New video by Jeremy Griffith explaining why E.O. Wilson’s theory of Eusociality is a complete fake

Recently Jeremy Griffith filmed a new video addition that discusses E.O. Wilson’s 2012 book The Social Conquest of Earth. This new ‘Theory of Eusociality’ (as Wilson has termed his supposed explanation of the human condition) doesn’t truthfully explain the human condition at all, rather it attempts to dismiss it as nothing more than a conflict between supposed selfish and selfless instincts within humans. This new commentary by Jeremy has been added to Freedom: Expanded Book 2 and its corresponding video, Section 1:4 What is the human condition? (For Jeremy’s full commentary on E.O Wilson’s ‘Theory of Eusociality’ see Part 4:12 of Freedom: Expanded Book 1)



Below is the transcript of the new video addition (available in Section 1:4 of Freedom: Expanded Book 2): “I need to add a warning to this description of the human condition that I gave in 2011. It is now 2012 and the famous American biologist Edward (E.) O. Wilson has just recently published a new book titled The Social Conquest of Earth in which he presents an explanation of the human condition that doesn't equate at all with the fearful description of the human condition that I have just given. As I fully explain later in Part 4:18I, this new ‘Theory of Eusociality’ (as E.O. Wilson has termed his supposed explanation of the human condition) doesn’t truthfully explain the human condition at all, rather it attempts to dismiss it as nothing more than a conflict between supposed selfish and selfless instincts within humans. It is not a profound, truthful treatment of the psychological dilemma within us humans that is the real human condition that we suffer from, but rather a completely fake, superficial trivialisation of the subject. What E.O. Wilson has done is put forward a supposed explanation of the human condition that nullifies it, that makes it appear to be nothing profoundly distressing at all, when, as the descriptions I have just given of adolescents going through Resignation make very, very clear, the human condition is, in reality, a profoundly deep, extremely dark and fearfulindeed terrifyingpsychological issue. As is described in Part 4:18, in devising such theories as Social Darwinism, Sociobiology, Evolutionary Psychology, Multilevel Selection and now Eusociality, mechanistic/reductionist science has become masterful at finding new ways to avoid the true nature of the human condition. But unlike all these escapist, dishonest interpretations of human nature, what is going to be presented here is the fully accountable and thus true explanation of the human conditionthe explanation that finally explains the real, psychological dilemma that adolescents going through Resignation know all too well.

So I just want to warn that Wilson’s Theory of Eusociality is a completely fake, superficial treatment of the human condition. By contrast, what is going to be presented here is the biological explanation of the real, agonising, core, psychological human condition that we humans suffer from. All Wilson has revealed himself to be is just another sufferer of the human condition, someone desperately seeking a way to escape and deny the human condition, when what was needed was to confront and by so doing truthfully explain the human condition, which is precisely what is going to be done in this presentation. Escapist denials have got the human race nowherewhat we needed was the truth about ourselves, but it had to be the full, compassionate truth, and that is what you will find here in Freedom: Expanded.


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