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AAAS 607
Abraham, the prophet: critical contribution 906; demystified 751; monotheism 325, 840; the feast that saved humanity 614-615
Adam and Eve 155-156; heroes not villains 65-66, 273-275; naked 783; parallels Adam Stork 58, 65, 252; sexual desire 162-165, 794
Adam Stork analogy 56-66, 250-260; pseudo idealism 885-886, 890
ADHD 945-952, 962, 966-968, 981, 984, 987
adolescence 106, 266-267, 708-716, 738-768. See also Resignation
Adolescentman 713-715; Adventurous Early Adulthood 765-768; Angry Adulthood 845-871; Distressed Adolescence 741-764; Early Sobered Adolescence 739-740; Hollow Final Adulthood 894-901; Pseudo Idealistic Late Adulthood 872-893
adventure 67, 756, 763, 766-767
Africa: cradle of mankind 467, 471-472, 487, 835; picture 386
afterlife 840
Aitken, Robin 1099
Akhenaton: monotheism 325
Albrechtsen, Janet 813-814
Alexander, Richard 665-668
alienation: danger of 1120; definition 259; destroys ability to nurture 961-994; detail focused 683-684; extent of 123-125, 220-232, 642, 677-689, 834-835, 954-957; terminal 944-960, 1108-1111, 1241-1243; twice alienated 689
Allot, Robin 323, 488, 491, 501
Almond Trees, The 1265-1272
altruistic moral sense: origin of 375-476
Ames, Evelyn 472
ancestor worship 839-840
Andersen, Hans Christian: Emperor’s New Clothes 1249-1250, 1261
André, Claudine 418
anger, egocentricity and alienation 62, 257, 726-727
animal condition 355, 357, 394, 425-426, 833, 840
animism and nature worship 838, 840
anxiety disorders 942, 945-954; from lack of nurturing 962; healing tools 958
apocalypse 229, 1058-1060; definition 1153; Four Horsemen 946
Appleyard, Bryan 199
Arabs 912-915, 1028, 1033, 1038, 1053; contribution of 1045
Ardipithecus 396-411, 438, 521-524, 712, 719-720, 736
Ardrey, Robert 514
Aristotle 148
Armageddon, battle of 1295
arms race. See warfare
arrested development 709-710
Arthur, King. See King Arthur
Aryans 912-914
Asfaw, Berhane 407
Assyrians 913-915
atheism 1070
Attenborough, David 607
Australia: critical role 1037, 1272-1276, 1283-1285
Australian Aborigine 811; degradation 764; Dreamtime 181; nurturing 728, 748, 976; relative innocence 170, 184, 743-745, 862-868; rock art picture 834
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): defamation 573, 604, 607, 1078; left-wing 1099
Australopithecus 411, 706, 713, 740
Australopithecus afarensis 712, 720, 724, 733
Australopithecus africanus 410, 706, 712, 726-727, 733
Australopithecus boisei 706, 712, 733-735
Australopithecus robustus 733-735
autism 749, 945-947, 962, 966-973, 980-981, 987, 994-995, 1244-1246
Aztecs 910
Babe: film 1277
baboons 430; strong-willed females 445
Baby Boomers. See generations
Bacon, Francis (artist) 681, 834; Study for self-portrait picture 124-125
Bacon, Francis (philosopher) 582
Badrian, Alison and Noel 430, 527
Bantu 1028, 1031, 1039, 1041, 1044
Bardot, Brigitte 785-786
Basquiat, Jean-Michel: picture 1059
‘Baywatch effect’ 1052
BBC: left-wing 1099
Beatles, The 108. See also Lennon, John
beauty of women. See women
Beethoven, Ludwig van: Ninth Symphony 1049
Belyaev, Dmitri 547
Berdyaev, Nikolai: fear blocks knowledge 14, 120, 237, 582; God-fearing 330; Golden Age 181, 237, 378; human soul is divided 188, 237, 245; on escapism 1069; on human condition 236-237
Berlin, Irving 790
Berman, Harold J. 1107
Berry, Chuck 1291; Sweet Little Sixteen 897
Bible: Adam and Eve 155-156; Bible demystified 751, 1067-1068; Cain and Abel 906-908, 1282; David and Goliath 1262; fire symbol 332; Four Horsemen 946; Garden of Eden 155-156; Jacob and Esau 906, 908, 1282; judgment day 1153; marriage 784; miracles 934-935; Noah’s Ark 750-751; old order passed 218, 1148, 1217; on dishonest intellectualism 611; on love 321-323; original innocence 180; repository of truth 751, 927, 1123; the abomination that causes desolation 1111-1142; Trinity explained 746, 1067; Virgin Mary 796, 1066-1067. See also Abraham, Christ, Christianity, Daniel, Genesis, Hosea, Isaiah, Jacob, Job, Joel, Micah, Moses, (Saint) Paul
bipedalism 391-392, 398-401, 404, 413
bipolar disorder 952. See also depression
Birch, Charles: on consciousness 625; on mechanistic thinking 225, 625, 642, 1155; on order 337; on power addict fathers 1012; Science Friction 32; support from 25, 607, page 2
Bird, Richard 337
Blake, William: Albion Arose picture 234; Cringing in Terror picture 98; doors of perception 996, 1148; marriage of heaven and hell 290; on Christ’s innocence 744; the Bard 1037; Tiger, Tiger 1144
Bloom, Allan: Closing of American Mind 1103; on Plato 129
Bloom, Harold 1101
Blount, Ben 527
Blues Brothers: film 280
Bohm, David 337
Bono 1062, 1287-1290; love comes to town 1255, 1287; on Australia 1283; ruins to the right 1049, 1288; streets have no name 218. See also U2
bonobos: at Milwaukee Zoo 455-467; bipedal 413; bipedalism pictures 413; consciousness of 426-429, 638, 669, 693-694, 718; denial of their significance 512-518, 524, 525-535, 544-561, 563, 566; equivalent of our ancestor 183, 411, 735-737; evidence Golden Age 450-454; food-sharing 208; forgotten ape 461, 516; group picture 416; hunting 208, 443; infancy period 440-441; Kanzi 427, 452, 454; Kanzi picture 418; Kanzi and Matata picture 375, 717; love-indoctrination 411-476; maternalism 416; matriarchal 409, 416, 444; neoteny 434-438; nest and sharing pictures 413; nurturing 440-443, 511; nurturing picture 417, 477; sex as appeasement 415-416; skeleton like ‘Lucy’ 720; Specie Individual 415-416; strong-willed females 444-449; threatened species 455, 465-466; vocalisation 415
‘born again’ 886-887, 925-931, 1169, 1199-1200
brain. See consciousness
Brain Initiatives 28, 603-605, 645, 698, 1061-1062, 1243
brain volume increase 707, 714, 842-843
branching development 733-737
British 1017, 1034, 1036, 1043
Bronowski, Jacob: loss of nerve 1117, 1145, 1179; the child wonder 486
Brooks, David 1062
Bruno, Giordano 599
Buddhism 180, 218, 469, 1069, 1148, 1217; great religion 1045
bullying 731
Bushmen 1039; degradation 764; nurturing 728, 748, 976; pictures 781; relate to animals 832; relative innocence 170, 184, 206, 743-745, 848, 860-868, 1028, 1282; rock art picture 834
Buteyko breathing 958
Buttrose, Ita 771
Byron, Lord 182
Campbell, Jeremy 1097
Camus, Albert: innocence is condemning 285; on art 829; on women 789; suicide is the only question 291; The Almond Trees 1265-1272; thinking undermines 121
capitalism 289, 1092, 1119, 1224
Carr, Nick 948-949
Casals, Pablo 228
Çatalhöyük 809
Catcher in the Rye 113-118, 1192
Catholicism 1065-1066
Caucasians 912, 1028, 1031, 1039
cave paintings 830-835; avoided representing humans 834; picture 831, 834
celibacy 784
Cervantes, Miguel de. See Don Quixote
Chalmers, David 651
Chandler, Raymond 791
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Charles III, King 1062, 1104, 1220
Chauvet Cave 831-834; picture 831
Chesterton, G.K.: The Man Who Was Thursday 284
child: leads us home 1262. See also innocence leads us home
childhood 106, 264-267, 708, 711-716, 722-737; grand mistakes 726
Childman 712-713, 722-737; Early Happy, Innocent Childhood 723-724; Late Naughty Childman 729-737; Middle Demonstrative Childman 725-728
children: ask real questions 740; blame themselves 988, 1004-1005, 1246; called ‘kids’ 988; picture of 386, 1143; powerless 1011-1012; think truthfully 680-681, 740, 761, 1281
Chilton Pearce, Joseph: endorsement page 1
Chimpanzee Violence Hypothesis 514, 521
chimpanzees: consciousness of 426-429, 638, 692-694; contrast with bonobos 183, 208, 414-416, 434-444, 514-516; foetus picture 438; overlapping development 735-737; used to explain our dark side 514-516, 566
Chinese 1028, 1031, 1033, 1038, 1230, 1253; contribution of 1045
Christ: all men drunken 877; another counsellor 1217; authoritative 929; become like children 1143; beware false prophets 1126; blind fools 611; character of 929-935; critical contribution 614-615, 906, 930; crucifixion 610, 930; deaf effect 822; exposing light 332; few can think on this scale 17; firstborn from the dead 744; foxes have holes 930; good tree can’t bear bad fruit 577; great prophet 614-615, 877, 929-935; judgment day 1181; lamb of God 745; love grow cold 501; male disciples 777; meek inherit earth 1186-1187; miracles 934-935; my burden is light 934; not one stone left of cities 941; ‘One Solitary Life’ 930; on danger of pseudo idealism 1126-1128; on love 322; persecution of 610, 657, 930; resurrection 930, 1067; revealed to children 680, 836; second coming 1278; signs of the end 946; the feast that saved humanity 614-615; toughness of 745; two people, one chosen 1154; unresigned 877, 929-930, 934-935; well nurtured 420, 486
Christianity 927, 1065-1071; ‘born again’ 925, 929-934, 1169; contrast with the Transformed State 1169-1173, 1197-1216; ‘the Way’ 1200
Christie, Agatha: The Mousetrap 283
chronic fatigue: Charles Darwin 608; healing tools 958; Jeremy Griffith 28, 608
Churchill, Scott 231, 579, 581, 593
cities: compound upset 747, 905, 941-943; dismantled 941-942
civilisations: decadence of 1018, 1027, 1044-1045
civility 271, 848; disguises upset 855-859, 865-871. See also self discipline
Clark, Kenneth 1222
Clark, Manning 941
climate change 1083
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1140
Coles, Robert 109-113
colonialism 1043-1044
communication technology: compounds upset 943-944, 948-949, 954-955; materialism envy 1052-1053
communism 299, 1044, 1080-1081, 1092-1093, 1131, 1221, 1230
complexity. See Integrative Meaning
Confucianism 1044
Connolly, Billy 1117
conscience 196, 379; origin of 375-476; sharp accuser 282-288
consciousness: association cortex 633-644, 707; blocked in other animals 425, 660-676, 689-691; conscious selection 247-248, 659; false explanations for 660-669; greatest invention 44, 66, 310, 629, 659; ‘hard problem’ 650-652; how it emerged 659-701; liberated by love-indoctrination 690-699; memory 61, 632-639, 647-648; raises issue of human condition 623-630, 640-658; what is 61, 247, 623-658. See also thinking
Conway, Ronald 382
Copernicus 598-599
corruption/graft 1033, 1051-1052, 1252
courage of humans 764; picture of 68
cradle of mankind. See Africa
Creationism 334
crying of babies: origin of 728
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: endorsement page 1
Cullen-Ward, Fiona 38, 1274, 1294
cynicism 1026-1027, 1052, 1252
D’Emilio, John 804
Dahl, Roald 761
Dalai Lama 1222
Dalrymple, Theodore. See Daniels, Anthony
Dancing Queen: ABBA 897-899
Daniel, the prophet: interpret dreams 1127; on danger of pseudo idealism 1123-1128; those who know their God will resist 594, 1123, 1195
Daniels, Anthony 956
Dante: Divine Comedy 879
Darling, James: change of heart 1220-1221; grand solution 228; need to be sensitive and tough 745, 1032; on conscience 611; on education 1104, 1220-1221; on the British 1043; prophet 745, 1220; religion and science reconciled 327
Dart, Raymond 514
Darwin, Charles: avoided human condition 188-189, 485; chronic fatigue 608; criticised 31, 598-600, 608; Descent of Man 189, 423, 484-485; dominance hierarchy 354; group selection 203; lone genius 32, 579; natural selection 348, 488; no advance since 225; on moral sense 153, 375; Origin of Species 188-189, 195; praise of Fiske 488; psychology based on new foundation 5, 188, 339; recognised nurturing 484-485; sexual selection 423; simple theory 240; undecided on ‘fittest’ 195, 358; untestable hypothesis 31, 581
David and Goliath 1262
Davies, Paul: on God 335; on mechanistic thinking 222; on order 329, 337; on religion 1068; Science Friction 32
Dawkins, Richard: on religion 938, 1070
de Waal, Frans 183, 411, 415, 453, 501, 516, 524, 527, 531, 720
deaf effect 77-85, 131-133, 576, 822, 1208; examples of 79, 93; solution to 24, 36, 86-97
deductive thinking 31, 138, 581-582, 929; picture 138
defamation case. See Griffith, Jeremy
Delaney, Joe 380
Delingpole, James 955
democracy 301, 1047; hijacked by the left 1090-1094
denial: became a feature 828; blocks truth 220-232; Plato on danger of 1129. See also science
Denialators, The 1291
Denisovans 907
Dennett, Daniel 652
depression 108-124, 270, 332, 945-952, 981, 1185, 1241
Derrida, Jacques 1096
determinism 134
developed and developing worlds 1023-1024, 1044, 1051-1052
Development of Integration: chart 842-849
development of matter: chart 316. See also Integrative Meaning
Development of Mental Cleverness: chart 842-843
Devine, Miranda 1003
dictators 1009, 1017, 1038, 1041
dimorphism 409-410
displacement behaviour 335
Disraeli, Benjamin 228
distraction: need for 947-949
DNA 344-349
dogs: domestication of 547-549, 556
dolphins: intelligence of 425
domestication of animals and plants 841, 902-907
dominance hierarchy 352-355, 425-426, 557-558
Doré, Gustave: The Dove Sent Forth From The Ark picture 750
Dowd, Maureen 817
dreams 287; prophets’ ability to interpret 1127
Drummond, Henry 488-489
Duvall, Robert 899
Dworkin, Andrea 782
Dyer, Wayne 228
Dylan, Bob 218, 278, 1290; times a-changin’ 1186, 1196, 1288
Ecological Dominance-Social Competition Model 505-512, 665-668
egocentricity 588, 654, 726, 742; effect on children 964, 1001-1022
Einstein, Albert 342; contribution before thirty 23; every child a genius 680; intelligence of 1046; on God 328; on order 315, 337; on problem solving 6; on science and religion 611; truth stands test of experience 73, 295
Eisley, Loren 487
elaborated reproductive unit 356, 359-371, 385; pictures 368
‘elephant in the living room’ 130, 688, 740, 1284; picture of 688
elephants: intelligence of 425; sensitivity of 511
Eliot, George 740
Eliot, T.S.: end of exploration 307, 1147; The Hollow Men 895-896, 900; we can’t bear reality 121
emotion-induced blindness 782
Empathetic Correctness 1109
end play 48, 226-229, 562-568, 873, 944-960, 1057-1062, 1108-1135, 1242; in films 1058-1060
environment: can repair now 1165, 1225-1239; destruction of 276; Environmental Movement 1083-1084
eusociality 201
evil 46, 268-271; not condoned 294
evolution 341
Evolutionary Psychology 196-200, 357, 536
Expensive Brain Hypothesis 669
feminism 773, 808-818; movement 809, 1082-1083
Feng, Lei 1230
Ferguson, Marilyn 306
Ferguson, Niall 1101
fire: symbolism of 331-332; use of 841
Fiske, John 380, 488-491, 607; praise from Darwin 488
Flinn, M.V. 665-667
Fong, Benjamin 29, 605, 625, 645
Fossey, Dian 429, 446-448, 500-503, 694
fossil hominin skulls: picture 706
Four Horsemen of Apocalypse 946
Fouts, Roger 972
Frazier, Ian 36; endorsement page 2
Freud, Sigmund 287, 598, 601, 680, 794
Fruth, Barbara 183, 208, 415, 527
Fuegian Indians 811
Fukuyama, Francis 160
Fuller, Buckminster 680
fundamental truths: three 151, 155, 180
Furedi, Frank 1087
future not boring 1251
Galileo 599
gambling 1033
Garden of Eden 65, 155-156, 273-276, 378, 386; pictures of 386, 472
Gauguin, Paul 1297
Gee, Henry 3
Geelong Grammar School 20, 607, 1032, 1104, 1220. See also James Darling
Geldof, Bob 226
Please note, the references are to paragraphs, not page numbers
generations: 1960s 782, 942, 1289-1292; ‘baby boomers’ 782, 950; ‘X’ 950; ‘Y’ 949-951, 1003, 1018; ‘Z’ 950
Genesis 65, 155, 215, 252, 386, 471. See also Moses
genetic selection 61, 195, 247-248, 256, 348-350, 641, 659; limitation of 670-676
Gibran, Kahlil: Broken Wings 784; on Christ 929
glandular fever 112
Glazebrook, Patricia: endorsement page 1
Gnosticism 1066
God: demystified 31, 169-173, 182, 263, 324-340; is love 327; monotheism 324-325, 840; multiple gods 840; reconciliation 280, 313
Goddess statues: picture 810
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 1117
Golden Age 170, 172, 181, 378, 1247
good and evil 46
Goodall, Jane 445 (caption above)
gorillas: love-indoctrination 446-448, 500; overlapping development 735-737; sensitivity of 511
Gould, Stephen Jay 537, 539, 607
Gowing, Tony 38, 1201, 1291, 1294; all free now 1245; selling point 1256-1257
Goya, Francisco 111; The sleep of reason picture 111
Gramsci, Antonio 227
Gray, John 775
Gray, Thomas 1037
Greece 912-913, 1044; golden era 747, 913, 1045
greed 1224-1226
Green Movement. See Environmental Movement
Griffith, Jeremy: animals walking free 836 (caption above); art 22, 832, 835-836, 996; at Milwaukee Zoo 455-467; at university 32; biography 20-27; character 33-35; childhood 9, 23; chronic fatigue 28, 608; confronting truthfulness of 33-37; defamation ruling 18, 573, 578, 593, 602; described as a prophet 34, page 2; furniture business 22-23; had to create WTM 32, 1294; history of rejection 607; holistic, inductive science 18, 31, 573, 581-582; Human Condition Documentary Proposal 25, 607; importance of van der Post 1220, 1282; in Tsavo 835; IS IT TO BE 26, 604, 607; job to raise truth 1049; on thinking 836; parents 23, 1036, 1298; persecution of 15-19, 26, 28, 33-34, 572-616; photo 1298; photo in Africa 836; photo with bonobos 455, 459; photo with van der Post 1282; photos with primates 445; plagiarised 590, 607; publications 24, 607; published in books not journals 32; sun picture 309; theory ‘not science’ 31; thylacine search 21; unresigned 762; vision 34, 1248, 1281; vision poem 1280; Welsh heritage 1036
Griffith, Norman and Jill 23, 1036; photo 1298
Griffith, Simon 608, 1220, 1294
group selection 201-205, 532-543
Gruffydd, Llywelyn ap 1036-1037
‘grumpy old men’ 895
Guerrilla Girls 777
Guiscard, Robert 1035
Gurkhas 1254
Guys and Dolls: musical 805
Hamilton, William 203
Happy Days: TV series 802
Hare, Brian 527, 533, 544-561, 566-567, 606-607, 1155
harems 899
Hauteville family 1035
Hawkes, Kristen 778
Hawking, Stephen: on God 328; on order 315, 337; support from 25, page 2
health & healing tools 958
heaven 1147
Heinberg, Richard 181, 307, 378, 782, 1247
Heisenberg, Werner 328
Hemingway, Ernest 773
Henninger, Daniel 1091
Hesiod 163, 172, 180, 184, 470, 509, 661, 802, 840
Hill, Andrew 403-404
Hillsong Church 1065
Hinduism: great religion 1045
Hitler, Adolf 577, 859, 931, 1013, 1017, 1041
Hittites 913-915
Hobsbawm, Eric 227
Hodgson, David 593
Hohmann, Gottfried 208, 527, 531
holism. See science
holy grail 2, 51, 72, 144, 146, 226, 290, 296, 570, 1146, 1160; mythology about 1145; song 1283
Homer 802; Ulysses’ final journey 1140
Homo erectus 666-667, 715, 846-849; left Africa 767; tool use 841
Homo habilis 667, 706, 715, 733-735, 740, 830
Homo sapiens 706, 715; archaic 706; modern 706
Homo sapiens sapiens 706, 715, 742-743, 873
homosexuality 802-804
Hope, A.D. 1276
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 108, 270
Horne, Ross 804
Hosea, the prophet 1195; on transformation 1259; vision 1280
How Green Was My Valley: film 1036
Hughes, Robert 111
Hugo, Victor 829
human condition: all-important issue 2, 51, 144, 570, 688; blame genes 981-984; double and triple whammy 261-272; equality of humans 297, 1278-1279; examples of relief from 93; false explanation of 200-217, 546; fear of 78-83, 101, 104-128; grail of science 2, 51, 72, 144, 146, 226, 290, 296, 570, 1146, 1160; misrepresentation of 43, 214; never back down 66, 277, 654, 742; not immutable 218, 293; paradox of 191, 283-284; ‘personal unspeakable’ 109, 576-577; poles reconciled 298, 313; savage instincts excuse 40-41, 153, 165, 194-195, 210-213, 357, 792, 1128; what is 7-14, 43-50
human condition explanation: brief 53-68; full 242-311; non-falsifiable situation 583; not untestable hypothesis 581-582; simple 240-241
human sacrifice 782
humanity’s journey to enlightenment 702-1142; last 200 years 940-1142; picture 308, 702, 754, 1139
humanity’s self-esteem: three blows 598-601
humanity’s situation now 1240-1260
humans: heroes 65-66, 273-281, 291-292, 297, 1279; three varieties of 1015
humour 869
Humphrey, Nicholas 660
hunting: by humans 355, 778-782
Hurlbert, Stuart 51
Huxley, Aldous: animals live in present 250, 648; humans don’t want to know 479; truth drowned 1118
Huxley, Thomas: how stupid to not have thought of that 240, 298; on consciousness 651; unlucky substitution 195
ice ages 847-848
Idani, Genichi 443
Ihobe, Hiroshi 208
imposed discipline 916-917, 931-932, 938
Indians 1028, 1030-1031, 1033, 1041, 1253; contribution of 1045
individuation 306
Indo-European speakers 912-915, 1034; diagram 915
inductive thinking 31, 138, 581-582, 929; picture 138
infancy 106, 691-694, 708, 711-716, 717-721
Ingraham, Laura 813-814
initiation ceremonies 772
innocence leads us home 1261-1279
instinct 61, 256; definition 247-248
Integrative Meaning 31, 169-173, 182, 263, 313-374; chart 316; development of order 314-323, 341-373; science’s denial of 317-323, 326-340, 640-642
Intelligent Design 334
International Primatological Society 458, 581, 607
internet. See communication technology
Ipi Tombi: musical 781
IQ 1046; the average is where balance was struck 843; vs SQ 652, 657, 1188
Ireland, David 1276
Iroquois Confederacy 916
Isaiah, the prophet: all in darkness 278; calloused hearts 182, 681; child lead them 1262; fear of God 336; judgment day 1153; on transformation 1260; swords into ploughshares 1217; there is no soundness 182; vision 1280; voice of one calling 1276
Islam: fundamentalism 1065, 1073; great religion 1045; Koran 155; terrorism 1053, 1065, 1073. See also Muhammad
It’s Kind Of A Funny Story: film 108
Jacob, as a prophet 906
Janov, Arthur: child split by pain 221, 684; children blame themselves 1005, 1115; on ADHD 946-949; on brainwashing 577
Jason and the Argonauts 1145
Jaynes, Julian 245
Jerome, Saint 782
Jews 1028, 1031, 1039, 1041, 1048; contribution of knowledge 1046; gave us the Bible 927
Joel, Billy 1286
Joel, the prophet: judgment day 1153; on transformation 1259; vision 1280
Johanson, Donald 720
Johnson, Robert A. 898; Fisher King 1263
Jones, J.D.F. 864
Judaism: great religion 1045; Torah 155
judgment day 74-75, 295, 305, 1150-1156; Enrico 1244; most fearful thing is yourself 1185; solution to 1182-1196
Jumping Mouse, The Story of 576
Jung, Carl: empathy heals 934; man is dangerously unaware 226, 688; nostalgia theory 184; on Christianity 927, 1071; on dreams 287; our shadow 13, 72, 121, 155, 218, 290, 654; women’s blindness 776
Kauffman, Stuart 337
Keith, Arthur 520
Kelly, Ned 1037
Kelly, Walt 50
Please note, the references are to paragraphs, not page numbers
Kenya: corruption 1033, 1052, 1252-1253; Tsavo NP 835
Kessler, Karl 536
‘key unlocking mind’ picture 72
Khan, Genghis 859, 908-909, 931
Kierkegaard, Søren: on human condition 13, 119, 879; on losing oneself 959
King Jr, Martin Luther 220, 308, 1279
King, Steve 3
Koestler, Arthur: instinct vs intellect 187, 245; negative entropy 316-317; on mechanistic thinking 223, 792; on order 337-339
Kronemeyer, Robert 804
Kuhn, Thomas: advocates win the day 141, 579; old scientists have to die off 589; outsider not hampered 6, 32; progress made with books not journals 32
Kuroda, Suehisa 527
Kwang-Tze 307
Laing, R.D.: child abdicates ecstasy 495, 681, 989; each child a prophet 680-681, 1281; explore consciousness 224, 688; famine of hearing 1117; on alienation 123-125, 190, 224, 287, 649, 678, 1134; on insanity 987; on schizophrenia 999
Lake, Frank 1007
language 637, 727-728, 828-830
Larkin, Phillip 491
Lawrence, D.H. 796, 1266, 1272
Leach, Penelope 944
Lee, Desmond: on Plato 128
left-wing strategy to life 918-939, 1085-1101, 1128, 1135-1136. See also politics and pseudo idealism
Lennon, John 1290-1291; Gimme Some Truth 1157; Imagine 217-218, 1217; Let It Be 108
Let It Be 108
Leunig, Michael: cartoons: Adam and Eve 274-276, 279; gardens of human condition 49; men and women 776; tattoos 957; truth and beauty 232; understandascope 242
Lewin, Roger: bonobos 442; endorsement page 1; on consciousness 624; on order 337; Origins 505
Lewis, Jerry Lee 1291
Liedloff, Jean 728, 748, 976-977, 980
life: explained 344
Little Richard 1291
Lobban, Doug 1201, 1228-1229, 1258, 1294
Lola Ya Bonobo sanctuary 418
Lorenz, Konrad 536
love: conditional 1002-1006; definition 321; falling in 786, 789-790; first love 784; science’s denial of 323, 493-494, 501, 694; significance of 321-323, 327, 426, 473, 489, 491-495, 675, 840
love-indoctrination 388-449, 511, 606; assisted by consciousness 421-431; bonobos 411-476; brief summary of 550-559; dimorphism 409-410; first put forward 488-490; fossil evidence 396-410, 519-524, 719-721; ideal nursery conditions 393, 402-404, 414; in gorillas 446-448, 500; liberates consciousness 690-699; loss of body hair 438; maternalism 394, 405, 416; neoteny 432-439; self-selection 423, 556; sexual selection 408, 423, 430, 432-439, 556-557, 788; small canines 406-408, 411; strong-willed females 444-449
Lovejoy, C. Owen 183, 401, 407-408, 410, 522-524, 531, 719
Luther, Martin 751
lying 127, 214, 265, 726, 988, 1117; reverse-of-the-truth 577
Macartney-Snape, Tim 1220; photo with van der Post 1282; support from 608, 1294; WTM Patron 26
Machiavellian Intelligence Hypothesis. See Social Intelligence Hypothesis
MacLaine, Shirley 771
MacLean, Paul 245
Mad Max: film 1277
Madonna and child 420, 486, 717; picture 375, 717. See also Virgin Mary
Mailer, Norman 817
male provisioning model 522
Man From Snowy River 1273
Man of La Mancha: musical 68, 299, 754, 874
‘man the hunted’ theory 538
manners: social 856
Marais, Eugène 708, 1235; instinct consciousness struggle 187, 245, 648
marriage 784
Marshal, William 1035
Marshall Thomas, Elizabeth 206, 862-864
Martin, John: The Bard picture 1037
mate selection. See sexual selection
materialism 289, 827, 1224-1228
materialism envy 1051-1056, 1072-1073, 1252
maternalism 390-395
matriarchy 416, 769-770, 810-814
Matrix, The: film 576
May, Lord Robert 247
McCarthy, Joe 1131
McCollister, Betty 978-981
McKenzie, Clancy 1052-1053, 1252
meaning of life 313-374
meat-eating 780
mechanistic science. See science
men: become weak 814-819; heroes 773, 817, 896; misunderstood by women 771-778, 810; movements 817; obsolete 817-819
men and women 769-824; different roles 770-771, 781, 963; different roles photos 781; when older 894-900
Mencius 681
mental abilities in other animals 670
‘Mexican Standoff’ 1209
Micah, the prophet: judgment day 1154
Michelangelo: Creation of Adam picture 280, 313, 775; Last Judgement picture 98
mid-life crisis 872-893; adopt pseudo-idealism 880-890; of the unresigned 876-877; parallels Resignation 880-881
Millan, Cesar 557
Millennials. See generations
Milligan, Spike 935
Milton, John 181
Milwaukee County Zoo 428, 451, 455-467
mind-control 576-577
miracles 934-935
Mithen, Steven 207
monogamy 784
monotheism. See God
Monroe, Marilyn 795
Montagu, Ashley: honesty of 457; on Aborigine’s nurturing 748; on love and nurturing 493-494, 496-497, 618, 695, 974, 978, 992; on psychopaths 1013
moral instincts: origin of 375-476
Morissette, Alanis 1002
Morton, John: support from 25, 607, page 1
Moses: Adam and Eve 155-156, 178; Cain and Abel 906-908, 1282; critical contribution 906; face God 906; few can think on this scale 17; great prophet 614-615, 751, 877, 906; Jacob and Esau 906, 908, 1282; like God, knowing 702, 1147, 1217; limited by no science 156, 245, 296; men rule 770, 777; Noah’s Ark 750-751; on sexual desire 162-165; Ten Commandments 877, 906, 917, 931-932; the feast that saved humanity 614-615; unresigned 877; use of metaphors 751; woman as helper 785. See also Genesis
Moss, Cynthia 511
Mud: film 784
Muhammad 747; judgment day 1153. See also Islam
Mulavwa, Mbangi 415
multiculturalism 1040
Multilevel Selection 200-219, 357, 538-541
Munch, Edvard: The Scream 124
Mussolini, Benito 859, 1013, 1017
Mycenaeans 913
mythology: child leads us home 1261-1277; contemporary 218; now explained 67, 751
Nagel, Thomas 1081
naked mole rat 370
Napoleon (Bonaparte) 859, 1017, 1035
narcissism 1003-1022; in Y-generation 951
natural selection. See genetic selection
nature: importance of 942
Near-Death Experience 997, 1200
Negative Entropy 134, 316-317, 342-348, 384-387
neoteny 432-439, 549-551, 556, 787-791, 802; picture of pandas 433; pictures of: bonobo 435; chimp foetus 438; chimp infant 437
neurosis: origin of 63, 258, 287, 1005
Never Ending Story: film 1264
Neville, Richard 48, 228, 1146
New Age Movement 1081-1082
Newton, Isaac 134
Newtonian physics 134
Nietzsche, Friedrich: brothers in war 302, 892; on danger of pseudo idealism 764, 1121; on lying 1117; on women 777, 785, 789, 797, 820; psychological breakdown 821; side with enemy 302, 1131; spirit of heaviness 1268-1269; Thus Spoke Zarathustra 821-822; will to power 821
Nishida, Toshisada 527
Noah’s Ark 750-751; picture 750
non-falsifiable situation 583
Normans 1034-1035
Norwich, John Julius 1035
nostalgia for infancy theory 184-185, 470-471
nurturing: alienation destroys ability 961-994, 1001-1022; becomes priority 617-621, 989-993; confronting truth 419-420, 473-474, 491-498, 513, 980-981, 1011; created moral sense 388-395, 486-490, 699; difficulty of 619, 962; obvious truth 483-490, 499-504
O’Hara, Maureen 228
O’Loan, Macushla: endorsement page 2
O’Reilly, Bill 1062
Ode to Joy 1049
orangutans: overlapping development 735-737; ‘Sheriff Daisy’ 431, 454
Please note, the references are to paragraphs, not page numbers
order in nature. See Integrative Meaning
Origin of Species. See Darwin, Charles
Orrorin 396-410, 521, 712, 719
Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty-Four 300, 892, 1118
overlapping development 735-737, 860
Paglia, Camille 771, 774, 804, 814, 1131
paradise as infancy theory. See nostalgia for infancy theory
parallel development 737
Paranthropus 733
Parenthood: film 473
parenting. See nurturing
Parish, Amy 527
Pascal, Blaise 49, 66, 103, 628
Paterson, ‘Banjo’: Man From Snowy River 1273; Song of the Future 1274; Waltzing Matilda 1037
Paton, Alan 1144
patriarchy 769-770, 777, 810-814
Paul, Saint: conversion of 1198-1200; surpassing glory 931-932, 1215
Pericles 747
Peter Pan 732
Peterson, Jordan 1083
Phillips, Melanie 1099
Pilbeam, David 526-527
Plato 157-178; cave allegory 12, 17, 82-86, 126-129, 222, 331, 574-578; cave picture 39; cave prisoner’s good fortune at being released 93, 1223; chariot allegory 157-167; critical contribution 906; few can think on this scale 17; grow accustomed to light 24, 36, 86; instinct and intellect 159-161, 171-172; limited by no science 167, 245, 296; on danger of denial 175, 214, 222, 338, 1129; on fuddled thinking 222, 679, 836; on Integrative Meaning 169, 173, 325, 328, 331, 338; on original innocence 157-158, 170, 180, 184-185, 470, 509, 661, 783; on resistance to liberation from the cave 17, 574-578; on sexual desire 161-165, 794; on the search for knowledge 174; philosopher kings 1042; prophet 614-615, 747; ‘reversed cosmos’ myth 168-175; soul resembles the divine 177, 379; the feast that saved humanity 614-615; The Republic 12, 82-83; translations 127-129; truthfulness of 81, 126, 157, 614-615
Player, Ian: endorsement page 2
pocketing win 1209
Politically Correct Movement 1085-1096, 1110, 1131
politics: end of 299-304, 1136; left and right wing 299-304, 889-892, 903, 1085-1101, 1213; left and right wing’s cultural war 1123-1125, 1135-1138
polygamy 899
Poole, Joyce 511
Pope Benedict XVI 1134
Pope, Alexander 1145; conscience is a sharp accuser 285, 381
Popper, Karl 581
population explosion 48, 941, 1234
Porter, Cole 786
Postmodern Deconstructionism 1096-1115
power addicts 1001-1022; in civilisations 1018; in companies 1016; in countries 1017; picture 1011-1012; transformation of 1019
prejudice: danger of 1025, 1041; now eliminated 1020, 1025, 1041, 1279; racism 1041-1046
Price, Weston 748
Prigogine, Ilya 337
primal therapy 1005
prophets 750-751, 906, 916-917, 925-936; all children potential prophets 680-681, 1281; contemporary 218, 278, 1288; definition 127, 744; demystified 1067-1068; false 1126; foresight 1127; holy 926; honesty is love 822; persecution of 610; relatively innocent 877; saved humanity 614-615; security of self 998-999; shepherds 747; vision of 1280-1281
Prosen, Harry: animal psychiatrist 456; appeal for support 609; at Milwaukee Zoo 455-467; background 4, 15; holy grail of insight 72, 290, 1160; inductive science 581; Introduction 1-38; photo with bonobos 455, 459; support from 141, 579, 593, 607
pseudo idealism 299-304, 764, 872, 881-890, 918-939; danger of 882-890, 919-924, 1111-1135, 1155; hijacking institutions 1099-1108; is psychosis 1115-1116; movements 306, 1063-1064, 1112-1114, 1178; non-religious forms 1076-1079
psyche 379
psychiatry: now possible 72, 290
psychologically crippled state 1002-1015
psychopath. See power addicts
psychosis: definition 258-260, 382; origin of 63, 258, 287
‘puberty blues’ 112
Quantock, Rod 121
races: denial of differences 862-868, 1025, 1042-1047; differences 1023-1050, 1051-1052; exhausted 1025-1033, 1038-1050; functional 1034-1050; innocent 743-745, 748, 764, 859-868, 907, 962, 1025-1033, 1036, 1038-1050; use of term 48, 1023
racism. See prejudice
reciprocity 351-352
reductionist science. See science
Reinartz, Gay 466
relief-hunting. See pseudo idealism
religion 919-939; ancestor worship 839-840; animism and nature worship 838, 840; best form of pseudo idealism 938; demystified 1067-1068; fulfilled 1217; fundamentalism 751, 1065-1068, 1073; less guilt-emphasising forms 1065-1075; repentance 925; too confronting 1063-1064
religion and science: reconciliation 4, 32, 326-328, 336
Republic, The. See Plato
Resignation 103-118, 738, 742-744, 875-881; becomes universal 743, 750, 902; form of autism 749; life after 119-133, 654-658, 742, 753-758, 766-768; picture of 115; poetry 116-117; those who didn’t resign 759-763, 766-768; three features of 876, 879
rhesus monkeys 501; picture 391
Ricciardi, Mirella 805, 1052, 1252
Richards, Renée 803
right-wing strategy to life 904-917, 926, 1128, 1135-1136. See also politics
Riley, Karen 94
rock and roll 1290-1291
Rolling Stones, The 290
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: E.O. Wilson’s view on 197, 862; mankind good 1229; nothing more gentle 181, 378, 474; women’s nurturing 770
Rove, Karl 1098
Russell, Bertrand 121
Ryle, Gilbert 651
Sahelanthropus 392, 396-410, 521, 712, 719
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 226, 740, 1220
Salinger, J.D.. See Catcher in the Rye
Salter, Genevieve 1293-1294
Sanders, Bernie 1131
Sandin, Jo 456, 458, 462-464, 607
Sartre, Jean-Paul 905
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue 416, 427, 429, 442, 452, 454, 502, 693-694
savants 995
Savory, Allan 240
Schaller, George: endorsement page 2
Schiffer, Claudia: picture 788
schizophrenia 969, 981, 987, 999
Schopenhauer, Arthur: acceptance stages 590; discovery of truth 220, 675; man’s diabolical nature 45
Schreiner, Olive: destructiveness of sex 795; new time for women 798, 899; on nurturing 420, 492, 494, 496, 770, 974; women must march with regiment 807
Schrenk, Friedemann: endorsement page 1
science: books obsoleted 1247; danger of its denial 135, 140-143, 478-482, 562-568, 569-616, 1130, 1155; deductive and inductive 31, 138, 581-582, 929; deductive and inductive picture 138; denial of bonobos’ significance 512-518, 544-561, 563, 566; denial of differences between races 862-868; denial of fossil evidence 519-524; denial of Integrative Meaning 317-323, 326-340, 640-642; denial of love 323, 493-494, 501, 694; denial of significance of nurturing 477-621, 981-984; dishonesty of 10, 135, 185, 189, 536-561, 590, 611-613, 792-794; grand syntheses 3, 31, 573, 581-582; great questions 3, 76, 102, 146, 310, 376-377, 479, 622, 702; holism and teleology 31-32, 138, 169, 263, 573, 581-582; holism and teleology definition 318; its practice of denial 34, 75-76, 98, 134-148, 149-153, 176, 193, 220-232, 317-323, 326-340, 473-474, 623-630, 640-658; left-wing and right-wing 536-543; mechanistic and reductionist 5, 29-32, 134-148, 149-153, 220-232, 338, 569-571, 581-582, 604-605, 611, 625, 645, 683-684, 698; not objective 590, 1151; now farcical 542, 611-613; progresses funeral by funeral 589; responsibility of 16, 30, 135, 140-143, 310, 570, 585-587, 592, 612, 620, 1146, 1211; savage instincts excuse 40-41, 153, 165, 194-195, 210-213, 357, 792, 1128; scientific method 590; the obvious truths 478-482; trap 140, 569-571, 603
science and religion. See religion and science
Science Friction article 32
Scientific American 521; rejection by 581
Searle, John 651
‘second coming’ 1278
Second Path of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. See Negative Entropy
secularism 1070
Seger, Bob 786
selection against aggression: flawed theory 531-537, 543, 544-561
self discipline 845-859
Self-Domestication Hypothesis 544-561, 562-568; failed to acknowledge author’s work 606-607; false explanation of human condition 546, 566-567
selfishness: destructive 1225; origin of 62, 257
selflessness: power of 1228-1235; significance of 263, 320-321, 473, 675
self-selection. See love-indoctrination
Semitic speakers 912-915
sex as humans practise it 155, 161-164, 170, 778, 782-809; act of love 785; cheapened 806, 954; dishonest theories 792-794
sexual reproduction: origin of 347
sexual selection 408, 423, 430, 432-439, 556-557
Seymour, Mark: Holy Grail 1283
Shakespeare, William: on Africa 472; piece of work is man 49, 66, 103, 628
‘shattered defence’ 998-999
Shaw, George Bernard 591
Sheldrick, Daphne 511
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 681, 941
‘ship at sea’ 1209
‘side with the angels’ 1209
silence: effect of 761, 764, 988, 993
Simon and Garfunkel 761
Simpsons, The: TV series 820; Homer vs Ned 937, 1202-1204, 1213, 1245
Sioux Indians 910
siphonophores 362-363
Smuts, Jan 318
Social Conquest of Earth, The. See Wilson, E.O.
Social Ecological Model 517, 525-535, 541, 543, 550-552, 559-568
Please note, the references are to paragraphs, not page numbers
Social Intelligence Hypothesis 499-512, 660-668
social media. See communication technology
socialism 299, 1080-1081, 1092-1093, 1122, 1221, 1224
Sociobiology 196-200, 357, 536
Solomon, King 1235
Somewhere: song 790
Sondheim, Stephen 790
songs that anticipate new world 1283, 1286-1292
Sophocles 277
Sorokin, Pitirim 473
soul: definition 63, 177, 258, 260, 379; distress of 286; origin of 375-476
Spartans 912
Specie Individual 350-352, 356, 372-373, 384-387, 415, 661, 702-703
Spencer, Herbert 195
Springsteen, Bruce 763
stages of life 106, 264-267, 638, 697, 703, 708-716; age twenty-one 755-756, 766; at school 740; Japanese proverb 852, 894; mid-life crisis 872-893; school teachers 730; stages within stages 860
Stalin, Joseph 1009, 1013, 1017
Statue of Liberty 281, 890; picture of 281
Steadman, Ralph: Lizard Lounge picture 900
Steinbeck, John 491
Stengers, Isabelle 337
Stevens, Cat (Yusuf Islam) 764, 942, 1288
Stevenson, Robert Louis 740
Stewart, Rod 851
Strahan, Ronald: endorsement page 2
sun picture 1293
superficiality 122-123
Susman, Randall 527
Sussman, Robert 538-539
Suwa, Gen 403, 406-407, 409, 438
Swift, Jonathan 228
Sydney Morning Herald. See Fairfax Media
Tacey, David 1283
tattoos 956-957
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre: omega point 306; on order 336-337; on women 789; truth sets world ablaze 1236
teleology. See science
Ten Commandments 877, 906, 917, 931-932
Tennyson, Alfred: red in tooth and claw 40, 194, 357; Ulysses 1140
termites 368, 370; picture 368
Thatcher, Margaret 813-814, 1122, 1220
thinking: our inability to 121, 655-658, 675-689
Thompson, Hunter S. 1289
Tixer, Alain 418
Toffler, Alvin 592, 1068, 1152
Tolstoy, Leo 790
tool use 841
Transformed State 289-298, 305-306, 618-620, 743, 1049, 1157-1168; affirmations 1194, 1201; change of heart 1220-1239, 1253-1260; don’t overly study the explanation 1182-1196; Humanity’s Situation picture 1240-1244; Lifeforce explained 1167; magnificence of 1197-1218, 1253-1260; not a religion 1169-1173, 1197-1216; not pseudo idealism 1174-1181; pathway of sun 1261-1298; procrastination picture 1210; repairs the world 1219-1239; solves exposure 1182-1196, 1244; will help parents 993-994, 1244-1246
trigger warnings 1109
Trinity: demystified 746, 1067
Truman Show, The: film 576
truth: right and wrong response picture 1188; set you free 297
Tudge, Colin 607
Turner, J.M.W.: Fishermen at Sea picture 278
twins 981
U2 121, 218, 332, 1049, 1062, 1255, 1287, 1288. See also Bono
Universal Beings 1233-1234
universities: become museums 1247-1248
untestable hypothesis 581
upset: explained 64-65, 259; right word 65, 273
USA: anthem 281; Declaration of 297
van der Post, Laurens: Bushmen ignored by science 864; Bushmen’s innocence 184, 745, 761, 848, 1282; Bushmen’s sensitivity 832, 996; compassion 290, 1145, 1154; cornerstone of new world 1186; honesty about races 1047; lonely thinkers 232; love in search of love 1285; men and women’s pact 785; must defend freedom 1132; on Australia 1285; on danger of pseudo idealism 764, 1122; on religion 1067-1068, 1071; on role of innocence 1278, 1282; on the British 1043; one lone voice 1237; our homesickness 186, 460; persecution of 864, 1047; photo with author 1282; prepared the way for Jeremy Griffith 1282; King Charles III 1220; prophet 1122, 1220; repression of soul 287; support from 25, page 1; sword and doll 800; the bridge to cross 1285; we need nature 472, 942; women’s beauty 789; women’s blindness 776; women’s patience 899
van Gogh, Vincent 829
van Schaik, Carel 406, 660, 669
Vaughan, Henry 182
Venus figurines 810
Victoria, Queen 806
villages. See cities
Virgin Mary 796, 1066-1067. See also Madonna and child
‘virtue signalling’ 1083, 1091
vision people have: explained 1281
‘visual cliff’ experiments 673
Volvox 361-363
Waldrop, Mitchell 337
Wallace & Gromit 678; picture 678
Wallace, Alfred Russel 195
Waltzing Matilda 1037
warfare 204-209, 271, 826; arms race 909-915; payback 909
Watson, James 1046
Watterson, Bill: cartoon 740
Weil, Simone 479
Weizsäcker, Carl von 889
Welsh: vision of 1036-1037
West Side Story: musical 790
Wheatcroft, Geoffrey 302, 889, 1119
White, Frances 527
White, Tim 397, 403, 407, 521-522
Whiten, Andrew 660
Whole Earth Catalog 942
William the Conqueror 1035
Williams, Annie 445, 608, 1031, 1033, 1294; photo in Africa 836
Wilson, David Sloan 203, 537-538
Wilson, E.O. 40; bipedalism 404; claim of warring heritage 204-209, 443, 521; consilience 1155; dishonesty of 214, 1295; false explanation of human condition 189, 200-217, 300, 565-568; human condition is grail of science 144, 570, 1146; humans imperfectible 218; misrepresents Bushmen 206, 865; on consciousness 660; on group selection 200-219, 532; on Multilevel Selection 200-219, 538-539; on religion 215, 326, 938; on Sociobiology 197; represents the antichrist 1155; Rousseau wrong 197, 862; The Social Conquest of Earth 10, 143-146, 200; ‘what guilt?, what psychosis?’ 217
Winnicott, D.W. 287, 749, 969-970, 973, 981, 995
Wobber, Victoria 544-561, 566-567, 606-607, 1155
WoldeGabriel, Giday 403-404
women: ageing 897-900; beauty of 786-795, 803, 897-899; bimbo, breeder 898; blondes 791; intuition 799; lack of empathy for men 771-778, 810; loss of innocence 795-798, 803; mystery of 790, 803; nagging 814; not mainframed 776-777, 815; PMT 797; seduction of 805; sex objects 787, 791; sex objects pictures 788; sexually aware 802; strong-willed 810-814; victim of a victim 797. See also men and women
Woods, Vanessa 428, 451, 511, 558, 693
Wordsworth, William: conscience is condemning 285; Eye among the blind 614; Intimations of Immortality 121, 182, 614, 681, 835; thoughts lie too deep 121
World Transformation Movement: establishment of 26-27, 29, 305, 572, 1236-1238; Founding Members 572-573, 608-609, 1294; Founding Members childless 608, 1234; Founding Members fortunate background 1254; Founding Members picture 1295; funded by its members 29, 604; introductory videos 87-89; malicious cυlt accusation 577; non-profit 26; persecution of 572-616, 1062, 1078, 1181, 1187, 1294
Wrangham, Richard 514, 516, 521-522, 526-527, 531, 543-561, 566-567, 606-607, 863, 1155
Wren-Lewis, John 607
writing 828
‘X’ generation. See generations
Yanomamö Indians: relative innocence 862-868; Secrets of the Tribe 542
Yequana: nurturing 728, 748, 976
‘Y’ generation. See generations
Yiannopoulos, Milo 818
‘Z’ generation. See generations
Zihlman, Adrienne 183, 411; picture of bonobo and ‘Lucy’ 720
zombie: picture 1059
Zoroaster: fire symbol 332; judgment day 1153; monotheism 325