep talking about this breakthrough, discussing the human condition, the more the fear is dropping out of the world around us, and think of the fear like a massive cloud enveloping the whole planet, it exists in every nook an cranny, in every home and workplace and park and bushland, whatever, it’s totally entrenched, but our talk and excitement and combined visions for a human condition free world is slowly but surely sucking all the fear cloud away, we are clearing the air, making the human condition more and more palatable, less fearful, more easy. The more we understand the human condition in ourselves and allow ourselves to see the selfishness in ourselves and to let it go the more others will simply feel the increased security and freedom in the air. It’s like walking around on a Friday night, you can feel the oppression of the human condition lift slightly and everyone is a bit more free and light. Soon everyday will be a happy joyful holiday!
So the more and more we personally make the transition from the old selfish, everyone’s so messed up and horrible and selfish to the new position of just how courageous and horrible people’s lives are and how much love every single one of those selfish, egocentric, human-condition-afflicted humans need the more fear we are helping to remove from the world. Because only love and selflessness and kindness is going to turn this tide and forcing people to be selfless is impossible, all we can do is show the world how wonderful it is by living for the greater good, ie how good it is to understand the human condition, understand where all the upset and selfishness in all of us comes from especially ourselves and how indescribably wonderful it is to be able to leave all that heavy baggage behind and just live for the new human condition free world with nothing expected from anyone in return.
So we can just keep talking, keep encouraging each other, keep handing our flyers, keep telling people why we are so happy, why we are so positive about the future, why we are so busy sending letters to thought leaders or filling the internet with positivity about the human condition being solved or whatever we are able to do ourselves. Remember the worlds prayer, if we just look after this information and just love it and live for it, it will do the rest, people will slowly but surely hear it, the safer people will feel about digesting it, the more excitement will come and join us. There is such a good job for us all to live off, free of frustration, free of the old, messed-up selfish world, one we’re we simply help love it back to life by quietly and confidently letting the world see that understanding the human condition can change everything and that it is wonderful, that we’re not giving up anything other than pain and selfishness and sadness and anger and frustration. It truly is all there for us right now, we just have to keep making the moves ourselves to live it and the more we do the closer everyone else will be!! Anyway that is a massive ramble of stuff there Larry sorry, but here is the World’s prayer - Let’s Go!
The World’s Prayer
I love this understanding,
It alone can achieve everything.
I look after it and it looks after the world and me.
I love this understanding,
I live for it and I live through it.
That is my life, its meaningfulness and its value.
I love this understanding,
With it is where I live,
All day, everyday and for always.
I love this understanding,
Nothing else is so important and precious.
My path is clear, its beautiful and I am happy.
Larry: Anthony Gowing I totally resonate with this, Anthony. The “door” cannot be opened further by force. I’m almost speechless when I try to think of what to say to relay my feeling of gratitude for you and Jeremy, founding members, and everyone.
I would estimate that this project at some point will snowball down hill surprisingly fast. And as you indicated that timing is not really our concern as we have loving sport of one another to do. It’s a good ramble Tony. I love the metaphor of the “cloud surrounding the earth and everything, every nook and crevice.”
Tony: So true Larry, the snowball is coming!! We truly are the luckiest people on earth with the greatest most important and fulfilling task in front of us, but greatness of it makes it difficult but like you say we’ve got each other and we know our task and what it’s going to take, something we humans haven’t had until now. It’s a truly is a joy to be on this journey with you!!
Larry: Thanks you, Tony, and you too. I can’t imagine what it was like in the early days to get the project going. But I can understand the safety and security, the feeling of being under protection of the relieving truth.
13 December 2024 Facebook comment answering ‘How does this all work practically?’:
Hi Joanne, great question I reckon! The truth is, as you absorb Jeremy’s work more and more, it becomes clearer and clearer just how diabolical the human condition is in all aspects of human life - how psychologically messed up we really are, how much this deep underlying insecurity actually drives every aspect of our behaviours and personality’s and how destructive it is of everything and how torturous it is and has been to live with it.
The first part is digestion - everyone begins to understand EVERYTHING. The more we understand the human condition without and within, the more everything that is happening on earth and in our lives starts to make sense. This is incredibly exciting! There is finally a definitive reason and explanation for everything, it’s not about opinions anymore and an endless battle between trying to get the balance right between right and wrong, selfish and selflessness, ideality and reality etc. etc. the whole situation on earth becomes about truth and dishonesty - historically we’ve had to lie and fake, and deny and pretend and suppress — pretend we are happy, pretend we are functional, pretend we know what’s going on, and what’s the best course of action and so on. But now we don’t have to fake ANY of those things, there is just beautiful, glorious truth - big over-arching truths that now all lead to truth on every tiny level and crevice of our beings, a truthful, empathic, redeeming, clarifying, understanding of all aspects of our lives. The relief and joy of having this is truthful understanding is unfathomable and will continue to be for generations to come.
The second part is realising more and more that every single human on earth needs to have this truth and understanding in their lives and especially seeing that growing up without understanding of the human condition is 100% crippling and transforms an at core unconditionally selfless, and loving child into a completely messed-up, insecure, completely dishonest and destructive force and this transition that is taking place in every child right across the planet can end almost overnight if they have this explanation and understanding in their lives. It will end ALL the pain, it will end ALL the destruction that that pain causes.
So our task is simple, stop what we are doing and help bring this understanding to every man, women and child on earth. The emphasis is not so much in stopping what we’re doing or even worrying too much about how we currently live out our lives, because looking on at our current lives too much only brings confrontation and it’s not that helpful, but the truth is that our old human-condition-afflicted way of living and going about things is now redundant, and our focus can and should now shift to bringing the whole of humanity home from the nightmares of all nightmares. And as we begin to shift our focus from one of defending ourselves from the insecurity that the human condition has caused in ourselves to helping to save humanity, the happier we will be, the more secure we will be, the less selfish we will be, the less destructive we will be the more empathetic we will be etc etc. All because all humans now can begin to work as one as we’ve always dreamed of doing, it truly is the greatest project, or movement or activity to be part of, helping to fulfil all the efforts of every human that has ever lived for the last 2 million years, we truly can just love, love, love being part of it and we totally fulfilled.
So really, we just work through the logic that is beautifully laid out in Jeremy’s work and then once we are satisfied that this understanding will save the world - we live in support of it to make sure every human on earth gets it too! Let’s Go!
5 December 2024 Facebook comment in reply to Kimberley Prickett’s special video post of a chat she had with her Mum about THE Interview and how, ‘we are all St Pauls now’ in terms of standing up for the truth of this understanding:
Tony: Goodness me Kimberley that was just spectacular. Thank you and your mother so much for sharing that, it will no doubt provide so much help to everyone who is in the same boat as you and your Mum, as we all are! As this information spreads and the world truly tackles the deafness and resistence that our minds have to venturing back into what has been the most off-limits of realms, it is these conversations that will be taking place the world over and the more we see others doing it like you and your mother so beautifully are the more comfortable, fearless, sensible and rational and thoughtful and calm all these conversations will be. It truly is okay to talk about the human condition now, it is safe and easy just like you’ve shown the world here Kimberley, we can all just calm down now and slowly but surely introduce these understandings to the whole world and the whole world can now slowly but surely take them in and feel the incredible truth, relief and freedom they give the whole human race and ourselves!
Kimberley: Anthony Gowing yes Tony yes! It’s so heartwarming to receive your acknowledgment and reassurance as I hold you up there as the St. Paul of the WTM (as Jeremy says), so to receive a personal reply from you makes my heart tumble around gleefully. I’m really excited about our future in the WTM. I feel your passion when you talk about the transformed state that is possible for all of us. There’s a lot of love and kindness, and understanding flowing around this movement which is where I wanna be, cos I’ve been searching all my life for this Thank you that sounds great. We will have a look later today — it’s awesome.
Tony: That’s very kind of you to say Kimberley, but we’re all St. Pauls for this great movement of bring Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition to the world aren’t we! — where ever we are, however we can, we’re all just pioneering this great transformation from fear and self loathing and guilt to security, happiness and freedom. What a joy it is like you say to have finally found the answers and can participate in bringing humanity home together! Whoo hoo!
3 December 2024 Facebook comment about the meaning we have access to with understanding of the human condition:
Talking about meaning Helen, here is an absolutely cracking quote from Sir Laurens van der Post, the author that Jeremy quotes most in his work:
‘The Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert talk about the two “hungers”. There is the Great Hunger and there is the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger wants food for the belly; but the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for meaning. There’s ultimately only one thing that makes human beings deeply and profoundly bitter, and that is to have thrust upon them a life without meaning. There is nothing wrong in searching for happiness. But of far more comfort to the soul is something greater than happiness or unhappiness, and that is meaning. Because meaning transfigures all. Once what you are doing has for you meaning, it is irrelevant whether you’re happy or unhappy. You are content – you are not alone in your Spirit — you belong’ (Hasten Slowly: The Journey of Sir Laurens van der Post, 1996).
You can find this quote in Jeremy’s short booklet Our Meaning here:
Honestly, once you can understand the human condition it opens up a world for you that is absolutely endless in it’s meaning and beauty, it flows from every direction you look, where currently, in the current state of human-condition-afflicted-madness everywhere you look is madness, hopelessness, horror and the inability to do anything about it, now with understanding of the human condition everything, EVERYTHING, changes, everything can be fixed and turned into a wonderful, happy, meaningful, beautiful future, all we need to do is follow the logical path that Jeremy has so easily and masterfully laid out in all his work.
25 November 2024 Facebook comment answering the question, ‘Do you still do the other things you used to do? Does it become your main focus?’:
Good question Angel! Yes, of course, eventually it becomes your main focus — if you’ve found the solution to to all the world’s problems that will stop every tiny bit of suffering in every single human’s life including your own, and gives you the most meaningful, happy, joyful existence imaginable — the real question is why would you continue to live out an existence which is all about pretending to be happy, pretending to have meaning, pretending to know what’s happening around us and why — but is actually built entirely on human-condition-avoiding and suffering-perpetuating lies that humanity have had to cling to until now when science can finally explain all the lies and the unavoidable reason they exist, and then, why we don’t need to live by them anymore?
Honestly, once you understand the human condition and see that it is the single cause of so much horror, but at the same time, how now that we can understand it, our world opens up to so much beauty and meaning, there is no competition at all between the two options.
The key thing to remember though is that this change is not a forced change in any way, shape, or form, this change/transformation is built 100% on logic/understanding, and every individual depending on their own circumstances will take whatever time they need to make this transition, but as time goes by and more and more people make this transformation based purely on the logic in their own minds, it will become easier and easier and quicker and quicker and more and more obvious. With understanding of the human condition, humans truly are now masters of our own destiny, but again it all comes back to understanding the human condition which you can do by watching THE Interview here:
To learn more about how everyone’s lives will be transformed, you can read Freedom Essay 15: ‘How understanding the human condition can immediately transform your and every other human’s life and save the world’:
20 September 2024 Facebook comment about the real love that understanding gives us:
So true Dawn! The truth that we now have through understanding of the human condition is the real love that we’ve always needed, and now that we have the compassionate, dignifying and redeeming love/truth that we’ve always needed but not had we truly can unerringly stay on the all-relieving, all-joyful path to our unconditionally loving/soulful home. If we stay with the human condition understood truth about ourselves and the world we will stay with the love and heaven on earth awaits. Whoo hoo. Let’s go!
2 September 2024 Facebook comment about the unstoppable joy, enthusiasm and energy behind the transformation this understanding makes possible:
It’s so true Ales nails it [the Transformed State] every time. Once you’ve experienced the freedom of living in support of the explanation that stops all the suffering and brings complete knowing/meaning to our lives, there’s a force within you that’s just unstoppable, a joy, enthusiasm and energy beyond limit. The whole world will catch onto this so fast — it’s coming!!
2 September 2024 Facebook comment about the key in absorbing Jeremy’s understanding the human condition is that despite all the upset, it is a positive story:
Good stuff Ieteke, thanks very much for letting us know — the initial dive into the reality of the human condition afflicted world and the upset (as Jeremy calls it) that it has caused in us all can be daunting. But the key in my view to remember is that this is a good (very, very, very good!) news story, the human story is one of endless courage, love and selflessness. We’ve spent the last 2 million years on a journey of understanding and we’ve finally got enough understanding to explain the whole crazy mess on earth which is what Jeremy Griffith has done in FREEDOM. The whole box and dice laid out for us to understand the mess, craziness and destruction and horror, but it’s all positive, it’s all wonderful news really, the madness and destruction has had to be, but it can now end. Humans appeared to be the great villains, but we truly are heroes beyond comprehension. Whoo hoo. Wishing all the best in the world.
2 September 2024 Facebook comment about the magnificence of the union between men and women that is now possible:
Yes this is awesome Roz. Thanks very much for sharing this! The horror of the story of the battle of the sexes under the duress of the human condition is only matched by the world-saving and ultimately loving partnership men and women managed to maintain over the 2 million years we’ve suffered from the human condition and only surpassed by the gloriousness of now with understanding of the human condition the ability to end this great battle between us — we can finally understand what each other have been having to do under the duress of the human condition and why. Flying blind, with no understanding or ability to explain each other’s positions all we had was the hope, faith and trust that one day we’d be able to sort it all out, and finally we can. The ability for there to be a true and knowing and understanding and compassionate union between men and women truly is magnificent, beyond magnificent, beyond magnificent. Thank god for Jeremy Griffith for solving the human condition and thank god that humanity held it’s nerve and kept the search for knowledge going long enough for him to finally do so. The whole world needs to know what is on offer now, let’s go!
2 September 2024 Facebook comment about the joyful meaning that is available to every single human right now, and how that momentum will grow and grow until it saves the world:
Whenever I see this happening [WTM ‘Fix The World’ flyers being distributed] I just can’t contain myself. It truly is this unstoppable excitement and rush of joyful meaning that is available to every single human right now. Yes it’s just some flyers but firstly what is on the flyers is the most important message to ever be printed on any piece of paper or chiselled in stone or passed on ever before in human history (other than Jeremy’s explanation itself of course!) but secondly and in some ways more importantly it’s that there are rational, logical, able, happy and endlessly enthusiastic people who are sure enough in its logic and its power of explanation to get in behind all the massive, massive claims and hand them out and do whatever it takes to tell the world about this breakthrough of breakthroughs. The more we show the world that it’s possible to selflessly leave all the power game and fortune; egocentric, I’m-not-going-to-be-selfless-til-everyone-else-is behind the more people will follow us — yes just little old whoever-we-are-nobody’s who simply know that the human condition has been solved and we are free. C’mon let’s fucking show the dead old denial ridden world that we truly, truly can fix every single tiny thing around the whole joint and that it beats the hell out of some old fashioned insecure ego hit. We just start with one flyer, one smile, one letter to thought leader, one encouraging comment, one more discussion about the human condition, and it will grow and grow and grow and grow before we know it people will be streaming through the streets with us over the hill of transformation, lined up marching in the great revolutionary army of compassionate understanding not swerving or loosening a single buckle. Fuck yeah, thank you 3 mighty, mighty, mighty girls of humanity for showing and telling humanity the way forward. We are free, we are free and we just need to live it and let that freedom build in ourselves and the excitement and love we all generate will sweep all the pain and suffering and delusion and destruction away before it—whoop hoo let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!! [Tony also added] The force is with you, the cavalry is coming, backup’s on its way and the fat lady is warming up and ready to sing for the old denial-ridden world — we’re all with you!
19 August 2024 Facebook comment about how with the human condition solved we can explain and demystify all myths, art and culture; and with all our fear and horror ended, all humans can live in the centre of the most wonderfully and endlessly beautiful heaven-on-earth-existence:
You truly are gifted Paul! I’m unbelievably jealous of your ability to produce such amazingly beautiful works that no doubt would be such a relieving outlet of truth and angst that the human condition has inflicted. Your post really brought home to me that one of the things I love the most about Jeremy’s work is that his words are so plain, that all the myths, metaphors, faiths, artworks etc from the whole of human history are now able to be clearly understood, and that prophets, artists, poets, writers etc are no longer having to use myth and metaphor in abstract ways to bring up all the truths underlying the human condition. The tiny little esoteric, rhythmic pathways that artists so bravely kept open over the millennia can now grow into massive glorious highways, all streaming with incandescently brilliant truth about the wonder of the world and humans. All the fear and horror that we’ve had to endure can be completely released, and all the beauty we’ve had to ignore and deny can now take centre stage in our lives and thoughts. Having the human condition solved really places the whole of the human race now in the centre of the most wonderfully and endlessly beautiful heaven on earth existence that we can see from horizon to horizon now that we don’t have to hide out in our own human condition afflicted crippled imagery, thoughts and dreams. What a joy it’s going to be to see the whole world living in all this freedom and beauty — Let’s go!
18 August 2024 Facebook comments about the process involved of adjusting to this massive but glorious paradigm shift:
Welcome Anders!! Yes making the transition in our minds from a world without understanding of the human condition to one where the human condition is completely understood is a massive, massive paradigm shift. It’s confronting of our own upset and how up messed up the world has become from our upset, but the relief of finally being able to finally see it all and knowing where it came from and that it had to be this way and that there is a very clear (and becoming clearer and clearer everyday) is just so exciting and relieving. Yes there’s all kinds of psychological hurdles for us all to navigate out of platos cave of denial but coming out into the glorious sun of human-condition-understood incandescent light is the greatest journey to take that has ever presented itself to any humans before us. So we just keep going, keep slowly but surely, patiently taking in the information, keep thinking, keep processing, keep understanding ourselves and allowing the fear of the human condition to dissipate and the joy of being able to participate in the all-important task of helping to free the rest of the human race and be free of it ourselves through our support of it sink in. Let’s Go!
Nikoletta replied: Anthony, I’m in tears reading this. This is for sure the greatest journey humans have ever taken and it’s only the beginning of a whole new, super magnificent world to come! What better than to be tasked with having to bring about this “glorious sun of a human-condition-understood incandescent light” filled world!
Tony replied: Yes, it really is just too good, too big, too exciting, too meaningful, too important to fully take in isn’t Nikoletta. I don’t think I’ll ever come to terms with it properly in my life time and the human race as a whole probably won’t for a thousand years! But glorious upon glorious it is!
17 August 2024 Facebook comment about the clear choice available to all now the human condition is solved:
It doesn’t get any better than that Deepak! The situation truly is so simple now on earth — we can either live joyfully in support of the explanation that solves the human condition and ends all the suffering on earth or we continue on in the insecurity driven, suicidally depressing, human condition afflicted, manically desperate horror that the world has become and is exponentially disintigrating into further and further everyday without the explanation of the human condition. The choice for each of us is clear.
Let’s get the fuck out of here!
17 August 2024 Facebook comment about our magnificent path forward now the human condition is solved:
That is so true Mary, God love you! We truly can love ourselves back to life with understanding of the human condition. We humans are heros, lovable, wonderful, courageous, absolute legends. All we’ve got to do now is help however we possibly can to live this new human-condition-solved paradigm and tell and show everybody of this magnificent, beyond magnifcent, beyond magnificent breakthrough exists and truly is the only path forward for each and every one of us!
17 August 2024 Facebook comment about the great exodus from the horrifying human condition is on, and we can drench ourselves in the human-race-saving, all-suffering-ending joyful task of sharing this information with the world:
Awesome Ulrik! Our ability to now put all our human-condition-afflicted personal history of pain, suffering, egocentricity away in our suitcase really is the most special thing in the world.
The maintaining of our insecure, egocentric facades is killing us individually and destroying the world —our great task is to use the defence/understanding that Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition provides to end our insecure preoccupation with proving our worth. The reason for the insecurity has gone, so the insecurity can go, and the desperate self-proving behaviour can go—like you say it all goes into our suitcases, we let it all go and move on. It’s legitimate, it’s responsible, it’s right and actually the only path forward now for every single human.
The idea that we can all stop fighting the implication that we are evil blights on the planet is an anathema to us all initially because we’ve had to fight so hard against such horrifying, in-truth suicidally depressing forces and feelings underlying all our behaviour, and the idea of giving up, capitulating, walking off the battlefield that has defined human existence for so long is a terrifying thought, probably the most terrifying thought imaginable—but we have all the logic with us, we have this great understanding that we can continue to witness make sense of every single aspect of human life, it is true, the great exodus from the human condition is on let’s go! Lets drench ourselves in the human race saving, all suffering ending task of sharing this information with the world. The joy and freedom of being free of our historic horrific task of fighting against ignorance IS over and the simple task of doing anything that helps radiate the magnificence of the situation that the human race is now in is ultimate feel-good, joy-inducing activity that we can now all participate in. Whoo hoo!
17 August 2024 Facebook comment about how listening to Jeremy Griffith explain the human condition makes the subject less frightening for us, and the more free we feel:
Listening to Jeremy Griffith explain the human condition is the most wonderfully cathartic experience on earth. The more Jeremy talks the less scary the human condition and our human condition afflicted behaviour is, and the more free we feel from the insecurity that has terrorised us our whole lives without understanding of it. With his every word you can feel the whole horror of the human condition afflicted world peeling back and being replaced with the most unbelievably exciting optimism for the future—Far out, having understanding of the human condition feels fantastic!
17 August 2024 Facebook comment about how the only way to save and transform ourselves and thus save and transform our world is to deal with and end human insecurity at it’s source, and how the only human on earth that is doing so is Jeremy Griffith—the world needs this understanding like it needs air:
It’s so true Pol. Humans truly are in a hideously destructive state. We’ve just had to fight so hard against the implication that we were evil blights on the planet and all the mad, incessant human-condition-afflicted fighting has/is destroying everything it touches.
The whole of humanity is desperately mentally ill and exponentially becoming more and more ill, more and more destructive and more and more desperate every single day. The world needs this understanding more than it needs air. If you want to feel calm, happy, sane, grounded, if you want to know why everything is the way it is—if you want your children to be happy and live in a world of love, compassion and understanding—if you want to end selfishness the polarisation on every single issue—if you want to save the human race, we have to deal with human insecurity at it’s source and THE ONLY human on earth that is doing so is Jeremy Griffith.
The human race is not going to be fixed by looking at the positives, by just accepting the way others are, by being nice, by being kind to animals, planting trees, by helping the homeless or feeling sorry for others less fortunate than ourselves. The only path forward is to end our insecurely driven egocentric, alienated, angry-as-hell human condition that is the source of all the atrocities on earth. AND WE CAN ALL SAFELY LOOK AT AND UNDERSTAND OUR HUMAN CONDITION NOW AND END ALL THIS INSECURE AND DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOUR. We must do it, we can do it and it truly is the most wonderfully meaningful and happy, freedom-inducing existence to start down this path of using the immensely-hard-fought-for-and-won understanding of the human condition that Jeremy Griffith has provided and participate in the great transformation of the human race and through that great transformation of ourselves the most wonderful transformation of the world!!
Watching THE Interview at truly is the most important, paramount, crucial, supremely important, vital, essential, foremost, ultimate, absolute top priority for every single human on earth. Let’s Go!
2 August 2024 Facebook comment about how the more we tell the world about the breakthrough biological understanding of the human condition, the more positive and empathetic we will feel ourselves, and the more sanity will be brought into the world:
I’m with you 100% Danielle. The world has absolutely gone mad and it’s getting exponentially worse minute by minute.
BUT, all this madness is based on there being no possible way out, the truth is the human race had to go mad, suffer this corruption, become this messed up - there was no other option - we had to go on a massively heroic journey to find understanding which meant we had to suffer corruption individually and collectively on a scale that is simply unfathomable in the hope that one day we would be able to explain why and we couldn’t even admit and acknowledge that we had this great task to complete, we had to believe in all manner of things that brought us any hope and positivity to simply continue on. We had to create religions that allowed us to stay connected to our soul without confronting ourselves with the fact that we were becoming more and more soulless. We had to build massive cities and statues and buildings and master great engineering feats and shower ourselves in material wealth as much as we could to keep the endless niggling insecurity that we might simply be an unworthy virus/blight on the planet that only brings destruction. But it was the only way, we had to continue the corrupting task of finding understanding until we could finally explain ourselves - BUT HUMANITY HAS DONE IT!! That is the great news, we have found the explanation that liberates all of us, explains why we’ve been so mad and messed up and finally allows us to end all that madness and stop all the suffering.
So this is wonderful news, absolutely brilliant and exciting. It is now up to the people who understand that there is a path where we are not heaping ever more criticism on the human race where we are actually lifting it, it is the lack of true defence for our madness and destruction that drives all the more egocentric and destructive and deluded behaviour.
So again, as I said above it is up to us to use this explanation of ourselves to finally bring compassion to ours and everyone’s situation, not through more bullshit dogma, but the real biological explanation and most wonderfully heroic story that is our species story. If we don’t tell the world that the human condition is solved and that there is now a path out where we can explain that we had to march into hell for a heavenly cause, we had to suffer corruption to find understanding then who will. And the more we are part of telling the world that there is this path, that there is this understanding, the more positive we will feel ourselves, the more empathy we will feel for others and the happier and happier we will be and the more sanity will be flooded into the world.
2 August 2024 Facebook comment about how with understanding of the human condition there is an obvious path out of the world’s embattled chaos into freedom for the human race:
Yes I so agree Danielle our deafness and alienated fear of the human condition is immense, in fact if it’s not the greatest force on the planet at the moment it’s got to be close. The thing is though, if we just stay focused on the fact that there is understanding now, and that we know that there is a very obvious path out of the mess the human race is in now, all we have to do is follow that path ourselves, that will lead to more and more security, freedom, happiness, positivity in our own lives and as long as we let others know that the positivity happiness, centredness, security and meaning all come from understanding the human condition it won’t be long before they want the understanding, freedom and happiness and meaning of understanding it too. It is our own journeys to freedom that lead the way out of all the suffering, yes it’s a bit more difficult to step out and be the first because any change in human-condition-afflicted humans lives threatens the ‘house of cards’ facades we’ve all got going to cope without understanding of the human condition, but in the end it is the path all humans need to, and have in fact been dreaming of since time immemorial. So yes it’s a change for us and us all but if we just keep quietly progressing ourselves, we are actually progressing the whole of humanity. Bit by bit by bit we are each saving the human race from extinction. Let’s go!
2 August 2024 Facebook comment about the simple and necessary joyful transformation that is now possible to fix the world:
I agree with everyone above. This is absolutely awesome from Dougie—just switch your focus from your resigned, human condition afflicted—‘my life is hard’, ‘poor me’, ‘I’m such a legend’, ‘the Deaf Effect sucks’, ‘the human condition is confronting’, ‘how do I help and love this and still keep my legend status in the world’—way of approaching life, to just doing anything to get this information to the world and you will be absolutely soaring, absolutely drenched in joyful meaning, with all the madness, horror and insecurity of life under the human condition gone, moved on from, let go of and placed in our gloriously courageous human history, with only a 100% understandingly secure, gloriously happy, contented, warm, generous, unparalleled beauty of the human-condition-free future to think about and work towards every single minute of every single day. Trying to sell/promote this new human-condition-free world without making this transformation is near on impossible, because it is so obvious that you aren’t buying what you are selling yourself. But when everyone sees you are absolutely joyfully loving and living what you are offering it is literally only a matter of time before everyone, absolutely everyone will want it too. We need to show the world how good the freedom of selfless love is and how it is now possible, legitimate and has absolutely no bullshit, new age, pseudo [idealistic], woke, smug, crap involved with this joyful transformation whatsoever. It’s up to us. Let’s Get the Fuck Out of Here!!!
2 August 2024 Facebook comment about how all we have to do is follow the logic Jeremy has presented for humanity to reach the long-dreamed of utopia:
I agree with everyone Dylan, this post is awesome. It’s so true, once you have broken through the Deaf Effect and you continue to absorb everything Jeremy has presented, the world just keeps getting bigger and bigger and more and more beautiful and more and more positive. We can understand ourselves, we understand others and we understand and see the path that humanity can now take to reach the utopia we have all dreamed of for 2 million years. All we have to do is follow that path ourselves like you say and as we go down it ourselves we will naturally take everybody and the whole of humanity with us. And it feels just so unbelievably good like you say to take up any tiny part of that march out of human condition afflicted hell that we can all now take.
20 June 2024 Facebook comment about how the more we’re able to take up the Transformed State, the more it helps those around us who are struggling with the Deaf Effect:
Hi Elle, well said, that is just so true! I so agree once you progress far enough through the Deaf Effect yourself it is absolutely staggering just how much deafness there is. But then again the more I continue to understand, just how much upset there is and how torturous living without answers and therefore how terrified upon terrified, upon terrified and ashamed upon ashamed we have been that we are as a species and all personally in some way, shape or form, responsible for all the destruction and suffering on earth it becomes far less bewildering. Talking about anything truthful is murderous for us because without the full explanation basically any truth just leads to more confrontation, more shame, more guilt without any help whatsoever. But this information like you obviously know brings an absolute tsunami of love through finally being able to understand that we had to become hideous destructive devils to carry out our heavenly task to find understanding. So for us the people who through some quirk of our upbringing and/or experiences in life have been able to hear this, it is up to us to spread the love/understanding and lead the way, it is probably the greatest privilege and responsibility ever bestowed on a group of humans, to make sure that all the efforts and immense suffering of all the humans that have ever lived are not lost in the extinction pit of terminal alienation. We have found all this love/understanding and can and should drench ourselves in it, but it is our great responsibility to step out not in terms of our dealings with others but in terms of support of these understandings ourselves. The world needs to know that we know that these understandings alone will save the world and save every single individuals lives from the horror of the human condition. The greater the change to our own lives we can take, by taking up support of understanding the human condition, the more unable others around us will be able to ignore the loving, knowing, meaningful, selfless, supportive joy that we are exibiting in our lives, it will be completely infectious and soon the whole human race will be shedding their fearful facades all over the place. Anyway, that’s a total rave, but I really loved your comment!
18 June 2024 Facebook comment about how we can endlessly feel good by supporting this world-saving breakthrough:
Love it thanks Bella, yes on a deeper level, our true selves have all yearned so deeply for love and to be loving — and we’ve all experienced the incredible rush of something like elation when we do something kind/good/thoughtful/generous/etc but before understanding the human condition basically our whole task on earth was to defy these feelings—we had to refuse to fly back on course (to use Jeremy’s Adam Stork example) because we had to find understanding, we couldn’t do it dogmatically just because it felt good. But now it’s not dogmatic, we have the full understanding, we can knowingly fly back on course, we can feel endlessly good, by doing good, doing right because finally we know what is right and why, it’s all explained our whole journey, our feelings or intstincts or soul can now be understood, we know what they are saying and why and finally instead of having to shove them down and live above them, in spite of them, we can go with them, allow them to live, be ecstatically joyful, being considerate and selfless and happy and living for the greater good doesn’t carry any smugness or dogma or done under any force or because of guilt, or because you should or you’ve been taught to behave that way or whatever, it’s the totally natural way that we haven’t been able to live, but now we can, and totally can—absolutely drench ourselves in the joy that we can now live at one with all our surroundings, we can now feel absolutely ecstatic that we are doing the right thing that we are saving the world, that we are bringing the long long long and torturous journey of finding understanding of ourselves to an end—it’s better than we can possibly imagine it is, it’s almost impossible that we can believe that we can just feel absolutely wonderful all day just by knowingly living in accordance with the most fundamental laws of integration that the entire galaxy is built on. Far out it’s good, and it’s here right now, we just have to allow our minds to line up the logic. The human condition is solved we are free, to continue living like we don’t understand how the world and ourselves work is simply stupid—totally and utterly moronic. So let’s go, let’s let ourselves get out of hell, there is no longer any need to continue to fight and compete and prove our worth and pretend. We just have to leave all that to the magnificently courageous history it is and just love, love, love the human race back to life and feel absolutely magnificently doing it — we definitely deserve it!! Let’s go!!
16 June 2024 Facebook comment about how significant every act of support for this project is:
This post is just so good Ales, it really shows how much a single human can make an monumental impact with a single decision or action. Humanity and us all have always dreamed, clung to, and desperately hoped that one day the world could be an unconditionally loving place built on cooperation and selflessness. But up until now every movement trying to take humanity in this direction has not been possible, they have been fake, feel-good, pseudo-idealistic (as Jeremy describes them) causes that could at best only ever provide a balancing side to our out-of-control egocentric, destructive selfish power, fame, fortune and glory seeking that we’ve had to live out in order to find understanding of the human condition.
But now that the human condition is solved, we can and should go all-in, the real transformation from insecure selfishness to 100% secure selflessness is now possible. And no force or rules or pressure or guilt of any kind is necessary other than the knowledge/logic that each of us can individually understand and know it for sure to be true. This is not another false start, this is the real start to a new human condition free world and as more and more and more people understand the human condition and see for themselves that there really and truly is a path to freedom from all the destructive selfishness that is killing the world, the more people will take it up at a faster and faster rate and the more and more loving and selfless and happy and excited we will all become. Freedom from guilt, from toughness, from intense and manic application will drain through every particle on earth— bone-drenching relief it is, so deep, all-encompassing and releasing.
And just like you so beautifully say Ales—All we have to do is change the direction and purpose of our lives from the selfishly focused defensive purpose of defying our insecure unexplained, human-condition-afflicted underlying feelings to supporting the unarguable logic that proves our worth. Instead of applying ourselves to trying to make ourselves feel good through power, fame, fortune and glory begin to apply ourselves to simply supporting the understanding that proves our worth and allows all that selfish carnage to end. We have to let the world know that we know that the end of the human condition is here. The whole world will begin to take notice when enough of us are noticeably living the selfless, enthusiastic, human-condition-and-care-free happiness that is now possible.
The stronger and clearer we can make the switch from the old to the new the freer and happier we will be and the more others will have to stop and take the time and patience to understand the human condition also. I just love that there are so many, and so easy activities that literally anybody, from anywhere can now be undertaking to help tell the whole world that this great transformation is on and the party of parties can begin. Let’s Go!!!
6 June 2024 Facebook comment about how the Transformation can start whenever we want it to:
That is so good to hear Rob! The scale of the transformation of our lives and every single situation that is now possible really does need to be processed and the length and breadth of our realisation and appreciation continues to grow every day in my experience. Just how big a change, how wonderful, how relieving and just how exciting it is I don’t think will be able to be fathomed for a long, long time to come. But the answer is here and no matter where we are on the journey of appreciation, the greatest realisation in my estimation is that the Transformation can start whenever we want it too—now that we have the only tool to stop all the suffering and our great challenge is to use it and help the rest of humanity come out of the cave too! And the best thing is, is that it is that support of this transformation, of this complete new and gloriously beautiful direction for humanity that is the mechanism that allows us to leave all the horror of the human condition behind in our own lives while helping to bring the horror behind for the rest of the world. Let’s Go!!
25 May 2024 Facebook comment about the true task of being a new world soldier:
This just so good—I just love watching Ales and Kevin and EVERYBODY just going for it!! For the first time in history we can do the ultimate feel-good thing and this time it is real, it is totally, 100% legitimate—this isn’t smug or new age or left-wing, or right wing for that matter, accolades and condemnations are now meaningless, with understanding of the human condition, we’re now beyond good and evil or superior or inferior all we need to do is verify these understandings for ourselves and then the sky’s the limit for how much we can help and enjoy and feel absolutely wonderful for leaving all the historical unavoidable human-condition-afflicted activities of striving for selfish power, fame, fortune and glory. This really is it the true start of a selfless humanity working as one, heaven on earth, utopia, Nirvana whatever you want to call it. It’s on, humans are free, we can understand our full history and move on - we’ve reached our goal all we need to do now is reap the rewards of all the efforts of all the humans that have come before us. Let’s go!!
25 May 2024 Facebook comment about the true task of being a new world soldier:
I do too Alexander, I’m absolutely terrified of public situations! I don’t know if this helps, but I’ve just found over and over that if I can just think of something that helps that is not overwhelming, that doesn’t send me into melt-down just at the thought of it, if I can do that thing no matter how small and keep doing it, I really do get used to it and I get more and more comfortable over time, it really is a process of realising that what we are suffering from is human condition afflicted psychosis which in our case is just a huge fear of being bad or unworthy, but it’s just that—fear —it’s not true we are absolutely wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, heroes heroes, heroes no matter who we are or how we’ve coped growing up without understanding of the human condition. And we just have to keep facing our fear with understanding in hand in tiny, little, easily manageable doses over and over again and get used to feeling it, used to what it feels like and used to realising it is just fear and used to using the logic we now have to let it go and put it to rest. And that the truth is it has no right to be ruining our lives anymore because it is just fear of an innocent lie that we started telling ourselves at some point in our human condition afflicted childhood. The Transformed State is simply that—just learning that we have had to live out all manner of insecure lies growing up under the human condition, but slowly but surely we can see the fear for what it is and gently and caringly let it go and just focus on helping in any tiny manageable way we can. The true task of new world soldiers in my mind is for each of us to be able to understand the fear that drives our lives, to become over time used to it and comfortable with it, because as we become more and more free of it the happier we will be and the more we will be able to serve humanity in this great task of fixing up the world from all the horror of the human condition.
6 May 2024 Facebook comment about how the building momentum and excitement means no one will be able to resist living in support of this world-saving understanding:
There will simply be way, way, way, way too much excitement to sit on the sidelines once this starts to catch on. It doesn’t matter how many horizon pools you’ve got, living under the duress of the human condition is a torturous hell-hole, and perpetuating all the selfish, deluded, human-condition-afflicted bullshit will be impossible once the freedom, love, compassion and joy begin to pick up pace as they are beginning to now.
6 May 2024 Facebook comment that the great exodus from the horror of the human condition is on:
Yes, the amazing [ecstatic] responses [on the slider on our homepage] just keep pouring in—more and more people every day are beginning their journey out of Plato’s horrendously torturous cave of denial. We can finally understand ourselves, why we feel and act the way we have and release ourselves from all the horror that has existed in those actions and feelings under the duress of the human condition. The more of Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition we take in and process, the more we understand ourselves and the world and the freer we become. Let’s Go!!!
6 May 2024 Facebook comment expressing just how freeing understanding of the human condition is:
It’s so good of you to take this video and put it on the group Michael!! When it all clicks and you can see how the whole world fits together and how simply all the shit mess will be straightened out once the momentum reaches a tipping point, it truly is like flying through the clouds overlooking the whole of the planet and knowing and feeling completely connected and part of every living cell as opposed to an island of self-preoccupied madness. Understanding the human condition really is too good to be true, it is too much for the body bear, it is too much for our minds to take in just what is literally on the razor thin cusp of becoming reality in our lives and world. Every single human will be walking around like you are in this video completely connected and free and calm and happy. That really was just so, so good to see - Let’s Go!!
6 May 2024 Facebook comment about how meaningful it is to participate in ending all the suffering on Earth after 2 million years of horror:
Yes, if there was a measurement for how meaningful any task or activity that a human is carrying out currently on earth, translating “The Book that Saves The World” and providing the ability for another large swathe of humans to finally understand themselves and be free of the most crippling and torturous lives living under the duress of the human condition, this task would be somewhere right at the top! What a gift, suddenly being able to switch our lives focus from complete meaningless self-centred crap, to focusing on and participating in ending all the suffering on earth after 2 million years of horror!!
6 May 2024 Facebook comment explaining how the horror of the human condition is now over and we can be free now:
This video [of Jeremy in Video/Freedom Essay 57, The Magnificence of the Transformed State Video 1] is absolutely positively radiant. The world is disintegrating from the horror of the human condition, from our deep, dark, underlying insecurity that has plagued us for 2 million years. But it’s all over, it’s over, it’s over, it’s over—you just can’t say it any better than Jeremy says it in this video...
“ is on its way to every person in every corner of the world. Love has come to the world in its absolute purest form, namely as relieving understanding. We humans are free now of the agony of the human condition. Everyone in every situation and predicament can now rise up as radiant new beings from their corpse-like state. A great rising up of humans will now occur across the world. Everyone is now able to come back to life—to wake up from a human-condition-afflicted torpor and look outwards and see each other and the world for the first time, and move across and help each other, and do anything and everything that needs doing to end the suffering and pain that plagues this planet.
The great awakening of the human race is on! We humans have, in truth, all been asleep, owned by so much pain and suffering. Certainly we are going to be in shock for a little while absorbing the realisation that we have finally won our freedom from the agony of the human condition—but it’s on, the great awakening, the rising up of the human race from its deep slumber.”
Yes, let’s go, Let’s get the fuck out of the human-condition-afflicted hell hole and bring about the new world Woo hoo!!
28 April 2024 Facebook comment about how we can now legitimately leave our false ways of living behind and join in with nature and the real world:
This is SO GOOD Kevin!!! I absolutely love your [Fix The World-sticker-embellished] van!! And in relation to the pictures of Cootehill—I really relate to what you are saying that once we can understand the human condition, we can at last begin to calm and slow down from our human-condition-afflicted insecure, manic states and begin to take in the world around us and tune into the unfathomable beauty and joy the world around us brings us. Under the duress of the human condition we had to live at odds with everything around us and any beauty and peace we allowed ourselves to see really only brought us more pain and confrontation because ourselves and lives were not able to be like that. But now we can join in with nature and the real world and leave all the false, noisy, over-crowded, busy, busy, busy world behind and begin to be ourselves in our natural environment—we can feel welcome, and totally part of it, not some devilish outlier who doesn’t really belong anywhere. Humanity is is is Coming home!! So Good!
21 March 2024 Facebook comment about how meaningful, fun, easy and fulfilling it is to participate in supporting this understanding, our great liberator:
This is just beyond magnificent Ales!! In this post you really can how the excitement and momentum will build and how the Transformation of the world really will take over the world. Yes! our whole word can be explained, our lives, our pain, our heroism, the horror of the human condition, the beauty of the world (now we can remove the scales of self-preoccupation from our eyes) can all be talked about, dissected, understood, basked in, loved, and help us endlessly and all this information and understanding is our great liberator.
But the Transformation will be as simple as taking actions like this, just imagine how good it feels to be actually participating in the most meaningful task ever, telling others about our freedom, telling others that the cumulation of all the efforts of all the humans that have ever lived have brought us to the greatest moment right now! All we have to do is happily suggest people take a look at THE Interview by giving them a pamphlet for them to have all this freedom too, and by doing that, you are progressing humanity more than the whole of the old human-condition-afflicted activity that is going on right across the world. That is just so meaningful, so fun, so fulfilling AND IT IS JUST SO EASY!! It is just endless goodness.
All we need to do is pluck up the courage to leave all our old, worries and insecurities and egocentric needs behind, we don’t need them anymore, we just need to participate in telling the world about this information and the goodness starts and never ends. Let’s, let’s, let’s GO GO GO!!!
3 March 2024 Facebook comment about how to deal with the Deaf Effect in others:
Yes the deaf-effect is a really tough one Shaun for so many reasons. Once we can see and understand the basic logic of Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition, initially it can be really difficult to appreciate why something that is seemingly so simple and logical can cause people so much stress/resistence/annoyance.
For me the key is knowing and keeping in mind that inside ALL humans (obviously including ourselves) resides a suicidally depressing, white-hot fear of the human condition — that we are evil, unworthy blights. We have layer upon layer, upon layer, upon layer, upon layer of defences to this fear that we have built up over the course of our lives within us. I know Jeremy points out throughout his work that you can’t deny something and be aware you are denying it. The pathways, ie the discussion topics, or behaviours, or scenarios that take us toward this fear in ourselves are tightly locked-in and our defences blocking the way are well worn and make up our whole outlook on life. And we will basically fight to the death to defend these protective outlooks on our lives.
So that’s what we are all up against when we’re trying to talk to someone about the human condition, it is like saying without saying it, that I’m going to bypass all your protections and denials and take you towards your greatest fear, is that okay?
So it’s logical that people have all kinds of responses to being taken towards this fear inside themselves. I always think that being able to start to see this fear inside ourselves gives us the greatest ability to be empathetic with the fear that others all feel and also to see how much we ourselves resist the idea that we even have the fear at all and that all our behaviour comes from this base of fear. The more aware and understanding of it we are in ourselves, the more understanding and generously helpful we can be of it in others.
In my experience people don’t miss what you say, but given the human condition is so far outside our normal world view it’s very hard for people to respond in a normal way, how can they? — but at the end of the day all we are doing is telling them about something that our brains and hearts are telling us is extremely interesting, exciting, life-changing, ground-breaking etc etc, so we are well within our rights to express our true views on this information and let people know that it exists and at some point they might/will be interested in it too. They may take you up to hear more or ask questions today or tomorrow or in a years time or may not, but their response doesn’t take away from what our own minds know to be interesting/true. Any fair minded person will be truly happy that we have found something that makes sense to us and over time will have to become more and more intrigued as to what it is that is make us so happy and fulfilled and free in ourselves and lives.
3 March 2024 Facebook comment on making the transition to the Transformed Lifeforce State to support the project and leaving all our doubts and misreadings behind us:
So true Claire! Understanding the human condition really is a massive adjustment and seeing the upset in ourselves and the world around us is incredibly scary and shocking initially. That’s why the Transformed state is such a gift for us. It allows us to logically accept the truth of it all without having to confront it too much, which can be incredibly destabilising.
The path for us is to simply know the truth of our upset and then essentially learning to leave all the insecurity, pain, hurt, anger and regret etc etc behind. How upset we are or how it manifests in our lives really is all meaningless now in the sense that it is explained, understood and looked after. We can now (100%) rightly/responsibly not engage with it and lovingly let it go. And even better than that — we can now use all our energy and talents (whatever they are) to help humanity in whatever way we can to support this explanation and genuinely be part of this most wonderful solution to all the upset and horror in the world. We can genuinely see a massive distinction between living out all our hurt and upset which is essentially only continuing all our (and the world’s) suffering and how our lives can truly be a force for unconditionally selfless good.
Remember, for the last 2 million years our task has been to go against all our instincts that are screaming at us to be unconditionally loving and selfless as has the very obvious truth of integrative meaning etc etc. But now we are working with the truth, with love, with the whole meaning of existence, not against it and we can watch ourselves make this transition and simply focus on making that transition more and more and more and enjoy it and feel the true meaning of it more and more and more. It truly is a gift, our whole lives now should be devoted to making this shift, yes it truly is the only way to live now, but it is also the solution to all our problems and it feels so ecstatically wonderful and there is absolutely no smug, feel good bullshit pseudo-idealism involved, this is fair dinkum heaven on earth and it is every human’s right to participate.
Because once we are selflessly living in support of the most meaningful project on earth and we have left all the worry and pain of our torturous history behind us, even the most deeply entrenched misreadings that we are some how evil or bad or unworthy cannot come close to the unshakeably obvious truth that we are far and away helping to bring far more goodness to the world than any residual upset that is in us is causing. No doubt the misreadings will try, but we know in our hearts and minds and whole bodies that it’s not true, we truly are supporting something so, so, so wonderful and it makes our lives soo, so, so worth living. Let’s go!
3 February 2024 Facebook comment providing a tsunami of new world leadership filled with so much strength, love, joy and excitement for the transformed world that is on it’s way! When Jeremy Griffith read this comment he said: “That’s an awesome call to arms Tony, to let’s not be intimidated by all our attachments to an obsoleted way of living and take up the Transformed Way of Living that’s undeniable now and let’s go. Yes, everyone put on your ‘Sign Me Up Tony Let’s Go’ t-shirts!”:
This is absolutely gloriously beautiful Michael! Keep going Michael, keep telling the world it’s all over, and how wonderful it is and how relieving it is and how exciting it is. Honestly, it’s never too much, the truth is it could never be enough, our historic, insecure shackles of denial and restraint and rigidity and maintaining the calm and looking composed and all the rest of it are all now just historic complete and utter bullshit. We can and should just toss them at the door, this truly is the most exciting and invigorating and liberating time on earth. Look at how much we carry on about winning a football match or winning a singing competition or whatever, we are just so (obviously completely justifiably) locked up, so terrified of letting our guards down, but this is it, this is way, way, way bigger than winning the 2 world wars combined or any other monumental moment in human history we can think of. All the hugging and kissing and relief and joy in the streets that was done when the wars ended is nothing on what’s coming now that we have understanding of the human condition. It’s not down-playing any of those moments, it obviously only magnifies just how important all the courageous events throughout history that humans have only managed to achieve/overcome with tremendous courage and resolute hope, faith and trust, but that hope faith and trust that all the momentous events that humanity has managed to pull off until now have all been for the cause of this day that we are part of right now today. So, and I’m definitely talking to myself here more than anything, but we all need our courage to let go of our historic shackles of insecurity, because it is the joy and freedom and relief that is the momentum of this whole movement and transformation from the human condition afflicted world to the world free of it, and the more we don’t understate the utter incandescent magnificence of what is now available to every battle weary human the more we are released. So please keep leading us Michael, keep writing songs, keep telling the world that this is it and the choice is simple — it’s understanding the human condition or death for the human race — but that understanding is so happy so wonderful, so joyous, so absolutely drop-dead, do a million cartwheels, hug every human in sight with relief good and our job is just to keep reminding ourselves and allowing ourselves to continue to break out of denial, to see the true wonderous picture that is now in front of us. And this song is such a magnificent example of. Let’s go, let’s tell the world how good this is, it really, really, really is on for young and old!!
30 January 2024 Facebook comment about now that we have understanding of the human condition, the battle to prove our worth is over and we can let go of the 100% preoccupation with fighting the human condition within ourselves, and the freedom that brings to our whole being to participate in the future of the whole human race as one great family. When Jeremy Griffith read this comment from Tony he said: “Wow, that is such a clear and simple and precise, and easy to follow description of leaving the battle that’s now won. It’s solid gold that description. Not only how to leave the battle, but also the incredible, fall-off-your-donkey magnificently free and happy life that awaits you. The whole description is just perfect.”:
This is awesome Ales, I so agree, it does feel like we’re suddenly cheating life. We have had to be pushing shit uphill our whole lives, trying to prove ourselves, trying to find meaning, trying to make sense of it all, trying to be good and not let all the underlying frustration and confusion overwhelm us etc etc - and continuing to live like that is what is causing all the problems in our lives and the world. Once we can understand the human condition and how it is driving us and driving everything we do and think and feel it’s only a matter of time before it becomes crystal clear that what is destroying everything in our lives and world is our complete, 100% preoccupation with fighting the human condition within ourselves, fighting the implication that we may be worthless blights on the planet, it is this endless insatiable fight that is so exhausting, preoccupying and destructive, but to be free of it all and save the world — ALL WE NEED TO DO IS STOP FIGHTING. That’s it, that is all we need to do for all the madness and craziness and exhaustion to end - to become masters of stopping fighting the human condition, the insecurity in ourselves. We don’t have to try to prove we are good anymore or put on a brave face or suppress our underlying frustration and anger, we can let it all go, we can now know that the human condition is explained and there has been a good reason for the fight to start up within us and for us to use whatever means we could find to defend ourselves, but with the biological understanding that dignifies and explains our behaviour from its source, that’s it, it’s over we let the anger go, we let the insecurity go, we let the need to prove ourselves go. What a relief, what pure joy, what freedom that brings to our whole beings. We simply shift our focus from defending our self worth to supporting the simple, fundamental, first principle based, biological explanation that explains why we are good, worthy heroes of the story of life on earth. We now just participate in something so much bigger than ourselves, helping to bring the combined understanding of 2 million years worth of thought and enquiry — finally there is real meaning to our lives, finally there is something so, so, so much bigger that all the best things we’ve ever imagined whilst we lived under the duress of the human condition. Christmas day, holidays, winning the lottery, or the championship, or buying the perfect house or spending time with friends and family or whatever we thought life was about all gets trumped by the ultimate meaning of our existence and being able to knowingly, consciously participate in the future of the whole human race and we can do it all together without jostling or competing or looking sideways, together finally as the one great family of humanity that we are.
22 January 2024 Facebook comment about how the song ‘Puff The Magic Dragon’ is about the psychological process of Resignation, the point in our lives where we (courageously) had to bury the magic world of our soul; and how the explanation of the human condition means no child will ever have to resign again:
One of the songs that makes me emotional every time I hear it is ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ by Peter, Paul & Mary. It is a song about the completely unacknowledged and unexplained - by anyone other than Jeremy Griffith – yet most significant psychological event in all humans lives of Resignation. You can find Jeremy’s explanation of Resignation here:
In this little song, the horror of having to disassociate ourselves from our real selves, from our unconditionally loving instinctive self or soul is presented in the most beautiful way. The song uses a gigantic, beautiful, completely fearless, fun-loving and endlessly enthusiastic dragon to represent a little boys soul, and in my mind there is no more perfect creature to represent the beauty, strength, endlessly loving and excited enthusiasm that is the wonder of the human unconditionally loving soul that we all have inside of ourselves. And together in this song the little boy and his soul/dragon are just the greatest of friends, they are as one and together they can do absolutely anything, they are completely free and happy and fearlessly bold as they joyfully frolicked around in the Autumn mist of Honah Lee.
But because of the human condition, because we humans have had the hellish and almost impossible task of finding understanding of ultimately ourselves, we’ve all had to disassociate from our fun-loving, fearlessly-joyful-and-enthusiastic and unconditionally-loving dragons/souls inside of ourselves, we’ve had to become serious, boring, rigid, egocentric, insecure, unhappy, disconnected, deluded, fearful, manically-driven adults. We’ve had to all put our dragons/souls away in a cave, we’ve had to extinguish the true, unconditionally life-force inside of ourselves which truly is the most horrifically awful thing for us all to have to have done.
But we did it, we all courageously, lovingly, selflessly did it in the hope, faith and trust that one day we would be reunited with our soul/dragon once again and be able to frolic joyfully in the glorious sunshine of fully-conscious knowledge and understanding of ourselves and the integratively built world around us. And this day has come, it is this day that this group is all about, bringing the knowledge to the world that will allow the greatest partnership that has ever existed of mind and soul to unite forever, for there never again to be a diabolical situation where another single child on earth has to hide his or her soul away in the deep dark recesses of their being in the most catastrophic act of selfless self-preservation there has ever been.
I’m obviously a person that has had to put my dragon/soul away in the recesses of my being and disconnect with it, but through the great prophets of history like Moses, Christ, Plato, Van der post etc we can see the utter magnificence of humans that have been lucky enough to maintain connection with their unconditionally loving soul. In our case at the WTM to be able to witness Jeremy Griffith leading us all out of the human-condition-afflicted world of pain, horror, lies, delusion, egocentricity etc etc with endless, endless, endless unconditional love, fearlessness, unrelenting defiance against all the unfathomable amount of fear and resistence that humanity has built up toward any mention of the human condition has been and will always be the most incredible thing to watch that I know I will ever see. And to know that what we are working towards every day is for every single human everywhere to have this same kind of love and connection to everything on earth is so wonderfully exciting and enthralling. So let’s go, lets get this information out to the world so not a single child will have to disassociate themselves from this all-wonderfully-loving-enthusiastic-joyful side of themselves ever again!!
Jeremy describes the utter magnificence of our Soul here:
And you can listen here:
19 January 2024 Facebook comment that the excitement and happiness that comes with being able to understand ourselves is limitless. This explanation is unavoidably confronting but it removes our own and humanity’s guilt and insecurity and ends all our mad behaviour and we can be totally completely and ecstatically happily free of it:
It is so precious of you to share this with us Stuart! Thank you so very much! Every time someone has the unbelievable good fortune to be able to break through the fear and denial that has been the horrible reality of any kind of discussion about the human condition and has the courage to step out of that silent, human condition afflicted, terrified, locked-in-Plato’s-cave world, and say it out loud moves the whole human race that little bit further up the slope and out of the cave and into the wonderful, warm, open sunshine that awaits humanity with complete freedom from the human condition.
Honestly, this feeling [when you have a ‘Ping’ moment and you overcome your Deaf Effect and realise this information does explain the human condition as ‘Stuart’ expressed in his post] is just the start, the excitement and happiness that comes with being able to understand ourselves is limitless. The world with the shackles of the human condition removed truly is heaven on earth, and everything in it is so wonderful and so interesting and everything can be thought about and understood. If you take a look at literally any object or situation and apply this understanding to it, you can sit there for hours just following the logic of how it came into being, what its real purpose is, where it’s going from here and how it fits together into a picture so, so, so much bigger and complete than the one we currently have in our minds of the world and ourselves and everything in it.
The only thing I will say is that it doesn’t matter who you are, understanding the human condition is a confronting process, it necessarily must be, we humans no matter who we are have had to become upset, and then live in denial of all that craziness and insecurity that the human condition has forced us to live and work around in our lives and it will be a shock to begin to see all this madness and upset in those around you and yourself. But it’s just a matter of taking your time, all the positives obviously way out weigh the difficulties of the journey to understand the human condition, but the saying the ‘denials fight back with a vengeance’ is certainly true as I have experienced it and there are things in the human condition world that we all have placed and still place incredible importance on that the explanation of the human condition will necessarily make transparent which we will all find difficult depending on what strategies we’ve taken up to cope with the human condition.
But honestly, this story is about removing our own and humanity’s guilt and insecurity and being able to end all our mad behaviour through understanding the unavoidable source of it and so be totally completely and ecstatically happily free of it. So thanks again Stuart, I wish you all the very, very best on your journey through FREEDOM because it truly does tell you the very best story that has ever been told of the story of us, humanity’s incredibly courageous journey to enlightenment!
24 December 2023 Facebook comment that our job is simply to focus on the future horizon and the bigger overarching picture that this information provides and take whatever small steps we can at any given time towards it as boldly as we can:
Just awesome Hodei! I so agree, to me alongside allowing ourselves to continue to slowly digest the understandings and allowing this new greater fundamental framework to show itself fully formed in our dead, alienated minds the fundamental challenge that I see in myself is to actually live the new reality I can now see — step out of, let go of, end the codependency to the old human condition afflicted world and all the crutches and historic egocentric wins, how I view myself, things I have always viewed as important etc etc are all are pretty well meaningless, this can be a bit destabilising and difficult to start with and we can’t help but get ahead of ourselves and look ahead into the future and scare ourselves with a transformed world that we are not quite ready to embrace fully. The key in my mind is to just start small not let the massive transformation that is coming intimidate or get too scary, just take a small logical step at a time. If you try to bite off more that you can chew you end up stagnating in procrastination and fear and shock of the change, but if you just take small steps but actually make them, before you know it you are witnessing that any size change that takes you closer and more supportive of this world saving information is always positive, always wonderful, always freeing, always brings more stability not less, and far from depriving you of some crutch or need or win or whatever, it will give you more joy, freedom and meaning than you could imagine. Really it’s just a time game to allow ourselves to get used to the great change, the only rule is to not let ourselves get overwhelmed which makes us anxious, and takes us back to focusing on ourselves and our fear and our insecurity. Our job is simply to focus on the horizon and the bigger picture and take whatever small steps we can at any given time towards it as boldly as we can, if we focus on the future with our heads up and on the horizon and our not on our navels our feet will simply take us forward towards the unstoppably wonderful future by themselves!!
Hodei replied: Totally agree, Anthony Gowing. As Jeremy explains, the human condition has many subtleties (this reminds me of the part where in AI & Aliens Jeremy explains how an artificial intelligence could not be able to understand how although humans were apparently acting in a disintegrative way, we were doing it only in superficial way because deep down we were acting in an integrative way). People who are apparently bad, or evil, really are not. And really all of us are variously upset. That is why Jesus Christ said: “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.”
Your words are beautiful, and your enthusiasm contagious. It is entirely true that we now have no reason to continue our destructive behavior. Now we can be what we really are (loving and selfless), because the battle has been won. I personally feel it like jumping into a pool. At first you are afraid that the water is too cold, and that is why you only put your toe in. I hope soon to dare to throw myself fully into the pool.
Tony replied: Yes, that’s the funny thing with the human condition we’re so scared and paralysed that any suggestion of any change to our incredibly fragile castle of cards is absolutely terrifying and brings up incredibly strong feelings that we’re being asked to give up something that is central to a whole existence, and to be fair, our crazy egocentric castle of cards has kept us alive for the last 2 million years, living under the duress of the human condition. But what we find is that it is the maintaining of our castle of cards and all the denial and bullshit that is so distressing, so preoccupying so overwhelming and exhausting. Leaving the whole thing behind, jumping straight into the pool, going over the hill, making a clean break from the whole thing is what makes it so clean and easy to do, but initially makes it look almost impossible. But like you say the path forward is pretty easy. Just keep walking around and around the pool becoming more and more used to it and dipping your toe in here and there and there will come a time when you’re sick enough of maintaining all the bullshit and ready to just dive right in and let it all go and leave it all in the past. Pressuring yourself doesn’t help all you need to do is to slowly and calmly allow your mind to consider the logic of both sides – the unbelievably magnificent, freeing, meaningful, world-saving, inspiring possibilities of diving in, and compare that with the horror, pain, exhaustion and futility of what the future holds without explanation of human condition.
24 December 2023 Facebook comment that once we take our time to work through the Deaf Effect and know the truth of this information, we all put a line in the sand and start our journey to help bring humanity home which is just a joy upon joy upon joy:
FB Group member, John Nichol: Bloody hell Hodei Cia Lizaso that was a great read! The parallels with my own experience in discovering and absorbing this information are striking. I also had this mental image of an iceberg representing my understanding of FREEDOM, thinking I got it, gimme the transformation! Well I wasn’t reckoning on what lay hidden beneath the surface, that took some of the wind from my sails but I’ll never sail off course again, I know where I’m going and I’m sailing in a fleet of great people united in a common cause, the greatest cause ever.
Tony Gowing: I absolutely love what you just said John, to me they are the most beautiful words on the planet and will lead us home to the most beautiful freedom ever imaginable. “I’ll never sail off course again” - yes! We all put a line in the sand and start our journey to help bring humanity home, to start with it can feel like a challenge, but as we get used to our new surroundings we will all see that far from trying to sail against the current and into the wind, we are now finally able to sail with the current and the tail wind will build and build and build! The joy of understanding and knowingly participating in humanity’s journey on the scale that we now can is just a joy upon joy upon joy, and all we need to do is take the time and expel the energy to work our way through the Deaf Effect like Hodei says and then make the decision to start supporting this information no matter what. Let’s Go!!
20 December 2023 Facebook post about how understanding the truth and importance of Jeremy Griffith’s understanding of the human condition engenders—and demands—great courage from us:
Once you’ve passed through the Deaf Effect and start your journey through the shock of change that we all need to work through in our own time, the key realisation is that Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition IS IT. With understanding of the human condition we can understand EVERYTHING!! All the problems about us humans can now be solved at their source. All the pain, suffering, insecurity is over and the need for destructively egocentrically propping ourselves up is completely over. This is truth with a capital T. It provides THE ONLY path forward if there is to be a future for the human race.
There is now a right answer for every situation such that debates and compromise can truly be things of the past. Not because one side somehow has ascendency, no, it is simply that when everyone involved in any given situation can honestly process and understand the logic of that situation free of their prejudices that they have adopted living under the duress of the human condition, a right solution will easily become obvious to everyone.
The more we work through this shock of change (that Jeremy explains in his book Shock of Change here: and the more we see just how true is the explanation we now have of the human condition, how freeing it is, how critically important it is to the future of the human race, the more courageous we can be to begin to live this new truth. We can begin to put down all our old egocentric crutches and habits and focus more and more of our energy and time on helping to disseminate this great breakthrough of breakthroughs to the rest of the world with less and less agonising, upsetting and distracting need for continued preoccupation with ourselves.
I’ve heard Jeremy refer to this line where the prophet Kahlil Gibran describes just how courageous Jesus Christ was “He died with a heroism that frightened His killers and tormentors” as one of the most important lines in the whole of FREEDOM because it is this same sort of courage, obviously led by Jeremy, that the whole of the WTM is having to show in standing up to the immense weight of denial, egocentricity and resistance to having the human condition brought into focus, as we now must to save the human race. Here is the full wonderful quote that you can find in FREEDOM here: (
“‘Humanity looks upon Jesus the Nazarene as a poor-born who suffered misery and humiliation with all of the weak. And He is pitied, for Humanity believes He was crucified painfully...And all that Humanity offers to Him is crying and wailing and lamentation. For centuries Humanity has been worshipping weakness in the person of the saviour. The Nazarene was not weak! He was strong and is strong! But the people refuse to heed the true meaning of strength. Jesus never lived a life of fear, nor did He die suffering or complaining...He lived as a leader; He was crucified as a crusader; He died with a heroism that frightened His killers and tormentors. Jesus was not a bird with broken wings; He was a raging tempest who broke all crooked wings. He feared not His persecutors nor His enemies. He suffered not before His killers. Free and brave and daring He was. He defied all despots and oppressors. He saw the contagious pustules and amputated them...He muted evil and He crushed Falsehood and He choked Treachery’ (‘The Crucified’, The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran, 1951, pp.231-232 of 902).”
Dear lord/Integrative meaning, please give us the courage to truly live the freedom, generosity and joy that we can now with understanding of the human condition in our hearts, minds and bodies!!
19 December 2023 Facebook comment that the heroic battle to find understanding is over and we can embrace being good without any delusion:
I so agree Hodei, the upset (what, without understanding the human condition, we used to refer to or worry was evil) was not just inevitable and unavoidable but courageous, like in Star Wars the key truth of it is that it was the (evil/UPSET) Darth Vader that brought balance to the force as all the prophecies said he would. We HAD to march into hell for a heavenly cause, we all had to become Darth Vader’s to find enough understanding to end evil/upset for good!! The paradox of the human condition is just so crazy to begin with, so topsy turvey, because as much as we all wanted to be one of the “goodies”, we can now understand that the real hero was greatest villian.
But the best, best, best thing ever is that we can now end all the evil/upset right now. It’s over, we all switch, we can instantly, responsibly and must become the goodies, we don’t have to fight anymore, we let all the anger, frustration, egocentricity and selfish need to prove ourselves go. We can swim/bask/bath in the goodness of what we can do now with absolutely no bullshit/feel-good/delusion/smugness/virtue-signalling AT ALL. We can love now, be cooperative now, leave our selfish needs behind and give ourselves to humanity – all of ourselves, not just pretend to, we really, really do it, even though others are deaf and haven’t worked it out yet, it is just so right it’s not funny, it’s just so good, it is so freeing and relieving, and fulfilling, the thought of Darth Vader and all his evil/upset in us can now be just so distant history, let’s go, let’s get the fuck out of here and show the rest of the world just how good the human-condition-understood-free-new-world is!!!!
27 November 2023 Facebook comment suggesting the answer to ‘What ideas do you have to support and promote Jeremy Griffith’s biological understanding of the human condition?’, is to transform your own life!:
Transform your own life as much as possible! With these understandings in your life what we can all discover is that we don’t have to live aligned with the old, human-condition-afflicted, dead-as-doornails, painful, no-meaning, can’t-explain-anything world anymore. We can dedicate our lives to ending it and do anything and everything and as much as we can to get these understandings to every corner of the world. This information is pure logic, there is no need for force other than the force of logic in any individual’s mind. All we can do is follow the logic ourselves and the logic says that any participation in the old, mad, human-condition-afflicted, alienated world is crazy and in fact is just participating in the perpetuation of all the suffering on earth. The more each of us become beacons of rational, sensible, unconditionally selfless, completely-understanding-of-our-situations-and-the-worlds-situation, the more people will look on and see just how good it is to have understanding of the human condition in your life and they will want it too. Again there is no pressure or need or force at all in having to do this, it’s just the sensible, rational next step from being able to to understand the human condition that we should act on it. If it can solve everything and save everyone from the unfathomable amount of suffering that is happening in every cell of every single human on earth we should do everything we possibly can to help.
It really doesn’t matter what we take up to help, we all just have to start somewhere and keep going, once you start being part of the REAL solution for every problem on earth you find real meaning for your existence and real unquenchable joy in that - you are finally knowingly participating in the great human 2 million year journey of finding enough knowledge to finally be able to fully explain ourselves and how we came to be living in the mess we are and how it can ALL end. Simply waiting for others to get through the Deaf Effect and show their support for these understandings just means we all sit on our hands, which really is the only crime. This is a massive breakthrough and does take time to understand and process and work our way through all the wonderful, wonderful ramifications, but because there is SO MUCH change it takes time, but our job is to continue that journey of processing these understandings in ourselves and the more we do the more we can then be in a position to help others. Let’s Go! It does take great courage to do basically anything to do with the human condition to begin with, but the more we hold our nerve and just steadily progress the more freedom, wonderful, unconditionally, all-knowing and all understanding new world will show itself to ourselves and everyone else!!
12 November 2023 Facebook comment that the most significant aspect of this is that we can instantly leave all the mess and horror behind and start participating in the new world:
I so agree Andreas, being able to acknowledge and completely understand the human condition allows us to finally fill in all the ENORMOUS gaps in our thinking that has been the source of all the torment we’ve experienced for last 2 million years. We can now have a completely solid framework on which to live our lives and understand everything going on around us and where we fit into it. There are now truths and absolutes for EVERYTHING. Everything has a right and a wrong. Knowing removes all the anxious, insecure, arrogant, and deathly frustrated feelings that we’ve all lived with all our lives underneath our courageous but completely fake facades. But I shit you not, there is a greater feeling (in my opinion anyway) by a hundred times if that is possible, and that is that we now get to instantly leave all the mess and historic pain and horror behind as soon as we want to and are able to knowingly participate in helping to bring this understanding to every single person on earth. We can stop everything we’re doing, and not waste a second more of our energy on perpetuating any of that insecure, anxious madness and feel 100% secure in what we are doing every second of every day. We can stop denying and fighting and pretending and appeasing and lying and just start living with complete meaning and fulfilment. All the second guessing and showmanship and swagger and bullshit distraction can end and we can finally live in full connection to what is truly going on in the world around us. Every cell, molecule and particle on earth is there for us to connect with, love and appreciate. Finally we can feel at home, whoever we are, whatever we look like, whatever we’ve done, completely safe in the knowledge that we’ve participated as best as we could in the most courageous, selfless and loving journey to enlightenment of our species as best as we could and we can be totally proud, loving, empathetic and completely joyful of who we are, it really doesn’t matter. We’ve made it, the human race has the answers, all we’ve got to do is use them, leave our death-camp of bullshit behind and take our straight-jackets of insecurity off and just give whatever gas we have in our human-condition-worn-out states to helping disseminate this information. It’s just so, so good to wake up every day and know that the suffering can end, the madness can end and that we can participate in that all-glorious task as much as we possibly want to and just feel better and better and better and happier and happier and happier and freer and freer and freer. Yeeeeee Haaaaaaa! Let’s Go!!
12 November 2023 Facebook comment about the beauty of what’s on offer when we leave the ‘stone age’ of not being able to understand the human condition behind:
Love it Lachlan!! So true, any energy spent on anything other than supporting the dissemination of these understandings is a complete and utter waste of your life and is in fact just perpetuating unfathomable human suffering. Endless relief, truth, beauty, compassion, love and freedom is on offer right now, but it’s impossible to experience and participate in it until you leave the (dead, dark, human-condition-afflicted) stone age behind and live in support of these understandings. It takes time for all our minds to grasp, accept and then act, but with every extra person doing it, it only gets easier and easier and easier. Let’s Go!!
12 November 2023 Facebook comment that with understanding of the human condition found everything now changes:
Hi Anna, in my experience, once we know that Jeremy’s explanation is true, ie the human condition is the underlying issue causing/driving all the problems on the planet and that it is now solved/explained, the path is to slowly but surely build our appreciation of what that means. In truth, I don’t think there are words enough in all the languages combined to describe just how big (and wonderful) this breakthrough is for us individually and for every human and the world. And it does take time to allow ourselves to begin to see and appreciate the scale of what is now available for us.
Because, the confronting truth is that understanding of the human condition renders all of what we currently spend our time doing and thinking about is pretty well meaningless. Because our lives have HAD to be 100% dedicated to defending ourselves against the human condition, no matter how we did that, the reality now is that we don’t need to do any of that anymore, the whole focus of our lives can change. We don’t need to defend ourselves against the human condition, we don’t need to prove our worth anymore to feel good about ourselves. What takes the place of all our insecure/human-condition-afflicted (very much needed prior to having understanding of the human condition) behaviour is helping to disseminate these understandings to every human on earth. This is a bit of a process and can be scary at first, even the thought of it, because all the stuff that we’ve been doing for our entire lives thus far has been keeping us alive, giving us purpose and it’s not that there is anything wrong with any of what we have been or are doing, it’s just that now that the human condition has been solved EVERYTHING can change at the most fundamental level. So in our day to day lives, we get up look around our houses and see all the ridiculous embellishment in every single detail of the house or we step out into the street and see all the crazy people tearing around in their cars with their angry head and tail lights glaring at us, or we speak with someone on the street and realise that the only thing we can talk about is the weather, or we try to help our children with their maths or history or whatever homework and realise that everything we have been taught is now out of date, every book and university course is out of date and is just a waste of energy, all the products that we produce are so over the top, wasteful and garish and that’s just a tiny start.
So it’s a massive shock, it’s a lot to get used to just how big the change is, and it can be difficult at first to grasp exactly what life looks like (exactly what you will get up and do tomorrow kind of thing) now. So this is why this transition is equated to turning the Amazon river around in its bed and running it the other way. It IS a HUGE change for us all to go from one day where we are spending all our time thinking about ourselves and coming up with ways to defend ourselves against the insecurity of the human condition to leaving all that behind and focusing on helping to bring this understanding to every single human on earth and stop all the suffering.
But what becomes clearer and clearer over time is just how messed up all the old human condition afflicted way of life is, but at the same time just how relieving leaving all that mess and insecurity and manic drive we have had to deploy all day every day, but not just leaving all that behind, but having the indescribable meaning of knowingly participating in the world’s most important task that ever there was. So yesterday we were worried about our car colour and that the front hedge is the perfect height and our teeth are white enough and others around us think that we are good, generous, empathetic, happy beings and doing whatever it took to make it appear that that’s what we were when we weren’t really because of the human condition. But today all that is meaningless and we become a servant to the information in the sense that we just begin to do whatever we can to help the next person and the next and next discover this information, it starts small and we don’t get to hit up about what we’re doing, but over time we can spend more and more energy on it, and begin to feel the joy of participating in fixing up the world with the only real tool that can do it more and more, and the utter relief of not having to be a rat in the wheel of keeping the human condition insecure feelings at bay anymore.
With every person that understands the human condition, the more the excitement and freedom will grow and the more and more fundamental and selfless the changes in our lives and society will begin to be.
Anyway Anna, that is a pretty rough go at an answer from my perspective, but Jeremy has spelt it all out so beautifully in his books/videos The Shock of Change ( and The Great Transformation ( The truth though is, you’re through the hardest part, you truly are in for the ride of your life!!
2 November 2023 Facebook comment about transforming your life (with quotes from Jeremy’s The Great Transformation presentation):
Awesome Emily! The more of the ‘dead wood’ we can keep chipping away from our lives, we just keep finding more of the madness we can let go, throw over our shoulders and leave behind for good, it’s all been mad and dsyfunctional but it’s had to be, who cares! It’s all over now. Here are a couple of rip-roaring quotes from Jeremy in his Great Transformation presentation, that this post makes me think of:
“As I summarise in paragraph 1166 of FREEDOM, the excitement and relief of being effectively free of the human condition—the joy and happiness of being liberated from the burden of our insecurities, self-preoccupations and devious strategising; the awesome meaning and power of finally being genuinely aligned with the truth and actually participating in the magic true world; the wonderful empathy and equality of goodness and fellowship that understanding of the human condition now allows us to feel for our fellow humans; the freedom now to effectively focus on repairing the world; and, above all, the radiant aliveness from the optimism that comes with knowing our species’ march through hell has finally ended and that a human-condition-free new world is coming—CAN NOW TRANSFORM EVERY HUMAN AND THUS THE WORLD; hence we are the World Transformation Movement, WTM!”
And these amazing quotes from Sir James Darling:
“‘selfishness is, as it has ever been, the ultimately destructive force in a society, and there are only two cures for selfishness—the regimented state which we all profess to dislike, and the change of heart, which we refuse to make. That is the choice, believe me, for each one of us, and we have not much time in which to make it. The need for decision [to have a ‘change of heart’ and live selflessly] is serious and urgent, and the sands [of time] are running out’ (Weston Bate, Light Blue Down Under, 1990, p.219 of 386). Yes, as my explanation of the human condition finally makes understandable, selfishness has been necessary during humanity’s heroic search for understanding of its corrupted condition, however it is still, as Sir James said, ‘the ultimately destructive force in a society’. And yes, the pseudo idealistic dogma of the left-wing in politics’ ‘regimented state’ is ‘dislik[able]’. And yes, as we can now understand, we have had to ‘refuse to make’ ‘the change of heart’ to living selflessly while we still had to persevere with our corrupting search for understanding of our divisive, corrupted, ‘fallen’ human condition, but now that we have found that understanding we can have that ‘cure for selfishness’ of ‘the change of heart’ to living selflessly that Sir James emphasised even 73 years ago now back in 1950 was ‘serious and urgent’ because ‘the sands [of time] are running out’.”
Yes the ‘sands of time are running out’ but the way out is here and it’s absolutely drop-dead awesome!!!
24 October 2023 Facebook comment that our upset is looked after now and all we need to think about and live for is getting humanity out of the horror, and everything grows from there:
I so agree Pamela! this is one of my favourite paragraphs too. All the hurt, falseness, egocentricity, delusion, craziness, destruction - etc etc etc is such a shock, how messed up we have become and how horrible the human condition is, particularly in ourselves, can seem like it’s too much to bear, but it isn’t, not at all, in fact other than knowing/accepting the truth about it it’s all pretty much meaningless as we move on into a human condition understood lives and world. Our upset is totally completely looked after by the bigger truth that all that delusion, destruction, dishonesty was completely necessary, and was in fact was a selfless, heroic, loving journey that we all had to participate in - and now, best of all, as Jeremy points out in that paragraph all we have to focus on is that all the horror can now end in ourselves as we continue to digest and accept just how magnificent we all are individually and also as a species as a whole – what a unfathomably exciting possibilities exist now that the human condition is solved!! We can be honest, we don’t have to be insecure, we don’t have to fight with ourselves or each other, all our crazy, intricate differences in upset can now be understood and reconciled. Let’s go!, lets get out of the horror is all we need to think about and live for, and each day the truth will grow, the shock, fear and confrontation of the truth will calm further and the pure joy of finally being able to live as one species totally connected to every other element in the world around us will grow every single day.
6 October 2023 Facebook comment about how suffering from the human condition has been an unavoidably torturous journey for all of us but that we can now know it was all so wonderfully worth it!:
Lucia, well said! I couldn’t agree more. Our own personal life journey’s are tiny replica’s of humanity’s great journey to find understanding. We’ve all been crazily, insecurely, egocentrically, desperately searching for answers, meaning, what is right good and true. It’s been an unavoidable torturous journey, but now we know that it was all worth it! As crazy and hurtful and destructive as it all was, we were actually working towards something so wonderful, we can live off wonder of what we individually and humanity combined has achieved together over 2 million years. What a time to be alive!!
28 September 2023 Facebook comment about how we don’t have to live in fear and insecurity and can return to behaving selflessly now that we have understanding of the human condition:
Yes, I so agree May, every time any of us take the logic of the information and use it to dispel the fear in ourselves it means the whole trajectory of our lives changes from one of fear and living out all the human condition afflicted fear imposed behaviours we have going to more and more secure, happy, generous and selfless humans — calm, selfless excitement and enthusiasm will be the hallmark of this great revolution and the more we make use of the explanation the more noticeable it will be and the more others will make the transformation too. Currently, if anyone behaves selflessly they are seen as naive, weak or silly, and in fact our whole job on earth has been to resist our underlying pressure from our soul/unconditionally loving instincts to ‘fly back on course’ but now the human condition is solved that’s no longer the case! Everyday it will become clearer and clearer just how wonderful it is to transition from our human condition afflicted selfish, wary, on-guard, cautious, egocentric way of living to flinging the floodgates open and just giving our lives fully to the greater good of humanity. And as naive as that can sound without understanding of the human condition, now with it’s absolutely drop-dead, fair-dinkum, 100% truth. There is no longer any reason at all to be selfish at all, we can let all that pent up fear that is causing it go completely, it’s so exciting and fulfilling to think about that massive surge of love and generosity!
27 September 2023 Facebook comment in response to the question, ‘So it’s all about switching the focus every minute of the day, especially when that fear pops it’s head up?:
It’s just recognising that the underlying fear of the human condition is driving all our actions/thoughts/behaviour, and we are so habituated to buying into the fear and reacting to it, fighting it, trying to prove it wrong etc and that is so exhausting, and ruining our lives and we barely even realise we’re doing it and letting it run our lives and are complete victims to it. But now we know that there is actually nothing to be scared of anymore, we can fully understand what the fear is, where it comes from and why it is constantly there. So to start with it is just taking ourselves through the logic of all that (basically Adam Stork) and becoming completely familiar and trusting in that logic. At that point when you can trust in the logic and you can see the situation clearly enough, where you have suffered from the human condition and therefore have the fear of being a bad person underlying and all your behaviour is basically all set in place as a reaction to that fear, then you can see, there is actually no longer any need to be fearful anymore and therefore there is no need to respond to it in all the ways that we historically have.
At that time when it all becomes obvious, instead of trying to resolve it all and trying to go into it all further and continue to make more sense of the madness and all the reactions to it, the Transformed State just allows us to simply say to ourselves, ‘look all that mess comes from growing up without explanation of the human condition, but I have complete understanding of the human condition now, so instead of thinking and reacting that I historically have all my life anymore, I can just leave it, just let the explanation of the human condition look after all the pain and mess for me and I can take my thoughts and focus on the just supporting dissemination of the explanation so future generations of children won’t have to grow up without understanding of the human condition and I can just live happily, focused not on all my pain and fear and reactions to it like all my egocentric delusions of how I am a wonderful winner of power, fame, fortune and glory, but on the new world that is drenched in love, integration, stopping the suffering on earth etc etc’.
26 September 2023 Facebook comment commending Ales’s ‘new world van’ initiative (see image below), and agreeing everyone should tell the world as boldly as possible that this information is what the world has been waiting for, that we can be free right now, and all the suffering can stop:
Since I have known about your van driving around all over the place, there hasn’t been a day that I haven’t thought about it Ales! The courage and leadership and boldness of what you have done with your van is absolutely magnificent. Yes, there’s talking about this and online groups and discussing the information and finding our personal place to be part of this movement which is all incredibly important because this is such a massive paradigm shift for the human race. But what you’ve done with your van is just so simple, you’re putting it on show for everyone to see, that you have the answer that saves the world and people can take it or leave it but you have left anybody who sees you that there is absolutely no doubt in your mind that you have found the truth and the real liberation of the human race. Maybe they’ll look up the website today or maybe they’ll have to see it 10 or 20 or 50 times before they succumb, but they will have to at some point and each time they see you boldly, happily, securely getting about town telling the world as you go the more impetus there will be to have a really good look. We should all be doing this in whatever way we can, telling the world as boldly as possible that this is it, this is what the whole world has been waiting for, it is true, it’s not another false start, humans can be free right now and all the suffering on earth can stop right now. I just love, love, love it Ales, thank you so much for being such a legend.
26 September 2023 Facebook comment about how the Transformed State deals with the historic fear we have about the the human condition, and how it means we are all free now!:
Awesome post Angela! That FAQ about Freud, Jung and Van der Post is just amazing. It truly was so unbelievably amazing what Freud and Jung did in terms of courageously recognising the terror that we have of our ‘unconscious’ and ‘collective unconscious’. Our fear of the human condition is greater than we will ever know. I think Jeremy’s chasm drawing with the massive chasm of depression running right through it really spells out just how much fear we have that what we might find when we journey in to our personal unconsciousness that we ARE evil blights. I have heard of people doing primal therapy and being taken into their unconsciousness and fainting before they get there because the fear of what they will find is so great!
Our whole lives under the duress of the human condition are 100% dedicated to staying away from that fear, to deny it, to keep buried, to live above it, to never speak about it etc etc, so unless we do something like primal therapy we will never truly have access to it. Pretty much all the fear that we talk about day to day is the fear of the fear – is the fear of even the thought of the feeling that might hit us if we relax our defences for a second and allow it to bubble up. We will all basically do anything – absolutely anything at all to prevent those feelings from coming up.
It’s this fear that can dissipate from our lives now that we have understanding of the human condition. It is all the behaviours/strategies that we all have in place to protect us from going anywhere near this fear that can now end.
When you start to see just how great our fear has been, and from there how much delusion and denial and how egocentrically we’ve had to focus on ourselves and maintaining our castles of denial, it’s only then that you can start to see why just starting the journey into understanding the human condition is so difficult and hurtful initially.
We’ve all spent our lives, every second of everyday building up these delusional facades of our lives that are so ridiculous they are comedic (see – but at the same time, they are everything to us, they are keeping us alive they are protecting us from unfathomable torturous pain and terror. But as soon as you start to read FREEDOM, it’s just non-stop truth blasting all the delusion and denial away, starting to open us up to just how egocentric, how delusional we are about ourselves, how messed up we are etc.
So you can see why the Mexican Stand off is going to be such a difficult thing initially – every page of FREEDOM you read is going to spell out more clarity, truth, beauty, wonder, love and integration, but at the same time every word is destroying the lovely little delusional facade we each have going about ourselves.
It really is like two freight trains colliding!
So the Mexican Stand off is not nothing, it really is something we all have to go through particularly in these early stages of the transformation of the world. The Transformed State or new world therapy is all about dealing with the fear that we are all going to experience when we are taken into our ‘unconscious states’ - taken back towards the human condition. The first step is understanding Adam Stork and being able to apply his story to yourself - we all have marched into hell for a heavenly cause, we have all had to suffer corruption to participate in our collective task to find understanding. We aren’t bad, not one bit we are legends, heroes, courageous, unconditionally loving (but totally upset) beings. And the process of the Transformation is that every time this comes into question which is happening basically second by second we can choose to deal with it in the old way, by thinking about it wrestling with it, fighting it, worrying about it, getting angry with it, trying to prove it wrong, etc etc etc, or we can simply let it go!
That really is all the Transformed state is, except that on top of the fact that we are now proven to be good and not bad and take this logic in and understand it and see it is the truth in all aspects of our lives and all the lives and world around us - we can now not just not think about it, meditate, stay in the moment or whatever other kind of therapy that has been touted traditionally. We can open our minds and begin to apply them to the absolute drop-dead, too-good-bear, joyously-integrative, endlessly-loving, infinitely-meaningful new human-condition-solved-and-free world.
The choice becomes; do you want to keep worrying about all the history, the hurt, that some how you might be an exception and be bad, or that you are upset, or that your historic ego-castle wasn’t as meticulously kept as someone else’s, or do you want to live over the hill in the new world? If you keep thinking about it defending it, worrying about it all, you are missing the point - that is all over, you can leave it, you are an absolute hero and on and on the goodness goes. The freedom is here for us all now, we don’t have to wait for others to show us, we can do it now, we just practice over and over to leave all the mess of the old world and participate in the new, more and more and more. Talk about it more, give it more, live it more, love it more, exude it more. Every piece of momentum will exponentially make the world better for all of us and the transformation easier for the next person.
All we have to do is keep telling ourselves to let’s go, let’s get out of here, lets do it, we can now, we are free now, we don’t have to worry about the fear ever again, we know what to do, it’s all here for us right now, it’s not pressured or trying harder, or doing more, it’s just switching your focus from anything to do with fear or worrying or defending or fighting against it and proving it wrong to just leaving it in favour of thinking about something that is so much better, so real, so good, so wonderful that will stop the fear from ever happening ever again to any other human for the rest of time there is life on earth!
That really is a massive rave, but I think it’s just so true, let’s get the fuck out of this bullshit self imposed jail we’re all living in freedom is awaiting us!!
14 September 2023 Facebook comment about taking into consideration the huge fear inside us when we’re having doubts about the explanation:
Mara, I totally agree with Prue that there is so much to consider and it takes time to understand and let it all sink in and that requires much questioning which is incredibly important. My only extra bit of advice from personal experience is to just be aware of the possibility that there is a huge fear inside us all that this might really be an answer to ALL the questions on earth. The reason we are scared of it being the answer to EVERYTHING is that we are terrified that it will pull the rug out from our very carefully constructed and now totally understandable strategies we have all had to construct while living without explanation of the human condition in our lives.
If we can place these understandings in the basket of them just being a helpful addition to all the other pieces of knowledge that we have gained over the course of our lives, it can shield us from the incredibly confronting truth about the upset we all have from growing up without understanding of the human condition. I’m not saying this is the issue in your case, I just know there was a time in my journey that I was happy to take in/accept any part of the Jeremy’s explanation that helped me defend and even grow my ego castle but at the same time reject and begin to even hate the truths that made my life see-through, superficial, selfish, arrogant etc. But eventually I began to understand that it was maintaining my ego castle that was the problem on earth, for there to be a selfless, caring, unconditionally loving world, that we all do truly, desperately long for underneath all our selfish human-condition-afflicted need for constant reinforcement, we each all do have to eventually transform our lives, and the benefit of making this transformation in our lives is that it is the maintaining of our ego-castle/facades that is what makes our lives difficult, tiring, insatiably insecure etc etc and perpetuates all the madness inflicted on the world by humans, but because up to this point in our lives without understanding of the human condition, these facades/ego-castles etc have been keeping us alive, sane and functional to some degree so the thought of losing them is a complete anathema for us initially.
Anyway, it’s just a thought in case it helps you or someone else on their journey.
14 September 2023 Facebook comment about how we truly are able to admit and accept our upset and be free of it:
Good on you Heath, what a breakthrough! Being able to understand, admit, accept, love and then move on from the dark/angry/hurt/tyrannical/human-condition-afflicted selves really is the gateway to the new world. It is the fundamental gift Jeremy has given humanity by solving the human condition. The ability to finally ‘own our own shadow’. I’ve always loved this quote from Laurens Van der Post in Heart of the Hunter: ‘Recognition of what it lacks is one of the most dynamic forces in the human spirit. Realization of our greater selves comes first through recognition of what we are not. That, I suggested, is the significance in the Sermon on the Mount of the enigmatic “blessed are the poor in spirit”: only the spirit that recognizes itself to be poor, through what it is not, has any promise of increase. We are beggars always to what we were meant to be. It is the failure to recognize this that bars the way and crucifies the new man in us. That was the meaning of the cry: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” We are a people, indeed an age, dark cloud of unknowing of this kind.’
We haven’t been able to get anywhere until we had defense for all the horror inside of ourselves, that’s where we’ve be stuck in a horrible endless, torturous no-mans-land of appearing and knowing we are totally messed up horrors, but at the same time clinging to the feeling that we weren’t really but didn’t have any ability to explain or defend the horror so all we’ve had to rely on is simply blocking all thoughts of the the whole shit-fight from our minds using as much delusion as we could come up with, it’s just been so diabolical what we’ve been through under the duress of the human condition. But it’s what makes coming out of it so incredible, humanity is sick as sick can be, but it’s all defended now, we truly are free to admit it all, to accept it all, to live truthfully instead of completely artificially in layers and layers of delusion and pretence. There isn’t enough paper in the world to write down how heroic every single human has been, there aren’t enough harddrives to store the words either. But that is what the wonder really is about what we’re all part of building here in this group. We’re all building the trust and knowledge in the explanation of the human condition, what we each know to be true, that we can admit and accept all the horror, that we can live with it all in the open, that it is completely defended, that there is NOTHING, no matter how deep we go that any of us can find that makes us a bad, unworthy human, it’s all defended, it’s all been forced on us, it could not have been any other way.
As Jeremy is forever saying “Understanding is compassion. Honesty is therapy. The truth will set you free.”
And FREE we all now are - all we have to do is “legitimately decide not to live in accordance with the upset within us” and “instead direct all our abilities and energies to supporting the redeeming understanding of the human condition that we now have and to adopting the cooperative, selfless and loving new way of living that it has made possible; indeed, that it has revealed we have no reason not to take up. We let go of our old, now obsoleted, selfish preoccupation with winning power, fame, fortune and glory as the way to sustain our sense of self-worth, and instead focus our mind on living for and through the fabulous cooperative, selfless and loving new potential that has opened up for the human race now that understanding of our corrupted human condition has been found and our soul/instinct and intellect are reconciled. Everyone now can and has to change from — be transformed from — being servants of our egos to being servants of humanity.”
12 September 2023 Facebook comment about Jeremy’s new book AI & ALIENS and how staggering it is how much light and understanding it brings to us (particularly in this case just how sensitive our instinctive soul is) and our path forward is so wonderful, all together with each other and all existence:
This really is some wonderful news Ian! Thanks so much for sharing. I was reading Jeremy’s latest book AI & ALIENS yesterday which is just drop dead amazing, but something in particular that I related to in it and I think is relevant to what you have said so beautifully here Ian is where Jeremy is describing how all-sensitive and all-loving our soul is in paragraphs 73-75 ( he says:
“the ‘language’ of our species’ original all-sensitive and all-loving instinctive self or soul takes the form of objects, images and happenings from the everyday world. Our now much repressed instinctive self or soul finds things in the outer world that symbolise its inner awarenesses. Our soul expresses itself through association, it searches for an object or an occurrence in the outer world that symbolises what it is aware of, and when it finds it, it tries to let our all-dominating intellectual conscious mind know of it.”
And a bit further on Jeremy explains “Being deeply repressed inside us now, when our soul wants to tell our conscious self something it has to wait for something to appear in our conscious world that equates with what it wants to tell our conscious mind. Then it has to, as it were, start banging on our rib cage (the bars of its jail within us!), in effect calling out, ‘That’s it—that kingfisher symbolises what I’m trying to tell you.’”
And in paragraph 75 Jeremy then says “Now that we are at last able to realise that our upset, soul-corrupted condition is a heroic, good state, not a bad state, and that everyone is fundamentally equally good, special and worthwhile, we can admit the truth of there being different degrees of upset between people, and how the more innocent, less upset and alienated they are, the more directly does their intellect or conscious self ‘hear’ the ‘voice’ from their instinctive self or soul. When we pray or chant or count rosary beads or meditate we are trying to still our conscious mind enough to let our soul’s sensitive awarenesses come through our conscious mind’s block-outs or alienations, and by so doing connect us back to a more natural, authentic, harmonious and peaceful state. Fatigue, fasting, hallucinatory drugs, extreme despair, and faster-than-thought physical activities such as scree-running, are other ways of achieving breakthrough to the truthful, all-sensitive world of the soul. When we go to sleep our soul-oppressing conscious self goes ‘off duty’, allowing our instinctive self or soul to come bubbling up to the surface of our awareness in what we call ‘dreams’. Being soul-infused, the ‘language’ of dreams is the everyday images and happenings from the outer world, which is why dreams often have to be interpreted if their meanings are to be made clear. And to do some of the interpreting of dreams, the reason many of our dreams are about frightening situations is because our truthful instinctive self or soul recognises how immensely corrupted our world and lives are, which is very scary. Any activity that reduces our conscious mind’s repression of our soul will allow our soul with all its sensitivity and awareness to come through into our conscious mind’s awareness—which, it is true, can sometimes be condemning and hurtful, and other times be relieving and healing!”
And for most of my life I have suffered endless terrible dreams/nightmares and have a many times felt what extreme despair feels like but in those times of extreme turmoil and pain, I have also had experiences of incredible clarity, calm, realisation or something which I can now recognise as my soul speaking to me which as Jeremy says can be ‘condemning and hurtful or wonderfully relieving’.
My point is really to just go and read AI & ALIENS because it’s just staggering how much light and understanding it brings to so many aspects that have been hidden from us human-condition-afflicted hurt and crushed humans, but in this case particularly just how sensitive our instinctive soul is and how hurtful the state of the world and ourselves is to it, and how it must rail at all that horror from the moment we are conceived, let alone all the horrors we witness and participate in over the course of our lives, but like you have said the more we talk truthfully about the horror, the more the absolute beauty, courage and love underneath it all begins to show through. Anyway, the more understanding we can have and use that Jeremy is pouring out for us everyday, and the more we can slowly but surely assimilate this understanding with our thoughts and feelings the more we can set all our incredible hurts to rest and see our path forward is, like you say, the most wonderful warm, happy, secure, completely compassionate, loving and selfless existence imaginable – all together finally with each other and all existence.
12 September 2023 Facebook comment about the amazing world-saving truth in Jeremy’s new book AI & ALIENS:
AI & ALIENS is just amazing. Jeremy’s soul’s, unresigned, integrative, truthful, mad-free, sensible, loving world is just a wonder beyond wonders, I find it such an indescribable tonic, to be able to walk around in a human condition free realm while reading his descriptions of it, it is just so, so, so incredibly wonderful, it’s just so far and away, light years and galaxies away from the horrible, shallow madness of the human condition world that we live in. It just fills me with so much hope and excitement for the future that is coming, it just breathes unbelievably gloriously colourful life into everything that seems so drab and dead and impossible. Whatever Jeremy does is just so important and meaningful and precious, I just can’t believe how lucky we are to be doing what we’re doing with the WTM and that we’re so privileged to be able to watch Jeremy quietly spread all his amazing, world-saving truth and ultra normal reality of sanity, sensibleness and calm through everything he touches.
6 September 2023 Facebook comment about how we can completely move on from our redundant insecure thoughts and occupy our lives with supporting these understandings:
It’s so true Gerry, great post! What I love the most and am endlessly thankful for is like you say the endless loop of strategising, spinning, blaming, posturing, competing can be left FOR GOOD! I never have to think about it all ever again - I understand the history of it all, the reason for having to behave and think like that from growing up under the duress of the human condition and will still have plenty of those thoughts come into my mind, but the answer now is to not engage with those now historic and totally redundant, insecure thoughts at all. We can move on, let them go, not give them a moments air our minds. Not anymore. We don’t need to keep explaining and defending ourselves over and over again. We just need to take our minds and occupy our lives with supporting these understandings however we can. We can all spend all day and all night just cutting the next blade of grass to help this transformation of transformations come to pass which is so infinitely more important than anything else on earth and we can feel absolutely wonderful for doing it and all the spinning and strategising can stop, the more we support it the more it stops, the more we leave it alone the more it stops, it’s just so, so, so good!
6 September 2023 Facebook comment answering the question on a post: ‘What are some of your biggest takeaways from the FREEDOM Movement book/knowledge?:
KNOWING is the best thing ever in my view, we can know what is right and wrong, what is true and false, the history of everything, the reason for everything, every aspect and element to our lives fits together with 100% clarity and assurance. So with this new knowledge and security, our lives change from essentially walking around in the dark, terrified of what might be out in it to having a single infinitely meaningful, incandescently lit purpose that we can now pour all our energies into and participate in integrative purpose of all things in the universe and be truly joyful each and every day of our lives!
My absolute favourite summary of all the incredible breakthroughs that Jeremy has been able to give us after solving the human condition is this paragraph from Section 1.4 of his therapy book called Therapy For The Human Condition (
“And the following is an outline of the actual subjects that FREEDOM presents the redeeming, reconciling and healing biological explanation of. It explains the human condition, the reason humans are competitive, aggressive and selfish when the ideals are to be cooperative, loving and selfless; it also explains and ends the need for humans’ alienated state; explains and makes possible the end of loneliness and depression; explains and ends the need for egocentricity; explains the origin of war and aggression amongst humans and brings an end to the cause of war and aggression; explains and ends the need for materialism; explains and ends the need for a superficial, artificial, self-distracting way of living; explains biologically how humans acquired our altruistic ‘soul’ and its cooperation-demanding ‘conscience’; describes and explains the psychological act of Resignation; explains the stages of maturation of infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood that both humanity and humans individually go through; explains the importance of nurturing in our species’ development and in our individual lives; explains the consequences on children of mothers’ inability to nurture; explains the impact of egocentric fathers on children; explains the Negative Entropy-driven integrative meaning of life; explains why ‘evolution’ is in fact the purposeful process of ordering matter; explains the reasons for the limitations of mechanistic science; relates all the disciplines of the sciences and the humanities; explains in biological terms how humans became fully conscious and why other animals have not; explains why and when humans learnt to walk upright, lost their body hair, developed language, left Africa, began tool use, began hunting and meat-eating; reconciles science with religion; explains religion and renders it fulfilled and obsolete, in the process explaining all manner of religious metaphysics, including the concepts of God, the Trinity, prophets, the Virgin Mary, the resurrection, miracles, Judgment Day, the Battle of Armageddon, the story of Noah’s Ark, after-life, heaven and hell, good and evil; deciphers humanity’s legends and myths; explains and reconciles the left and right wings of politics; ends the reason for prejudice and the cause of inequality between individuals, sexes, ages, generations, races and cultures, in the process reconciling the worlds of men and women, the young and the old, the innocent and the corrupted; explains the pseudo idealism of the New Age, Peace, Green, Feminist, Indigenous, Animal Rights, Multicultural, Politically Correct, Postmodern, Critical Theory, ‘Woke’ Movements; explains sex, heterosexuality, homosexuality, love, beauty, the attraction of youth, romance, rape, envy and lust; explains humour; explains human sensitivity and creativity, especially art and music; explains away the main underlying cause for human sickness; explains away the psychological basis of all psychological disorders; explains near-death experiences; provides the means for the psychological repair of the human race; saves the human race from self-destruction; brings peace to the human situation, and so on. So that is comprehensive demystification, clarification and redeeming, reconciling and healing therapy for all the main aspects of our deeply troubled human condition!”
10 August 2023 Facebook comment about how the Transformed State is arrived at through a simple and easy decision to let go of our old historic insecure and egocentric focus and instead live for the human condition understood world, and becoming a servant for humanity:
Hodei Cia Lizaso This post is awesome Hodei, what you are talking about is something that never ends as far as I can see, we just keep seeing the world, ourselves, our history and future more and more clearly with exponentially growing understanding of every angle, element and experience.
With regards to ‘not enough’, ‘doing enough’ or ‘moving fast enough’ or whatever, obviously in terms of being a ‘good’, ‘worthwhile’ ‘loveable’ human, any of those historic type thoughts are just plain wrong now - they’re over, aren’t in the dictionary, dead, buried, put in the golden suitcase, let-go-of, proven beyond a shadow of doubt, full-stop, the end. We have to get used to not letting those feelings run and get a roll-on and snowball - the more aware of them starting to come up the better we can be at shifting our focus away from them to somewhere peaceful, calm, happy, etc. (possibly how wonderful the new world is/will be!) because those thoughts are just so destructive for us and can’t help but begin to lead us towards confrontation and a stalled state, the greatest point of having understanding of the human condition is to be able to love ourselves and more particularly ‘love the dark/hopeless/dysfunctional/mean/tired/egocentric etc side of ourselves’ and those insecure thoughts really have no place in the human condition understood new world AT ALL!
In terms of the Transformed State, the whole point of it is to let go of any focus on yourself and simply living for the human condition understood world every second of every day, so if you’re doing it all day every day with all your energy there is no room for anything other than feeling magnificent that you’re contributing all your energy to the most important, meaningful, exciting project that has ever existed ever.
The only difficulty with the Transformed State is making that decision to live like that as opposed to the old selfishly/insecure focused way. All the talking, the posts, the digestion of the understandings, getting used to defending/not worrying about your upset, seeing the world and yourself more clearly, seeing the future and the full potential of having these understandings in the world is all just preparing/convincing/breaking down the resistance and codependence to the old world and our historic reliance on it, so we can make this, what at base is such a clean, simple and easy decision in ourselves to let go of all the old historic insecure/egocentric focus and become a servant for humanity.
The point that I’m hopefully making is that it takes time to progress through all the avalanche of answers and truth to be able to see the opportunity clearly enough to be able to make that change in your life, which becomes incredibly simple once you are ready. And obviously the more people who are doing it, the more we are all talking about it, the more we are discussing and pointing just how good Jeremy’s understanding of the human condition is the closer we all get to Transforming our own lives and therefore the world. And therefore a whole generation of children not having to resign fully or otherwise!
So as John Biggs is infamous for saying ‘just don’t worry about it!’ just keep doing what you’re doing Hodei, keep loving this, keep digesting it, keep talking about, keep articulating where you’re up to because that will help you the most and will be giving the world more help and leadership than could possibly ever be fathomed.
8 August 2023 Facebook comment about the importance of playing our part to spread these understandings:
Good Stuff Patrick! The future of terminal alienation that is the future without Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition is absolutely horrifying. Yet the future with biological explanation of the human condition in it is so relieving, rehabilitating, exciting and simply too wonderful to fully comprehend. So like you say we do all need to play out part in whatever way we can to spread the wonderful news that the human condition is solved! Let’s go!!
3 August 2023 Facebook comment about how important it is that we contribute to the WTM once we’ve verified the understandings:
Absolutely awesome Michael!! You are so right, it is simply impossible to overstate just how wonderful, relieving and transforming it is to have Jeremy’s biological explanation of the human condition in your life and in the world. We all have to stop what we’re doing and contribute every ounce of energy to help spread these understandings to the every person on the planet!! The truth is, if your statement about Jeremy’s work doesn’t contain what has traditionally been hyperbole then you’re being dishonest about just how good this is. #LetsGetTheFuckOutOfHere!!
1 August 2023 Facebook comment in response to an analogy of the Transformed State being like driving a car, and that our transformed self can replace our upset self behind the wheel:
That’s an awesome analogy Ralph! It’s so true, our resigned self has kept us alive doing what he/she had to do in the most torturous of situations imaginable, he/she is a complete legendary hero. The only thing I reckon is that we probably need to get him/her out of the car altogether because rather than him waking up and and wanting to grab the wheel, the problem will be our true selves who are still addicted to him getting wins and being a legend, so it will be us waking him up and getting him back in the drivers seat, so we really need to move on from him completely, we just leave him at the nearest crossroads and be on our way. Not as a forced thing, just stop, open the door, shake hands, close the door and wave goodbye as you drive away. He is tough as all get-out, he’ll be totally fine on his own, we can just let him go, and all we need to do is learn to look after ourselves without him by supporting and living through the understanding of the human condition – the further he, and everything that he stands for is way back out of sight, beyond the reach of our rearview mirror the more we will be focused forward on the incredible sunrise of freedom we are all driving forward to every day!
27 July 2023 Facebook comment in response to Tricia saying she struggled to know what to do before realising she’s already living with these understandings and didn’t have to do anything:
Thank you very much for your giving us an update on where you’re up to Tricia, it’s so good to have you back! I’m not sure exactly what you mean by you’re ‘already living it and didn’t have to do anything’. I totally agree that you don’t have to try to be something new or be a better person or a more selfless or less upset, messed-up, human-condition-afflicted human, or anything like that – that’s what we have had to do living under the duress of the human condition, fake it, pretend we were fine, that we were happy, that we were selfless, that we were loving — we had to do that because of all the guilt we felt because we know we weren’t like that and yet instinctively we knew that we should be living selflessly and lovingly like that. But the truth is we don’t live selflessly and haven’t been, we HAD to become upset as Jeremy terms it, we’ve had to be self focused, we’ve had to live a tortured insecure existence without explanation and defence of all our corruption. So understanding why you, and we all are like that IS all we have to do to feel an unbelievable rush of relief and we can now live with the pressure of guilt and ‘not knowing why’ completely lifted from our shoulders. We are good, wonderfully courageous heroes of the whole story of life on earth.
But once we know that the human condition is solved and that it can free every single man, woman and child from the most hideously torturous existence imaginable, we have a huge amount of responsibility to help disseminate this information to the 4 corners of the globe. It does take time to get over the shock that understanding of the human condition is really here, that we are free, that we have been living such a fake and selfish existence, that everything can now be explained, that we are now masters of our destiny as opposed to the hideous victims we’ve been without understanding. And it will take us all time to make changes to our lives to begin to move away from our upset and insecure lives that we have necessarily lived until we found this understanding, but now we can MOVE ON from the hurt, we can now transform our lives by switching our focus from defending ourselves against the implication that we were bad, evil, selfish beings to focusing on saving the world through bringing this understanding to it. We can now live unconditionally selflessly, dedicated to a future for the human race free of the human condition. This is not a pressured or forced state, it is a state of freedom where we are no longer living with the pressure to prove ourselves in favour of living as a servant for humanity.
Jeremy has written a booklet called The Shock of Change that understanding the human condition brings that fully describes ‘how to manage the great shock of change that inevitably occurs in this fabulous transformation from having to depend on our now obsoleted, artificial, angry, egocentric and alienating forms of reinforcement, to living free of them’.
Anyway Tricia, I really wish you the best of luck with your continued journey with Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition, because even though this is just an understanding that doesn’t require anything from you at all like you say, the ramifications from having it in our lives and the world and for future generations is simply unfathomable – there is a unspeakably magnificent transformation that we can make in our own lives which combined with the transformation of everyone else’s lives will bring about the the most wonderful Transformation for the entire human race. This transition/transformation can be a bit difficult to get the hang of at first because of all the historic fear and denial that we have had to employ surrounding anything to do with the human condition, but it really is the most rewarding, exciting and liberating journey that can possibly be taken by any human on earth!
11 July 2023 Facebook comment about no longer needing to defend ourselves from our underlying misreadings:
The way you’ve described how we are endlessly defending ourselves is perfect I reckon Emily! And you’re probably sick of me now, but I was just thinking of the following this afternoon and thought I’d put it here just in case it’s helpful.
Because it’s so true like you said to Annabelle, up until now how could we possibly stop behaving like that, unless we endlessly meditate or stop thinking entirely or hand over your life to Christ or something. But the truth is we KNOW for sure and certain, we don’t have to defend ourselves anymore and we don’t need to be focused on it, paralysed by the desperate need to maintain the barrier between our conscious thoughts and the underlying depression/insecurity. We literally think we will die if we come into contact with those underlying feelings ever again. But that isn’t true anymore, we now know that all those feelings are wrong, they are misreadings, we aren’t bad or unworthy or any other misreading we’ve picked up over the course of our lives under the duress of the human condition. Yes we are upset and messed up but 100% good worthy humans. ALL OF US.
So the point is if you keep rolling that idea over and over, calmly, patiently and compassionately in your mind you will get more and more used to the idea, and then all it takes is to try it and see what happens - when someone tells you a story about their wonderful skiing trip last week, you will now be aware enough to watch yourself prepare yourself to tell them about your marvellous story about your skiing trip or whatever, but just try and not tell it and see what happens. Not because you’re forcing yourself, just because you don’t need to anymore, and because it’s all just totally meaningless rubbish that you were about to sprout all because historically you have to say something wonderful about yourself or before long you will start to think and thinking leads to insecurity the terrifying depression of the human condition inside of you.
When you allow yourself to try this little experiment, what you will see is that nothing bad happens if you don’t instantly go into bat for yourself. But the bigger realisation/epiphany is that actually the drive that is behind having to defend yourself is gone, it’s ended, it’s over, it’s gone. You are defended at the most fundamental level and that’s that. So just imagine going into every single situation you have ever been in in your life with the desperate driving force of needing to defend yourself gone. You are FREE!! You can speak to people with freedom, you can chop the veggies for dinner with freedom, the fear of the fear is gone. The whole desperate terrified drive behind your whole life is gone. In fact any and all thoughts about yourself are meaningless and only perpetuate the historic fear, you can now just move on from all the thoughts about yourself entirely. That’s what the difference is and why it is so easy, you go from thinking/worrying/defending yourself 100% of the time to not at all, you look and think outwards not inwards.
And guess what you can now think about instead and focus on instead, it’s the most amazing, wonderful, meaningful, exciting task imaginable of helping to save the world. Of living your life now not a victim but in total control to behave on your own terms not driven by fear. It really is too good to describe how wonderful the transition is from being crippled and locked into a life driven by fear to living free of it. You see, we think we’ve been focused on the conversion or chopping the veggies, but we haven’t, we’ve been focused, caught, imprisoned thinking about and defending ourselves. And that all ends, you now actually have the conversation and chop the veggies, this time for real.
The other issue that we can all suffer from when we’re actually trying to put down our egocentric defensive structure is that we can’t bear the thought of giving up our trophies and trophy room that we’ve built up over our lives, but none of that will hold sway for long, as wonderful and courageous as we’ve all been to gather up all our feats that momentarily overcame (to some tiny degree) the oppression of the human condition in our lives, at the end of the day they are all complete bullshit, egocentric, meaningless, hollow nothingness when put in comparison with incandescent magnificence and wonder of being able to free the entire human race from the hell on earth humanity is currently living out.
Anyway, all the logic takes time to line up, but the day you realise that you no longer need to focus on yourself ever again will be the most significant by far in your life, you will never forget the moment when it all becomes clear and you free yourself from your self imposed human-condition-afflicted jail.
10 July 2023 Facebook comment in response to whether we need to ‘focus our mind’ on the Transformed State:
Annabelle in my experience it is less about focusing your mind which is something we have historically done to block out the human condition and more about letting go.
Just logically or intellectually you know that you suffer from an extreme fear of being a bad/unworthy human and that every second of every day no matter what you are doing you are holding that fear at bay. Pretty much all this is playing out without you being truly aware of it at all, to you it’s just as it’s always been – the true extent of the fear and therefore the true extent of your defensiveness is not clear to you, you can’t be in denial and not be in denial. So in my estimation anyway you are just running this logic through your mind as peacefully as possible, not forcefully or with any outcome in mind just consider this situation. Then add to the consideration what would happen if you didn’t have to be insecure about anything anymore and therefore didn’t have to defend yourself anymore ever again.
At this moment if the logic stacks up in your mind you will suddenly see the immense opportunity really clearly to be free forever of your historical fear and complete, millisecond by millisecond need to defend it. And that’s when you fall off your donkey and feel the immense relief and joy. You don’t realise just how doggedly you are having to defend yourself – until you do – and it’s EXTREME. So when it stops ie you leave it behind, it truly is like a million tonnes being lifted off your shoulders. That is when you lay your burden down, however you want to describe it.
And the more you leave it all and the more you then focus on the new world and the future of the human race and how you can participate the more free and more excited you will feel.
And, one last thing, once you’ve seen and experienced how easy and good it is you can finally understand why it will be so easy for everyone to be free of their pain , insecurity and their destructive complete preoccupation with it.
Jeremy’s Freedom Essay 33 really is the best step by step guide to becoming transformed
10 July 2023 Facebook comment between Tony and two other Facebook Group members about the devastating ‘end play’ state of the world especially in regard to the younger generations, and the security, strength, freedom and excitement that comes from supporting this world-saving explanation of the human condition:
Thanks for the beautifully honest comment Hodei, yes the wheels really are starting to fall off now, we humans have been so tough and courageous, but our delicate, unconditional love expecting souls can only take so much. With every bit of extra dishonesty, dysfunction, pain, anxiety, insecurity and distress that we are all faced with, we’ve had to amp up the levels of denial and falseness to try to cover it, but there is simply too much pain, dysfunction, and insecurity to cover up now, it doesn’t matter how much material wealth or self-control or how brave a face we put on, all the upset, pain and dysfunction is plain to see, and importantly the lies need to be SO big now they cannot be hidden. We can’t fool ourselves or anybody else anymore. Terminal alienation is on our doorstep.
But like you say, the answer is here, the means to turn it all around is here, as bad and horrible the world is and as messed up as humans are now, we do have the golden bullet that saves everything and turns it all around.
One of the most relieving elements to having understanding of the human condition is that we now know for sure what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false. All humans have an immense amount of strength, courage and drive, but from my personal perspective the biggest problem for me was never knowing which direction to point these forces in, simplistically for example, should I be strong/tough and more selfish or weak and more generous. And any decision I made about anything without understanding of the human condition not only was difficult, but added to the insecurity because it seemed no matter what I chose to do in any given situation it was the wrong one, so insecurity fuelled insecurity.
The change now though is that I know at any given moment about any given decision, what is right or wrong, what path to take, where to point my abilities and talents and drive, and that feels wonderful. All I need to do is to base the decision on putting dissemination of Jeremys explanation of the human condition to the whole world first and from there I know what should be done, whatever is best for the explanation of the human condition that is the best thing for the world and the best thing for me. Sometimes thats going to require toughness, because these understandings are so important they should never be sold out or watered down or trivialised or whatever and other times I will need to be sensitive and empathetic because we know how scary and difficult a topic the human condition is for humanity. But being sure about what is right gives me the security to go about making decisions and being completely safe in the knowledge that the decision is/was the right one ends the recrimination or the reliving of the decision over and over again. So now that we have the overarching true and whole foundation to existence we can fit into that picture, no matter how tiny and insignificant we are in that picture, we know our place and can be totally secure and happy to be there, live there and make decisions from that basis. Participating in that grand picture of life on earth as one tiny cog in it is the most beautiful and satisfying activity on earth and as time goes on and the more we participate and the more we use the defence of our upset to dull the fear of the human condition within ourselves the more the true beauty and wonder of the world and of humans begins to open up. That picture just grows and grows and we can feel more and more at home in it which is just so precious for us humans that have been complete outcasts for the last 2 million years.
I should say that Im obviously nowhere near secure in the true sense that I was nurtured enough to keep the connection to my soul alive and open. Im completely wrecked and disconnected from my true soul and Im too messed up to ever regain a connection, but Im 100% secure in the knowledge that Im a good worthwhile human, that disseminating explanation of the human condition is by far, far, far the greatest priority on earth and that everything on earth under the duress of the human condition is driven by selfishness and that has to change 180 degrees to generous, selfless service to humanity and that must come in the form of supporting these understandings as they are the only path to freedom and wholeness and complete, real, true, full-soul-connection security for the whole human race…
The Transformed State is pretty well a fait accompli for us all Hodei!, Ive heard Jeremy say it a thousand times, when all the unbreakable logic points in one direction it is almost impossible for our completely rational, fully conscious thinking minds not to follow it. We just have to be continue to slowly but surely and compassionately keep applying the logic to our lives and eventually the fear and fog of denial drops away and shows us all the gloriously exciting truth, freedom and beauty that is waiting for us underneath.
9 July 2023 Facebook comment about how liberated we actually are now from the human condition, and that is what we can show the world:
The deaf-effect is a horrible stalling point for the whole human race Emily but what helps immeasurably to continue on with the fight to break down the world of denial through compassionate understanding is knowing feeling and experiencing just how easy it can be for all of us to move on from all the endless hurts and horror we all and especially younger generations suffer from. Just keep running the logic through your mind of being able to simply put down all the hurts into the golden suitcase to be looked after for ever more and walk away to the gloriously incandescent rising sun on the horizon. You don’t have to worry ever again all the worries are dealt with we know what is true, we just have to support the truth, just love it as best we can, keep it alive, live like the human condition is solved because it is! The freedom comes from leaving all the historic thinking and worrying behind you, it’s old news, it’s now redundant. It’s been explained and looked after. Your daughter is going to love this in time, she and all her generation are going to run to this, sprint, once they’re shown the way. That’s all we need to focus on is showing them all the way, showing the world that the human condition is solved and is no longer scary and difficult and depressing, we have to lead people to the light, and we can only do that by standing up, removing all the chains of history and pain that we are currently all tangled up in and just put them down and leave them there. Walk up and out of the cave and never look back. The freedom is ready for us all, we just need to take it. Everything is solved has its place and is looked after. The weight we live with is all put on us by ourselves and by the same token only we ourselves can let the weight of the human condition go and move past it and live free of it. Once you have felt this feeling of combined liberation and bliss you will know first hand exactly why and how the world will literally transform overnight. We just have to play our own part and be patient and it will come. And it’s going to be goooooood!!
9 July 2023 Facebook comment about how good it is for the world to have explanation of the human condition:
Genevieve that quote [the summary from Our Meaning of subjects that FREEDOM explains] is so absolutely true and wonderful and brilliant and amazing! Fucking hell what Jeremy Griffith has given to the human race is just so so so so unfathomably good. Just imagine what can be achieved when not just one single human is free of the human condition, but when we all are. Having the explanation of the human condition in our lives and all the subsequent understandings that flow on from it literally is too exciting and joyful to bear!!!
9 July 2023 Facebook comment about how it takes time to absorb the fact that we have all been living in Plato’s cave of denial:
Thanks very much for the question Jesus. Monica and others have given you some really good help above, so this is some thoughts that may be helpful. Jeremy’s general premise is that we humans have had to suffer corruption to find understanding of ourselves. Approximately 2 million years ago we developed our fully conscious thinking brain (free-will) which is effectively a super computer, but it didn’t have any data in the data base. We had zero understanding, so we had to go on a massive journey in search of knowledge, develop science and so on to finally be able to explain ourselves, the culmination of which is the difference between the genes and nerves learning systems which then allowed us/Jeremy to finally explain the human condition and finally understand and acknowledge the journey the human race has been on and why it has been so diabolically upsetting for us.
Jeremy explains that all the symptoms of the upsetting search for knowledge can be rounded up into 3 — anger, egocentricity and alienation. And these symptoms have been getting worse and worse and more and more extreme for the last 2 million years. And particularly in the last 11,000 since the advent of agriculture.
Obviously you need to read/watch Jeremy’s work to put all the logic together, but the bottom line is that we humans that have been born after 2 million years of the human condition are incredibly messed up, selfish, furiously angry and live in a completely alienated state from the reality of ourselves and the world around us.
Many people who come across Jeremy’s breakthrough biological explanation of the human condition just love the fact that he is pointing out that the ‘Savage instincts excuse’ that we are taught in school is rubbish and that our instincts are to be unconditionally selfless and moral. And say things like ‘I’ve always known that we are really loving and cooperative and selfless by nature’ and this is generally (said or unsaid) followed by ‘and those poor angry, selfish, alienated people out there really need to hear this so they can see that the world can and should be all loving and selfless (like me)’.
There’s nothing wrong with that response, to start with it really can’t be any other way. The fear that we have of the human condition is by far the greatest force within every single human on earth and it is this fear that is driving the denial, alienation, egocentricity and anger. You can’t live in denial and know you are living in denial, what happens though, if you slowly persist with taking in these understandings from Jeremy, is that slowly but surely as the compassionate understandings seep into your consciousness, you will start to allow yourself to see and feel the underlying upset, egocentricity, alienation and anger in yourself. This is why discussion of the human condition is so confronting and scary to begin with and why we need to be so kind to ourselves and use the compassionate understanding of the inevitability and unavoidability of our upset to look after us as we allow the reality of our madness and corruption to filter in.
The point is though, it is only once you start to see this corruption/upset/insecurity in yourself that you can truly start to understand why this breakthrough understanding is so important, so life saving and human race saving. You will begin to see it everywhere in every tiny detail of your life and everybody else’s, you will see it is the driving force in every minute detail of our lives and society, it will show you a completely different reality of the world. You will finally understand why Plato’s cave allegory is so important and renowned, and why it is such a powerfully honest depiction of where and how we live and that everything we think about the world has really been shadowy images on a dim cave wall and why coming out into the brilliant sunlight of truth so confronting and painful at first.
And from there it is easy to see why trying to tackle poverty or inequality or violence, wars, oppression, greed, environmental destruction is impossible without understanding of the human condition. The whole world is a giant mental asylum for a race of humans that are completely mentally ill and unable to see reality at all, but the brilliance of psychological problems, as Jeremy tells us in THE Interview, is that they can be solved with understanding. Which means they can be solved relatively quickly. And that is what we are needing to do, before we start planting trees, or handing out bread or closing coal mines, we need to cure the selfish inducing madness that the human species is suffering from and the only cure is understanding, the understanding that is in THE Interview on our homepage or Jeremy’s book FREEDOM. And with the madness of the human race spiralling out of control more and more quickly every day, getting this explanation of the human condition out into every corner of the globe could not be more important or serious.
7 July 2023 Facebook comment about how the Transformed Lifeforce State allows us to stop perpetuating our own human condition on the world around us:
I agree with everyone above [in the post from Tony Miall], this is such a magnificently powerful example of how understanding the human condition turns the whole human situation on it’s head. Boxing, cage fighting, contact sports or even the gladiators fighting to the death in ancient Rome. How can all the brutality exist, why do we humans love it so much, live through it, thrive on it. Or even right wing politics, how can someone as abrasive and narcissistic as Trump for example be in the right, or how can hunting and killing animals of any kind for sport be attractive to humans — without understanding of the human condition it’s impossible to mount a defence for these examples, they just look like brutality, aggression and selfishness for the sake of it.
Like you say, it’s being able to use Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition to understand that we HAD to do these things, we HAD to defy innocence and attack it, the human race had NO CHOICE but to become angry, egocentric and alienated. It’s only once you can use the explanation of the human condition to see the incomparable courage and resilience and in actual fact selfless generosity that humans and in particular men have shown to carry out their task of ‘Championing the ego’ and finding enough knowledge to finally explain themselves and end the human condition that you yourself can be free of the human condition, and lining up all the logic can take some time, but it is certainly true.
The only thing that I think might be helpful to add to this is that the whole point to understanding the human condition is not just to make ourselves feel good. Yes, we are totally defended, legendary heroes of the whole story of life on earth and shouldn’t feel guilty at all for all the horror we have engaged in and perpetuated and perpetrated on the world around us. BUT WHAT WE MUST USE THE EXPLANATION OF THE HUMAN CONDITION TO DO IS TO END ALL THE VIOLENCE, ALL THE SUFFERING, THE ANGER, EGOCENTRIC, MAD, DESTRUCTIVE, MEAN, SADISTIC, HUMAN-CONDITION-AFFLICTED BEHAVIOUR. Yes, we have had no choice but to live out all the horror of the human condition, but now it has to stop. Every second we are watching boxing, or cage fighting or playing football, or even tiddlywinks we are perpetuating the human condition, we are going on with the battle when we don’t need to and in fact shouldn’t anymore. Here is a quote from Jeremy’s unbelievably brilliant description of the Transformation from his new presentation ‘The Great Transformation’ (
“Indeed, now that we have the real defence for our corrupted condition of the ‘instinct vs intellect’ biological explanation for why we corrupted ourselves, and therefore why we are actually good and not bad, it would be completely irresponsible given the plight of the world to continue using the now obsoleted, and thus now unnecessarily destructive, old artificial angry, egocentric and alienated ways of defending ourselves! With the real defence for our corrupted condition found, everyone can, and now must if we are to save the human race, abandon our old artificial ways of maintaining their sense of self-worth, and instead direct all our abilities and energies to supporting the redeeming understanding of the human condition that we now have and to adopting the cooperative, selfless and loving new way of living that it has made possible; indeed, that it has revealed we have no reason not to take up. We let go of our old, now obsoleted, selfish preoccupation with winning power, fame, fortune and glory as the way to sustain our sense of self-worth, and instead focus our mind on living for and through the fabulous cooperative, selfless and loving new potential that has opened up for the human race now that understanding of our corrupted human condition has been found and our sou/instinct and intellect are reconciled. Everyone now can and has to change from — be transformed from — being servants of our egos to being servants of humanity. We had to defensively defy our instincts to find understanding, ultimately self-understanding, understanding of why we corrupted our instinctive soul, so our egocentric defensive system was necessary, but now it no longer is.”
I will say that it is a process to become Transformed, and you don’t want to rush it or be too literal or put yourself under too much pressure, it takes time to absorb and fit all the logic of the explanation of the human condition together, but as always Jeremy has brilliantly set out this process of dealing with and working through the ‘Shock of Change’ in his Shock Of Change video/booklet, which you can find here:
25 June 2023 Facebook comment about how the Transformed Lifeforce State allows us to move on from our horror misreadings:
I love this too Nick! what a beautifully honest comment, and I totally agree, it is such an important TOTAL RESET in our minds. Some of the counsel that has helped me the most over the years is if we are thinking about ourselves then of course we are going to be getting it wrong and feeding and deepening this reverse of the truth, totally wrong highway of guilt and recrimination in our minds. We developed our misreadings right from the start of our lives - I think you can pick them up even prior to conception! Here is an extract from Jeremy’s therapy book that really makes the point about how diabolical the human condition has been for children growing up without understanding:
“This insight—that the redeeming explanation of our corrupted human condition finally allows us to admit—is all-important in being able to understand how what happened in our childhood has had such an immense influence on our lives. In fact, our childhood hurts have been so immensely influential that they basically form our personality. As the great South African author Olive Schreiner wrote, ‘The souls of little children are marvellously delicate and tender things, and keep for ever the shadow that first falls on them…The first six years of our life make us; all that is added later is veneer’ (The Story of an African Farm, 1883, p.193 of 300). Along with the overall explanation of our corrupted human condition, understanding how damaging that corrupted world has been for the innocence of children is the key insight that makes the real therapy of our psychologically distressed lives possible.
Now able to admit that nurturing created our species’ moral all-loving and all-sensitive instinctive self or soul, we can realise and appreciate that we are born instinctively expecting to encounter an unconditionally loving, happy and reassuring world. Having only lived in an extreme psychologically upset state for a few hundred thousand years, which is a very short amount of time for natural selection to produce any significant change in our genetic makeup, we humans are born with very little instinctive expectation of encountering an immensely psychologically upset existence. It follows that it has been such an incredible shock for our innocent instinctive soul to encounter an almost completely unloving, unhappy and traumatised world that it is no wonder the human race has now become so extremely soul-hurt or psychotic and mind-distressed or neurotic!
In fact, as will be emphasised when this is all explained more fully later, in the absence of understanding children have been so prone to misunderstand the 2-million-year psychologically upset, loveless, soul-obliterated situation they find themselves in that they almost always blame themselves for the shortfall in love. Indeed, children have more often than not concluded that the reason they are not encountering a loving world is because they are an unlovable, bad person! Their souls are so trusting that they are in a world where everyone is loving that they find themselves unable to avoid the conclusion that for some reason they must be the aberration; they must be the ones causing the world to not love them!”
But that is what we are doing with the Transformed State and with greater and greater understanding and therapy of our upset states. We can and need to move on from focusing obsessively on them as we have historically had to do, with the Transformed State we can now focus on something absolutely wonderful, something so good, something that ends all the horror, says we are not bad, says that everyone is not bad, tells us to be kind to ourselves, to be kind to one another. It is the removal of our focus on all the horror inside ourselves and the focus on the project that just reinforces, the full truth that we are good, wonderful and actually have the inbuilt capacity to be unconditionally loving beings that allows the self hatred/insecurity/anxiousness etc etc to subside. And that is what we all need to practice and help each other with all the time, we can accept our upset but at the same time MOVE ON FROM IT and stop thinking about it, worrying about it AT ALL. FILL and I mean totally FILL our minds with some kind of practical support of this information no matter if it’s big or small. Be it reading the information, talking to someone about it, writing something on the group or in a personal diary or whatever. We just need to focus away from the childhood misreading that we could be bad or evil or not worthy, we just focus on the future where everyone, ourselves included is free of the human condition. And I know for me that is a very conscious decision, I know that it is a fundamental truth that if I think about myself doubt and recrimination begins to appear almost instantly, but if I think about and participate actively in bringing about the future in any tiny way I can then I feel absolutely wonderful, how could we not feel absolutely floating on air when you are thinking about and participating in something so, so, so wonderful and so, so, so critically important and meaningful.
25 June 2023 Facebook comment about what is instantly on offer with the Transformed State:
Hi John, I love Genevieve’s response to you and I think it covers everything magnificently, so I would stick with that for now, but I just thought some of the following might help in some way. Once anyone has progressed through the deaf-effect and knows that Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition is true everything basically comes down to trying to navigate the transition from spending our entire lives (every minute of everyday) having to (pretty well completely unknowingly) fight back against the guilt/condemnation of the human condition artificially (because without the explanation it was the only option) by whatever means we could find (ie, some form of egocentricity or denial) to using the real defence (ie Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition) and from there live in support of the understandings so humanity and the world can be saved. The old artificial ways of defending ourselves were completely unavoidable, but they were/are immensely destructive. And what’s worse is that the more we needed to defend ourselves, the more destructive and detached from reality we became which drove more guilt, which drove more destructive defence which drove more guilt and madness and on and on it’s gone for 2 million years.
It will take generations to heal all the hurt that has built up over the last 2 million years, but the get-out-of-jail-instantly-and-for-free-card on offer is the Transformed State. What it allows us to do is to stop using/living out our old (previously totally necessary but now totally unnecessary) destructive and denial ridden states and start living in support of the understanding of the human condition. You stop endlessly thinking, worrying, pretending and trying to cope better with the human condition artificially, and start to apply yourself to practically helping to disseminate these understandings.
If we start to look at our lives under the duress of the human condition with truthful (human condition understood) eyes, ALL we are ever going to see is selfishness, egocentricity, denial, and massive amounts of courage to keep going despite all the horror. We are so, so, so messed up, but we are so, so, so heroic for continuing on our search for knowledge that we couldn’t even admit we were on! We are such legends, heroes, just absolutely awesome beings, even though we are so completely messed up. But the point is, no matter what we do, no matter what angle we take to think about it, the bottom line truth about ourselves will invariably be that we are immensely upset heroes. That is a wrap that we cannot beat, our natural inclination initially will be to use the explanation of the human condition to continue to try as we have had to do up to finding understanding of the human condition, but we won’t and simply can’t ever succeed and it will only create more distress and destruction the more we try.
The path out is to use the defence that the explanation of the human condition provides to accept this truth — to start with we won’t think it’s possible to accept our upset because we live in such fear of it, it will feel like there is a solid reinforced, immoveable wall stopping us from ever allowing ourselves to admit the extent of our upset/fear/pain/distress that we carry buried just under the surface, but in actual fact it is the acceptance of it that brings the most wonderful, wonderful rush of relief you could ever imagine. We are not accepting we are bad or horrible or evil or selfish beings, we are accepting that we are upset, but the upset was totally, completely, absolutely necessary and it is this suffering, this living out a completely dishonest and destructive life was actually in aid of the most remarkably integrative and unconditionally selfless task ever under taken in the universe.
And that is why the Transformed State is such a wonderful, wonderful thing for all of us upset heroes, it truly is the greatest escape and only path out of the horror that we personally and the human race finds itself in. We can fully understand our upset state, so now can stop thinking worrying about it, feeling guilty about it ever, ever again, not for one more second and just start to participate in the new project for all humans to knowingly participate in of bringing understanding to every single human on earth and by so doing stopping every little bit of suffering, destruction, and horror for ever! Just contributing 1 dollar to it or 1 word of support, or telling 1 extra person about its existence is greater than all the combined projects that humanity is working on currently, so imagine how it feels to live this way 24/7!!! This is what is in store for all of us right now.
It does take time to fit all the pieces of logic together to see the true magnificence of the Transformed State, so all you need to do is to slowly, calmly, patiently follow your nose on it and it will come.
7 June 2023 Facebook comment about the time and patience we need to give ourselves to overcome our deep fears of the human condition:
Hi Anna, Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful post with us all, it is a truly magnificent piece of honesty that is so helpful for us all to empathise with and share in. We are all going through exactly what you are going through, trying to work our way into the information ourselves through our layers upon layers of denials, misreadings and defence mechanisms. And then trying to work out how to use these unbelievably clarifying and helpful understandings in our own lives. We all carry an immense fear of the human condition, and fear it much more than we can possibly imagine when we first start to talk about it and begin to digest Jeremy’s work.
To give you an idea of just how much fear and denial and repression we have of the human condition in us here is a section from Jeremy’s book Therapy for the Human Condition in Section 1.4 ( he explains how diabolical growing up with out understanding is for all of us humans:
“Now able to admit that nurturing created our species’ moral all-loving and all-sensitive instinctive self or soul, we can realise and appreciate that we are born instinctively expecting to encounter an unconditionally loving, happy and reassuring world. Having only lived in an extreme psychologically upset state for a few hundred thousand years, which is a very short amount of time for natural selection to produce any significant change in our genetic makeup, we humans are born with very little instinctive expectation of encountering an immensely psychologically upset existence. It follows that it has been such an incredible shock for our innocent instinctive soul to encounter an almost completely unloving, unhappy and traumatised world that it is no wonder the human race has now become so extremely soul-hurt or psychotic and mind-distressed or neurotic!
In fact, as will be emphasised when this is all explained more fully later, in the absence of understanding children have been so prone to misunderstand the 2-million-year psychologically upset, loveless, soul-obliterated situation they find themselves in that they almost always blame themselves for the shortfall in love. Indeed, children have more often than not concluded that the reason they are not encountering a loving world is because they are an unlovable, bad person! Their souls are so trusting that they are in a world where everyone is loving that they find themselves unable to avoid the conclusion that for some reason they must be the aberration; they must be the ones causing the world to not love them!
So devastating have these pains been that almost without exception children have been left with no choice but to split themselves off from the terrible thoughts and feelings and create an entirely false place to live in their minds!
The consequence of all this repression of hurt that occurred in our early formative years when we were so sensitive to hurt, and so prone to misunderstanding hurt, is that a whole world of pain has been pushed down into our subconscious mind and body, cut off from our everyday conscious mind’s awareness.
Then, since this blocking out or repressing or burying of childhood hurt is never completely successful for most people, especially with the levels of upset that generations are experiencing today, the distressed, anxious, negative feelings and thoughts keep bubbling up from our subconscious and expressing themselves throughout our lives.”
So you can see, we humans are so horribly, messed up and deeply, deeply hurt by the human condition and it just takes time and patience and discussion and reading and re-reading and fellowship that all helps us to feel more and more as ease with all this confronting but completely compassionate, relieving and reconciling truth about the human condition around us and within us. And as we feel more at ease with it within ourselves and in the world around us, we can allow ourselves to take more of it in, and for the whole picture of humanity’s unbelievably heroic journey to become clearer and clearer. In my estimation with your daughter for example, it doesn’t really matter about how much information/explanation/understanding you are able to give her at this time, just keep loving her, talking to her, endlessly giving her a safe and secure place like it sounds like you are doing. What she will really notice and respond to is how much more assured you are about life in general, about yourself, about all aspects of the world now and that absolutely everything is going to be okay now that understanding of the human condition is in the world.
Once you have understanding of the world and you allow it to continue to gradually grow inside of yourself, it will naturally get easier to explain the human condition simply and confidently and much more calmly and securely. But that will all come in time and worrying about it will only pressure the situation. We all humans need to be extremely kind to ourselves while we digest these understandings, not get to ahead of ourselves, with all the excitement and anticipation (which can be incredibly hard because it is incredibly, bone-rattling exciting!), but just slowly but surely progress. The answers ARE here, and we can just slowly but surely take them into our lives and then slowly but surely begin to adjust them to reflect the monumental step forward that has been taken in our ability to understand absolutely everything on earth.
2 June 2023 Facebook comment about the exciting opportunity of being a pioneer for this project:
This is an awesome post Andreas. Thanks very much for it! Being a pioneer is definitely difficult but I have always loved Jeremy describing the drop-dead amazingly exciting opportunity all pioneering journeys are let alone this one in his book Freedom Expanded: Book 2 ( so I thought I’d add all the awesomeness here:
“Change is difficult, but that is also the marvellous challenge—to be a pioneer, to set out for a fabulous new world. And yes, I’m fully aware that this vision of a new world for humans has been horribly discredited with the litany of dishonest false starts that have occurred regularly throughout history, but for anyone reading Freedom Expanded: Books 1 & 2 it’s not hard to recognise that this is the real event, the liberating explanation of the human condition.
Pioneering a new frontier has always been a challenge because initially there is little support for something new—well, if it’s new then by definition it is yet to gain popularity—but don’t forget that the life of a pioneer has always been the most exciting life. If you ask someone what they would most like to have been a part of in history they will likely tell you they would like to have been with Lewis and Clark on their great pioneer expedition exploring native America; or with Jacques Cousteau when he was pioneering the exploration of the ocean depths; or with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle when they were laying the foundations of Western civilisation; or with Christ when Christianity was being pioneered; or with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin when they took those first steps on the moon—and where this breakthrough understanding takes humanity is like a new planet. Honestly, this greatest of all adventure where humanity takes its freedom from the horror of the human condition is so exciting our bodies aren’t designed to cope with so much excitement. It is that exciting!
Everyone has the opportunity now to be part of the most amazing time in human history. Yes, you will have to live without much of a support base to begin with, and you will have to be innovative and proactive in interesting others in this great journey to our species’ freedom from the human condition—but we here will help you as much as we can, share with you all that we have learnt about how to propagate these ideas and interest others in them, and how to build a base group of interest and support in your area—another WORLD TRANSFORMATION CENTRE for the exhausted human race to meet and support the emergence of a new TRANSFORMED world. Come on, LET’S GO, LET’S GET OUT OF THIS DEAD PLACE WE HAVE IN TRUTH ALL BEEN LIVING IN, AND LET’S FIX THE WORLD UP—LET’S GO!”
1 June 2023 Facebook comment about how the redeeming understanding means we can slowly learn love ourselves:
Love it Ulrik! as much as we’ve hated the dark side of ourselves, feared it and tried to hide it and civilise it, deep underneath we’ve always know we had to one day be able to explain it from a first principle based biological perspective and that is what Jeremy Griffith has done. One of my most favourite quotes from Jeremy’s work is from his book The Shock of Change where he says:
“With perseverance, the resigned mind gradually realises that what is being presented is not condemning but compassionate, and that it is therefore now safe to learn about and finally understand the whole 2-million-year immensely corrupting but also incredibly heroic journey the human race has been on to find understanding of its corrupted condition.”
The truth is we are so dead-like and alienated from growing up in a world without understanding of the human condition, but it turns out we don’t have to be embarrassed or feel guilty about all that corruption and upset in us. We can fully understand it and its origins and through that understanding we can be completely honest about it, totally accept it in ourselves and ultimately leave it behind as a necessary part of our and our species history.
Yes, to get rid of all the horror on earth we have to to be able to acknowledge it’s source and now we can – it was in ourselves – but now we know why and we can leave behind and end it for good. Let’s Go.
24 May 2023 Facebook comment about the relief and excitement of the Transformed Lifeforce State:
Too right Sven! The relief of being free of the fixation on ourselves is the most relieving feeling imaginable and then being able to participate in and contribute to the only thing that can stop all the suffering and madness on earth brings joy upon joy upon joy – Let’s Go!
24 May 2023 Facebook comment about understanding narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths:
Love it Alexander! Seeing through our human-condition-afflicted selves and being able to use the overarching explanation of the human condtion to explain and defend our upset is what allows us to see what we’ve being doing so we can let it go and be free of the damage it does to ourselves and perpetuates on the rest of the world around us. Our historic unbearable fear of exposure of our upset can and now should be replaced with immense pride, relief and ultimately joy that we played our part in humanity’s great task to find knowledge. We can honestly, without overly confronting it, accept our upset without ANY embarrassment, guilt or shame. Our task (if we can call it that) is like you say Alex to just help bring these understandings to the world in any way we can and as much as we can and that allows us to leave all the upset behind and just focus on the most wonderful all-loving, completely understood world imaginable!
13 May 2023 Facebook comment about the ‘big picture’ of integrative meaning:
Yes one of the things that is endlessly wonderful about the solution to the human condition is that we aren’t going to be the destructive outcasts of the world anymore. We can take our place again as a wonderful part of the magnifcent whole that exists in this universe. As these lyrics say, the bigger truth that we have had to deny while we couldn’t explain our upset, human-condition-afflicted-behaviour is that we are in fact “part of everything” and we can now “Find your voice[s] and start to sing”.
I just love the truth of integrative meaning and I know that everyone will have read about it, but I just searched it on the website and just loved this small section in Jeremy’s book ‘The Great Exodus’ that explains it and thought it might be good to add here. It is from
12. Integrative Meaning and our necessary denial of it: “While humans couldn’t explain our upset competitive, aggressive and selfish condition there were a number of very important truths we had no choice but to evade and even deny. The quotes from Berdyaev and Kierkegaard at the beginning of this book made it very clear how necessary it has been to deny the truth of the issue of the human condition itself. Another truth, and by far the most important and greatest of all truths that we upset humans have had to practice denying, is that the meaning or purpose or theme of existence is to develop the order or integration of matter.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, like gravity, is one of the physical laws of existence. This law states that over time all forms of energy, and matter is a form of energy, tend to move towards ending up as heat energy. The Second Law of Thermodynamics can also be stated in terms of the concept of entropy, which is the degree of randomness of a system at the atomic, ionic, or molecular level. Stated in terms of the concept of entropy, the Second Law of Thermodynamics says that the entropy of a system increases with time.
Importantly, this natural direction of energy transfer is reversible but to reverse it does require the use of energy. Therefore energy must be available from outside a system if the system is not to eventually wind down to heat energy, to maximum randomness or entropy. Earth is not a closed system because it has an outside inflow of energy from the sun and since Earth is not a closed system an opposite direction to this breakdown towards heat energy has been possible. On Earth, instead of matter breaking down there has been a steady building up of matter into ever larger and more stable arrangements of matter. Incidentally the universe may not be a closed system either—thus the possibilities of maximum entropy, the possible so-called ‘heat death of the universe’, is not yet determined.
This reverse direction where instead of breaking down matter builds up and becomes more ordered and complex is now recognised in physics as the ‘Second Path of the Second Law of Thermodynamics’ or ‘Negative Entropy’. Negative entropy causes, or allows, or has led to, matter self-organising into larger and more stable wholes. It has led matter to integrate, develop order. Thus this negative entropy path has resulted in atoms arranging themselves, or coming together, or integrating, to form molecules. Molecules have then in turn integrated to form compounds and compounds have then integrated to form single-celled organisms and single-celled organisms have then integrated to form multicellular organisms. The next larger whole to form is integrations of multicellular organisms, which societies of multicellular organisms represent the beginnings of.
The following chart depicts this hierarchy of order:
This negative entropy direction of change that is occurring on Earth means that the overall activity or theme or, from a conscious observer’s point of view, purpose or meaning of existence is the development of the order or integration of matter.”
So good! We’ve just got to get the explanation of the human condition out there — Let’s Go!
9 May 2023 Facebook comment about the liberation of accepting the human condition within:
Yes just Spectacular Genevieve! Having to accept our corruption and total fraudulence becomes so easy once we have the full defence for it and have the most wonderfully meaningful path in front of us that allows us to walk away from from all the horror that we have had to endure under the duress of the human condition. We can now knowingly participate in the greatest journey ever to exist in the galaxy. I can’t wait for everyone on earth to feel Genevieve’s enthusiasm and joy for what is coming and being able to be part of it.
6 May 2023 Facebook comment about how accepting the human condition within is the key to dealing with feeling frustrated with the Deaf Effect in others and adopting the Transformed State:
Hi Paul, I agree the deafness and madness out there is definitely difficult to deal with and I certainly know of the frustration you speak of times a million, but as with everything to do with the human condition, the issue isn’t everybody else, the problem is inside ourselves, which sucks to start with, because that’s one of our greatest tools to help us survive under the duress of the human condition has been to blame others and pretend that they are worse than us and we personally are wonderfully virtuous, or at the least trying the best we can, but they aren’t trying at all! But what we find, in my experience anyway, is that the beauty of the problem being with me is that I can do something about it anytime I like.
The Transformed State is about putting our egocentric, hurt, insecure lives/selves to rest and becoming servants for humanity. Our task is colossal, I have heard Jeremy describe it as turning the Amazon river around in its bed and making it run the other way. We can’t do it alone and it can’t be done overnight. But as more people actually come and participate and selflessly add their support and momentum to the effort, things will start to change and they will speed up over time.
Humans hate the human condition and are so, so, so, so fearful of it, they have spent their entire lives, every second of them working out how to live with and around the human condition without thinking about it or acknowledging it AT ALL. So it just makes complete sense that if we/anyone starts talking openly about the human condition, the natural response is going to be one of hatred, anger, fear, loathing albeit with the greatest amount civility a person can muster at that moment. This is just a truth, it is the nature of our super human task, but we just need to calm down and apply ourselves to the problem as it exists. It is difficult, but the rewards are SO WONDERFUL, SO AMAZING, SO LIBERATING, extraordinarily, incandescently sublime it makes it all worthwhile times infinity!
Our job is to help break down the fear of the human condition, not only with words but with our actions, the happier/more-easy-going/relaxed we are with the human condition inside of ourselves, the more we are able to be honest about it and accept it and realise the immense difficulty of the subject, the more empathetic we can be. The human condition has been raging for 2 million years, we don’t need everybody to get it overnight, we know the world will be free if we keep this information alive and slowly but surely understanding will take hold. All the panic and anger and frustration is our human-condition-afflicted, egocentric selves talking. We love all humans because they are all so, so, so, so courageous. We certainly don’t want to pander to the bullshit that is continuing everywhere we look, but our job is to build and continue to build the wonderful island of sanity in the sea of madness. So we just take up any tiny task, something that will help build the momentum in any tiny way, write a post or comment on this group, send FREEDOM/THE Interview to a thought leader, give a dollar to the advertising campaign, clean our own human-condition-afflicted lives up, the more we keep ourselves together the more generous to others and humanity we can be, the more they will notice and ask what the difference is. We now have the ultimate meaning in our lives to live for, the more we live that meaning, allow it into our lives rather than tacked on the side of them, or fitted into our old egocentric human-condition-afflicted lives the more momentum, happiness, freedom we are helping to build.
The human-condition-afflicted world is dying fast now, everyday droves of humans are losing their interest in what the world has had to offer under the duress of the human condition, the pain is too much, but we know that that can all turn around instantly, just by understanding the human condition, by listening to and taking in the logic of a 1 hour interview, their whole world can take a 180 degree turn to happiness, joy and freedom. This is great news, this what we can live off and feed our enthusiasm with. The answer is simple once we all get used to the fact that not only is it not scary but the best thing ever to appear on planet earth as Professor Prosen was always saying!
2 May 2023 Facebook comment about the simplicity and gift of supporting this information:
Absolutely brilliant stuff Edward!! I so agree! Once we’ve seen through all the human condition afflicted madness in ourselves and around us and managed to take in all the understandings from FREEDOM and fit all the logic together in our minds, the simplicity of what is needed from each of us becomes so amazingly clear. All we need to do is support this information, to live for it, to visualise the future of ourselves, of everyone else and the whole world with this information in it. We just need to endlessly encourage ourselves to keep allowing ourselves and everyone else to shrug off the historic fear and egocentric ties that we have had to cling onto while we were living under the duress of the human condition. Every day we love this, every day we support it, every tiny little thing that we do to help build the momentum needed to tip the great scale of support in our favour, we will continue to feel more and more free, better and better, happier and happier. Honestly, we have such a massive task in front of us, but this is a great gift for all of us completely crippled, diabolically hurt beings, because it gives us something so clear, so easy to do, so practical to do, we don’t need to be sound, or secure, or even, clear sighted, the more we support, this information the more sound, secure and clear sighted we will become naturally, just by being close to the truth, just by fighting for it in ourselves and in the world around us. Anyway it’s just so good to hear your pledge Edward, like all the comments say above, there is endless inspiration in every person that comes along and is able to make such a grand statement like this, thank you so much!!
13 April 2023 Facebook comment about the real magnificence of the Transformed Way of Living in selfless service of understanding the human condition:
What a magnificent day Chris, thanks very much for sharing. It truly is so exciting to be able to understand the world and feel the warmth and relief of having understanding of the human condition with you at all times. It does have a wonderfully calming and centring influence on our lives and we can begin to come off the intense pace of needing to manically distract ourselves and gather wins to cover the constantly bubbling up insecurity and anxiety that characterises and cripples our lives under the duress of the the human condition.
I know that what I’m about to say can come across as ‘hard-teaching’ as Jeremy has explained in his book Shock of Change, but I just want to put it out there in case it’s helpful. There is another level of excitement and meaning and transformation that we can all progress to from the already magnificent scenario that you describe, which is to begin to live our lives in service of these understandings. I’ve used this quote about the Transformed state many times before but here it is again:
“Once you know this information is true, that the upset state of the human condition is defended at the fundamental level, you can leave the issue of your own and the world’s corruption behind as effectively dealt with and preoccupy yourself with disseminating this information throughout the world and to a fresh generation, and preoccupy yourself with supporting all the projects that must be undertaken now to free and rehabilitate the world from the destructive effects of two million years of living under the duress of the human condition.”
The sales pitch if it’s okay to call it that for living your life in service of the information is that once we know that the human condition is solved and we have been able to see through the denial and evasion that the world lives in we can see the destruction and horror and suffering that is playing out every second of everyday and it is spiralling out of control, getting worse by the minute, more lies, more suffering, more breakdown of every aspect of society everywhere we look. It’s incredibly relieving of this situation to know why this is all happening and know that we now have the weapon, ie understanding of the situation to stop it all, but the real task once we know these understandings are true is to begin to transform our lives from ones that are completely built around denying, resisting and living with the human condition to lives that are not just relieved, calmed and excited about the possibility that is now available but to actively and fearlessly (because we can now be completely fearless of the human condition) live in support of these understandings. The quote that I always think of in this regard is from the science historian Thomas Kuhn - ‘In science...ideas do not change simply because new facts win out over outmoded ones...Since the facts can’t speak for themselves, it is their human advocates who win or lose the day’. In other words, this explanation isn’t going to sweep the world because we want it to or because it’s exciting and life and world-saving, the forces ie the fear, egocentricity, denial etc working against bringing these understandings to light for the whole world are still in ascendency, and it is critical we “preoccupy [ourselves] with supporting all the projects that must be undertaken now to free and rehabilitate the world from the destructive effects of two million years of living under the duress of the human condition.”
Again, I’m not having a go at the wonderful day you describe, but imagine the feeling in the room, of not just knowing that the human condition is solved and talking excitedly about that but if you are all slumping on the couch at the end of the day, completely and utterly spent after spending the day tirelessly, incrementally, selflessly expending all the energy you have for that day, on the greatest, most important, most critical, most exciting project ever to exist on earth. I have been reading Jeremy’s new book ‘Our Meaning’, and in it there is the most fantastic quote from Sir Laurens van der Post:
“The Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert talk about the two “hungers”. There is the Great Hunger and there is the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger wants food for the belly; but the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for meaning. There’s ultimately only one thing that makes human beings deeply and profoundly bitter, and that is to have thrust upon them a life without meaning. There is nothing wrong in searching for happiness. But of far more comfort to the soul is something greater than happiness or unhappiness, and that is meaning. Because meaning transfigures all. Once what you are doing has for you meaning, it is irrelevant whether you’re happy or unhappy. You are content – you are not alone in your Spirit – you belong” (Hasten Slowly: The Journey of Sir Laurens van der Post, 1996).
We now have all the meaning there is in the world, and we don’t just have to know about it and think about it, we can participate in it, we can revel in it, we can rejoice in it. We all know the direction that every particle in the universe is trying to take, which is to build ever more loving integration and historically we’ve been forced by the human condition to deny and actively defy this greatest of all truths, but now we can run with it, we can live it, with it within ourselves and with each other. Having what has historically been a wonderful Sunday, is nothing in comparison to what is on offer for us all now to participate in!!
I just want to be clear that there is no pressure in what I’m saying, it will take time for us all to find this excitement and make adjustments to our lives as we all slowly thaw out from living under the duress of the human condition, but for me having this pointed out is just another example of how wonderful the world will be as each new person breaks through the Deaf Effect and then take in all the incredible understandings that Jeremy is presenting and finally be able to leave their particular human condition afflicted existence behind and begin to live in the full sunlight and unfathomable meaning and joy of a human condition understood selfless world.
6 April 2023 Facebook comment about how these understandings deal with the source of all our problems:
Awesome post Monica Kodet, I’m always absolutely staggered by how understanding the human condition clears everything up, think of all the books and words and university lectures and podcasts and documentarys etc etc etc that have been written/published/studied/agonised over in the last 2500 years since Plato so simply and easily described our plight. All those words all that thinking, talking, searching was just fumbling around in the dark, slowly, agonisingly building knowledge about life outside the cave without actually being able to leave the cave. Talk about humanity having to throw ourselves at windmills! All we needed was enough understanding/knowlege to explain the difference between genes and nerves combined with enough innocence/security of self to be able to be able to leave the darkness of the cave and see the real world beyond our prison, in one sense it seems so simple now that Jeremy was able to do just that and bring us back the answers for us all to see, but as we all know from our personal experience, living inside the cave without the soundness to escape leaves us pretty well totally unaware there is anything but the cave existence with all its darkness and confusion and suffering.
It is certainly amazing to think that every thinking philosophically minded person for the last 2500 years would have studied Plato’s words which means we knew that his words and work were incredibly important, but pretty well no one until Jeremy Griffith came along has had the ability to actually understand their real significance. It once again is a real testament to the courage and tenacity of the human race to be able to continually work towards something that continuously alluded us and caused us great fear and angst but we still new was incredibly important somehow.
I have always loved the simplicity of the Encyclopedia Encarta’s summary of Plato’s cave allegory so I thought I would add it here:
“The myth of the cave describes individuals chained deep within the recesses of a cave. Bound so that vision is restricted, they cannot see one another. The only thing visible is the wall of the cave upon which appear shadows cast by models or statues of animals and objects that are passed before a brightly burning fire. Breaking free, one of the individuals escapes from the cave into the light of day. With the aid of the sun, that person sees for the first time the real world and returns to the cave with the message that the only things they have seen heretofore are shadows and appearances and that the real world awaits them if they are willing to struggle free of their bonds. The shadowy environment of the cave symbolizes for Plato the physical world of appearances. Escape into the sun-filled setting outside the cave symbolizes the transition to the real world, the world of full and perfect being, the world of Forms, which is the proper object of knowledge.”
And of course Jeremy’s drawing of humanity exiting the cave!
1 April 2023 Facebook comment comment about how these understandings deal with the source of all our problems:
I agree with Nikoletta, well said Ian. One of the most helpful stories I heard when I was first investigating the WTM was the Up River Story, and it’s such a powerful reminder that, while helping to deal with all the symptoms of the human condition is certainly a very worthy task, it does take incredible courage and presence of mind to step back, ‘go up river’ and tackle any issue at its source. And there is no more important, tougher or rewarding issue to finally be able to tackle at its source than the human condition.
31 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment expressing if we support this understanding everything is solved:
Awesome James! and thanks very much Monica for sharing this snippet. I love the quote that Prue read out from Jeremy’s interview with Caroline Jones some I’ll add it here:
“There’s a world out there of so much beauty that we can now tap that we’ve never been able to tap, and occasionally a great artist might just make some, cut a little window into that magic world through which we could all get a little access to the paradise. But there’s a world where one minute of the future, the beauty encapsulated in that would be more than all the beauty we can accumulate in a whole lifetime. There is nothing that man has created that would remotely compare with the magic of our lost paradise.”
And like James was saying, that magic, that lost paradise has always been there, it’s just that the human condition forced us to become at odds with all the heavenly integration that exists in ourselves and the world around us - it has been such a cruel journey that we have been forced to go on, but now it can all end like James is saying - all we have to do is look after these insights and guard them with all our strength our world and ourselves will be saved. Yes, if we can all find the last gasp of generosity in our hearts and give up on our human-condition-afflicted need to prove our worth and live in support of these understandings, they will sweep the world and before long this lost paradise will start to not only show itself in the cracks of our denial, but it will begin to blossom and bloom in our hearts and minds again, we don’t have to be at odds with the world and nature and the animals and each other anymore, all the conflict ends starting with the conflict between our minds and our souls. What a wonderful, wonderful thought Let’s Go!!
31 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment about how these understandings free us from our pain:
Hi Andrea ,
I really don’t want to come across as arrogant, but I really want to assure you with the utmost certainty that I/you/we will all know the absolute magnificence of the relief, excitement and freedom that is now available to all humans on earth now the human condition has been solved.
There are indeed many different pieces of logic that need to fit together to experience the Transformed State, but once you do, you will understand why you/anyone/everyone could be so completely certain that every single human cand and will take up the very same freedom that you are experiencing.
Yes, the way that the human condition played out in each of our lives has been so varied and complex, with layer after layer after layer of pain, alienation, fear and egocentricity, but ultimately the freedom that you experience from the Transformed state is being able to essentially bundle all your human-condition-afflicted-upset together and put it down as one single entity and begin to live your life free of all the history of living under the duress of the human condition. Here is a quote from Jeremy Griffith describing it:
“Once you know this information is true, that the upset state of the human condition is defended at the fundamental level, you can leave the issue of your own and the world’s corruption behind as effectively dealt with and preoccupy yourself with disseminating this information throughout the world and to a fresh generation, and preoccupy yourself with supporting all the projects that must be undertaken now to free and rehabilitate the world from the destructive effects of two million years of living under the duress of the human condition.” (
You see, even once somebody has worked their way through the Deaf Effect and start to hear all the wonderfully clarifying and defending information that finally explains why everything is as it is and why we are the way we are etc, there is a huge amount of relief in that knowledge, and a huge amount of digesting of that knowledge to do which is honestly the most wonderful journey to take. But even though we can understand the reason for all the upset, pain, dysfunction - all the suffering, meaninglessness and wrongness in all aspects of our lives, we are still left with all the mess, we can’t heal it overnight, there is simply too much neurosis and psychosis after 2 million years of our heavenly, but hellish journey to find understanding left inside of us. But what we can do is leave it behind, let it go, know that it is all there for a good reason, butnstop grappling with the micro why’s and why-not’s, and all the should’ve, could’ve, whatever’s. We can just put it all down to the fact that we have had no choice but to participate in the glorious mess that has had to be, but now we don’t have to participate in the mess anymore, and to do so just stirs us up, just opens up the old wounds and the old historical need to reinforce ourselves to feel good about ourselves.
But again, once we know the information is true, we can legitimately, sensibly, responsibly, happily, relievingly, in fact absolutely joyfully just leave it all as dealt with.
And it is at that point, when you put it down and you experience what it is like to be free of the need to prove yourself, to worry about who you are, what you look like, what you’ve done, are you good, have you done the right thing in your life or whatever, you really experience that all those questions have been answered you know the full truth about them all, you don’t have to wrestle with any of them any more — and the key point is, that it is continuing to wrestle with any or all of those questions that is making your life hell/difficult/preoccupying/selfish. Once you are free of that wrestle, you are free to truly embrace where the human race is up to. We don’t have to worry or be preoccupied with ourselves anymore! We have beaten the unbeatable foe, we have won the unwinnable war with ourselves, we have collectively slayed Goliath, but not only that, we are free to really live, to really participate in humanity’s new lease on life, we can watch the joy as it begins and it continues to spread throughout the world through every single person as they are able to hear and then understand the logic of Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition and then put down the human condition afflicted wrestle that they have been living and battling with inside themselves for their entire lives under the duress of the human condition.
So instead of trying to wrestle with ourselves and our old human condition afflicted horrors, we can simply help to bring this joy to others, knowing that they are able to experience it just as you/we are experiencing it. The task becomes such a joy, such a beautiful meaningful task to take up. Meaning will flow through you and everyone as we get up each day with the tool that we know can allow us to stop the horrible anxiety riddled, egocentric, preoccupation with ourselves — on we go, free of our baggage to carry out the most beautiful task that was ever imaginable on earth. Returning our world to a heavenly state that every human that has ever lived has dreamed, might just might, if we try and try and try, might one day return, and low and behold, in our life times IT HAS and all we have to do now is to help see it come to fruition in whatever way we can.
This is in my opinion Jeremy’s most beautifully simple description of the Transformed State:
“As for getting the TRANSFORMED STATE, it really isn’t that difficult. You simply need to allow your mind to see the opportunity clearly—see how dead the old world really is and how incredibly exciting letting all that go and living for the new world is.” (
30 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment about the courage of humans:
Awesome Frank, That quote just makes me think how absolutely magnificent humans are! Humans have been so irrepressibly courageous, waiting, hoping, looking forward to the time when science combined with uncorrupted soul strength would deliver us the truth as biologist Jeremy Griffith has done. If it was exciting to be able to think about and hope for what was coming, it speaks volumes for just how unfathomably exciting it will be once the real thing really starts to gain momentum!
16 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment about WTM Austria founding member Stefan Rossler’s new world leadership:
Well said Lyn, Stefan certainly is an absolute legend of the WTM!. My favourite video of Stefans is the talk that he so courageously and brilliantly did at TEDx, The world needs more amazing leaders like Stefan to come out of the woodwork and join us in the great charge to true freedom down the sunshine highway!
16 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment about Resignation:
Yes indeed Yvonne what a wonderful thought! I can still remember vividly the other hopelessness of being unable to understand why the world, the way it was when I was in my early teenage years at school, which made me think of Jeremy’s explanation of the catcher in the rye where he uses Holden Caulfield’s experience to highlight the most significant psychological event in all of our lives, Resignation. So I thought I’d add this Awesome passage from Part 3:8 of Freedom Expanded Book 1: Resignation:
“Yes, having to resign and live in a state of extreme dishonesty was immensely heroic, but thank goodness Resignation no longer has to occur. That classic of American literature, J.D. Salinger’s 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, is all about a 16-year-old boy struggling against having to resign. The boy, Holden Caulfield, felt ‘surrounded by phonies’ (p.12 of 192), in a world ‘full of phonies’ (pp.118 & 151) and ‘morons’ who ‘never want to discuss anything’ (p.39), of living on the ‘opposite sides of the pole’ (p.13) to most people, and in a situation where he absolutely ‘hate[d]’ ‘school’ (p.117), a time when he ‘just didn’t like anything that was happening’ (p.152), to wanting to escape to ‘somewhere with a brook…[where] I could chop all our own wood in the winter time and all’ (p.119). The 16-year-old knows he is supposed to resign—he talks about being told that ‘Life being a game…you should play it according to the rules’ (p.7), to feeling ‘so damn lonesome’ (pp.42 & 134) and ‘depressed’ (multiple references) he even felt like ‘committing suicide’ (p.94). As a result of all this disenchantment with the world he keeps ‘failing’ (p.9) all his subjects at school and as a result had to leave four schools for ‘making absolutely no effort at all’ (p.167). He says about his behaviour, ‘I swear to God I’m a madman’ (p.121) and ‘I know. I’m very hard to talk to’ (p.168). Finally he finds some empathy from an adult who says ‘This fall I think you’re riding for–it’s a special kind of fall, a horrible kind…[where you] just keep falling and falling [utter depression]’ (p.169). The adult then spoke of men who ‘at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn’t supply them with…So they gave up looking [resigned]…[adding] you’ll find that you’re not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior’ (pp.169-170). Summarising the horror of having to resign the 16-year-old says: ‘I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody’s around–nobody big, I mean–except me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff–I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it’s crazy, but that’s the only thing I’d really like to be’ (p.156). Yes, finally the reconciling understanding of the human condition has arrived that provides ‘the catcher in the rye’, the means to ‘catch everybody’ before ‘they start to go over the cliff’ that Holden Caulfield so yearned for! The Catcher in the Rye has rightly been considered a masterpiece, and with understanding of the process of Resignation and how adults have lived in denial of it, it becomes even more impressive, if that were possible! (The Scottish author, J.M. Barrie’s 1902 story of Peter Pan who has a never-ending childhood is also a story of the dream of not having to become a tragic, resigned, effectively dead adult. Yes, it is going to be a world full of Peter Pan’s now, a world of unresigned, soul-alive adults.)”
15 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment about how understanding the human condition frees our minds:
Well said Jack, what a cracking post! Growing up in the human condition afflicted world truly is the worst torture that could possibly have been invented, we humans are so, so, so, so unbelievably courageous for continuing to defy our instincts and suffer all the abominable corruption that we have and still got out of bed each morning and smiled at one another as we say good morning to each other. We’ve had basically no help, all humans have had to forge on alone, waiting, hoping, trying to prove our worth with cheap/ugly/destructive/egocentric/dishonest wins. Thank goodness Jeremy Griffith turned up and had the soundness needed to put all the answers together, to be able to ride on backs of all the courageous advances that human race had made over the last 2 million years and give us the answer that we have all been so desperately needing and wishing for. And yes the love indoctrination process is such a magnificent story of nurturing overcoming the limitation of genes of having to always selfishly ensure their own reproduction. Where Negative Entropy came up with a genetically selfish complying way of bringing more integration to our species and a by product of which was the development of the greatest tool ever known on earth, our fully conscious thinking mind only to have it essentially closed down again by the human condition. What a wonder it will be when not just one of us (ie Jeremy Griffith) can use their brains to think honestly and thus effectively but the whole of the human race can - Let Freedom of all things most especially our brains flow!!
12 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment explaining how the ‘instinct vs intellect’ explanation gets to the bottom of everything:
Yes well said Mara! This explanation finally takes us back to the start of all the problems, so everything unravels beautifully right in front of our very eyes. All of a sudden we have a completely solid 100% true and clean foundation to work from. We know exactly how everything works now and why everything is as it is. Everything has its place. It’s such a relief to know and understand everything with 100% certainty.
12 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment about breaking out of the prison of the human condition:
Absolutely loved that Dbongs!! Yes this is the greatest prison break in history, with not just the average freedom, but life-saving, deeply thawing, come back to life, bone-draining relief and out-of-our-skin excitement. Whoo Hoo! Let’s Go!
12 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment the unfairness of the Deaf Effect – humanity’s block to the greatest of all gifts:
It’s so true Jenny, you would think that people like Gabor would be absolutely fascinated with Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition. And one day in the near future they no doubt will be and with every extra copy of Jeremy’s book that they receive or every suggestion to go and have a serious look at Jeremy’s work the chance of them persevering long enough to erode their deafness to the issue of the human condition increases. That’s one of the most unfair aspects to the human condition - even now that it is compassionately solved and completely safe to look into, we humans are all just so terrified of where the subject has historically taken us. Without understanding we have massive reservations about going there again, ever! Over time though, all of us humans are slowly but surely going to realise and accept more and more that discussion of the human condition is in fact now totally safe, and indeed unbelievably relieving, liberating and unendingly exciting. Everyday, with every new supportive person, the general feeling and knowing will increasingly grow that this really is what we all here on this group know it is - the true liberating understanding of ourselves that will stop all the insecurity and suffering on earth that the human race has been collectively been workting towards acquiring for the last 2 million years since we developed our fully conscious thinking brains and the human condition broke out.
And Sally it was a real treat to read your response!
12 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment about the importance of staying connected to the information:
I really agree with what you say in this post Tone, although with the truth about the state of humanity’s mental health being so completely diabolical, the truth is we really are sleep walking selfishly into terminal alienation - human-race-ending, total psychological oblivion. So yes we do need to stay close to this information every minute of every day, so we can remember their importance, but more so in my view is we have to stop what we are doing and use the understanding in our own lives and SUPPORT it with everything we have. If we don’t take some serious stock of where the human race is heading and what is needed to head off the complete psychological destruction of our species, we will seriously be too late.
I did a basic Google search of the phrase ‘mental health crisis’ and the following study that is published on the National Library of Medicine (NIH) came up ( It is titled ‘We are the hollow men: The worldwide epidemic of mental illness, psychiatric and behavioral emergencies, and its impact on patients and providers’.
It starts by quoting T.S Eliot, The Hollow Men:
“Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.”
And then continues with this first paragraph:
“All across the world, patients are coming to their local Accident and Emergency Departments/Casualty Centers (EDs). They are in pain. Sometimes, their eyes scream out their suffering and other times they appear as cold, empty shells reflecting the hollowness the patient feels inside. Unlike patients with compound fractures or lacerations, patients with psychiatric illness have wounds that are rarely visible to the naked eye. This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper. This is the face of mental illness, the stark picture seen by emergency physicians and psychiatrists, with problems ranging from depression to suicide and psychosis, as well as addictive disorders.”
Please go and read the whole thing, it is not happy reading, it really is totally terrifying. But to me it puts our lives into context, it puts the human condition and the need for the whole world to understand it right in the spotlight, and the need for the World Transformation Movement and Jeremy Griffith to be supported at all costs.
The truth is we have the solution to ALL the worlds problems, we have FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition, we have THE Interview, these publications are THE ONLY medicine that is going to stop all the horror and can possibly head off all the pain and psychological trauma that is just going to continue to spiral out of control in the coming very short space.
So yes I just love that quote that you have pointed out from FREEDOM Tone, because there are no truer words on earth, we have, have, have to support these insights, we have to use these insights to heal ourselves, to free us from our selfish preoccupations with our insecure and selfish power, fame, fortune and glory trips that we have all (unavoidably under the duress of the human condition) been/are on and transform our lives to ones that are living in complete service of humanity, by helping to bring these understandings to them. The first reason is simply the responsibility that we all have, being the (currently) few humans who truly understand that the world does now have the tool/explanation/understanding that gives us the opportunity for ALL the mental anguish that we all suffer from and the world to be saved and has the most postive, downright, jumping-out-of-our-skin exciting, secure, joyful, happy future imaginable, but only if are able to use it to free ourselves from the gaol of our human condition afflicted insecure selfishness and trigger a tsunami of love in service to these understandings of the human condition. But secondly, the joy, the meaning, the relief of being part of saving the world, being a force for good, being a hero helping to lead the human race to the greatest of all victories that has and ever will be experienced. To knowingly realise what any sacrifice, or effort or courageous stand is in aid of, with the full context of understanding the human condition is the most wonderful of feelings, greater than anything we can ever possibly have imagined prior to having understanding of the human condition. We can truly live our lives doing what is right, good, noble etc - and we will be helping to fulfil the excruciating, hard-fought-and-won efforts of every human that has come before us.
So Let’s Fucking Go!, Lets Get the Fuck Out of the human condition afflicted world!! Let’s help in every single way we can, lets love this information as much as all the love/selflessness that the human race has in each of their unconditionally loving souls, lets end our hell hole of ignorance and fear and insecure need to prove ourselves, we don’t need to anymore, nothing other than bringing understanding to every single human on earth is really of any importance, so lets not spend another second wasting our time and energy on it!!
12 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment about the responsibility and joy of the Transformed State:
I love that Colleen, we are the Transformation!! It’s up to us, what a responsibility, but what a joy and a privilege to be the first to use and live in support of something so magnificently wonderful! We have every right to feel gloriously happy and so content drenched in the full understanding of ourselves and world, not because it defends our old world historical resigned, human condition, affected lives - even though it does so completely. But because it allows us to leave that dishonest, feeble, insecure, selfish, egocentric way of living behind forever in favour of something so so so so so so so much better!
6 Mar. 2023 Facebook comment answering the question, ‘So what?’:
Hi Ivan, Susan has answered your question perfectly, so I should just be leaving you with it to continue digesting, but I have heard your response so often and I myself went through the stage you appear to be in and thought I would try to add some thoughts, for what ever they are worth...
If the solution to the human condition has been found, which it has, and you are agreeing it has, then surely you must agree that everything on earth can now change! The very foundation on which we have lived every moment of our lives has now been fundamentally turned on its head. The whole world has been living with a lie, in fact all manner of lies, denial and alienation - our whole lives/society/world without understanding of the human condition are built on castles upon castles of lies with probably the greatest lie being that our less-than-ideal/bad/destructive/selfish/uncaring behaviour comes from our need to reproduce our genes. The most exciting thing Jeremy says in his 1-hour interview with Craig is that our human condition doesn’t come from a must-reproduce-our-genes animal condition but a conscious-mind-based psychologically troubled human condition and most importantly PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS CAN BE HEALED WITH UNDERSTANDING!! So all the horror can end!! We don’t just have to manage ourselves with rules, faith, guilt or artificial rewards anymore.
The human race is DYING FROM GUILT, guilt that we are the evil destructive monsters we appear to be, we all have our ways of trying to deal with or defend or deflect this guilt but we ALL suffer from it, and it is this DEEP, DEEP - oceans, rivers, avalanches, tsunamis of guilt that is THE REAL PROBLEM on earth, it is the guilt that is driving all our bad behaviour, all the anger, frustration, destruction, cruelty, despair, insecurity, egocentricity and horror - it is driving all the lies and denial - the truth is we humans are swimming in guilt, in pain, in complete mental anguish. What changes? This mental anguish can now end!! We can now sooth, explain, free ourselves, compassionately defend ourselves and our behaviour completely with bullet-proof first-principle-based biological explanation of it and its source in the human species and our own lives.
It turns out there was/is a good reason for all the horror/confusion/insecurity/destruction we humans have created, all the psychological mess in our heads has been something WE HAD TO SUFFER, something we’ve had had NO CHOICE but TO ENDURE - we humans developed a fully conscious thinking mind, the most super of super computers ever to exist anywhere in the cosmos, but it didn’t come with any information in the data base we had to start from scratch with no help, or guidence, in fact we had to defy our genetic embedded unconditionally loving guidence system that our species had developed over the previous 5-10 million years before developing our fully conscious thinking minds - so we are not just NOT BAD, we are WONDERFUL HEROES. The whole story on earth is flipped around by this explanation/understanding. Every single humans life for the last 2 million years has been based-on, dedicated to, completely-and-totally-100% preoccupied with defying/blocking out the guilt that the human condition has created - and with the understanding of the human condition now found and presented THE GUILT CAN END which means the PSYCHOSIS CAN END, which means the anger, destruction, lying and SUFFERING CAN END.
The problem in truth is that because everybody on earth has grown up without explanation of the human condition, and therefore are all immense sufferers of this guilt, we are all highly trained, practiced, adapted to, wedded to, utterly petrified of and in almost complete denial of the fact that we feel guilty at all or are selfish at all, or are in fact suffering from massive psychological trauma. We all go to put on a suit (of some description) go out to work to find meaning, mow our grass, put marble bench-tops in our houses, smile at one another as best we can, all in the pretence that everything is fine and dandy in our lives, that we personally aren’t the problem or have a problem it’s the angry people down the street or the less fortunate in the next suburb or town, or the people in power that have the problem - not us - but it’s simply not true, yes, they all have the problem too, they are all psychotic too just as we all personally are, but now we know for sure and certain and have full biological explanation for WHY WE HAVE HAD TO BE, and it turns out to be a very, very good unavoidable reason.
So if you really want to know so what?? The answer is being able to use the compassionate explanation of the human condition that Jeremy has put forward to allow yourself to begin to compassionately see the underlying guilt/insecurity/anxiety that exists under the surface in all our lives as well as all the layers of denial, egocentricity and delusion that we are applying to cope with it. It is there, it is the cause of all our problems, but now we can safely and compassionately acknowledge it, understand it and let it go and move on with our lives free of guilt and free of the upsetting effects of it.
Boom! That is just awesome, and believe me, and us all here supporting bringing these human-suffering-ending understandings to the world, it gets much, much, much better from there if that is even possibly imaginable.
16 Jan. 2023 Facebook comment about power addict parents:
I so agree Tess Watson, being unable to give love and receive love as our instincts/soul expected under the duress of the human condition has probably been the cruelest or at least one of the cruelest elements of our ‘March into hell for a heavenly cause’, to find understanding of ourselves and free ourselves from our human condition. And now that we are able to acknowledge and in truth BASK in the knowledge that love/integration/unconditional selflessness truly is all around! The following quote from Ashley Montagu which you can find in Freedom Expanded (here: is simply heart breakingly beautiful, but what is even more wonderfully incandescently magnificently beautiful by a trillion times over is Jeremy’s ability to explain and every single human on earth’s ability to now understand love and why our lives have HAD to be so devoid of it — now that the human condition is solved we are free to truly acknowledge love, live with it, give it, accept it as we have longed and longed and longed to be able to over the last 2 million years of our human condition afflicted horror. When Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition sweeps the world as gradually is, it brings with it more security, joy, happiness and freedom and true UNCONDITIONAL LOVE than our bodies and minds can possibly imagine, but it is coming so let’s go, let’s get the word out that the human condition is solved and love truly has come to town!!
“This powerful extract from the anthropologist Ashley Montagu’s extraordinarily honest 1970 paper ‘A Scientist Looks at Love’: ‘love is, without question, the most important experience in the life of a human being…One of the most frequently used words in our vocabulary…[yet] love is something about which most of us are still extremely vague…There is a widespread belief that a newborn baby is a selfish, disorganized wild creature who would grow into a violently intractable savage if it were not properly disciplined. [However] The newborn baby is organized in an extraordinarily sensitive manner…He does not want discipline…he wants love. He behaves as if he expected to be loved, and when his expectation is thwarted, he reacts in a grievously disappointed manner. There is now good evidence which leads us to believe that not only does a baby want to be loved, but also that it wants to love; all its drives are orientated in the direction of receiving and giving love. If it doesn’t receive love it is unable to give it—as a child or as an adult. From the moment of birth the baby needs the reciprocal exchange of love with its mother…It has, I believe, been universally acknowledged that the mother-infant relationship perhaps more than any other defines the very essence of love…survival alone is not enough—human beings need and should receive much more…We now know that babies which are physically well nurtured may nevertheless waste away and die unless they are also loved. We also know that the only remedy for those babies on the verge of dying is love…The infant can suffer no greater loss than deprivation of the mother’s love. There is an old Eastern proverb which explains that since God could not be everywhere he created mothers…maternal rejection may be seen as the “causative factor in…every individual case of neurosis or behavior problem in children.”…Endowed at birth with the need to develop as a loving, harmonic human being, the child learns to love by being loved…To love one’s neighbor as oneself requires first that one must be able to love oneself, and the only way to learn that art is by having been adequately loved during the first six years of one’s life. As Freud pointed out, this is the period during which the foundations of the personality are either well and truly laid—or not. If one doesn’t love oneself one cannot love others. To make loving order in the world we must first have had loving order made in ourselves…Nothing in the world can be more important or as significant…love is demonstrable, it is sacrificial, it is self-abnegative [self-denying]. It puts the other always first. It is not a cold or calculated altruism, but a deep complete involvement with another. Love is unconditional…Love is the principal developer of one’s capacity for being human, the chief stimulus for the development of social competence, and the only thing on earth that can produce that sense of belongingness and relatedness to the world of humanity which is the best achievement of the healthy human being…Scientists are discovering…that to live as if to live and love were one is the only way of life for human beings, because, indeed, this is the way of life which the innate nature of man demands. We are discovering that the highest ideals of man spring from man’s own nature…and that the highest of these innately based ideals is the one that must enliven and inform all his other ideals, namely, love…Contemporary scientists working in this field are giving a scientific foundation or validation to the Sermon on the Mount and to the Golden Rule: to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, to love your neighbor as yourself…In an age in which a great deal of unloving love masquerades as the genuine article, in which there is a massive lack of love behind the show of love, in which millions have literally been unloved to death, it is very necessary to understand what love really means. We have left the study of love to the last, but now that we can begin to understand its importance for humanity, we can see that this is the area in which the men of religion, the educators, the physicians, and the scientists can join hands in the common endeavor of putting man back upon the road of his evolutionary destiny from which he has gone so far astray—the road which leads to health and happiness for all humanity, peace and goodwill unto all the earth’ (The Phi Delta Kappan, Vol.51, No.9).”
Jeremy continues on from Ashley’s quote...
“But while these quotes are incredibly honest, with understanding of the psychologically upset state of the human condition finally found (the explanation of which was presented in Part 3:2), we can at last explain what is, in fact, fundamentally wrong with what Schreiner and Montagu have said, which is that rather than loving our infants being ‘the mightiest and noblest of human work’, and of there being ‘nothing in the world…more important’ than being loved, there has actually been a ‘mightie[r]’ and ‘more important’ task assigned to humans, which was to persevere with humanity’s corrupting, love-destroying search for knowledge until we found the understanding of the human condition that liberates the human race from that condition.
So there has been a very good reason for why humans ‘have literally been unloved to death’, but until we could explain that reason we had no choice but to leave ‘the study of love to the last’. It is only now that we can explain the human condition, explain that humanity has had to be preoccupied with its corrupting, love-destroying, anger-egocentricity-and-alienation-producing heroic search for knowledge, and thus explain why we have been so alienated as parents that we have been unable to give our offspring anything like the alienation-free, sound, secure, unconditional love needed to create ‘The real vision of the human being’ of the sound child, the ‘child wonder’.”
In my mind THE IMPORTANT takeaway from all this beauty, is that we have to stop what we are doing and help as much as our bodies and minds can possibly allow us to, to get understanding of the human condition to every corner of the world. It is only with understanding of the human condition that our current human condition afflicted egocentric, angry, uncaring, deluded, destructive world can end. Lets GO!
10 Jan. 2023 Facebook comment about the Deaf Effect and how the Transformed State allows us to live a completely full and satisfying life:
Awesome post as always Paul! The Deaf Effect really is an awful situation for the human race to be in, particularly after such a hideous journey to find understanding of it — but to be given a final, and at times seemingly insurmountable challenge on top of the already diabolically difficult situation seems so unfair it’s not funny.
Jeremy offered me some advice about helping someone with the Deaf Effect recently and I thought it was so beautifully simple and helpful:
“Ask them to just watch the first part of TI and get them to at least begin to see that we did once live cooperatively and lovingly, and from there see that it makes sense that if that’s true then we have an immense historic fear of the whole subject of our corrupted human condition, and from there see that it has to be expected that when reading about the human condition it does cause a Deaf Effect — and that’s why everyone does initially struggle”.
Keeping everything lined up in my own head about what’s happening and why is often so difficult because the fear and block-out is so habituated, but the more we can simplify things in our own minds, see the situation more and more clearly, the less daunting the whole situation becomes, the less we suffer from the fear, deafness and defensiveness in ourselves and the better proponents we are for this project.
I know that I’m a broken record on this sort of stuff, but the answer to all the difficulties and seeming slow progress for me is always the Transformed State. The true gift of this challenge in front of us is that we have something that we can be part of, we can completely apply ourselves to, something that can totally take over from all the worry, hardship, anxiety, difficulty of life before the human condition was solved. All we can do personally is do as much as we humanly can to help bring these answers to the rest of the world in whatever way we can from whatever position we come from, but from that position, it doesn’t matter how long it takes, all the frustration, all the confusion, comes out of our situations, we know what we’ve got to do, we know we are working on doing it, we just have to put one foot in front of the other, but as you do, and our preoccupation in our historic psychosis fades, the new world and all of its wonders begins to open up to us — as we just leave all the worry and desperation behind and just focus on our unimaginably exciting and important and meaningful future, our lives start to clear up, the old worries/endless pressure of proving ourselves begins to drop away, we don’t have to be insecure about our human condition afflicted madness/psychosis, all that can just be moved on from it to an endlessly beautiful all-knowing all-secure future — it makes me think of Dougie Lobban’s affirmation where he says “I got this image of marching straight forward with incredible purpose straight out of a massive swamp into long green grass with flowers and butterflies and sunshine and never ever looking back just keep marching forward. Everyone together, we are going to have so much fun.”
5 Jan. 2023 Facebook post about the brilliance of THE Interview and how we should remind ourselves of it every day by using the main points in The Questionnaire:
Making sense of any situation on earth that relates to humans is simply impossible without Jeremy Griffith’s biological understanding of the human condition. Over the last 2 million years since the human condition emerged when our species developed our conscious thinking minds our number 1 priority has been to block out all thought about the human condition, because without its solution it was simply unbearable to think about. This situation all changes with THE Interview (see, because every single human can now confront and understand the human condition whoever they are. Honestly, THE Interview is just so, so good, it saves the world in 1 hour, it provides THE foundation of knowledge on which all other current knowledge about humans doesn’t make sense without.
In the WTM we talk a lot about putting precious things on our walls, and to me another one of the most wonderfully helpful tools that should be on every human’s wall in the entire world is the summary of THE Interview that is available in the Questionnaire ( - We should tick these points off every single morning, these key points of understanding are what will change the world when NOTHING ELSE WILL. So, you, I, we, every next door neighbour, parent, child, scientist, politician, billionaire, drug addict, homeless person, suburban Mum and Dads, all need to understand these key points, we can all live off them, love them, find security in them. Basically, the truth is if you are having a conversation and these points don’t form the basis of it, you are perpetuating all the suffering on the planet. But the more we each understand, mull-over, follow the ramifications through more and more, the greater your life and the lives of every human on earth will be and the closer we are to bringing an end to the human condition and all its horror.
So please put these check points somewhere prominent and work your way through them, your responsibility as a human is to understand them and explain them to the rest of the world!
THE Interview explains in Part 1:
a) that the main excuse used to explain our competitive and aggressive condition is that we have ‘savage instincts’, but this excuse is wrong because we have cooperative and loving moral instincts
b) that the truth is we don’t suffer from a must-reproduce-our-genes animal condition but a conscious-mind-based psychologically troubled human condition
c) that having a conscious-mind-based psychologically troubled condition means it can be healed with understanding
d) that the true instinct vs intellect explanation of our human condition is very obvious because if an animal was to become fully conscious, as we did, then it makes sense that an upsetting battle would break out with its instincts, which only the understanding of, which we now have, could cure
in Part 2:
e) that the reason we haven’t been taught the instinct vs intellect explanation is that even though we have known since ancient times, such as in the Garden of Eden story, that the emergence of our conscious mind led to our ‘fall’ from innocence, until science explained the difference between the instinct and intellect learning systems we had no ability to explain the good reason for our corrupted condition, which left us no choice but to deny that we once lived in a cooperative and loving innocent state and to hold onto the false ‘savage instincts’ excuse for our divisive behaviour
f) that this habituated attachment to the ‘savage instincts’ excuse has been blocking scientists from a truthful understanding of the human condition
in Part 3:
g) that nurturing, which primates are especially facilitated to develop as a result of their arms-free arboreal heritage, is what created our species’ extraordinary moral nature
h) that bonobos provide the perfect evidence for how nurturing created our moral nature
i) that John Fiske first put forward the nurturing explanation in 1874 and even though it was described at the time as being far more important than Darwin’s principle of natural selection, it was ignored and let die because until we could explain our corrupted condition and resulting inability to adequately nurture our offspring, it was far too confronting a truth to accept
in Part 4:
j) that the way understanding of the human condition transforms the human race is that since we now have the real defence for our corrupted condition, all the old artificial defences of retaliation, denial and seeking relieving power, fame, fortune and glory are obsoleted, which means everyone is free to take up a transformed cooperative, selfless and loving existence
k) that the pseudo idealism of the left-wing in politics oppressed the search for knowledge and was regressive not progressive, it was the right-wing that held the moral high-ground, but thankfully this transformation now ends politics and the whole human race sets out as one united organism to a human-condition-free world
l) that since this interview provides a short summary of what is going to be explained in more detail in the following Videos 1-4, there will be some repetition of the concepts that have been presented in THE Interview in those subsequent videos
3 Jan. 2023 Facebook comment about how understanding the human condition allows us to give up our egocentric existence and live in support of this understanding:
Tony Gowing: Yes, thanks so much for posting this Monica. Watching Jolana and Fred in this video is mesmerising. The whole equation has changed for humans, just about every situation living under the duress of the human condition leads to furious anger - how could it not, we are all great sufferers of a diabolically awful mental illness through no fault of our own that everyone suffers from, everyone is reacting to, everyone is trying to beat or work around, or find some kind of path to live with - we are all incredible victims - but NOBODY, absolutely NOBODY, is talking about (other than Jeremy Griffith), in fact we all go to incredible extremes to not talk about it, to deny it to pretend that we’ve got our lives together, to put on a brave face, and then get even more cross that not just ourselves suffer from this incredible hardship, but that everybody else is angry and dysfunctional too.
Now with understanding of the human condition, it all makes sense we know why we feel angry, why we are so dysfunctional, and why everybody else is too. The whole energy changes on the situation, we go from anger and frustration and unknowing insecure victims to all-knowing and totally secure, but now so importantly, sympathetic and empathetic to ourselves and all other humans around us - just watching Jolanda and Fred living out this transition is the most glorious sight to behold. We can all now follow their lead and easily be honest about the human condition afflicted insecurity induced anger and dysfunction in ourselves and everyone else, but we can love it/understand it/end it. Lay our defensive swords of anger and frustration down and transfer all that energy into selfless support of these understandings of the human condition. The human race is dying from hideous psychological anguish, but we have all the tools to stop ALL the anguish right here in Jeremy’s one hour THE Interview presentation. The whole world needs to know about this - Let’s go!!
Jolanda: Anthony Gowing thank you for your great post!! YES, the Human Condition is solved. There is no stopping us now, because everything is explained. We don’t have to argue, fight, we don’t have to be frustrated, angry or disappointed anymore. We can explain everything about our behaviour. We can see we are all victims of this great struggle. But the struggle was very much worth it beccause we finally have the awnser. The anwser to the greates question of all humanity: Why is it impossible to live ideally? Are we good or are we bad? Am I good, or am I bad?
Tony Gowing’s 4 Jan. 2023 reply: Thank YOU Jolan Da , I just loved what you said in that video, I just love and appreciate so much that we can be so honest about ourselves. We are free we are free we are free!! I look forward to seeing you and Fred talking some more great truth soon!
2 Jan. 2023 Facebook comment about how to live the Transformed State:
Tony Gowing: I so agree Karen, I just love Jeremy’s Freedom Essay 15 and the transformation really is the ONLY path for us all to take now we can understand the human condition and like you say Jeremy has explained everything for us in the most beautiful detail - it’s all there ready for us all to break through all the 100 foot of reinforced concrete that has encased our minds and bodies with fear of the human condition for basically our whole lives. The great transformation really comes down to taking everything Jeremy explains literally, not sitting on it and intellectually going over and over it. If what has been explained is true WE ARE FREE!! Right now, today, every single element/detail/aspect to our lives is totally meaningless unless it directly helps bringing this information to the entire world. It really doesn’t matter how important we think aspects of our human condition afflicted lives are the whole freedom is being able to let all that go. As Jeremy explained in his magnificent ‘Shock of Change‘ book/video it seems like what I’m saying is outrageously hard teaching, but I absolutely promise you and the whole world the freedom and transformation from the old world to the new is leaving the old in past as fast as we can and really, really, night and day, minute by minute participating in THE ONLY worthwhile task in front of us. I know that it can seem impossible, but it truly is what is required to take up the freedom that is standing before us. The glory upon glory upon, freedom upon freedom, and excitement upon excitement is right here in our hands, and yes it will take great courage to be among the first, but the rewards are limitless. Take the happiest memory you have and times that feeling times a trillion and you still won’t be able to touch the joyful enthusiastic meaning of serving in the most critically important, world-saving, stopping all the suffering, mending all the hurt and ushering in the greatest age of unbreakably secure knowing of all time. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, we have everything we need, we just have to do it, and together and individually we really, really can!!!
John Biggs: Absolutely magnificent leadership Anthony! It’s just so true that this is the ONLY thing worth doing in the world! Let’s go !!
Karen: I second that John Biggs! Thanks so much to you both and all of the founding members for being the very first people to pioneer the Transformed State and lead us all forwards and show us what to do, the rising up of humans across the world is happening right here and now - and it’s totally inevitable that the whole world will join in with that!!😁 Anthony and all of you founding members are leading us right out of the “cesspit of poisonous spew and excrement” as Jeremy describes our old pre-understanding insecure egocentric life as in this essay - which always makes me smile because it’s so honest and true - and into the sunlit real world of love, understanding, security and togetherness, peace at last. Thank you so much, we’re all right behind you in the WTM Jeremy, Tony and the founding members with getting the World Transformation Movement moving - so yes let’s go!!! 🥳🥳🥳
Tony Gowing: You’re an absolute new world angel Karen. How lucky the world was when you turned up to help in our massive task to lead the world home, it’s been a joy to watch you work!
1 Jan. 2023 Facebook comment about the excitement of the New World that is coming:
How true is Brad Hill’s comment yesterday on the Group, that “the world will not be able to deny this for much longer”. Yes, this information is just so true, so extraordinary and so needed! Also, how appropriate was Anthony Cummins’s back-up reminder of Victor Hugo’s famous comment, that “An invasion of armies can be resisted but not an idea whose time has come.”
I also especially loved Brad’s post he made not long ago, “Now I understand why my eyes would fill with tears and yet I’d have the most extreme feelings of happiness, understanding and contentment. Quite surreal really.”
AND WHAT ABOUT THIS FOR AN IDEA, when we eventually get a tech multi-billionaire aware of this most needed of all breakthroughs we should get him to fund giant balloons as big as football stadiums that can float above every country in the world with Jeremy’s ‘the weights are going to come off’ vision that Lyn Collins quoted in her 40K members post a few days ago. I re-include it below. In fact, we should all put a big copy of it on the inside of the main door of our houses so we can see it every time we go out into the world to lift us into the ecstacy of the starry skies above us. I think it’s so beautiful, it’s kind of the Lord’s Prayer of our times.
‘Yeah, what’s coming is the most exciting time you could ever imagine, when this starts to catch on the biggest party you could ever dream of will begin, the weights are going to come off at last and people won’t be able to stop smiling and laughing and hugging each other, I can feel it coming, from moment to moment I can feel it, sometimes it’s so strong it almost stops me from breathing. Last night I didn’t get much sleep because I couldn’t stop listening to all our 50s and 60s music, and I could hear every word they were singing. This is Sam Cooke, “It’s been a long time coming but I know a change is going to come, Oh yes it will”.’
20 Dec. 2022 Facebook comment in response to post by Refentse Molosiwa (included below) about how unbelievably precious Jeremy Griffith is:
Refentse Molosiwa: Jeremy Griffith — the prophet of our time.
I just got home now from a night out with my friend, and while we were chilling and chatting, I asked him something, I asked him, ‘if you were alive during Jesus’ times, and you heard him say all the things he said in the Bible, how would you have responded? Would you have disregarded what he said, or would you have made an effort to understand him?’
He looked at me, and honestly said he doesn’t know. And my response was, ‘believe it or not, we’ve got a Jesus II, a Plato II and Darwin II alive right now, and it’s one man. He exists, and he has built on the foundation these three men I’ve just mentioned, laid out.’ And my fucking word — every time I look at the world through the understanding of the human condition, I’m always, always blown away! It’s stupendous! It’s mindblowing!
And the greatest part of it all is that we’re alive to witness it! We’re alive during this time. Just wrapping one’s mind around that takes effort, but once you do — your life is never the same.
I’m so glad this group exists, that I know there are people that understand this Truth, that I can communicate and that I can connect with them, and my word, the fact that we’re here, in this group...just imagine all the things humans have had to go through to be here, all the seemingly impossible mountains we’ve had to climb! 2 million years of profound suffering — simply so we can reach this point of understanding. I mean — that’s!
All I can say is — I appreciate and love you all, and I love the fact that we’ve come together for Truth! I consider you all my family. You’re literally the only people I can truly be honest with about this Knowledge, and that is so freeing.
This Knowledge, this Truth, it often makes me cry, sometimes tears of pain, but mostly tears of joy — because I realize that we’ve climbed the most fucking absolutely daunting and challenging mountain we’ve all ever come across: the mountain of self-understanding.
Let Freedom reign!
Tony Gowing: I’ve just been reading Refense’s post over and over and just love it so much, it’s just so wonderfully truthful and real and inspiring. We do have the son of god (the exceptionally uncorrupted expression of the integrative meaning of existence) living amongst us, the thought of that nearly rips my heart out of my chest, I’m so confronted by the unthinkable preciousness of you Jeremy. I am so confronted by just how unbelievably wonderful you are, how perfect a human you are, the preciousness of being able to be able to watch you live to show us what human life should really be like free of the human condition, and not to mention have given us the super incandescent highway to participate in getting there too is all too much. Every word you’ve ever written or spoken should be cast in stone and chiseled into the sides of great mountains so it will last forever and ever and we will never forget, and it will be the most sacred place on earth that will stand for all millenia to come because they are glorious upon glorious upon glorious. The horror of the human condition no matter what aspect of it you look at is too much to bear but all that leads me to is that the gloriousness of being able to leave it is unfathomable. Please lord, give us strength to love and appreciate and look after Jeremy Griffith and help him, you Jeremy save the world.
18 Dec. 2022 Facebook comment about how the removal of guilt is what allows the transformed state:
That quote is an awesome one Con. Understanding the human condition really is all about seeing this simple truth - “…it’s a defence of our upset state; it’s not adding to the criticism, it’s removing all the criticism.”
It’s in the defence of ourselves that all the human-condition-afflicted craziness plays out. All the lies, denial, egocentricity, anxiety, cruelty, uncaring etc ALL comes from an underlying, oftentimes almost unknown, pretty much indescribable feeling/gnawing/need/drive to behave in certain ways it’s like we’re on some kind of horrible autopilot that we don’t have the controls to and we need to simply work around these urges as best we can.
But once we understand and can allow ourselves to safely see and acknowledge that guilt is the great driver of all things in our lives and we understand and accept that we don’t have to feel guilt any more. That is the gateway to Freedom, to changing the direction of our entire lives, to being free of our burden, to lay it down, to remove the until now almost unseen autopilot driver in our lives. We can understand the horror and can allow ourselves to be completely loving and sympathetic of our historical predicament. We don’t have to hate or fight or be frustrated about or despise all the horror in the world, the horror and the perpetuation of it in ourselves can stop, the horrible autopilot can be switched off. We can take full control of our lives. It really really really is the most wonderful transformation.
But it all comes from the incredibly simple understanding that it’s a total, complete, entire defence that now allows truthful total understanding management of ourselves and complete removal of the guilt driver in our lives. What a wonderful transformation it is!
26 Nov. 2022 Facebook comment about the redeeming power of the Adam Stork story:
What a beautifully precious little video Norma, thank you so much for it I haven’t seen it before! Yes, schools are pretty much death camps for children under the current human condition afflicted world order. The wrongness of children being taught that we humans, which means they children, are pests destroying the planet could not be greater, but it really is a sign of the desperate times and situation that our species has found ourselves in living under the duress of the human condition. All the appearances are that we humans are a destructive blight on the planet, that we destroy pretty well everything we touch - we all have the propensity for murder, rape, torture, cruelty, apathy, egocentricity, delusion and on and on the list goes. But the appearances ARE WRONG and we can finally understand and explain ourselves! Like you say so beautifully Norma, Jeremy Griffith’s Adam Stork story turns this little story that you describe with your son which is a perfect microcosm for the full diabolical situation that the human condition has presented all humans for the last 2 million years, on its head. Jeremy’s Adam Stork explanation of the human condition explains how we can appear to be bad, but actually not just be good and worthwhile but the absolute heroes of life on earth. This little story turns everything around, everything. One minute, there is no way out, everything looks dire, we are so insecure and destructive and the next we have a great golden highway of unshakable, rational, logical, biological understanding that leads us out of horror and destruction. Every situation on earth, can be totally cleared up and understood - the fear, insecurity, desperation, delusion, egocentricity and dogma all now ends - the trouble all started when we developed our fully conscious thinking minds and we’ve never been able to understand and explain why, until now. THE answer is here the great unlocking of our minds is now on offer, we now just need to allow the logic of the understanding to give us enough courage to start and persevere with our journeys out of Plato’s cave of denial and into the beautiful freedom of the sunlit plain of truth about ourselves and bask in the freedom of understanding.
Our job, which this video is a magnificent example of is to tell the whole world just to watch/read/absorb Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition, and there isn’t a more magnificent or important presentation than Jeremy’s 1 hour THE Interview found at, Good Stuff Norma!! Let’s Go!!
26 Nov. 2022 Facebook comment about how understanding brings love to our ‘dark side’. (Tony’s comment was in response to a poem titled ‘Monsters’ – “The monsters were never under my bed. Because the monsters were inside my head. I fear no monsters, for no monsters I see. Because all this time the monster has been me.”):
What a cracking quote Colleen! The great difficulty of breaking free of the human condition is our denial of it, the best we could achieve/cope-with before Jeremy solved the human condition was to allow beautiful little packages of truth to exist reminding us of our real plight, pointing us back to the human condition, that it was always the monster inside of us that we needed to defeat, not the one/ones that we projected onto the world around us. That is the great realisation that we all need to discover, that the monster inside of us can now be defeated with understanding and compassion, we are angels that have been forced to behave monstrously like devils - but we are actually the victims - and part of our victimisation has been that we’ve had to become the perpetrators. But with the 100% compassionate understanding of the human condition now in our hands, we can easily and totally securely admit to having to suffer becoming monsters and end all our monstrous/human-condition-afflicted behaviour now that we can understand it’s source. It’s over! Let’s get the fuck out of here!!
26 Nov. 2022 Facebook comment about how momentum makes it easier for everyone to take up the Transformed Way of Living:
What a cracking review Beth thank you so much for sharing! Yes as each new courageous human such as yourself and each of the world-saving supporters of the understandings in FREEDOM come forward and tells the truth about just how precious they are, the more obvious and easy it will be for others to follow. Let’s Go!
16 Oct. 2022 Facebook comment about how to bring about the transformed state. (In his comment Tony refers to the following paragraph in Video/F. Essay 33 ‘How to become Transformed’: “It’s like you’re saying to your resigned competitive self, ‘Go for it, go for it! Get as many victories as you can, I’m barracking for you! [referring to the drawings on the left-hand side of the hill] Look, there’s a big stand of bamboo, go and cut some and make some good spears! Here’s a machete to sharpen them so you can make lots of spears to stab your enemies with and get lots of wins! Look, there’s a big rock over there, take your war elephants over there and sharpen their tusks on the rocks so they can spear people with them. Go for it! I’m all for it, go for your life!’ Far from trying to stop it you say, ‘I’ll even go up the side of the hill here and barrack for you, I hope you get a lot of successes.’ But then you say, ‘Look, I just need to go and get a drink of water and there’s a spring over on the other side of this ridge. I’ll just duck over there but I’ll be back, don’t worry, I’ll be back in a minute to keep barracking for you but I’m just going to duck over here.’ And you go over the ridge AND YOU NEVER COME BACK! And you’re in this totally free state, which is the Transformed State where you’re living for this and in support of this and it’s a wonderfully free state. But you haven’t resolved that battle, you’ve just left it. That’s an incredibly important point.”:
You are so right Fritz! If you allow your mind to simply hear, and follow the logic it all just clicks. This paragraph that you’ve described and is included in Nikoletta’s comment is one of the key unlocking points in all our lives now we can understand the human condition. Honestly, what you’ve described is exactly how it works, just stop second-guessing everything, just read and try to take in exactly what Jeremy has written as cleanly and simply as you possibly can. FREEDOM Awaits! You can either wait for others to discover it and try to tell you about it, or just go and read it, absorb, find, and experience it for yourself right now. Absolutely brilliant stuff!
29 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about stopping all the internal struggle and just living in support of the truth of the explanation of the human condition:
Another awesome post Emily, I love getting on here and seeing another post from you, they are fantastic. Like you say, now that we understand the human condition, we’re not on the outer anymore, we can come back into the fold with all of existence, our horrible, horrible task has been to live in a state of perpetual war with ourselves. And the harder we tried to beat the wrap and prove our worth the worse we made things, the more destruction we caused, the more dishonest we became and so on and so on, but with understanding of the human condition, we’ve not only been given a get out jail free card, the perfect, rock-solid, we’ve done nothing wrong, it’s had to be like this, it was totally unavoidable liberating defence for all the horror and mishap that we’ve both caused and had to endure. But the real joy, is that we don’t just stop being tossed around on the sea, in the dark night, fighting for our lives and trying desperately to hold on to sanity and morality with our fingertips, no, we can honestly now be part of the sea, be at one with it, finally with understanding, we can have 100% confidence in how all the different currents work, instead of constantly pulling against the current we can run with every ebb and flow, and the sea will throw its arms open and welcome us to, finally we will be totally natural in any surrounding, totally comfortable, completely welcomed, just another set of molecules and cells that is fitting into the bigger picture of integration in the universe. The situation for us humans now is the total opposite of every single situation we have experienced thus far in our lives, a joy and warm and happiness without limit is in store for us humans, the sea is now our undying friend, it will happily embrace us, it will wrap us up in a massive welcoming hug and cheer us on on our home coming stretch.
The imagery makes me think Bob Dylan’s 1964 When The Ship Comes In (
‘Oh the time will come up when the winds let up and the breeze will cease to be breathing / Like the stillness in the wind before the hurricane begins / The hour that the ship comes in [when the liberating but also confronting truth about humans arrives] / And the sea will split and the ships will hit / And the sands on the shoreline will be shaking / And the tide will sound and the waves will pound / And the morning will be a-breaking // The fishes will laugh as they swim out of the path / And the seagulls they’ll be a-smiling / And the rocks on the sand will proudly stand [nature is going to be immensely relieved by the arrival of the peace-bringing reconciling understanding for humans] / The hour that the ship comes in // And the words that are used for to get the ship confused / Will not be understood as they’re spoken [the denials will be seen through] / Or the chains [holding the truth back] of the sea will have busted in the night and be buried on the bottom of the ocean [the denial will try to reimpose itself but it won’t be allowed to succeed] // …Oh the foes will rise with the sleep still in their eyes / And they’ll jerk from their beds and think they’re dreaming / But they’ll pinch themselves and squeal and they’ll know that it’s for real / The hour that the ship comes in / And they’ll raise their hands saying “we’ll meet all your demands” / But we’ll shout from the bow “your days are numbered” / And like the Pharaoh’s tribe they’ll be drowned in the tide / And like Goliath they’ll be conquered.’
All we have to do to see this wonder of wonders come to pass is to help bring understanding of the human condition to the rest of the world, to live in support of this great truth — ALL we have to do is crawl out of our chrysalis’ and join the party that we all deserve no matter who we are or what we’ve done or where we come from, if we are human, we are so fucking amazing for enduring the unendurable — lets go, let’s let go of all our historically but no longer needed egocentricity and defensiveness and insecurity and take up the gift of all gifts that Jeremy Griffith has given us. WooHOO!!!
25 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about the excitement of the New World:
Thanks Fiona! I just love these words, so exciting: “Love has come to the world in its absolute purest form, namely as relieving understanding. We humans are free now of the agony of the human condition. Everyone in every situation and predicament can now rise up as radiant new beings from their corpse-like state. A great rising up of humans will now occur across the world. Everyone is now able to come back to life—to wake up from a human-condition-afflicted torpor and look outwards and see each other and the world for the first time, and move across and help each other, and do anything and everything that needs doing to end the suffering and pain that plagues this planet.” Let’s Go!!
24 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about the significance of Jeremy’s breakthrough:
I don’t think it will be physically or mentally possible to come to terms with the magnitude of what has come to pass with Jeremy Griffith writing and publishing FREEDOM for a thousand years and they may still be struggling. It’s simply too big and too good, what the combined effort of every human that has ever lived has pulled off is boundless. The toll it has taken is ginormous, but WE ARE HOME! Finally, we can KNOW OURSELVES for the first time, we can love ourselves, we can allow ourselves to feel and experience the full wonder of everything that the world has to offer, the new human-condition-free world cannot come soon enough let’s get the fuck out of here!!!
24 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about the value of re-watching THE Interview:
Kittie I absolutely guarantee you won’t be disappointed. I have no idea where you are up to but everything you need is in THE Interview. It can just take a little time for each of the pieces of logic to fit together but keep trying, I’ve listened/read/watched more times than I can count but each time my understanding deepens and my mind clears a bit more. Understanding the human condition is the greatest journey and awakening you can possibly imagine
24 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about the power of the Adam Stork story:
I agree Gerry, I just love Jeremy’s drawings! To me the point of the one you have chosen is to give us a picture of what ideally would have happened 2 million years ago when we developed our fully conscious thinking mind — as it says in Freedom Essay 3 where this image appears:
“Ideally at this point, Adam’s conscious mind would sit down and explain to his instincts why he’s defying them. He would explain that the gene-based, natural selection process only gives species instinctive orientations to the world, whereas his nerve-based, conscious mind, which is able to make sense of cause and effect, needs understanding of the world to operate.”
The problem was that this conversation could not and did not take place at that time when humans first developed their fully conscious thinking brains, because at this time 2 million years ago — “Adam doesn’t have this self-understanding. He’s only just begun his search for knowledge. In fact, he’s not even aware of what the problem actually is.”
So to me the absolute magnificence of this drawing by Jeremy is the faces of the two storks — the fully conscious thinking stork is so obviously fully conscious, has free-will, is totally aware and is beginning to excitedly experiment with his surroundings and beginning to learn about how the world works etc etc. But the face of the stork without the fully conscious thinking brain is so obviously not capable of understanding, it isn’t fully conscious, can’t empathise, sympathise or help fully conscious Adams predicament.
“his instinctive orientations to the migratory flight path were acquired over thousands of generations of natural selection, but those orientations are not understandings.”
Basically, these two storks representing the 2 different learning systems within us have been at war for the last 2 million years and they both reside in us humans, and if you want to know where all the problems on earth come from, you can look into this image and see the true natures of both of these elements inside us. And that is the absolute magnificence of this picture in my estimation, because not only is Jeremy giving us the explanation of the human condition in words, but with these pictures and particularly in the faces of these two Storks show us with the most sensitive crystal clear imagery the origins of the whole historic genesis of the human condition and why this battle was inevitable and unavoidable. Just in this one little image basically the whole human condition can unravel just with what Jeremy has drawn in these 2 faces. In truth this one drawing, Jeremy has managed to bring more clarity to the human species than all the rest of the artists in history combined. And I honestly don’t think that is an exaggeration!!
I don’t think I can possibly have a favourite picture of Jeremy’s but I do love the attached cartoon from the great cartoonist Leunig that Jeremy has completed.
24 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about people’s selfless contribution to transforming the world:
I agree with all the comments above Charles the amount of sustenance that I have got from seeing you quietly and happily translating all of Jeremy’s word-saving work into French is endless. The new human-condition-free world is going to be built on the shoulders of selfless generosity of its supporters in the sunshine army. To open the whole of the French speaking world to these understandings is simply magnificent. You are certainly a wonderful, wonderful new world legend. Thank you so much for posting this!!
24 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about the size of the task ahead of us, but how rewarding it is to live in service to it:
I agree Nick, that quote de Chardin [The truth has to only appear once….for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze] onto to teamed up with those paragraphs Transform Your Life from Jeremy are simply magnificent [see Part 3 of TYL]. It might just be me being impatient and patience is a quality that the deaf-effect (you can listen/read about that here: has made mandatory for all of us supporters of Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition, but whenever I hear that quote from de Chardin I feel like it needs to be followed by some of these quotes that talk about the necessity for courage, persistence and generosity of the human advocates of any new idea trying to make its way into the mainstream. And in this case in particular, the monumental task of liberating the whole of humanity from their deeply entrenched position in Plato’s Cave of denial and alienation certainly needs all the love and help that we can muster. I love this paragraph from FAQ 6.8 because the size and enormity of our challenge cannot be underestimated and we need every single human on earth who knows how important these understandings are to come forward and help us end all the unfathomable suffering and destruction that the human condition is perpetuating on us all that in truth now no longer needs to.
“As Jeremy Griffith says throughout his writing, “All of the giant strides in humanity’s journey of demystification — our species’ conscious thinking self’s responsibility to replace mystery, superstition and dogma with knowledge — met so much resistance that in each instance the insights were lucky to survive. Science historian Thomas Kuhn emphasised this point about there being no guarantee new ideas in science will survive prejudice, when he wrote, ‘In science...ideas do not change simply because new facts win out over outmoded ones...Since the facts can’t speak for themselves, it is their human advocates who win or lose the day’ Similarly, in his essay On Liberty—a document recognised as one of the philosophical pillars of western civilisation—John Stuart Mill emphasised the extreme danger of oppression of thought, saying, ‘the dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution is one of those pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces, but which all experience refutes. History teems with instances of truth put down by persecution. If not suppressed for ever, it may be thrown back for centuries.’”
To me the thought of being a member of the great liberating army that will sweep the world with understanding of the human condition, i.e. love/truth/understanding/compassion/freedom is the greatest and most wonderful and meaningful and in truth now is actually plain and simply THE ONLY way to live your life. What joy! Let’s Go!!
24 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about the power of music to capture the excitement of humanity’s liberation from the human condition:
I agree Dougie LOVE/TRUTH Rescue Me!! One of the only things that we’ve had to help us on our march into hell for the heavenly cause of solving the human condition and finding understanding of ourselves has been music. Imagine the world without the honesty that is contained in the lyrics — poetry and music has been one of the only places to speak and hear truth, our lives have been a so devoid of it. But the also the truth in the melodies of the songs, there has been a melody written that seems to perfectly sum up any and all of our crazy human-condition afflicted feelings, and the empathy that we could find in those movements was so precious. But what I think I loved most about music is the music that is just all out exciting, that is looking forward to the time when the human condition would be solved and the party that we will have when we have a critical mass of support for these understandings and Freedom will flow throughout our whole bodies and minds and joy will ring from horizon to horizon. I’m thinking about a song like ‘Start me up’ by the Rolling stones’ or ‘Twist and Shout’ by the Beatles. Let’s Rock!
18 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about how understanding the human condition allows us to finally understand all our feelings:
Another awesome video Sam! and I so agree having understanding now gives us the ability to fully understand all our weird and wonderful ‘feelings’. As a sufferer of the human condition, I know I was a complete and utter victim of all the strong feelings that come to us in all different shapes and sizes and for a smorgasbord of reasons the only thing they seem to really have in common is that we don’t really ever understand them and certainly can’t place them in the bigger picture of our lives, know where they come from or what they are really saying, what is their meaning, are they important, should we be following them, basically, how are we to understand what we are feeling, why is something beautiful, or sad or scary, or lonely or beautiful. Why do I suddenly feel so unbelievably furious sometimes, why can such simple things make me feel so much, What is strength, why is it important, what is empathy and what does it feel like, how SHOULD I feel etc etc etc, so many feelings coming at us from all directions, and like you are saying Sam, under the duress of the human condition there is no explanation of any of them, and in fact we have basically all had to resign ourselves to the fact they will be unanswerable in our life time, to push our feelings down, totally avoid them at all costs and then fake/guess/superimpose feelings that we think are appropriate in any situation we are facing because it simply isn’t safe enough to let any sort of our ‘natural’ feelings out.
As sufferers of the human condition, we simply have no idea at all about who we are and why we are the way we are, and like you say so beautifully Sam, this all changes now, all our thoughts and feelings can coexist happily inside ourselves now, we can understand our feelings, we can know where they come from, which ones are important and why, we don’t have to be scared or upset or bewildered by strong feelings anymore, we can follow them safely all the way to any dark chamber inside ourselves that we have locked off, or have been afraid of, finally our lives can be understood fully, in the full sunlight of knowledge and security of understanding the human condition, which grows our lives immeasurably and grows what we can think about and how much we can allow ourselves to know ourselves and experience the full array of real emotions. It truly is the most amazing situation to find ourselves in, to have full understanding of the world and everything in it, we really are able to be transformed in to ‘God-like-all-knowing’ beings with understanding of the human condition, because the world and all its mysteries that have troubled us and scared us are all now stripped away, we are just too, too, too lucky for words to have this gift in front of us now.
And while we’re talking about Billy Joel I just have to add the lyrics to ‘The River of Dreams’ I know Jeremy quotes them in FREEDOM, but these are just magnificent too:
“In the middle of the night / I go walking in my sleep / From the mountains of faith / To the river so deep / I must be looking for something / Something sacred I lost / But the river is wide / And it’s too hard to cross
Even though I know the river is wide / I walk down every evening and I stand on the shore / I try to cross to the opposite side / So I can finally find out what I’ve been looking for
In the middle of the night / I go walking in my sleep / Through the valley of fear / To a river so deep / I’ve been searching for something / Taken out of my soul / Something I’d never lose / Something somebody stole
I don’t know why I go walking at night / But now I’m tired and I don’t want to walk anymore / I hope it doesn’t take the rest of my life / Until I find what it is that I’ve been looking for
In the middle of the night / I go walking in my sleep / Through the jungle of doubt / To a river so deep / I know I’m searching for something / Something so undefined / That it can only be seen / By the eyes of the blind / In the middle of the night
I’m not sure about a life after this / God knows I’ve never been a spiritual man / Baptized by the fire, I wade into the river / That runs to the promised land
In the middle of the night / I go walking in my sleep / Through the desert of truth / To the river so deep / We all end in the ocean / We all start in the streams / We’re all carried along / By the river of dreams
In the middle of the night…”
4 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment reinforcing someone describing the significance of Jeremy’s work:
That is absolutely drop dead brilliant Lachlan!! Now that is a genuine affirmation that pitches and describes Jeremy’s work exactly as it should be described. I love you so much for telling the world so truthfully and genuinely just how good understanding the human condition is and how important it is. Good stuff!!
1 Sep. 2022 Facebook comment about the difference between loving the understanding of the human condition, and living for it:
Awesome post Roz! I was watching you talking to Jeremy the other day in Freedom Essay 36 and just now thinking about your beaming smile and unstoppable excitement and joy in that video when you talk about understanding the human condition is an incredible sight to see!
I just wanted to add here that understanding the human condition is one thing, and absolutely no argument from me that it is the most magnificent, exciting, gloriously fulfilling, meaningful and relieving discovery to ever make, but the key and really only rational step to take after understanding the human condition is to use it to transform the world. It is such an important point that you make about just hiding out in a positive mental attitude, and after understanding the human condition, we can all make the same mistake of using it to help build an even better positive mental attitude and use the parts of the information that make us feel good/better about the world around us, to just adjust our denial-ridden, human-condition-afflicted positive mental attitude to encompass the understanding of the human condition. We can start to go on a loop of, look at all the upset in the world, that’s all horrible and destructive, but I understand it now, I understand that it was necessary, and there is a path for it now to end, and I’m not bad because of any problems that I have in my life and everybody else isn’t bad because of their upset and so on, the problem isn’t me, I just need to wait for everybody else to catch on and clean up their acts — it can just become a love-in on our upset without any transformation.
Yes, it is so wonderful to be able to understand the human condition, to understand everything on earth, and to be able to defend our upset and joyously discover all the beauty and wonder in the world that we have had to deny, ignore and block-out under the duress of the human condition, BUT, if we don’t take up the transformation on offer, then we are really not using the explanation of the human condition for what it is truly needed for. The transition/transformation that now needs to take place on earth with understanding of the human condition is to transform from selfish, destructive, insecure, needy, terrified individuals to unconditional servants of the human race and the rest of life on earth. We owe it to every human that has ever lived before us, who has lived and played their part in gathering knowledge and lived through our human-condition-afflicted hellish journey with no hope of living in a time when it was solved, but they did it anyway, and we owe it to all the other humans on earth who aren’t as fortunate as us in our circumstances and have been able to hear and know of the all the wonder that is on offer for the world now.
In truth, the freedom, excitement, joy, and much greater ability to see and understand the world is only once we have let go fully of our (until now totally necessary) denial-ridden historic, resigned, ‘positive mental attitudes’ in favour of the Transformed state that Jeremy fully describes in chapter 9 of FREEDOM. The ability to understand the human condition, to know what went wrong, to be able to finally acknowledge all the horror and suffering and upset on earth safely and 100% securely is so unbelievably miraculous and unbelievably relieving, and to be able to acknowledge that integration is the meaning of existence in the universe is incredibly soothing to our minds and souls, but beginning to participate in it and starting to serve the explanation that humanity has fought and fought and fought for, for 2 million years and provides the only path forward if there is to be a future for the human race is the what it is all about, that transformation of ourselves and every single human is what is on offer now and there is nothing stopping us from taking that up — if you think understanding the human condition is good, well you ain’t seen nothing yet!!!
Anyway, please don’t anyone take any of that as criticism, or me trying to downplay how magnificent and important understanding of the human condition is, it is obviously the foundation upon what any transformation can be made and understanding the human condition and coming to terms with it, and lining all the logic up in our brains to be able to make the transformation is all a process that everybody needs to be incredibly patient with (see Jeremy’s awesome Shock of Change book/video on this subject), and this is a beautifully honest post that is all absolutely wonderful, but I just wanted to add that a critical mass of truly transformed humans is what is truly needed for the world to be set free from the human condition and all the suffering on earth to end.
25 Aug. 2022 Facebook comment about the immediate freedom that the Transformed State allows us all:
Hi Paul, you post reminds me of the lyrics to “I am a rock” By Simon and Garfunkel:
A winter’s day / In a deep and dark December / I am alone / Gazing from my window to the streets below / On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow
I am a rock I am an Island / I’ve built walls / A fortress deep and mighty / That none may penetrate
I have no need of friendship friendship causes pains / It’s laughter and it’s loving I disdain / I am a rock I am an Island
Don’t talk of love / Well I’ve heard the word before / It’s sleeping in my memory / I won’t disturb the slumber of feelings that have died / If I never loved I never would have cried
I am a rock I am an Island / I have my books / And my poetry to protect me / I am shielded in my armor / Hiding in my room safe within my womb / I touch no one and no one touches me
I am a rock I am an Island / And a rock feels no pain / And an Island never cries
Finally, we can let our guards down, open the drawbridges to our fortresses and run out into the open sun-filled world! We don’t have live as islands anymore as prisoners in our own minds with our own thoughts, fighting and defending off all the criticism and the fear and self-loathing that the human condition has inflicted on us. We can all come out and not only be friends, but we can dance in streets, we can joyously celebrate the wonderful impasse that the human species have together managed to heroically bring to pass. It is up to us as the conduit generation to actually live the freedom that has been put in front of us, to join the line of the unstoppable and endlessly growing sunshine army, and lift our voices with the chorus of our freedom and the understanding that we now have! We are marvellous heroes who have completed the most horrific task imaginable, we have grown up in world that has given us so little of the love that every fibre of our being has dreamed and hoped and prayed for that we have known that it is how the world should be, but we have continued on, we have played our part as every human that has ever lived has. But the glory, the happiness, the joy, the security, the love and meaning that is available on earth now, IS HERE RIGHT NOW, we just have to take it up, we just have to start to live it, and the more we each live it and talk about it and describe it and feel it growing in our hearts and minds and whole bodies, the faster it will spread right across the world. THIS IS IT, the war of wars, that we have had to wage with ignorance is over, we have the holy grail, this is the second coming, honestly as more and more people understand the human condition the enthusiasm and love for ourselves and each other will be simply unstoppable, so lets rock and roll, skip, dance, jive twirl and jump, all we have to do to feel this excitement is allow ourselves to see and feel and know the reality of what is written in FREEDOM. What is coming and what we are part of is just so, so wonderful it is simply indescribable. And I absolutely positively agree with you, I just love every single person on earth for staying on their feet and helping humanity get to this point, but what I feel about each new person who takes up the task of helping bring about this almost unfathomably wonderful transformation of the world to fruition is simply limitless.
25 Aug. 2022 Facebook comment on how FREEDOM just brings relief from all the confusion:
Hi Michelle! Yes I so agree, the rational, logical down-to-earth and in reality simple truth in FREEDOM that clears up all the crazy and insecure mystic, bullshit that’s being sprouted everywhere else on earth brings us so much marvellous, glorious, bone-draining relief. Honestly I’m mesmerised by the image you have added to this post, I have seen the cover of FREEDOM everyday since it was created by Jeremy, but your image of it really shows up the utter magnificence of that cover! We truly are FREE! Let’s go!!
25 Aug. 2022 Facebook comment about Resignation and the precious truth that artists let out about the human condition:
Thanks so very much for this post Tess, I remember when I was resigning over a 2.5 year period, this painting [Munch’s The Scream] brought me so much relief it’s hard to describe, I had no idea, what to think, how to think, that I needed to think about, I just knew that I was deeply, deeply sad and unbelievably distressed about who I was and how to live in the world and what to do and how to behave etc etc. Out of that whole time and all the unbelievably horrible feelings that come with resignation this picture has always stayed with me and given me so much relief, I didn’t ever know why, I just thought I liked it for some reason. But now with Jeremy’s work I know why it helped me so much, it just gave me some truth about the situation on earth, when we all grew up in a place almost totally devoid of truth. It just shows how helpful and important and courageous it was for these great artists to do what they have done for humanity, to give us some truth and just a bit of help and acknowledgement that we all knew the human condition existed, we were just all (well, thankfully not all) in the same boat that we couldn’t confront it and solve it ourselves and had to wait for someone who was fortunate enough to have a nurtured enough childhood, who could stay alive inside and solve the human condition - as Jeremy Griffith has done for us.
25 Aug. 2022 Facebook comment about the truth and soundness in FREEDOM, and how the base of support will only continue to grow:
He certainly has Elizabeth. Well said!! I couldn’t agree more, and thank you so much for saying so. As more and more of us come across FREEDOM and realise it’s extraordinary power to explain the deepest depths of ourselves and the world around us, and end all the suffering, the depth scale and extraordinariness of what Jeremy has presented will only grow. What we are all part of here in this group is a growing island of sanity and rational understanding of ourselves and the world, in the sea of madness that is growing crazier every day all around us. We are the lucky ones to have found this explanation early on and been able to access it’s extraordinary gift, but it is up to us now to help everyone else hear about this most precious of scientific breakthroughs. I wish you all the best of luck in the world as you progress your journey in to understanding the human condition and finding more and more freedom.
14 Aug. 2022 Facebook comment about the truth and soundness in FREEDOM, and how the base of support will only continue to grow:
I absolutely agree Ari Akri if you want a real honest fair dinkum example of a real man describing the real journey for men on this earth this truly is the video to go to. James describes absolutely beautifully and shows the key transition that takes the most ferocious and destructive force every known on this planet – ie our male egocentric, never back down, don’t mess with me, I will prove I’m good and not bad and will raze everything to the ground if I have to to prove I’m right – and uses the explanation of the human condition to end the battle that we men have unbelievably courageously and world-savingly had to wage with ignorance in the great battle to find understanding of ourselves. We have all had to ‘march into hell for a heavenly cause’ but it’s now over, that is what is before us all as James so beautifully, beautifully describes, we can put down the sword of battle that we had to take up while the human condition raged and come home, and love ourselves, and heal our wounds and live inline, and amongst all the beauty and integration on earth now, we don’t have to attack it and defy it and courageously be the outcasts anymore. What could possibly be more joyful than where we are right now on this planet with understanding of the human condition: As the words of Beethoven’s famous Ninth Symphony anticipated about the effects of the arrival of the reconciling understanding of the human condition, ‘Joy!’, ‘Joyful, as a hero to victory!’, ‘Join in our jubilation!’, ‘We enter, drunk with fire, into your [human-condition-understood] sanctuary…Your magic reunites…All men become brothers…All good, all bad…Be embraced, millions! This kiss [of understanding] for the whole world!’ (see par. 1049 of FREEDOM)
10 Aug. 2022 Facebook comment about how life under the duress of the human condition is all about insecurity:
Hi Ben, Susan’s answer above is a knock-out so, that’s going to give you the best help, but just from my experience with the human condition, the key thing that you begin to find out is just how insecure we all are. In fact that is the whole crux issue in ourselves, just how diabolically insecure we are after suffering the human condition. At it’s core the human condition is the suicidal depression that comes on from being unable to explain and defend our deep, deep all engrossing insecurity about the possibility that we are blights on the planet. So under all our smiles and egocentric posturing, and putting on a brave face, and all the other magnificently heroic, but destructive upset behaviour that we carry out to cover up our immense insecurity, we find a brutalised person, who has simply had to do whatever they can to fight against all the implications that we are evil/bad/terrible/unworthy beings. As Carl Jung said, ‘Wholeness for humans depends on owning our own shadow’ ie, get rid our our deep dark endless insecurity about our self worth.
But, with understanding of the human condition now found, the insecurity can be removed from our lives. We now can now understand why we are the way we are, why the world is like it is, why we care so much about what everyone thinks of us, and why it is so damn hurtful when others around us treat us in a non-empathetic, dismissive, uncaring, even with brutality, cruelty and meanness. What we find out is that we, and everyone around us are deeply affected by the human condition and have had no choice but to take up whatever means were available to us to try to cope with the human condition, and essentially the more pain, suffering and cruelty the human condition caused in our lives as we each grew up, we in turn live out our own version of that upset/hurt/human-condition-afflicted behaviour on the rest of the world around us.
The more we take in the understanding of the human condition the more we see how everything is actually as it should be and with this understanding we can start to feel totally secure about the whole horrific situation that exists in all our lives and not insecure, bewildered and anxious. We can truly know that we really are wonderful, genuinely heroic legends who can now use this understanding of ourselves to begin to heal the world. To take all the insecurity out of the world for every single human, and the more insecurity we take out of the world, the more upset, mean, dismissive etc behaviour that it has been driven by the insecurity will disappear too. Being secure of self is the most wonderful relief, and starting to participate in a project to bring understanding of the human condition to the entire world is actually the most meaningful and satisfying task to be part of imaginable.
So in the end, yes, everywhere we go now in the human condition afflicted world we are going to find people who don’t treat us as we expect or ‘should’ be treated, with kindness and empathy and openness, but that is because the human condition is everywhere and in everyone, the only people we can change initially are ourselves and the more secure and upright we become through using this understanding in our own lives the more others will see just what an island of sanity the WTM is and all the people who understand the human condition are. We can now radiate secure assuredness about every single situation on earth because we have the answer that allows us to solve any and every problem on earth, we just have to allow ourselves to access it and use it. And as more and more people come to know this same truth about our species freedom from the human condition after 2 million years, they will be begging us to find out what it is that is make us so excited, happy and secure.
2 Aug. 2022 Facebook comment about working through the Deaf Effect:
Awesome post Lachlan! You are an absolute legend for sharing all that! As de Chardin said ‘The truth only has to appear once to set everything ablaze’, but with the greatest, most scary, take-us-back-to-our-greatest-fear (but completely compassionately and safely) truth ever known it just takes some time. We all know as soon as we hear Jeremy Griffith’s work that it is true, we (most of us anyway) just have an incredibly habituated (and up until now) necessary response to it that we can’t cope with it so it does take some time and side doors and procrastination before we finally allow ourselves to hear and accept what is being said. As my favourite words about the Deaf Effect from Jeremy say,
“what happens with perseverance is that gradually the resigned mind realises that what is being presented is not condemning but compassionate”
Yes, what we find is that we can now face the fear, we can now accept ourselves and who we are and what we’ve done, we are absolute legendary heroes, we have all fought and fought and fought and now the fight is over, we are free, we are good and everything is as it should be, all we have to do is follow the path Jeremy has laid out for us and we have all contributed to and it will all be over, the suffering stops and love and integration reigns!!
1 Aug. 2022 Facebook comment about working through the Deaf Effect:
I’m late to the party here Karen, but I certainly agree that this is one absolutely magnificent post! Thank you so much for giving us all this wonderful wisdom! Like you say everything and anything we can think of on earth now always comes back to us all taking up the Transformed way of living. It, and only it can allow us to be honest about our completely messed-up human condition afflicted states but at the same time relieve/redeem/end all our insecurity and preoccupation with them. Without the colossal, endless, towering, mind-numbing, energy-sapping, selfishness-inducing preoccupation with ourselves and our guilt and need to reinforce ourselves, we can see the REAL, human condition free world all around us, and better still, we can participate in it and live in it and think about it and help to bring it about every minute, ever second of everyday. Being a force for knowing integration, love, happiness, togetherness – there is nothing more nurturing, more joyful or just plain and simply wonderful for our souls be they old or young. Let’s Go!
29 July 2022 Facebook comment about new world leadership:
Good on you Chris, you have been such a wonderful and important leader in our mission to saving the human race, what you are doing and we are all doing is just precious beyond words. As more and more compassionate truth is spoken like this wonderfully honest post, and the fear and denial subsides, the more beauty, love and freedom we will see and feel all around us, let’s go!!
29 July 2022 Facebook comment providing steps of honesty about our situation:
Hi Joanna, I know you’re really after some steps, so I’ve tried to come up with some very rough ones that I very truly hope can help you.
Step1: to begin understanding the human condition there are 3 basic truths that you need to understand properly and by properly, I mean absorb them past our human condition afflicted defensive denial barrier, which is the difficult bit.
Truth 1: Prior to the human condition breaking out, our species’ original instinctive orientation was to living in a psychosis-free, peaceful and harmonious state of cooperation, love and selflessness.
Truth 2: the development of a newly acquired conscious mind caused the human condition - a fully conscious thinking brain needs to understand and it clashed with our already 12 million year firmly entrenched (unconscious) cooperative instincts.
Truth 3: this clash lead to us becoming psychologically upset - we are living in a completely psychotic and neurotic state of upset - right now, you and I and every one on this earth is living in this state, as RD Laing said ‘We are dead, but think we are alive. We are asleep, but think we are awake. We are dreaming, but take our dreams to be reality. We are the halt, lame, blind, deaf, the sick. But we are doubly unconscious. We are so ill that we no longer feel ill, as in many terminal illnesses. We are mad, but have no insight [into the fact of our madness]’ (Self and Others, 1961, p.38 of 192). See here for more on 3 fundamental truths:
Step 2: You have to begin to understand just how much guilt we live with under the surface of our protective denial and civilised facades - if we had/ have a conscience/instinctive programming to unconditional selflessness, not just being nice when feel like it or have the energy, but a pure love that is so connected to others around us and nature that we wouldn’t have to speak with one another we are so sensitive, and not just other humans but all animals and trees and even other objects like rocks, we would have been able to completely put ourselves in all of these positions and have truly known what it felt like to be each. And we would have loved all of the matter on earth, completely unconditionally and be connected to it , completely at one with it.
Now imagine what it felt like when suddenly we had a fully conscious thinking mind come along and it driving us to understand everything, we didn’t have a choice, we just had to start experimenting and that meant we had to divert from our “perfect”, completely inline and in tune with all matter and each other on earth. And not just divert a little way for a few days, our conscious thinking brains couldn’t be turned off we had to keep experimenting and learning, and the more we experimented the further we diverted from our instinctive path and the more upset we became, and the more upset we became the more angry and guilty we became and so on and so on. Every generation the upset ramping up and up and up and up and up.
All of a sudden we are not just feeling a bit off, we are tyrannically, uncontrollably angry and we are killing every animal we can get our hands on, burning down forests, building city’s with ever more massive monuments to our cleverness, unable to properly nurture our children, all the while warring and murdering and raping, perpetuating all of the horror under the sun. These murderous feelings are still with us all contained as best we can by an endlessly practiced facade of alienated, civilised, self restraint.
So inside us we have the most magical instincts to love unconditionally, but we look around when we are still truthful when we are young and see that we are diabolically messed up angry mentally ill people who have destroyed paradise and we’ve never been able to explain why. The guilt is so, so, so, so, so great in each and every one of us, you could live a hundred life times and still not be able to fathom the guilt we individually and collectively feel for the horror we have inflicted on this world. And really our only defence up until now is to block it out and not think about it.
Step 3: that guilt exists in you and you need to experience it. I’m not telling you to give yourself a hiding with it, you can only acknowledge its existence armed with this compassionate understanding of the human condition - without it no one can go near it not in a million years it is too condemning, to scary, to horrific. But when armed with compassionate understanding and you allow yourself to go into your feelings, all of a sudden you will see that the problem is not ‘out there’ with other people or society in general, yes all the symptoms are easier to see out there safely away from yourself, but the problem is in you, the problem is in all of us, it is the guilt within us that is driving our madness and it is our madness that is killing the world, it is the madness inside us that makes men psychotically egocentrically destructive, and that makes women completely neurotic, up tight messes, we can’t think or behave or explain or live or be compassionate or know right from wrong we are totally untethered grappling around in a guilt induced fog.
Step 4: yes all of that is true - but finally it is safe to talk about that situation, see that it’s not our fault in the slightest, we have had to become this messed up there was no other way. But thank goodness finally we all can feel relief, yes finally I can let go of the guilt in me, see just how wound up I have been from it, how much it has been running and ruining my life, but I can see that it is ruining everyone’s lives and has been for 2 million years, but now it can end!! We are free from guilt so we are free from all the anger and fear and denial, jealousy, selfishness etc etc that the underlying guilt was driving.
Step 5: do whatever it takes to get this information to everyone on earth and specifically a whole generation of children so they don’t have to grow up and suffer as we have. This job, particularly in these early stages is incredibly difficult, it is selling an answer to people that are so utterly terrified, so completely sealed off from even the problem (the human condition) that getting to the solution can be almost impossible - humans have been perfecting the art of denying and sealing themselves off from the human condition for all their lives individually and 2 million years collectively, it truly is a task similar to turning the Amazon river around in its bed. But it is the only way to save ourselves do we have to try with all our might!
Step 6: at some point though, you need to put yourself on the spot - do I want to keep denying the problem in myself and hiding away from it because it’s just too confronting and scary or do I want to sit down, take a deep breath and allow myself to slowly, compassionately, calmly, but as securely as possible follow the logic that appears in FREEDOM. Yes it will make for some uncomfortable feelings at times, but when I do allow myself to take in the understanding in FREEDOM, I do truly know that this is the real deal, this is the path that needs to be taken for there to be a future for the human race and I can be part of that and help where I can from whatever position I’m coming at this from- my only other option is to selfishly take the insights it offers and use them to better compete back in the human condition afflicted selfish world.
Anyway Joanne I have no idea if that helps at all, and if there’s one thing I know on earth from all my time dealing with the human condition it’s that alienation/denial/disconnection from truths that confront us is the most frustrating thing, so I really hope you can find some opening soon and find some of the wonderful, soothing peace, all we can keep telling you at the end of the day is that that peace can only be found in FREEDOM. I really do send you all best luck and wishes in the world, delving into the human condition is certainly not an easy task, but like every one has said it is the most rewarding by a million miles.
28 July 2022 Facebook comment about how understanding provides us with the unconditional love that we need to therapise ourselves:
Bronwyn Fitzgerald: Such a word perfect post Chris, like with Tony Gowing’s posts, so so precious and helpful.. Due to my personal bloody awful encounter with the human condition I’ve unavoidably become such a ruthlessly fierce fighter, and without realising it I fight against pretty well everything, always selfishly fighting and competing for my psychological and physical survival. And so I’ve seen myself fight the truth about my utterly human-condition-afflicted state with all the fierce defensiveness of a pro fighter, which is just madness on top of madness isn’t it. When I actually truly STOP and let the confronting truth and redeeming love of this understanding really in, it is like magic, the battle ends with all its horrors and peace comes to my war-torn, lonely, soul-dead, anxious being. And I’m in utter awe of the truth/understanding and just want to defer to its soundness and support it with the new found love it’s given me. Our fear of the human condition is so deep it’s just so totally amazing that Jeremy Griffith was so nurtured and sheltered to have escaped hurt in his infancy and childhood to have fearlessly faced this previously unconfrontable no-go zone and worked EVERYTHING out and brought so much love to the human race. It is such a huge paradigm shift for humanity and us all to live now with our corrupted human condition on the table but you describe so so beautifully the easy transformation pathway Jeremy has given us, and it’ll get easier and easier and quicker and quicker and more and more exciting as more and more of us stop and let the sunshine in and join the sunshine highway to love and togetherness and calm, oh god bring on that calm for all our frazzled poor nerves, all the children lying awake with terror like I did, this world needs this so so so much xx
Tony Gowing: On top of the magnificence Chris Akritidis gave us, this is even more magnificence Brony, thank you very much for this wonderful truth!!. I just love this sentence, it is the key to everything now as you say –
“When I actually truly STOP and let the confronting truth and redeeming love of this understanding really in, it is like magic, the battle ends with all its horrors and peace comes to my war-torn, lonely, soul-dead, anxious being.”
From the perspective of thinking about things from a non human condition understood world that sentence is too much, too hard hitting too truthful, even bewildering (‘goodness, I’m not anything like that messed up’). But we are all this messed up, we are all completely and utterly mentally ill, we are so mentally ill that most of us are physically ill on top of our mental illness in one way or another, the level of hurt is truly unfathomable by us and it is this unacknowledged mental illness that is destroying us all from the inside out, it is this unfathomable hurt that is killing the world, it has killed the ability for us to love, and without unconditional love around us we die, and there is simply no unconditional love anywhere in this world - anybody who thinks they are loving is totally disconnected from what true unconditional love is, but how could any of us not be, we’ve never been given/shown it or had it explained, thinking about love feels to us now more like a longing, a feeling of terrible loss, a need that could never be quenched, something massive that we desperately needed but couldn’t find - for 2 million years we have fought this battle with ignorance with less and less and less (even conditional) love for each generation, to now where there is basically none - that is the true horror of the human condition and the end play state the world is now in.
But that is where Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition comes in, it finally provides us with all the unconditional love that we need, through finally being able to understand why we weren’t loved, and why the love was taken away from us and why the only choice we had was to blame ourselves and assume the reason for our lack of love was simply because we were unloveable and then fight the implications of that and deny it and push back as hard as we possibly could against those feelings of unlovability, and become crazed insecure egomaniacs.
Jeremy’s explanation brings us the greatest truth of them all, that we are loveable, that we are worthy, that we are good, wonderful, selfless beings, that all the upset, hurt and destruction was an unavoidable act of love in the greater context of the human journey once we developed a fully conscious mind.
As you both say so, so beautifully, we can stop perpetuating the horror now that we can admit to it safely. We can stop fighting for love, or despairing at the lack of it, having our fear and pain now looked after and dealt with means we are finally loved properly, unconditionally, with no caveats. We can now feel totally secure and just exist as we are, how ever we are for the first time in our lives, there is nothing hanging over our heads now, nothing to prove. It truly is unadulterated relief to set the weight of having to prove every second that we are good worthwhile beings and hide our frailties from the world and ourselves.
With ourselves taken care of we can finally start to see the world, live for the world, love the world and others god it’s so good. I just love you both and everyone on earth who is now telling the truth about the human condition about how horrible living under its duress has been, but how unspeakably wonderful it is to now begin to be free of it’s shadow.
Bronwyn: Anthony Gowing I can’t say how utterly word perfect wonderful every word of that is for me to read; reaches, helps and resonates so deeply for me at this moment, and for always. All so so so true. Our poor souls are just so so so hurt and devastated and that this understanding reaches and brings that desperately longed for love to my/our seemingly bottomless tortured pain and suffering and madness is truly like a miracle and so endlessly relieving and exquisitely beautiful. Thank you Tony a million xillion zillion times over for your world-saving clarity and guidance and love, and obviously no words of gratitude enough for Jeremy and his uncorrupted soul!
24 July 2022 Facebook comment about how every little thing anyone does is critical to adding to this world-saving momentum:
Good stuff Les, you’re and absolute Gem! Every day, every initiative we take no matter how big or small to to get these world-saving, human-condition-solving answers out there is just so precious, so courageous and way, way, way more important and meaningful than any and all the other pursuits in life combined. Understanding ourselves, dealing with the human condition, taking it out of our lives for good is now possible, and the confronting truth is the human race cannot survive without it, our species is careering off into a psychotic oblivion, so the stakes couldn’t be higher, but with every act of strength and generosity and love like this, it will inspire all of us to keep going, to keep selflessly, quietly yet confidently and securely telling every who will listen that the redeeming, reconciling and transforming biological understanding of the human condition is here to save us, and it is precisely that insight that is presented in biologist Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM and on So Go Les and all of us who are lucky enough to be part of the greatest most exciting movement that has ever existed!
22 July 2022 Facebook comment about how understanding means we can now be honest about our condition, and that is the key to being free:
What a magnificent post Sue! Thank you so much for it and sharing your beautifully honest thoughts with us. Honestly what you have said here is basically all every single human on earth needs to know for the world to transform into the most beautifully, wonderfully, honest, open, happy place we all could ever hope for. Yes, we finally have the defence for why we are so messed up — it wasn’t our fault, we HAD NO CHOICE but to become upset, messed up beings, and WE HAD NO CHOICE but to hide from it, lie about it, be terrified of it, desperately try to cover it up with whatever talents or ideas that we found within and around us, and so on and so on. But we can stop all the lying now, we don’t have to be ashamed anymore, we don’t have to feel guilty anymore we don’t have to cover it up anymore. And being able to be honest without fear of exposure gives us the freedom to really think and feel freely, fully and fearlessly, and humans have never been in that situation before!!!
There is so much to discover when we begin to understand the human condition but the biggest breakthrough here and the most important element for us all to understand is the logic of is how we are good when we have appeared to be bad, we need to allow our minds to flesh the logic of Jeremy’s Adam Stork story out over and over because the more we understand this and the more the ramifications of it can all line up in our minds, the more love and empathy we will have for ourselves and everyone else because we will finally really know and accept that all the horror is not our fault, and we will really see just how courageous we have each been to live our lives out in hope faith and trust that the answer would one day come but having to do it from an almost completely blocked-off, unknowing, terrified, guilt-riddled, angry, dishonest state — living with the human condition has truly been so horrible for us and we haven’t deserved 1 ounce of the torture we have been through, but that is how much love and truth and beauty and understanding we need to pour back into our situations now, every element of our lives can now be so compassionately loved and understood and looked after — we can do it now, we really, really, really can!
But I’m sorry to go on Sue, I just really want to be as supportive as I possibly can of your honesty, because it is exactly what you have written here that is probably some of the most important words that anyone could pretty well write in a thousand life times, and with every human that is able to express them, the whole world becomes closer to the most wonderful place imagineable, so thank you very very much!
16 Jul. 2022 Facebook comment about managing the shock of change. Unfortunately, Facebook removed the post after Tony tried to edit his response, so there is no link to it.
The original poster had written: “The so-called “veil” has been lifted and I can see what’s behind it. It’s one thing reading and understanding but there is a further level and never, could I have ever imagined, that it existed, let alone experience it.” And, “Thank you Tony Gowing, I’ve just finished Freedom. I thought something amazing and transforming would happen immediately. Instead, I started involuntarily verbalising my anger and resentment, mostly when alone (driving) and the nasty shitty person I am came right out of my mouth. Previously so politically correct it was a shock. But reading your post,, I just SAW the pretence in my own and everyone else’s lives. This is all just make believe, it’s false, a farse, the whole thing, a show and nothing else. I want out, I want to see what’s going on really. I’m so tired of all this bullshit, fake acting out a “life” which isn’t a life, isn’t worth living. Live and die playing your part in a 2 million year old show, often a comedy, until the next generation comes in and takes over. As King Solomon said, there is not one single thought or situation on earth that hasn’t taken place endless times, and it will continue if we all remain zombies, walking dead. Now I don’t know what’s going to happen to me with this understanding in the meantime. Shock, it’s the least that can happen. I feel I don’t need to read more about the understanding for a little while. But I know I will. Thank you for this post, I woke up from a semi hypnotic state.”
Tony’s reply: Thank you so much for telling us about this! I have been exactly where you are right now and it was magnificent, it is certainly one of the most significant experiences I will ever know, I will never forget where I was and what I was doing. Waking up/finally seeing through our resigned blocks for me was such, such, such a relief, finally everything that Jeremy had been explaining made sense, I could see the human condition everywhere, it was so obvious, the whole world becomes totally and completely see-through. The human condition transformed from etherial, uncomfortable feelings to something completely tangible. And Yes! I certainly never expected/guessed/even imagined that such clarity about the world was possible.
I know it’s all there in the post, but this part of Jeremy’s Shock of Change document really makes me think of this time:
“This situation left us collectively and individually with no choice but to keep adding more and more layers of protective denial to cope with the horror of our ever-increasing soul-corrupted and soul-corrupting condition—because any time we tried to go back and confront and be honest about our corruption only brought us back into contact with the unbearably depressing implication that we were bad, worthless, soul-destroying, evil monsters. So this is where the human race has been trapped, having no choice but to accept that until the human race’s great, heroic upsetting search for knowledge finally led to the finding of the redeeming, relieving and healing, good reason for why we corrupted our soul, almost everyone had no choice but to resign themselves to having to hide in Plato’s dark cave of denial of our soul-corrupted and soul-corrupting human condition. (The process of Resignation, as well as Plato’s cave allegory, is explained in Freedom Essay 30.)”
The loop is now broken, we don’t have to go back and pour over all the horror, but we can remove the denial which allows us to finally see the world truthfully for the first time (since we blocked it all out) and seeing through all that denial is like stepping out of Plato’s Cave, like actually OUTSIDE it (not just seeing a few shadows on the wall) and seeing there is a REAL world for the first time, it is like [in the movie ‘The Matrix’] Neo taking the red pill and waking up outside the Matrix and finally understanding where he and the whole world has been trapped. It is just such a fabulous, fabulous discovery.
One of my favourite lines that I have ever read from Jeremy is this one from this document, where he says (I added the capitals):
“With perseverance, the RESIGNED MIND GRADUALLY REALISES THAT WHAT IS BEING PRESENTED IS NOT CONDEMNING BUT COMPASSIONATE, and that it is now safe, in fact, immensely relieving and healing to learn about and finally understand the whole 2- million-year corrupting but incredibly heroic journey the human race has been on.”
Yes, all the truth initially feels like it is too much, it’s too hurtful, too embarrassing, too scary, that if you let ‘the devil’ inside yourself off the leash you don’t know what would happen, kind of thing. But what we realise is that we can accept the truth now it is here, in fact it is the only way out, and in fact it isn’t hurtful, it doesn’t kill you, you don’t self implode from guilt, because this time, THIS TIME, we have THE ANSWER, THE DEFENCE, that protects us and looks after us and gives us an unshakable grounding of understanding/security about the world and everything about ourselves and WHY, WHY, WHY it’s all been like it’s been.
Sorry, to go on, but it is such an exciting discovery, because, it is seeing this truth and breaking through the denial to seeing the human condition everywhere that allows us to operate from a truthful base finally, until you can really know the problem and see it clearly, which you can’t until you allow yourself to see the truth and step outside the cave fully, you just can’t see the solution and how quickly it can work for each of us and therefore everyone else.
Anyway, I really send you all the love and best wishes in the world Emily because this is all such a big step in our lives, but just remember, you will never lose what you are seeing now, even if it gets a bit overwhelming and you step back towards the cave entry, from here on it is just a matter of getting better and better at seeing the truth, allowing it in and then dealing with it compassionately and sensibly, and calmly through understanding. There truly is horror everywhere we look outwardly and internally, but it just doesn’t matter anymore, not one bit, it is all looked after explained and can be put in our glorious golden suitcases of understanding.
14 July 2022 Facebook comments about the excitement of the New World that is coming:
First comment: That is an awesome conversation to hear. I especially loved and appreciated hearing Norma telling us about the cats running amok in her head. I know my version of this feeling only too well and it is so true that you can take any word you like now and look it up in FREEDOM and you will find peace, centredness and calm explanation and understanding. Every word in Jeremy’s description of the world and each of our human-condition-afflicted situations builds an unshakeably secure framework with which to understand all the crazy thoughts and feelings inside ourselves but also how to move forward. Instead of fighting the thoughts and feelings, hating them, being condemned and embarrassed by them, angry and frustrated with them, if we let them have access to the explanation of them in FREEDOM rather than shutting them off and pushing them away as we have historically always had to do (with no answers and only fear of them), the information will do its job — explain their origins, calm them sensibly, strongly with real truth/love and compassion. It truly is such a wonderful situation that we hurt, messed up, corrupted humans are in — We can now explain/understand our way out of every single thought or feeling we have now and all we have to do is give the understanding a chance to explain the feeling and look after it. We have all been tremendously hurt and scarred by the human condition, but there is no truth that we will find inside ourselves that this explanation doesn’t cover and compassionately look after and ultimately heal. Love has truly come to town in the name of understanding.
Here is an absolute cracking paragraph from FREEDOM (1255) that makes the point better than I ever could:
“Yes, with the battle to find understanding of the human condition over, relief will spread across the world. In particular, selfless love, concern and help can now come to every person in every corner of the world. To paraphrase U2’s fabulous anticipation of our species’ liberation from the agony of the human condition, ‘love has come to town’ in its absolute purest form, namely as the redeeming and relieving understanding that finally ends the insecure, egocentric, brutal and selfish way of living forever. Everyone in every situation and predicament can now rise up as radiant new beings from their corpse-like state. Everyone can now come back to life—can wake up from their human-condition-afflicted torpor and look outwards and see each other and the world for the first time, and move across and help each other, and do anything and everything that needs to be done to end the suffering and pain that plagues this planet.”
Anyway, I just want to thank you all in this video so much for participating in these discussions and courageously showing us all that they can take place now, that we can truly open ourselves up and that there is compassionate understanding that will not let us down and can solve all our problems from their source and end them for good.
Second comment: Well said times a million Dylan! Everything you say is just so True and I just love you for saying it!! It really is too exciting, brings too much happiness, joy, warmth, truth, love, security, we are too, too, too lucky, that we are here now being part of this, in that vein, I know you will have seen it but I just love Jeremy’s poem of anticipation of the human condition free world that he wrote when he was 23, before he’d solved it all for us:
“‘This is a story you see, just a story—but for you / Um—I remember a long time ago in the distant future a timeless day / a sunlit cloudless day when all things were fine / when we all slow-danced our way to breakfast in the sun // You see the day awoke with music / Can you imagine one thousand horses slow galloping towards you across a vast plain / and we loved that day so much / We all danced like Isadora Duncan through the morning light // We skipped and twirled and spun about / Fairies were there like dragonflies over a pool / Little girls with wings they hovered and flew about / their small voices you could hear / You see it was that kind of morning // When the afternoon arrived it was big and bold and beautiful / In worn out jeans and bouncing breasts we began / to fight—our way—into another day / into something new—to jive our way into the night / from sunshine into a thunderstorm // We all took our place, rank upon rank we came / as an army with Hendrix out in front / and the music busted the horizon into shreds / By God we broke the world apart / The pieces were of different colours and there were so many people / We danced in coloured dust, we left in sweat no room at all / We had a ball in gowns of grey and red / There were things that happened that nobody knew / Bigger and better, I had written on my sweater / Where there was sky there was music, huge clouds of it / and there were storms of gold with coloured lights / It was so good we cried tears into our eyes / In a tug of war of love we had no strength left at all / Dear God we cried but he only sighed and / whispered strength through leaves of laughter // On and on we came in bold ranks of silvered gold / to lead a world that didn’t know to somewhere it didn’t care / It couldn’t last, it had to end and yet it had an endless end / We were so happy in balloons of coloured bubbles that wouldn’t bust / and we couldn’t, couldn’t quench our lust / There we were all together for ever and ever / and tomorrow had better beware because / when we’ve wept and slept we will be there to shake its bloody neck.’” (See – - par1280)
And if that’s not enough excitement for you, I just love Dougie Lobban’s Affirmation video, he is just so joyous and happy and free and just wants to help fix everything!
First comment: So good Dylan. Finally we have an unbreakable framework of truth that makes sense of everything and something with limitless meaning and endless beautiful to dedicate our lives to. How lucky are we!!
9 July 2022 Facebook comment about the responsibility of bringing this understanding to the world:
RIP Sisyphus indeed! The desperately insatiable yet unachievable need to prove our self worth individually and collectively has been an agonising torturous state to live in. We owe everything to everyone in the ‘countless generations’ that have fought and endured the human condition to bring us to this point of understanding it finally. I pray to all the integrative order on the planet that we don’t let these ‘countless generations’ down and finish what they started by using this information to bring true freedom to the world for every human now and all future generations.
5 Jul. 2022 Facebook comment in response to comment about how underssanding can stop the mental health epidemic:
I so agree Colleen! All the answers we need are here and we can now admit to the full catastrophe that the human situation currently is living out under the duress of the human condition. And that’s the hard bit, being able to admit and access the compassionate human-race-saving truth enough to see just how wonderful the transformation is going to be now that we can understand ourselves. We humans can now look at ourselves and all of our problems and all of our faults and flaws and love ourselves and understand where they’ve come from why we haven’t been able to deal with them and why we’ve let them get so far out of control. I just love Jeremy’s phrase ‘we get the truth up and we move on’ but just thinking about it right now I actually like the idea of saying ‘we get the truth up and then heaven (A human condition free world) on Earth appears. We humans have been so courageous to get to a point where someone could finally solve the human condition we just need a little more courage and a little more love to throw at the human condition and the horror will all be over and the suffering with all stop. I just can’t wait - it really is coming now #let’sgetthefuckoutofhere
5 Jul. 2022 Facebook comment in response to comment about real and terrifying the mental health epidemic is:
Yes Mol it’s terrifying how it’s all playing out, there’s so much trauma and stress everywhere you look, the race between terminal alienation and transformation through understanding the human condition is really being taken to the wire by the human race, we just have to hold our nerve and keep loving the truth/answers that Jeremy has given us and the transformation will come. Let’s go!!
4 Jul. 2022 Facebook comment about the autism epidemic:
Also, given Jeremy’s prediction about Autism, there are recent reports in America of Autism increasing 4300% over the last 35 years in California ( As Jeremy points out in Addendum 1 at the end of his Death by Dogma booklet (, California is at the leading edge of the development of psychological upset in the world, so what we see happening there is going to be happening everywhere soon. And I might mention that one of the articles reporting on this epidemic of Autism says that the increases are not the result of better diagnosis or due to genetics as it is often blamed upon. That article also highlights the denial when it says that the authorities have ‘still not declared an epidemic nor taken any action to mitigate this crisis’ (
3 Jul. 2022 Facebook comment in response to Eastern Cape WTM Centre founder Reggie Khotshobe telling about his father:
I honestly feel inadequate to post Reggie, I certainly subscribed to the idea that a man’s role on earth was to be tough, that is what I actually aspired to, to essentially go to war with that world because it was too confronting, to tell myself that anyone who subscribed to any sort of loving/integrative premise was dreaming and idealistic, - but how wrong I was!
How much horror that upset/defensive (yet now we know that it was heroic and defended) behaviour produced. But just witnessing your obvious real connection to the soul’s world that Jeremy has shown us and brought back to life (and lives every day) is just so amazing to me. That there are still people on earth that still truly have a real connection to our instinctive innocent soul fills my whole body with so much warmth now that I understand it, now that it doesn’t have to be confronting, now that we can all begin to access it in whatever small way we are able to depending on our level of upset and alienation from it. I just love thinking about what is coming now that Jeremy has reconciled our souls and minds, what is coming for everyone is just more love, happiness, togetherness than all the little children’s hearts in the whole world can possibly imagine and it will be truly, truly, truly wonderful. What an unbelievably special human you are Reggie, thanks so much for telling us all this.
3 Jul. 2022 Facebook comment about how understanding the human condition allows us to accept ourselves:
Yes, that’s just drop dead brilliant Nic! One of the things that I love the most about understanding the human condition is that all the pretence can stop, not instantly, but over time as we let the compassionate understanding into our lives more and more, we can start to realise that we don’t have to pretend to be soulful, pretend to be perfect, pretend to be unaffected by the human condition, pretend not to be insecure, or that we aren’t totally self focused. We now know WHY we have had to be self focused, WHY we have been insecure, WHY we are so egocentric, WHY some humans are more insecure/upset than others and WHY some others are less so. But it just doesn’t matter anymore, the truth does set us free, the competition, the looking sideways, the keeping up with the Jones’ all stops now. Yes it takes some time to allow the truth of the understandings to sink in, but the more we allow them in the more the weights fall from our shoulders, the more the pretence can be dropped and the real, true, beautiful world that we humans can now be just one beautifully integrative part of opens up. Like you say and Jeremy points out in this paragraph of FREEDOM we can literally jump, dance, jive and sing our heads off with joy for the future of our lives, the human race and the world!!
3 Jul. 2022 Facebook comment about how heroic humanity’s journey has been:
I so agree Pete, you just can’t listen to Jeremy for more than 5 minutes and not hear that he is just so full of life and enthusiasm and is just brimming with compassionate truth. I just can’t help but include here this question and response from this interview, just because for me and my background, what these words are saying are the most key, most wonderful, most relieving words ever said
“Caroline Jones: So, you’re suggesting really that man’s journey has been a most heroic one, so far.
Jeremy Griffith: Fabulous. It’s like it’s been a match, a football match, you know. Now, [legendary Australian rugby league player] Ray Price comes off the football field covered in scars and embattled and his dislocated shoulder and everything, but he’s completely happy, his [winning] cup is held high and he’s smiling and we’re all with his team, Parramatta, in tears of joy for his win. We don’t worry about his exhaustions because we know the game he’s been involved in was worthwhile. But humans come off the battlefield exhausted and because we’re unable to know the merit of the battle that we’ve been in, we can’t see ourselves as wonderful, we’re just insecure about our exhaustions. We can love ourselves now. I can take an extreme, someone who has, I don’t know, grown up with their parents having left them at Kings Cross [the red light district in Sydney] or somewhere, these terrible things that are happening now outside this very building [near Kings Cross], I can take that boy or girl and I can tell them now a story, a wonderful story that humanity has been through, an incredibly worthwhile journey and they can then for the first time see themselves in that journey as being worthwhile. In spite of their exhaustions they can love themselves, and they have so much courage, I mean they paint their hair red and they try to have an identity for themselves in spite of all this incredible oppression that they’re a bad person when they’re not, and now they can love themselves, they can understand themselves. Understanding is freedom, is compassion.”
3 July 2022 Facebook comment about fathers not being able to reinforce their sons, and the example Jeremy provides of truly being secure and present:
Awesome post thanks Colleen! I in no way say this to criticise this song or the post at all — this song truly is an amazingly courageous piece of truth that has helped so many people to continue to fight on another day under the duress of the human condition, to know that others are feeling what they are feeling that someone out there, both fathers and sons can at least use this song to feel some kind of empathy and companionship in the lonely dishonest, everything is perfect, what-human-condition-world we have had to live in.
But it did just make me think that the problem is not just that parents/fathers were not present for their sons in person, it is that the fathers weren’t present even if they were in the same room, even if they were talking to their sons, spending time with them all the time, they still weren’t able to be present and connect with their sons/children in a real way, the human condition has sealed us off from one another in lonely tiny, self obsessed, insecure personal thought jail that wouldn’t allow us to connect with basically anyone or anything no matter how much we wanted to.
And it is this true connection, true presence, true empathy that we can now begin to have now that the human condition is solved. Our thoughts and feelings can now be released from our insecure bonds and we can open up and genuinely see and connect with others for the first time.
The best example that I have had the most unbelievable fortune of witnessing is Jeremy Griffith, there is no way that I could ever possibly describe just how thankful I am to have been able to meet and see Jeremy interact with the others and the world first hand, it has given me insight into what the world will be like when understanding of the human condition is understood by all and becomes the focus of the entire world. But just to give you the idea, the best description of Jeremy that I can think of is by Professor Harry Prosen in his Introduction to Jeremy’s book FREEDOM and in it he wrote the following beautiful description:
“I would like to emphasize the height of my regard for him [Jeremy Griffith]. He is the most impressive person and courageous thinker I have ever met and no doubt ever will. Normally people disappoint you at some point, or on some occasions, but Jeremy never does. Basically he is not egocentric. Being exceptionally well nurtured with unconditional love as a child he is sound and secure in himself and as a result is not preoccupied having to prove his worth all the time like most people are. Free of such selfish self-preoccupation he is selflessly concerned only with finding a way to end all the suffering in others, which has resulted in him focusing on finding the solution to the human condition. And being sound and secure in self has meant that in tackling that issue he has been able to think in an unafraid, truthful and thus effective way about it; as Berdyaev foresaw, it was going to ‘require…great daring’ to find ‘knowledge of good and evil’, understanding of the human condition.
It is quite amazing, in all my years of meeting people and practicing psychiatry, I haven’t encountered a soul like him. He is one of those incredibly rare individuals, a person of intellectual rigor and personal nobility who has the capacity to be completely honest without a personal bent; when you are with him you can feel his passion for the truth, which he embodies. Indeed, meeting Jeremy as I did after reading so much of his work, I realized that he lives 100 percent in the world that he writes about—an immensely inspired, child-like-zest-full, enthralled-with-all-of-life, truthful world where the human condition is at all times being addressed and understood. Unlike everyone I have ever come across, for whom discussion of the human condition is so extremely difficult (almost impossible, one might say), when you talk to Jeremy about the human condition and the biology surrounding it, the world changes, everything seems possible, biology makes sense. Logic — simple and obvious truth—replaces over-complicated intellectual scientific downright rubbish—the vast majority of it. Indeed, science — and biology in particular — is so saturated with evasive, dishonest denial that the denial-free world of understanding that Jeremy introduces us to is so new it is akin to having to start your education all over again! Jeremy’s capacity for unerring and unrelenting honesty is literally staggering, but, as you will see, it is always accompanied by understanding; his is no ‘feel good’, guru-like, false prophet form of totally dubious and ephemeral ‘help’ for humans’ troubled lives, but a get-to-the-bottom-of-all-the-problems, truthful, real, insightful, ameliorating love that the world has been so in need of. And, thankfully, right through all the vehement resistance that he has faced and overcome in the last 30 years of his life, which took him near to death, Jeremy never gave up his responsibility that he saw right from the early years of his completely-nurtured-with-love upbringing to deliver the understanding of human nature that would end all the suffering in the world.”
I mean imagine when all the fathers in the world are like Jeremy, they are truly secure in self, loving and calm and stable and strong and honest, only concerned with the greater good of the whole world not one spec of oppressive selfish egocentricity. He really, really sees people and really, really hears what they say, can easily walk a mile in anybody’s shoes and empathise with their situation, feelings and thoughts. Children who have parents like this that ‘never disappoint you’ and grow up in a world where ‘the human condition is at all times addressed and understood’ are going to experience a situation that currently doesn’t exist on this planet for 99.99% of children - goodness me that will be a warm, loving, happy, secure childhood.
Anyway I did just love the post Colleen, and like you I just can’t wait until all children on earth are growing up with Fathers who are showering human condition explanation all over them, because it is the greatest love a child could ever, ever hope for.
27 June 2022 Facebook comment about the importance of understanding Resignation:
I love it Gerry! And I so agree our brilliant golden suitcases all stacked up at the start of the sunshine highway to a new, human-condition-understood world drenched in compassionate knowledge and filled with warming, soothing sunshine.
And I just can’t encourage people reading this enough to go and read Freedom Essay 30 ( that you’ve linked to Gerry. If you want to understand yourself, help yourself, be more functional, understand why everyone around you is so preoccupied with themselves, if you want to know why you are anxious, or competitive and egocentric, or the real reason behind why we are all so cut off from ourselves and unable to be empathetic, or why we are totally superficial and fake, or why basically why and how any behaviour plays out in humans on earth, after you have understood the human condition, understanding Resignation, the most important yet totally unacknowledged psychological event in all our lives is the place to start. Understanding Resignation and being able to lift it’s veil from your life will be the single most amazing awakening/realisation that is possible at this moment on earth in my opinion. After understanding the human condition, understanding resignation and becoming aware of it’s effects in your own life truly is the the great doorway that we all need to take to begin our joyous dance down the sunshine highway.
Awesome Gerry! Thanks very, very much.
And as an after thought, just thought I’d drop Jeremy’s sunshine highway with the bridge crossing the human condition. All our suitcases will be piled up at the beginning of the bridge in this image!
16 June 2022 Facebook comment about how understanding our psychologically upset state allows us to be honest with new generations:
Emily: Anthony Gowing thank you for publishing this. I’m reading the chapter 8 in Freedom exactly where that is dealt with. This is enlightening and si clear, there is no bias if you read with an open mind. Everything comes together regarding the actual world situation and differing levels of upset found in countries, cultures and nations. Underlying anxiety everything is integrative meaning, our goal. It is difficult for us now after breaking away from 2 million years of upset but in the future children will be born to parents who have grasped integrative meaning and humanity will be saved. The alternative is all too obvious and so terribly frightening for all of us, mankind’s total failure. What to do? Keep on track, keep going, grasp and understand all we can, squeeze our ganglions to the uttermost, the alternative, we all not an alternative. Great stuff to read, Jeremy thank you.
Tony Gowing: Well said Emily, that is so true! Once we have been able to grow accustomed to discussion of the human condition in ourselves and the historic fear, resistance and defensiveness begins to subside as we allow the compassionate defence of our human condition afflicted states that Jeremy’s understanding brings we can begin to see that all the manically driven good and bad/insecure feelings can subside, and free of those overwhelming, all-preoccupying feelings we can really start to see a totally different world, one that has basic, obvious, black and white, simple, totally unbiased truths. We can finally see that yes we are all variously upset, but it doesn’t really matter what level we fall into or how we behaved to cope with upset, all that matters now is that we can end all that upset behaviour by selflessly focusing our lives on telling all the children on earth about the human condition, tell them how horrific it has been but how safe they are now, how secure they can be now, that the world is a wonderful, wonderful place that is built on unconditional love, and that is the greatest of all truths and tell them about this heroic journey every human has had to participate in for the last 2 million years and why everything has got so out of whack, but fill them with so much hope for the future that we have everything we need now to fix every problem on earth, for them to loved and so they never ever have to grow up wondering if they are loveable, as we have all had to. The future free of the human condition is just so so so good but also like you say the alternative isn’t an alternative at all, it really is up to us, here in this group with this knowledge to save the world from the brink of terminal alienation, it has plenty of difficulties to it like the initial deafness, fear and uncomfortable insecurity we naturally have of the human condition but the positives are so universally wonderful from every point of view that once we hit the smallest of tipping points this excitement and freedom will sweep the world so quickly and easily it will seem like it happened overnight. And as you say too THANK YOU Jeremy is my overwhelming thought each time I am lucky enough to connect to the enormity and preciousness of what we have been given.
Emily: Anthony Gowing, I am speechless upon reading your reply. It hit the target right in the centre, 100%. That is exactly how I feel about this understanding and I am aiming to reach where you and so many others are at right now. Nothing, no single detail has been left out and everything I read just fits so perfectly with reality. Perhaps only when I read the Bible did I have a similar feeling of “yes, this is” but then I couldn’t finish the puzzle because that was before the understanding of the nerve based conscious mind and somehow it didn’t fully apply to life today. You just put it so well that you must have written without any influence of the human condition. I can’t wait to contribute by translating something of Jeremy’s work into Italian, everyone must know and it’s our responsability to get this information out there. I need to ground my feet well enough first. It will happen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
11 June 2022 Facebook comment about how this redeeming understanding allows us to therapise the child within:
Thanks so much for sharing this Frank, I did absolutely love Roald Dahl when I was little, although I never had any idea why, the warm, comforting, happy feelings that instantly and naturally come over me when I think about Roald Dahl’s books and seeing those wonderful illustrations is amazing testament to me of how precious they must have been for me as a little boy.
And talking of the little boy that is inside me, it is simply too hard to express just how much reading Jeremy’s description and explanation of the the conflict and frustrations that break out for young children when they start to experiment with free will in Chapter 8:6 of FREEDOM that is linked to in the post ( That little boy taking all the birthday cake for himself and then making incredibly naive excuses for it is the exact description of my life. Yes it all started exactly as Jeremy describes as being naive, but like he describes, pretty much immediately the need for reinforcement is clawing at you endlessly, the frustration of the unfair, unacknowledged, unexplained situation was a boiling cauldron inside of me that took all my effort and time and energy to suppress. When I read those words from Jeremy, I still feel at heart, like I never moved on from that little boy making his first birthday cake error, on and on and on the errors came, and on and on the frustration and the guilt came and then all the egocentric and angry behaviour that came from that. But that is why I want to spend my every waking moment trying to get this information to the world to every child in it no matter what it takes, because of the relief that I feel when the little boy inside of me finally reads those words that Jeremy has given the world, finally, the little boy inside of me can understand, can stop experimenting, can stop getting it wrong, can understand his surrounds, can be free of the guilt, can be free of the desperate need for reinforcement. The horror that all started from innocent trialling and erroring with free will and turned into a complete nightmarish, horror upon horror of guilt riddled life is something that I honestly don’t want another human to feel ever, ever, ever again. I want them to hear the story in FREEDOM now before it all starts, before it goes too far, so they never have to leave the open happiness that exists in us humans before the battle for understanding starts in us all. I just thank Jeremy Griffith each and every day that he has told me all of this, that he has dedicated his life to giving us all this, to save us all from this and joy and happiness and privilege that I feel to be sitting here able to be a tiny part of this solutions of solutions is beyond expression. So anyway thanks Frank, I just loved that you pointed out that post, because for me it really is incredibly special and just the thought that there are others out there posting and loving this stuff too, more and more every day just endlessly warms my heart and builds my excitement and love for the human race.
10 June 2022 Facebook comment about need to share this understanding:
Great stuff Igor that video is brilliant, and I just love, love, the point you make that it’s all our responsibility to share these understandings. So true! If you are human you need every word in FREEDOM. It saves you and everyone on earth and ends all the horrific suffering, #letsgetthefuckoutofhere
10 June 2022 Facebook comment about Jeremy explaining the 5 greatest thinkers/prophets:
Another great post Bob, you’re on a roll! Yes, I just love that the whole of the human race and in particular Science and all the scientists that have ever lived and dreamed and tested are the great liberator’s, the great gatherers of hard won mechanistic knowledge that has been gathered over Millenia that was needed to free the human race from the human condition , but something that your post makes me think of and really blows my mind is the pure clean honest, deeply, deeply penetrating and unshakably clear thinking of the great prophets (unevasive thinkers). I suppose because the gifts that they carry are so utterly extraordinarily and so unbelievably light years outside/completely beyond my own incredibly limited abilities, they really do appear as though they are from another species all together. I want to say it’s strange but it’s not it’s exactly the way it should be that every time Jeremy Griffith writes something new and gives it out to read, those exact days as I take in what has been written, I can remember every one of these days. When you understand something new that is so huge, so totally out of the realms of my ability to even consider thinking about, let alone bring understanding, to bring such unequivocal simple clarity to all the impossible issues, I will never be able to fully appreciate or comprehend just how special these individuals are, but one of the most mind blowing reads of all mind blowing reads is where Jeremy explains the 5 greatest prophets/thinkers to walk the earth and how their thinking works this writing to me gives so much insight just how special the human race is, what we’ve all been through and what’s coming. To really see the gap between how uncorrupted minds work that aren’t disconnected from their instinctive soul is just downright amazing. Anyway, I’ve just read this work again and beg everyone to go and have a read because it’s utterly spectacularly sublime. I also can’t recommend enough for everyone to read Jeremy’s Freedom Essay 39, where Jeremy writes about Christ’s life and its phenomenal importance in humanity’s journey, which you can find at this link:
10 June 2022 Facebook comment about how alienated humans now are, and how wonderful it is that we can now be part of nature again:
Yes, this is an absolute cracking post Mol!! If you add basically any human into any natural situation on earth our appearance breaks up the whole picture/vision of something that is so right, connected and beautiful. (mind you the intense competition of the animal/plant condition is extraordinary once you allow yourself to see that too). But like you say, we are just total fishes out of water, totally at odds with nature, we don’t fit in at all, it’s been such a horrible burden to bare, to be total outcasts where ever we look - no wonder so many of our stories/movies are about space and new planets that might seemingly suit our upset, human-condition-afflicted behaviour better that this one that has condemning integration/order/selflessness everywhere we look. The idea that we humans can now be part of nature again and connected to our unconditionally loving instincts/soul again and just be one of the millions of parts of the whole system all working and living towards ever more order together is just such a wonder of wonders to look forward to. Finally to feel at home again in our own surroundings, to be embraced by it and to embrace it joyfully instead of having to block it out and destroy it is just too, too, too much to bear as you and Jeremy so beautifully point out. Thanks very much!!
9 June 2022 Facebook comment about ‘owning our own shadow’:
I absolutely love that post Bob, you’re an absolute legend!! The human condition has been such an off-limits subject it has made it all but impossible to discuss anything at any depth because just about anything other than the weather or which sporting team or personality won on the weekend takes us on a trajectory towards the human condition, which as we all now know at its core is the most terrifying suicidal depression that we all suffer from inside ourselves. And without compassionate understanding of this underlying, blocked off part of ourselves we had no chance at all to bring any help or real guidance to ourselves, let alone help others in need. We have all been total victims to our own fear (human condition) inside of ourselves which has meant we really couldn’t truly help anyone else with theirs either. There are all sorts of ways that we have all tried to deal with the human condition, like trying to meditate and clear our minds of the pain that it has caused, or tried to shower ourselves in material wealth to make ourselves feel like we are ‘kings/queens of the world’ that lived above the horror and pain, or try to find some kind of moral highground which meant that we weren’t the problem, it was everybody else that was causing all the malaise, or we just tried to make fun of how terrible the world is through humour and comedy, or we used stoicism, trying to persuade ourselves and others that we just have to think positively and keep a stiff upper lip and move endlessly forward to some unknown positive in the future. It didn’t matter what path we took, it’s all for the same reason, to try to beat, stay away from, not think about, hide from the human condition.
But like you say Bob, absolutely miraculously, we can now take any situation, tiny or all-important, horrifying or superficial and really understand why that situation exists, what is causing it and how we solve it. We can bring so much understanding, we can bring total empathy to it because finally we can each talk, and feel and know the pain, the suicidal depression that is in us, we can know the force by which we have resisted going anywhere near those feelings and the force by which they drive all manner of crazy/upset behaviours on us. We none of us have been in control of ourselves, we have been just totally, 100% pushed around by the fear of the human condition that resides in our core. But now this all changes!! It is this fear that we are all coming to terms with, that we are all finally, daringly and caringly, but totally safely and compassionately coming to terms with, starting to finally allow to exist in our conscious lives — And it is the acknowledgement and deep understanding of this core fear inside of ourselves that changes everything, starts to open up our lives, starts to bring control back into our own hands instead of having the fear of the human condition in the driver seat of our lives and just bouncing off unexplained feelings coming from every direction. Finally all our feelings make sense, we can start to explain them and follow them down to their origins and look after them, sooth them. Like Jung said we can finally ‘own our own shadow’ and that gives us a tremendous power to finally take back control of our lives and to start to really live and love ourselves and everybody else right down to our core being and know, and for the first time begin to see that there is a whole absolutely spectacular all-loving, all-integrative, all-beautiful, all-glorious world that exists all around, we just haven’t been able to see, and be part of because we have had to hide it from ourselves. Just walking down the street and seeing the beautiful colour of the sky and the trees and hearing the birds tweeting away and the glorious golden sun will bring joy upon joy upon joy once we can truly allow ourselves to see it and feel and participate in it. Yes, we have all thought ‘what a beautiful day’, but this sort of feeling is nothing like the feelings that we are really going to experience as we are able to lay our human condition fear down — the angst will come out of the air (that we didn’t even know was there) and as more and more of the world catch on, we’ll start to see real smiles and laughter and people genuinely glowing everywhere we look, and not the heroically fake smiles and fake, forced laughs, no, every face that we see will be totally open, totally happy, completely free and light in themselves, feeling joy and warmth and happiness at being alive and free of the human condition and just being a tiny, tiny part of this spectacular meaning in the journey of integration in the universe. Yep, it’s truly like you say Bob, so beautifully, this group is the path to FREEDOM, real truth, everlasting FREEDOM and that is so, so, so, so wonderful, come one and all and join the party!!!
9 June 2022 Facebook comment about how this compassionate understanding allows us to face our fears:
I love that you say that you are all in John, understanding the human condition is a tremendously confronting journey because it opens up the truth about how we have all been necessarily corrupted by our journey to find knowledge for our fully conscious thinking brains over a 2 million year period. But it is a safe journey, it is a totally compassionate, loving and empathetic, relieving and redeeming journey that in truth is easy to take, once we have the key understanding in place which is that despite all appearences to the contrary, all we humans are wonderful, heroic, devine beings, we humans had to march into hell for a heavenly cause, we have had to suffer corruption to find understanding. There was no other way, all the upset, all the madness, anger, cruelty, denial, the delusions of grandeur, the lying and dysfunctions that all get a light shined on them with truth being shed on the human condition are all part of the most important, meaningful, journey of unconditional love that has ever existed in the universe by our whole species. We have all participated in this horror, all for the same reason, to finally crack the understanding that is in FREEDOM. I wish you all the luck in the world as you embark on the greatest journey of your life as you read the ‘book that saves the world’!!
28 May 2022 Facebook comment about the freedom that understanding the human condition brings:
Yes, it truly is too exciting to bear - the transformation of the world really is starting to happen!! Everyday from here on, if each of us right here in this Facebook group keep talking about the one core issue that is destroying every aspect of our world and lives, the human condition, and continue encouraging each other to keep discovering how much we have had to block the human condition out, how terrified of it we have had to be of it, how hurtful it has been, how much pain we are having to hold at bay every second of every day, but also allowing ourselves to feel the defence of Jeremy Griffith’s Adam Stork story explanation, acknowledging how gloriously brave every child that has been born in the last 2 million years has been to come into this world and face the human condition and yet still get on with their lives and try to make the best of it and just wait for this time when understanding of the human condition is finally found. We have all had to live in silence, not being able to talk about it, have it even acknowledged, let alone explained or receive any real help at all to manage it other than to simply avoid it at all costs. But now that all changes. The freedom that comes with being able to talk about and explain and cure the human condition will just flow through us, drenching us with relief and happiness and calm, all the horror can end inside ourselves and the horror we inflict, knowing and unknowingly around us, we will love one another and ourselves so, so, so much as we finally allow ourselves to see, feel and know what each of us have been through. Alienation and dysfunction will no longer annoy us in ourselves and others around us, and we will stop attacking it, and talking down to it, we will start to acknowledge it in ourselves and love all alienation and upset and happily accept it and allow it to subside and the fever pitch that we have had to live at to hide it and to block it out will start to slow and a calm centredness will begin to build right across the world world, the fear driving all the horror will be soothed and removed, it truly will be a joy without limit.
28 May 2022 Facebook comment about the Transformation that is coming:
Thanks very much Stefan! I agree, the key understanding needed to save the world is that humans are good when we have appeared to be bad and haven’t been able to explain why. Now we have explanation of the human condition we can finally explain ourselves and defend our upset and be free of the insecurity of being unable to defend our upset/corrupted behaviour. We are incredibly courageous heros, not the villians that we have been so distressed that we might be. For the last 2 million year period, each child as they have been born into this human condition afflicted world has had to “march into hell for a heavenly cause”, but we have made it, we have finally found the understanding to defend and liberate ourselves.
I just wanted to add this paragraph 1248 from chapter 9:10 of FREEDOM which is titled ‘Humanity’s overall situation now that we have understanding’ because with understanding now EVERY SINGLE SITUATION on earth changes from the horrible, desperate, human condition afflicted situation to being all-knowing, all-happy, all-rational, all-liberated the most radiant exciting situation ever.
“When understanding of the human condition arrives, as it has, every denial-based aspect of the whole world becomes redundant. The world as we know it comes to an end, and virtually overnight—well, within a few generations, which is still very fast. For teachers at schools or universities, all the truth-avoiding, immensely superficial, basically dishonest, mechanistic ways of viewing the world will soon no longer be taught. The arrival of the actual understanding of the reason why humans are good and not bad will mean that materialistic goods that have been designed to make ourselves feel superficially better about our corrupted condition will, before long, be seen as meaningless and worthless. The whole basis of materialism has been undermined, made pointless and unnecessary. All our posturing and promenading and pretending will eventually lose its power to impress. Our whole artificial and superficial existence has been exposed and made redundant. Going to church will, in time, be superseded by this reconciling understanding of our previously God-fearing existence. The business of politics, of having left and right-wing factions, is similarly made redundant by the reconciling understanding of the human condition. Basically, all our denials are exposed, made transparent; they no longer work. So yes, before long, within a few generations, that whole denial-based existence will come to an end. Life as we have known it will be over—and, most relievingly for humankind, with its passing all the suffering and destruction that went with it will also go. A whole new world now begins to open up across the world based on reconciling understanding and the Transformed Lifeforce Way of Living it makes possible. As I’ve said in every major document I have written since I started writing about the human condition over 40 years ago, ‘soon from one end of the horizon to the other will appear an army in its millions to do battle with human suffering and its weapon will be understanding’.”
3 May 2022 Facebook comment about how long it takes before your mind is ready to move into the Transformed Lifeforce State:
Hi Claire,
I think Annie mentioned this section of FREEDOM above, but I just wanted to add this paragraph, because to me it is just the best paragraph on earth to describe what we do now. It is paragraph 1161 which you can find here: :
“While understanding of the human condition finally gives us the means to heal all our anger, egocentricity and alienation (which, in truth, are our psychoses [psyche or soul repressions] and neuroses [neuron or mind denials]), we can’t, in practice, hope to heal it in our lifetime; however—and this is all-important — we can immediately know that we are all fundamentally good and not bad, and this knowledge puts each of us in a very powerful position because it means we can legitimately decide not to think about and live in accordance with the upset within us. We can reason that, ‘Yes, I do have all these angry, egocentric and alienated feelings and thoughts, and I know that without undergoing a great deal of psychological therapy I can’t hope to heal all the underlying upset that is producing these feelings and thoughts. But I also know that way of feeling and thinking is now obsoleted, so I’m simply going to leave that way of feeling and thinking behind me and adopt the new way of feeling and thinking that is now available where I live in support of a reconciled, non-aggressive, non-competitive, truth-based new world for humans!’”
So imagine for a minute if you have a monster inside your head (an incredible insecurity created by growing up without understanding of the human condition) constantly telling you, you are bad, horrible, not good enough, or has forced you to delude yourself that you are better than everyone else, or whatever and however your particular upset/psychosis plays out in your life — on and on and on it goes all day and all night, and pivots from self hatred to self adulation, it’s a mad psychosis that we can’t get rid of and have just had to live with and build onto all our lives trying desperately to cope with the horror we have encountered from the human condition. But imagine if all of that disappears and is no longer relevant, that you, your behaviour, your abilities, your accolades aren’t important anymore — you don’t have to regret them or worry about them, the whole framework of every situation, big or small is totally transformed with understanding of the human condition — imagine the relief you would feel if you finally walked away from that unwinnable battle inside of yourself. That you finally understand (KNOW) you are good and don’t have to spend another second thinking, worrying, trying to prove it. Full-stop and that was the end of it.
Now on top of that, imagine there was a really, really, really great cause, one that fixed everything on earth, was good for every living fibre of every living cell on the planet, imagine that this cause proved that the whole meaning to existence is unconditional selflessness and imagine that we could be part of that right now — that we could stop focusing on ourselves and our madness and how unfair life has been, and how hard it has been, and how terrible other people are behaving, and just focus on this wonderful new cause because it is going to fix everything if we just support it, plough all our energy into it, and the more we ploughed our energy into it the better we feel, we are part of something so incredibly meaningful and important to the survival of the whole human race. We’d start to see and feel the true worth of ourselves and how truly beautiful the horror of our lives has been, how wonderfully sensitive we truly are underneath the madness, how wonderfully beautiful the world is once you strip the human condition out of every situation. And how excited are you going to feel when you see how unbelievably easy it is to change your life, when you now see how easy it’s going to be for everybody to make this transformation in their own lives. It will be too, too, too much. With our new found human condition solved selflessness every single situation you can think of transforms, EASILY and QUICKLY — it would just bring you joy upon joy, upon joy. And the more you thought about this world and the more you took part in bringing it about the happier you would be and the less you would think about the horror that has been inflicted on the world by the human condition.
The Transformed State can be a bit hard to get started, but in truth it is just lining a few bits of key logic up in your brain but then you will never look back! The other video/Freedom Essay to watch/read to help with the Transformed state is Freedom Essay 33 “Jeremy on how to become Transformed”.
Claire replied on 21 June 2023: Anthony Gowing its taken me a year to understand your response 😳😄 thank you soooo much for all your words. There is sooo much LOVE there ☀💛☀
Tony replied: That is just awesome Claire, I’m so very excited for you! It’s just the way it is with this information isn’t it, the fear blocks us and blocks and blocks us, but if we just hang in there and keep holding our nerve and following the logic eventually the fear softens and it all just clicks and your mind and finally allows you to see the real and full beauty and excitement that understanding the human condition brings to our lives and the whole of humanity.
27 April 2022 Facebook comment about how momentum will help everyone through the Deaf Effect:
It’s coming Joanne, don’t worry about that! Spreading the human condition to everyone on earth has a slow start but a lightening fast finish. In truth, it is incredibly easy to understand the human condition once a person has the impetus to do so, what we are all doing is building that impetus for everyone to push through the initial fear/resistance we all carry to look at the human condition, once we have built that (and it is well underway), the transformation of the world will be almost overnight!
27 April 2022 Facebook comment about how alienated we all are, and how the solution is the Transformed State:
I just had to pipe up here Chris and say that this to me is an absolutely magnificent answer. I honestly think everyone should print it out and stick it on their walls! As far as I understand it, what you’re describing here here is alienation and alienation although it has saved us and given us shelter from all the diabolical pain, horror, suffering, insecurity, unfairness, anger etc etc that has all been piled on us all by the human condition, it is a horrible, horrible, horrible, really messed-up state to be in. It swamps our minds in blackness, it hides incredibly simple and obvious truths from us, it won’t allow us to feel anything, it renders us almost completely numb. As RD Laing the great psychiatrist said, there is 50 foot of solid concrete between us and our real selves. Actually, it’s worth putting the whole quote here, because it so beautifully describes our situation now.
‘We are dead, but think we are alive. We are asleep, but think we are awake. We are dreaming, but take our dreams to be reality. We are the halt, lame, blind, deaf, the sick. But we are doubly unconscious. We are so ill that we no longer feel ill, as in many terminal illnesses. We are mad, but have no insight [into the fact of our madness]’ (Self and Others, 1961, p.38 of 192).
But what is SO EXCITING is waking up from this state, is being able to begin to open our minds to the truth, to being able to start to see the beauty, the wonder, the pure magical unfiltered gloriously, incandescent magnificence that is in the world everywhere around us, but we haven’t been able to allow ourselves to see it, let alone participate in it, let alone bask in it’s warm, loving integration.
What I love about your response here Chris is that you are showing others the way, and even though right now it is hugely difficult - we are all just learning and pioneering this last incredibly difficult but at the same time totally all-meaningful task of leaving the human condition behind and helping to bring everyone else with us — every single day we talk about this, every commment we make on this group, every time we talk about the human condition in a real way with anybody else on earth, we are ripping the cracks in the denial/alienation further and further open and the light will flood in more and more, we will be able to see and feel and know and experience and taste and hear more and more and more of the wonder of ourselves and the world free of the human condition.
The key here is the TRANSFORMED STATE, that is why we all talk about it incessantly, we are so burnt out, so alienated, so broken, so hurt, so egocentric, etc etc, but the Transformed state allows us to accept all that hurt, dysfunction and pain in our lives, it allows us to live with total defence of it, we can love it, appreciate it, glorify it, but most importantly we can leave it all behind as part of a gloriously heroic part of our history that we can now move on from. We can live totally securely in our messed up states and the beauty is we just now move on to selflessly live our lives in dedication to bringing this information, this explanation of the human condition to every other person on earth. We know that only by supporting this explanation can there be a future for the human race, we know that if we are helping to bring this understanding to the human race we can’t be going wrong. We just leave all the horror of our human-condition-afflicted lives behind and live in wonderful selfless support of the future of the human race.
This new found security, this freedom from the confrontation and desperate, tyrannical fear of our human-condition-afflicted upset in ourselves in turn allows the veil of alienation to lift. Once the fear drops as everybody’s will as we all allow the truth and defence of the human condition to sink in more and more, we will each be able to see more of the world around us, the more we remove ourselves from the equation and lay the upset in us to rest, the more we make a shift from the unavoidable 100% focus on ourselves to a 100% focus on saving the world the more of it opens up to us, we see more, live more, experience the true, true beauty of ourselves, our world and our future. Just thinking about it makes me so excited, so enthused, so wonderfully happy and genuinely, genuinely joyful. FREEDOM!!!!!!!
Anyway Chris, I just loved your comment here, please continue to give us and the world the good stuff.
12 April 2022 Facebook comment about getting the f**k out of here!:
I absolutely love that Maureen! We finally know what the f**cks been going on!! So let’s get the f**k out of here!!!
9 April 2022 Facebook comment about how explaining the human condition allows real therapy, including response from Jeremy:
Tony: For me personally, one of the most extraordinarily impacting, limitlessly beautiful and immeasurably helpful and monumentally life-changing elements of Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of human condition afflicted world is that children tend to blame themselves for the horror/upset/problems in the world around them. I was one of these children, which basically everybody is. And releasing myself/putting down/letting go/forgiving myself for this blame that I have imposed on myself over my life has been an incredibly difficult task - BUT NOW IS ONLY POSSIBLE WITH THE FULL EXPLANATION OF THE HUMAN CONDITION THAT JEREMY HAS PROVIDED, (which is why I love, love, love this explanation so, so, so much, it saves me and and every child on earth from the most immense pain, guilt and horror), and it is this blame that causes/drives all the hurt, the anxiousness, the anger, the egocentricity in my life (which all just fuels the self-hatred further left unchecked). But for me, it is this point where children, including the little boy inside me, blamed themselves that I had to understand and come to terms with. The child in me was perfect, completely innocent, selfless, open, happy, enthusiastic as all children are when they come into this world. It is the silence and lack of understanding/explanation that kills children, that causes more torture than we can possibly fathom, it is this torture that every child has had to live through that we need to stop and finally we can. Finally we can explain the human condition to ourselves and every child that is born for ever more and it will save them and allow them to live a life that is so beautiful, so wonderful, so open and trusting and loving and caring, it will be better than heaven on earth for every single human on earth when we get Jeremy’s work to the world.
So I wanted to share a couple of extracts from Jeremy’s work which explains this situation. This first one is from a talk Jeremy did called ‘Effective Psychological Therapy’ in 2017, which you can find here:
“Now that we can admit that we’ve been living in denial that humanity once lived in a lovely, beautiful, happy, cooperative, all-loving, all-sensitive state. Now that we can defend our loss of innocence and explain that, we can afford to admit that truth that we were once incredibly loving and what innocence is really like. Now what is significant about that is that when children come into the world they come in more or less in our original instinctive state of expectation of encountering a loving, cooperative world like it always was, and suddenly it isn’t. It’s this massively angry, egocentric, alienated and upset world that they are encountering. So it’s incredibly distressing to children to encounter that world, which is why when they finally start thinking about the philosophy of our condition when they’re about 12 or 13 and they go through Resignation and all that horror [see chapter 2:2 of FREEDOM: This is the most damaging thing that happens to children. Because they are so trusting in that the world is cooperative and loving, when things go badly wrong and they’re ill-treated—basically when they encounter the extremely upset, egocentric world in the case of men, and alienated, neurotic world of women—it is an incredibly distressing interaction for them; and what children tend to do is they blame themselves. This is what is so devastating, you see because they are so trusting, our soul is so sensitive and so loving that when things go wrong, children in all their incredible naïve honesty think ‘well it’s either them that’s wrong or it’s me that’s wrong’, but because they are so trusting they cannot believe the adults, the more mature established people, are in the wrong; it has to be their own mistake. So it’s a measure of just how trusting children are that they end up blaming themselves, and they blame themselves very easily. Now watch this. This is really important. When they get to that conclusion that it’s their fault and — as I said, it’s ridiculously easy how quickly they will blame themselves — when they make that realisation, then their honesty kicks in again and they say ‘well I shouldn’t exist on this Earth if I’m that evil’. Again, you have got to understand just how innocent our soul is, our original instinctive child within is. So when we are a child we are living in this idealistic-expectations-world and it’s not like that and it’s devastating.”
And this section from FREEDOM : chapter 8:16c:
“What has made it especially difficult for new generations to cope with our corrupted adult world is that adults have been unable to admit to being corrupted in soul; in fact, as has been pointed out, adults haven’t even been aware that they are corrupted—if they were aware they were corrupted and alienated they wouldn’t be alienated, they wouldn’t have blocked out and thus protected themselves from the truth of their upset condition. But with new generations able to clearly see the extent of the corruption and alienation in the world around them, this lack of any honesty by adults, their complete silence on the subject of our immensely corrupted human condition—in effect, their denial that there is anything wrong with themselves or their adult world — left children dangerously prone to blaming themselves for the dysfunctionality of their environment. And not only have resigned adults been silent about their corrupted condition, in the absence of the real reason for their divisive behaviour, they have put forward all manner of dishonest reasons for their behaviour, lies that have greatly offended the honest minds of children. In fact, in line with the big lie put forward by the resigned mechanistic adult world that our ancestors were aggressive, brutish and savage, children have even been treated as, and even told they are, ‘just hateful little savages that have to be tamed’. Indeed, the purity and innocence of children has so confronted and exposed parents that they are typically referred to as ‘kids’—a dismissive, derogatory, retaliatory ‘put down’, a way of holding their confronting innocence at bay. And so, in encounters between the innocent and the alienated, where the alienated act as if there is nothing wrong with them or their world, in the innocents’ instinctive state of total trust and generosity they are left believing there must be something wrong with them, that in some way or another they must be at fault. In their immense naivety about the upset, alienated world, together with their soul’s great love, trust and generosity, innocents question their own view, not the view being presented by the alienated. The innocent do not know people lie because lying simply did not exist in our species’ original innocent instinctive world. In short, their trusting nature made them codependent to the alienated, susceptible to believing the alienated were right rather than accepting and fighting to uphold their own accurate view of the situation. Psychologists coined the word ‘codependent’ to describe someone who is ‘reliant on another to the extent that independent action is no longer possible’ (Macquarie Dictionary, 3rd edn, 1998), and, in the case of children, they are so trusting of, and thus ‘reliant on’, the adult world they are incapable of thinking ‘independent[ly]’ enough to trust that they are not at fault or have somehow misread the play. Children come from such an innocent, wholesome, trusting, loving, generous, integrative instinctive world that they all too readily blame themselves in situations where they are faced with a denial. Then, when they decide they must be at fault, their sense of self-worth and meaning is completely undermined, and to cope with that ‘unthinkable anxiety’, as Winnicott accurately described it, they have no choice but to psychologically split themselves off from the perceived reality, adopt a state of ‘invulnerability’.”
Jeremy Griffith: Jeez you don’t half right a good post Tony G, that latest one in the Facebook group about children blaming themselves is from way out on the frontiers of the Kosmos!
Tony: I try and fail pretty badly to tell myself to just try to truly appreciate what you have done for the world Jeremy. I just can’t, I think the truth is it is too good, too big, too magnificent, too amazing what you have given us, and who you are Jeremy to cope with it all. The smorgasbord of what you have presented for the world in all your all your glorious upon gloriousness masterpiece, masterpieces is just the most wonderful playground of happiness and joy to sit with and try to tell others the bits that you are currently unstoppably excited about or what has saved you from your worst horror. It’s like it’s lucky we’re so dead, because I honestly think we would die if we truly saw your true extraordinary specialness.
Jeremy Griffith: Yeah the pain out there is so great that when someone finally sees they can get a path through it, they’re going to really try to do it, try to get the job done. So it’s just what landed in my lap to do sort of thing, it’s sort of wouldn’t matter who it was.
7 April 2022 Facebook comment about finally being able to be honest about our upset now that it is defended:
As always it’s awesome to hear these discussions thanks very much Monica. And I so agree what Ari said is so world-changing - so honest and helpful. It helps the world so much to start to hear honesty like this and so naturally spoken. That is the big transformation in our thinking and living now. We can finally speak the truth, we can finally look at the world, look at others and most importantly and helpfully look at ourselves and start to see the true state of affairs. And the truth is we have been so alienated, so locked off, so confused, so removed from our reality, because without defence for it there really was no way on earth we could face the truth of ourselves. But now we can! All the horror that we have been so terrified of finding if we did/do look honestly at ourselves and lives is okay, it’s defended, it doesn’t condone our upset/destructive/egocentric/alienated behaviour — it WAS horrible, mean, destructive, dishonest etc. etc., but the bigger, overarching truth is that we had no choice but to be like that, we had to suffer corruption to find understanding, and the more we suffered ourselves, the more we perpetuated and inflicted that horror back onto the world around us. As you so beautifully say Ari, the human condition is just horror upon horror, every generation that is born, just ratchets up the scale of the diabolical horror on earth caused by the human condition to the next even more horrendous level. But now we can truly stand up straight and tall and speak and know the truth like you are showing us here Ari. And like you are saying, which I just love, the relief of doing that is so utterly wonderful, the magnitude of the statement ‘the truth will set you free’ is bigger and way, way, way more glorious, than any sufferer of the human condition has ever imagined it could possibly be, this truth (understanding the human condition), the biggest, greatest, most wonderful truth about ourselves really, really, really sets us free to fly so high with so much relief and freedom, just simply soaring around, finally absolutely care-free, and as close to the sun now as we could ever want to go. With understanding of the human condition, we will never fall, we are totally safe and sound, we can walk around in the clouds, fly like an eagle or think of any freedom metaphor we care to think of, none of them are as good as the real freedom that we experience from being able to admit/see/accept/know the truth in the world and truly, truly, truly love everything we see about ourselves and bring it back to life. As Jeremy has said, the whole concept of good and bad now ends with the end of the human condition. The whole spectrum of our human-condition-afflicted behaviour from our most generous ability to be unconditionally loving one minute to being abhorrently hateful and selfish the next, is all now viewed as our glorious history of our unavoidable struggle to find knowledge and we approach everything now with our new human-condition-understood, totally free, totally open, caring, empathetic, unconditionally-selfless-loving and truthful way.
Anyway, that’s a wild rave, but I just love hearing that beautiful honesty that you and your whole family are the world leading example of Ari. Please just keep speaking it like you are!
5 April 2022 Facebook comment about the relief of finally being able to understand the human condition:
Thanks very very much Simon!! Those two hymms are utterly magnificent, trying to get through them without breaking down with the relief that what has been can finally end is nearly impossible. And just thinking about the unbelievable party that is coming when all these songs that Jeremy has described in this essay and many many more that will be written and performed and sung right throughout the world soon, is honestly too much to think about, there is simply too much to feel for a person as dead and as locked off as me, it is simply overwhelming.
5 April 2022 Facebook comment about how solving the human condition solves all problems:
Thanks for the post Paul, yes, when I first came across Jeremy Griffith’s work and became part of the WTM what struck me endlessly, was that every single problem you could put up against this information had a solution. It doesn’t matter the size, or the scope, a solution to any problem is easy now that we have the human condition solved, I was and still am learning not to be so stuck in the old world paradigm, where you just have to work around the morass of insoluable problems, but now they are all solvable, and in fact not just solvable but you can turn any problem you like totally on it’s head and it generally becomes an all-out wonderful, amazing, completely bedded-down, totally looked after new way of approaching any situation. This information never ever disappoints you!
5 April 2022 Facebook comment about the excitement of the transformation now on offer for humanity:
Absolutely drop dead brilliant Fabiana! That is one of the best descriptions of what is before each and every one of us humans now the human condition is solved I’ve ever read. Keep telling us how it is and how it’s going to be, it’s absolutely awsome!!
5 April 2022 Facebook comment about what to do with the understanding of the human condition:
Hi Joanna, Sally has answered your question beautifully, so this is not needed but this question I know is one that I struggled with when I first came across Jeremy’s work so I just wanted to add my two cents.
Being able to see the human condition in yourself is a difficult thing to do when we all start our journey into understanding the human condition. Basically, the discovery is that as suffers of the human condition we are forced to take up an existence that is 100% focused on ourselves — totally, completely, 100% selfish.
That is an incredibly difficult truth to even begin to allow into our minds but it is a fundamental truth — we humans, without having any explanation of the human condition have a suicidal-depression-induced insecurity that we are worthless, horrible, destructive blights, basically a virus destroying everything we come in contact with on the planet.
It is this insecurity that leaves us with no choice but to do as Adam Stork did, block out the fear/criticism (live in denial of any of our problems, look at the bright side of life, be realistic, and keep a stiff upper lip etc), get angry with the fear/criticism, (tell the world to F*ck off and punch our fist into the sky and tell the world that we won’t back down ever, ever ever, we are good and one day we are going to be able to prove it), and become egocentric, (do whatever it takes to create any type of win for ourselves, no matter how big or small to make us feel better about ourselves.). Understanding the Adam Stork story and being able to apply it to our own lives is absolutely key to being able to understand how understanding the human condition changes everything on earth just about overnight; see
The reason we can finally be honest about all this upset in ourselves is because we finally do have the reason for it, it turns out suffering corruption/upset was totally unavoidable and a journey we HAD to make which was in no way our own making.
When we first start to try to think about the human condition in ourselves we start by trying to be honest about the ‘fairly rare’ times that we behave badly, that we are ashamed of, like the time when we stole the chewing gum from the school canteen or we lashed out and hit our siblings or somebody else, or whatever. But the truth is all the times we were smiling and saying ‘Good morning’ and ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ and turning up to the local wildlife fundraiser and driving our kids to extra curricular activity’s, what you discover, is that all those things the whole box and dice, EVERY SINGLE action you have taken in your life is to selfishly shield you/defend against/make you feel better about/keep you away from the human condition.
What you will find is how you dress, how you smile, how you speak, the way you put your keys down when you get home or roll your sleves up is all about keeping the human condition at bay within you, it is all about putting up the best possible front you can concoct to make yourself feel good about yourself.
What changes?? Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition removes our guilt, it removes the need for any insecurity, we can now be totally secure about our worth, we can be totally secure in our understanding of where our upset came from and why it has played out like it has. So finally we can be honest about it, see it in all it’s horror, but in fact all it’s glory. We have been participating in the most glorious of tasks, we have been searching for understanding of natures greatest invention, our fully conscious thinking mind and there was no other way to find knowledge other than by trial and error. So without insecurity, all the selfish, insecure behaviour can stop, right now, instead of focusing on ourselves all day and all night and worrying if we are appearing to be good or not, and keeping ourselves away from the fear of being a bad, evil person, we start to look out at the world instead of constantly inward at ourselves, we start to see other people, that they are suffering as we are, we can see and finally empathise with others and know exactly what they are going through because we are going/have been through it too. Our own upset/dysfunction/alienation won’t bother us anymore, and we don’t have to waste our energy trying to hide it and block it out, and the upset in others won’t bother us anymore we can simply understand it and genuinely help them with it.
And that’s just the start, then we can really start to see all the beauty in the world, we can start to see and feel and know integrative meaning, we can start to feel what genuine selflessness is, where we do things that are right as oppose to what makes us feel good. We won’t do things because we look good or make us feel good cheaply, we will do what is right for the whole world and every living thing in it and we will know that it is right. We can finally act as one single all-knowing, all-cooperative, all-integrative species again, after 2 million years of having to defy integration and love and destroy innocence and beauty because it condemned us and compete with everyone else because if we didn’t win we felt like a horrible worthless loser etc, etc. Now it all ends and the beginning of the end is to get every single child and adult on earth to have Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition. To let the relief of it flow through every single humans every cell and fibre and molecule, so they know they don’t have to be insecure anymore and the insecure/upset/egocentric behaviour can end and that they all, we all can participate in the one great task left before us as a human race, bringing freedom to the whole human race and then fixing up all the damage that we have had no choice but to impose on the rest of the world.
I know that Sally mentioned this but it is such a magnificent answer I can’t help but put a link to Annie’s post from Jeremy here again:
2 April 2022 Facebook comment about the paradox of appearing to be evil when we were actually good:
I love this post Dylan. I so agree that the core paradox of the human condition although so simple in many ways is so tricky to become fluent with. But it is switching/straightening this single point out in our minds and being able to apply it to every single aspect of the human-condition-afflicted world and our lives that changes everything! Saves us, explains us and liberates us, makes everything on earth shimmering with gloriousness.
We appeared evil, destructive, selfish, horrible, vile beings but knew we were good. We have done so many bad, unideal, horrible, mean, destructive things but couldn’t explain why, but knew there was a good reason for it that would turn up somewhere, sometime, someplace.
We ‘marched into hell for a heavenly cause’, we destroyed paradise on earth because it was the only way we could return the world to paradise. We had to suffer corruption to find understanding.
My life before coming across the explanation of the human condition was completely dominated by horrendous feelings of shame and guilt about being a bad, person, and since coming across the explanation of the human condition it has been basically all about allowing myself to really let the explanation to sink in, to allow myself to truly believe and accept that we truly did have to suffer corruption to find understanding, that we did have to reject and block out the ideals in life, that the horror I experienced and produced in my life and the horror in the world was unavoidable - because it was, that is the great courageous, wonderfully heroic, at it’s core, totally selfless story of the human race. It is true, we can understand that, we can believe that, we can live that, and we can love that, and like you I’m just so, so, so pleased that it can all now end, we all can just participate in helping this soothing explanation reach every single person on the planet to free them from the horror that was destroying my life and is destroying everything in the world.
Anyway, here is the section of FREEDOM where Jeremy talks about the universal paradox of the human condition because having this explained is the greatest, bestest, wonderful, most incredible, most appreciated thing I can possibly think of in this world.
“So if we do have a cooperative past (which we do), and our consciousness is behind our destructiveness (which it is), then the ultimate paradox of the human condition, indeed the reason we are still able to get out of bed in the morning and face the world, is that, as mentioned in chapter 1:3, we fully conscious humans don’t actually believe we are fundamentally bad/evil. Despite all the damning evidence, we don’t accept that we are a terrible mistake, a worthless blight on this planet, the ‘face of absolute evil’. In fact, the incredible determination with which we live our lives bespeaks of a core belief within us all that we are not only not bad/evil but the great heroes of the story of life on Earth, and that one day we will be able to explain why that is true!
It follows then that while awaiting the exonerating, liberating explanation of our present egocentric, competitive, selfish and aggressive condition we couldn’t afford to concede that we did once live in an innocent, all-loving instinctive state that was corrupted by the emergence of our conscious mind. Accepting such truth without the full, clarifying explanation for it would have left us unbearably condemned as bad and worthless, sentenced to a state of completely insecure, permanent damnation. So, as dishonest as it was, there has been a need to deny the truth of our species’ cooperative, peaceful past and the role consciousness played in its corruption. Yes, while, as has been emphasised, denial in science carried with it the great risk of becoming overly entrenched, rendering its practitioners incapable of fulfilling their fundamental responsibility of acknowledging the human-condition-confronting-not-denying, fully accountable and human-race-saving, true explanation of the human condition when it eventually arrived, it has been necessary in the interim, not just because we couldn’t cope with the depression that resulted from trying to think about the human condition, but because we didn’t believe we were fundamentally bad/flawed/’the face of absolute evil’.”
2 April 2022 Facebook comment about how art attempts to cut through the human condition, and how Jeremy’s drawings are human condition free:
Thanks Fiona, her face is one of the great artworks on the planet I reckon, I can just stare at it, it is truly, truly beautiful.
The truth is that I have been so cut off from anything truly beautiful, but one of the incredibly exciting things that Jeremy’s work has shown me is the beauty in all the art in the world, where all the great artwork is trying to paint something that is human condition free, to show the true beauty that we are all so cut off from while we have suffered from the human condition.
And probably the greatest example I can think of is all of Jeremy’s drawings so I’m going to try and add a few here, but treat yourself by going and having a look at Jeremy’s artwork page:
The caption from this image is: Jeremy’s 2004 drawing of Jesus Christ as someone completely free and natural.
22 March 2022 Facebook comment about our responsibility to bring about a future free of the human condition:
You’re an absolute legend Ben, I just love the idea of ‘a painless upbringing for future generations’. In some ways I can’t even begin to imagine what a childhood is like without insecurity, shame, self-hatred, guilt and insatiable desperation to win, succeed, achieve et etc to make myself feel better because they are all the overwhelming feelings that I had growing up. But on the other hand in moments when I have been totally connected to the understanding of the human condition and the felt the relief and incandescent joy of it flowing through me which allows my mind to finally find just a little bit of peace and calm — in those moments I get some idea of what it is like to grow up in a totally warm, calm, centred, secure, happy, connected, knowing, environment totally free of the human condition. That is what is possible now with understanding of the human condition and we just have to make it happen. It is up to us humans that can hear this explanation of the human condition and know its worth and importance to make sure we see the new, human condition free world come to fruition.
22 March 2022 Facebook comment about how the Transformed State allows us to :
I just love hearing these discussions, thank you very much for sharing Monica. I so relate to the awesome rush of meaning that comes into your life when you start to understand the human condition and for me it is the greatest joy on earth participating in helping stop all the suffering on earth.
When thinking about the transformation and the genuine unconditional selflessness that understanding the human condition unlocks for the human race, my favourite, or one of my favourite descriptions of it is Jeremy’s ‘The Magnificence of the Transformed State – Video 2’ you can find it here:
I really wanted to paste the whole thing here, but please go and read the whole thing because you will honestly dance around the room when you read it, it is so exciting and relieving to hear beautifully described what is in store for us now the human condition is solved.
I can’t resist sharing this bit from Jeremy:
“It will certainly take time, in fact, a few generations, for us humans to sufficiently absorb the understanding of the human condition for our underlying insecurity to be fully ameliorated or healed and thus the need for some artificial reinforcement from materialism, etc, etc, to completely disappear, but once you adopt the Transformed State, while you haven’t eliminated the insecure state of the human condition within yourself, you have completely changed your mind’s focus from living an ego-embattled, selfish life to living selflessly—you have had that ‘change of heart’, the fundamental change of direction, that Sir James recognised was so urgently needed to fix the world.”
What helps me so much about that quote is that what is taking the time is to ‘ABSORB’ the understanding of the human condition, to me, in my experience, I find this so true, the truth, beauty, selflessness and drop-dead unbelievably wonderfully selfless and happy existence that this understanding of the human condition brings is all about allowing ourselves to “ABSORB” the understanding, yes, pretty much I have resisted and stalled and procrastinated absorbing understanding of the human condition at every step of the way, which is all totally understandable, but is frustrating nonetheless. I know with every neurological fibre of my being that Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition is the only thing that can solve any of the catastrophic problems that are facing the world, but at the same time my every cell still holds enormous resistance to discussing the human condition, the fear, recrimination, shame, insecurity and egocentricity that have been embedded in my entire being from the human condition is so great, I know that those deep dark, human-condition-afflicted feelings will never leave me fully.
BUT, that is why the Transformed state is so, so, so wonderful, it gives us the ability right now, today, at this moment to participate in the human condition free world, I can leave all the horror that is inside me as dealt with, I can choose not to live in accordance with it, and even though, I’m not truly 100% through and through a selfless and loving being, that is what I focus on, bringing that selfless loving integrative, human condition free existence to every situation on earth. And to do that I just need to do whatever it takes to get this understanding to a whole generation of children. And what it also means is that I am now no longer perpetuating the horror that I have lived through and have inside of me as a result of growing up without understanding of the human condition, and the feeling of participating in the one project that can save the world and prevent every single child on earth from having to feel and carry out the horror that I have in my life is simply too wonderful to describe, helping to stop the suffering in any tiny way possible brings so much meaning, happiness and satisfaction to our lives, it is almost unfathomable.
21 March 2022 Facebook comment about everyone helping to build momentum:
The world is a better place now you’ve come across these answers Neil. Please keep sharing your excitement mate it only gets bigger and better but we need every voice available to tell the world just how good this is and yours has been an absolutely awesome addition!
20 March 2022 Facebook comment about Resignation, and Jeremy’s incredible mind:
Thanks very much John! Leunig cartoons are amazing. I’ve also got to say straight up that the reverence that is afforded incredibly insightful people like Leunig makes me think just how drop-dead, out-of-this-world, absolutely piercing, x-ray vision amazingly insightful Jeremy Griffith’s thinking is. I mean these cartoons do bring so much relief for all who witness them because of the incredible honesty about our human situation in them, but he is also staying on the safe line of not penetrating too deep or near the human condition, or even giving any explanation of anything much, which is not a criticism, it to me just accentuates again just how far past human-condition-afflicted-old-world-acceptable thinking/commentary that Jeremy Griffith and the extraordinarily great prophets/truth sayers have had to go to describe and in Jeremy’s case solve the human condition!
I remember being a teenager and basically waging war with the bullshit world around me, god help any school master or adult that took what I thought was bullshit too seriously because I just thought they were totally full of it and I just wanted to do my best to undermine them and let them know that the world was not the ‘wonderful’ place they were trying to encourage me to be part of and there was no way, but no way was I going to conform. And, it was these bits of honesty, like these cartoons from Leunig containing some honesty about the bullshit that helps us as teenagers and the adults we become to feel just a little better, that there is some truth out there and maybe, just maybe one day the real, great, wonderful, fully truthful liberating understanding of it all would come. I obviously did give in and did conform and did fall into line along with just about everybody else before me, but you never forget those memories of truth and they are the toe holds and minute gaps in our denial that allow us to remember/have some kind of sense that at some time in our lives we did fight the status quo, that we didn’t want to just go along with all the madness and dishonesty, denial and egocentricity, we just didn’t have the wherewithal to do anything about it at that time. We really, really, really, really didn’t want to sellout, but it was resignation, (see Jeremy’s explanation of it here: /selling out and getting on with life or madness. Which is just one of the stock standard horrible situations/decisions that is placed before all us suffers of the human condition.
But anyway, Jeremy has solved the human condition now thank, thank, thank Goodness, and also thank goodness for wonderfully insightful/honest humans like Leunig because with them although their truth couldn’t ever solve the human condition, it was able to help bring so much relief and allowed the ability to have some kind of honesty in our lives that were otherwise totally devoid of it.
20 March 2022 Facebook comment about the sheer joy of the Transformed State:
I loved that Susan Armstrong! And I particularly love that quote from FREEDOM. As more and more people catch on to this awesome breakthrough what we are going to notice more and more are all the transfigured humans glowing with pure joy - the more time we spend digesting this breakthrough information the more we are each going realise just how wonderful it is, just how freeing it is and just how drastically it changes EVERYTHING. The momentum is building, building, building - Let’s GO!!
10 March 2022 Facebook comment about how the defence for our upset state allows us to be honest at last, and bring it all to an end:
Awesome post Nikoletta! The transformed state is just the greatest thing on earth for us upset humans, it gives us a way to participate in this soulful, selfless, loving, cooperative new world, when we are none of these things, and we can make this change right away - as soon as we verify for ourselves that the human condition is actually solved.
Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but as I was reading your post it made me think about how long it has taken me - and honestly, I still haven’t completely come to terms with (accepted fully/appreciated/allowed the truth of it to fully sink in) the most fundamentally important, liberating truth that understanding the human condition provides us and probably never will completely. And that is that being an upset (angry, egocentric and alienated) sufferer of the human condition is a glorious, courageous, good, perfect, has-to-have-been-like-this, unavoidable, only possible state that we could be in. Right now, as we write these posts, as messed up, deluded, burnt-out, selfish, egocentric, neurotic, psychotic, uncaring, alienated as we all are, that is not a bad state, it isn’t wrong, it is actually a glorious, divine state to be in.
We each need to say that, write that, ponder that, understand that, get used to that, live that, over and over and over again. It is SO important, it is that key switch that changes everything on earth overnight. Never before have we had a truthful, real, first-principle-based, biological explanation of what is wrong with us humans before, and now, out of the blue, Jeremy Griffith has given us the understanding/defence we have so desperately needed.
With a real defence for our upset behaviour we can finally admit to it, we as a species, all of us together, can finally stop pretending and hiding desperately afraid of the truth of our corruption, we can all talk about it, help one another, love one another’s upset, empathise with it, understand it, explain it, sooth it — but most, most importantly we have a the real path to ENDING ALL UPSET ON EARTH.
So not too far away, every government in every country will be having daily press conferences about how messed up we all are, but that each and everyone of us is the most wonderfully heroic, fundamentally good, worthwhile beings, they’ll be explaining Jeremy’s Adam Stork story ad infinitum.
Sure, there will be some people who try to keep pretending that they aren’t upset, that they already knew this truth, that they aren’t upset or selfish, that they’ve always been selfless and loving beings, and there’ll be others that try to maintain that humans are selfish by nature and anybody who is unconditionally selfless is just naive and idealistic, but the whole world will know that it’s rubbish, that we are all in this together, we are all upset and that we have all necessarily suffered from the human condition and those thoughts are just remnants of the denial, and fear and hurt that we have all suffered from under the duress of the human condition. They won’t be condemned or unloved or made to feel guilty, the power of logic will simply become too great for every single human on earth, and the excitement, relief and freedom that they see in others will be too great to resist and the pull of joining in the truly unconditionally selfless joy of fixing up the world will be inescapable.
I urge everyone to reread, and rewatch the Adam stork story, explanation of the human condition over and over, because it is an incredibly basic story/explanation but the ramifications of it are so massive, it will take the human race a hundred years of combined effort to really come to terms with just what an incredible breakthrough this is for our personal lives and every human on earth!
10 March 2022 Facebook comment about how this solves everything:
Hi Delliah, I know that such excitement can seem totally insensitive to all the suffering and hardship that is going on around the world and in every individuals lives, and the last thing I want to do is make things any more difficult, and I know from personal experience that it can take quite a bit of digestion of the explanation of the human condition before we can see how it helps us all individually in our personal lives. But it is true — understanding the human condition is the only way any of the hardship, madness and horror in the world can really be stopped. Rather than constantly, desperately trying to deal with all the symptoms of the human condition that are everywhere we look, solving the human condition fixes 99% of our problems at their source and makes any problem that it isn’t directly responsible for a thousand times easier to understand, cope with, plan for, manage etc etc. The more you understand the human condition the more you will see how it directly impacts every tiny aspect of our lives and society and very excitingly, once you look on at any situation with the human condition solved all of a sudden any totally unchangeable, unavoidable, terrible, difficult, diabolical situation can be turned around to not just a solvable/bearable situation, but to an incredibly all positive, fixed-up, beautifully managed exciting positive situation. It does just take time to work your way into Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition, but it truly will stop all the suffering on earth and that is such wonderful exciting news that should be shouted from the rooftops.
7 March 2022 Facebook comment about Jeremy’s interview with Caroline Jones:
Yes that’s absolutely magnificent Pruey. Jeremy’s generosity and selfless enthusiasm is the most inspiring thing to witness. This discussion truly is a wonder of the world. Thanks very much for sharing
7 March 2022 Facebook comment about climate change:
Hi Cindy, I can’t disagree that environmental devastation is not an incredibly important issue, but this quote from Jeremy Griffith in his book FREEDOM I think makes the point very clearly what our focus needs to be if we want to make any inroads into the myriad of critical issues facing the world at the moment:, “the obvious truth is that by not addressing the cause of the destruction of the natural world, namely the issue of our human condition’s massively upset, angry, egocentric and alienated state, there can be no real let up in the pace of our world’s devastation, as these quotes emphasise: ‘The trees aren’t the problem. The problem is us’ (Simply Living mag. Sep. 1989), and ‘We need to do something about the environmental damage in our heads’ (TIME, 24 May 1993).”
Jeremy also answers this question about the environment being the issue here:
6 March 2022 Facebook comment about a newcomer’s invaluable addition to the growing momentum:
I honestly don’t know where you came from Paul, but the world is a better place now you are about and in the WTM’s corner. Thanks so much for sharing so much with us about your journey, with every new person that turns up and understands the human condition and breaks free of their denial and hurt and upset, so grows the momentum and you are certainly growing it. I can’t wait for the future to keep coming, it’s going to be so, so, so good it’s not funny!!!
6 March 2022 Facebook comment about the beauty of the new world:
That is a brilliant speech James! I just love it, and after hearing you speak with such honesty and clarity the quote from Pruey from Jeremy’s interview with Caroline Jones was just awesome too. I don’t think it is in the comments here so I thought it would be worth adding what Jeremy said in the interview here:
“We have to stop the fundamental upset within us. We have to resolve the anger, the alienation, the superficiality of people, us, you know and those things are now soluble. We can go back now and unlock all the doors that have been locked inside us. All our upsets can subside and then we will become sensitive, incredibly aware. There’s a world out there of so much beauty that we can now tap that we’ve never been able to tap, and occasionally a great artist might just make some, cut a little window into that magic world through which we could all get a little access to the paradise. But there’s a world where one minute of the future, the beauty encapsulated in that would be more than all the beauty we can accumulate in a whole lifetime. There is nothing that man has created that would remotely compare with the magic of our lost paradise.”
That is just so magnificently good to think about and live our lives striving for knowing that that is what is coming in the very real, very near future!!!
6 March 2022 Facebook comment about how this understanding defends humans, and allows us to move on:
What an awesome post Carol. Thanks so much for letting us in on your progress. You seem like you have everything totally under control, the only thing I can think to mention, in case it is of any help, is that FREEDOM is the most honest book on the planet and even those of us who are the most dedicated to understanding the contents of it will still find some of the truths in there initially difficult to accept, and having to bring that truth up about our human-condition-corrupted-states can seem hurtful, unfair and even unnecessary when we first come across them, but I always try to remember this one thing - all the truths in FREEDOM add up to the one greatest truth that stands out on it’s own above all that rest — that ALL humans, (and that includes absolutely every single one us) are the most wonderful, courageous, glorious heroes of the story of life on earth, and we have each had to put up with the most horrendous, torturous, lonely, hideous of journeys, which as meant carrying out terrible atrocities while being unable to explain why or defend ourselves — the courage that all humans have shown to continue on with our task, each and every day, is so magnificent, so inspiring, so glorious, that it eclipses all the horror that we have carried out or have had to bear.
And as Jeremy explains, and I just love, love, love this; we have to get the truth up just once, we have to tell the truth, have it all explained properly and 100% compassionately using the first-principle-based biology, but once it is up and understood it is our responsibility to move on past it all and leave all the horror of the human-condition-afflicted world behind us. We did have to ‘March into hell for a heavenly cause’, but now we get to make heaven exist on earth. It will all have been worth it in the gloriously unconditionally selfless and loving world that we are now able to create.
6 March 2022 Facebook comment about our responsibility to bring about a future free of the human condition:
Awesome Rick!! I really agree that the relief of finally being able to understand the human condition brings about the 180 degree turnaround of our lives, there is so much relief once we can put down our insecurity, and importantly our egocentricity that the insecurity has driven.
But there is so, so, so much more to do!!! You may have heard the saying that we’re not free until we are all free, and that is the case here, we each have had the incredible fortune to be able to hear and access understanding of the human condition but this privilege places a huge responsibility on each of us to help everyone else free themselves. The world is still hurtling towards destruction too quickly to bare thinking about, the mental health of the world is deteriorating so quickly and the amount of pain and angst in the air is exponentially growing every second. There are atrocities being committed everyday in every single household on earth, etc etc.
But, we have the solution to stop all the wars, the anger, the suffering for good! We just have to help the world hear it, we have to tell them over and over again, we have to understand the human condition better and better, and make the transition to the transformed way of living more and more each day. All the humans who have come before us for the last 2 million years have been fighting and hoping and trusting that this time and this information would come, they have fought wars, killed one another, destroyed so much of the planet, done unbelievably abhorrant things all in the name of finding enough knowledge to bring about this moment — and here it is, so we owe it to them to stand up as straight as we can and tell people as strongly, compassionately and empathetically as we each can possibly muster, that it’s all over, and we need to show them in our actions as well as our words that the world can and should now be lead by soundness, compassion, understanding and above all selflessness. The human condition changes absolutely everything for the better and our task is to start that progression with the joy and happiness and enthusiasm that can now so easily be applied to every situation now.
So I totally agree Rick, all that is before us is a beautifully joyful journey of bringing love/truth/understanding to the whole world, our movement is going to bring the biggest sunrise of glorious, incandescent, cleansing light which represents our new found knowledge, but it is still a very close thing and we are going to need everybody to work together to bring this thing home!!
6 March 2022 Facebook comment about how understanding doesn’t undermine the significance of love:
Awesome post Amanda! Love is one of those subjects that without understanding of the human condition we actually haven’t been able to admit what love REALLY is! Love, in our human-condition-afflicted, denial-complying world is so superficial and tinny compared to the unbelievably meaningful, real and powerful unconditionally selfless, integrative force that underlies all life in the universe - that love really is!
I remember initially, being incredibly confronted/disappointed when Jeremy explained that romantic love is just a dream of living in an unconditionally loving, fully integrated state with another person (as we say, we ‘fall in love’, we abandon the reality of human-condition-afflicted selves and world for the dream of a human-condition-free, ideal relationship - you can read the full explanation of romantic love in FREEDOM here:
But once you allow yourself to take in what love really is and understand the order of integration in the universe that Jeremy calls Integrative meaning, it brings so much relief and joy. LOVE IS ALL AROUND, it is the fundamental meaning of existence, and now with understanding of the human condition solved we can understand that our instinctive selves (or souls) were developed over roughly 10 million years and are 100% aligned with love/integration. How good is that!
Now we can understand that it was the human condition that forced us to actively resist living in accordance with and deny/block-out the whole direction of meaning on earth and the existence of that integration without and within. It’s been a horrendous burden to bear, but we simply had no other choice while we searched for understanding to finally be able to explain ourselves and our situation.
Now with understanding of the human condition we can truly love ourselves, we can love our world and it can love us back, we can come back into the fold, we don’t have to be the seemingly destructive blights on the planet working against order and love. The relief of that is so magnificent.
Even though love is totally explainable now and does lose some of it’s ethereal, mystical ‘dream’ it is a billion times more wonderful, meaningful, warm and real than it has ever been. Understanding the human condition brings with it so many almost too good to be true realisations, and this this is yet another of them!!
Read Jeremy’s Essay called ‘What is Love?’ in his book of REAL Answers To Everything! here:
26 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment in response to superficial comment about how anyone can be happy.
Hi Tina, you may not be aware, but this FB group is about bringing biological understanding to the human condition, which means we can demystify mythology and religious scripture.
Being kind and patient and caring and enjoying art and nature is all very well, but the reality is humans are ruthlessly competitive and aggressive and we need to find rehabilitating understanding of that if we are to make the world a truly kind and caring place. We have lots of FAQs ( about demystification of religious mythology, so I urge you to look at those and I also urge you to watch ‘THE Interview’ ( that really gets to the bottom of all the distress in the world.
We are out of time, we’ve got to end the pain and suffering in the world by finding the redeeming understanding of the human condition and that’s what our website is all about.
24 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about how, although the understanding of the human condition is initially confronting, relief quickly floods us:
Hi Geoffrey, No, not really, the difficulty is that the human condition has historically been such a scary hurtful and off-limits subject. We have had to bury it and hide it deep down. BUT, the point now is that even though we still carry those historic fears about the human condition being terrifying and hurtful, armed with first principle based, biological explanation for how and why the hurt and upset started and has been perpetuated throughout all our lives generation after generation - the realisation is that it is no longer scary or hurtful - in fact it is the complete opposite.
We can finally admit that there is this deeper, dark side to ourselves and everybody else, that is driving all manner of mad/upset behaviour, but we now know that it was totally unavoidable, we had no other choice, but to suffer upset while we searched for the understanding we desperately needed (and now have) for our liberation.
The overwhelming feeling (initially anyway) is relief (which is then replaced with excitement), the relief just runs out of us in rivers, the pressure and angst that we have lived with (albeit basically unknowingly) is so unbelievably immense, so now that we can safely look at and accept that this exists within us and we are able to release all that pressure, angst and drive that we have had to employ to stay ‘safely’ in denial about the human condition, you just stagger around for weeks trying to catch up with how something so simple as Jeremy Griffith’s instinct vs intellect explanation can be so utterly and completely transforming of every single thing on earth including yourself.
So, yes, it can be difficult to start because of our historic fear of the human condition, but the journey itself is all about relief, freedom, happiness and knowing.
24 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about how, although the understanding of the human condition is initially confronting, relief quickly floods us:
Tony: Hi Emily, I can’t tell you how much I love and appreciate your post. It is so relieving to me to hear the honesty you speak. Breaking through the denial of our manufactured serene fronts that we put on for ourselves and the rest is of the world is one the great steps that the whole of the human race has to take to freedom! Allowing your self to start to see the human-condition-afflicted person underneath has always been unavailable to us humans, we had to endlessly, tirelessly keep up the front that we have it together, we’re happy, functional etc etc, all the while having this unbelievable anger and frustration and hurt living below it in actual fact dictating/driving all the more manufacturing.
This is what can now wonderfully end, the endless war between our human-condition-afflicted selves underneath, that we have had to deny and the false denial-complying, superficial facade front. Acknowledging the human condition in your life is unbelievably confronting, but the whole point is that it isn’t anymore, and it is so freeing and relieving. All that pain all the superficiality isn’t our fault, everything we have each done in our lives was unavoidable, unstoppable, it took enormous love, and courage, to live our lives, put smiles on our faces and walk around making jokes, despite how horrible and unavoidable the human condition has been to us.
We have each, and every child that comes into this world instinctively expects, total, unconditional love, we each knew that the world was all about love and cooperation, and care and empathy, but that is not what we got, we got a world filled to the brim with the human condition, filled with all the madness, neurosis, selfishness, competitiveness, uncaring, meanness etc that the human condition has forced on us, on everybody who we ever came in contact with over our lives, our parents, siblings, family, teachers, friends, and not one of them could speak about what we were each going through, it’s all horror beyond horror when we start to allow ourselves to see past our denials and start to allow ourselves to see what is there.
All you have to remember in my experience from here is that this is a good, wonderful, all-exciting, all-freeing change. Finally, we are allowed to feel the hurt inside ourselves but we can finally understand it, know where it comes from, we don’t have feel guilty about it or any of the horror that has played out under the human condition. We can finally be ourselves, we can finally understand one another, why we are each so fragile, so angry and behave terribly at times, but that can all end, we are all in this together finally, every human on earth can understand each other, we don’t have to hide our pain from each other anymore, we can finally start to look after each other properly, love and care for each other properly.
Anyway that’s a hell of a rave, I just wanted to say thank you for your post, it is this honesty that you have so courageously shared that is going to save the world, because with this Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition in all of our tool kits to compassionately explain, look after and ameliorate all the pain inside of us, we are unstoppable. Freedom and incandescent joy is going to sweep all our lives and the entire world in no time.
Emily Burfoot: Anthony Gowing Oh what a wonderful reply. The Word “allow” ourselves to see the human condition afflicted person underneath, Just letting ourselves look at that Is a breakthrough. It’s the start of the journey for me. I want to know, know, know more and more and see, really see and then hopefully UNDERSTAND. It’s like taking a dive from up high after a long time, you know you can do it, you’re afraid but you know you can count to three then just go and dive into that beautiful soft water which will fully embrace your body and lift you to the surface, you’re safe and you feel so elated because really you love the water. Just that 1, 2, 3 and gooooo. Thank you so much.
Tony: You are very welcome Emily, all the love/understanding in the world is coming your way. Like you say, starting our journey navigating the human condition in ourselves is tricky to start, but you soon learn that this explanation will never let you down, it just keeps opening our lives and minds to more relief, security, happiness and excitement!
18 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about savage instincts excuse:
Understanding the ‘Savage instincts excuse’ and the extent to which all humans are wedded to it is an absolute must. Deafness to discussion of the human condition doesn’t just come in the ‘passive’ form of not being able to hear or take information in, it also comes in the form of an active and assertive resistance to any argument that is seen as undermining our carefully concocted ‘keep-away-from-the-human-condition-at-all-costs’ world view. And the ‘savage instincts excuse’ is the cornerstone of basically every single human’s world view whether they are aware of it or not.
There are a many different places where Jeremy Griffith discusses/explains this massive issue:
Starting at paragraph 15 in THE Interview (; in Freedom Essay 2: Debunking the ‘savage instincts’ excuse for human behaviour ( and in; ‘The Dishonest Biology’ section of his book Transform Your Life And Save The World (
There is also the following description/discussion of the situation that I really love and find unbelievably helpful where Jeremy warns the WTM Zambia founder Franklin Mukakanga of just how addicted and wedded to the ‘savage instincts excuse’ everybody is and how when beginning to explain the human condition we need to have our tools at the ready to explain, why it simply isn’t true. Where ever Jeremy talks about this issue he gives these two reasons that the savage instincts excuse is a lie:
“First, we humans have cooperative, selfless and loving moral instincts, the voice or expression of which within us is our conscience—as Charles Darwin recognised, ‘The moral sense perhaps affords the best and highest distinction between man and the lower animals’ (paragraph 375 of FREEDOM). And to have acquired our altruistic moral instinctive nature, our distant ancestors must have been cooperative, selfless and loving, not competitive, selfish and aggressive like other animals.
Second, descriptions of human behaviour, such as egocentric, arrogant, inspired, depressed, deluded, pessimistic, optimistic, artificial, hateful, cynical, mean, immoral, brilliant, guilt-ridden, evil, psychotic, neurotic, alienated, etc, all recognise the involvement of our species’ unique fully conscious thinking mind—that there is a psychological dimension to our behaviour. Humans have suffered not from the genetic-opportunism-based, non-psychological animal condition, but the conscious-mind-based, PSYCHOLOGICALLY troubled HUMAN CONDITION. (par. 40 of FREEDOM)”
You can find the video and transcript of the discussion between Jeremy and Franklin Here:
16 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about children being able to grow up without the human condition:
Seeing Margaret so excited and enthusiastic like this just makes me long to experience children not have to grapple with the human condition. It will be simply too overwhelming to witness the joy that a whole generation of FREE humans will exude! 80 years young, too right!
16 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about how digestion of the explanation of the human condition allows us to understand that we each suffer from it:
Hi Michael, one of the great realisations that we make after a while of coming across Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition is that we suffer from the human condition ourselves. It is this realisation, that certainly for me, lead to finally being able to appreciate how this (initially) unbelievably wonderful transformation is going to take place. You see we are so cut off from our real human-condition-afflicted selves, the insecurity, the anger, the desperation, the bewilderment that we all suffer from. We have blocked it all out. Basically from conception we start to come in contact with the human condition and begin to adjust our lives around it and start to mould our lives to work around it and live with it. Growing up with the human condition culminates in a process that Jeremy calls ‘Resignation’. Understanding Resignation is drop-dead amazing, and you should read about it in Freedom Essay 30 here: or in FREEDOM here:
What understanding Resignation does is it explains that to avoid going mad, humans/we had to block off all thought and any behaviour that allowed any thought to head in the direction of the human condition inside of ourselves. And a symptom of this is that we all become 100% focused on ourselves. We become focused (pretty well completely unknowingly) on finding wins and making ourselves feel good about ourselves. We project an image of ourselves that we think presents us in a light that makes us feel good and we are a total victim to keeping this image up. That image might included driving a Porche or volunteering to save kittens on Sundays, or being funny or whatever. But what we find out is it is all in an effort to make ourselves feel good about ourselves because we have a massive underlying insecurity of the human condition that we can’t dare to acknowledge ever.
The more you understand Jeremy’s work the more you will see the human condition is every part of your life, and everybody else’s lives, you will see it in every tiny particle that makes up our lives and society and it is all based around working with this huge issue that no one can talk about or deal with, we just have to deal with, talk about symptoms and only those symptoms that are far enough away from the human condition that don’t take us anywhere near the core problem.
When you see this insecure driven selfishness in yourself and the whole world around you, then you will be in a position to see what happens if you give up your dedication to selfishness/denial of the human condition and genuinely begin to behave selflessly, with the full truth about yours and the human species upset, and it is at that moment that you will finally realise how quickly an easily selfishness, meanness and all the rest of the horror that the human condition causes will be wiped off the face of the planet.
Anyway Michael, it does take time to work your way into this and all I can say is that you are in for a greater ride than you have ever expected possible!
16 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about how digestion of the explanation of the human condition allows us to understand that we each suffer from it:
Hi Les and Kevin, I got a lot out of the poem that you mention too, so I have found it and put it below. Yes, we’ve always got to remember that the human condition is a horrible psychosis, a state of terrible mental angst and insecurity, and over our life times we have built up many, many pathways to cope with that horror of deep insecurity in us. Even once we have worked our way through the ‘Deaf Effect’ enough to be able to know this explanation Jeremy is presenting does solve the human condition, there is a huge journey that must be taken to assimilate this new knowledge into our lives. It cannot be overstated how huge this paradigm shift is for everyone, and Jeremy talks about us all suffering from what is called ‘Future Shock’ which is the condition of being subjected to too much change too quickly.
The key here though to always remember is to be kind to ourselves as we work our way further in to these understandings — remember that this is a good, wonderful, exciting relieving, 100% COMPASSIONATE paradigm shift, all (and I mean ALL) that has gone before has been caused by this horrible unavoidable journey to find understanding of the human condition, and after 2 million years we carry so much horrendous baggage it’s not funny and as these quotes atest, doesn’t go away instantly - but they will and it is definitely worth the wait to be free, but it is a process!
In my estimation, the ultimate way forward is always about the Transformed Lifeforce state that Jeremy describes in Chapter 9 of FREEDOM ( Basically it is leaving our human-condition-afflicted past behind as understood and compassionately dealt with and joining in the excitement, meaning and joy that helping to disseminate this understanding to the rest of the world and a whole generation of children brings. We are upset and damaged by having to grow up in a world without understanding, but we can now selflessly leave all that baggage behind and apply ourselves to ending that cycle of upset and not letting the horror that we all grew up with befall another generation. It all takes time to process and realise, accept and allow ourselves to be free of the human condition and transform our lives and the best bit is we aren’t on our own with the human condition, everybody on earth suffers the horror we all feel so we don’t have to take this path alone, all 8 billion of us are going to take this path and as more and more people come across Jeremy’s work, the more of a party it will be!!
Here are the quotes you mentioned Les, which you can find at: but this page is well worth a read, it absolutely mind-blowing it is mind exploding to read it all again:
“In Courage to Heal there is a poem titled Autobiography in Five Short Chapters that describes the process of dismantling an established ‘highway’ of thinking. It uses the example of falling into a hole as an analogy for succumbing to the old way of thinking: ‘I walk down the street / There is a deep hole in the sidewalk / I fall in / I am lost—I am helpless / It isn’t my fault [that I fell in because I am still learning not to, learning that there is another way of thinking] / It takes forever to find a way out // I walk down the same street / There is a deep hole in the sidewalk / I pretend I don’t see it / I fall in again / I can’t believe I am in the same place / But it isn’t my fault / It still takes a long time to get out // I walk down the same street / There is a deep hole in the sidewalk / I see it is there / I still fall in—it’s a habit / My eyes are open / I know where I am / It is my fault [I should know by now to think differently, to not “fall in the hole”] / I get out immediately // I walk down the same street / There is a deep hole in the sidewalk / I walk around it // I walk down another street’ (p.183 of 495).”
I also thought I’d add another quote from this section of ASID, because it contains the deadly accurate quote that “[denials] ‘fight back with a vengeance when faced with annihilation’.”
“The difficulty with this re-routing of the brain, this adoption of the new way of thinking is that it is not easily achieved. Courage to Heal describes the tenacity of habituated ‘highways’: ‘A pattern is any habitual way of behaving. By its nature it is deeply entrenched, set by repetition, and brings a familiar result. Even if that result is not, ultimately, what you want, its predictability is part of its grip. Patterns usually start unconsciously as a way of coping when your options are limited. They serve you, but at a cost. Patterns have a life of their own, and their will to live is very strong. They fight back with a vengeance when faced with annihilation. Once you recognise a pattern and make the commitment to break it, it often escalates’ (p.175 of 495).”
13 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about the brilliance of the Transformed State:
Love that response Marita, yes, we’re all totally messed up from our 2 million year torturous battle with the human condition. But Jeremy has given us the answer, it’s now a simple choice for us not to live in accordance with all the insecure upset human-condition-afflicted madness within us and just focus on spreading the magnificently awesome news that all the pain and suffering and horror can now end. It’s our choice to live in that joyful understanding or not. We are so lucky to have that simple choice!!
13 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about the importance of the discussions about Jeremy’s work happening on the Facebook Group:
These discussions are the most important discussions taking place on earth. The more we discuss, digest, understand, become familiar with, become at peace with the human condition inside ourselves. The more we can be free of the horror that the human condition has been in all our lives and the more we can stop perpetuating all the human-condition-afflicted behaviour that we have all had to impose on the world around us to cope with the human condition inside of ourselves. The more we discuss, the more the fear drops away and the more the whole world will be transformed.
13 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about the Transformed State:
Colleen, I absolutely loved hearing about how you had printed out both chapters 8 and 9 of FREEDOM and how excited you were about going through them both and taking everything that you possibly could from them. I found this so inspiring and such great leadership because what Jeremy Griffith has given us with his explanation of the human condition is a complete framework for a totally wonderful, unconditionally selfless, human-condition-afflicted-upset free, New World and the more that we can understand both the old and the new, the more we can help in this great pioneering transformation process from the old dark, scary, insecure, psychotic human condition afflicted world to the totally secure, absolutely elated new human Condition understood free world.
Every minute of our lives can now be about slowly, securely and above all compassionately wiping the human condition off the face of the planet. So good!
10 Feb. 2022 Facebook comment about how the explanation of the human condition won’t mesh with our pre-existing human condition afflicted views of the world:
Hi Lesley, my two cents for what they are worth are that when we first come across this information (or any sort of information at all), we try to place it somewhere in the ‘world view’ that we have all created for ourselves over the course of our lives. Basically it’s a view that we come to that allows us to live with the world as it is. The problem is that the human condition is outside our world view, we are totally cut off from it, we have blocked it out, in fact our ‘world view’ is 100% built on the premise that we want to totally block the human condition out from our lives.
The human condition is at its core a suicidally depressing insecurity about our worth. We all have a deep unanswered question of whether we are terrible, horrible, hideous, awful blights on the planet and shouldn’t exist. We can’t live with that question, or any feeling that takes us anywhere near that question because it’s just too hurtful to bare. So we live our lives and build our world view with a massive ‘50 foot wall of solid concrete’ (as legendary psychologist R.D Laing said) that blocks us from our true insecure selves.
What we find so hard to access is the horror in ourselves, not the horror in the rest of the world, and this is the true difficulty of accessing what Jeremy is presenting. We have built the most ‘happy’ ‘view of the world’ that we can possibly allow ourselves to believe and maintain to cope with life and have as good a life as we can while living in total fear of the human condition and our inability to explain it.
So when Jeremy Griffith comes along and starts to talk about the human condition, we are trying to place it somewhere in a view that is so finely attuned to resisting and blocking the exact subject that we are trying to take in information about and understand. It truly is a monumentally difficult challenge, we have to allow ourselves to go towards our very, very, very hurtful and scary worst possible fears.
BUT, BUT, BUT, with Jeremy’s explanation of the human condition, the whole point is what we have been so scared about, ie, are we good, worthwhile humans, we now can understand that we don’t have to be fearful anymore, we are good, we are worthwhile, all the appearances that we are destructive blights on the planet are wrong! We are actually courageous, wonderful heroes!
So we now have a journey that we all must take towards our greatest fear, but with us we are taking rock solid, first-principle-base, scientific understanding that allows us to work deeper and deeper into that fear and quell it, and become comfortable with it, and as we do, our original world view starts to broaden and broaden and broaden. We can finally start to see all kinds of truths about the world. Free of this insecurity our minds can finally look and listen and hear and see so much wonder in the world that we have been totally blocked off from.
So it is a journey Lesley, but as everyone has said here, it is absolutely the most wonderfully exciting and liberating journey you will ever take!!
You may have already watched it but Jeremy’s Freedom Essay 1 talks all about this
29 Jan. 2022 Facebook comment about how the explanation of the human condition allows us to be honest about our corrupted state, and that honesty allows us to be free:
I love this Angela, yes the courage that Bacon or Basquiat or particularly psychiatrist R.D Laing or even people walking around with Tattoos all over themselves or Millennials participating in zombie parades being able to say to the world, this is the real me, this is what is really going on inside of us, I/we are hurt, angry, totally messed up, psychotic, furious, crazy, dead-but-still-alive humans, is just simply staggering. It makes me think of the absolute blisteringly honest quote Jeremy uses so often from the lyrics of the band ‘With Life In Mind’:
‘It scares me to death to think of what I have become…I feel so lost in this world’, ‘Our innocence is lost’, ‘I scream to the sky but my words get lost along the way. I can’t express all the hate that’s led me here and all the filth that swallows us whole. I don’t want to be part of all this insanity. Famine and death. Pestilence and war. [Famine, death, pestilence and war are traditional interpretations of the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ described in Revelation 6 in the Bible. Christ referred to similar ‘Signs of the End of the Age’ (Matt. 24:6-8 & Luke 21:10-11).] A world shrouded in darkness…Fear is driven into our minds everywhere we look’, ‘Trying so hard for a life with such little purpose…Lost in oblivion’, ‘Everything you’ve been told has been a lie…We’ve all been asleep since the beginning of time. Why are we so scared to use our minds?’, ‘Keep pretending; soon enough things will crumble to the ground…If they could only see the truth they would coil in disgust’, ‘How do we save ourselves from this misery…So desperate for the answers…We’re straining on the last bit of hope we have left. No one hears our cries. And no one sees us screaming’, ‘This is the end.’
But like you say Angela, with understanding of the human condition now found, it no longer has to ‘scare us to death to think of what [we] have become’!! Our upset is heroic, courageous, had to be, couldn’t have been avoided — ‘we had to march into hell for a heavenly cause’, we developed conscious minds and then had no choice but to use them to find understanding to free ourselves from the war with ignorance the developement of our fully consciousness minds created. But we have managed it, our journey through hell has been beyond horrendous, but we have done it. In the nick of time we have managed to find Freedom, Jeremy Griffith came along and used his magnificent instinctive soul and combined it with all the hard-fought-for knowledge built up over the course of thousands of years to provide us with THE understanding of the horror which finally puts an end to it forever and bring about the most wonderful future for the human race and planet earth possibly imaginable.
AND, he put it ALL in a 1 hour interview for us!!! The understanding that saves the world, and transforms every human and every situation. Admitting to all our upset is now possible through understanding its cause and through understanding we are finally free. #LetsGetTheFuckOutOfHere
29 Jan. 2022 Facebook comment about how we can now put all our baggage behind us and just live in support of this information:
This is so well said Raf!! I could listen to you all day. It is just so exciting to be part of the only thing that can save the world. It is the only thing that can stop all the suffering on earth and all the other surrounding problems because it solves the central underlying issue that is holding each and every one of us prisoner in our own minds. Yes, now that the human condition is solved, everything else just fades away and can be placed into the great, golden, wonderously heroic suitcase of life prior to the human condition being solved, and we now can look truly outwards from ourselves and start to share in the true wonder of humans and the world around us, our only responsibility is as you say to tell everyone else how good our lives and the world can be now we have freedom from the human condition.
13 Jan. 2022 Facebook comment about Resignation and how we can now see that all the upset within us is legitimate:
It’s bloody good to hear from you Nathaniel! I’m so pleased you’re still trucking on with your journey with this information. Resignation as Jeremy describes it is such a great entry point to seeing/accepting the human condition afflicted behaviour in ourselves and freedom from it. Growing up without understanding of the human condition is a horrifically lonely, distressing and totally bewildering experience. The more we see and understand just how sensitive children are and personally, how sensitive, honest and loving the child is inside of us helps so much to see why without understanding (of the human condition) the fear/pain/insecurity/distress is just too great for us, we had to cut off from the truth in the world. Resignation has been a gift to allow us humans to continue our search for the desperately needed knowledge that could free us, albeit at a totally disconnected, blocked-out-from-reality, egocentric distance.
The wonderful thing now to always remember is that with understanding of the human condition now available, all the weight of all that tragedy in everyone’s lives can now be lifted off, all we have to do is see the truth of it — see that the human condition imposed all its horror on us and we responded in the only ways we could, whatever those ways were were all legitimate, we couldn’t help but impose and perpetuate the horror that was forced on us, it was the only and totally courageous thing to do. But we have to leave that truth (of our upset) where it now lies, leave the upset in ourselves behind, let all the fear, the guilt, the anger and frustration behind and put all that energy into stopping the children of the future having to grow up without understanding of the human condition as we had to. We can stop them from suffering the same fate as us, we can stop them from having to feel the same constant insecure feelings that we have had to and that is the most spectacular feeling on earth, to know that you are contributing to saving all the children lives that are ever to be born on this earth in the future, and allow them to stay alive, stay honest, stay open, stay loving, cooperative, caring - unconditionally selfless, living in a world that’s meaning of existence is all based-on cooperation/integration. There is no better life on earth that I can think of!!
Comment 1: Hardest part of wanting to read more of Jeremy Grffiths my refection on the life I’ve pretty well wasted..its humbling!
Tony: So agree. Living out even just a small part of our enormous human potential is such an exciting use of our lives now, after being so limited by our human condition affliction. And yes! Finally we know the right direction, the lights are on and we can see and experience the magnificence of what we are tiny part of. It is as you say incredibly humbling in so many ways.
Comment 2: We are the lucky ones, imagine dying still in agony, ignorance or denial of the Truth….my heart is sad for all those gone without finding this knowledge, yet Full for all of us and Billions more people to come ❤️ 😎💪
Tony: Yes we sure are the lucky ones, but we also have a great responsibility to make sure these understandings do sweep the world as quickly as possible and make sure the sacrifices that every human that has come before us was no in vain.
7 Jan. 2022 Facebook comment about how understanding brings incredible therapy, and how we are all free to support this information now:
Absolutely drop dead brilliant Alex! The ability we now have to understand, be honest about and therapise the human-condition-afflicted psychosis in us is just so relieving, calming and functionality restoring it’s not funny!! Understanding the human condition finally allows us to be honest about just how utterly, diabolically hideous all human life has been under the duress of the human condition, particularly our own lives. The more honest we are able to be about the ONE REAL issue (the human condition) in ourselves the more we can be free of it and the happier we can be, the more functional we can be and ultimately the more selfless we can be. Finally we can put down the deep, insatiable insecurity that exists in us all and is driving all our mad, desperate, egocentric, furious - upset (but now completely defended) behaviour, and focus on the world without rather than being totally owned and victim to that insecurity within.
I might add that in my experience, even though being able to understand and feel secure about our upset selves does make all our lives better in every aspect you can possibly imagine, the greatest joy of all joys is to be able to leave all thinking about your self behind, all consideration and historical focus that all the pain, egocentricity and insecurity has driven in your life, and begin to use all your abilities, new found functionality and unstoppable enthusiasm to bring about the human condition free world for everyone on earth, particularly stopping a whole generation of children growing up without understanding as every generation has had to do for the last 2 million years.
Waking up every single morning and thinking about what can be done today to see that the great 2 million year human journey to find understanding will actually come to fruition, is the greatest thought you will have for the day, except for the thought that you will have just before you go to sleep at night knowing that you have exhausted yourself all day doing the most meaningful, critical, world-saving, every human on earth freeing work that you can possibly do by helping to bring this information to the world. You won’t have a single thought about a cheap ego reinforcing win, you won’t have bitched or moaned about how some other person is behaving in some kind of upset manner that is impacting you, you will just be living the freedom of understanding the human condition, showing each person that you come across what an unconditionally selfless, happy, free human looks like as we all joyfully go about whatever minuscule part of the monumental task that we can participate in and will help the the greater task be completed.
This is my most favourite quote from the famous playwright George Bernard Shaw
“There is one true joy of life [now that the human condition has been solved]; to be used by a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one [and there is no greater purpose than to end all the suffering on earth]; to be thoroughly worn out before being thrown on the scrap heap; to be a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of [human-condition-afflicted] ailments and grievances complaining that life will not devote itself to making you happy.”
Yes, yes yes!!! Come and help, come and join the freedom and show others the freedom available now, follow Alex’s awesome example of honesty and freedom and come and help us end all the suffering on earth. We are so close now, LET’s GOOOOO!!!
16 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment about how our upset is defended and we can participate in this great project :
Molly Vh: These are fantastic comments from tony, thanks for sharing Sally! It has taken me such a long time to really look at myself and admit to my own upset. It was very easy to see it in people and the world around me and it was easy to judge them for their behaviour. But I have just realised how deeply insecure I really am. You block this out so much that you can barely even imagine yourself being this insecure but you actually are! We all are! The thing is though, looking at ourselves this deeply no longer leads to suicidal depression because we’ve been handed a huge rope to pull ourselves out of that- and that rope is understanding. We can now understand WHY we are this way and WHY it had to happen and WHY it’s amazingly heroic and WHY we actually are fundamentally good- all through the explanation presented by Jeremy in Freedom.
This then means that our insecurity was not a waste of time, in fact it was a necessity to get to where we are now- and now it is our job to utilise this whole journey we have been on as humanity and to do the most responsible and honourable thing which is to make sure every future generation doesn’t have to go through all this awful stuff we went through because the search for knowledge is now over and humanity can finally mature into the wonderful beings we are! Soulful loving cooperative conscious thinking beings!
Tony: Absolutely love this Mol, so true!! We’re mad but not bad, in fact we’re wonderful heroes and now we get to knowingly participate in the most meaningful, exciting task ever. So, so, so good it’s not funny.
14 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment about being able to admit the human condition within:
Hi Joe, in my opinion the key to understanding how this is going to sweep the world easily and very quickly is being able to admit, recognise, understand and then defend the human condition in yourself. When people make the sort of comment that you have made it generally means they are still focused on the human condition without, which are all the symptoms of the human condition (selfishness, wars, racism, mental health problems, starvation, environmental destruction, greed, etc etc) but it’s experiencing the relief and the freedom from the defence of the human condition within that allows all of us to transform pretty well overnight. Once you have experienced how easy and quick the transformation can be it is easy to see how the rest of the world will do it too.
The human condition is a psychosis that we all suffer from and psychosis can be healed easily with understanding, but from the time that we were very young children we have had to build up massive barriers blocking out all the pain dysfunction, anger and upset, as Jeremy terms it, in our own lives. At best we can normally only admit that we are little bit egocentric or can be a bit selfish or angry at times. But that is not the human condition, not by a long shot.
There is a deep underlying insecurity in your life and all our lives, driving all of our upset behaviours, if you continue to work your way into Jeremy Griffiths work, as I strongly encourage you to do, you will start to see this insecurity underlying all of our behaviour and thoughts.
Watching THE Interview the other main videos on the home page a few times really helps to break down our defences to discussion of the human condition, so I really recommend doing so.
14 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment on being able to look honestly at the upset within, and our responsibility to the next generation:
The point to this post is not to say that the path forward with this information is just to fix yourself. The point of it is that without compassionate explanation of the human condition available, we haven’t been able to look at the human condition in ourselves basically at all. Prior to the human condition being solved, we have all had to just cling on to some kind of patched-together, very superficial, even totally dishonest reasoning (like the savage instincts excuse) for why we are good ourselves, but look out on the world and say to ourselves something like, ‘I know I’m not perfect but if everyone else would just be nice/good/caring/sensible/rational, the world would be okay’.
The point is with the explanation of the human condition we can finally understand WHY everyone hasn’t been able to ‘just be nice/good/sensible’ etc. But the beauty - and obviously also the massive difficulty with the human condition - is that we all suffer from it personally. If any of us actually do start to think about our lack of ideality with any level of honesty we soon find that we are utterly terrified of it. A quote that Jeremy uses to make this point is from Australian comedian Rod Quantock who once said, ‘Thinking can get you into terrible downwards spirals of doubt’. But it is the ability, now with compassionate understanding, to experience the human condition within ourselves that gives us such a great opportunity to know/verify that what is being presented by Jeremy Griffith is absolutely true. Once we see, feel, know, understand, and most, most importantly defend the human condition/the upset in ourselves, and can begin to see that there is a deep underlying psychosis/deep insecurity in us that is driving all our behaviour, it becomes incredibly clear how explanation of the human condition solves and ends ALL the problems we are facing on this planet and transforms the situation on this planet almost overnight.
Our job as a conduit generation who grew up without understanding of the human condition and are totally messed up by it, is to make sure that a whole generation of children don’t have to grow up in the dark as we had too. What transforms us is our ability, now with explanation of the human condition, to legitimately and securely be able to look after our upset and insecurity with understanding of it and its unavoidable source, not live in accordance with it anymore, and selflessly dedicate our lives to giving the information presented by Jeremy Griffith on to every child on earth. Our upset is defended, ended and transformed into selfless participation in helping to give this information to every other human, particularly children, on earth. How good is that!
12 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment about the responsibility that comes with the privilege of being able to hear this:
Keep going Paul, it’s awesome to hear your progress. I can promise you that as you continue with this information it will never let you down, will never disappoint you but will always be mercilessly truthful about our human condition but 100% compassionate, dignifying and relieving.
To be able to hear this is a huge gift and with it comes the incredible privilege to be one of the first people on earth to know true freedom is here. But with that gift comes a huge responsibility to help bring this world saving information to the world. With this information we have the only tool that can stop the suffering and by goodness the world needs it!
12 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment about the building momentum:
The ‘beckoning candle’ is Fast growing into the biggest, boldest, warmest, most incandescently beautiful sunrise that the world has ever seen. With the human condition solved the dream is a reality, let’s go!!!
4 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment about ‘Pocketing the win’:
‘Pocketing the win’
Understanding the human condition helps our personal lives immeasurably. Finally having the real, first-principle-based biological explanation, source and defence of our upset, messed up, destructive, hurtful, uncaring behaviour brings us so much relief to our lives. It wasn’t all our fault. We can finally understand that humans, despite all their psychosis and neurosis are wonderful, heroic, courageous beings that have been living under the duress of a horrible, horrible affliction not of our own making. We have been searching for understanding of our world and ultimately ourselves, and have finally found the answers we needed after 2 million years of corrupting search. It’s over and the situation is so, relieving, so redeeming (of our upset), so exciting - we now have THE TOOL we need to solve every problem on earth.
A key problem that arises though is what Jeremy calls ‘Pocketing the win’. He describes it as follows in his book Freedom Expanded book 1 - “The first people to discover the truth of all this information about the human condition will tend not to appreciate the importance and need of taking up the new TRANSFORMED LIFEFORCE WAY OF LIVING. They will naturally tend to ‘pocket the win’, which means using the information’s ability to make sense of the world around them to empower them, allow them to be more effective winners of power, fame, fortune and glory. For people to finally understand what has been going on in the world and in their own lives is incredibly relieving and empowering, and the initial inclination is to just enjoy and use that insight as an advantage, a tool, a way to be an even more effective operator in the old resigned, competitive, power-and-glory-seeking way of living. You ‘pocket the win’ by exploiting the information rather than responding responsibly to its magnificence by letting go your now obsoleted, unnecessary and highly destructive resigned competitive way of living and taking up the new TRANSFORMED LIFEFORCE WAY OF LIVING”.
Our job as humans who live in this time when the solution to the human condition is found is to make sure that all the efforts of all the humans that have ever lived, who have all participated in humanity’s great search for knowledge, have not been made in vain. We need to disseminate this information to the 4 corners of the globe, we need this information to go mainstream, to be taught in schools, for every decision on earth to be now based from understanding of our human-condition-understood situation. Most importantly, children need to be told the truth about the world and about themselves, as opposed to the denial-ridden silence and lies that we are telling them currently. The whole paradigm of science, for example, needs to be restructured based on the truth as opposed to the current situation where the vast majority of science understanding is based on fundamental lies, like ‘the savage instincts excuse’ (see Freedom Essay 2 where Jeremy explains this here:
The point is that now, with understanding of the human condition here, every single situation on earth can and should now be transformed to reflect the new knowledge that we now possess. The point of this information is to end the human condition and achieve this wonderful transformation on earth, not to help people to be more successful at competing in the current human-condition-afflicted systems that are leading us now very quickly to our self destruction!
This is a knowledge-based, information-based, scientific-based transformation, it does take time to grow your fluency and appreciation of the information that Jeremy Griffith is presenting, it does take time to fit all the logic pieces together in your mind to give you a clear picture of the REAL situation we are living in on earth. But it does happen, and I know from personal experience that this information will never disappoint you, where everything else eventually does in the world that we are living in currently.
So if I have any advice to people who are on their journey investigating this information, take your time, let everything work it’s way in, question everything, satisfy yourself this information is exactly as it is being promoted to be - but once it does stack up - Please, help the world by helping us to give this critically important, life-changing, earth-saving information to the rest of the world because as science historian Thomas Kuhn pointed out - there is no guarantee truth will naturally spread across the world on it’s own when he said, ‘In science...ideas do not change simply because new facts win out over outmoded ones...Since the facts can’t speak for themselves, it is their human advocates who win or lose the day’.
Yes this information will help your life immeasurably, you will be happier, more secure and have incredible inside knowledge about why things are the way they are, but the true transformation and freedom from this information comes from now legitimately being able to end all the old selfish, egocentric madness that we have been participating in and start to selflessly help bring this breakthrough to everybody else.
Jeremy describes more about the problem with pocketing the win in Freedom Essay 60. It is really worth a read:
3 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment about the digestion ahead of someone new to the understanding:
You are going to absolutely love this Paul, this is the home you (and we all) have been looking for all your life. Finally all the hypocritical madness in the world can be explained and understood, we now have the means to properly therapise ourselves from the horror of growing up in it and the means to end it for all future generations, it takes time to work through the massive ramifications of having understanding of our human condition psychosis, but the freedom and joy it brings to our lives is second to nothing. I wish you all the best with your journey into this information!
3 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment about Camus’ honesty:
Camus, was an absolute legend wasn’t he! Thanks Pam. This is my faverourite bit: “Our task as men is to find those few first principles that will calm the infinite anguish of free souls.” I love it, because that was indeed the task that was before us humans and he was bold enough and clear thinking enough to point it out, and not many have been able to even do that.
It is exactly these ‘first few principles’ that Jeremy Griffith presents in his work, and the true beauty of Jeremy’s work is that it does ‘calm the infinite anguish’ that has resided in our souls for 2 million years.
3 Oct. 2021 Facebook comment about the relief of being able to stop pretending we have got it all together:
Yes, I really love the honesty of this section from FREEDOM on masks Con. One of my favourite images that Jeremy has done, (with the help of Jean-Michel Basquiat) is this one. This is me, the civilised, ‘got-it-together’, ‘down-to-earth’, ‘cool-dude’, ‘absolute-legend’ that I have tried so hard to project that I am with every interaction I have had since I can remember, but is totally and utterly false/made-up. What a relief it has been to be able to stop pretending, and admit to the monster that exists under my facade because we all now know that that monsterous/upset individual is actually a wonderfully heroic human. The monstrous behaviour can now end and so can all the insecurity that was driving it all. Woo hoo!!
30 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about liberating the child within:
Yes I so agree Angela, Jeremy’s soul drawings are just sublime! And this one in particular brings tears to my eyes every time I see it. As a man suffering from the human condition I am incredibly toughened and upset, but with understanding of the human xcondition I now have been able to connect to and feel the child within me who as Jeremy says ‘had to give up on soul’ and take up his place in humanity’s torturous, upsetting search for knowledge, but the little boy is still in there and he is so unbelievably relieved and happy to finally have someone be able to speak with him and finally explain what went wrong. I now know first hand that the courage of all children is indeed immeasurable and the little boy knows too, and that is the most special thing on earth!!
30 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about the sensitivity of children and how this saves them:
Thanks so much for sharing that beautifully honest story Diane. The more you work your way into Jeremy Griffith’s work which explains the human condition, the more we start to really see just how sensitive, trusting, honest and deeply expectant our instincts are of unconditionally selfless love. It really is more than I can properly comprehend from my human-condition-afflicted state. The world and all of us heroically upset humans are simply too messed up from our struggle with the human condition to nurture children sufficiently, which is obviously not a criticism of parents, it is just a reality when we are 2 million years into the horror of the human condition. But what Jeremy explains that makes things worse for all of us children who have had to grow up with the human condition is that not only do we not get the unconditional love that our instincts are expecting and the world treats us all horribly at different times, on top of that because we are so innocent and trusting about the world, we just can’t believe that there is a problem with the world and the outcome is that children/we blame themselves/ourselves for the wrongs inflicted on them/us, and that is when the situation for us really turns diabolical. You can read much more about this in Chapter 6:13 of FREEDOM.
The human condition really has been such a horrible, horrible, horrible situation to grow up and live in for humans. This is why, we need to get the explanation that is presented on by Jeremy Griffith to the world as quickly as we can, we now have the only tool that can put a stop to all this suffering on planet earth, this is not a fake, dogmatic, feel-good half measure, this is the real deal that can and will save every child from the all kinds of heart aches for ever more. I can’t wait for the day when all the adults across the world have broken free of the human condition and can finally share the truth with children so not one more of them blames themselves for the problems that are all ultimately created by the human condition, the battle that broke out 2 million years ago between our instincts and our emerging intellect, none of which is their/our fault.
27 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about how being honest about our upset state allows the Transformed State:
Hi Nathaniel, I’m not sure if this will be helpful but I’ll have a crack at answering. The first bit you talk about of giving up your selfish, aggressive and alienating behaviours; I think this is something that takes time to properly ‘get’. At least, it took me quite some time to work it out - to see through the fog of my denial. We all start by thinking that our ‘upset behaviour’ is only when we are mean, or materialistic or whatever overtly. But this is a very superficial view of our upset/selfishness. Our selfishness is total, and this initially comes as a surprise and is extremely confronting. The human condition creates an incredible insecurity about our self worth. This insecurity at it’s core is suicidal depression, feelings that are totally unbearable and we can’t possibly continue to live with them on the surface, so we bury them deeply in our subconscious under layers and layers of denial. This all happens in our childhood and culminates in the process that Jeremy describes as resignation, when we block out the ideals in life and any of the deeper questions about ourselves and the world and essentially spend every second of every day focused on proving that we are good and not bad. In other words we try to be a winner in life, we civilise our upset, we try to make money, appear good, join a charity, become an environmentalist, try to be funny or be a nice person, wear the sort of clothes to project the image that we want others to see us as, etc, etc. It is a complete, 100%, all-encompassing, totally preoccupying, constantly strategising, always thinking about ourselves and if our projection of ‘self-image’ is working, wondering if other people are thinking well of us, etc.
The way to ‘give up’ on your selfish, aggressive alienated behaviour and becoming transformed is not about becoming a perfect/nice/happy/generous/well-adjusted person overnight, the change is to see and accept that your whole life is preoccupied with proving self worth and that this is caused by the deep and terrifying insecurity that you and all of us humans share. And then realise that with understanding of the human condition now found and our worth now not in question, we don’t have to be insecure anymore. We are good, and not just good, to heroically live on in spite of all of our pain, ignorance and suffering, we truly are the heroes of the story of life on earth. And we need to know that, accept that, and feel the relief of that. Our focus, our lives, all our efforts and energy then shifts from defending ourselves to selflessly supporting the dissemination of this breakthrough explanation to the rest of the world. We give our lives to making sure that every human and particularly children don’t have to grow up without understanding of ourselves and all the suffering that stems from that lack of understanding can end and is not perpetuated any more. With this understanding we can stop the suffering, the pain can end and our lives change from being selfishly preoccupied with blocking out and proving our deep underlying insecurity wrong to providing the explanation that ends the insecurity for everyone on earth at it’s source to every single human.
This is a massive transformation, we are suddenly transported to the forefront of humanity’s journey, we are marching in line in humanity’s army to bring understanding to ourselves and the world. Finally we have the road map of our future and past, the whole world has meaning, we are now part of the great direction of order in the entire universe - integrative meaning - as Jeremy has described it. We stop being insecure and start selflessly focusing on ending all the suffering and pain on earth!
And it does need to be emphasised that this transition takes time to work through. For example, in the future all the cars and houses in the world will be embelishment/ego free, but there will come a time when that change is ready/right to happen, but obviously by far the priority at present is to get these understandings out there and into the main stream.
I should say, we can use this understanding of the human condition to therapise ourselves, to work our way back through all the pain, suffering, insecurity, neurosis and psychosis that was imposed on our lives from the human condition, and to some degree we will all take this journey, and this will help many of our lives immeasurably, but really our job is to be a conduit generation, we need to be the generation that finds this understanding, accepts it and passes it on. Our great responsibility and privilege is to take all the efforts of all the humans that have ever lived that has culminated in Jeremy solving the human condition and give this most important and groundbreaking and far reaching scientific breakthrough ever to be uncovered on this planet to everyone on earth. That is absolutely magnificent!!
Also, the real place to find your answers about becoming transformed are chapter 9 of FREEDOM (, Freedom Essay 15 ( and my favourite Freedom Essay 33 (
23 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment in response to a post about Sir Laurens van der Post’s 1994 anthology Feather Fall:
Yes, I love this story too Kristian! It gives me such inspiration to support this information with all my energy and love that I can muster. I know that all the generations for thousands and thousands of years have been been carving the steps for us to take. Each step has been so hard fought for with all the pain and suffering and work that has gone into finding and fighting for each piece of newly acquired knowledge. For generation after generation they new that their part to play would not lead to the completion in the goal but they played their glorious part anyway. Humans are just so incredibly amazing what we have achieved over our time on earth. But now with Jeremy being able to walk his way to the top and creating the final run of steps to the summit with his explanation of the human condition, it is up to us to see that all these immense, glorious upon glorious efforts not go to waste. This is our great responsibility and privilege, the staircase is built and waiting for us, we just have to pick up our totally messed up, tired beyond exhausted bodies, alienated and crazed brains and point the direction to this stair case and help everybody on earth join us at the top to share is this most beautiful truth the world has ever seen at the top!!
17 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about how being honest about our upset state allows the Transformed State:
Hi Mara, I have no idea about your particular situation, but I offer the following in case it is of any help. The compassion that every human is needing far and away beyond compassion from others is compassion from ourselves/themselves. As Carl Jung said, we have to ‘own our own shadow’.
As sufferers of the human condition we find it much easier to see human-condition-afflicted behaviours, in others, and even though we think that we are quite aware of all our own upset, we generally have absolutely no idea about just how messed up we are from our own battle with the human condition. Early on in our journey’s with this understanding we want others to understand the the explanation of the human condition so it can save them from their upset (which is totally natural obviously), and we think that this is the sticking point, but in my experience the first step to be able to help others to understand the human condition and is the real sticking point, is for everybody who can hear this information and does understand the explanation of the human condition to first own their/our own shadow.
The better we are able to admit, describe and then defend our own upset the better we will be able to sell/describe/help others with this understanding because that is the cornerstone of this whole understanding. To put it another way, we all need to see ourselves in Jeremy’s Adam Stork story, and how every child that is born on this earth, especially ourselves have followed this same path, we need to follow the story but place our own lives in the situation instead of Adam. We need to see that we like Adam have become incredibly upset, but that is okay, Adam is the hero, just as we are the hero, and it’s only once we have this core understanding deeply set in our bones that we can really set aside the upset behaviour in ourselves, and that we can truly show the amount of empathy and compassion that every human deserves because of the horror that has been afflicted on them from the human condition.
It is the freedom in our own lives, the excitement, the enthusiasm, joy, lightness and commitment that invariably shows up in your/our own life that will show others the way, you can be free of your burdens, you can speak of them with ease, you can put them down and let them go without codependence to them - the change is remarkable. You can bring calmness to the human condition that exists in every aspect of our lives because you don’t feel condemned anymore. You are free and everybody is then going to be asking how they get whatever is that you’re living off.
16 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about how the redeeming explanation of the human condition allows us to be honest about how upset we are:
Steve, I don’t think you’re really understanding the human condition.
Saying to ‘Just be kind honest [and] lov[ing]’ is being totally dishonest/avoiding our astronomically upset/hurt/corrupted/uncaring/egocentric behaviour that is on show everywhere you look. Humans aren’t ‘kind’, ‘loving’ or ‘honest’. The REAL QUESTION IS WHY. Just dogmatically saying be good doesn’t get us anywhere.
Sure we have the ability to be incredibly loving and kind momentarily, or when people are watching, or we kid ourselves that it’s everyone else that is selfish and mean, but not ourselves. But if you really want to be honest you have to start with humans shocking propensity for acts of despicable cruelty, as the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer wrote, ‘man is the only animal which causes pain to others with no other object than causing pain...No animal ever torments another for the sake of tormenting: but man does so, and it is this which constitutes the diabolical nature which is far worse than the merely bestial’. And this is in all of us.
The best example of fearless honesty is Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing. He said the following about humans:
‘We are dead, but think we are alive. We are asleep, but think we are awake. We are dreaming, but take our dreams to be reality. We are the halt, lame, blind, deaf, the sick. But we are doubly unconscious. We are so ill that we no longer feel ill, as in many terminal illnesses. We are mad, but have no insight [into the fact of our madness]’
You can read all about his brilliant honesty in Freedom Essay 48 here:
As Jeremy says at the beginning of this essay:
In FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition it is finally explained that far from being the flawed, banishment-deserving, bad, even evil creatures we have for so long been portrayed as, humans are actually the heroes of the story of life on Earth, and so extraordinarily wonderful that we could be considered divine beings! (This breakthrough redeeming explanation of the human condition is also presented in Video/F. Essay 3
And in fact, the human race has always believed that one day it would find this redeeming understanding of ourselves, but, the tragic reality was that until we found that relieving insight we had no choice but to block out and deny any condemning truth about ourselves; metaphorically, we had to hide in Plato’s cave of darkness. We couldn’t accept any implication that we were bad when we believed that one day we would explain that we weren’t bad.
Since searching for that relieving understanding unavoidably led to us becoming extremely upset angry, egocentric and alienated, it makes sense that we have had to employ a great deal of block-out or denial of just how upset we became; to keep with the analogy, we have had to hide very deep inside Plato’s cave of darkness. (See Video/F. Essay 11 for analysis of Plato’s cave allegory
16 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about how understanding of the human condition allows humans to be genuinely happy for the first time:
Yes, we’ve all be so desperate trying to find happiness. The problem has always been that without explanation of the human condition all we could do was fake happiness, or look forward to the arrival of it at some point in the future. We have had a few things to live off, like adventure, romance, achieving incredible feats (physically and intellectually) but underlying all of this was the dreaded human condition. The fear of whether we are worthwhile or blights on the planet. At it’s core the human condition is suicidal depression and we live our whole adult lives working everyday to not think about the real question of questions of what we are doing here and why we behave the way we do and how we get out of our predicament.
But like you say Veronica, Jeremy Griffith in THE Interview changes all that in 1 short hour. It explains why we have been so destructive, and why we don’t have to be insecure about that and why all our destructive behaviour can now end. The human species has been on the most treacherous journey to find knowledge for our fully conscious thinking minds for the last 2 million years, and we now have it!!
This is true happiness, true relief, true joy, true excitement and it’s here and available for every one of us right now. So good.
11 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about breaking through the Deaf Effect:
I was so deaf to Jeremy Griffith’s books when I initially started trying to read them, but finally, all the bits fell into place and it all made sense. How good is it to wake up suddenly and be able to understand all the great questions that have ever been asked/pondered/agonised over for thousands and thousands of years. That’s what we get to do! Thanks Pruey.
8 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about Resignation:
Yes, Resignation is the most significant psychological event in a humans life and without explantion of the we human condition we just write it off now as simply hormones. The relief that is coming to all adolescents is magnificent. This video by Alex will be one of the most watched videos on earth soon because it is so honest and so helpful, what understanding the human condition allows truly amazing!
Also just thought I would add this resignation poem that Jeremy uses basically whenever he discusses Resignation because it too, very succinctly describes the descision basically every adolecent goes through:
You can find it here:
The following astonishingly honest poem was sent to the WTM in February 2000 by 27-year-old Fiona Miller after she had just read Beyond and become aware of the WTM.
With the poem Fiona attached the comment, ‘I dug out this poem I wrote in my diary when I was about 13 or 14 years old…It has always sounded very depressing to me whenever I have read it and so I have not shown anyone since leaving school…Maybe this was the “transition point” [a term I had used about resignation in writings I had given Fiona] for me when instead of trying to fight forever I just integrated very nicely!!??’
This is the poem: ‘You will never have a home again / You’ll forget the bonds of family and family will become just family / Smiles will never bloom from your heart again, but be fake and you will speak fake words to fake people from your fake soul / What you do today you will do tomorrow and what you do tomorrow you will do for the rest of your life / From now on pressure, stress, pain and the past can never be forgotten / You have no heart or soul and there are no good memories / Your mind and thoughts rule your body that will hold all things inside it; bottled up, now impossible to be released / You are fake, you will be fake, you will be a supreme actor of happiness but never be happy / Time, joy and freedom will hardly come your way and never last as you well know / Others’ lives and the dreams of things that you can never have or be part of, will keep you alive / You will become like the rest of the world—a divine actor, trying to hide and suppress your fate, pretending it doesn’t exist / There is only one way to escape society and the world you help build, but that is impossible, for no one can ever become a baby again / Instead you spend the rest of life trying to find the meaning of life and confused in its maze.’
8 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about how the transformation makes us all so much more functional:
So agree Nick. THE Interview is fast changing the world!
We have hated the upset within us, been terrified of it, so incredibly ashamed of it and tried to hide it at all costs, but we now have the knowledge to look after it, defend it, we don’t have to live it out and perpetuate it anymore and the relief and joy that brings is unfathomable. If you think of all the wondrous things that humans are capable of now - even while we are so unbelievably psychotic from our long march through hell - you can start to imagine just how heavenly, ultra-functional, ultra-caring, ultra-loving we are going to be in no time at all once we have allowed this information to sink into our true selves. The self that we have all had to be so cut-off from because we simply couldn’t face our true, unconditionally loving, soul-infused selves while ever we couldn’t explain and defend our upset state/behaviour.
The transformation that this information brings is total, it is complete, 100%, Holles-boles, all-over, no-holes-barred, 180 degrees transformation, and it is real and true and beautiful. The world is just about to become the most wonderful place imaginable so come and join the party.
7 Sep. 2021 Facebook comment about humans heroism in enduring the human condition:
Yes, I love this too thanks Anthony! The question of questions has always been how can we be good when we appear to be bad, how can we possibly make sense of all the uncaring, mad, superficial, alienated, hurtful wrongness that every single human perpetuates generation after generation, yet each has tried so, so hard to ‘be good’, fought so desperately to ‘do the right thing’, to ‘do unto others as you like them to do unto you’ or whatever. But basically at every turn, because we simply didn’t have the answers that we needed, that now appear in FREEDOM, we continually messed everything up, we couldn’t get it right, we’ve just had to block it all out and plough on. But NOW THAT ALL CHANGES!
To finally have the explanation/knowledge that explains that all the hideousness of human behaviour has had to be, that it couldn’t have been any other way, that of course there was going to be a range of upset, that we had to actively go out and defy our unconditionally selfless and loving instincts at every turn in the pursuit of finding knowledge for our fully conscious thinking minds, is just the most sublime outcome imaginable. Yes we are mad, BUT WE ARE NOT BAD. And like Jeremy’s quote that you have put here, the more you see just how much shame, hurt, horror and pain that we have all had to endure in one way or another, the more you can see how unbelievably courageous every human has been - remember we all start our journey’s in life as small innocent, completely naive children. We don’t know about the human condition, we just experience it, we just have to accept it and tragically as Jeremy has explained we have all invariably blamed ourselves for the horror that we all experience. There are no words in my vocabulary or feelings in my heart of hearts that can truly do justice to what each of us humans have been though and what they have now collectively achieved. The joy and freedom that is now quickly going to spread across the enire world is the most deserved reward ever.