Video & Transcript of
‘Psychological Stages that Accompany Ages’.
A presentation by Jeremy Griffith in Sydney on 25 Feb. 2017
(This video is part of the ‘Candid Discussions’ series that appears on our WTM Community page at
So I just want to quickly summarise the journey from a 12 year old to a 50 year old. To help do that, imagine we had some actors acting out each one of these stages, because this is really interesting.
To start with, imagine we’ve got a whole lot of actors acting out 12 year old’s. Twelve year old’s are just starting to wonder about the imperfection of the world around them—there’s something wrong with the world and no one seems to be talking about it—and they’ve started to get worried about that. So you get a whole lot of actors acting out that situation. Then you get to about 13, 14, 15 and they’re starting now to discover the human condition within, not just without; that they’re full of imperfections as a result of their imperfect upbringing, so they’re going to be to a certain degree, angry and indifferent to others and selfish and mean, and they’re going to discover that within themselves, and that’s going to be very confronting for them. So they have now started to hit the fearful depression from trying to confront, not only the imperfection of the world around them, but the imperfection of the world within them.
You have got to remember we once lived in this loving cooperative state [referring to the bonobo picture above]. Again, no one is ever told about how innocent we were. The bonobos are living in this lovely harmonious cooperative state to such an extent that this researcher, Vanessa Woods, who studies and works with bonobos in the Congo basin, said, ‘Bonobo love is like a laser beam. They stop. They stare at you as though they have been waiting their whole lives for you to walk into their jungle. And then they love you with such helpless abandon that you love them back. You have to love them back’ (‘A moment that changed me – my husband fell in love with a bonobo’, The Guardian, 1 Oct. 2015). So how amazingly pure in soul and love and innocence were we once [see Freedom Essay 21 for the explanation of how we acquired our moral soul]. When you have near-death experience and you give up worrying about the human condition and everything becomes radiant, you’ve actually suddenly accessed the world free of the human condition. And that’s the sensitivity we have inside us. Autistic kids when they disconnect completely from the world, they have enormous powers that suddenly emerge, such as being able to remember everything, every phone number in the phone book; to be able to look at that picture up there and instantly reproduce it in every detail—extraordinary powers. With music, some are able to remember Beethoven’s symphony after one listening and god knows what else [read more about autism in chapter 8:16C of FREEDOM]. So that’s how sensitive we once were. Van der Post talks about the Bushmen—and they’re only relatively innocent—knowing what it felt like to be a baobab tree or a lizard. So there are incredible powers hidden away, blocked by our alienation, and so that’s what our soul remembers, this magic life!
So you’re a 13 year old and you start to see these elements of selfishness and anger and indifference in yourself—how contrasting is that to this magic state? That’s how depressing the human condition is if you face it down full on. That’s how beautiful our soul is and 13 year olds know it, they haven’t blocked anything out yet, they know it’s that beautiful; and yet they are looking into themselves, not just into the world around them, and they see a person who is not full of that love and selflessness—that’s a horror contradiction. That’s why it’s fearfully depressing. So you have a lot of people acting out that stage, now they’re getting fearfully depressed. [Read more about this stage in chapter 8:9 of FREEDOM.]
Then we have the moment of Resignation [you can read more about Resignation in chapter 2:2 of FREEDOM, or F. Essay 30]. So now we have got to imagine that. Now this is an absolutely pristine moment when you see both sides of the equation really clearly. You see how innocent we once were and how corrupted we have become, how wonderful our soul really is, our original instinctive self and then how corrupted we are. So you can see that clearly. And over here, the alternative of blocking it out means you’re going to kill off your soul and leave it and never see it again, and you’re going to die a million psychological deaths, and you’re going to be a fake person, living in a fake world, as it says in that ‘Resignation poem’ in FREEDOM, Chapter 2:2. This is probably the most powerful Resignation poem we have, this what happens when you resign:
‘You will never have a home again / You’ll forget the bonds of family and family will become just family / Smiles will never bloom from your heart again [you only have to watch Stefan’s video to see smiles actually blooming from his heart, he’s such a little boy this guy, you swear to God he’s not more than 21!], but be fake and you will speak fake words to fake people from your fake soul [fake, fake fake] / What you do today you will do tomorrow and what you do tomorrow you will do for the rest of your life / From now on pressure, stress, pain and the past can never be forgotten [in the sense of the trauma that you’ve accumulated under the duress of the human condition] / You have no heart or soul and there are no good memories / Your mind and thoughts rule your body that will hold all things inside it; bottled up, now impossible to be released [you can’t get back to your soul] / You are fake, you will be fake, you will be a supreme actor of happiness but never be happy / Time, joy and freedom will hardly come your way and never last as you well know / Others’ lives and the dreams of things that you can never have or be part of, will keep you alive [this dream of power, fortune and glory] / You will become like the rest of the world—a divine actor, trying to hide and suppress your fate, pretending it doesn’t exist / There is only one way to escape society and the world you help build, but that is impossible, for no one can ever become a baby again / Instead you spend the rest of life trying to find the meaning of life and confused in its maze’.
And following that is Cookie’s little Resignation poem that he wrote when he was 14: ‘Growing Up: There is a little hillside / Where I used to sit and think / I thought of being a fireman / And of thoughts, I thought important / Then they were beyond me / Way above my head / But now they are forgotten / Trivial and dead.’
So everyone writes these Resignation poems but that’s how much you are killing off your soul. So when you’re sitting there at 14 or 15 and you’re thinking about Resignation, that’s the price you’re going to see you have to pay, you’re going to become ‘fake, fake, fake, fake, fake’, ‘supreme actor of happiness, never happy’, ‘pretending’ to be happy, and you’re killing off your soul, the best part of yourself; the only magic there is on Earth is your soul.
So it’s a horrendous decision to have to make, to psychologically kill yourself off. It’s a form of death, as close to death as you can damn well get. So you’re sitting there, fearful depression, here’s the magic world of our soul [Jeremy holds up the photos above of bonobos nurturing their infants that are found on p.19 of Transform Your Life (TYL) (or p. 16 of the 2016 First Edition)] and here’s what I’ve become. If I try and think about that without a bridging understanding I’ll be suicidally depressed. So it’s suicidal depression, literally suicide, or become a fake, dead person, and the suicide threat is so great that you have to choose that, so you become resigned, you adopt that way of living. Now that moment of pure clarity when you can see both sides of the equation is very brief and very short. If you’re in that state, that’s the kind of expression you’ve got on your face, the expression of this boy in the photograph in paragraph 114 of FREEDOM who had, in the previous day, lost all his classmates in a plane crash.
His face is totally shocked, numb, white and pale, and all the descriptions that go with that ‘deeply sobered, drained pale, all-pretences-and-facades-stripped-away, pained, tragic, stunned, human-condition-laid-bare expression’ (FREEDOM, para.115). That’s when you’re in the middle of Resignation, so that’s 14 or 15, when you face that down and only for a moment can see the whole equation clearly and that’s when you make your decision, ‘I’m going to go, I’m going to resign’. So that’s a very short moment when you see the whole equation, and you make the decision to resign. Now this is really important: what do you do after you’ve resigned? This is so important. You still need reinforcement because the problem at Resignation is trying to understand why you’re not ideal, why it was like the bonobos [Jeremy holds up p.19 of TYL again (or p. 16 of the First Edition)], and it’s no longer like that. And if you haven’t got a bridging understanding you are lost; that bridging understanding would explain you, it would allow you to understand that you’re not bad after all, that there’s a reason you are no longer like that. So we need a bridging understanding so desperately that throughout his life Stefan held onto the idea that resigned people are all ‘aliens’. I had a little note in my pocket in Tasmania called ‘What I Reckon’. The point is, you’ve got to have a bridging understanding to explain the madness: you’re trying to defend yourself, you’re trying to find a bridging understanding, you’re trying to explain that you’re good and not bad, you’re trying to explain why the world has become upset and you have become upset. You don’t even know it’s upset, you just know it’s wrong. So the fundamental situation prior to Resignation is you want to explain that you’re good and not bad, you want to explain why you’re messed up.
Now if you give up on finding that understanding when you resign, you still need to have something to believe you’re good and not bad. That’s still the fundamental problem; and you’ve given up on a true answer. So what happens after Resignation? You take up any artificial way to fill that void, to justify yourself, to explain that you are good and not bad. Now this is really important: so you start believing in all this bullshit that we were once aggressive and all that crap defence, false biological explanations [see Video/F. Essay 4], there are huge universities built on all that crap, based on that we were once brutal and aggressive.
So you’ve got a bullshit explanation you can believe in, but you’re basically committed to fame, fortune, power and glory as a means of validating yourself, solving that problem that you’re not bad, making you feel good. So how addicted are you going to be to those four things at that point? They are going to sustain you; you can’t validate yourself with actual explanation. You’ve got to find a substitute way of validating yourself, so you’re going to be hooked on power, fame, fortune and glory big time. You’re going to be absolutely soaked in it every second of every day. If you let [WTM member] Tony Gowing speak and he talks about the Transformed State [see for example Transformation Affirmation 7], he will start telling you that you’ve got to get honest and realise just how addicted we are—or when [WTM member] Jοhn Bіggs was crying on Saturday when we were talking about this—Tony will say ‘Listen you’re not probably adjusted enough to this understanding to be as honest as I can be, so I’ll be honest for you. I’m telling you every second of every day you’re posturing for a win. Everything that comes in you’re trying to find a way to use it to validate yourself.’ You’re totally, totally, totally preoccupied extracting from every situation a win, some reinforcement. That’s your whole life and it’s all bullshit because you’ve given up on trying to think truthfully, which would require admitting an innocent soul and all this stuff. You’ve hit the soul with a bloody atomic bomb and blown it out of your life because it’s too condemning. So now you want to find a way to validate yourself. Your mind’s going to be totally dishonest, ‘fake’, ‘fake’, ‘fake’ was the word in that Resignation poem. So you’ve got no chance of thinking truthfully, you’ve got no chance of getting any decent truthful answers because you’re fake, fake, fake, fake. And you’re going to live off all these artificial wins, that ‘I won the football match so I’m a legend.’ How much are you soaked in that artificial relief? So it becomes a huge addiction. As Tony says, ‘Every second of every day your mind is strategising for a win’. How soaked you are in that preoccupation. Now just stand back from that: that’s a preoccupation that’s killing you dead, because it’s so artificial, so dishonest, so ungrounded in substance and truth, and it’s so preoccupying, you’re doing it all the time, every second. All the other the magic world is forbidden, you’re never going to access it.
So if we get these actors, we’ve got a 12-year-old set of actors, they are starting to get worried about the world; then we’ve got a 13 year old starting to get depressed about themselves; then we’ve got someone in the midst of Resignation which is that photo of the boy who’s class mates been lost in a plane crash, he was pale white with fright, so we’ve got some actors acting that out, all walking around stunned, in a foetal position in trauma with this decision they’re going to have to make.
Now this is very important. Two days after Resignation they’re into this false world, and their guzzling it, they’re into it big time. They’re using it every second of the day, and they are totally preoccupied with it. So after a week, after a month, they’re getting really consumed, it’s their only way to cope with themselves. To compensate for the lack of real understanding they have these artificial ways to sustain their sense of self-worth, which is power, fame, fortune and glory, and it’s a huge addiction, and it’s a false way, so the more you try it the less it really actually works, but nevertheless that’s all you’ve got to live off, so everyone’s hooked into it, and you’re really addicted to it. This is really important. So we’ve got 12 year old’s starting to get worried about the world being wrong. Then we’ve got 13 year old’s starting to worry about themselves. Then we’ve got 15 year olds just drained pale with shock trying to make this decision. Then they’ve made the decision to resign, now they’re on a bender of escapism. So you’ve got a whole lot of actors and they’re all into the power, fame, fortune and glory trip, and they’re really into it because it’s just huge, so important to them. Now what happens then is really, really interesting because no one has ever explained this either. It goes on this journey and it’s all described beautifully in in chapter 8:10 of FREEDOM. It takes from about 15 when they resign to about 21—it’s not 20, it’s 21—they give you the ‘key’ to leave home, that’s given at 21 not at 20, because these are aged-locked things. These are stages that are locked to ages—stages with ages—and they’re very precise. So in the ages between 15 to 20 you are trying to perfect living in this false realm, but what happens is by 21 you’ve actually blocked out all the negatives and magnified all the positives. There’s hardly any positives; there’s only a couple really, and they’re actually really tiny.
There’s the adventure, because you actually know like the person who wrote that Resignation poem says ‘your whole life is going to be a fraud’, and it is, it’s going to get worse and worse, more and more fraudulent, because you are never going to be satisfied from power and glory—it’s not going to work. You are going to try and want more and more and more, and you get tyrannical. So it’s a futile path you’re on, but you’ve got to keep sort of cranking that up. There are two positives: there’s the adventure—you might be going to go under but you don’t actually know how it will play out. You think, ‘I might actually become captain of the football team, it’s worth a try.’ So you can live off the hope that you might succeed at getting some decent power, then you can be like Donald Trump and have a whole big tower and guild it all in gold leaf or whatever he’s done. You think, ‘well that’s worth a try’, so there’s the adventure which is code for, ‘Look I might be going to die on this job, but at least I’ll give it a good crack.’
And the other positive is romance, because you could fall in love. The only thing we were able to cultivate of the soul’s world all the way from when the love-indoctrination process began [see F. Essay 21] right through to now, was the image of innocence in women. It was cultivated all through the nurturing love-indoctrination process because those neotenous features, those infant-like features of dome forehead, snub nose and all those things became a symbol of youthful cooperativeness. The younger you were the closer you were to the nurturing period, so the more cooperative you were. So for a long time neoteny was a sign that you would be a more cooperative member of your group, and people who lost their neoteny were older and by definition their love-indoctrination had worn off. So up to two million years ago when we were selecting for more and more innocent people to make a more cooperative group we were selecting from neotenous features, innocent looking features. At two million years ago we started turning on innocence, killing animals, anything that looked like innocence, but there was one form of innocence we didn’t kill, we actually sought after and that was the image of innocence which women represent, the sex object is the everyday word for it. The image of innocence. We are still selecting for neotenous features but we’re now selecting for it because it was destructible, it was ‘fuckable’ [see chapter 8:11B of FREEDOM, and F. Essay 27]. So the image of innocence in women has been selected all the way from the beginning to now, and from two million years on, all forms of innocence were killed except that one, the image of innocence—that’s how powerful the image of innocence is. It’s incredibly powerful because it’s the only form of innocence that has been selected for. So all the songs, if you want to listen to Rod Stewart, it doesn’t matter who it is, you’ll be hearing them sing of the dream. The image of innocence in women, as van der Post says, ‘we lose our soul, of which woman is the immemorial image’ (Laurens van der Post, The Heart of the Hunter, 1961, p.134 of 233), so that’s the power of it. You’ve got romance, and for their part, women are duped, they’re codependent, they think that men are falling in love with their mind, the person who they are, but they’re actually falling in love with the image of innocence, which that fantastic quote in FREEDOM from Leo Tolstoy reveals. Leo Tolstoy said ‘I ran into this girl and she had some lovely golden locks and a nice curvy jumper, and for all I cared I thought everything she said was brilliant and very, very profound, and the next day I proposed to her! But she could have said anything it wouldn’t have mattered! It was the golden locks I was after.’ [laughter] [The following is the quote by Leo Tolstoy that Jeremy refers to (the underlinings are Jeremy’s): ‘so [this is how] I lived till I was thirty…I weltered in a mire of debauchery [destroying soulful purity] and at the same time was on the lookout for a girl pure enough to be worthy of me [marrying]. I rejected many just because they were not pure enough to suit me, but at last I found one whom I considered worthy…One evening…I was sitting beside her admiring her curls and her shapely figure in a tight-fitting jersey, I suddenly decided that it was she! It seemed to me that evening that she understood all that I felt and thought, and that what I felt and thought was very lofty. In reality it was only that the jersey and the curls were particularly becoming to her and that after a day spent near her I wanted to be still closer. It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. A handsome woman talks nonsense, you listen and hear not nonsense but cleverness. She says and does horrid things, and you see only charm…I returned home in rapture, decided that she was the acme of moral perfection, and that therefore she was worthy to be my wife, and I proposed to her next day. What a muddle it is!’ (The Kreutzer Sonata, 1889, ch.V; tr. L. & A. Maude).]
And so it’s this horror situation. Women fall in love that they are actually innocent, and men dream through them, so both sides are getting a win out of it.
So there’s the romance and there’s the adventure, they were the main two positives that we cranked up. By 21 you’ve actually figured it out, you blocked out soul because that’s condemning, anything to do with soul. You tell yourself, ‘the bushman are not more innocent than we are’, which explains why people hated van der Post and went ‘berserk with rage’ about the things he said about the Bushman being innocent, and all that stuff. And you block out any memory of this magic time we lived in innocence, and so those quotes from Plato and Hesiod are so important [see Video/F. Essay 4]. They were written back some three hundred years before Christ, so that’s the way I’ve got them because after that humans got smarter and smarter and realised we shouldn’t let that truth out that door, but it’s too late, it’s out, and that’s why I use those quotes.
So we block out soul and all the negatives that are condemning us. We block out and get better and better at that so we can’t even see it. We don’t even know we’re resigned. We don’t even know we’re artificial. We think the way we are is right and natural and so we blocked out all the negatives and we are starting to crank up the positives, the adventure. So the boys are swashbuckling and Dad gives them big smack on the back, and Mum gives them a big hug and kiss and they head out into the world, and at 21 they are given this key, as a symbol to go out and do their thing. So they’re ready to go, ‘Right let me go Mum and Dad, I’m on my way, I can do it now.’ And in the villages where Franklin comes from they take the boys and they scarify their body and they rub hash into it so it turns into big welts and they have to go through this initiation ceremony, which is designed for them to prove that they are capable of being men. Because to be a man is to go out and kill soul and everyone hate you for it. So they go and get the young boys from the women, and they say, ‘This is the end of you guys mucking around with the sheilas, come down here we’re going to kick the living shit out of you, and if you scream you can stay for the rest of your life with the sheilas. You are going to have to be tough to be a bloke, the whole world is going to hate you, the only people who have any empathy with you are other blokes. So it’s going to be a really, really tough life. So we are going to let you into it straight away. We’re going to turn boys into men.’ [For more on initiation ceremonies, see F. Essay 27.]
So at 21 they’re swashbuckling, they’re ready to go, ‘Give us a sword Dad, I’ll do it, I’m tough enough.’ They buried the negatives, maximised the positives and are ready to go. The girls are ready to shine and see what, in that short space of time while they are still innocent enough to be attractive, what sort of romance they can get, and if they can snaffle a boy by then to get married before they lose it all. It’s all horror, the whole story.
So at 21 they head out and they’re going for it. It’s obviously a horrible game you’re playing because if you get a win, it’s not a win anyway, and you’re never going to be satisfied. They’re all artificial, so you’re going to get more and more hungry and you’re going to get more and more transparent because they really don’t add up to anything.
So by 30 it’s all starting to wear a bit thin. Rod Stewart’s song I Was Only Joking contains lyrics that vividly describe the reality check of reaching 30 (this is really funny): ‘Me and the boys thought we had it sussed. Valentinos [Rudolph Valentino, the actor, was a great seducer] all of us…running free, Waging war with society…But nothing ever changed…What kind of fool was I. I could never win…Illusions of that grand first prize, are slowly wearing thin…I guess it had to end’ (lyrics by Gary Grainger & Rod Stewart, 1977). So by 30 it’s all sort of running its course. [See chapter 8:11A of FREEDOM about the 21 to 30 year old stage.] It’s just not going to work, so the 21 year old swashbuckler is now starting to think, ‘This is useless’. And then by 40 it’s really come undone, you’ve got nowhere, you come up empty handed, ‘I haven’t changed the world, I didn’t do that and that’, and then you have a mid-life crisis because it just didn’t work. [See chapter 8:12 of FREEDOM about the 30 to 40 year old stage.] So you then fight back, you buy a bigger sports car and try to get your second wife and you know whatever it takes. And you’re sort of on a desperate mission to try to sort of hang on to that vision and see if you can get a win. And then you get sick of that and then you take up some sort of pseudo idealism where you become very dedicated to environmentalism or something to relieve yourself of the horror of where you’ve got to. [See chapter 8:13 of FREEDOM about the 40 to 50 year old stage.] The trouble with all these pseudo idealisms is they’re fake, they’re bullshit, you know they are. So at a certain point you give up on them, and so then there’s only one thing to do and that’s to go back into hunting power, fame, fortune and glory, and so at the end of that you get to that ‘hollow man’ stage [see chapter 8:14 of FREEDOM]. There’s all these stages in chapter 8:8 in FREEDOM titled Adolescence, Angry Adolescentman, Pseudo-Idealistic Adolescentman where we enter the midlife crisis, then you’ve got Hollow Adolescentman which is depicted in Ralph Steadman’s picture The Lizard Lounge.
That’s men still hungry for power and I used that main lizard at the front in his picture for my drawing of ‘Hollowman’:
After you give up on being born again and go back, you put the armour back on, get the sword and shield back out again; and the caption says here on my drawing, ‘Terminally alienated hero of the story of life on Earth.’ It’s tragic because there is no longer any soul, and you can see in the drawing that the soul has been skinned and dead and he’s using it as a carpet. I mean that’s 50 year old plus, back in harness and you’re going nowhere, and T.S. Eliot’s 1925 poem The Hollow Men is so accurate: ‘We are the hollow men / We are the stuffed men / Leaning together / Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! / Our dried voices, when / We whisper together / Are quiet and meaningless / As wind in dry grass…’. Older men know if they start talking about themselves or anything, that will only offend the other blokes because it would be saying, ‘I’ve got a win and you didn’t’, so they’re all too astute of each other’s horrors, so they really can’t talk about anything, so then they’re silent and talk in whispers and it’s like they’ve got grass in their head, they’re just empty. That’s how it all washes up for men. And if you read the end of this section of FREEDOM about women’s situation it was just as horrific [see chapter 8:14 of FREEDOM]. Steadman’s picture has got these women down the end like scarecrows, so that’s a terrifyingly accurate description of what happens at the end of the human journey without understanding. And everybody that is resigned is on that journey, so the more upset you get, the more condemned you are through your childhood, the more embattled you are through your life.
There’s two things that kill off the soul. One is lack of nurturing because that was the prime mover in human development. So when mothers get more and more alienated they can’t give their children unconditional love, and the children actually know it and they die a million psychological deaths. But there’s also the impact of fathers: because men get power addicted, they get more and more embattled and need more and more reinforcement and that has a huge impact on children. So there’s two chapters in FREEDOM, one after the other. First about the horror of women when they become more alienated, unable to nurture anymore [see chapter 8:16C of FREEDOM], and then about men getting more egocentric [see chapter 8:16D of FREEDOM].
My professor at University, Professor Charles Birch said, ‘Haven’t you heard Jeremy, the best thing that can happen in a man’s life is that his father dies when he is born’ (WTM records, 12 Nov. 1998). Unsaid words being, because men get so egocentric, and they’re so oppressive and so authoritarian and tyrannical and oppressive and ‘my way or the highway’, they just kill kids stone dead.

The above image appears at par. 1011 of FREEDOM
Both alienation in mothers and the power addict state in fathers is so hurtful for children. Normally what happens is, to boil it all down, the first generation starts searching for truth/understanding and gets more and more upset, more and more egocentric, so the next generation is going to be deprived of love so they’re going to be even more egocentric because they are not getting proper reinforcement, so they’re more insecure. At about the third generation, as it says in the Bible, ‘he [God] punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation’ (see Exod. 34:7, 20:5; Deut. 5:9) because what happens at about the third or fourth generation is you get a crippled generation, because by then the fathers are so tyrannical, so authoritarian, so oppressive, that the little child, the little boy is brutalised to the point that they are crippled. Now they either turn into a power addict or they turn into a totally broken individual. So at about the third generation the whole thing stuffs up and you get a crippled generation or you get a power addict generation that are really extremely tyrannical. They are called ‘psychopaths’, and they’re very good at pretending to be loving and cooperative but actually they are totally consumed with themselves, they’re really hungry for power.
James Press: Powerpaths.
Jeremy: Powerpaths yes. Powerpaths or psychopaths. Psychopaths is the classic description of them all. They pretend to be loving, and the story is that you can’t fix them with therapy because if you give them therapy they actually get to know how to masquerade and hide their power-addiction even further and pretend to be nice. So the countries in the world that are really crippled like Syria and Iran, the Arab region, is because every generation is crippled, they’re all psychopaths, they’re all power addicts. So if anybody gets power they just pinch all the money, they just need glory, they are so hungry for reinforcement.
I was watching the Fox News Channel, because I was interested to watch what happened with Donald Trump and what’s happening there in the US. There’s this virtual religion of pseudo idealism that the left wing are hanging on to, and they’re so irate about Trump being so defiant of pseudo idealism, and it has just escalated. I was watching the program, and it’s worth noting that the Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly comes from County Cavan, where my ancestors come from [see pars 1035-1037 in FREEDOM]; so he’s Irish. Another Fox News Channel host, Sean Hannity is Irish. Kellyanne Conway is Irish—she’s this brilliant little girl that’s helping Trump [Kellyanne Conway is now Counsellor to the President in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump and was previously Trump’s campaign manager]. They’re all Irish! If you get to find some remnant of innocence that’s still strong enough, to be strong they’re going to come from those sheltered corners of the world. They’re not coming from London, they’re coming from Ireland! These people that can still stand on their feet. It’s very interesting. There’s hardly any soundness left; there’s a little bit of it coming out of Ireland. The outback of Australia was mostly pioneered by Scottish settlers, they’re so tough, they go out and live in the desert, their wives wouldn’t see any other woman they could talk to for months on end, really pioneer people. So the Scots are really dour, that’s mostly Scandinavian/Viking stock, who are still out in the periphery of the edge of the great battlefield. The closer you go in towards the middle of the battle you get into Iran or Syria where it’s just bled dry of innocence and everyone are power addicts and it’s sick, it’s just unmanageable.
Even were Trump to succeed and try to fix up America by getting it back on a more right wing, more realistic footing, the generation that’s coming is so sick, is so psychotic, they’re all the ‘me generation’, and they’re all really insecure, incredibly insecure. So basically the next generation, when the millennials grow up, they’ll all be powerpaths, and they’ll all be hungry for power, and they’re all trying to get it from each other, and so it’ll be a dogfight. So we’re heading so fast into terminal alienation, it is not funny [see F. Essay 55: Endgame for the human race].
That’s how important that we’ve got to get these ideas going. It’s that close, it’s progressing that fast. We’ve gone from the 60’s which is full of optimism and idealism, to just about terminally alienated, where they can’t read anything. They go to university now and they refuse to read books. They have to have ‘trigger warnings’ on everything, anything that’s at all confronting they don’t want to read so they won’t read, they definitely wouldn’t read Tolstoy as one of the greatest writers in history, a true prophet, because of what he said about women, revealing that honesty that he’s only interested in their ‘curls’. They won’t read Joseph Conrad because he was supposedly racist and all that towards black Africans. I mean it’s just piling up by the second.
This is the most challenging but it’s also the most exciting time, if we can hold our nerve at this moment in this journey. So you two, Franklin and Stefan, turning up, even though you’re ships at sea and not resigned people is incredibly significant, even though it’s the resigned ones who we’ve got to get through to because that’s 99% of the population. Ships at sea are about one in five hundred, and then you’ve got to get you understanding this information young enough; already you’re almost too old, too far gone, too embedded to work your way back. I’m watching like a hawk to see how much progress you make each day so I can extrapolate to work out how much you can resuscitate your soul Franklin; and Stefan is still very buoyant and so it was very lucky to get hold of this at that age; and you two are great mates and that’s good because you need to be talking to each other, and you need to be looking after him and vice versa given your different positions of specialness, because they’re unresigned, so they’ve got this whole different package.
So in terms of the Transformed State which is my endpoint, it’s very important for you two, Franklin and Stefan to understand all this. So we’ve got all these actors acting all these different stages. The difference between the actors at 12, 13 and at the moment of Resignation at 15, and after that, is worlds apart. Those might be penguins and these are rabbits, they are totally unrelated. This is really important, once you resign and you take up all this bullshit, it’s all bullshit, absolutely everything, because if you’re not thinking truthfully, if you’ve given up on soul, you’ve lost your compass and you’re taking up this ‘power, fame and fortune’ strategy, and it’s fake, it’s useless, it’s pointless, it’s now completely and utterly pointless, it’s worth nothing, zero. After Resignation, everything you’re doing, every second of every day you’re manipulating for a win, you’re working the field like you wouldn’t believe. So someone says something, you smile to get a win out of that and then you don’t tread on their toes too much, and then you give them a pat on the back—it’s all manufactured crap, so all of that goes when you take up the Transformed State. Nothing there is worth preserving, nothing. There’s nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing worth holding on to, absolutely zero. So you’ve got to give all that resigned way of living up, it’s just pointless. It’s all over.
Back when we had religion we still had to find understanding, so there was still a justification for carrying on the battle, but the fundamental point now is that all these strategies were artificial ways to relieve ourselves of guilt, make ourselves feel good. Now that we’ve got the real explanation for why we’re good and not bad, all those artificial ones by definition are obsoleted, they’re finished with. There’s no justification for them. It is all over. So anybody can resist transforming—letting go all of that, putting in a suitcase and leaving it, and just start living for this—as long as they like, but it’s pointless. It’s of no consequence.
Back when we had religion, and all these other pseudo forms of idealism, there was some value in it, because we still had to continue the upsetting battle. People only quit the heroic search for knowledge when they were too corrupted to do it. So in the analogy of the TV series, The Simpsons, Homer Simpson says to Ned, ‘Listen Ned, you love Christ and he loves you but I’m a legend!’, because he is still a legend, he’s still out there suffering upset, becoming angry in the course of finding knowledge, because we still hadn’t found the knowledge that would liberate us. But the day we find that liberating knowledge, there is no longer any justification for carrying on the battle. The battle is won! Everybody ‘leaves the ground and goes to the showers’ to use the football analogy—everybody gets transformed. There’s no defence against it. This is the most powerful thing that’s ever happened on planet Earth, because we’re rational creatures and the logic of what I’ve just said is 100% lock solid true. It’s all over. So all of that, everything post Resignation—all those actors acting the 21 year old, the 30 year old as Rod Stewart said ‘we thought we were legends but we’re not’, 40 year old’s mid-life crisis, and 50 year old’s standing on top of the ‘soul rug’—they’re all stuffed, they’re all gone, it’s all finished with. There’s no argument left.
So the blokes in our organisation, for 10 years, were still re-living ‘the landing’ to use the analogy from Bob Dylan’s, When The Ship Comes In, which is an anticipation of when these understandings come in and they will be considered as heroes [see F. Essay 45]. I’ve forgotten the words. [Everyone laughing]. They’d say, ‘Let’s re-do the landing, stuff what we do after the landing, we want to be the legends!’ In other words, they didn’t want to be weak because you were always weak if you gave up the battle, blokes know that. They say, ‘So look I was taken down to an initiation ceremony and had the crap beaten out of me, and I didn’t scream out, and I’m a legend! And I’m just absolutely trained to be a warrior. So god, I’m not going to give up, I’m not going to be a wimp’. Because you were a wimp if you gave up the battle before this understanding was found. To use the analogy of The Simpsons, Ned’s a wimp, and Homer knows he’s a wimp! Because Ned is walking around saying, ‘I’m a goody-goody, I love Christ’; and so Homer wrecks his lawn-mower, and Ned says, ‘Oh that’s alright Homer, come and stay at my house’, and Homer gets boiling mad and says, ‘Listen Ned, let’s go to Las Vegas and chase some chicks and get drunk!’ And Ned’s saying, ‘No, no, no. Christ loves me and I love Christ. You’d do well to come to church with us on Sunday. You’re desperately in need of a bit of help Homer.’ But that all changes now. If Ned takes up this Transformed Way of Living, Homer has no excuse not to now and that’s what Tony realised, it is all over, you can just give up that. It’s not a wimpy thing to do. Suddenly all the blokes said, ‘Oh okay. We might let the old way go’, but we had to wait 10 years for that. It is all over, and that will gain momentum really fast once it catches up. It took 10 years to get the first bloke, and then we got a lot of blokes, so we’re making good progress. We’ve still got a lot to go, even within our organisation, but this will gain momentum.
What’s very important about this is, you two, Stefan and Franklin, are unresigned so you haven’t participated in all of that resigned power, fame and glory crap and you still know it’s crap, that was the thing you didn’t like about participating in that. If you immerse yourself in every word that Stefan says, it is about how much he hated this, he went along with it but he didn’t like it. It’s a bit too far back in Franklin’s memory to actually be able to easily tell us about that, but it’s so fresh in Stefan’s mind, ‘I don’t want to be part of that. I’m faking it but I don’t want to do it.’ So this is the bottom line, this is the tough line: what you’re selling is not the information but the transformation, that’s what everybody wants. That’s what they’re all hungry for, because they want a solution to their problems. This [picks up a copy of FREEDOM] justifies the transformation, underpins it but it’s not what’s critical, what you’re selling. Now that’s important because you guys aren’t transformed. As [WTM member] Tony Miall said you maybe could do with a bit of transformation because you’ve still got all these layers of crap that you’ve participated in, you’ve been faking it to make it, pretending to go along with all these blokes and be intellectual or be a nice guy or whatever your game plan was, so you’ve still got to get rid of that. So Tony Miall is sort of saying, if you let all that go and become transformed, then you will know a bit more about the transformation and be able to teach it better. Or you can just let it erode away and thaw out and become soulful.
So I ended up exactly where Tony Gowing has ended up but from totally different quarters, or [WTM member] Genevieve Salter or all our Transformed people, or [WTM member] Annie Williams. I didn’t have to resign, and I’m full of soul and I’ve got a bridging understanding so I didn’t have to go under, but everything that happens in my life, such as my family disowning me [see A Species In Denial: Why prophets were ‘without honour’ in their ‘own home’ and ‘own country’], I’ve had to cope with a lot of horrors like that, but all the time I cope by saying, ‘If I can’t help them, I’ve got to keep going, get these answers out there.’ So it just drives me back to the desk and I’ve got to find these understandings and get them out to the world. So I’m chopping off all the peripheral things that are not relevant to the job so I get more and more honed to this job.
So now I’ve got this imaginary board of directors that make every decision for me so I refer to them, ‘Should I do this?’ Every second I’ve got my own framework I’m using, ‘Should I keep talking Jeremy? It’s time for these three men [Franklin, Stefan and Jimmy] to say something’, but then I have a talk to myself, and the Board of Directors say, ‘Yeah but Jeremy it’s very critical stuff you’re saying, so just hang in a bit longer.’ So I’m doing these sums all the time. So I’m stripping away the peripheral unnecessary stuff.
Tony has done the same thing, so we end up equally dedicated to this, living for this every second of every day. And if you watch any of these transformed people that’s what they’re actually doing underneath, they’re actually not talking to you because they’re interested in you, they’re only talking to you to try to help you get to this Transformed State and beyond it as quick as you can. That’s the only solution to everything. That’s the end result. If you’re unresigned you’re going to end up just living for this every minute of the day because the world is so distressed, it so needs this. We’ve got to be strong enough to get it there so Tony is living by that rule and so am I and so on.
So you can get back to soul, and you’ll come out of it with more soul. So I’ve got more access to soul than Tony because he’s got so much pain, but in terms of being transformed, and that means living for this, Tone’s hugely transformed, and Weavy and Annie, and all the other transformed people, Jοhnny Bіggs for example, if you watch their behaviour closely. But if you’re unresigned you do have some connection to soul that the resigned, from living in this bullshit existence, don’t have, so there’s that, but I guess what I’m saying is that the world is so desperate, we don’t need any more soul explanations, what we need is more transformation, and that’s what you’re really selling. You try to sell the explanation which is the starting point, this makes sense, but it’s confronting for them to have to read it all or confront it all. What they really want is the end result which is the transformation.
And that’s what happened with Tony which is very interesting. Tony used to come out here from school with Will Salter, who is Weav’s brother—they were great mates at Knox School in Sydney; and Tony would come out with Will to see Weavy and co. And I’d always give them a bit of an ear-bashing and Tony got to hear about this and got to understand a little bit, and he knew that, ‘If you listen to Jeremy, he just speaks truth for hours on end’. But he wasn’t really interested in that; it was Annie’s behaviour he was interested in. He said, ‘Listen Jeremy, I know you talk truth all day, but what is it that she’s living off? That’s what I want’, because Annie is incredibly transformed. He said ‘That’s what I want. She is living it’. So that’s what he latched on to, so Annie got Tony transformed, and last weekend we heard Johnny in tears telling us how Tony got him there. He felt so obscene about living with this information for 10 years, and Biggsy was saying, ‘God it still hasn’t helped my life. I’m still a power-addict and all this sort of stuff’, and realised the bottom line sums and realised that he should become transformed too, and let it all go.
So in your two cases, being unresigned you’ve got lot of thawing out to do, and as to how much transformation you need is yet to be seen, but you will be selling the Transformed State. That’s what people want, they don’t want the explanation really, it’s too hard to confront. What they want is the result of that which is how to be transformed. That’s a bit hard to sell. You can’t go up and say, ‘This book unravels the human condition therefore you should become transformed’; they’d say, ‘Oh, are you sure about that? Oh mm I better have a look’. But once this has got credibility and that’s sort of what you’re doing both of you, you to Kay, Franklin, and you to all your friends Stefan, is you’re saying, ‘Look you guys trust me, I know you’re my good friends, you know me well. I’m telling you this is the good oil. This really does stack up so you can just live in support of it’. And they trust you enough and are impressed enough to consider that, but that will gain more footing, and then there will be more and more people who just get transformed, because that’s what we all want. You could almost go up to someone and say, ‘Look there is this underlying battle, it’s been won, it’s all over.’ And then you could flesh that out and say, ‘Well this battle is called the battle of the human condition (and flesh that out, and flesh that out, and the sentence grows and grows and grows)’ and they can read it in depth to whatever depth they want to. But at the end of it is, ‘You just let it all go, it’s finished with’, and it is finished with.
When this catches on it will set the world alight. So that’s Franklin’s and Stefan’s particular equation that we’ve been talking to them about, being unresigned, not having all this crap in their life which necessitates that they let it go. So I’m saying you’re in a huge thawing out process, and the transformation aspect of it, you’ll discover that because you’ll be trying to teach people the explanation, because it’s so easy for you to access. But you’ll learn more and more that it’s out of their reach a bit and they’ll want to know how this helps you, like Tony wanted, ‘Jeremy shut up. I want to know how Annie is, what she’s doing, I want some of that. I want some of that freedom that she’s got!’